HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-03-16, Page 21iltl ‘ale ('ulligan re, c ' 4 _n. , ecd ul Iluye „ Fi „r c; -,ta . cry. ,1 V. ,'7 1 .r "A.kNA .hut _h pJrt, 9,''_: rr lice' rl r, right u. : ,I'/ S7 350 t r t rt .: ,I,; '7 ;50 CALL: WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565.5055 ren Vi"C)[, ,..`;1,, y ; \vr,Cnas par mixer. PnLv6, .,vl' whpnlr+nr•-lv.r•. •+tr. o .-'�<tt�rl call 1,1 J, Cor •, n Znrirh .436.:4.°54 1 5tfo- r;r;, t1yp,;,7 711"r rl3�1t 1'71-1 ,C affil .ltl C'DN f AINEl7 two bedroom it 1:'11 r•trp,,t<•rt !c - u -or ;hnrc=>•, available April i „ •.•1•_ tiu<- r/ J. 1 i ,r ripe .•,e, t L. 1- r•.; 5200 (,'r: 0','I .0 f, -s „"t r i0r,i,1Ir, •I( 790( t_t` 1 1 .7l1 ;:n•ne,."C'", PI— , ELIZABETH COURT - ir,, '7incl-^oto, availob!r. Atrrll or Muv. s' tr appliances, • •1•i:a% :hrortgho:.? '.,•r-a•.fr r fzdli?ip;. ^ILIA -^.1 Inctnded c"t ' 1'.-o OXFORD ST. ►iiNSALL, ONT. PI-40NE 762-3448 OR 262'•2615 sow ts,s-s '''('1 11 r.. n. ,5 rinrl inn• !n, t•, ,nhl� N. ,r 7; `I' dtr . I •.I • 1 t '.7 • W Jilted to rent WSW..EU 10 REN 1 termly lit !'JUt •ruuia hike to lent tWO or :lir y, oeJ' u.,n ,,poi !merit or • .,1I '.0oa, 1 Lillian SlOve Irl` Iet(lgelkl e'erlea Rt4erences con be s..ppi eJ .all 482 7076 9tt 'Hirt l BtDHOOM HOUSE °dulls . n,ir ,., Chinon ,.nude,(reo Rete. once, lila, be obtained neply'o Di owe, 'd' c o Srynoi Star Publlsn.,.y J r C) Bo. 22U Gude' . r 486 W 11,‘ Afr%N1CU 13 REIv. Couple would 1.1`e plocc to lent in Boyhcld or or eu Needed by June lir before Phone 565 2897 IIx ^.anted to buy c Nr' c.,-,14110 I egordless of 'ie 5 a 504 22o, ul 519" /. ry 'itf t„ tic ..lir: '�uilis Pt,.,,ie Carl or • , .so Brel.il '7,00)011 348. ' +9 utter 7 r, ' 12x ,ANTED TO BUY old prints and .r,ungs as well us old picture homes no matter what condi- (' Phone 482 7910 1013 NANiED lu PUY one ladies 3 5 sp. , bicycle and one Pn s IC speed bicycle Phone '.'2AN1. 10 BUY - o large three or ;our bedr 00171 home in Boyt.eld .•r,rnediote community ^n 335 0166 11 CASH for GOLD Ail gold and silver items rings. watches. earrings, chains. medals and dental gold. Uarnoged or broker. ems acceptable. Special prices for Canadian and American silver coins . any con dii'ion. Also buying any ;n •eign silver coins. RADIANT LIFE CENTRE 57 ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. Exclusive Agent in CLIN- TON for NORTHLAND GOLD & SILVER inc. 26. Help wanted ,\t'I' 'CATIONS BY MAIL for or, ,Fn11 +.' time summer n,;•I')r-tient no.. being receiv.. ed .1 s Photo Inc., (filrn pro- ces. , piont) Box 12000. Clin to". •,:i•. NOM ILO, 8,9,10 11 CALF i,-tRSONS olid supervisors •equ'ted ,- Godetich • Clinton ,reo t:\r expanding health food .,,id 1'-,utliti0n company. Full 'cine or part time no ex ;,erien:e full training provided advailcement 1 227 :106 10 o 117. - 2 p.71 it '•\. r,NTED Mature reliable per for I,gh: lio..sev.r witn 01, • Reply to --.aver No. 10 Clinton Pecnld Bor 3y Clinton 11.12 ill tehab:e full-time ;,vP )7.uy,irtel - 1.,. three ,trey : children wage • nec�•'..1b1e Apply Box 3693 c. o Th, r7 Expositor Seatorth 0 .' NOK I W0, 11 12 7/'^.1.1' -FO 4tousekeepe lc.. ,i'tei y gentleman, to live 711 0 i, o daily hosts. Car a,.a,iabl, r, by ilccu -.'d J .-e7 ' 9( ;L0 Col' dd- HC 1 ! ' ? SALES s18 TO $25,000 CALIBRE Loading Automobile Association seeks a top notch person for this area. Those who qualify will receive a Guaran- teed Weekly Income plus weekly commission and monthly bonus, plus security benefits. Ex. perience In sales not required as we train you. After the first year, you will be on "Easy Street because this business repeats year after year. No overnight travel but a Cor is required. •R -PPL Y IN PERSON TO Ed Bauer at the ELM HAVEN INN, CLINTON on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22 AT 2:M PM OR7:06PM SHARP 27 Wanted (general) 2' Wanted . general) opportunity 28 Business BUSHES WANTED Buying bush Tots or selected trees. Free Estimates. Top Cash Prices. CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn Bill Craig Al Craig 526-7220 526-7512 WANTED BY LOCAL BUSINESSMAN: First Mortgage money of '63,800. Will pay 12.Sti. Very secure. Reply to DRAWER NO. 9 cls CANTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON. ONTARIO NOM 1L 30 Employment wanted WILL DO Housework Monday to Fridoy, very dependable. Phone 482-7280.