HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-26, Page 17BigResu1ts!s'`'�... CLASSIFIEDADS! 26 Help wonted RELIABLE PERSON for cosmetic business 3 hr a day 5 Boys a week $10 per hour For inter view oppointment call 565- 2714 --3.5 CAMP MANAGER Applications will be received for the position of Comp Monoger at Comp Menesetung, R R 4 Goderich from approximately April 1 to Sept 30. Written resumes will be received by Rev Jim Bechtel Box 204 Chinon Ont NOM 1L0 by March I 4 5 EARN EXTRA MONEY port•tlrne as o Regal Soles Represen tative Our Gift Cotologue is all you need. Write REGAL 939 Eglinton Ave E Dept XXX Toronto M4G 216 40 B.C. 8 YUKON Community Newspapers Association Re quires A Business and Public Relations Monoger to heod its Vancouver based office. Duties include promotion and develop- ment of the Provincial Com- munity Newspapers Association through contact with Members, Advertising Agencies and the Public. Candidates should possess Managerial. Sales and Basic Accounting Skills_ Preferencewill be given to per• sonoble well-spoken individuals having the capacity to work closely with Association Members and subordinates. Salary is negotiable in the $30,000.00 range with added in- centive allowances. Send resume and letter of opplicotion to B.C. & Yukon Community Newspapers Association, 1004- 207 West Hastings Street, Von- couver. B.C. V6P 1H7 on or before February 28, 1983. 4o Clinton Public Hospital hos a job vacancy. Applications being received for a temporary port -time Clerical and Switch- board Operator willing to work evenings and week -ends. The suc- cessful applicant must have knowledge of medical terminology and clerical experience. Please submit ap- plications to: Personnel Office by February 3, 1913. Closing time 3 p.m. A full time or port -time office Manager required in Clinton. Applicants must state *age *previous experience *previous employer *qualifications *salary expected Apply to Box No. a cio The Clinton News - Record, Box 39, Clinton, Ont. 30 Employment wanted DO YOU NEED o babysitter? Day night or over weekend Just toll 4829305 References if required coil 8 a m to 11 pm 34 31 Service directory KEN 5 CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations cupboards ceramic tile counter tops ret rooms carports flooring win down patio doors aluminum siding Phone 482 7676 Ken McNaun 8tfor MAN WITH ' , ton truck will do small moving lobs grocery delivery and snow shovelling 482 7677 ask for Pete 2 5 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 KILLING and fully PROCESSED $75 FOR MARKET • WEIGHT PIG FOR MARKET • WEIGHT BEEF JANUARY -FEBRUARY SPECIAL DASHWOOD 237-3677 Township of Hullett requires a TOWNSHIP ROADS EMPLOYEE Must have current driver's license. Willing to han- dle all machinery. Written applications to be in the bands of the clerk by 12:00 noon Feb. 1, 1963. JAMES F. JOHNSTON Rood Superintendent Londesboro Temporary Manager (4 months) required to develop the industrial com- ponent of a workshop program. Applicants should have a strong business background capable of industrial and retail sales, set- ting production standards and productive set-up. Salary is negotiable. Please forward resume to: Goderlch and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, P.O. Box 527, GODERICH, Ontario, N7A 4C7 All applications must be received by Friday, February 4. 1983. Part time office help needed by Town Clerk's Office. Applicants must have bookkeeping and typing experience. Signed and sealed applications will be received until 3 p.m. Jon. 28, 1983. C.C. Proctor Clerk Treasurer Box 400 Clinton NOM 110 31 Service directory 31 Service directory Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL /COMMERCIAL FARM/RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO. --.SEE US FOR ELECTRIC FURNACES and ELECTRIC HEATING UNDER THE CANADIAN 011 SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM -- FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 412-7441 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair Snowmobiles and Snowblowers and other Small Engine