HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-03-09, Page 15dI 5/279 Bkg 1 DE " Fr zen Chickens 3-4 ib. A vg. 17f,g/pelb 79 Choose Nutrition Now! March Is "Nutrition Month". PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Milk 3 QUART BAG CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY MARCH 9, 1983 --PAGE 15 A nP reserves the right to limit quantiti®s to norm& family requir Priczs effective *hal Satuerdey , March 12th, 1983_ IN 11 rn nts! f CH IS IED CROSS ONTH - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RED C OSS! ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pastas 1 kg PKG CUT FRO 1..1 CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED, BONELESS MASTER ROAST COFFEE, AUTOMATIC, inRIP OR REGULA OU EGULPICE 7 69/kg - 3.49 I axwell House Si ",II_IN TIP SIDE C OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.91fkg-3.59 lb EW ZEALAN, FROZEN P K LOIN RI Shoulder 39 99 pare Lamb Chops /kg Ib Ribs FRESH, LEAN Ground eef CUT FROM CANADA'S GRADE 'ABEEF-TENDERIZED Cube Steak RIB OR 3 TO 3' LB TENDER( OIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts Ib COM=>0NATION PACK -CO TAINS: 2 PI ., EN DS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CE e "T E CUT CH L ps 1 PORTION, COUNTRY STYLE • UR REGUL R PRICE 5.271kg-2.39 Ib OAST OR CHOPS 43°/199 Centre Cut !kg Ib Pork Loin �� �� CENTRE CUT 4,kg/1 Ib Boneless Pork Loin PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, 74/3 lb Grade'IrDucks BONELESS, RIB PORTION rb Pork Loin ground Meat Combination Approx 50% mod. beef 50 °i° mod Por' 3 6r/29! ikg 2Ike /11 Ib 5 Ik9 /2? 5'1/159 /kg Mb SOLID DEODORIZERS. ASSORTED SCENTS OF Air Care co°� 1®19 DR BALL ARDS. BEEF. CHICKEN OR LIVER Champion Dog Food MONARCH ASST VAR OF I( ING 1210 MOR MOIST PLUS Cake Mixes EXCLUSIVE AT A&P' CHOICE. 'IN PEAR JUICE' A&P Apricot Halves 15oz 99 tins o 210 g PA �� 1d 4l oz fin a 79 4 ASST VAR, INCL BABY DILLS Rick's Pickles OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 500 mL JAR VEGETABLES, ASST VAR INCL FANCY PE2 Del Monte ROBIN HOOD, STRAWBERRY GRAHAM Cheesecake Mix ROBIN HOOD, ASSORTED VARIETIES Pudding Mixes WINE FLAVOUR Cidk`s Sauerkraut 10 II oz 119 fins a 9 1 a 59 250 g 79 Pkg 1.5 litre der 1®89 AYLMER 59 Choice Tomatoes OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.29 TOMATO Heinz Ketchup KRAFT, PROCESS Cheez Whiz BEATRICE. FRUIT BOTTOM Yogurt EGG. ASSORTED CUTS Lancia Noodles 1 1WI 1.99 5 000 e g 99 1Q tub .99 375g pkga 89 28 FL OZ TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES lim Pamper IN UZI Cat Food OUR REGULAR PRICE .49 E 6.5 OZ TIN 4/ aro CH pkg of 2 rolls OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.79 SUNPC, FROZEN, CONCENTRTED, 100% FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT OR Orange Juice OUR REGUL $ R PRICE .99 Check coupon offer below, 12.5 fl oz tin leo mammal SAVE 9.00 • ON THE PURCHASE OF FIVE - 12.5 FL OZ TINS ® OF SUNPAC FROZEN, CONCENTRATED 1 • Orange Juice Limit one coupon per purchase. Valid until March 12th, 1983 V. C . We price 79 tin wilhout coupon 11$ MR Willi� 1 1 news Bronze level Scouts work- ed on their safety ;. ..dge and all Brom level Scouts pass - their knot test. Only the fire lighting is to be done on the B P Woodsman :• ..edge. Senior Scolds stt . ed their corn;,: G, ° s directions and degrees using compass glues. Cubs - worked on their star work since they have been away for two weeks. The following boys passed their starwork : Red Star -Darrell Lavis; Black star-I'aul Caldwell; Green star -Jason Fleet. The following boys received badges: Jeremy Lane -Skater and Han- dyman; Darrell Lavis-House orderly, Skater, and Team Player. The afternoon Brownies returned their cookie orders. The Golden Hand girls work- ed with the Golden Bar girls as pare of their Golden Hand requirement. The new evening Brownies received their books and Julie Hallam helped the girls with a project. The Golden Bar and Golden Hand girls divided into groups of three and did skits on doing a Good Turn. They played ladders and a second game after which they sang songs. The girls thank everyone who supported the cookie drive. This money helps to fiance packs as well as trips, and helps at different levels in movement to work properly. Land Division budget to increase By Stephsaule Levesque Anticipating less revenue from fees this year, Huron County's share of the Land Division budget will increase by just over $4, The Land D'ivision's 1983 budget of $49,' I11 was ap- proved at the March 3 meeting of Huron County council. 111111 "Are we not compelled, by action taken here this morning (two budgets were sent ` :Ick .to committee) I . send this back?" asked ayfieldeeve "avid Johnston. Land ;vision committee chairm n Cecil Desjardine said the budget is only an estimate and the ffiguures could change. He added t t e committee has cut back by reducing their usual full day meet' s to hday meetings. One reeve suggested the committee meet once every two months, but clerk - treasurer William Hanly said by law the committee has to meet once every 30 days. The revenue received from fees $20, 1"r2. Mr. ilesjardine not' the fees decreased last year but added more fees may be received this year as to date land severance applications are up. It was acknowl 'g r, that the fee never covers the cost of administration. Land severance fees currently snd at $1 - per application plus $200 if the application is approved. • I s been budgeted at down from $24, in ,I. I •mac .,, . Nursin borne beds to stay ST. MARYS - The Ontario Ministry of Health has decided that the 35 nursing home beds currently at Smith Nursing Home must stay in St. Marys. The long-awaited decision which prohibits the sale of the bed Licences to Hillside Nursing Home in Sebringville. The ministry's decision concerning the fate of the nursing home beds came after representations op- posing the sale of the bed licences to out of town in- terests were made by more than 2,088 citizens. Town council was also vigorously opposed to the transfer of the beds. Phyllis Street, owner of the Smith Nursing Horne an- nounced last August her decision to sell the licences. She said the move resulted from pressure from the health ministry to bring her nursing home up to current building standards required under the Nursing Homes Act