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Clinton News-Record, 1983-02-09, Page 21
CIrK GK GK GI 17 Apartments for rent ELIZABETH CURT One bedroom, oe ello!ble now, Merch 1 ar Apr01 1. Features eminences, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. All etllities included at: 176 X1'; i.R'1 ' ST. IlLP1SALd, ®ItlT. PHONE 262-3446 of? 262-2615 18 Houses for rent CLINTON • Nice three bedroom home on well treed lot with garden, gas heat fridge and stove supplied. References 529-7949.- -6-8 H Houses for rent BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton fully insulated but in need of minor repairs and cleanup Looking for suitable tenants Please reply to Drawer No 3 c o Clinton News Record Box 39 Clinton NOM ILO 391f COUNTRY HOME near Brucefield for rent Available Dec I five bedrooms. open staircase well insulated 262 2928 or 262 5768 460 THREE BEDROOM Farm house recently decorated, oil furnace, bathrooms up and one down References required Contact John Robinson 482 3444. - 50tf FOUR BEDROOM Semi-detoched in Vanostra. References re- quired 482-7895 anytime. 50tf SEMI-DETACHED centrally located private drive - 2 bedroom gas heat - Clinton - references, 482-9210- • -5tfar 0 V 0 kg0 0 0 0. .KK;GK AdWr HAL HARTLEY ROD THOMAS BILL C LINTER GK REALTY insurance Inc. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton 4R2..9747 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 ALSO OFFICES IN GODERICH EXETER GRAND BEND FULL TWO storey, 5 bedrooms, aluminum siding, owner transferred, assumable mortgage. CENTRAL' LOCATION, 1'/2 storey, eletwtinum siding, immediate possession, quick closer! OLER TWO storey home, 4 acre lot; potentially a fine hobby farm. DOUBLE BRICK, 2 storey, being restored) but health problem necessitates selling. FRUIT FARMING? Market gardening? Recrea- tion? Any or all are possible on this B0 acres neer Lake Huron. TWO BE ROOM, attached garage, needs sortie work but priced to sell; and it did! TWO BAY commercial' garage in nearby towns, Vendor would aid the right purchaser greatly In financing, INCOME PROPERTY; central location; 2 - bedroom epertrsteets presently occupied. B0EAUTIFLJT, MiirDERI11 Reeds style fs®arse; fireplace, recreation roorn, attached garage, ors 30 roiling acres near Clinton. MEMBER tiLll •Fl REAL ESTATE ultlple Listing Service) iK GK 0 0 0 1 GK GK. PAGE 18 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNES°IAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1983 1245 • 2v .-� +EE CO 421 8 De • •edits 0. • 961 1700 Articles for sale PROFESSIONALLY Custom mode heavy wrought ion double b. folding fireploce doors 32 . 23 excellent condition Call 482 9414 days 45tfor APPLE SPECIALS on No 2 Spys and Macintosh also Grade A choice in Delicious Mocs and Spys Plus top quality apple cider ovoiloble of Don Mid dieton s Whitehall Form Phone 482 9838 4 7 CRISP JUICY APPLES Spys Macintosh Ida Reds Red and Yellow Delicious and Russets Fresh cider apple butter red and white potatoes onions and honey Cider barrels 14 and 45 gal of Art Bell's Fruit Form Phone 524 8037 ltfor MADE 10 ORDER Hand and Machine Knit Garments. Specialize in Icelandic Sweaters Phone 482 7944 3tf STOCK REDUCTION Sale • over 1000 rifles. shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns Underwood. Phone 368-7182 Open 7 days 3 8 PERMA BUILDINGS. Take ad- vantage of our winter clearance on a limited amount of steel buildings at FANTASTIC sav- ings. Why wait and pay more Call now! 1 1 1 416-625- 4093 6o CORN FED BEEF by the side for your freezer. Call Bruce Keys, Vorno 262.5360. 6,7 GOOD SAP PAN for sole 6' x 21'7', also 75 one gal. pails. Phone 482 7162. 6x PAIR OF black Bauer skates size 9, reg. $150. will sell for $75. like new. Phone 482-7008. - 6,7 ANTIQUE dining suite, nine piece in walnut. superb condi- tion $1500. firm. Phone 482- 7910. 6 ROASTING CHICKENS $1.10 Ib., 480 laying hens and cages, ask• ing $700. one pair 13 x A78 snowtires, asking $50. Phone 527-0179 after 6 p.m. - 6.8 FOUR STEEL•BELTED radial Michelin tires 185-75R14, one annex heater phone 482- 9379. -- 6 FRESH FARM EGGS. Brown or white $1. a doz. delivered. Phone 482-9247. 6,7x INGI IS washer and dryer in ex- cellent condition. Phone 527- 0468. 