Equipment HOME INSULATION Walls 8 Attics ADAMSON INSULATION Government Licensed Contractors Free Estimates 482-9006 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. • *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills *Metal covered Doors 482-7290 •SEPTIC TANKS • EWERS • ULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete job call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS 'Custom built homes •Addition■ • Drywal l • Roof l ng 'Siding. Soffit & Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482.3873 DOUG BYLSMA 482-7334 PIANO TUNING •Repolrs •Rabullding •K soy Racovar ed •K says Recovs red •Dor"pp Cha-.rrrs BRUCE PULSI,-ER 3411 9)23 Mitchell FURNITURE REPAIR SERVICE UPHOLSTERY AND AUTOMOTIVE SEATS FURNITURE STRIPPING A SI CIAITV' PHONE 482-7379 i.1/' I1.\ l' F:11 CARPENTER ALL YOUR GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND BUILDING NEEDS CALL: .IIIc: '1011'A ID Evenings - 482-3628 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR 31 Service directory mmossimmennmemmmm JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 34 Personal DOES SOMEONE you love have a drinking problem? There is help for you. Call AI -Anon 524- 6001 or write P O. Box 226. Mit- chell Ont NOK 1 NO. - -49tf PREGNANT Distressed? Mar- ried. single. free positive con- fidential support Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197, 527-0115 or 524-2023 (after 6 p.m )-2.2 EXOTIC LINGERIE by mail. Send 55 for our catalogue. Your 35 will be credited to your first order. Scotia Marketing, 505 Dundos St. London, Ont. N6B 1W4.-4 IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Learn In- come Tax by correspondence. For Free Brochure, No Obliga- tion, Write U&R Tax Schools, 1148 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. R2W 356. - 4o LARGE AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUE furniture, modern appliances, furniture, household effects. etc., to be held for Goderich and Mitchell area homes at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton, Ontario. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29TH AT 10 A.M. Harvest Gold Westinghouse frost free fridge; G.E. harvest gold 30" electric stove, fairly new; G.E. Automatic clothes dryer, like new; Rodgers Majestic colour T.V.; Inglis automatic clothes washer; Moffat clothes dryer; two wringer washers; G.E. Cordiale 30" electric stove: large chest freezar..cookstove:. large antique flat to wall cupboard: large fancy buf- fet; little parlour stove; fancy antique dresser with oval mirror; dining room suite: small wall cupboard; Hamilton antique wooden washing machine; an- tique wooden butter churn with foot pedal; Antique record cabinet; Modern wall unit bookcase; long dresser with mirror; three iron beds; Modern Har- vest gold portable toilet; chesterfield with pull out bed; chests of drawers; several end tables; recliner chair; folding modern rocker; two washstands; uphoistt.red swivel rocker; small desk; antique clock case; 2 cedar lawn lounges; upholstered chair; odd wooden chairs; chesterfield love seat; night tables: lamps; pictures; books; High chair; baby crib; baby change table; floor lamp; large oval braided rug; 9 x 7 Axminster carpet; 6 x B Axminster type carpet; Man size 9 and a lady's size 9 cross country sklis, boots and poles, (like new); Men's moulded skates size 9. (like now); fishing net, poles, bait pall; all lamp, (peanut patte -n); small glass churn; finger lamp; oval picture frame; meat grinder; sausage press; meat saw; milk can; copper boiler; crocks; small iron kettle; lanterns; bottle capper; electric heater; MTD 3'/2 HP garden tiller, nearly new; 30 ft. Aluminum extension ladder; aIum'�Jn,t�m step ladder; dishes and glassware; plus outr-t $ual'largo offering of misc. Items; 125 sap palls and spites. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-7898 -.40.--- 40, Clearing FARM AUCTION SALE For Dave Drummond - Blyth Saturday, February 5'83 - 12 Noon one mile east of Blyth on county rood No. 25. Household effects offered et 12 noon. Deep freeze, dishwasher, washer & dryer, lawn furniture, carpet, two chesterfield sets etc.. etc. ANTIQUES Birdseye maple centre pedestal table & six chairs, rocker, dressers. kitchen cabinet. etc. etc. SHOP TOOLS Drill press, vice. '.'