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Clinton News-Record, 1983-03-09, Page 11
V.. ;iastra news Cubs p rticip t By Nora East Bingo results Bingo results for February 22 are first share -the - wealth, Frances Gibson of Dashwood ; second share - the -wealth unknown; third share -the -wealth, split between Larry Good of Auburn and June Bolger of Vanastra. Bingo results for March 1 were: first share -the -wealth, Terry Morey of Seaforth; se- cond share -the -wealth, split between three people; third share -the -wealth, Edna Caldwell of Exeter. The jackpot prize winner was Roy McGonigle of Seaforth. Vanastra Christian Church A meeting will be held at the Vanastra Christian Church on March 12 from 9 am to 3:30 prn. The teachers will be learning How to Tell A Story and Discipline. Ladies Bible Hour is held Wednesday at 10 am. Golden Orion 843 Sglaadron The March 2 meeting of the 843 Golden Orion Squadron began with the Commanding Officer's In- spection. Richard Snell, a lawyer was the guest speaker who answered ques- tions asked by the cadets, regarding criminal offences. After break a drill practice was held for those on the drill team, who will be atten- ding a drill competition on March 13. The competition will be held in Guelph with teams from all over Ontario competing. A few cadets were chosen to go to the range at Central Huron Secondary School, where they fired 22's at targets -by Sergeant Bonnie Weigel. Tuckersmith Day Nursery For the past two weeks the children have been talking about "Farm Animals". The next two weeks the thein will be St. Patrick's Day. - Happy Birthday to Chad Chipchase on March 8. Lady Diana Nursery The Lady Diana Nursery wants to say good-bye to Gerry Vandenberg on March 4. Gerry will be moving west and the nursery wishes her all the best. The; new teacher for the nursety is Brenda McEwin. The nursery welcomes her to their staff. . �,:..., a,.. Personals AriyFone interested in writin for the Vanastra Voice in the sumrner for five weeks please contact Clinton News -Record Office at ^:i,2 - in ub Kar 44ally 3443 or Norman East at 4 7tl before March 31. Cubs and Scouts February has been a busy month for the Cubs and Scouts. Both groups par- ticipated m a bottle drive which was a great success. The boys worked hard but the real credit should go to the residents of Vanastra for their generosity. On February 19, the Cubs participated in the annual Kubkar Rally w, ch was held in Lucan. The boys did a fine job on building their cars and the competition was keen with about 3H en- tries from the district. Although Vanastra boys didn't win, a good tune was had by all. Akela, Jim Thomas picked up a few tricks to get his car to the end of the track. Scouters Jeff Dixon and John Bjerg are pleased to announce that two more boys were invested into the troup last month. They were Shawn Dixon and Randy Robinson. The troop is slow ly growing and there is room for more. The week of February 20 was Scout and Guide week in honor of founder, Lord Baden-Powell. During that week the annual parent and son banquet was held in Baden Powell's honor. At the banquet there were some presentations made. Con- gratulations go out to Shawn Kyle, Benny Bjerg, Billy Jo Hoy, Tony Goulding, Darryl Dixon, Shawn Dixon and Randy Robinson who all worked hard for and receiv- ed their Baden Powell's Woodsman's badge. Certificates of apprecia- tion were given out to Linda Dixon and Sandy McLachlan in recognition of their help given to the Cubs and Scouts. Len Davies of the Vanastra Lions Club accepted an award in recognition of be- ing the sponsor of the Cubs and Scouts. Cubs meet every Monday at 6:20 and Scouts meet every Wet esday at 6:30 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Come on boys and join. It will be a learning ex- perience. Vanastra Public School Congratulations to the young people from Grades 4,5 and 6 who prepared speeches this year. ison Jeacock placed first in the Vanastra Public School con- test. Heather Brownridge and Colin Thomas represented the school and both i!id a fine job. Colin re you int v rested in newspaper reporting? flaw , you always wanted to b a writer? The Clinton News -Record is looking for a respon- sible, community minded individual to help with The Vanastra Voice this sum- mer CALL 482-9502 for more information managed to take the prize for third place. March is Nutrition month and the Grade 1 class is lear- ning a;.,..tut good foods to eat for a balanced diet. With the help of the nutritionist at the Huron County Health Unit, many interesting films, books and pamphlets are be- ing used. They are also talking about the supermarket and money. They are working hard to produce their books called "I aent ¢;o the Market". With Fater arriving so quickly after the March break the class well very soon be hopping down the bunny trail m search of eggs. Coming Events On March 11 the Health Unit will be at the school to conduct their Dental Pro- gram. On March 15 Mrs. Robin- son from Central Huron Secondary School will visit at 10:45 am and will tell the children in Grades 