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Clinton News-Record, 1983-02-09, Page 19
PAGE i6 CANTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1983 c x ee g A regular meeting of the Huron County Genealogical Society was held February 2 with a good number of members and guests in at- tendance. CKNX T. V . was also present and taped por- tions of the meeting for future presentation on CKNXT.V. News. Chairman, Carole Robin- son, regretfully announced the passing of one of the members but was pleased to add that a bequest had been left to the Huron County Branch. She -toted that members with genealogical holdings should make preparations for them in their wills if they wish them to go to a specific person or place after their demise. The mystery prize, which this month was a plaque, was won by Carole Robinson of Goderich. Mrs. Alison Lobb, a member from Clinton, gave a presentation on Hullett Township, with special em- phasis on the cemeteries contained therein. She noted that it will soon be time to start work on recording of cemeteries in Huron County again and volunteers are urgently required. Members Beryl Reid of Blyth and Genevieve Allen of Londesboro brought four of the Tweedsmuir Books with them for the members to ex- amine. They are a project of the Women's Institute and were begun in 1964. To date, four have been completed but are always being added to. It is a fascinating collec- tion of local history and a tremendous amount of work has been done by the ladies of the W.I. Thanks to both Beryl and Genevieve - members certainly ap- preciated the opportunity of examining them. Regular meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the board room of the Assess- ment Office building, Napier Street, Goderich, with park- ing and entrance at rear. Guests are always welcome! For more information, phone 524-2870 evenings. men in industry Equal pay for equal work? In real estate that phrase is a reality, which may ex- plain why women are enter- ing the industry in ever- increasing numbers. At the present time, many of the top sales people in real estate "lards across the pro- vince are women; a number have become board presidents (including the 1981 President of the Toronto Real Estate Board — largest in North Atnerica) ; and, in a majority of cases, the Ex- ecutive Officers who run the day-to-day operations of On- tario's local real estate boards are women. The Ontario Real Estate Association, which is holding its 61st annual conference February 20 - 21, in Toronto, has also noted that more and more women are taking the Introduction to Real Estate courses which lead to a real estate license in Ontario. In recent months it's been estimated that nearly 50 per- cent of all those taking the courses and writing the ex- aminations are women. That's one of the unique aspects of organized real estate in this province and one which is becoming more and more apparent. It's expected that as many as one-third of the delegates attending the annual con- ference at the Sheraton ('en- tre Hotel will be women and that discussions in both for- mal and informal sessions will, as usual reflect that fact. The As:'ociation represents more than 24,000 members in 48 local real estate boards. It was found- ed in 1922 and celebrated its diamond jubilee last year. More than 500 are expected to attend the two-day con- ference with another 1,000 sales people predicted for their own special Salesorarua" one -day "mini -conference" on Mon- day. February 21. Women's hair thicker Women's head hair is slightly thicker in diameter than men's. The diameter of scalp hair increases rapidly and uniformly during the first three or four years of life. but after age 10 it In creases slowly or not at all MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY CONTEST ROIL ROSN CONTEST {"' YOU COULD WIN A S5®e ®Certif irate each time a Maple Leaf player scores a goal Name Address. Phone: L ea ve Ih,s ballot with the ARP Food Stone cashOar or marl Io A&P Goal Rush, P.O. ba 249, Siet. W. Toronto ®�®etaziw9,90T999tell CUR REGULAR PRICE .75 made urlttl 1005 pure vegetable shortening. READY=T Fla' —SERVE, ASST VARIET ES itant S U '.