HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-26, Page 18PAGE 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1983 1 coming EUCHRE PARTY of Huron Fish and Game Club Clinton on Saturday February 5 at 8 30 p n, Prizes Light lunch to follow -4 5 PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Parry Saturday February 12 at 2 p m in Clinton Arena upatoirs Spon cored by Clinton Optimist Club Prizes Men s and lodies high score Most lone honds Prizes for low score men s and ladies Also door prizes Ior NEW FROM BTR Storting Feb. 7 RENT -A RECORD -Rant any L.P. or 43 in stock for 3 days for o small foe plus deposit *Rent 2 or more Ip's at a time and get a 20% Discount on any quantity of Blank Cassette tope In stock. *Get full details on rental rates by dropping In, or phone 482-3631 BTR ROOK S.T APES -RECORDS 15 Rattenbury St.. East CLINTON IN HONOUR of the 50th Wed- ding Anniversory for Clarence (Pot) olid Aldeen Vollond o dance will be held at Henson on Saturday Jonuory 29 1983 or 9 00 p m Everyone Welcome featuring Free Whaelin (formerly Bluewater Playboys) Best wishes only pleases For mor information call 2622334 or 262 2395 -4 THE CANADA WORLD YOUTH Young People are bock and they would like to present slides and on evening of information of their events in Sri Lanka on Fri doy evening, Jon 28. in rhe Blyth Public School of 8 p m Everyone Wektome And also any person interested in enter- ing this program between the ages of 17 and 20 con contact 526-7295 or come out on Friday evening 4 EUCHRE PARTY - Tues Feb. I at 8 30 p.m in St Joseph s Parish Hall, Clinton Admission $2 per person includes lunch and prizes Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Everyone Welcome 4 HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLAN- NING invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6.30 p.m. to 900 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical ser- vices provided. 24eow STARTS FEBRUARY 1. 1983. Bog Sale. Fill your own bog. Used adults' and children's clothing S10 per bog. Salvation Army Thrift Store. 80 King St.. Clinton 482-7079.--4 WOMEN TODAY presents a workshop: CREATIVITY (explor- ing various forms of creative expression, including music, movement and words.) Pre- registration required. Admis- sion $7 (lunch included). Child care available. Saturday, January 29, 1983. 9:30 a.m. • 4 p.m. Van Egmond House, Egmondville. CoII 235-1774 evenings. --4 • Seaforth Agricultural Society OPEN DANCE to the Music of "WHISKEY JACK" Friday, January 28 in the nem; Seaforth & District Community Centre 5:30 p.m. - Social Hour 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7:15 p.m. - Annual Meeting 9:00 p.m. - Dance Tickets from Directors: $8.00 each No Minors DANCE ONLY - f4.00 each This Friday & Saturday Evenings... JANUARY 28TH & 29TH Dine and Dance the Weekend away with delicious food and the very entertaining sounds of 4 MENU APPETIZERS French Onion Soup or Caesar Salad ENTREES SPECIAL, FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENING 6 PM -9 PM No. 1. Top Sirloin of Roast Beef $9.95 No. 2 8 oz. New York Sirloin Steak Served with Sauteed Fresh Mushrooms '9.95 No. 3 Surf 'n Turf Served with Drown Butter No. 4 Panfried Pickerel ALL DINNERS INCLUDE ONE APPETIZER, BAKED POTATO, VEGETABLE AND BEVERAGE I -IIF $15.95 '8.95 • CANDLELIGHT tREtilAlRAV'I (k, TM ERN -5'14-7711- If ill >' IF�;I.1) ICO ti) -524-7711- CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8 p m First regular cord 51 00 Si. cords for $I 00 Fifteen regular gomea three shore thewealthEorly bird game / 45 p rn Jockpoi $200 00 must go eoch week 30tfor CARD PARTY or I 0 0 F Hall Brucefteid on Friday Jonuory 28 1983 of 8 30 p rn Lodies please br ing lunch Everyone Admission $1 00 4 weicorne NATURAL FAMILY Plonning Clinic Billings Method To achieve or ovoid pregnancy Short introductory slide presen lotion individual consultation Couples welcomed between 7 9 p rn First Thursday of every month at St Joseph s Separate School Clinton 48rfor BINGO every Tuesday evening of Vonostra Centre R R 5 Clin ton 8 p ern First regular card 51 00 15 regular 515 games three shore -the -wealth Jackpot 5200.00 must go' Admission is restricted to 16 y.ors and over 2tfor CLINTON'S SCHOOL CAR 