HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-16, Page 15CI_INTUIv' NEWS -R- E CORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 PAGE 13 A&P reserves me right to limit quantities to notional family requirements' Prices effective thru Sat . February 19th 1983 \iv redeem all food store coupons' 40 4.k PEP PEPS MOUNTAIN DEW. PEPSI FREE. SUGAR FREE PEPSI FREE, REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola Case of 24 10 FL OZ TINS CUTF CANADA'S FINEST GRA Ili 4 1 Okg 4 with super i s arket prices E 'A' BEEF OUTSIDE C T EVE RE all!IVER P ICE 7 9Ikg=3.49 LB ONELESS-SIRLOON TOP ONSIDE CUT R UND OI OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.911kg-3.59 LB FRESH Lean Gr TENDERIZED Cube St COMI:;ONATOON PACK -CONTAINS: 2 i CB ENDS, 2 LOON Erllr!S, 4 CENTRE CUTS OU Ob REGUL;, R PRICE 5.271kg-2.39 LB EVISCERATED, PREVIOUSLY FROZEN e `A' C ick ns OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.841kg-1.29 LB and Beef 4 /1?9 ak 725 /3203 Ib NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN, SHOULDER Lamb Chops ASST VAR INCL MINI SIZZLERS Schneider's Sausages 439 /1" /kg Ib 500 g 249 pkg RED HOTS. DUTCH TREET, BEEF & DINNER FRANKS Schneiders Wieners vii Ibac 1 SLICED REGULAR. BEEF OR THIN SLICED Schneiders Bologna LAND'O FROST SLICED SMOKED Turkey Loaf 71 G PKI. SHOPSY S SL ICED Cooked Ham OP vac pac 179 375 9 2FOR 39 vac pac 140 175 g FRESH, RIB OR 3 TO 31/2 LB, TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Roasts 4'k'/1 BONELESS RIB PORTION 5.931kg-2.69 LB 9 Ib SHOPSY'S Corned Beef Brisketpac ",HOPSY'S. ALL BEEF Old Vienna Salami ROAST OR CHOPS Centre Cut Pork Loin CENTRE CUT ROASTS OR CHOPS Boneless Pork Loin WO149 (kg / 241.? 500 g 269 pkg 6'5Ik/t Ib kg Ib 659/2" /kg Ib PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY S1 YLEI Spare Ribs /1r FRESH APPROX 50 MED GROUND BEEF & 50 GROUND PO Ground Meat Combo 35L/i9 TOWN CLUB. SLICED Side Bacon Ib vac pac 939 500 g b PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED SKINLESS & DEVEINED Beef Liver 17�g /Ib a79 Cottage Baha'i. 4""q / lb 199 TOWN CLUB. SWEET PICKLED BREAKFAST Burns Sausages 35L/159 SCHNEIDER S SLICED REG THICK OR COUNTRY MAPLE vac pac 299 500 g Side Bacon MIX & MATCH 5 VARIETIES /100 q Schneiders 5/ Cold Cuts MI 21Idb9 SCHNEIDER S RI CUL AR OR ALL REEF BLUE RIBBON NABISCO Shreddies AYLMER CHOICE Whole Tomatoes PURINA ASSORTED VARIE TIE s Tender Vittles 4 VARIETIES Schneiders Cheese 6pkggl®i9 190oz 79 tin a 500 Pkgqla 19 250 q stick 1.99 ASST VARIETIES. CAT FOOD Nine Lives SILVERWOOD. CREAMED Cottage Cheese NO 1 GRADE. CREAMED. BUCKWHEAT Hilly Hee Honey 500 q ctn a M� 5008 tub 1.99 RF"ADY TO SERVE ASST VAR Habitant Soups 3//71.011 OSHEP RARY DILLS BRE AD & BUTTER OR SWEET MIXE 5o Heinz Pickles ,, a49 6 OZ TIN TEA BAGS 3/100 Tetley Tea OUR REGULAR PRICE .51 EACH OUR REGULAR PRICE 4 29 Bologna 44 111„/199 PLAIN ASSORTS D CUTS Lancia Noodles ASST VAR INCL I FNTII S & CHICK PEAS Bravo Beans HUNT'S Tnmut Sauce RP AVO Tomato Paste PKG OF 144 CHICKEN NOODLE 9 Lipton Soup Mix OUR REGUTAR PRICE 1 69 375 q 79 pkq a 19 II ni 14 OZ. TIN 9 a59 ,,n }Ins .89 PKG OF 4 ENVS 49 OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.99 6 pack of 300 mL returnable btls. available at reg price MOUNTAIN DEW, PEPSI FREE, SUGAR FREE PEPSI FREE, REG OR DET epsl-Cola 750 rnl bits OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 EACH plus bottle deposit DAYTIME 30'S, EX ABSORB 24'S OVERNIGHT 22'S CAKE MIXES, ASSORTED VARIETIES DELUXE II 520 g OR