HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-26, Page 13ICS eIt news v Rena Caldwell Mrs. Robert ell and Mrs. Alex McGregor were hostesses when Kip ;.F,- n East W.I. entertained the Senior Citizens to dinner in Hensel Presbyterian Church on January 19. After dinner, Mrs. Stewart Pepper con- ducted a contest. Mrs. Dru>tnmond con- duct -I' the meeting. Mrs. Mary Broadfoot was pianist. Mrs. Drummond gave a reading. Mrs. Robert Bell was Secretary for the meeting as Mrs. Grant MacLean was unable to be present. Mrs. Robert Bell in- troduced the guest speaker, Gordon Wright of Seaforth, who gave a presentation in pictures of his trip to Lon- don, England at the time of the Royal Wedding. He took his audience on a walk around London and to the wedding as well as the history involved. An appreciative letter of thanks was received from Julie Wright for a gift. Quilting will commence early on January 27 at Grace Drummond's. Courtesy Remarks were given by Mrs. Harold Parsons. Mrs. John D. Moore, Mitchell, visited on Sunda) with relatives in the Kip;. -• n area. Tax arrears increased EXETER - Tax arrears increased by almost $31,000 last year in Exeter. Clerk Liz Bell indicated that most of the increase was made up of six large tax accounts which were in arrears for the first time ever. Reeve Bill Mickie said that the increase was a "sign of the times" and it should prompt council to reflect "some compassion" in the 1983 budget. He predicted that setting the budget would be a challenge for council, knowing the hard times being faced by many local property owners and residents. HOT CHOCOLATE 2s49 f.89 NEILSONS REG. OR WITH MARSHMALLOW MAZOLA PURE CORN OIL 750 mL 500 g On Monday night the Clinton Legion games room project got a financial boost when the Ladies' Auxilaary donated $3,000 to the project. Just back from Hawaii on the Pipe _:. nd tour, Auxiliary President Minlue Rum 11 made the cheque presentation to George Yeats. ( Shelley McPhee photo) VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK, WITH BROWN 14 oz TINS 69' SUGAR OR VEGETARIAN 65' KIDNEY BEANS STOKELYS DARK RED OR NEW ORLEANS 14 oz TONS IN-STORE BAKE SHOP j1 SPECIALS THRU TUES. FEB. 1 CHUNKY CHEESE BREADI6 oa.t25 VIENNA OR FRENCH BREAD 16 o= 2 1 COUNTRY OVEN MAYONNAISE CARROT CAKE 18 oz.229, g. Sg MOI at EY KRAFT 750 mL CASCADE FOR DOSHWASHERS 1.8 kg POTATO CHIPS HOSTESS ASST 'D VARIETBES19 200 g PKG. 1 HOGHLONER FROZEN IN SAUCE FISH FILLETS 44,4 oRIE TIES if 239 `FANO QUALITY ALL FANCY DUALITY 14 oz. TONS DEEP T DEUCES McCAIN CAKES CHOC. MARBLE. BANANA 19 oz. FROZEN PEPPERONO STYLE TOTING PIZZA 350-360 g 10 5 WESTON CHOCOLATE SWISS ROLLS FRUIT COCKTAIL, BART. PEARS, PEACHES WESTONS FRESH PKG OF 4 call L Angler Lange Presents De, .. Noble Grand Margaret Consitt presided for meeting on Wednesday evening of Am r Re'. kaah Lodge assisted by Vice Grand Margaret Upshall- It was announced that the lodge members were invited to Goderich Lodge on March 15. Also a school of in- struction will be held at Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter on March 30. The official visit of the District Deputy President, Mrs. Alice Bowen, Exeter will be on April 6th, and the District meeting at Exeter on April 13. CLINTON NEWS-REECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ry The members conferred e degree on one candidate Linda Traoaaair in a most commendable manner. Belva Fuss was pianist for the degree and sang ac- companied by Lois Jones at the piano. The United Nation Speak - Off will be held in Clinton March 4 at 8 p.m. The 1.O.O.F. entertained the Rebekahs on Thursday evening. Mrs. Margaret Robinson of Clinton was guest and showed pictures and narrated on her trip last summer to Java, Indonesia. Brother Charles introduced Mrs. Robinson and presented her with a gift. stS n Noble Grand, Mrs. Margaret Consitt of the Re',,:-kah Lodge thanked the Brothers for their entertainment. The Junior Hi. Group met on Friday evening and en- joyed a recreation night of floor hockey followed by a Pizza Party. The next meeting will be held on February 6 and all young people Grade 8 and up are invited to attend. Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Car- mel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. , 1983 -PAGE 13 rsery The Bible Fellowship Group met on Tuesday morning with an excellent attendance. They continued to study ..The Parables Off Jesus" and chose the Prodigal Son as their Study Tuesday. The Hensall Branch of Huron County Public Library entertained Hensall nursery pupils to a Puppet Show on Tuesday; eight three-year olds came In the forenoon and ..4 four-year olds came in the afternoon. Hensall Library hours have been changed on Saturdays to 9-12 a.m. instead of 2-5 p.m. More people turning to eggs instead A study by the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency reveals that more people are turning to eggs for lunch and dinner - especially older Canadians - but the egg is still largely considered a breakfast food. While 77 per cent of people surveyed across the country say they are most likely to serve eggs for the morning CHOCOLATE BARS 1j9 NEILSONS BUNDLE ASST D VARIETIES BUNDLE OF 4 PLUM TOMATOES 79f PROMO CANADIAN 28 oz. TIN CHIC PEAS 59t. PRIMO BRAND 19 oz. TIN ZIP DOG FOOD 14.5 oz. TON 3 ,F,st KIK BRAND 340 9 LUNCHEON MEAT 1,79 TOTAL NET DOG FOOD 2 kg 2.99 NICKS WINE SAUERKRAUT 32 oz 1.19 PKG OF 9 CRUSTY ROLLS 1®19 1.19 89° f.79 t39 NEILSONS SOUR CREAM 500 mL H MO, SKIM "SPECIAL" 2% PARTLY SKIMMED FRESH MILK WESTONS APPLE SNACK BUNS PKG OF 8 RUSES NIECES 199 E.T.'s FAVORITE CANDY 1 Ib. PKG. "Or `'. PRIVATE LABEL SAVINGS 105 BULK MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE MEDIUM CHEDDAR CHEESE OLD COLOURED CHEDDAR OLD NIPPY PROCESSED CHEESE 7.59.. 3 qt. bag WESTONS - 6 VARIETIES BOLD 3 LAUNDRY DETERGENT 12 L 4.8 kg OVEN MELTS KRAFT PIZZA OR BACON 250 g 99 2.29 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL AGREE SHAMPOO 24 REG PROTEIN a: HENNA OILY GENTLE 350 mL . Q TIPS COTTON SWABS BOX OF 180 SPAGHETTI SAUCE Ob RAGU PLAIN 1® ONE LITRE89 NEILSONS ONION CHIP DIP CLOSING TUES FEB 1ST YORK SHOOTRY CRUNCHYPEANUT BUTTER 2 50 a 79 �'� \•,..... `'` ^Am., `. ". 4.00 OFF ICE APADES REGULAR PRICES ON FAMILY NIGHT TUESDAY FEB. 15TH II P.M. PICK UP YOUR COUPON WORTH 82 CC AT ANY 7F HRS OR CORDONS MARK TSF REDFFMARI F AT THF KITCHFNR MFMORIAL AUDITORIUM FOR ANY RFSFRVFD SEAT OR SEATS FOR FFR IS PFRFORMANCF RFOFMPTION MAST RF MAOF RY MONDAY FFR 14 PLAYTEX TAMPONS NON -DEODORANT REGULAR - SUPER BOX OF 30 3. 9 PLAYTEX TAMPONS DEODORANT RFGUI AR SLIPFR BOX OF 30 3.99 WF Rf Sr DV! TNf RK:HT TO 11AAIT P(IR(HASfn AF A SONARI F WFFat v 1 AAAA v OF Ol/MR AAFNTS 1 meal, just 60 per cent of Canadians over 50 -years of age think of eggs primarily as a breakfast food. The study also revealed that wealthier Canadians are more likely to be stuck in the breakfast -only habit. Almost 71 per cent of people earning over $30,000 a year are more likely to have eggs for breakfast than at other mealtimes compared to 59 per cent of people with an- nual incomes less than $15,(x10. To help the egg break out from its traditional role, CEMA has produced a 37 - page, full -colour cookbook to encourage people to take better advantage of the egg's versatility and convenience. The book, entitled "Eggs for One, Eggs for Two, Eggs for Four, Eggs for More," contains 34 easy -to -prepare recipes showing how eggs can be used in a quick, light lunch for one, a hearty even- ing meal for the whole fami- ly or to satisfy a group of hungry people. It also in- cludes recipes for desserts and sauces. "Eggs for One, Eggs for Two, Eggs for Four, Eggs for More" is available free of charge from the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (Suite 507, Department C, 116 Albert St., Ottawa, On- tario, KIP 5G3 ). Homecare '::tall. i ,g Center Manager Doug Macaulay pictured with Homecare draw win- ners of a weekend in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson of R.R. 5, Clinton. ( Photo by R Hilts) NNUAL MEETI of the Huron County Wheat Producers will be held in Ministry of Agriculture Board Room CLINTON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 commencing ®t 1:30 pm era Skip your Livestock width FRANK VOOGEL PPR No. 1 - Dashwood 238-2707 (call collect) Skipper To United Co- operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto. Stockers and Feeders Available CLL TUESDAY iv 8:00 A.M. F R PROMPT SERVICE 7 SAVE ( hi February ) 5% during our Pre -Season Service Savings Program StAFORTH X21 W20