15089 invites interested Clintonians to hear of plans for the grand opening in May, on February 2 at 8 p.m. at the Slomons 344 Matilda St Clinton No 15089 will be open from 2 - 4 p.m. next weekend. -3,4 CHILDREN NEEDED for Morning and Afternoon Classes at Clinton Co -Operative Nursery School Afternoon Classes need Duty Moms Morning Classes, need Duty and Non -Duty Contact Rita Van Dyke 482-3322 or 482-7873 0"1"* ' GODERICH TOWNSHIP VALENTINE DANCE Saturday, February 12, 1983 • Music: "AFTER HOURS" LUNCH AND DOOR PRIZES $10. per couple Phone 524-7882 482-9170 482-9229 Superstars to perform in Stratford Festival The Stratford Festival's Monday Night Concerts in July and August offer a Hall of Fame of the jazz and pop music world Ella Fit- zgerald, George Shearing and Adam Makowicz, Ray Charles, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Nell Sedaka, Mel Turme with Rob McConnell and The Boss Brass, and Roberta Flack will perform in the Festival Theatre. The Festival has added a late afternoon concert to the schedule for three of the artists: Preservation Hall, Neil Sedaka and Roberta Flack will each perforin two concerts, one at 5 p.m. and one at 8'30 p.m. All other concerts in the series will be at 8 p.m. this year, half an hour earlier than the traditional concert starting time at Stratford. Leading off the series on July 4 will be the legendary Ella Fitzgerald whose voice has made her the undisputed first lady of song in our century. On July 11, the Festival will present "The Great Swing Piano Celebration" with the George Shearing Duo, featuring Don Thom- pson, and the Adam Makowicz Duo. All time great Shearing joins with Makowicz, a young pianist voted one of the top five jazz pianists in the world in Downbeat's International Critics Poll. The com- bination has won kudos as "an evening of exciting, exuberant music". Ray Charles, the father of "soul", and a singer who maintains his status as one of the major perforniers of our age has been called "brilliant", "compelling" and sometimes, simply, a, ii; c%ri For groups of 6 or more BLUELWIPPLIJS offers • Comprehensive Dental Plan • Comprehensive Drug Plan • Maior Medical Benefits • Vision Plan • Preferred Hospital Accommodation • Direct clairns payment • Easy admtnistrahon with one monthly pilling Write for a brochure or call direct Lori Senay 120 York Street London, Ontario N6A 1A9 tri {519) 439-0136 • "genius" of music with a voice capable of energising virtually any type of song He will be heard in concert at the Festival on August 1 Sold out hits whenever they have played the Festival, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band will return fur their 1983 engagement on August 8 This will mark une of the rare occasions when two main bands from Preservation Hall to New Urle:,ns can be heard in separate concerts during une engagement. They will perform at 5 p.rn. and at 8:30 p. M. Singer and composer Neil Sedaka will also perforin two concerts in his first Festival engagement on August 15 (5 p.m and 8.30 p.tn. ). With more than two decades of tuts, both as a performer and songwriter, Sedaka has enormous appeal around the world and is as renowned for his spirited pop tunes as for the moving ballads with which his name has been synonymous. A singer who has sustained Playhouse II new name for theatre PLAYHOUSE 11 with a seating capacity' for 180 - 200 people will officially open its doors early in July. Con- struction un this newest ad- dition to Huron Country Playhouse complex has just begun and already the crew has installed both a new lighting booth and a new loading door, and is now working on insulation and wiring. PLAYHOUSE II, named at a recent meeting of the Playhouse Board of Direc- tors, is being created thanks to the federal government's Special Employment In- itiatives Program. The new theatre, located in formerly unfinished cabaret space, has been designed to accom- modate smaller -scale pro- ductions than the main stage. The emphasis will be on Canadian scripts. Cur- rently' under consideration are several well-known shows though no final deci- sion will be made until late February. Ladies Aux. donate $3,000 to building fund By Brian Atkinson At the Clinton Legion General Meeting on January 