HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-16, Page 18PAGE 1&--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 $745 w (0 421 901 -ed,ate O. 961 1 top 1 Articles for sale PROFESSIONALLY Custom mode heavy wrought iron double bi folding fireplace doors 32'. x 23' excellent condition Coll 482.9414 days 45Tfar APPLE SPECIALS on No 2 Spys and Macintosh also Grode A choice in Delicious Macs and Spys Plus top quality oppie cider ovorloble at Don Mid dleton s Whitehall Form Phone 482-9838.- 4-7 CRISP JUICY APPLES. $4 50 a bu and uo. Fresh cider apple but ter, red and white potatoes onions and honey. Cider borreis 14 and 45 gol. at Art Bell's Fruit Form. Phone 524-8037. --1 tfor MADE TO ORDER - Hand and Machine Knit Garments Specialize in Icelandic Sweoters. Phone 482-7944. 3tf STOCK REDUCTION Sale • over 1000 rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns, Underwood. Phone 368-7182. Open 7 days. --3-8 PERMA BUILDINGS. Take ad- vantage of our winter clearance on a limited amount of steel buildings at FANTASTIC sav- ings. Why wait and pay more? Call now! ! ! 1 416-625- 4093.-7o CORN FEED BEEF by the side for your freezer. Call Bruce Keys, Varna 262-5360.--6,7 PAIR OF black Bauer skates size 9, reg. $150. will sell for $75. like new. Phone 482-7008.-6,7 ROASTING CHICKENS $1.10 lb., 480 laying hens and cages, ask- ing $700. one pair 13 x A78 snowtires, asking $50. Phone 527-0179 after 6 p.m. -6-8 FRESH FARM EGGS. Brown or white $1. a doz. delivered. Phone 482-9247.-6,7x WOOD FOR SALE MIXED NA WOOD Blocks or split. Ary quantity WSIM deliver 482-9250 19., CLASSIFIED ADVE'':'TISINj RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads - , .. - , .. - , Tesday Noon Display Advertising - .... - . Toesd y CIA® p.161. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cors for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wonted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cords of thanks 482.3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Articles for sale We're back from holidays! and ready to deal offs a store full of mowers and chainsaws STEVE ARGYLE LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT (1976) Dayflaid 565-28 ST '\N'I IINO EUELWOOD FOR SALE To improve growing conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of Natural Resources is thinning adioining s oodlots in Hay Township and is desisting the woodlot owner len selling marked, standing trees, to a reputable fauelwood contractor. The fuelwood is located in two odiolesirng areas. Are® 198/62991/09 Approtatano90 FoeOwood Volum In S9andtna 7roos (In standard cords) 138 2 150 Note: one standard cord - 128 cubic feet. Average tree diameter: 7 inches Mellor tree species: hard maple, beech. Location: one mile southwest of Zurich. Each fuelwood area will be sold as ane lump sural to one contractor. No pert lel vales for email volumes will be considered. For further details, contact: Harry Wilson, Ministry of Natural Resources. R.R. 5, Win ham, Ontario, N 2W0, Telephone: 519-357-3131 or, toll free 1 -':r.0.265 - Ministry of Natural W. T. Foster Resources Deputy Minister Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister CLIP & SAVE NOW REPRESENTING ruibr -77777777-, "f7r.'.('r C IN BAYFIELD, GODERICH TOWNSHIP AND CLINTON AREA: Mr. Jerry Gr 482-3112 IN TOWN OF CLINTON: Mr. Andrew Covtrltry 482-354$ 1 Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your ourof- Conodo Medical Insurance at C A A Travel Agency 7 Rotten bury St Clinton Phone 482 9300 44tfor 1 WO G78 14 gloss belted tires wide reek Very little use $20 00 or best offer 524 9293 46rfnx WATERBEDS Complete with pine frame pedestal CSA healer safety liner mattress and fill kit $259 at Vanostra Furniture 482 7922 46tfor QUANTITY OF dry hard mople will deliver by the cord also a Remington Automatic 12 gouge shotgun Phone 482 3509 40 ADMIRAL 30 stove Leonard refrigerator Phone 527. 0468 7 1. Articles for sale AS A RESULT of the Sale of our newspapers, our Phillips 320 electronic accounting machine is for sale. Handles payroll, receivables, payables, triol balance, advertising lineage. etc. for community newspaper. Tel: (519) 527-0240. 7o FRIDEN ELECTRIC Postage Meter - Model 60-9225, Surplus as result of business change. To clear $150.00. Also number of Challenge High Speed quoins, 6, 9, and 12 inches - $15.00 each. Tel: (519) 527-0240, -7o POTATOES - red or white, also onions. Highway 84 between Hensel) and Zurich. Phone 236- 4038. 34tf CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. shoes, jackets, etc. Various sizes. Phone 524-9293. • 43tfnx SIDES OF BEEF $3.28K9, Si .491b. HIND QUARTER $3.95Kgt $1.79lb. SIDES OF PORK 52.62Kg,S 1 .191b. LICRICKS DASMWOOD 237..3677 2 -PORTABLE ADMIRAL DISHWASHERS Both with hardwood cutting boards. 1 In har- vest gold, 1 let white. '275. EACH COPPERTONE! Wehave a WESTINGHOUSE 30" RANGE In coppertone. WESTINGHOUSE 13 CU. FT. SPACE KING REFRIG. '250 EACH OR BOTH FOR (450. USED STOVES ft.om$99. USED DRYERS from $99. T.Y./STEREO 18" RCA COLOUR PORTABLE $299. ADMIRAL 28r' COLOUR PORTABLE39(�9 Solid State $379. ZENITH 22" COLOUR PORTABLE $199 ZENITH 26" COLOUR !'ELUXE CABINET Solid State, with remote control with Yearn, $399. A®RSI L QUAD ' PROW STEREO Tuner, with 8 trach player. $1 SO • PLEASE (MOTE: All our used applieisees are foully -reconditioned and Wave a hull 30 DAT Warranty. GROVES TV AND APPLIANCE CENTRE Main Corner - Clinton 482-9414 Attention Formers A. For sale ONE SET of ti actor chains fits 15 5 38 tires Phone 482 7423 7x 10 FT STAINLESS Turkey MVP' Troughs 5.35 00 10 ft Chickpn feeders golvon.7ed 510 00 stainless 518 00 450 KVA to 75 KVA double throw transfer switi h 52500 00 Martin s Metol Shoo ,519, 669 8400 7n Hensel) Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS (il•.ton 497 7911 Hmrry Mllio. r.oror 734 7717 51.99,99 779 0709 n•opnry H,..o...t,.,om 707 7019 A. For sale BALED ALFALFA HAY and strow Phone 482 3349 Bill Smith 5 7 D. livestock BROWN WHITE hahychicks special meat Heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock) 3 week old Capons Small orders our cpPc ally Guaranteed delivery Bonnie s Chick Hot t holy 802r 154 Flrniro Ontario N38216 519 669 2561 70 PUIIFIS 20 weeks old first wpPk of April Order new 1'',rine 267 5708 6 7 1,O(ln Fl NON of York Harrap Durnr and rrnss tired hon. -s Ready fnr sprv.r' ROP tested herd health approved Priced to colt most any budget Semn meot.na ()5 stondrirdc Vila V1t10 Forms I td R R 4 Welter Bob Poh",sen 345 7'11' 7 R 0 DAIRY (,()A14F91I 15 does 10 yen, 1"^Vc 7 hul ks Previously (,rode A lit once shipped mtlk Phone 613 476 5309 In 1 Articles for sale MOFFAT 16 5 cu ft refrigerator like new condition asking $450 Phone 482 9780 7 EXCELLENT hard apples fresh out of controlled atmosphere storoge Spys 7 95 bushel. Mut- e, Mocs Red Delicious Golden Delicious arid Spartan at regular prices Lrunican Bros. Or chards. I '2 miles south of Elgin - field Hwy No. 4 on your way to London Phone 66-0286. 7.8 SINGLE BED in very good condi- tion, also a Polaroid camera, like new Phone 482 7629. 7 THREE PIECE Colonial type chesterfield suite gold colour Phone 565 2814 7 MAPLE SYRUP Taking orders now. Larry Fisher 524.9595. 7- 12 ROSSI 20 gauge double barrel shotgun, like new $225: Anschutz 22 col. 5 shot repeater $125; 16 gauge Winchester Model 12, 28" fuel choke $200. Phone 482-9422.- 7x GUANS BROS. Cabinet Grand upright piano, good condition. Phone 482-7401.-7 HUMANE LIVE TRAPS etc. and cedar posts also cedar kindling. Phone 482.3842.