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Clinton News-Record, 1983-01-26, Page 7
by steve cooke Winter, at seems, has finally arrived, and sooner or Mer we are going to reran into one of those ho-hunn days when it's impossible to do anything outside. That as why it's a good idea to prepare a -forehand for it and be ready with a project to work on. Even if it's just giving your guns a good cleaning, it's important that you have all the materials needed at hand- If the weather is too d to hunt, it's usually too dirty to be running around looking for patches, oil, or Hoppes No. 9. Be prepared, as the Boy Scout saying goes. Remington has introduced a new light -well:: t rifle which should provide some stiff competition for Win- chester's Featherweight. This riffle, named the Model Seven, is of excellent design, and weighs in at just 64,4 fnds. It is ,•,•und to ,a come a favorite of bolt action ns who have alwgys wanted a fast handling short brush gun. The action is unmistakably Remington, but carries sone innovative new features. One point which is im- mediately noticeable is the cover piece extending from the receiver over the forward part of the bolt. This sur- rounds the front end of the bolt with a complete circle of metal, serving as a bolt guide to give smoother, more positive bolt travel. The steel floor plate allows for fast easy cartridge removal and is incorporated with a steel trigger guard. This feature in itself makes it much more attractive than the space age plastic that was used on their 600-660 series. The safety is a "two - position" type which allows the bolt to be opened while on "safe" facilitating easy unloading. Other features include a machine turned bolt and a recessed follower that does not contact the bolt during its travel. The bolt handle has a smooth, oval-shaped knob, and it, along with all other metal parts, sport a high polish with dark, deep lustre blueing. The barrel is a fast handling 181/2 inches, and is tapered for good looks and light weight. The stock as well is newly designed, returning more to that Classic European style which is starting to show up on fine rifles again today. The stock dimensions are a bit straighter than the average centerfire rifle, creating a sleeker appearance, but even more impor- tant, combining with the shorter overall length to create a very quick mounting, fast pointing rifle. The cut checkering (none of that stamped stuff here) at 18 lines per inch wraps completely around the fore end, as well as decorating the pistol grip. At the front, the fore end curves into a graceful Schnabel type tip which adds class to any rifle. The finish is a medium gloss, satin sheen, which gives the appearance of a much fondled oil rubbed stock. The butt is finished off with a brown, hard rubber recoil pad. The Model Seven is a short action rifle, and is chambered for the .222 Rem., .243 Win., 6 mm Rern., 7 mm -08 Rem., and the .3f'1 Winchester. I'm sere that if the rifle catches on and the demand is there, we will see it chambered for cartridges in the 30-06 class in the near future. Duck hunters! A newly developed shotgun shell will soon be available to you! Remington is introducing a new line of shotgun shells branded `Premier", which incorporate all of the new developments and innova- tions discovered over the past few years. All the Premier line will feature "Copper-Lokt" shot which is Remington's trademark designation for its specially hardened, extra round, copper -plated shot. Combined with their famous power piston shot cup wad, deformation of the pellets should be kept to a minimum producing denser, more evenly distributed shot patterns. iI rat, the new Extended Range I:.offer Ma i ums will go even farther. The antimony harden- ed, copper -plated shot will be protected even more by the ad lion of a granulated polypropylene filler. Rem- ington claims that this combination will add 15 yards of "extended pattern effectiveness' to regular magnums. It sounds like a dream come true doesn't it? , em - on plans to introduce this new line in the US early in ' ;: ,, so with any luck, it will be on our shelves by the time the fall season rolls around. I doubt if you'll find it just anywhere, however, so keep your eyes open and if you spot some, grab it quick. *I Indoor soccer yR Hilts On January 22 the Western Ontario Indoor Soccer League (OISL) began its schedule at the Ontario Arena at the Western Fairgrounds in London. Five Clinton area men are playing for the St. Columban squad in the 11 team league. They are: Alex Harrett, Brian Kennedy, Sean Van Dongen, Billy Tugwell and Brian Newington. The games are played on a regulation size hockey surface that is covered with astro turf. There are four 12 minute quarters with a three minute halftime break. The season consists of 11 games and a playoff series to decide a champion. J St. Columban won its first game of the season by beating Croatia 8-5. After scoring the first goal of the game St. Columban found themselves trailing 3-1 following one quarter of play. They quickly got their act together by scoring three straight goals to pull ahead 4-3 at halftime. The St. Columban crew continued to outhustle Croatia as they outscored the opposition 4-2 in the second half in posting a 8-5 victory. Billy Tugwell led the St. Columban attack with two goals with singles going to Alex Barrett. The team's next game is against Panhellenic on January 29 at 4 p.m. Irkwi3 HURON cup Sporecchrodl By VAMA iXiA MOTOR CANADA BREAKFAST © o ea L D era. . 