SNACK 380 g Duncan H n s 1 ® pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.63 1.5 kg jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 5 89 ASSORTED VARIE TIES, INCL CHOICE PEAS 19 fl oz tin OUR RE GUI AR PRICF UP TO 99 Legion darts By Brian Atkinson Last Thursday Night Clinton Legion Mixed Darts scurers were high couple, Karen Greidanus and Brian Atkinson; ladies high score was Nancy McLay with a 127. Men's high score was John Greidanus with a 140. Low couple of the evening was Mary Elliott and Art Riseley. Tuesday night euchre saw G. Carter take high score with a 87. Lone hands was G. Armstrong with 6. J. Watson took low score of the night with 50. Bonspiel held Vanastra curling club hosted the annual farmers bonspiel on Feb. 9, sponsored by the local elevators and fertilizer companies. All sixty-four curlers received prizes of farm tools and the trophy was presented to the rink of Murray Forbes with Bob Fotheringham as vice, Clair Cox second and Bill Munn as lead for the last two games and Lloyd McKenzie lead for the first game. In the 9 A.M. draw Gord Pryce's team was the winner and received miniature trophies and the pick of the prizes. Following Gord were the rinks of Geo Cantelon, Ross McBeath, Mery Falconer, Alex Townsend, Murray Adams, Bob Hayter and Oliver Pryce. The winner of the 11 A.M. draw and champion of the day was Murray Forbes with runners up Len Archam- bault, Ken Faber, Bill Lobb, Art Devos, Bob Allan, Geo Townsend, and Jim Ross. Local merchants supplied prizes and meals were served by the Curling Club ladies and the evening ended with many of the curlers playing cards into the wee small hours off the morning. to Fis and game It has been a quiet month at the Fish and Game club. Some events have been cancelled due to lack of snow, including the tobog- ganing party at the farm, which will be rescheduled at a later date. There was a card party at the club house on Feb. 5. Winners were: high hands, Barb Thom and Doug Freeman; lone hands, Barb Thom and Tom Burley; low hands, Barb Falconer and Frank Thom. At the broomball tourna- ment on Friday evening, the Fish and Game team won the trophy. They won the game against the Legion with a score of 3-2, against the Optimists 1-0, and against the Kinsmen 4-1. Congratulations to all the players, especially those who are a little battered and bruised. Darts are still on every Friday evening. For January the high scores are held by Betty Switzer and Bill Coffill, the low scores by Joan Burley and Ted Crich. At the general meeting this month nominations were taken for the next executive and voting will ue at the general meeting in March. There was a reception dance on Saturday evening in honor of Pat and Ken Rad- ford. The turnout was good, as was the music and the meal. One of the planned coming events is a fun Bingo on Feb. 26. All members and guests are welcome. Come out and have a good time. Bowling news Angus Hummel was the top bowler of the week taking the high single of 228, the high triple of 581 and the high average of 194 F;Ialne Royes had the ladies' high single of 230 Helen Roberts bowled the high triple of 585 and the high average of 195. Team scores were Rill's Mockingbirds, 99; Ralph's Robins, 94; Henry's Hum- mingbirds, 92; Case's Cuckoos, 87; Angus's Albatrosses and Wes's Wrens, 84 each The tallest and heaviest boxer to fight professionally was (;ogea Mitt] (horn 1914i of Romania in 1935. He was 7 feet 4 inches and weighed 327 poundsGuinness Sports Record Rook