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Clinton News-Record, 1983-02-09, Page 12
v r4.: United Church he r about r .attere Anne McBride, who is on the Board of Directors for the new Huron County Tran- sition Home, was the guest speaker at the February meeting of Varna United Church Women. A Dungannon couple who provided shelter for children who had to be removed from their homes found they were also get- ting battered women who had nowhere to go, so they approached others of their Mennonite faith to form a group to look in- to the need for such a home. It is not a church -sponsored group, and there are two non -Mennonites on the Board. They contacted Family and Children's Seriaces and the police, and found that 25 to 30 women could have used such a home. It Is believed that at least one in 10 women is beaten at some time, one-third of these so badly they require medical treatment. The cause is often not known, but these women have low self-esteem and usually blame themselves, although in over 70 per cent of the incidents there was no argu- ment preceding the beating. They are usually afraid to ask for help, as people often don't believe them, and it is embar- rassing. Twenty percent of all murders are committed by a husband or wife. Battered women need somewhere to go immediately, they need help to find a place to live, a job, and a lawyer if necessary. They have access to counselling through Family and Children's Services, and there is reconciliation where possible. It is hoped eventually to have a counselling centre for men. 'I'hc Board is now looking at a home in omen men Goderich Township which they can rent, and have a request in with the Mennonite Central Committee for two mature volunteer counsellors who will stay at least two years. Volunteer assistance is needed for them, as the home must be o;r J n at all tunes. Help is also needed with gardening, cleaning, furnishings, and of course, money. At present there is no government funding. They are hoping to open the home in April. It is hoped that church women will help these women and give them sup- port when they come back into the com- munity. Eleanor McAsh and Joan Beierling plan- ned the meeting and led in worship. The delegates to the Presbyterial meeting in Seaforth reported that members favored two meetings a year, a business meeting and a fellowship meeting. Support was given to a petition objecting to por- nography being shown on Pay TV. The price of the pancake supper on February 15 remains the same as last year. The World Day of Prayer service will be held in Varna on March 3 at 8 p.m., with a short business meeting following. An appeal was received for volunteer help at Heather Gardens for birthday parties, bowling and crafts. An invitation from Goshen was accepted to join them in a family night at the hall when Margaret Robinson will speak on her experiences in Indonesia last summer. This presentation will be different from the one in November about the refugee island. Township to host ska By Mary Chessell The Stanley Township Recreation Commission has rented Bayfield Arena for this year's family skating party. It's -this Saturday, February 12, from 7 to 9. There are prizes for the best dressed boy and girl., and there will be a refresh- ment booth, as usual. So dress up the kids, or come as you are, and have a good evening of flue and exercise with your neighbors. Any Stanley Township residents who are interested in playing volleyball are ask- ed to come to Bruceffield School on Thursdays from 8 to 10, beginning on February 17. Please reserve April 16 on your calendar for the recrea- tion spring dance. g p�' '1 here were nine tables of euchre at the L.O.I. card party on Friday night. Win- ners of ladies' high and low were Mrs. Ray Cox and Net- tie McClinchey; men's high and low, Bob McNeil and Frank Thompson. Draw prizes went to Anne Broad - foot, Bernice Reid, Reva Wilson, W.D. Wilson and Marg Hayter. Council to write Premier Davis Accounts totalling over $123,000 were ordered paid when Goderich Township Council met in regular session on February 1. Of this amount, $75,gII was for Huron County Board of Education taxes. By-law no. 1, 1983, a by-law to establish a RI, drain Doan on four owners 50 a total of $12,300, was given three readings and passed. F.W. Asma was present at the meeting to discuss the proposed sale of a parcel of land which has become surplus to the needs of Ontario Hydro. Discussion centered around the potential uses of the land, Middleton news y Blanche Deeves Communion was celebrated in St. James' Middleton Church last Sun- day with Rev. Reynolds in charge. February 16 at 10 am the Ash Wednesday Parish Ser- vice, Communion and ern - position of Ashes will be held at Trinity Church, Bayfield. March 4 is Women's World Day of Prayer at Trinity Church. March 13 at 10 a.m. Mothering Sunday and Cof- fee Hour wi44 be held with Simnel Cake at Trinity. February 10, 8 pm is the St. James' A.C.W. meeting and installation of Officers at the home of Delores Dut- ot. Next Sunday February 13 Morning Prayer will include the Installation of Parish Of- ficers for 198.3. +++ Weekend visitors with the Deeves' were Len and Donna Mills also Mike Jorgesson and Tony O'Keefe of ('amp Borden. with council rejecting the price suggested by Hydro. Asma agreed to check into the possible uses of the lot with the Huron County Health Unit. Sid Bruinsma was also present at the meeting to discuss the status of the S.A.M. su'. rivision and the possible sale of future lots before all the clauses of the subdivider's agreement had been fulfilled. :ruinsma agreed to check into the registering of the two lots deeded to the township before any further negotiations take place. Considerable discussion also arose over the fact that a barrier had been placed over the road between Dots 5 and 6 Maitland Concession and the fact that this barrier had been protested by several people. The road superintendent explained the purpose of the barrier and no motions were recorded regarding this matter. The Ministry of Natural Resources submitted a series of maps and plans for a dam to be built on the Hellerschmidt's property on a small flowing stream. Council has invited the ministry from Wingham to send a representative to the next meeting on February 14 to explain the implications of the dam on adjacent owners and on township property. Phil Bugler submitted his resignation as a member of the township recreation committee. This was ac- cepted with regret and the clerk will send a letter of appreciation to Bugler for his past services. Communication was received from W.M. Prest and R.K. Wurtele regarding the Mill Road. Mr. Wurtele will be invited to a council meeting in an attempt to If you are filing a T1 SPECIAL tax return this year, specialists at H&R Block will prepare & double check it for the special price of 1575 Au UP at participating offices. They will also check areas of tax savings not shown on the form. If any of these apply to you. we will prepare the form that maximves your tax savings It pays to he prepared by HRR Block H&R LOCK ilirsamempluniftweremermereenevsierensreamasi THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 5 Ori(ri: Ste Clint L.n Cin VA. Wcalzdleryya. 9 1 31429. Mons -,3337 OPfei'k TODAY - 140 APPOINTMEPTTRIIECNSSAIRT clarify the situation. Mrs. June Lee was present to give advice regarding the requirements of supervision and administration needed in the operation of a com- munity centre. :uilding permits were issued to the Bayfield Village Inn for a swimming pool and motel addition on lot two, ase line and to Martin Van den Berg to demolish a barn on lot 99, Maitland Con- cession. A motion was passed to have the clerk write a letter to William Davis regarding the closing of the l::luewater Centre, stressing the fact that the township has never yet been informed of any intention to close the Centre, of any proposed future uses or of the very possible loss of substantial grants. Considerable discussion arose over the rate of wages to be set for road emplloyees. A motion was passed that the road superintendent and employees be given an in- crease of two and a half percent over the present rates of pay; that the existing benefits be con- tinued; that all employees be given two weeks of holidays and after 10 years of em- ployment tt they receive three weeks of holi9. ys; and that the superintendent present these rates and figures to the other em- ployees and report back at the next meeting. With a $300 donation from the Huronic Rebekah Lodge 306, the Clinton Public Hospital purchased a new eye and ear diagnostic set for the emergency wing. Rebekah Noble Grand Irene Cudmore learned the workings of the new piece of equipment from emergency head nurse Joyce Doig. (Shelley McPhee photo) S.riey Township Council holds marathon meeting The February meeting of Stanley Township council turned out to he a marathon affair, lasting over 12 hours One important item on the long agenda was an increase in wages for salaried and hourly -paid township employees for 1983. Clerk -treasurer Mel Graham's salary goes up $800, from $21,000 to $21,800. (This includes car allowance and provision of office space. Deputy clerk Betty Graham will receive $10,200, a $600 increase. The hourly rate for road superintendent Bill Taylor has risen from $9.75 to $10.20, for grader operator Ron Col- eman from $8.75 to $9.15, for truck driver Bill Consitt from $8.50 to $8.90, arid casual labour will now be paid $7.25, an increase of 25 cents. Vacation pay of four per- cent will increase at the five- year level from five percent to six, and employees whohave been with the township for 15 years or more will receive eight percent. The elected representatives are continuing the policy of deciding in October what their honorarium would Ix' for the previous year and receiv- ing one check as retroactive payment. Before taking action on the Exeter resolution asking sup- port from other municipal- ities to withhold the unpaid portion of the education tax. Stanley council wants to know the outcome of a meeting bet- ween the executive of County Council and the executive of the Huron ('ounty School Board. "It would be rather premature to make a decision yet", Reeve Paul Steck le said OTE or N f ALL MFE 1tr HOWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY P®x®t®Pr fli'®i'I 1944ili MANUAL 9th Company Will b., timid iia the Wrowster Commeosaity 19eII, V'iiroa®tor, On- iarle tir9, Friday, F brutwy 25, 1983 at 1:30 pm f�mPpr�a To reesiwa the Mateo—cit end Aoditoet1 R®pow. 3- To eta two lwe<•.tars 9ta replt Ciaorvis 9,tiaa a ©mid *tea It i- y wept ase terra th offllcie exrpires. Both ore aallgifbl® for ro-aieMa a. 8. To ze a ar6 lin. 43 -fide ®erad &seising. 4. To apptairai en dAedi9(ar twilit/13. 3. To Vrenseci away oikeer fboosinese which may Fli/hily coma litaitoFe the Annual getaaiing. itesinety Fist9efsicaea after the sleeting. '•1 ani not anti -resolution: 1 agree with it in principle i don't know the legal ramifications. but if the provincial government gave us withholding powers, we would use them... Stanley council endorsed a resolution originating with the Clinton council requesting an amendment to the assess- ment act to give a municipali- ty the right to have a representative appear at the assessment review court to present arguments against assessment appeals which it considers unjustified. and asking that the municipality be informed well in advance of the basis on which each assessment appeal is being made. Clinton believes it is not alone in its contention that reductions in assessment have oc(' Nionally been ob- tained too easily by the ratepayer. A delegation consisting of Elmer ilayter. Ralph Stephenson. wars 1\1-('lynufnt and Alec Ostrom appeared before council to discuss the Rathwell drain with con- sulting engineer .John tipriet. A profile will he done on the drain prior to clean-out (Clerk Mel Graham recalled bylaws dating hack to 1941 in connection with That oar- ticular drain.) The council will invite bids to fill in the landfill site This has been done on a piece -meal basis and now the township is asking for a year's contract. Stanley will participate in the Ontario Development Program. and plans to hire two temporary employees for 20 weeks each. A hylaw was passed mak- ing available $69,200 for tile drainage loans, the last of the $306,000 allocated for fiscal 1982, from April 1, 1982 to March 31, 1983. Another bylaw was approv- ed implementing BACPAC, the government's accounting system. The township will apply to the ministry of housing for more funding under the On- tario glome Renewal Program. Representatives of the Rohinson•Borman subdivi- Sion south of Bayfield once again went over the plans with council. All parties arcs awaiting the outcome 01 an O\iB hearing r.ceking ap• provat fora township zoning bylaw. Part at the marathon ses• sion was taken up with a slide presentation by Ausable- Bavlield ('onserva1ion authority personnel. Introducing ® feder. 