-- 11 WOULD YOUR preschooler like to spend a day on o farm A mother of one would like ro babysit your preschooler Coil nue at 482.7533 anytime 11 ,Ji, Service directory WATER WILL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0128 JIM: 527-0775 • DRYWALL known for high qucillty PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 527-0606 CONCRETE FORMING Walls A Floors For o complete fob coil SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 31 Service directory es224222212 KEN S C.ARPEIV i R Y Remodelling rena.o',Ciis .upboa-ds ceramic the counter tops ret rooms ' orpol is float Ing wry dews patio doors aluminun, 7,0169 Phone 482 7676 Keri McNc,irr 8tta, LICENCEL Carpenter oil you: yene.ai ria cnan, 0710 ouIldiny eee,Js call Joe M. Quaid evenings 46. 3628 dtfor HORSESHOEING Kevin Camp bell. graduate of the Michigan Schou of Horseshoe'ng Specia-.ring in co• rective shoo- ing trimming, Coll 524. 9673 :3 11 INCOMt LAX FORMS prepared for you Personal and Business Reusonuble rote Phone 1_ To,. ton 482-9404.— H -13 r HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair Snowmobiles and Snowblowers and other Small Engine Equipment JONN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings "Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 CLINTON COMPUTER SERVICE LTD. 'Data Processing A/R, A /P, G/L, payroll and statements 'Record Preparation 'Income Tax `Cash Flow preparation • Estate Planning Phone 482-9260 DALE'S STUMP CUTTING AND REMOVAL SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO •Fully Insured •A11 work guaranteed PHONE S23-9415 LES DALE *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIFR EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER ONTARIO NOM 1S0 give yourself 0 lift! PRICES L_ = START AT OS ass 4 , 2 2 • $22 95 holiday Including FREE 100 KM weekend E. weekly Rates Available 524-8411 trews!' & M 124 '".U1PO.r M 000rr'7(M 28 Business opportunity EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE Market our Complete Satellite T.V. System for '249S40 suggested retail. -Receive over 80 chonnels -8 ft. solid aluminum dish -True Polar -tracking mount easily adaptable to electric dish drive -LNA Polar -rotor and KLM Receiver -Warranty and service depot In Canada Full training program for marketing and Installation at no charge. No franchise fee. STAR SATELLITE LTD. 1-(306)-242-3313 Saskatoon, Sk. CANADA'S NO. 1 TYRO DISTRIBUTOR 31. Service directory CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes •Additions "Drywall "Roofing *Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM BTLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BTLSMA 482.7334 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS 35 Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH JOHN HART, late of the Township of Colborne in the County of Huron, Farmer. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 23rd day of January, 1983, are re- quired to fill full particulars !hereof with the undersigned or or before the 7th day of April, !983, after which date the assets will be distributed, hov- ing regard only to the cloims of which the undersigned shall 'hen have notice. DATED ot Clinton, Ontario this lth day of March, 1983. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C.. Box 68 Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator, - 10,11,12 IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LEONARD CALDWELL, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Farmer. '-feceased. ALL persons having claims ,against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 2nd day of December. 1982, are re• quired to file full particular., thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April. 1983 after which dote the assets will be distributed hay mg regard only to the claims of which the undersigned she': then have notice DATED lit Clinton, Ontario this 7th rioy of Morch 1983. 