4,5, and 6 about her recent stay in In- donesia. Parents are welcome to attend. March break will be from March 21 to March 25 this year. Vanastra and District Lions Club Ten members of the Vanastra and District Lions Club will be going to Strat- ford Victorian Inn to the Stratford's Mini Convention. This will be held this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Attention readers News for the Vanastra Voice has to be in by Friday at 7:30 pm because the Huron Expositer deadline has been changed to Monday at 4 pm. Please try to have your news written by Friday at 7:30 pm. Hensall news Judge Don Luther, Mrs. Luther and family of Corner- brooke, Newfoundland, Con- st. Susan Luther of Kit- chener, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Luther and babe of London were recent visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the piano for the service of song. Corrununion will be held on March 13 at 11:30 a.m. A carload of ladies attended a meeting in Knox Presbyterian Church Mitchell on Thursday even- ing. Break-in, SEAFORTH - Police reported a break, enter and robbery from Bob and Betty's Variety Store at 33 Main St. on March 1. According to Police Chief, Hal (Taus, two plate glass windows were broken and stereo equipment was stolen in the break-in. Damage to the windows and the stolen equipment is estimated at about $2,166. The investigation is con- tinuing. CUSTi.M LIQUID WASTE REMOVAL Elementary winners hi the zone Legion public s v; ring to 6 winners: second, :::ill Grant of Winghaem; first, Heat Con-Inna Stephenson of Brussels :::<,:ck row, Grades 7 andll: Grey Central; first, John Kalbfleisch of Harron Centeiuil l; "Tiverton Public School. The competition was held in Clinton photo) r 1k* 't were, front row, Grade 4 Westlake of Zurich; third, hird, Leanne Armstrong of second, Sherri Bourne of i Saturday. (Steve Cooke Kipp CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1983—PAGE 11 n He eta e Club meet By Rena Caldwell First meeting of Kippen III 4-H Heritage Club was held March 1 at the home of Joyce W ilson. Officers are: President - Suzanne Dallas; Vice Pres. - Janice Moffatt; Secretary - Floating; Treasurer - Karen De Jong; Press Reporter - Yvette Predhomme. Leaders for the club are Joyce Wilson and a.oleen Townsend . They will help members prepare native food dishes from Scotland, Wales, Ireland and French Canada. Members after preparing these dishes were able to sit down to a delicious supper Kippen East W.I. will meet March 16 at the home of Mrs. Robert Kinsman. Don't forget your autobiography and soniething for the blind auction. Third meeting of the Kippen Kookers was held at Hoggarth's on March 1. Members and leaders Hensall UCW to entertain at Queensway By Bertha MacGregor Mrs. Annie Noakes return- ed to her home after spen- ding several months at Panama City in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker are home after visiting for a week with their son-in-law and daughter Sgt. Doug Wein, R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and David in Ottawa. Mr. James Sangster, who has been receiving treat- ment in South Huron Hospital, following a heart attack, was able to return to his home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crerar enjoyed a motor trip to Florida, and have returned home. UCW meets Unit 3 of the U.C.W. met in the Hensall United Church on Tuesday with Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell presiding. Mrs. Rosa Harris was in charge of the devotional. The members will enter- tain at Queensway during the month of March. Mrs. Pearl Taylor read an article on World Outreach - Work of the Church in Panama. Dessert Euchre Mrs. Margaret Consitt No- ble Grand presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednes- day evening assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Margaret Up - shall. It was announced the Humanitarian Services com- mittee will sponsor a Euchre Party on March 10 at 8 p.m. Attention Farmers WE PAY °R®. TO °Se. PER HUNDRED WEIGi4T FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLECOWS AN;� STEERS, MUST HE ALIVE A ,® DiiIJG FREE. CALL COLLECT 74 HRS. A DRV 6 DAYS A WEEK M !,Rif LHS & SONS LIVESTOCK Milverton 595-4845 Serving the area since 9974 Everyone is welcome, ladies provide lunch. It was decided to hold a Dessert Euchre in the local hall on March 23 at 1:30 p.m. everyone is welcome, please keep this date in mind. The Birthday of the Lodge will be celebrated on April 6th when D.D.P. Mrs. Alice Bowen of Exeter will make her official visit. A banquet will be held in honour of the anniversary and the visit. Auxiliary meeting Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary met on Tuesday evening with President Mrs. Alice Neilands presiding. Zone Commander Mary Hawn of Kincardine, for Zone C -I made her official visit and spoke on the Work of the Auxiliary. A donation to the Legion Auxiliary of $100 was made for a Bur- sary. Applications were ac- cepted for new members and banquets in the future were discussed. Mrs. Neilands ex- pressed thanks to Mrs. Hawn and presented her with a gift. A penny sale was held and a social hour enjoyed. UCW ,rr:eet Unit 4 of the U.C.W. met on Thursday. Mrs. Nan Britton presided and opened the meeting with a poen. Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt played the piano. Fifty-eight visits were made to sick and shut -iris during the last two months by members and Mrs. Mary Roobal reported cards sent out. Mrs. Hazel Luther was hostess for the meeting. The study was taken by Mrs. Nan Britton on the South Pacific Islands Revolution and Paradise by R.C. Plant. She spoke about a New nation be- ing born on July 1st 1980, the former New Hebrides Islands" now called the Republic of Vanuatu. Most radical changes in govern- ment, the Independence of Vanuatu did not come without some problems. It was the church that made the first move, that the government of Great Britain should take appropriate ac- tion. It finally came out and now that the new Hebrides has become the Republic of Vanuatu with an almost bloodless revolution perhaps some of the other Islands will not be far be nd. An ex- tended family with no hunger is wonderful, but add to that government of the people and freedom, and you truly have "Paradise". Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne returned home from a plea- sant vacation in Poway, California and visited in Arizona on their way home. The World Day of Prayer service was held in Hensall United Church on Friday. Mrs. Joyce Pepper presided for the service and opened with the call to prayer from the Caribbean; the message from the Caribbean was taken by Mrs. Dorothy Taylor. The theme was given by Mrs. Pepper. The scrip- tures were taken by Mrs. Dorothy Mickle and Mrs. Ted Roberts. Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt was pianist for the meeting. Mrs. Belva Fuss sang a solo ac- companied by Mrs. Joyce Pepper at the piano. The theme was given by Rev. Kenneth. Readings were given by Mrs. Homer Camp- bell and Mrs. John Baker and the offering was receiv- ed by Mrs. Fredo Boa and Mrs. Mary Roobal. BENDER'S ARATTOI awl ham* foisted MEAT MARKET 1'o'i(Iwriy ¶els -ii°yP *baituirr MENSAL!. 262-3130 FAIIM C[NTKE HIGHWAY No. R WEST CLINTON 482-77 i 6 RMEP LOC. ,TI iN OF CANYON FORD TRACTOR We're pleased to announce that we have been appointed Hyland Seed's dealer for Clinton and area. See us for your spring seed *SEED CORN n \ ©SEED GRAIN .i. *VIGOR RATED SOYBEAN SEED NOW AVAILABLE MALTING VARLEY CONTRACTS nd SOYA' EANSEED Give us x cII °e hove these two units for PUMPING m HAULING - SPREADING INJECTING ALSO AVAILABLE Both units secuurr'ir /pressure, or top lauding on Lor: ge asr:IP. Agitation equipment available,. etorrge lobs or smalls - give us a cilli Asumirimmeemissimmi H For prompt liquid vizist removal service, cc ll us 4 t 4823409 KEN . CA PBELL FARMS LTD. AND SONS LT Blayflleki flood CLINT° R® R. 1 Uubll; 527 0249 prepared breaded pork chops with cherry sauce ( Russian) , vegetable and macaroni casserole I Polish) and Plum dumplings l Yugoslavia, Mennonite, Poland, Hungary . While sampling the delicious meal members discussed the club party and jobs were assigned to all. Each member will invite a guest to the party. The next meeting will be March 9 at Chalmer's. Ki:. fen East W-1. held a quilting party at the home of Mrs. Harry Caldwell on Feb. 28. Fourteen ladies attended and a delicious pot luck dinner enjoyed. Quilting will continue until the quilt is completed. Mr and Mrs. Jack Bell holidayed in Florida recently TAX TIP P. frubLll. StHrl(.E Ut H‘1-1 OCK Q. I J,J 1101 make cuough Moues last sear to hale to pa} ,n,olne la\ But in), ciii ployrr wtthhrlJ ta\ and ( anada Prnhion Plan con krlbuuon, from my parche uc, Nom Jo I eel my rrulnrs hark'' A. lou ,hould the a tax te- lu1u to te.e,sc a complete ielunJ of all tax deducted. in aJJulon. sou ma) be en- titled to a reimbursement of pal( or all of The ('PP con - 1011) Ship your Livestock with Art Heffroii B yth $ IPPER FOR 3JI' ITER CO-OPt9ATIVE$ OF 0NTAi,I Livestock Marketing Division "Id', HONE BY ®AM � 3`; Ontario Stockyards, Toronto Stockers and Feeders Available 523-4221 INT Specially formulated mixtures of certified forage seed selected to produce high yield and high gu.lity in been feed, hay or haylage. Two varieties of pedigreed seed Each Maple -Mix 2 plus 2 contains two species of forage seed with varieties selected for their compatibility. Only fully certified seed of each variety is used. Two recommendations for each variety The varieties chosen for use in Maple -Mix 2 plus 2 are fully licensed by Agriculture Canada and recommended by provincial authorities Hummel's Feed Mill 35 Mary Street, CLINTON 482-9792 Eel ©mak Riser_ PI iters_ 1983 INDUSTRY LEADERS ° Conventional Till Minimum Till ' No Till NO EXTRAS NEEDED SPRING OPEN NOUSE (1)urink our %tort• ren*‘ atlons) HEAR AND SEE THE IH "No Till Planter Story' Near the 'Radial Farm Tire Story' Traction, fuel savings comparisons MR. GUY ANDRUS B.F.G. C.r,NADIAN MARKETING MANAGER MONDAY EVENING March 21st Latin-. welcome) 7:30 p.m. N 017641N6G®sn®ceea eoaamissesa CANADA %els o 0