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Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-16, Page 24
PAGE /4—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MACH 16, 1 in BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanostra Centre R R 5 Clin- ton 8 p rn First regular cord $I 00 15 regular $I5 games three shore the wealth Jackpot $200 00 must goy Admission ,s Iestncred to 16 years and over attar HAPPY HOOKER BALL No 2 on Saturday April 9 et Goderich Township Community Centre. Sponsored by 5 5 No. 4 Com- munity Club. 9-1 o m Country Companions $10 - lunch. Phone 4827211 for tickets, - 10-13 KIDS MOVIES K,nettes present afternoon movies for children at the Clinton Public School at 2 p m on Tuesdoy Morch 22 Ad- mission 25 cents 10.1 1 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8 p m First regular cord $1 00 Six cards for $1 00 Fifteen regular games three shore the wealth Early bird game 7 45 p rn Jackpot $200 00 must go each week 9tfar THE HURON COUNTY Heolth Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the Seaforth Hospital commencing Thursday March 31 1983 from 7 30 • 9.30 p m. Series will begin with 2 Early Bird classes follow ed by 6 Regular classes. The cost is $3.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1983 For pre registration or further informo tion, please call the Health Unit office in your area at 527 1243. 10,11,12er BAYFIELD FIRE DEPT. ,s running a First Aid and CPR Up -date course- If anyone in the area is interested please call Don Lind- say 565-2562 before Morch 19. 10.11 HAM SUPPER, St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield, Satur- day, Apr. 16 from 5 p.m. Adults $5.00, children 12 and under $1.00. 11 ATTENTION! All bookings for he Community Centre Arena for the Village of Bayfield to be made through the Clerk's Office until further notice. Phone 565- 2455. 11,12ar THE FAMILY of Campbell and Grace Eyre are holding an An- niversary Dance in honour of their parents 50th Wedding An n,versory The dance to be held Morch 26 1983 at Henson Best wishes only please For further information please call 527 1018 11x SEAFORTH S 5TH Old Tyme Fid- dle Jomboree Sundoy, Morch 27th I p.m -8 p.m Seoforth District High School A Iorge number of champion novelty and amateur fiddlers will be performing! Also Solo or Group Step Doncing. Everyone Welcome, Admission Adults $2 50 Chldren under 12 free (accompanied by adults) Sup per & refreshments available to all spectators Bring the whole family, Sponsored by the Von Egmond Foundot,on II 12 GOOD USED clothing sale Saturday Apr 30 10 a m noon Afternoon Unit coffee porty Thurs May 12 9 30 11 30 a m Joint Thonkoffer,ng Sun Apr 17 Bezoar Festival Sot Nov 12 11 00 o.m 2 30 p m Ontario Street U C W 1 I CARD PARTY at Township Hall. Varna. Friday, Morch 18 at 8.30 p.rn Lodies please bring sand wiches Admission $1 50. Spon- sored by Varna L O L - l l x MARK YOUR calendar The Schneiders Mole Chorus will be in concert at Emmanuel United Church, Zurich. on May 11 1983. Watch for further details. 11 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY meeting. March 23 at 8 p m. ,rt Wesley•Willis Church, Clinton. Panel discussion on "Getting the most from your garden". Moderator: Florence Pullen. Panel - Marg Counter. Jean McEwen, Jim Fitzgerald. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY Homemakers annual meeting. Wed.. April 6th, 1983, 6 p.m. for 7 p.m. dinner, Community Cen- tre. Blyth. tickets $7.50.. Available from Thea Trick 482 3195. Speaker: Elaine Baillie, Activation Consultant Ministry of Health. 