1 B MENZIES. r,? C Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix 10.11 12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS HEIRS AND OTHERS in the estote of Mary Taylor housewife, de, eased ALL persons having claims ns creditors and heirs against the estote of the above mentioned late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron who died o' St Thomas Ontario on the 14th doy of August 1980 or re quired to file proof of some with the undersigned on or before. the 15th doy of April 1983 After that dote the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate hoving reword only to the claims of which he then shag •rive bar•, notice DATED al Torn to 'h1c ltd rfnv 14 Marr h 1983 PIA UI( 7Rl1S'ff ADMINISTRATOFl 1 AS Queen Shoe. West Tnrnntr Ontnnn MSH 7N8 10 11 17 34 Personal DOES SOMEONE you love have drinking problern•7 There is help for you. Call Al Arlon 524- 6001 or write P O. Box 226. Mit- chell Ont NOK INO 490 PREGNANT, Distressed? Mar ried, single. free positive con fidentiol support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR• THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- .7197 527-0115 •n 574-2027 (after 6 p.m.) 2-2 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMIL AMELIA WINNIFRED FRASER, late of the Township of Tuckersmith. in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above named, Emily Amelia Winnifred Fraser, who died on or about the 17th day of January, 1983, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of April 983, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, ;his is: 110',• ,> March, 1983. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister 8 Solicitor 56 Huron Sheet, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. ---10,11,12 iN THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE ISABELLA COLQUHOUN, late of the Town of Clinton in the Coun- ty of Huron, Housewife, deceos ed. ALL persons having claim. against the Estate of the above named who died on December 30, 1983, are required to file fuE particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of April. 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Clinton, OntaI io, thy; 9• : day of March, 1983. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrntrlr. 11.12.13 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATF OF FREDERICK ALEXANDER THOMAS FRASER, !ate of the township of Tuckersmith, it the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims ngoinst the Estate of the above- named. Frederick Alexander Thomas Eraser, who died on 01 nbout the 19th day of Januory, 1983, ore required' to file the Same with 1.111 par'iculnrs `•.i7F the undersigred by the 4th dev n' April, 1983, as after that do,,. the assets of the estote will be .lictributed with regard only tc. the claims of which the ur.'fet ;rgned Shall have notice DATED at Clinton, Ontario this l; day r,`Mr•,h, 1983 U GFRALU 1411 i' Bnrr•ster R Soiicoo• 56 Huron Street CI !WON Onion,- Solir,rr•: h, the Fxecutnx 1( " 12 —011111%. - Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7198 AUCTION CALENDAR FRI.. MARCH 18 - 10 A.M. Tractors, machinery, etc.. consigned by local farmers at Lobb Machinery yard, Bay/leld Road. Clinton SAT., MARCH 26 1:00 P.M. Tractor, mathlnery, grain bins, for Harold Wet tleufer, 6 roller' west of Clinton on Hwy. No B. ! 1N1ONNEWS-RECUH11 NEI>NESIAY,MARCH 16,1983—PAGE 21 ,o Annoy. l'.e:ne,its notices NOTICE EFFECTIVE MARCH 14, 1983 The first and eighth Small Claims Court, County of Huron, will be located at 61 Hamilton Goderich, Ont. Phone 5247112. Moiling address Box 512, Goderich Ont- N7A 4C7. After March 31st a no charge number Zen. 89,000 will be available for your convenience Mrs Shirley G. Foston Clerk & BolliH 4.3 Bir the TIESMA Eau„ and G.eny ince ft k) lire announce the b,i th 'Jr rneu eon born March 12 Cu ego( y Merino weighing 8 IDs uz A little brother for Jason 7' 7.7, 770 yi u,ldporen's are Mr and MIS Jock Learn0 of Clinton olio Mr 01a8 Mrs Nei non Reinrnk of Lurriaaboru