HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-05, Page 26r SUPER SPECIAL! 1 PAGE 10—CLINTON NEWSg& CORD, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 5. 1 The ran of the =:>ayfield Guides increased by four new members in December. The group includes, front row, left to right, Tracy Gemeinhardt, Jennifer Scott, Jan Talbot and Sharon Francis. .:,ck row, Leslie Linfield, Sheryl Layton, Chanda Chilton and Chantal Lecomate. ( George Chapman photo( team beats J. Koene curling Bayfield Curling The final night of mixed curling before the two week holiday break was December 19. The B. Orr team had a 3 ender in the 7th to help them defeat J. Koene 8-4. E. Turner over G. Telford 8-3; D. Lindsay 6 G. Turner 3. In the 8:30 draw the M. Francis team had a 4 ender. Final score was 7-5 over B. Talbot. Congratulations to Alice and Joe Brandon who celebrated their anniversary by curling against each other. It was a high scoring game with A. Brandon winn- ing 12-8. R. Telford team defeated B. Mellwain 7-5. We have just passed the half way mark in our regular curling schedule. Due to the mild weather, we have not had to re -schedule any games. The point standings are: A. Brandon 893/4, M. Francis 843/4, J. Koene R. Telford 76'/4, D. Lindsay 723/4, G. Telford 663/4, B. Orr 591/4, J. Brandon 51, B. McII- wain 49, E. Turner 47"-z, B. Talbot 433/4, G. Turner 21'4. The next regular curling will be Sunday. January 9, 1983 at 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. The curler of the week was J. Koene. January 2 was a fun night for those who wanted to keep in shape. We had 3 games at 7 pm and 2 more at 9. Between these 2 games there was a ladies and a men's turkey shoot. Lucky winners were Vera Miller and John Graham. Special thanks to those who brought all the goodies, Council discusses works garage Ken Dunn of B.M. Ross and Associates and Ross Jackson of the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications were present at the December 20 meeting of Goderich Township Council to discuss the erection of a new township works garage. Council decided to hire :.M. Ross and Associates to prepare preliminary plans for a wood core type of public utility builng, 50 feet by 119 feet in size. Don I: Osman was present at the meeting to request better snow plowing. This matter was referred to the road superintendent. Building permits issued in Goderich Township in 1982 totalled $1,363,597, according to a year end report from the building inspector. New permits issued by council at its December 20 meeting included: Dan Clark, house addition, Lot 17, Base Line; F. Brall, new house roof, Lot 27, Concession 8; and Albert Liebold, house demolition and mobile home, Lot 16, Huron Road. Council approved a grant of $100 to the :ayfield Fall Fair and $100 to the Clinton Fair in 1983. R.R. Stirling was ap- pointed as delegate from Goderich Township to the Huron County Farm and Home Safety Association Board. Councillor L. Cox will be the alternate. Tax cancellations ranging from $9.85 to $308.09 were authorized for seven people. By-law 20, 1982, a by-law to establish an interestltate on tax arrears, was given three readings and passed, the interest rate being at 1'4 per cent per month. 111 FUEL CLIJ a er C i UUection rd iy, J null: r y 8th, 19 3 Accounts totalling more than $45,000 were ordered paid by council. These in- cluded a grant of $2,500 to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital; ,188 to the Town of Goderich fire agreement; a $8,635 grant to the Clinton Figure Skating Club; a $7,'+10 grant to the Goderich Figure Skating Club; $3,8117 for Huron County taxes; and$17,164 for road superintendent payroll. Council then adjourned until January 3 at 1 p.m. also to the new curlers who came out to give curling a try. by hHe&en Owen and Doris Hunter .y J Auditors are busyprei.rarin y Doris Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tiernan of Stratford spent Sunday afternoon with Roy and Freda Scutchmer. The Tieman's will be remembered as the one time owners of Cedar Grove Restaurant, now the Cap- tain's Cove. Freda Scot- chmer was an employee of theirs at the time, so many memories were revived. Herb Gale has returned to Fanshawe College, to resume his studies, after a Christmas holiday with his parents at the Old Forge, his sister and family also visited their home. Congratt.:ations are in order for Raymond Scot- chmer who Las recently married. Bayfield looks for- ward to welcoming his wife to the community. The Rev. Bill Bennett is back in Bayfield after a so- journ in hospital and later with members of his family. During the month of February, he with Father George Youmatoff and the Rev. George Anderson will officiate at Trinity Church while Father Gordon Reynolds recuperates at the Rectory. The good wishes of us all go with Father Gordon as he enters hospital in Toronto for surgery on February 6. Father Gordon has been en- during one fearful "pain in the neck" for some time now and the affection he has already earned during his short time with us, will sure- ly help in his recovery. Our sick