HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-23, Page 14PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS -REQ RD, WEDNESDAY, FE,:;RUARY ,1 �O French school y Stephanie Levesque There aren't enough pa teaa- tial students to establish a French school in Stratford, the Huron -Perth Separate School :. •;s:rd announced at Its February 14 meeting. The school ,a `a`.. , d came up with only 17 children who would qualify for enrolment in such a school in September of 1983. To deter- mine this number, the board used the criteria of French being spoken ia the home by one or both parents, one or both parents having a French or French Canadian background or the children are French speaking. The number 17 was reach- ed following surveys being sent home through the separate schools in Stratford and the Club Hirondelle, a public meeting and a telephone survey. "The board is not recom- mending, ecom- mendin at this time, establishing a French class in the City of Stratford," an- nounced board chairman Ron Murray. Mr. Murray said that at the public meeting he had told the parents present that he would get back to the board for a decision. He noted about 20 parents had attended the meeting and he was "a little disappointed at the turnout." Director of education William Eckert, acting as secretary of the board for the first time since his heart attack last fall, told trustees that at the public greeting it was pointed out there was some confusion regarding the wording of one of the survey's questions. The question asked what language was spoken in the home, which said Mr. Eckert, was felt would in- dicate the children who would qualify for a French school. As it turned out, many answering the survey indicated English is the language spoken in the home, despite the fact that some French is also spoken. The director indicated that following the meeting, parents were invited to go over the survey with ad- ministration representatives and clarify the resits of the survey. Administration then conducted the telephone survey to clarify the survey results with those parents who had not come to the meeting. Superintendent of educa- tion John McCauley noted the number of children in- creased from the original number of seven to 17. It was noted that under the Educa- tion Act, the board must establish a French school if there are 25 or more qualified c ldren. Mr. Eckert also noted that if no criteria was established by the '• ,card a"all who in- dicated an interest, and 1 emphasize interest, registered and were admit- ted, the total number would be 44" from kindergarten to grade eight. "While lar.er boards may have ficulty absorb- ing the additional costs of establishing new programs for such small numbers, I mean the 17 children, for the Huron -Perth Catholic Board such additional costs are a major consideration. Should the number of French speak- ing students required by legislation materialize in the future, the matter should be reconsidered by the Board at that time," stated Mr. Eckert. Thieves rob store GODERICH - If someone approaches you to buy a color television set or a refrigerator really cheap, you should contact the Goderich OPP. Chances are that the television or refrigerator might he stolen. Three Sylvania color television sets and one Frigidaire refrigerator was stolen from Zilliax Furniture and Appliances store on Huron Road sometime on Feb. 7 or 8. This is the second break-in at Zilliax within the last few months. Previously some color television sets and microwave ovens were stolen. The OPP is continuing the investigation. In the meantime, the lora' police force is investigatinf a robbery at Rricker't Jewellery store on The Square. An undisclosed amount of rings and watches were stolen after a brick was thrown through the front window Monday. faaaAP�t t tear rlvv,ntY CONTEST GOAL HUSH CONTEST YOU COULD WIN $5} , ® Gift Certif c t each time a Maple Leaf player scores a goal Name. Address:. . Phone: Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashier o+ map to A&P Goal Rush, PO Boa 249, Stat W. Toronto 1 DOWN NSAVE! e WHOLE, KERNEL CORN Green Giant Nublets ASST C `,EAMS, F'"ULT •> S, HOME ASSORT Frean Coo 3 litre plst cont OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.69 BLACK DIAMOND, SINGLE, THIN, PROCESS Cheese Bees 500 g pkq OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.59 3 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 49 .staE FA FerrIrh , JJVI Product of Ontario, delicious in salads OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 made with 100 pure vegetable shorllenung • )'• PI".OD. OF CALIFORNIA, SEEDLESS, SIZE 138'S ave rai res each IN 1 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF U.S.A. Granny S l^ ith Apoles PROD. OF FLORIDA, PINK, SEEDLESS Large Gra 4efrit CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. 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