11 ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Fr6dloye March It 19 3 AT THI GOORICII TOWNSHIP commUNtTY CF E Me®fs It�yo "T E BLACKTHORNS' Donee starts at q prat Door PrIxes Plrowil Genuine Irish Stow Tleiteteg 482-7429 ,. r 482 -AJ 84 9 L or Contact PC of C Moserhel* Proceeds to GARAGE SALE (healed garage) Saturday March 19 10 o m 4 p m Furniture household miscellaneous 2 woodstoves clothes dishes etc 239 Jornes Street I I CARD PARTY in I 0 0 F Hall Princess Street Clinton Thursday Morch 17th at 8 p rn Lades please bring lunch Everyone welcome 11 CARD PARTY at Summer hill Holl Friday Morch 18 at 8 30 p rn Ladies please biing lunch 11 MURPHY L 0 L No 710 meets the third Thursdoy of the month Next meeting Thursday March 17 at 8 30 p m Orange Hall Clinton Working for betterment of the community since 1858 IIx VANASTRA & DISTRICT LIONESS Rummage Sole on March 19 from 10-3 at the Vonostro Recreation Centre Donations accepted at Vonastro Foctory Outlet 10 11 COMMUNICATIONS IN Partner ship at Maitland Country Club Saturday Morch 19 9 30 o m to 4 p.rn. Child care available Sponsored by Women Today Registration $7 00 Phone 524 4749 II THE OPAL CLUB o dining and social club for single adults For information phone 1 273- 0118 11 12 FAMILY FUN with a musical concert featuring The Crippled Ducks, Richard Knechtel and Jim Medd and the Pleasure Pac, Sunday. March 27 at 2 30 p m at Blyth Memorial Hall Adults $4, children $1 50 Coll 523 9300. 11 12or THE ANNUAL meeting of the Huron Historic Gaol Board will be held at the Governor s House, Goderich. Thursdoy March 17th, 800 p,rn. In• terested persons are encourog• ed to attend- 11 COUNTRY AND Western Jam- boree on Sunday, April 10 at Vonastro Recreation Centre from 2 to 8 p.m, l lar Eddie Jacobi of N:Lgara Falls, Ontario has been the Easter Seal Society's 19::::. Timmy. He represents Ontario's 6,700 physically handicapped children. Eddie is 11 years old and is a Grade 5 student. His favorite subjects are reading, creative writing, si. )ling and environmental sciences. Eddie spends his spare time enjoying tennis, hockey and soccer. Among his favorite persons are Wayne Gretzky, Henry Rogers and Roger Whittaker. Eddie's disability is cerebral palsy - spastic diplegia - and he gets around by means of a walker and an electric wheelchair. "Timmy" asks that all citizens of Ontario back -a -fighter with Easter Seals. Locally the Easter Seals Campaign is being sponsored by the Clinton Lions Club. chosen Wheeling West Virginia April 1 to 3 $15900 CDN p.p. double ®11 Ellison Travel 235-2000 toll froe -800-263-7022 Gonuty Playh Heather Re 0 ek, General Manager of :uron Country Playhouse, announced recently that the Playhouse prodeecticn t "On Golden Pond" will be sent out on a sl,Jrt Ontario tour in Jarinary 1984. Mas. Redick commented, Legion ci By Brian Atkinsosi Tuesday Night Euchre scores from the Clinton Legion last week were: High Score - J. Watson with an 89. Lone hands were tied by B. Thompson and B. Jenkins both with 6- Low Score of the night was taken by R. Evans with 53. Last week in Mixed Darts the High Couple was taken by Brian Atkinson alone. Ladies' High score went to Rosemary Armstrong with a "We were so d'- ghted when Ron Ulrich included "On Golden Pond" in his first season as Artistic Director, that we decided to send it on tour after at finishes at the Playhouse. "Unfortunately. most places that book theatres had already selected results "120". John Greidanus took Men's High Score with a ".117"- Low Couple of the evening went to Madelon Yeats and Joe Whalen. Members, don't forget the dance on Saturday, March 19th. This is your dance so come out and be entertained. Tickets are $]0 per couple with a light lunch provided. For tickets see Eric Switzer or pick them up at the bar. Music will be by the band "Free Spirit". A lot of relatives Franklin D. Roosevelt was related by blood or marriage to 11 U.S. Presidents: Washington, Madison, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Taylor, Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, and Family r,nrdC.hildren's Services of Huron County (Operated by the Children's Ald Society) invites you t© the 72hin ANNUAL MEETING Date: March 30, 1983 Time: 2:00 P.M. Place: 46 Gloucest: lr Teurate Goderieh, Ontario Memberships available at the doer - s1000 Refreshments Th is $7.so opal FAMILY ARADISE CAM PG ROU OFFERS A FULL RANGE OF London Seminary fsfbrery PLANNED ACTIVITIES PLUS: *BASEBALL DIAMOND *PADDLE RATS *NORSE SPITE Pins *SWIMMING ° PLAYGROUPID ° NA`f RIDES *DANCES FULL SEASONAL HOOKUP ONLY SKATING CARNIVAL "music- music-music" presented by CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB PLACE: Clinton Community Centre DATE: Saturday. March 26 TIME: yea® pin FEATURING: Our ®wII precision tears, the Crystals and the Starlets. ADMISSION: Advoance-Adults'2.S0 Public School LOO At the Door — Adults 9086 Public School 1.S0 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: I1orhoinne ecorati'g Clinton Commercial Printers Pvalslic Utilities Office °L°,EGL SITES *CAMP STORE °LAUNDROMAT *CLEAN WASHR1'OMS °NOT SII'.;,9WLRS 0 $395 00 ®THE REST TIME YOU'LL HAVE ANYWHERE Your hosts John £ Judy George. R.R. 4 Walton (519) 527-0629 (NAR SEAFORTH) NEW SUMMER HOURS Effective next IN d�eyr March 21 OPEN 7 AM TO 11 PM MINLAY TO FRIDAY OPEN 9 AM TO 11 PM SATURDAY MID SUN AY W� FFATU Eismsiesemose * Weekend Smorgasbord * The WW1'S only S,•,ft ko (Cream machine ® 0 PH TIIEiRT 1 (AFIRE 6a.,DFR)CH SY4-5rs1 t R _eelrill ir•ie*t HELD VER FOR THE 4TH BIG WEEK ACADEMY AWARD NOMINAT 5 BEST PICTURE REST DIRECTOR Sydney Pollock REST ACTOR Dustin Hoffmon ootsne 0480000000000 0 0004 Friday Luncheon Buffet 12-2 pet Saturday Special 5 prat -7:30 pm ROAST REEF DINNER 2 ChfOdren Under 10 °9,00 Sunday Buffet 5 pm -7:34 piss FOR 3.95 1 5.95 Above Entree',, lracluyde Ali You Can Eot Sailed Bair, Hot Buffet, Dessert, Coffee or Teo. LICENCED UNDER LLLLBM. Open Weekends 00 kfaitresnuiiPle44_12 9228 or 524-4133 after hours JER THEATRES MCI2TOMl Hwy. td autierich Drive©it24-9985 NOW OPEN ® • Friday-Saturday-Sw-iid 0 e 0 e a 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1d051 Office Opets% 7PM s ocking to e a `. horror that takes you beyond tear. 2ND FEATURE hot h 'Ppened to hiut sh.i.old h. Ppew to you. Z3 ADDED BONUS T1X� swoR T1 SOR .OEReR 00000000000400 ei 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 0 0 • e 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 Taft. He was also related to Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee. Open House & St. Patrick's Day Celebration Ellison Travel Exeter Thurs,, Mar. 17 a p.m, Sped& Door Prizes including trip for two to Montreal use will tour producuaons for tale tau or 1''.;i;' but many wanted a warm and inspirational drama to peck up their winter seasons. As a result, we decided to send "On Golden Pond" out in January open the summer season at Huron Country Playhouse on June 21. After a two-week run, the sets and costumes will be carefully packed away for six months, until brush -up rehearsals for the tour begin. To date, confirmed bookings have been received from such diverse centres at the University of Waterloo, the Timmins Arts Council, the Algonquin Arts Council Bancroft), the Trent Valley Performing Arts Council Campbellford) and the Elliott Lake Entertainment Se nes- Mrs. Redick added, "We want to do a very limited tour the first time out so we can learn the problems to be encountered Touring on this scale is a brand-new venture for the Playhouse which, if successful, will be continued m the future." CII L- t Minor Hockey DANCE at tea^ G'd®rit Township 11 SATURDAY, MARCH 26 MUSIC BY "Whiskey Jack® 9 MA AM TICKETS: $5- EACH LUNCH PROVIDED FOR TICKT PHONE 482=7894 oR482»9196 ALL PROCEEDS T,,': MINOR NOCK EY **** ******k******i * > * .. March 25th, 1983 • .For Further''Infarmatlon Contact * Goderlc h 524-7622 524-4540 * Clinton 402.4009 * **:********* k****fir**; "Work is the curse of the drinking classes." —®Id Irish Proverb— Reserve now for a Special Evening out. Main Street, Bayfield 565-2611 Now Half Prlcel M Treat the family to col tilercial- free movoi: s during March and April grid $alae. We now hove over 80 different titles (neva ones arrive every month) - such as Star Wars - ®ry Golden Pond - Chariots of Fire - various Disney Movies - wt these Special prices overrvight rentals NUAY-FRIDAY MARCH A APRIL ONLY 9 e per nlghs. Includes 2 disci; EILTRA DISCS `k1 tit 5 !F ITM RENTAL weekend rentals SATURDAY-M'.N®AY AM MARCH AND APRIL ONLY 9, lrrctvod.iia EXTRA DISCS Spy 2 discs RENTAL � ° EACH 95 WE ONLY HAVE 2 VIDEODISC PLAYERS FOR RENT RESERVE YOUR NIGHT NOW! G TV: APPLIANCES 10 HU ON ST., CLINTON "We service what we ser 482-9414