." socket set, shop press, ornery, etc. etc. EQUIPMENT Deutz 50-6 with Freeman Loader, Deutz 60-6 with cab. lucknow 5'', ft. snowblower, V•type snowblower. 3 wagons with flat racks, V -box and wagon, chain harrows, 24 ft. pipe bele elevator, New Holland 60 hay liner baler, Now Idea manure spreader, AC mower, Hay crimper. 12 ft. land packer, four section harrow, 2 triple K cultivators, JB weed sprayer, John Deere 316 3 - point hitch plow, John Deere seed drill, IH wheel discs. MISCELLANEOUS Approximately S00 bales second cut hay, loose strew, used lumber, barn boards, electric fencers. Chev. 230 engine, wagon load of smell Items. TERMS CASH - FARM HAS BEEN SOLD Auctioneer - Gordon H. Brindley 529-7625 34 Personal DOES YOUR orgonrzotion need to roils. funds? Sell spices, o new idea We supply ole forms and information Call Mr Spice. 416) 767 2341 or write 75 South Kngsw4ay Toronto M6S 314 4o 35 Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of KENNETH CLARK MERNER late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron 'ALL PERSONS having claims against rhe Estate of the above- named. Kenneth Clark Merrier who died on or about the 18th day .of December 1982 are re- quired to file the same with full particulars with the undersign- ed by the I 4th doy of February 1983 as after that dote the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall hove notice DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 13th doy of Jonuary, 1983. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 56 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MELINDA NIVINS, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above- nomed, Melinda Nivins, who died on or about the 9th day of November, 1982, are required to file the some with full par- ticulors with the undersigned by the 21 st day of February, 1983, as afte)�that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with r gord only to the claims of which the undersigned shall hove notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 18th day of January, 1983. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 56 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrices. -4,5,6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS in the Estate of Margaret Hudie ALL persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Hudie, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 18th day of November, 1982, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd doy .ofFebruary, 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 5th day of January, 1983, McConnell, Stewart, Devereaux & Smith, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the estate. 36. Announcements, notices STUDY TEAM RE HURON COUNTY MUSEUM Interested citizens of Huron County are in- vited to apply for ap- pointment to a Study Teem to be composed of five members at large and five other designated members to prepare terms of reference for a feasibility study re the Huron County Pioneer Museum, Applications are to be in writing and indicate name, address, municipality of residen- ce, and telephone num- ber. Applicants should have a wide Interest In the community and should state their In- terest In the Museum and reasons for being considered for appoin- tment to the Study Tenni. Applications are to be - recoived by the under- signed until twelve noon, Friday, February 11, 1913. if further Information Is required, contact Mr. R. Scotchmer. Museu,n Curator, telephone number 324-9610 (Area 519) or the undersigned. B.G. HANLY, CLERK County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. NTA 1M7 Phone 524.0394 (519) an lost R FC)und 1 OST 1 nd,es wr is7 wnlr h old <)mogn silvo, rolnur r (011 012 0215 Powo,-f 4 CANTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1913- PAGE 17 •41 To give away 10 GIVE AWAY to o good horse. 