1 w ge subsidy pr gr •: in for the ernpl yrnent dis®dvont..:gedo ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA EMPLOYEE - b® physically or mentally dlseabled or em- ployment disadvantaged, having difficulty s®curing tend maintaining employment- he a Canadian cltiren or permanent resident, be the legal working age, not a member of employers family, registered at the Canada i=mployment Centro. EMPLOYEI9 • must be In business In Canada a9 least 6 months, paY at least the minimum waive, provide for full pima( permanent work, not displace any eu'sting employee. 17FIMiIIUd?SFMEPIT fi3' wragea 10 °. 3§'• disabled 13 wk. 36 wk. 36 wk. disadvantaged 13 wig. 13 wk. 13 wk. Contact your local Canada Employment Con9ra Goderich 521-8342 Ellet)€P 235-0471 ('I_IN `1'tY' NEWS-RI:I'OK!).WI-:1)NEsDAy EEatRL A1-01'9 1983 PAGE 11 Go'. erich Township Enterpt .using Se g. Liors to visit Hayfield seniors By Blanche Beeves The Goderich Township Enterprising Seniors rriet last Thursday in Holrnesville. Jean Lobb played the piano fur opening exercises and Everett Mcllwarn was in charge of the meeting. He gave a warm welcome to guest Helen Pearson. Charlotte Norman read the minutes of the previous meeting and Blanche gave her card and sick report. An Invitation was given for Enterprising Seniors to attend as guests of the Bayfield Seniors on March 15. Blanche Deeves gave a report on Heather Gardens regarding Mrs. Marjorie Vere's presentation. Alice Porter gave a report on the Goderich Township W I. dessert euchre to be held March 16 in the Community Centre, Holmesville. Iona Blake and Irene Cudmore are in charge of the entertainment and lunch at the next meeting. After shuffle board and cards lunch was served by Hilda Semple and Ruth Morrison. t + + The Goderich Township Oops, our mistake It was incorrectly reported last week that Mrs. Marion Powell is teaching the children's story hour at Holmesville Public School. Mrs. Powell was in fact a teacher at the school, but retired some eight years ago. Mrs. Marion Pullman is the teacher we photographed last week. TAX TIP OF THE WEEK A PUBLIC SERVICE OF H&R BLOCK Q. Last year 1 took a night school course. Can I deduct the tuition on my tax re turn? A. Yes, tuition fees tor night school courses may he claimed as a tax deduction provided the courses were taken at a recognized school or university, or a school registered by the Minister of Employment and Immigra- tion (for example, the H&R Block Tax Training School) and the fees were in excess of $100. You should ask the school or university for offi- cial tax receipts and attach these to your tax return. % 1 are holding their Mare 1 encs Than Dollar , 1 r„', .in F ebruai' 1.4 al 1 p to at the (;uderich 1 wl,,tup Community 1 entre tiring )(Jur casserole recipe' and dishes. Euchre will be played at the Loltunufrit, t entre 011 t rot uar% 10 at d p 111 Ladies 1,1 hili a few sandwiches Vo uu,rrs from the last „ hr e were ladies' high, 1rlMcNeil; men's high. Butt l hunrpson; ladles' low, Betty Thompson: mien's low , lutul McFarlane arid lone tram.(, Reva Wilson. doge s- Sects of clo lity 10; ting SYL VANIA LIGHTING CfTRE You'll find many teem-tt -fIrod light bulbs ®aid f fluorowent tubo* Including * CANDELABRAS * VARSITY LIGHTS TR-LIONT% * + ICOR LIGHTS * FL,s'- , ® UIGkiTS * HEAT LIONTS * RI OOT LI sc NTS tie GL W LAM * FLUORESCENT LI HTIItAG F1 HOI1 Hardman CLINTON HARDWARE 1, A. Balfour Retail Wes Ltd. 24 ALBERT STREET 482-7023 We're open daily 9 a.m. 6 p.m Closed Sundays ADD A TOUCH - OF COUNTRY CHAR/v1 FOR THE MONTH OF LK FEBRUARY HONEY LB. PEANUT BUTTER TER *'Natural *Smooth & *Crunchy '('nil closing 'Please bring your owao Sat., Feb. containers 12/'h3 HWY. 84 Between 1-Bons®1 and Zurich 236-4919 Col. Sanders' Recipe 1.M A CANADIAN COMPANY Lmon ' FRI TILL 2 RM. YOU SET 2 pieces . 1 Kentucky Fried ekiekot *French Fries *Choice of Salmi *Grecian Bread ,I tin,,rierc Peri_.. Kentucky fried A A1JAIi IAN (()Mi'Ar,, 737 Main treat EXETER Jomophlno 4treo9 WINGHAM