6,7 POTATOES • red or white. also onions. Highway 84 between Hensall and Zurich. Phone 236- 4038. - 34tf f • rye vu fart fIe®co FL MING PLANTS Choose from Azealeas, Cinerla, tulips, daf- fodils, amenyltls, crocus, etc. FRO VERBEEK'S FARM 8, GARDEN CENTRE isaea St-, CLiPITON 482-9333 SIDES OF BEEF , lle Z' 4"9 - HIND QUARTER .791b. 0• � CLASSIFIED A'VE'Tl'SING RATES & DATA DEADLI ES: Classit6d Ward Ads ......... Tuesday Mean Display Advertising ... , . , . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATI s NS I Articles for sole 2 Yard sole 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cors for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7 R V s for sole 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 . Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39, Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cards of thanks 482-3443 M -NDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:01 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1- Articles for sale CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, shoes, jackets, etc. Various sizes. Phone 524-9293.- 43tfnx YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300. 44tfar TWO G78-14 glass -belted tires, wide track. Very little use. $20.00 or best offer 524- 9293. • 46tfrrx WATERBEDS - Complete with pine frame, pedestal, CSA heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit $259. at Vanostra Furniture 482-7922.-- 46tfor QUANTITY OF dry hard maple will deliver by the cord, also a Remington Automatic 12 gauge shotgun. Phone 482-3509. ---4tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA PHAR- MACY. 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524-7241- - 24tfar IN HOME mastectomy services now available, Contact Mrs, Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241. 24tfor SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient olds, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy. 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524.7241 . •--24tfar WOOD Fi R SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver. 482-9250 and 482-3162 C&E FURNITURE NLW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 7 MIFF South on Hwy. 211 Goderich 824-7231 Vole even Take Trades FIREWOOD FOR SALE '°'Cr&. Hordwoodt Ltd. Auburn, Ontario Con give Immediate delivery of hardwood aloha 17.1 Cubic yard boa full Delivery Within 70 Miles $13O.° Additional Delivery Charge For Over TO Mlles CALL ®m®® 526-7220 1. Articles for sale BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. No.+north of Clinton, 11/2 mile south of Londesboro - watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound - call collect 523-9508.-44tfar Save 1 on &I Cameo and B®l/lfenaster Products purchased for the moth of February For more information, call your Cameo deosor- strator. Feaster 482-9211 BFR[i9CEFlELsn ONT. 5. Cars for sale 1976 RENAULT LE CAR, 68,000 highway miles, new paint, new Michelins, recent motor overhaul, asking $2,200. Call 524-4105 after 7:30 p.m. -6x 6. Trucks for sale 1975 FORD 150 Custom V8 automatic. p.s., p.b., will cer- tify. Phone 482-7093 after 6 p.m. --b ONE TON 1967 GMC dual wheel truck with 8' x 12' livestock rack, four speed, six cylinder, body and engine, good. Four rear tires like new, $1,275. Good for hauling cattle or wood. Phone (519) 666- 0340. ---6,7 5 Cars for sale 75 LICE CAL` , • i '..9V&.tind STIATI^''H WAt:'' °N. -1978 to '81 Plymouths and PCrb- 3-1478 to 11 Lispcoiese rend Ca dliifecs. 3- 1977 to 'V8 Station W®Bassa. 6-1977 Rae®m Chargers. Sukturbetese and Vass. 31-1$Y3 to '719 1/2 eats! % Tett Picsseyts and Crean Cabe. 1-1977 @MC % Ten 4 a 4. 1D-1974 to '78 1 to 3 Ten Stakes and Demers. 2 Lift and Tows. 1-17 ft. Steams Rack. 4 hydro Utility ftJodies. 1- 19 Plymouth Valerie 2 Door as lour As e443.1141. WhI$ °S CAR SALE 6 miles dost of ifaneever on harry. No. 4 Macon* Durhaess, Ont - 1 -369 4I136 12 Real estate for sage THREE BEDROOM, semi- detached bock split house with roughed in fireplace and washroom for future rec room on Gordon Street, Clinton. Price $25,000 or make an offer. Con• tact Ron. after 6 p.m. 1 - 672- 0206. 3tf REAL ESTATE for Sale: In Seafor• th, one floor, 3 bedroom house, close to uptown, churches and schools, full basement, gas heat- REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE - MAKE AN OFFER! Phone 527-0E72 (nghts) or 527-0240 (days) and ask for Kathy.-2tfnx FAUCBi k REALTY C. SOUThCOTT PINES 2 storey, executive type home, double garage, 2 decks, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and sauna, supper gasses room, 2nd floor power room, ' tieing room, dining room, large kitchen, full basement, wooded tot. I4ITFIFLD - 2 storey, ideal antique for business, on Hwy. 21. THREEBE0 O lit mr summer cottage on tole street, with floor fur- nace, 4 pc. bath, close to lake - SN r1 W13011 ACRES - Winterized, three bedrooms, 3 pc. bath with sauna and shower, open area kitchen, dining and living room. ST. JOSFMIS - Brick ranch style, 5 yr. old, lot 190 x 300, full basement, etectric heat, living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, reduced, excellent con- dition. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Rom 41, El yfield S65-2813 .,`Attention Farmers A. For sale BALED ALFALFA HAY and straw Phone 482 3349 Bill Smith. 5 7 C. Wanted WANTED Cosh Crop land in Goderich Township to rent or purchase 482 9923 6 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT 500 acres n' good form land Phone 262 6018 or 262 6068 6 HeusolI Livest Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. MI (lessen of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS victor Norproovoe cuI,.eor. 489 7911 Derry MIlior rotor 1309717 xIreon 9,994919 aropnry raerpreovoe 909 Sola WANTED TO BUY First and ce Gond rut holed hay Phone Bayfield 565 7979 6 D. LiveStOC k BROWN WHITE hohyrhirks special meot Heavy hreed Cockerels (White Rock. 3 week old Capons ',moll orders our specialty Guornnteed dPllvery Bonn,PS Chick Hot hery Bov 154 Flmrrn Ontoru, N3B 7Z6 15191 669 7561 60 P1111FTS 20 weeks old fust week of April Order now Phone 767 57013 6 7 F. Farm services SHIPPING CATTIF to Toronto Union Stork Voids eve, y Mn, dny Cnmphell McKinley 767 5430 benw 16 Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges por table cement mixer Power trowls wheelborrows etc Form ties stocked Call N J Cor rrveau Zurich 236 4954 16tfor 12 Real estate for sale In Clinton butto7..i _ th7lt BUNGALOW Wick quality home, cen- tral !eaatlee. Al con- dition. eery attractive. 13 years ofd. reser relocating. Priced to sell In 4A's. Jltw Allen 324-7373 or 3114-8440 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. ICINOSTON ST., @IDBfEBICH Real Estate Ltd Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING - 1'7 floor brick home in Blyth, large lot, heated garage and workshop. NEW LISTING - Blyth - 1 acre with 1' 7 floor brick home, in- sulated shop. Financing arrang- ed. INVESTMENT PROPERTY - 4 unit apartment building, central location in Clinton, vendor will finance. 3 ACRES IN tie LETT TWP. - brick insulated workshop. 300 ACRES -' 260 workable - Tuckersmith Twp. - cash crop and hog farm, very good home, paved road. 12 ACRES NEAR BLYTH - large frame home and good hog barn. HOLMESVILLE - 13 acres with furrowing barn - 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. 2 MILES FROM CLINTON - 100 acres - 97 workable - no buildings. HWY. No. 4 • 7'7 acres • neat bungalow - attached garage - finished basement - insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry • PRICE REDUCED. NEAR BRUCEFIELD • 6 acres - good frame home - very well kept - owner will consider first mortgage. 69 ACRES • Hwy. No. 8 • forrow• ing born raised ranch home several ponds • OWNER SAYS SELL. LARGE 2 floor home in Blyth - carport 6 years old • ideal for professional person requiring office facility. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • main street. Blyth under $20.000.00. could be residence. 15 ACRES near Auburn • wood ed forge brick home com binotion furnace 2 small barns. RESTAURANT fully equipped. Main Street Blyth AUBURN 5 acres on Maitland River gond house and born PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 46 ACRES highway farm neor Varna 23wnrknhip hardwood hush lorgn double home lorge horn surtohle for hogs or poultry IONM-SPOg Pf nor trnme hump tit. 6 000 00 5 ACRFS with very cnmfnrtohlp hump near nungnnnnn price reduced owner will finance 2 ACRES nn highway tit Kip per, gond 3 bedroom home undrr gin 010 00 0 A( RFS IN RI Y tH nn hu,ldrrigs SO AC RFS fnr,nw to finish 86 tt,ghvlay new house Inw r1' tern•;, F ( ( Mnrtgnge • A( Pf S ( wnrl.nhlr• 601 D f 1111(F U Sit near Ren ,,,Ile1 no hirirfings •il'nle or(hnrd BAVr'flI) Hwy h runt h ho -n n.{ army nvrrnc 6 nr r os 21 5 nr,et Ply w,.nd 17 Apartments for rent BACHELOR Apartment $200 per month includes all utilities recently redecorated Phone 527 1458 440 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Blyth utilities potd $275 00 month references 482-9210 or 523 9338 5tfor Culligan Country Estate - 7 acres. born stream, modern 3 bedroom home, excellent for horse lovers. Many ex- tras. Make an offer. 3 Bedroom Brick Bungalow - Full basement rec room, fireplace. deck. well treed lot '47.000. Building Lots from '6,000. 3 Bedrooan Modular Horne on well treed lot. '35,000. Cottage with Lake View Paved road, new roof, '3,500 worth of new win- dows new bathroom. needs a little finishing. '32.500. 2 Bedroom Ranch Style Bungalow, family room, well landscaped lot, fireplace, all on 1 floor, just like o doll house Only '49.500. 9 Acres rolling Scotch Pine, stream, beautiful bungalow with walkouts to patio and deck, drilled well, double garage. Asking '117.000. CALL: WILLT BUNN BAYFIFLD 565-5055 ;TEAL ESTATE !LTO. REALTOR B,, ,X 868 19 .- LBIERT STREET CLOT TON, ONTARI NOM 1LO JUST LISTED: High pro ducireg 206 acre dairy farm, Clinton area. pay ed road location, ex celient set-up include ceattle, large quota and equipment. Owne retiring front fanning Call Russ for details. 198 A1CE FARM: Located on paved road close to Clinton, 16(1` acre workable with good sol type. Exceptional 2,80' sq. ft. horse and eaten sive buildings previous ly used as dairy opera tion. 114 ACRES: No buildings, approx. 80 workable, Harristoo Clay Loam soil, 4 mile from Clinton. CALIFORNIA PL.�,N BUNGALOW - 517,900 offered by the Barak under power of sale Structurally soured dwelling with good heating system, wiring etc. but requiring core siderable repairs.. No 301 Motifdre St. NEW LISTING 120 Osborne St. Renovated 3 or 4 bedroom howne an 79 ft. x 138 ft. lot. Lome- ly kitchen, spacious Twain floor with laundry facilities and moderniz- ed 4 piece bath. Energy - conserving woodstove included. List price 533,000, assumable 13 1/8% mortgage. NEW LISTING: 217 Albert 4t. 2 bedroom, one floor home on 99 ft - x 163 ft. lot, priced right at 522,300. NEW LISTING: Brick bungalow 1200 sq. ft., 4th bedroom and Rec. room, 4 pc. end 3 pc. baths. No, 77 Winter- rourt 547,300. 520,000 - Good 3 or 4 bedrooa t borne nyder downtown tree, needs some finishing work in bedrooms, very attrec. tive price. 4-4 Mery St. BRUCEFIELD - 528,000, 74 at. x 148 ft. los, reasonable taxes, at- tractive 2 bedroom home. S9,900 Handyman special. No. 56 Princess St. West. JOHINI L. DUDDY L ESTATE LTD. MIS REALTOR JOHN DUDDY 484-3657 RUSS ARCHER 483 9448 OFFICE 482-3761, RID OEM - 3 bedroono 11/2 storey insul brick located dose to schools and stores. Beautiful entirely fenced backyard. Owner will consider a low interest mortgage. An excellent buy for principal dwelling or investment. '17,000 or try an offer! HISTORIC BRICK HOME - 12 rooms - 6 bedrooms. Double entrance doors, large foyer with cherry staircase. Private self-contained apartment. Gives elegant living with in- come! Reduced from '70,000 to '59,5001 This is an ex- cellent buy! CH AIM & ECONOMY - Unique distinctive architecture, well preserved and tastefully decorated old home, firep- lace, delightful kitchen. Most original light fixtures, woodwork etc, 3 bedrooms- Master suite has walk-in closet and 4 piece ensulte bath. Gas forced air heat - un- believably low! List '57,000. PEAT & COZY - Completely re -done 1 storey wartime house. All electric - very economical. Excellent starter home - all ready for a new owner. '29,500. Bir BEAUTIFUL 861LIRGAIPEI - large 2 storey restored S tastefully decorated home featuring 3 large bedrooms, sewing room, family room, dining room, living room, 2 baths. Double front doors, privocy fence. 033,000 or try your offer. - APARTMENT N OUSE - in Clinton's core area. 7 units in all, in a beautiful, eorly Clinton home. No veconcies and a waiting list. Good returns. This is an excellent investment - and now is the time to buyl List '74,900. BRICK & VINYL SIDE SPLIT - features 1352 sq. ft. of well planned living area. Clean, economical flex radiant heating. Construction - everything about this home is superior! '74,900. OLDER 8 STOREY BRICK - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining room. Insulated and renovated in 1978 Fenced back yard. Only '32,9001 APLISPELS - 1 '/, storey older home with many renovations. 3 bedrooms. '17,500 LONDEPPOPO- Attractive 4 bedroom brick home with garage on large lot. Low taxes only '25.0001 CHAPERON@ O&!„ ; er =•LHOUSB - Situated on p!c• turesque 'i, acre r` sr: Wowonosh BRICH TWP. - 5 acres. trout stream, '/, bush. Beautiful setting for o country home "30,000 STANLBY PAW. - Boot this Buy' 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached double garage in beautiful coun- try location close to Clinton Vendor will consider low in- terest mortgoge. Only '40.000 TP98 fI AP/�BLI - 2 storey stone built in 1874 12 large beoutiful rooms renovated and in excellent con- dition Country living at its best on two picturesque acres in East Wawanosh All this for '59 5001 PAST WAWAH - 5 beautiful acres surround this 11, storey frame home featuring an ultro modern large family style kitchen with fireplace Fieldstone fireplace in living room List '58 000 COLBORNB TVP. - 50', acres 49 workable Three bedroom 11, storey home Steel born 40x150 lined & in suloted built in 1979 Bank harp '120 000 PETER DAMSMA HAROLD WORKMAN 1 ILFFN CI? IG 432-9ri.,"^9 432-34,55 482-3669 18 Houses for rent AVAILABLE Morch 1 house in residential areo \eitoble fur executive family Four bedroom 1'7 baths fireplace electric hot water hent Ap porntment for viewing Coll 482 3657 6.7 FOUR BEDROOM Vonostra for rent 4299 -6rf house of Phone 523 20 Room & board HOLIDAY LODGE Tourists Bed and breakfost $15 single or $20 double Special wing for retired people. 108 Ontario Street 482 3685 Open to the public for dot ly meals noon 12 2 p m 5 7 p.m. when ordered 3tfor Ciffirb 23 Commercial property for rent OFFICE OR COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent. Up to 2500 square feet Owner will renovate to suit tenant. Apply to Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Phone 482-9371 . ---41 tf 25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime, 519.669-2280 or 519- 669-2198, 3tf 26- Help wanted LOCAL INSURANCE Company hos an opening for on Assistant Office Manager. Accounting and insurance experience necessary. Apply in own hand- writing by the end"of February stating qualifications an with two references to Box 368 c o The Huron Expositor, Box Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO.- 5.6 EARN EXTRA MONEY port -time as a Regal Sales Represen- tative. Our Gift Catalogue is all you need. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave., E., Dept. XXX, Toronto, M4G 216. - -6o WATKINS - Full and part time available. Earn what you need by building your own Watkins business- Established since 1868. Call 1 - 519-658-5484, Bill Coupland.--6o GIRLS OR BOYS wanted to deliver morning newspaper in Clinton. Interested persons please call collect 1 - 271- 6392.-6,7 VO THIN 6Yt>fflST SUCCESSFUL BELLINO COMPANY IN THE WORN. is looking for people who want to make good $$$ FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME. CALL: 482-9623 527.1)236 1 FIG '"'dT INFLATICIA BTkI mR0YR M MK' H PIG Y B Don't wait around for the Government to halt inflation. De something yourself to make more money now. The Ontario Automobile association provides essential ser- vices to motorists. We pay qualifiers a Guaranteed Weekly In- come, pias big commis- sions and large bonuses. Fullor ¢Cert -three. Apply in person to MR. BAUER ELM HAVEN INN Hwy. 8 west, Clinton (WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16 Iat 2 p.m. or 7 p.rn. sharp The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 140 Clinton will accept applications for the position of BARTENDER/ CUSTODIAN Forty hour work west., remuneration novo. 'liable- Applications. In cludln0 Resume. to be forwarded to: The Secretary Moy©l Canadian legion Breach 140 P.O. Ues 532 CLINTON, Ontario Pf0M ILO