7 month Bouvier cross, neutered mole Excellent with children 4827936 4 42 Death notice DEEVES At Westminster Hospitul. Lon- don, on Jon 14. 1983 Lorne Deeves of London in his 87th year Beloved father of Greta Jockson, London and Flora Porkins of Mississauga Predeceosed by one son, Wilbert Deeves of Sarnia Also survived by a sister. Mrs. Stella Mann. Clinton. brother Asa Deeves Hensel! and Mervin Deeves Hanover Preceosed by brothers Albert Tom and sister Helen Lorne was born and rais- ed ained in Clinton. Funerol services held Mondoy Jon 17 of Smith Funeral Horne Sarnia 4nx NELSON At Clinton Public Hospital. on Wednesday. Jonuary 19, 1983. Mr. Charles (Charlie) Nelson, of Clinton. in his 74th year. Belov- ed husband of Viola Holland. Dear bother of Ethel (Mrs. Albert Latham). Jean (Mrs. Fronk Bull), Annie (Mrs. Ellwood Groves), and Fronk. all of Orillio. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by 2 sisters, Moe (Mrs. Robert Cameron), Esther (Mrs. Vernon Barrand), and 1 brother, Harry. Friends were received on Wednesday and Thursday at the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton. Funeral service was held on Friday, January 21 at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, at 2 o'clock. Interment Clinton Cemetery. As expres- sions of sympathy, donations to the Clinton Public Hospital, Wesley -Willis United Church Memorial Fund, or to the Cana- dian Cancer Society, would be gratefully appreciated by the family.--4nx HICKS At Alexandra Marine & Generol Hospitol, Goderich, on Wednes- day, Januory 19th, 1983, Mourice Edwin Hicks of Goderich in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Marjory Burke; dear father of Wilfred, Sherkston, Leonard, Goderich and Hilda (Mrs. Fraser Prince), Guelph; brother of Mrs. Mildred Watkins and Howord Hicks both of Clinton. Also survived by eight grondchildren. Predeceos- ed by five brothers and two sisters. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, ser- vice was on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Maitland Cemetery.-4nx FRASER Frederick A.T. Froser died of St. Joseph's Hospitol London on Jonuary 19, 1983 in his 93rd year. Predeceased by his wife Winnifred E.A. (Walton) Fraser on January 17, 1983. Survived by his daughter Mrs. George Fellows, Bayfield, a son Richord Fraser, Windsor- F:46, grand- children and -twelve great grandchildren. Interment at ClintorrCemetery. ---4x HART At his residence on Sunday January 23, 1983, Mr. Joseph (Joe) Hart, of R.R. 2 Clinton in his 78th year. Beloved husband of the late Elsie Edna Hort. Dear father of George, of Drayton Valley, Alberta, Jock of Clinton. Also loved by 10 grandchildren and 13 greot-grondchildren. Predeceosed by two sisters and three brothers. Rested at the Ball & Falconer Funerol Home, 153 High Street, Clinton after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Funerol service was held on Wednesday Jonuary 26 at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery.----4nx KELLER In the Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, January 24, 1983, Elmer Andrew Keller, of Huron - view, Clinton. and formerly of Dublin and Blyth, in his 84th year. Beloved husbond of the former Gerty Mills of Huron - view; dear father of Lucille (Mrs. Harry Arthur) of Auburn, dear brother of Keith of Queenston, Fred of Brampton, Bernice of Elmira Mrs. Beatrice Sleemon of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Karl of Rochester, New York, Myrtle (Mrs. Walter Smith) of Brantford; also surviv- ed by 3 grandchildren and 5 greot grandchildren. Mr. Keller is a retired CPR Agent. Rested at the Tasker Funerol Home, Blyth Ontario on Thursday Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Wednesday at 2 p m, Spring interment Balis Cemetery. Hullett Township Donations to the Canodion Cancer Society or the Ontario Heart Foundation would be op preciated OS 00 expression of Sympathy 4nx HART Al Alexandra Murine and General Hospitol Goderich on Monday Jonuary 24 1983 Mr Donald Hort of R R 2 Clinton in his 55th year Beloved son of the late Joseph and Elsie Fdnn Hort Dear brother of George of Drayton Volley Alberto