�s UR EGULAAR Pry ICE 1.1 28 fil ®a 7 Z, FA CY riujc U ' REGAL _ ' PRICE .59 EAC r FIESTA STYLE O!yLea Y urt UR REGU: , R PRICE .73 4758 tub Yd er seg SPAGHETTI, ' ACHE ffiNI, READY CUT MACARONI ALL PURPOSE, REG OR UNBLEACHED Five Roses Flour ,0E FAR4 Forfreshness 8 Savings P;:;ODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, SEEDLESS, SIZE 138'S P 1 OF MEXICO, SWEET RIPE Fres[ Pinea p each 9 CANADA EX FANCY, PROD. OF R_C., RED OR GOLDEN I l elici is Apples 1 / 9 CAN 'SDA FANCY, Ps^OD. OF ONTARIO, CRISP C nt {sh Apples :41. '9 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, GREAT WITH CHEESE SAUCE Fr' :sh Broccoli bunch ©U PROD. OF ONTARIO, CHOICE OF COLOURS 6 INCH POT 4,99 PROD. OF U.S.A., ELICIOUS ='AKED Freshlbs g73/3 for ms f® • 8 CAN. NO. I GRADE, PROD. OF ONT. SIE Yellow Cooking Onions b amemmeromomml 9 RP.D. OF FLORIDA, INDIAN RIVER, SEEDLE Jure o Grapefruit 4/ 1 9 CANADA N01 GRADE, PROD. OF CHILE, GREEN S edless Grapes 4ar�kk9 / 1 a991b ,ANADA N0.1 GWADE, PROD. OF CHILE, CANADA N0.1 GRADE Nectarines 2"t / �k9 . PROD. OF U.S.A., MIX & MATCH, RA ES OR Green Onions bunches 1 a00 SMILES 'N CHUCKLES, REGULAR OR DARK CHOCOLATE Turtl OUR REGUL R PRICE 4.99 SMILES 'N CHUCKLES Nutchos 3.99 300 9 box ___ _R REG_UL.AR PRICE 4.79 SMILES 'N CHUCKLES Minuet Cherries GANONG TRU VALUE Chocolates SMILES 'N CHUCK L ES Fiesta Jellies LOWNEYS, ASST 450 g OR MILK CHOCOLATE Pot of Gold 3. 400 g box _9i01 REGULAR PRICE 4.99 3b000)/g 2.29 2u79 300 (19 boxa 1 a 300 g hoe CHOCOLATES Moii's Sel dim] LOWNEYS Alrnundhllos MOIR'S All Nuts LOWNEYS, MARASCHINO Cherries 1 99 300 g box OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 3boxa 2099 4Pxoxa 3.99 3p°aa499J JANE P'..RKER Angel Cake PRICE f OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 PRO each . OF CALIFORh1OA Fresh vcads 3/1 CANADA NO 1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, FRESH He d Lettuce each PROD. OF TEXAS, DELICIOUS Fresh Spinach PROD. OF ONTARIO, SOYA BEAN CURD, Fresh To Fu 2pkg 1� 500 p. 9 pkg ROD. OF U.S.A., REDENI:ACHER'S GOURMET lb A upping Corn 3�koa ®' 9 390 9 C;?..KE 99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO Fresh Carrots 2 21Iyo 9 bags -U. ALL PURPOSE Bravo Sauce OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 14 FL OZ TNI .59 JANE PARKER, SLICED (100% PURE VEG SHORT) PLAIN ASSORTED ASSORTED CUTS Raisin Bread loaf®o / 9 Lancia Noodles JANE PARKER (PKG OF 12-1.49) Hot Cross Huns JANE PARER English Muffins JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake BRICK OR COLBY Kraft Cheese CARNATION, HOT 3 ASSORTED VARIETIES 018 e99 016.83 5 cake 1®19 8 oz stick Instant Chocolate 5009 INGERSOLL. PROCESS REG OR SKIM MILK for 1.99 2.59 Cheese Spread 50t,g 2.89 MONARCH 100°%% VEGETABLE OIL Soft Margarine A.79 LIQUID Old Dutch Bleach OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.79 CATELLI Spaghetti Sone e BRAVO Tomato Paste 3759 pkg 140ox tin 39 3 2 5.5 f1 or tins o CHICK PEAS. LENTILS, 40 -SITE OR RED KIDNEY. ROMANO Bravo Beans 19f1 69 oY tin Tetley Tea NABISCO Shreddies PURE VEGETABLE Bravo oil a j s pkg of 3 144 pkg 1®79 675 g 1 onl 1 99 Cont ® 71 9 AUNT JEMIMA. REGULAR. BUTTER. BUTTER LITE Pancake Syrup 75�m11®99 3.6 LITRE PLASTIC JUG REG, BUTTERMILK, BUCKWHEAT 19 Aunt Jemima Pancake ix OUR REGULAR PRICE 1 99