-51 eow TV ANTENNA, U.H.F. Booster and power supply included $50. Phone 482-7705 after 6 p.m. -7 C&E FURNITURE A4LW AN USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES 04'S OUR LOCATION( THAT SAVES MONEY 1/7 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderi h 5244'231 We even Take Trades KE, OSENE HEATE S I IfeG a A few example of the savienge - SURBEA" NO. Ole-C3OA 12,966 B.T.U. Reg. '379,98 Now $209. SUNBEAM NO. ONA 025A 9,6013 6.T.Li. Reg, '184.9e $145. VERBEEK'S FARM A GAR; EN CENTRE 22 Isaac Street CLINTON 482-9333 FREEZER FILLER SP(CIA L Hinds of :cef 1.7216. Fronts of 'r.^ef 1 .2916. Ades of Beef 1.491e. Long Loins of 8 o 1 o B 9Ib. Ripa of oef 1089lb. Whole or half Pigs 1.191b. Prices Include cutting, wrapping & quick freez- ing gross weight SPECIAL Hrrd. Ground ' of 10 lbr 114.90 Homemade Sausage 10 ibs 114.90 of Pubis, 10 Ile '14.90 1.2.516. OPEN M®n.-Rrl. 8 orad -4 pro Sot. 8 ern till moon Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 or 395-2979 omen 1 Articles for sale OSTOMY SUPPLIES and op pliances Rieck IDA PHAR- MACY 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich 524 7241 24tfor IN HOME mastectomy services ,low available Contact Mrs Adorns or Mrs Stringer at Rieck I D A Pharmacy Shoppers Square Goderich 524 7241 24tfor BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save of Clinton Boxed Meats now at our new location just off Hwy No 4 north of Clinton. 1 ' . mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign' By the case or by the pound coil collect 523-9508 --44tfor 1A. Snowmobiles for sale SNOWMOBILE • Skidoo Blizzard 9500 plus. Dual carburetors, dual exhaust, liquid cooled, oil injected. Phone 482-7273.---7,8x 5. Cars for sale 1977 PLYMOUTH Fury good condition. Phone days 482- 8490. 7 1974 BUICK REGAL, p.sp.b., power windows, etc. Phone 482.3783.-7,8x 1974 DODGE DART two door, hardtop, 6 cyl. Best offer as is 482-7841.-7 6. Trucks for sale 1969 FORD Econoline Van, A-1 condition, $2500 certified or best offer. Phone 482-3548.-7 ONE TON 1967 GMC dual wheel truck with 8' x 12' livestock rack, four speed, six cylinder, body and engine, good. Four rear tires like new. $1,275. Good for hauling cattle or wood. Phone (519) 666- 0340.- 6,7 12. Real estate for sale Culligan REAL ESTATE I To Country Estate - 7 acres, barn, stream, modern 3 bedroom home, excellent for horse lovers. Many ex- tras. Make an offer. 3 Bedroom Brick Bungalow - Full basement, rec room, fireplace, deck, well treed lot. '47,000. Bullding Lots from '6,000. 3 Bedroom Modular Horne on well treed lot '35,000. Cottage with Luke View - Paved road, new roof '3,500 worth of new win dows new bathroom needs a little finishing. '32,500. 2 Bedroom Ranch Style Bungalow, family room. well landscaped lot, fireplace, all on 1 floor, just like a doll house Only '49.500. 9 Acres rolling Scotch Pine, stream, beautiful bungolow with walkouts to patio and deck drilled well, double garage Asking '117,000. CALL: WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 12 Real estate for sale Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING 1'7 floor brick home in Blyth large lot heated garage and workshop NEW LISTING Blyth • 1 acre with I '2 floor brick home in sulated shop. Financing arrang- ed INVESTMENT PROPERTY • 4 unit apartment building, central location in Clinton. vendor will finance. 300 ACRES 260 workable - Tuckersmith Twp. cash crop and hog farm very good home, paved road. 12 ACRES NEAR BLYTH • large frame home and good hog barn. HOLMESVILLE - 13 acres with farrowing barn - 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 2 MILES FROM CLINTON • 100 acres - 97 workable - no buildings. NEAR BRUCEFIELD - 6 acres - good frame home - very well kept - owner will consider first mortgage. 69 ACRES • Hwy. No. 8 - farrow- ing barn • raised ranch home - several ponds - OWNER SAYS SELL. LARGE 2 floor home in Blyth - carport • 6 years old - ideal for professional person requiring office facility. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - main street, Blyth - under $20,000,00. - could be residence. 15 ACRES - near Auburn • wood- ed • large brick home - .cone bination furnace - 2 small barns. RESTAURANT - fully equipped. Main Street, Blyth. AUBURN - 5 acres on Maitland River - good house and barn. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. 46 ACRES - highway farm • near Varna - 23 workable - hardwood bush • large double home - large barn suitable for hogs or poultry. 2i/, ACRES - ;,n ,9way at Kip• pen g. _ t Ihti oom home - under $3•t. -1,00. 5 ACRES - with very comfortable home near Dungannon - price reduced - owner will finance. 91 ACRES AT BELGRAVE - good house and barn - realistic price. REDUCED workable, buildings, tgage. - 96 acres, 85 near Walton, no low interest mor - 8 ACRES IN BLYTH, no buildings. 50 ACRES - farrow to finish - 86 Highway - new house - low in. terest • F.C.0 Mortgoge. 68 ACRES - 62 workable 6th line - Hullett Township REDUCED 50 ocres near Ben miller no buildings - 6 ocres apple orchard BAYFIELD - Hwy 21 • 5 ocres with ranch home nicely wood- ed - many extros j GAG REALTY Zfs Insurance Inc. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton 482-9747 HAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS HILL COUNTER 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 ALSO OFFICES IN GODERICH EXETER GRAND BEND FULL TWO storey, 5 bedrooms, aluminum siding. owner transferred, assumable mortgage. CENTRAL LOCATION, 1storey, aluminum siding,"Imcvaediate possession, quick closerl OLDER TWO storey horse, 4 acre lot; potentially a f Ine hobby farm. [DOUBLE BRICK, 2 storey, being restored but health problem necessitates sellin,;. FRUIT FARMING? Market gardening? Recrea- tion? Any or all are possible on this Macros near Lake Huron. TWO BEDROOM, attached garage, needs Some work but priced 90 sell; and It dill TWO IIAY commercial garage In nearby town, Vendor would old the right purchaser greatly in financing. INCOME PROPERTY; cent ref IocatIon, 2 • 3 bedroom apartments presently occupied. BEA UTIfUL,MODERN stanch style horse: fireplace• recreati n room, attached garage, on 50 rolling acres near Clinton. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD Multiple Listin;r Service. 1 LAUCKNER REALTY 11 INC. SOUTIICOTT PINES - 2 '$ storey, executive type , home, double garage. 2 ???rt. $$ decks 4 bedrooms, 2 $$ tbaths one sauna, upper $e $ games room, 2nd floor }# { powder room, living I,, >$ room, dining room. t. ' large kitchen, full $t } basement, wooded lot. BAYFIELD - 2 storey, Cideal antique for $ business, on Hwy. 21. ,,, THREE BEDROOM, $+ summer cottage on tile $'. $rt street, with floor fur• e $ nate, 4 pc. bath, close to ?$$ lake. SNOWDON ACRES - Winterized, three bedrooms, 3 pc. bath with sauna and shower, open area kitchen, dining and living room. ST. JOSEPHS - Brick ranch style, 5 yr. old, lot 190 x 300, full basement, electric heat, living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, reduced, excellent con- dition. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565.2813 ^M ( rev JOHN L DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR BOX 868 19 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM ILO JUST LISTED: High pro- ducing 206 acre dairy farce, Clinton area, pav- ed road location, ex- cellent set-up includes cattle, large quota and egoiprssent. Owner retiring from farming. Call Russ for details. 198 ACRE FARM: Located on paved rood close to Clinton, 160 acres workable with good soil type. Exceptional 2,800 sq. ft. hornne and exten- sive buildings previous- ly used as dairy opera- tion. 114 ACRES: No buildings, approx. 