and lock of Clinton Alco arrrvivpd by several nierP5 and nephews Rotted of the Boll & Folconer Funerol Home 153 High Street (Linton Funerol service was held on Wednesday lonoory 26 01 7 p m Intprmpnt (lintnn CPrnete'y dour Give from the BBaTt- 43 Births B91YRB Kevin and Andrea (nee Duet) of Stratford are happy to an- nounce the birth of their first child. Paul Richord Kevin, born on Thursday. December 23 1982. in Stratford General Hospital Proud grondporents are John and Phyllis Buura of Londesboro and Alvin and Janet Doer of Goderich Groot grand- parents are Roy and Martha Doer of Auburn and Arnold and Norah Hugtll of Godench. 4 LAURIE Joe, Willi , Heather and Valerie delight in onnouncing the ar- rival of o little boy, to the Lourie Clan born at Clinton Public Hospital on January 18, 1983. 'tomes Andrew" is the first grandson of Edna Lourie of Milverton and the twelfth grandchild of John and Helen Vossen of St Marys Special thanks to Dr faker and to nurse Heather Scott --4nx FALCONER Michoel and Marguerite (nee McLean) thank God for the safe arrivol of their son Jon -Michael Charles Falconer weighing 8 lbs, 71/4 ozs. at Clinton Public Hospital on Mondoy Jonuary 24, 1983. Proud grandparents ore Mrs. Florence McLean of R.R. 2 Bothwell and John and Sondra Falconer of Mississauga. Third great grandson for Mrs. Eleanor Falconer of R.R. 2 Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dow of Mississaugo.-4 46. In memoriam ADDISON In loving memory of o dear mother, Eva Adello Addison, who fell asleep in Jesus' arms twenty years ogo, January 27, 1963. There's never o day that passes by, But our thoughts reach out to you. There's never a joy that comes our way, But we wish y.)u could shore it too. So you who hove o mother, Cherish her with core. For you never know the hear- tache, Till you see her empty choir. Too sadly loved and too sodiy missed by her children to ever be forgotten. Loreen, Shirley, Jean, Garry and Koren and fomllies--4 47. Card of thanks WESTERN ONT. TRACTOR PULLERS: We would like to thank those who sold tickets and to those who come, to those of the bar and the caterer, the Holl people, donors for the door prizes, the lovely band "Star Trex" and to those who helped in any way for the bonquet and dance of the Western Ontorio Tractor Pullers Association. Thank you. -4 JACKSON Sincere thank you to Boll- Mocoulay Homecare Building Centre for o very enjoyable weekend in Toronto. Jim and Hildo Jackson. -4x WHYTJ I would like to soy thanks to my fomily, relatives and friends for cords and treats while 1 was o patient in Clinton Pubic Hospitol. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett and the first floor nurses. It was greotly ap- preciated. Tom Whyte. ---4x - - GIBBON Sincere thanks ore extended to the Brucefield and Bayfield fire departments, the people who found and stayed with Mary at the time of her occident. Also thanks to Constable Wayne Moulton and ambulance atten- dants. Special thanks to Drs. Flowers and Salsbury who were on coil and the nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital. Your assistance and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten Fred. Ann and Bill .4x ELLIOTT I wish to thank my fomily relatives and friends, Rev. Pick and the ladies of the Ontario St. Church for visits, treats and flowers. Special thanks to Drs. Newland. Worts and Flowers and the nursing stcff of Clinton Hospital and all who assisted in any way. Roy Elliott. -4 WHYTE 1 would like very much to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent cards those who visited me and mode in queries while 1 wos a patient in Clinton Hospital A special thank you to Mr Colin Swan our minister as well 0s Dr Har reit and Dr Flowers and also the nurses and staff and the Ambulance drivers Words con never express my sincere gratitude to my wonderful fame ly for all their asystoncp Everything was very much op predated and will long he remembered Mrs Morgornl B Whyte Holten Twp 4 G A RRETT I with to 'honk Dr Bokpr Dr Flowers and the staff of Clinton Hospital for the rare 1 rerpivod while a patipnr rhprp A sper,ol rhonkc to Mrs Snell who wpot In the Amhulonce with roe to London Mony thanks 1- our many fiends and relO$,ves who took Bert to London sore r flowers v,s,red me and telephoned mp while m L °odor, Also rhonkc to Ppv P,rl the momhprs 04 Onions St (hirrrh and rhp members of the Foster n Sten for your many k,ndoesses unto I ramp homy I sinrprply npprer In ro Pvpr ytt,nq you ho /r. dnnP for me Antamn• -. (.rr,ptt Report recommends double prices The Ontario Council of Health Task Force study ►P headed by Dr. Allan nest of the University of Waterloo, and composed of researchers and federal and provincial government representatives, recently submitted a report on cigarette smoking to Larry Grossman, Minister of Health for Ontario. It states that although the number of smokers in Ontario has declined, statistics from the Addiction Research Founda- tion show that people who do smoke have been doing so more heavily during the past decade. An increasing number of youths and women are beginning to take up smoking. Dr. Best believes that many smokers are smoking more cigarettes per day because of the trend towards milder cigarettes. Because tar and nicotine are reduced many are smoking more to compensate. The report recommends that the price of cigarettes should be doubled and all cigarette advertising should be prohibited to cripple Canada's "greatest single cause of disease." No one knows at this stage whether or not a drastic increase in prices would reduce smok- ing. However Dr. Best believes it would have a traumatic impact. There is evidence that when prices were raised drastically two years ago, the number of smokers declined. Nicotine addicts might not necessarily cut down con- sumption if prices were doubled but the move could deter social smokers and cut into the number of new smokers. However, it re- mains to be seen what action the Ontario government will be prepared to take because Ontario farmers would be the biggest losers if there was drastic cut in the de- mand for tobacco. In the meantime smokers can play it safe by quitting now. Contact your lung association - The "Christmas Seal" People for information on the self-help FREEDOM FROM SMOK- ING program. Plowing match date change The Huron County Plowmen's Association is planning a change in the usual date of the county plowing match. Usually held in mid- September, the association is planning the event for late August. The decision was made at the group", annual meeting held recently. Secretary -treasurer of the organization, Graeme Craig of RR 1 Walton, said the organization has to consider the dates of the plowing match of neighbouring coun- ties to avoid conflicting times. The match itselt, >t possi- ble, may be held in the south end added Mr. Craig. It has been in the north end of Huron County for the past three years. The executive of the association was named at the annual meeting. Allan Campbell of RR 1 Seaforth continues as president, with other executive members in- cluding, first vice-president Ken Duncan of Kirkton, se- cond vice-president Ross Eedy of Dungannon, secretary -treasurer Mr. Craig, Ontario Plowmen's Association director Neil McGavin of RR 4 Walton and OPA assistant director Bill Leeming of Seaforth. 47 Card of thanks VAN BAAREN We would like to soy thank you to all our relatives and friends who come t0 SPP LIS O1 the hospital and for all the lovely gifts and flowers which we received Also n special Ihonkt to Dr Steed and the nurses and croft on second floor for mo",,ng sur stns such o pleasant (,0P (rrolyn and Jennifer Von Rooron 4 HOLLAND I wnold like to 'hon", till my relntivos 'and fronds for the ardt g(1rs and visits wh:1p wos 0 pnt,Pnt ,n (lintnn P ,hlu and GndPrrh Alpvnndro Mor tintpoolt Spor int thank t to Dr Nowlnnrf Dr (nn Inn Hurl scoff tit holt, hnsrionls fn, thea• P,r'olln„t ,n ,n ikon", yr,u ( Nnllnnd d. GEMEINHARDT Wo woul,f 'LO in el,nn. 1„nndt nod 1.,, rnr,lt fond tont 1r, 'hr, hr,mp and P.p,OSVnnt 04 ty,.,pnrhy Sne. nl 0,001en 14nin, tt, r1 an,.j , w11 0L.,nyt he n, ort rkP r.nmNn',n r'1t fr,,..,i, 4