HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-02-09, Page 2APPLUA.N;CE REPAIRS' PAGE "2 CANTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, Small In coin is :rison to past years, one of the biggest piles of snow can be found at the Clinton and District Christian School. The accumulation of pari<cg lot snow is being put to good use by the students. (Shelley McPhee photo) Milk producers invited to attend seminars Huron County milk pro- ducers are invited to attend the upcoming dairy seminars on February 16 and February 22. Men's Dairy Day is Wednesday, February 16 at Clinton Legion Hall. Pro- gram: 10 - Udder Health Management Program Up- date - Bob Stiles, O. M. M. B. ; 10:45 - Minerals and Vitamins for Dairy Cattle - Steve Dotson, Dairy Specialist, U. of G.; 11:30 - Grain Veal Production Using T® Jeffrey belie`; Lehane 11.11 Michele Tall Mende Stacey Wang Watson kande T®'-', ,.$ Saila t n, Wends IIhynoti CIOrlvtaev ®Oyik Isola. 4 Seafarl& ClOwt+agt COIntan ClOat®wa Ckint®aa F b® 99 Q Lis o Fab. 9 Fob. 10 Fob. 12 Fels° 1S Fab. 1, Fob. 1, Oke P per P s At this time of year many people are eagerly waiting for the first flowers to come up. It will be awhile yet, so why not make some paper flowers to brighten up the rooms in your house? To make paper poppies you need: ® a cup o red tissue paper R a pencil • scissors © needle and thread • plastic straws 46 thumbtacks Directions: For every poppy you want to make, trace six circles with the pencil and cup on the red tissue paper. Cut each circle out and fold it in half and then in half again. Sew the pointed corners of the six circles together and then poke the needle and thread through a straw. Wind the thread around the straw to secure the circles and tie a knot. Push each folded circle apart very gently and stick the thumbtack into the centre and through the straw. Make several poppies and put them in a vase—now don't they look gra-at! You can make different colors of flowers with different paper if you want. Distributed by Ccs do Wide Feature Service Limited (c) 1903 MacKay Fairfield Products; 12:30 - lunch - br- ing your own - coffee and donuts provided; 1:15 - Deby Management - John Core, Wyoming Dairy Farrier; 2: - Siflo Management a) Struc- ture Management - Hank ellman, Ag. Engineer, Walkerton, b) Silo Feed management - Jack Roden - burg, Dairy Specialist, Woodstock; 3: - program evaluation and adjourn- ment. Ladies Dairy Day is Tues- day, February 22 in Clinton Legion Hall Program: 10: - Stress as it relates to Farm Safety - Steve Matisz - Farm Safety Association; 10:45 - Calf and Heifer Manage- ment - Dennis Martin, O.M.A.F. Clinton; 11: ►' - Faratisteati Planning - ::ob Milani; Ag. -Engineer, Woodstock; 12:15 - lunch - bring your own - coffee and donuts supplied; 1:15 - We gat net Sell used Pocketbooks! E5 viCToROA ST. CtiN ii'P OPEN 7 ®AVS A WEEK 8 AM -11 O Understanding the New Milk Cheque Stub - Orville Shewfelt, O.M.M.B. Fieldsman; 2:15 - Making Good Use of Farm Records - Mary Lynn Elder, Ag. Agr. Royal Bank; 3: - program evaluation and adjourn- ment. Please register early for these programs at O.M.A.F. office, Clinton, 482-34." or Zenith 7-3 - Dews Martin, Assoc. Ag. Rep. Fresh Water Glaciers hold about three fourths of the world's fresh water, says National Geographic World magazine. Guide' °, Br Cog News Pathfinders - practised volleyball and planned up- coming events and guests. Guides - imade valentine craft. They discussed Lord and Lady :.::den Powell for bridge work and practiced a skit for ventine party on February 14, at 7: •.m. - 8:30p.sn. at Legion. Brownies - they worked on countries for Guide -Scout I,l Huron F Jen During 1',It the O.M.A.F. staff in Huron worked with 350 or more farm people in completing Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance Pro- gram (OFAAP) applica- tions. It was necessary to obtain income and expense statements on an accrual basis, projected farm plans on crops and livestocks, pro- jected cash flows and statements of assets and liabilities. Although this ex- ercise was hectic and frustrating at times, there has been some good come out of it. The farmer has had to take a closer look at his situation. Bankers are more deman- ding now as well, and are re- questing up to date statements, cash flows, etc. Having completed these in '82, farmers are capable of doing them now. The O.M.A.F. have a new booklet entitled "Farm Financial Planning Workbook". It includes work sheets for: (1) Farm Inven- tory Worksheet, including accounts payable and receivable and livestock in- ventory; (2) Crop and Farm Supplies Inventory; (3) Real Estate Quota and Other Assets; (4) Machinery and Equipment Inventory; (5) Liabilities; (6) Farm Balance Sheet; (7) Business Analysis Worksheet; (8) Farm Income and Expense Statement; (9) Crop and Livestock Plans; (10) Pro- jected Income and Ex- penses; (11) Debt Servicing Worksheet; and (12) Cash Flow Worksheet. It all sounds like work and is. However, if this simple booklet were completed in the year and repeated an- nually, it *ouid + - a big ad- vantage to the farmer. PECK APPLIANCES "ON T l -W HEAIY'r OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" °FILTEF QUE.ESALES & SE 'VICE. °VACUUMCLEANE • (Sales atrService to Most Maks. s) °FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm & Busiveess °SPFEDOUE.E.N AP?"LIANCLS 'MOFFAT APPLIANCLS 'INSECT LIGHTS FLY KILLING UNITS 'GIFTS ° aNY OTHER ITEMS VA NA, T. 482-7103 Great Valentine's Gift Idea! '.