80 workable, Harriston Clay Loam soil, 4 miles from Clinton. VENDOR TRANSFERRED: Brick bungalow with split entrance, family room with fireplace, games room, recently decorated, lovely home. 553.500. LAZY -L POOL: Superb 4 bedroom ranch home with Spanish entrances. Splendid kitchen and living room, large family room with wet bar, solar -heated pool, and mach more. 578,500. NEW LISTING: 120 Osborne St. Renovated ;s or 4 bedroom home on 79 ft. x 138 ft. lot. Spacious, kitchen and modernized 4 piece bath. Energy -conserving woodstove included. List price 535,000. NEW LISTING: 217 Albert 59., 2 bedroom, ono floor home on 99 ft. x 165 f9. lot, priced right at 522,500. REDUCED: Brick bungalow 1200 sq. f9., 4th bedroom and rec. room, 4 pc. and 3 pc. baths. No. 77 Winlercour9, now 542,000. C ONVEN 1 ENT LOCATION: Good 3 or 4 bedroom home near downtown area, needs some finishing work In bedrooms, very attractive price. 44 Mary St. BRUCEFIELD 528,000, 74 ft. x 148 ft. lot, reasonable loxes. at tractive 2 bedroom home. 59.900 Handyman special. No. 56 Princess S9. West JOHN L. DUDDY REAL. ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR JOHN OUOOT 487 3657 RU45 ARCHER 482 0428 OFFICE 482 9768 ' •' a i ve 12 Real estate for sale THREE BEDROOM semi detached bock split house with oughed .n frreploce and woshroon' for future rec room 011 Gordon Street Clinton Price $25 000 ur make on offer Con roes Ron after 6 p rn 1 672- '3206 3tf REAL ESTATE for Sole In Seafor •h one floor 3 bedroom house dose to uptown churches and schools full basement gos heat REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE MAKE AN OFFER! Phone 527 0672 (nights) or 527.0240 (days) and ask for Kathy 2tfnx In Clinton CUSTOM BUILT EAUTY Brick, solid built, close to ail conveniences, good high dry beserrnent eerie 15 years old, well maintained, priced in 40's. KIPPEN $39,000 Brick 2 storey family home, fireplace, 4 bedrooms, garage Owner will view all of- fers. RITA ALLEN 524-7373 or 524-3480 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. IGONGSTON ST. GODERICH 13. MobiOe homes FOR SALE. 60 x 12 Pyramid set up in Mobile Home Park at R.R. 5 Clinton. Fridge, stove, washer dryer, new rugs and drapes. Immediate possession $12,500. Phone482.7066. 7-10 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. For rn ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveau, Zurich 236 4954, 16tfor 17 Apartments for rent BACHELOR Apartment, $200. per month. includes all utilities, recently redecorated. Phone 527 1458. 44tf TWO BEDROOM Apartment • Blyth • utilities paid $275.00 month • references 482.9210 or 523 9338. Stier 1 ELIZABETH COURT One bedroom, evaliobte now. March 1 or April 1. Two bedroom available April -May. Features ep- pllences, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. Ali utilities in- cluded at: 176 OXFOR',r ST. HENSALL, ORfT, PHONE 2623448 0R 2Ei2-2615 Houses for rent BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton fully insulated but in need of minor repairs and cleanup Looking for suitable tenants. Please reply 10 Drower No 3 r o Clinton News Record Box 39 Clinton NOM 1L0 39tf THREE BEDROOM Farm house recently decorated oil furnace bathrooms up and one down References required Contort John Robirtcnn 482 3444 50tf FOUR BFDROOM Sem. detorhed in Vanostra Referent. es re quired 482 7895 onytimP 5014 SEMI DETACHED rentrolly lornted private drive 2 hedroom gos heat Clinton referenreS 482 9210 5tfar AVAII ABL F Mor( h 1 house in rps.dPntiol Wren Suitable far nvet utive family Four hetirnnm 1 , hoths F.replore nip( •r 'r lint wntpr hent Ap pnintn,pnt fnr viewing Call 482 1(,57 6 7 t (,IJP RF E1PQQM hnusp at ✓onnstra fr,r, root Phone 523 .429e 611 ill Roorn R hoard Hr ,1IDAY 1ODGF Tnanst% Bed re•d hrenkfnst 515 single nr See double Spec.o( wing frr rpt red nnnpin 108 Ontnr.n Slrept 482 34585 Opwn to rhe public for do. I "eels neon 12 2 p m 5 7 p m when ordered 3tfor