HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-09, Page 18f • ek progr exp,.:t nds Effective it, eoruary 1, the HALF BACK rebate pro - Oram benefits thousands of ntario school students by helping them to enjoy the performing arts at substantial savings. Anis new phase of HALF BACK broadens the pro- gram's original efforts which began November 1, 1982, for savings on Canadian -authored books. The program will help lower the costs of student ad- mission to live performances u► theatre, dance, puppetry, mime, music, opera, story- telling, and literary readings, whether in theatres or in schools. It will operate until June 30th and resume for the fall season September ` through December 31, 1983. All Wintario tickets from draws dated October 28, 1982 onwards are eligible, and each ticket is worth 50 cents. Here's how the school pro- gram of HALF BACK will work: FOR PERFORMANCES IN THEATRES: accredited elementary and secondary schools in Ontario may col- lect Wintario tickets for a discount of up to hall of each student admission to an eligible performance. The discount applies only if the regular admission price is $1 or more, and the students are supervised by school staff. FOR TOUR PERFOR- MANCES IN SCHOOIS: the schools, with the help of their students, can also collect Wintario tickets for a max- imum subsidy of $50 towards the cost of an eligible perfor- mance in the school. The performance itself must be restricted to students and staff. The original HALF BACK program for Canadian - authored books is expected to continue throughout 1983 as well. It will be further augmented by the introduc- tion of new programs for the cultural community to be an- nounced in late February. Bart Fund Vass ready to roll Pat Whalen Chairman of the Heart Fund Campaign for the Huron Chapter of the Ontario Heart. Foundation announced that 40 Captains and over 700 Canvassers are ready to take to the streets and roads across Huron County starting February 13th. Door-to-door canvassing is the major source of funds for the local -campaign, and "previous campaigns have shown that volunteers can complete their calls in a maximum of two hours" Whalen said. The 1983 "Canadian Heart Fund" conducted by the Huron Chapter will succeed with the full co-operation of the people of HURON COUN- TY Chairman Whalen declared • for your own heart, for the hearts of your families and for the welfare of our communities, I urge you to put out the welcome mat for the volunteer can- vasser and help us in achiev- ing our chapter goal of $30,000.00". "The progress that medical science will make in its fight against heart disease and stroke, will be speeded by the support that you, and scores of thousands like you in communities all over Canada give to this an- nual campaign," he said. Anyone not at home when the canvasser calls may send their donation to - Huron Chapter Ontario Heart Foundation c -o Lloyd Rowat Treasurer, 25 Church Street, SEAFORTH, On- tario. Residents take Valentine's Day to Heart Affairs of the he,t will be the concern of Judy Harrison of Clinton, whose efforts on Valentine's Day will focus on benefiting heart disease research. Mrs. Harrison, a consul- tant for Lady Finelle Cosmetics, plans to donate 10 per cent of the net pro- ceeds of her retail sales on February 14, to the heart research program at McCall University Medical School in Montreal, Quebec, Mrs, Harrison resides at 165 ,larnes St. with her hus- hand Dave and children Jason. 9: Angela, 6: Andrew, 7 monit hs. She has worked with Lady Finelle as a manager for four years CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WE:1DNESDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1983 PAGE 15 111.1*'1 1iT13, t Prices effective thru Sat., February 12th, 1983 k N Y • R CY RED HOTS, SKINLESS, DUTCH TREET, ALL BEEF OR DINNER FRANKS SLICE Ih, REGULAR, MAPLE OR THICK Schneider'sI Schneider's Wieners 2/1_,vac F c Side Bacon 4 OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 3.09 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.79 500 g vac pac REG., MAPLE & ALL BEEF MINI SI77LERS, PORK & PORK & BEEF COUNTRY GOOD SAUSAGES, BREAKFAST SAUSAGE, & REGULAR & GARLIC COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 2 99 Schneider's Sausages OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.29 500 g 249 pkg CHICKEN, LUNCHEON, MAC & CHEESE, PICKLE & PIMENTO, DUTCH PORK LOAF OLIVE & PIMENTO, HEADCHEESE, MOCK CHICKEN, ALL BEEF LUNCHEON, FRENCH ONION, REGULAR, :EEF & GARLIC BOLOGNA Schnei.er's Co ked e , ts OUR REGULAR PRICE t39 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED Chopped Ham OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.79 175g vac pac 175 g vac pac SAL :�`',i;ll, PEPPE ONO OReKIELBOSSA ScJ _ineideL� 's Slim Sticks SUPER BUY" 250 g size SCHNEIDER'S, LOOPS ohs Sausag EE'WURST, P,.LISH, SALAr,II, JAGDWURST, THURINGE',, SUMMER, SPICED HAM, PEPPERONI, KIEL OSSA, HA ',l & :::ACON kg eh OU REGULAi", PRICE 8.1 3/kg-3.69 lb S Schneider's OUR REGULA P':ICE 2.59 250 g size SCHNEIDER'S, 6 VARIETIES INCL BACON & LIVER 79 eat Spreads 250 g roil II OU REGULAPRICE 1.59 SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED SCHNEIDEI'I'S, KIEL;:OSSA, SALAMI OR PEPPE -9 ONO 175 g vac pac 500 g pkg OUR REGULAR Pl•,ICE 2.19 99 SCHNEIDER'S, UKR BA Far iters S usage OU" REGUL+R PRICE 2.59 BEEF SMOKED OR POLISH 300 g ring 99 EEF STEAK, PORK, CHICKEN, TU KEY OR STEAK C ei r.er s e tJlles OUR REGULPh;ICE 2.69 KIDNEY EEF OR THIN SLICED Schneiier's ologna SCHNEBDE'+'S, HALVES 375 g vac pac Fas toned Ikg6/7 Ib 250 g pkg 1.39 OUR REGULAR P ICE 13.43/kg-6.09 Ib COLBY• BRICK. FARMERS, MILD. OLD. OLD NIPPY CHEDDAR Schneider's Cheese ■751009/33lb 9 OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 95/100 g-4.29 Ib REGULAR OR COARSE Schneiders Liverwurst n44100 9/ 1 OUR REGULAR PRICE 701100 q-3 19 Ib WITH THIS COUPON 1.00 OFF ?he purchase price of an Olde -Fashioned Halves Schneider's Ham Limit one coupon per ham purchase Valid until February 12th. 1983 A&P # 623 ca�c�m®cpm®=� 99 Ib IN STORES WITH DELI SHOP BLUE RIBBON. REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Schneiders � 441100 q/ 1 lb 99 Bologna OUR REGULAR PRICE 62/100 q-2.79 Ib BEEF STEAK. PORK. CHICKEN Schneiders Meat Pies 2119 9or OUR REGULAR PRICE 79 EACH (;l CHICKEN LOAF LUNCHEON, MAC & CHEESE. PICKLE & PIMENTO. DUTCH MOCK CHICKEN. OLIVE & PIMENTO, FRENCH ONION. HEADCHEESE Schneider's �� Cold Cuts /1009 2,1-79 OUR REGUL AR PRICE 771100 q-3 49 Ib SCHNEIDER'S. JUMBO Summer Sausage 88iino gi 3 It, 99 OUR REGUI AR PRICE 1 12/100 9-5 09 Ib HEARTY IN THE J. T EALS A&P rpsprvp'. the right to limit quantities In normal family rpg111rpmonis'