09 c9➢ Armin** 3 WHEELERS '4Corme Out <;TR Noy A.n the Truck" SATURDAY, JAN. 29 A, SUNDAY, JAPI. 30 r. ®. cirfrrOa merry,. r le ness aw DOUG LAFRENIERE • Lake Huron Ione Recreation Association's Fitness Service Co-ordinator Have you ever heard of 'Fit -Five'? Fit - Five is a fitness awards program offered by the Sports and Fitness Bruch of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, more commonly known as 'Fitness Ontario'. The program is designed to ease you into a more fit lifestyle. It consists of five in- dividual program levels. Level one will help make you aware of the many oppor- tunities you have daily, to perform physical activities- This level consists of 100 boxes in which you record your daily activities. Almost every physical activity applies. Things like walking, gardening, swimming, dancing, skating, hiking, canoeing, curling, or bowling as well as many others can be used. The subsequent levels contain increas- ing numbers of boxes. As you complete each level you receive a 'Certificate of Recogntion' for your effort. When you finish the fifth level you receive, along wash your certificate, a Fitness Ontario logo pin. The pin can be worn on the lapel of your favorite jacket and is evidence that you are developing a path to ,• rsonnal fitness. Just recently, this program was adopted by the students and staff of Kincardine and District Secondary School in the form of a Fit -Five Club. The club was designed to operate fitness events, like clinics on strength training, stress, and weight con- trol, as well as to provide opportunities for members to participate in physical ac- tivities. Members have the opportunity to engage in group activities or to enjoy an in- dividual approach to fitness. The project has been quite successful with approx- imately 85 people completing level one in the first two months of operation. If you would like information on how to set up a Fit -Five Club within your organization or if you would like to begin a Fit -Five Program of your own, please write: UNDERSTANDING FITNESS c -o Doug I afreniere, P.O. Box 583, Kincar- dine. Arena o f f ical open in June SEAFORTH-The date for the official opening of the new Seaforth and District Community Centre has been set for June 4, a little earlier than originally planned. Councillor Irwin Johnston reported at Seaforth council "the building is booked so solid that all the other dates were filled. Every other Saturday but one over the next five months has been taken, centre board of management chairman Ken Campbell confirmed. "And another group was anxious for us to set a date so they could have the last Saturday left." Councillor Johnston said a reminder letter has gone out to a few people who have not paid their pledges to the arena fund, but Mr. Cam- pbell said there "won't be hardly anything out- standing" by the end of the month. Some unfilled pledges were for relatively small amounts, he said, while others have simply been forgotten and the reminder letter should bring them in. Ken Coleman, who's been named chairman of the official opening festivities, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY llti 19113 PAGE 7 says two bands have already • en booked, one that will appeal to younger people and another for their elders. Two ' dances will be held on the evening of June 4, one on the ice surface and the other in the main hall. While plans aren't final yet, Mr. Coleman says an afternoon official opening, followed by a barbecue supper, is proposed. "We're open to ideas," he says, and service clubs will be asked if they are interested in organizing a parade or other celebrations. Local hockey action smiie Gerry Rosendale, Bill Walters, Ron Corriveau, Mike Lapaine and Phil Paquette all scored singles as the Bedford Flyers defeated Garb and Gear 5-2 on Monday, January 17 during Recreational ; ockey League action. Garb and Gear, having a few troubles lately, netted their i I ird loss in a row. Paint Kelly scored four goals to spark Ultramar to their eighth win in a row as they defeated Sunset 7-5 in action on Wednesday, January 19. In Clinton on January 20, O'Briens easily handled Clere-Vu by a 7-3 margin. Dan lI'uncan led O' riens, scoring a hat -trick and adding a single assist. Tim O'Brien scored with about two and a half minutes