24, Ladies Auxiliary President Minlue Rumball was on hand to make a presentation to the branch. This presentation was a cheque for $3,000 to go towards the Building Fund. Last week's euchre scores were High Score, C. Ball with an 85. Ione Hands went to J. Spearin with 5. Low Score was B. Irwin with 44. Thursday Night Mixed Darts winners from last week saw High Couple go to Brenda Atkinson and John Scott. Ladies' High Score was Madelon Yeats with 108. Men's High Score was George Yeats with 133. Low Couple of the evening was Mary Elliott and Lloyd Butler. APPEARING THIS WEEK Thurs., Fri., Sat. at Royal Hotel, Mitchell Stubby Void Band Rooms available by week or by the month. Banquet Hall available up to 120 people. Phone 348-9021 •EIATEIDE CROSS I•'1'l.l.Y 1,I('l'N5F.lt N.I.;AR HI 11 \I1 This week try a `VILLAGER'S SPECIAL' at THE i.ITTLE INN of HAYFIELi) I lite f;un r i" 1' 0 hr,n',.111 Thr• it ll,, cent lir' oil= trail frit vim ivr krLi ti' t hr•n1 thorn f, r (tu,iht „r fair 1'11 MONDAY: Old Fashioned hili'{ Stow ('hoe'nl:ite Coke '6.50 TIJESi)AY: Roast Pork with Ilrrsslnv Fruit Cobbler '6.50 WEDNESDAY: i,amh Curry Mousse '6.5(1 rILSi)AY: 1-'rt'sh }Fish & 1ltrmt'mndt• ('hip. English Trifle• '6.5(1 I tenor r,: int lurlr x•'111 1,r tialml n.1 f r• �I, If�ll `,r„•,{Irr,m",n1iu THE LITTLE INN of HAYFiELi) Main Street., Rayfield 565-2611 t - J ELM HA MOTOR HOTEL nis popularity through decades of changing musical tastes, Mel Tonne joins Rob McConnell and The Boss Brass on August 72. For several years a popular feature on the Canadian musical scene, Rob McConnell and The Boss Brass have won in- ternational fame in retur- ning the rich, rare sound of the big bands to today's MUSIC. (lone of the acknowledged international superstars of the present music scene, Roberta Flack played to a sold out house at the Festival last year. This summer, the singer, with the "magical" voice will perform two Stratford concerts, 5 p.m. and d:3(J p.m. on August 29. Further information on the Stratford Festival's 31st season will be announced shortly. POKER RALLY and DANCE Sponsored by CLINTON and DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE CLUB INC. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1983 Poker Rally Registration: 12:30 pm -2:00 pm AT DALE PUMP and FARM SERVICE HWY. 8 EAST Dance to Country Companions 9-1 at Goderich Township Community Centre. •10.°0 per couple Lunch provided TICKETS 482-9801 or 482-7480 Surprise Your Valentine With A e e . COMPOSE YOUR OWN VALENTINE MESSAGE ... IT'S EASY TO DO!!! Enclosed Please Fi,rJ My Special Prepaid Valentine Love Line! Compose Your Own Message Below NAME ADDRESS CITY 1. TOTAL WORDS IN MESSAGE TOTAL AMT ENCLOSED AT 16' PER WORD 22 Words 53.S0 or 53.00 in advance minimum charge. Each additional Mord 16'. Ads will bppear in our February 9, 1983 edition, lust before Valentine's Day MAIL CHECK OR BRING AD TO ('lime in Highway No. 8 West, Clinton THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY JANUARY 27, 28 and 29th News -J- e('i Iltil Incorporating THE BAYFIELD BUGLE THE BLYTH STANDARD Box 39, Clinton Mum- Monday to Friday 9 am -5 pm 'TOP 40's music No Cover Charge NEXT WEEK February 3, 4, and 5th "DANCE BAND" Come out and play Skeee-Ball!! It's fun * * * * ** 7f **** )9 * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ICE CAPADES Family Special Kitchener * Saturday, February 19th * $ 00 * * • per person * Includes Transportation & Reserved Seat * For further information contact * Goderich 524-4540 * Clinton 482-3383 * Seaforth Bauer Travel 527-1237 * * * * * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • •••• PREMIER THEATRES �•••••••••••••••••••••• PA TM THE SOUARE QODSRICH 9 t1 rill■■■■ TR 524-7311 ll■jt■ Mit THEATRE SHOWTIMES ARE FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS 8:00 P.M. WED.-THURS LAST 2 DAYS FOR .DUii liiPa so BURT REYNOLDS & GOLDIE HAWN Vest* l'irriezzaes. STARTS FRIDAY, JAN. 28 TO THURS., FEB. 3 RICHARD PRYOR JACKIE GLEASON SWEARING Theatre Branch Ontario r, „42-A \\hi'ri 1.11 rill ht i int11i1 11.15.ee.1145 Irri'.4'1 ! 114• •.1,1114',1 he leu keel th1 nt44.) rulirlies ei11. 1;111 r,1 .111 Kit h.tnl I'r� n • •••••••••••• PREMIER THEATRES • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •