HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-23, Page 9bi BY STEPHANIE LEVlUE The 32 municipalities in the watershed of the Ausable-ayfield Con- servation Authority will pay $138,448 towords the authority's approved 1983 budget of over $1 million. The budget was approved at the authority's annual meeting on Feb. 17 in Kirkton. The municipalities share is up from the $132,190 paid to the authority in 1982. Government grants will pay for about halt the authority's budget in the ,eld Authority bud amount of $615,407, with the remainder to be paid for through the municipalities, park operations, sale of cot- tage lots, leases and reserves. The water and related land management program takes up the largest portion of the 1983 budget at $421,950. Management and other ero- sion control on the Port Franks River is the largest capital works project to be undertaken by the authority in 1983. A total of $60,000 has beer, budgeted for this work, a cut back from the original $115,000 budgeted. Other capital works pro- jects include $22, r+Ir1 for Bayfield erosion control work, $22,500 for forest management at Parkhill, Port Blake and general areas. The Parkhill Spillway acquisition has been budgeted at $12, 1, whale floodplain mapping has been budgeted at $8,300 and ero- sion and sediment control at the Thedford Conservation Area has been budgeted at $5,2,50. Also under water and related land management, water support has been budgeted at $137,000, dam maintenance has been budgeted at $39,900, cun- I et approved servation services at $57,.... and a cost -benefit of the Seaforth channel improve- ment has been budgeted at $2, +i 11. Wetland acquisition in the Hay Swamp has been budgeted at $55,1111. Administration of the authority has been budgeted at $226,311, up from $21;;, in 1',.12. The Largest portion of this budget is made up by salaries and benefits, totall- ing $159,500, up from $143,3 in the previous year. The allowance for the 35 members ( one represen- tative from each of the 32 municipalities plus three provincial representatives) I I has increased from $16,1 I I to $17,;IiIl for 1'�:1:.:. The chai - man's ex,a.•-rises have been budgeted to double, from 1 $2,LI I last year to $4,l U,1 ars 19fl�.i, while staff nuileage and eJcpenses have decreased, from $5,O0O an 1 2 to $2, this year The conservation and related land management budget has been set at $53,590. Under this, the capital works projects in- clude development at the Rock Glen Lonservation Area to cost $14,250 and $1,000 for development at the Parkhill Conservation Area. Approval given for administrative building Approval has been given for a $500,000 administration building for the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority. The 7700 square foot, two- level building, will be con- structed at the Morrison Dam Conservation Area just outside of Exeter. ABCA general -manager Torn Prout points out that the $,500,000 cost includes finished costs such as a parking lot, fur - lashings and landscaping and not lust the cost of the building. At the same meeting, ap- proval was given to sell the present building housing the authority un 175 Thames Road in Exeter. It will be sold for about $112,000 to Agriculture Information Ser- vices Limited of Exeter. The funding trorn the sale of the house, Tess expenses such as legal costs, will be turned over to the Lust of the new building. About half of the estimated cost of the project will come from grants from the government and $100,000 will come from the sale of the present building. Another $100,000 will come from the Authority's reserve fund and about $50,000 will come from the Township of Usborne which will be using office space an the proposed new building. Both Mr. Prout and the ABCA chairman John Tin- ney of Hay Township said municipalities within the watershed will not be levied to pay for the building. The general manager add- ed that the authority will have to lease back its pre- sent building until the new SUPER SPECIAL -) MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE one is built at a cost of $2,000 per month. He said the new owners will want to move in in September of this year. Concern was expressed for the length of time it would take to get approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Mr. Tinney said that from discussions he has had with Ministry per- sonnel, approval would not be long in coming. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1983—PAGE 9 *he 19executive of the Aiasable-:s,yfleld Conservation Authority was named at the authority's annual meeting held in Kirkton on Feb. 17. In the photo, from left to right care: front row - east chairman Ivan Hearn. vice•-ehaairman Gordon Johnson. chairman John Timmy and ABCA general - manager Tom Prout; back row - Carl ::ryson, Fred Lewis, Don Lithgow, William Thilrwall, Cecil Desjardine and Wilson Fh deans. Varna card party to beheld By Chessell At a recent meeting of the Community Club, members decided to rent ice at the Bayfield Arena on Wednes- SUPER SPECIAL SUPER PECIAL LI Y'S EANS DEEP BROWNED WITH PORK. IN TOMATO SAUCE. WITH PORK IN MOLASSES SUPER SPECIAL 14 oz. TONS FOR SPECIAL SPECIAL day, March 23 (school holi- day week) from 2 to 3 p.m. for a children's skating par- ty. To defray expenses, they are asking $1 per child, and mothers are requested to ac- company their children or provide supervision for them. In addition, Varna card party for the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary is plann- ed for Wednesday evening, April 6 at the hall. Alex Murray returned home from Clinton Hospital on Friday. He had surgery on February 8 after being admitted several days previously. Olive has been confined to her home for a couple of weeks with a bad chest cold. Brian Hill regained full consciousness Saturday night, and is eating well and making a rapid recovery. Wilfred Chuter has been enjoying a magnificent amaryllis, with six huge flowers in bloom at one time. There were 14 tables of euchre at the Orange Lodge card party on Friday night. Winners of ladies' high and sow were Della Slavin and Mrs. Walter Pepper. Men's high and low went to Jean McEwen (playing as a man) and Wilfred Chuter. Draw prizes were won by Gertie Fleischauer, Brent Taylor, Mrs. Ernie Brown, Bill McLaughlin and Hazel Matheson. WI dessert euchre coming By Blanche beeves The Enterprising Seniors met last Thursday afternoon in the Township Hall. Everett McIlwain chaired the meeting and Mrs. Jean Lobb was at the piano. Mrs. Charlotte Norman read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Marion Powell thanked the group for their sympathy cards and others that were sent. Mrs. Hazel McCreath Tspoke on the Goderich ownship W.I. dessert euchre coming up March 16 at 1:30 p.m. in the Communi- ty Centre in Holmesville. Mrs. Blanche Deeves spoke on her two upcoming bv`I, trips in March. Mrs. Hazel McCreath noted that one quilt is finished and another to go in on Tuesday. CLUBHOUSE CANADIAN SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX 43 g CARNATION INSTANT HOT CHOCOLATE 500 g TIN SPECIAL DESSERT TOPPING DREAM WHIP 170 g PKG. McCAINS TENDERCRISP PEPPERONI PIZZA 454g(4s) LIMITS DART( RED KI r NEY BEANS 14 oz. TIN SPECIAL _ St TAMPAX 3 SIZES TAMPONS BOX OF 40 59' 3.99 SPECIAL McCAINS TENDERCRISP DELUXE PIZZA 482g(4s) 1.99 SPECIAL SPECIAL MRS. SMITHS APPLE CRUMB PIES 700 g 9 SPECIAL MAVARTI OR MOZZARELLA ADEN CHEESE 227 q GRANNYS BUTTER TARTS PI<G OF 10 t, SPECIAL BADEN QUALITY COL;Y CHEESE 22 7 q RASP. OR STRAWBERRY 5t mt LAURA SECORB 239: PURE JAMS VOORTl AN OATMEAL CHIP COOKIES 129 A Sr q UNEILEACHABLES CHRISTIES WHFATSWORTI4 CRACKERS 119 INFANTS FORMULA R.T.F. SIMILAC X45 -1249 MR. MUSCLE OVEN "CLEANER 410 q 199 SPECIAL PEPPERIBGE FARMS 5 VARIETIES LAYER CAKES 13 oz. SIZE SPECAIL MENNEN 4 VANITIES SPEED STICK 75 g '.9,9 SPECIAL 5511 PKG SPECIA PHILLIPS 40-60-11 r W SOFT LIGHT BULBS PKG, OF 2 SPECIAL A' BUNDLE OF 3 BATH BARS DIAL SOAP 5 COLORS 390 g f.49 1.99 SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF IND. WRAPPED SPECIAL ROBIN MOOD ALL PURPOSE FLOUR WESTONS FRESH SPICY CHEESE SLICES NOT CROSS BUNS 500 q PKG 9 PKG OF 8 COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CINNAMON BREAD WHITE OR CHOCOLATE TWIN CAKE ROLLS < , OF 2 CHEESE FLAVOURED OR ALL BUTTER CROISSANTS 10 FA 49' CROISSANT RECIPE ) Ham & Cheese (Canadian) •i 1 14••I I r• 1".,r ,I�rr•1r 1r 2 ) Ham & Cheese (European) ',t••,,, !.,4 ,, .w h1., •�,r •,I rt•r 111x• ) 11•If;.. r 41 t,i,'Ir•r 3 1 Farm Special f '.., .n1 Ir••t.t ,.u.,r ..,i1 Itr•t,t,rr .r . , tit:•,! ti '1 f,i,irr •,I,rr tlttt SPECIAL DIETRICHS 100°0 W. WHEAT BREAD 675 q LOAF SPECIAL NELSONS 4 VARIETIES CHOCo CANDY 12 oz. PKG. "99 SP `'" MRS. SMITHS FROZEN APPLE PIES 700 g SPECIAL WESTONS PLAIN OR SUGARED DONUTS PKG OF 12 9 SPECT LS IN EFFECT 6 FULL BAYS HIGHLINER FROZEN IN RA®TER ,,/ <,169 SOFT STYLE 71h PARKAY MARGARINE 99 SEALTEST LIGHT 14 FLAW" .YCGU�� LAURA SECORO 4 ) Diet Detrte '.1' Ivr•.1 r..'I,,. .. 