remaining in the game, to give O'Briens a 3-3 tie with Garb and Gear on Sunday, January 23. Terry Schoemaker had two goals for Garb and Gear. "A conference is just an admission that you want somebody to join you in your troubles." -Will Rogers. Vanastra rink hosts weekend bonspiel Sixteen teams competed for the Vanastra Lions Club trophy at the Vanastra curl- ing club on January 15 with Gord Pryce's team from Seaforth edging out Murray Dawson's rink from Exeter by three quarters of a point to win the trophy. Gord Pryce teamed up with his wife Irma and Mike and Marilyn Thomas to win the first draw, in second place was Mike Shepherd of Wingham followed by Don McKenzie of Goderich and consolation going to Geo Picot. The second draw was won by Murray and ea Dawson, and Lorne and Pat Ballan- tyne from Exeter, with se- cond place going to lex Townsend, third to Barry Davis and consolation to Murray Forbes. Prizes were supplied by the sponsors Bully Gully and Ball- acaulay, and a meal was served by the Vanastra curling club ladies. DUAUUPAI( SERIES Hot W >:t ,. r (3OPSIG) Pack.:: fed Bin ii1ers o Burns Wood, Coal or Oil • Built to the ASME Boiler Code o Compact O Large Grate Area For Rated Output O Proven Design o Automatic Switch Over Between Solid Fuel and Oil O Hand Fired 3.5 BHP 1125,000 BTU/hr output G larger Sizes Available o Also Available As Solid Fuel Only Units DUAL RE: • Combination Forced Warm Air Finn :ice 1 o Burns Wood, Coal, Oil o Automatic Switch Over Between Solid Fuel and Oil o Compact ° Unique, F nergy F Fti(ient T uhular Heat F xchanger o Rugged Construction o 21 year Proven Performance o Size 150,000 BTU/hr output o I arger Sires Available o Also Available As Solid Fuel Units Only P.0 Box 70 156 Main St 5 Seoforth Ont NOR IWO Tel. 519 527 0600 Telex 069 55305 QUALIFIES FOR 5800.00 GOVERNMENT REBATE INVENTORY REDUCTION REBATE! Make your best deal with your installer, pay for your furnace or boiler by March 31, 1983 and we will send you a cheque. $100-00 DAISO, $200.00 DA 250, $200.00 DUK 3.5 4 The Clinton Lion Midgets lost to Wingham 6 - 4 in hockey action last Monday night. Clinton must win its final two games to qualify for OMHA playdowns. (Photo by Rod Hilts) Races postponed Rain and mild weather conditions forced the post- ponement of the third round of the Huron Cup Snowmobile races at Hully Gully on Sunday. The races have been re -scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday, January 29 and 30, and will feature a spectacular double header weekend including the third and fourth rounds of the series. On Sunday the overall point leader will be awarded with the Huron Cup. Registration begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday and race action starts at noon both days. For further information, please contact Randy Collins at 262-3318 or 262-5:.19. Best interest * 1 2 % 5 years Annual We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being of- fered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. *Subject to change 0:40F Gaiser Kneal Insurance Brokers Ince EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND GODERlCll 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-2118 CLINT RECRIATt IN C .OM1FE ARENA SCH D T LE "MIN R LOCK Y WEEKEND" FRU)/ Y, U:='.f Y 23 4 Minor Gauges - 6:00 , sen start SAM!) Y, JAWUARY 29 8 Minor Games - 1 plate start ring year boy - don't send Mtn alone - soaeee nae Iva your au; port! SU ®AY, JANU itY 30 Public Waiting 2 pm -3:30 i:saea Tot Skating 1 pyre -2 pane Ringette 5:30-6:30 pees Jr. C Hockey Port Elgin vs. Clinton - 6:30 — FINAL JANTJ LIMNER JACKETS Li CAR COATS —1WINTER UNDERWE SPORT SHIRTS AR 1/2 Nina Made to meosor SUIT SALE Approximately 50 Samples 3 Pc. Suit MAIN CO lobe 299, pacll's NIER CLINTON 482-9732 ANSTETT'S IAMO�:SIiP'ECIAI$ LADIES' 14 KT. TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTER 1/4 CT 3/4 CT Total Weight 599.°5 Total Weight 1299.96 1/2 CT Total Weight 899.95 1,00 CT Total Weight 1689.95 PEAR SHAPE AND MARQUISE CLUSTERS 14 KT GOLD Approx. 14 CT Total Weight 599 °s 14 KT GOI PCI LISTER 1 Total Weight 429.95 ENGAGEMENT SET 14 kt. Gold-'ia ct. total weight 577,95 CLUSTER 07 CT TOTAL WEIGHT 159.95 These spec lois, and all other sto( I items reflect the new lower diamond market prt( es. "izing and appraisals from our .1 c redited (",em lab dome on the premises at no extra c harge. Items enlarged to show detail. 14KT GOIDDIAMOND HFART c inial weight with -hair 1, h,qm rant exar sly .1'. ,Ilustratp,ti 429.95 MEN'S TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTERS 10 KT. GOLD 'a CT 34 CT Total Weight 699 '''' Total wt -qt 1499 °' 2 C 100 CT Total Weight 999 g5 Total woi0,1 1899 SET OF THREE 09 CT Total Weight Cluster Rina 18 CT Total Weight Earring 09 CT Total Weight Pendant with chain all 14 kt gold 625.00 t KT Rlihy R DIarnnrnl F Rn Flier*,• in.1 4)T, TT JEWFLFFRS 8 Albert St., ( Iintun 4R2- OM r