HOUGH Br curl and ihoron Hough nee Mot k; ,r,, lire proud to an pounce the lir: ,val of their first son Jaynes Briar W.II.om born Mulch / .ve.yn.ny ' lbs 4 ozs Froud grandpa. erns ore Brion and Beth Motkson of Vernon B C and Mary Hough of Clinton Specrof thunk, to Dr. Steed Dr Salsbury Dr Baker and 2nd floor nu: sing ',toff Farni Auction Sales Grant H. McDonald Huron Township Thursday, March 24, 10:30 A, M, Macklin Farms Tuesday, March 29, 1:30 P.M. %wt• the I,lll'kllo%. Farm F'.flitiorl in chi. paper for complete liming AUCTION SALE Of Tractors. Truck, Form Machinery consigned mostly by local farmers to be held at Lobb Machine Yard, Bayfield Rd.. Clinton. Fri., Mar. 18th at 10:00 a.m. TRACTORS: 2470 Case diesel 4 WD; 830 Case tractor; 550 Oliver; MF 285 Universal 3 Nuffield, 4020 John Deere, MF 1080, Case 970, 1969 single axle tractor. 38 ft. tandem troller. MUCKS: 1969 GMC tandem with air lift, V6 diesel. 18 ft. Aluminum box and hoist, 1970 Dodge 700 with hoist. 72 ft. x 8" grain auger. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR LISTING OF EQUIPMENT. MANY ITEMS NOT LISTED SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS. TERMS: CASH - LUNCH 800TH Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 SALE MANAGER: FRED L0013482-3409 1 --.'La .fie/7 E . 'f , o, , ithJ FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Jl c art' plt'ased to 0ffc7 fur Car me' 1 recsw Farms. lliir west 7: 1-.xetct nn a1i,l highea\', an lit !rile ot faro-: m,rehi-lr_•r•: anti egt;ipment Tuesday, March 29 al 10:30 a.m. 1.1 ng t -actor,. s\ca?her trucks. trailers. it` • ti.:uur,. die';',, pla:ltcrs. spra\yrs. t'1(• ~Additional Consignments Welcome For further info: Illation contact RATHWELL. & ASSOCIATES Dick Robinson — Sales Manager 519-527-1.358. 1 cicx-169.55223 (l//U:t6,k T/i(f/(./4.4 AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS •14,N ST SEAF;_:R;F., r1r,"A121L-' NOK 1WO 1 I5,9, 5, .459 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Tractor Combine y..�� bins, machinery, liquid . PSP, etc.,_"to be held for Harold W���IaWer Combine grain bins, machinery, liquid manure pump, to held for Wttlaufer on the farm approximately 6 miles west of Clinton, Ont., on Highway 8. r SATURDAY, MARCH 26 AT 1 P.M. SCALE• Fairbanks 4x4 ft. platform scale, weighs up to approximately 8,000 lbs. COMBINE: Massey Harris Super 26 self propelled combine; Case nine ft. triler PTO swather. TRACTOR! Ford 5000 diesel high arch tractor with cab. neater, radio, load monitor, hydraulic outlets, 18.4x34 rear tires. 10.001E16 fronts, 1750 hours, a real clean 1 roctor, MACHINERY: Massey Ferguson 15 mixmlll with auger reed, 20 inch hammermlll, unloading auger, heavy PTO, good condition; John Deere F14SA semi mount three furrow sixteen inch manual reset trip bottom plow; While 543 four row plate corn planter with insecticide boxes; Allied 10' , ft. Danish type cultivator: IHC nine ft. wheel disc; three section Allied diamond harrows with bar; six ft. throe point hitch blade; Joe's 250 bushel gravity bin on sight ton Martin wagon with 9.51 s 15 sight ply tiros; Allied 40 ft. x six Inch par table grain auger, PTO drive; 8 ft. x 16 ft- flat rock for wagon used once; 7 ft. single auger snow blower: double wide snowmobile trailer; light utility trailer with 6 x 6'r, ft. platform and lights: Carbola 5 gal. portable pressure sprayer for whits washing. LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT: Husky agitating manure pump with loading pipe; Beaty single axle honey wogon 900 x 20 tires, poor tank. GRAIN STORAGE BINS AND EQUIPMENT: Wsstssi Rosco four thousend bushel bin; Wsstse) Rosco twenty hun- dred bushel bin, both to bo removed; Bin aerator: two Allied 20 ft. x 4 ' grain augers; 10 ft. x 4" grain auger with motor. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Tractor umbrella, nine new and fourteen used Smldley Ranger typo pig feeders. small nail scale: old farm weigh scale: wood burning hooter; 220 electric heater; water medlcater; steel barrels: eleven McKee double water bowls; homemade plywood truck rack with roof for pickup truck; Von Dale 13 ft. silo ,rnlnnder complete. Note this is a well mein tafcad ofler;•.g TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 4112-7898 OWNER: HAROLD WETTLAUFER 482-3200 42 Death notice CUMMINGS Suddenly os the lesulr of un uc c.dent on ihursdoy March IU 1983 Mrs Peorl Cumming, ..t Clinton in her 67th year Belo. ed wife of Fronk Cumminys Deur mother of Ken of Laval Quebec Harry of Guelph orld Gory lit Strafford Also Io.ed by 7 y(ondch.ldren Also suiv,.ed by 2 •latera Verna Mrs Arnold Rothwell) of Port Elgin Mary iMls Gordon Horner) of Kit cheater and 5 brothers Wes Hug,li Bill Hugill Clifford Huglll and Clorence Huglll all of Godench and Elmer Huglll of Chinon Predeceosed by one eon Roger Cummings and one sister Iona fMrs Reg Corr, ani by one brother Horold Hugrll Rested at the Boil and Folcu•.. Funeral Home 153 High Stret Clinton Funeral service .'.us held on Monday March 14 or p m Interment (lint,— Cemetery As expressions J1 sympathy donations to the Canadian Cancer Society wu.,:; be gratefully appreciated by ti . family 11177 HEIDEMAN At South Huron Hospital Ex eter on Soturdoy Morch 1) 1983 Mrs Freida Katharine (Schrlbe) Hetden7ol' of Goshel. Street North Zurich ui her 92nD year Beloved wile of the lute Egbert Heideman (1962) Deor mother of Karl of Zurich Mr Heideman was predeceosed b, o daughter Martha (1962) a, •t one son Albert (1965) She is also survived by two grandso. Howard and Wayne Heidernu' Rested at the Zurich Chapel et Michael P. O'Connor Funerol Homes, 49 Goshen Street Nor• th, where the funeral service was conducted on Monday March 14th of 2 p.m. with Postci Carl Onofr,o ofhcioting. Into. ment in 5t Peter s Lutheran Cemetery Zurich. Donations to the Ontario Heart t-oundcT,u• will be appreciated. 1 l nx McCONNELL At Clinton Public Hospital oi- Monday, March 14. 1983, Mr, James Lee McConnell of Clirton and formerly of Varna in Ins 85th year. Beloved husband et Anna Stephenson Deor father of Barbara (Mrs. Clifford Talbot) of London and John McConnell of Burlington. Also loved by six grondsons Lee, Don and John Talbot, Martin, Robert and David McConnell. Also survived by one sister Margaret (Mrs John W. Argo) of Toronto. Predeceased by one infant son. Resting at the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home 153 High Street Clinton ofter 7 p m. Tuesday. Funeral service will be held or Thursday, March 17 at 2 p.m. In- terment in Boyfield Cemetery. As expressions of sympat°r; donations to the Clinton Public Hospital Building Fund would be gratefully appreciated by the family. - llnx DAVIS At South Huron Hospital Ex- eter, on Saturday. March 12, 1983 Mr. Ernest (Ernie) Richard Davis. of 62 Nelson Street, Hen salt, in his 75th year. Beiove1 husband of Irene (Fowler) Davis. Dear father of Robert, ot Minehead Somerset England Michael of Kulu. H.P. India and Kay Rothwell, of Hensali Dear brother of George and Lillian, both of Somerset, England. Predeceased by one sister, Louise. Also survived by four grandchildren Nicola and Janaki Davis and Katie and Jef frey Rathwell. Mr Davis was a post President of Hensali Lego No 468 serving as president for the terms of 1966 through 1968. Visitation at the Hensoll Chapel of Michael P 0 Co"nor Funero: Horne. 118 King Street where the funeral service was cr. ducted on Tuesday March 15t1 at 2 p.m. Interment rollowe. in Hensoll Union Cemetery ^ Legion Memorial service under the auspices of Hensail Brar,. r No 468 was conducted in the funeral home Monday evening at 9 p rn. Donotions to the (ono dian Cancer Society or the Church of your choke upprecioted 11nx 38 Auction sale c/l ?rail inr�( AUCTION CALENDAR MARCH 19: \ntiy,i•. ,Inti hnniturc ,fur titin tot flc1011 rhnnrll',, 1..11 li,'i '.all ,ltrtl,l MARCH 29: 'Him m rrlutpmc'nl .1117 Una I •• .it mei \I(''7 iarm . i v lit ( illi sik{nnn til. 77 I'1«1171,7 MARCH 31: (1r. citrin C1i111pr111 lit 111, Hot, tar if ,\ R f .ltms i CT cunrl (F,nn1 tilild7 !.(),(//4. -K -g • C.,/,/I rr (ill e, AUCTIONEE RS l_IOUIUA Twit APPnAi5E 146 7 7 MAIN ST SEAF 1.)RTt1 (INTAPI() NOK 'Vv •S 1 9 1 '5 . 7 1 4'59 L