\II our exclusive Van Raalte Lingerie Designs wni,s, Scouts, C Week. They discussed where pennies go when collected. Brownies - played a game and welcomed new T weenies. It was test night. Kara Hiltz and Christine Strickland Lid a puppet play. Scouting News The Pancake Brunch is February 27, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Clinton Legion. Plan to attend. Scouts - practised for the volleyball game against the Pathfinders. The game as February 24, at the Clinton Public School. There as a winter campout February 11, 12, for Patrol leaders and the Senior patrol only. Everyone going must be at Church at 5 p.m. The cost is $10. Cubs - divided into sta.( d Home news When, you might ask? It would be a big help when reviewing your credit each year with your lending in- stitution. The inventory count and income expense statement will assist the ac- countant at tax time. It will also help the farmer assess his true progress if the state- ment is done on the accrual basis. Don't leave it until December or next March. These booklets are available at O.M.A.F. of- fices. Pick one up, or call and ask that it be mailed. -Stanley J. Paquette, Assoc. Ag. Rep. Farmers to pay less For the first time the membership cost of the Christian Farmers Federa- tion of Ontario will decline. The fee for 1983 has been set at $243.83, down from the 1982 high of $255.08, 1982 Federation income covered all 19t,: expenses plus most of a $13,000 outstanding deficit. The Federation's budget for 1983 is about $143,000. [AI West VVawan9sh XeY Mutual Fire Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. i4OM WO 529-7961 FARMS AGENTS: Frank Foram Donald MacRae" Donald R. Simpson Mason Robinson Delmer Sproul Lyons 85 Mulhereo iIESIDENTIAL AUTO R.R. 2 Luckenow R.R., Ripley R.R. 3 Goderich 341 Catherine St. Winghrem R.R. 3 Auburn 46 West St. Goderlah 3211-3824 3113-3362 5211-7367 337-2478 3211-7273 324-7878 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FAM, NOME. COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE comma THE AGENT IN YOUR AREIg DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Gerold Kerr Austin Martian Kenneth B. M®n;Lettn Donald 111IcKsmack* John Nixon Auckrnow P.O. Box 62 Blyth P.O. Box 304 Lie:know R.R. 2 Paisley 163 Elgin Ave.. West Godericin R.R. S Brussels CLAIMS SSI®UL RE REPORTED P, ,OMPTLY TO THE !?!RECTOR IN YOU A EA, 328-2214 323-9293 3211-3601 368-75+37 324-7602 667-9411 vers work groups. The following hoes received badges Steven Smith, House Order- ly; Sheehan Carter, Carpenter and Reader; Scott Caldwell -Angler, House Orderly, Cyclist. The follow- ing boys received the Red Star-Sharie Edwards, Clay Bircham. Boys doing posters for Scout -Guide Week The theme is "The Spirit Laves On." Beavers Colony B - thank Elmer Trick for the in- teresting talk on furs and trapping. Beavers Colony A - The theme for the evening was dinosaurs. They played a dinosaur relay game and made a craft. :a CLINTON A (LAS VEGAS NIG 1] et the CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, FLHRU RY 19, 1983 8PM I AM A eMEMO 02. 11alitv*s '29006. WORTH OF PLAY M0" .EY. RD WIDER AUTHORITY OF A SPECIAL OC SSION PERMIT. PROCNE S TO: CYSTIC 1IRROSIS POU! <:lo ATb0II SECURITY 6v0tact year investments with a custom siasigued security system Irra`, LAWRENCE SECURITY SYSTEMS Residential and Cam- reericlal systems. 24 hour monitoring. —AflABURN- 326 M 482-%924 €0 COt1OM r ®QUALITY ®SERVICE Big lobs or small, us® geoarentee them ail" 482-7374 Cl OPIVON SINESS IAL .II GAISER-KNI ALE ONSURANCE BROKERS INC. Insurance -Real Estate investments Haas St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theodore 482-7994 Hai Bartley 492-3693 Bob Thomas 482-3096 Bill Counter 482-3687 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. General I n88Hre nee Guaranteed investments Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res.: 482-7269 yYNTING : MacGillivray Associates (Gote ach) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PRi7CESSING A 1 3 COMPUTER SERVICES In.touao cow.pucor providing coat dlobarooeaonto lodq©r, cant rocolpto lodpor. occounf,o rocelvablo. financial ,t0000seon. oa. Shwa and (torpoo and apoclollvod roparta. 40 THE SQUARE IsODERICi# S24-2hy7 , '1-)I J F itzger. Id Stud 1,i's hhningr,eph‘ rind I k'—non ir.lnunt HK) lame, reel Clinton 4. 2-3 90 1 ND ECT '0E11E' The Square, GOERICH 524-7661 HFI LONGSTAMF OPTOmETRI SY Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-9:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY API OIPITMEHT Free parking on Premises Clint, n MOO( White -Westinghouse p 4 al B arlt i Appliances Sales and Service ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALRERT ST. 482-3<•6 L APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE J ttr:;,;.. dfo®t 482-7032 See ifs for your building pro its "Glass and mirrors .Energy-offielent roplaeerrlent windows .Window 8. screen repair °Plea 'gloss .Door service and repairs 'Complete range of aluminum siding and bulldln: products rralr1 i-' arid kilIa>3rrnlraaervn as tss 74 Princoaa S/. woof,. CANTON 482-3322 'BAILEYS LENIN AN DIAL -AIDE FURNACES SHEET METAL WORK SPECIALISTS IN ENGINEERED HEATING SYSTEMS ��90D.A1. 2 2-6319 i(IPPEN, ONT.