11 • r.r, 11, 1 3 VARIETIES ts•ctr ft tsot,r THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. 8 MARMALADE HIGHLINER IND. WRAP COD FILLETS ,4 0, 139 MAPLE LEAF TFFIDERFLAK E PURE LARD 1 On March 3, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb will be in charge of entertainment and lunch. Mrs. Iona Blake and Mrs. Irene Cudmore gave readings. Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs. Hazel McCreath gave a very interesting talk on their recent trip to Hawaii with the Clinton Legion Band. XXX The Goderich Township W.I. will hold a card party February 24 at the Com- munity Centre in llohnesville at 8 p.m. Ladies bring lunch and bring a friend. The senior choir presented special music at the Sunday morning service at Holmesville United Church. Mr. Doug Yeo and Bill Crawford received the offer- ing. 300 deductions, exemptions and credits to save money on your T1 GE ERAL income tax return. H&R Block will help you take advantage of every possible saving which applies to you. Prices start at N LIVELY ' WESTONS TASTY FRESH q s 4e/99¢ CRUSTY ROLLS �m 5(1(1 r*,t WF RF SFRVF THF RIGHT T() t IMIT PURCHASES TO RF ASONARI F WEEK' Y rAMll Y AFOUIF+ruFNTS JOSEPHINE SP. (HWY. NO. 4) INTERSECTION Rt GODFRICH WINGHAM EXY. E NQ. 4 AND NO. 43 „ON.. TUES. 9 TO A P.M. MON., TUES.• WED. & SAT. - 6:66 TO A P.M. MORD., TTyES., WED. - 9 TO O P WED., THURS.. TRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:311 TO A P.M. THURS. AND FRI.. B:aO TO 9 P.M. THUGRS.. FRT.. 9 TO* P.iIA. SAT.. 6:39 M. TO 6 P.M. i 18.0 '.. AAu r at participating offices. It pays to be prepared - by H&R Block HSR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 5 Ontario St© Clinton Open 9 A.AR.-S:3© P.M. Weekdays. 9-1 Sat. Phone 482-9977 OPEN TODAY - NO APPOINTMENT RIECESSARY Holmesville 1 4-H The Goofy Gourmets had their first meeting in the Ontario Heritage 4-H Homemaking Club at Linda and Jody Mustard's home on February 21. Linda Mustard and Phyllis Coulter are our leaders. We have a nice sized club of six members. Shannon Preszcator is our president, Jody Mustard is vice president, Nina Potter is secretary -treasurer, Lana Jones and Lori Forbes are press reporters. Thanks to S.S. No. 4 Community Club for spon- soring us. We have a bank balance of over $20. Our first meeting was very interesting; we made four weird and wonderful dishes. They were pumpkin soup, Irish Soda Bread, Scotch eggs, and Maple Baked Apples. Of course there wete varied opinions but everyone tried everything and voiced their opinions on it. — by Lana Jones Accident reported The Goderich OPP reported one accident in the Clinton area over the past week. On Feb. 18 Harrison Hal, 28, was travelling south just north of Brucefield when he lost control of his vehicle on icy roads and slid into the ditch. Damage to the Hal vehicle is estimated at $2,500. Western Purt-Time StudF s Summer 'H3 IT'S HARD TOO o °RUT IT'S HARDER NOT TO! Have you considered beginning or returning to University studies this summer? Representatives of The University of Western Ontario's Faculty of Part -Time and Continuing Education will be conducting a counselling and information session in Clinton at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL ROOM 135 MONDAY, MARCH 7 FROM 4:30-7:30 P.M. Courses in a variety of subject areas are planned for centres in Southwestern Ontario The one nearest you may he hosting a course that will help you begin or advance your university degree credits Copies of the Summer Calendar will he available at the counselling session or available from The Faculty of Part -Time and Continuing Education Stevenson -Lawson Building The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 588 (519) 679-3631 If you are unable to attend a counselling session in person you are invited to phone in collect on Thursday. March 1 7th from 4 30-8.00 p m to ask questions vnu may have about admissions registration, program requirements and planning or r.ourse of ferings 1