list is long in Bayfield, flu travels fast even in our good clean air. The Toronto version has cold sores and styes in the eyes as added misery. One thinks of job and prays, please Lord not the boils. Long suffering unpaid au 'tors are at work for all our organizations and chur- ches, as they prepare reports for the series of an- nual meetings we are about to experience. Hope all the treasurers are ready with their books in order. A pleasant experience of my own holidays was a visit with Mrs. Eva Furter in Kingston. Her pleasure at hearing first-hand news of Bayfield was very real. Jessie Blair had sent a box of Christmas cake samples from each of her sisters, surely a taste of home for re'o s Eva. She is well, and cheer- ful close to her son Professor Bill Furter of the Royal Military College and staying in an excellent branch of the Extendicare Nursing Home organization. Bayfield is with you wherever you go, returning to Toronto from Kingston whom should 1 meet in a ser- vice centre but Frank and Betty Burch, also coming home from a family holiday with their son Frank and his family. With me for the New Year's weekend were my Toronto family, the Rev. Paul MacLean and Dr. Sally Bette with Avery, Conan and Dugald. They vote Bayfield best "out of season" and love to visit summer haunts in the winter months. 14io I; f es ses speed iii oney The Bayfield Lioness started 1983 in good form with their regular meeting held at the arena on January 4. What better way to start the New Year than to spend money! The Arena fund was the recipient of a $2, l,I donation from the group and a dona- tion was also made to the Michael Scotchmer scholar- ship fund. Meme -as were very in- terested in the message of the excellent speaker John Jury sent by the Bl Donor Clinic of the Red Cross in London. Informa- tion on the possible forma- tion of such a clinic was presented and a very enlightening discourse on the advances made in the processing, storage and use of this life saving develop- ment off the 20th century was very well received. Thirty-three members were present and Mrs. Rae Morley was warmly welcom- ed into the club. The next meeting will be held at the regular time at the arena on Monday, February 7. Lioness are urged to bring either husband or friend to hear Father J.B. Nelligan from Mount Carmel address the club. II+I FOR ROASTING OR FRYING FRESH `A'GRADE it l AT fAYFlEL RISC ' PATI® Cl6E capers on tie cur 9 um please The Huron a C my IIS „.1$h Un14 Invites you to attend the A LT HEALTH GUI yAPICF CENTRE kaki et the A(d'ri4BCIPA& BUIL ;►'MEG &AMR . on TUESDAY, JAN. 11 1:3cr - 3:30 p.un. for: 'i. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Core 3. Anaemia Screening 4. `Urine Testing 5. Bio '.> ,1 Pressure. by For irafornaotiloso 52 HAPPY 25 th AN' WE S CRY Jack and Jo n MereY'r Residents of VANASTRA CHRISTMAS TREE ■ IcI( u• FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th AT 8 A.M. CHAMNEY SANITATION fine markets of fine foods 3 Ib. Aug. 1.4 kg Avg. Ib. 0 FRESH BUDGET PACK COMBINATION PORK OPS 3 Centre Cut - 3 Rib Portion - 3 Tenderloin Portion Chops Fresh Centre Cut Loon K C 1 SIPS 37 1.90 kg Ib. :.y the Piece ape Leaf Large VIS ;I'1C :'!LOC /kg f.29 lb Valuplus Regular Style WIENE 454 g Pkg Valuplus Sliced S SIDE BACON ys my GREEN TAG INVENTORY SALE Thursd y, Friday, Saturday January 6, 7, 8 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. - Saturday until 6 pane "Quality Furniture and Interiors" FREE DELIVERY ND SET-UP TELEPHONE 345-2250 'ON THE MAIN STREET OF DUBLIN'. Rib Portion Pork Loin Country Style SPARERIBS ,.92 I. /kq MP-) Tenderloin Portion L oin PORK ROAST 3.7e kg C O Fresh Pork Loin oneless Centre Cut S J`� O STS 5,7, 2.s9 /kg lb No Name :;ologna, Macaroni Cheese or Mock Chicken COKE. ME.i� TS 375 g Pkg, Schneiders Sliced 'egular or Maple COOKED HAM 175 g Pkg. Fast Fry Loin Centre Cut PORK CHOPS 5.05/kq 4,di.29'lh Maple Leal Boneless Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL ,Q." ,kq 2 �91h Schneiders - y the Piece Sweet Pickled Cornmealed Schnediers Conestoga. Summer. Salami. Pepperoni, Beerwurst or Thuringger COOKED EATS f.44 175 g Pkg. Schneiders Frozen AN Beef STEAKETTES ‚*9 500 g Pkg Maple leaf Sweet Pickled Brisket CORNED BEEF 5.49 kg 149 Ib NO Name Salami. Summer or PEPPERONI 600g �� Chub dg,‘ �I At t he eli Counter Schneiders Luncheon CHICKEN LOAF York sliced COKED NAM Burns Round Smoked 'INNER HAM IL or 5149 ky 149. 5.93 kg t691b 657 kg 198,b �Fe ICE (`APADES JOIN US AT THE YEAR S OPENING NIGHT TUESDAY FEB. 15 8:00 P.M. S2 00 DISCOUNT ON OUR FAMILY NIGHT AT KITCHENER MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM SEE OUR CASHIERS FOP DETAILS No Name Smoked Pork SAUSAGE 375g 139 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA FRESH HEAD LETTUCE SUPER SPECIAL! FANCY GRADE ONTARIO GROWN RED DELICIOUS APPLES FOR 3 Ib. PKG. UPER SPECIAL! 5 Ib. PKG. CANADA NO.I GRADE CELLO PACKAGES ONTARIO CARROTS SUPER SPECIAL! PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LARGE CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES SIZE 138 s DOZ FLORIDA U.S.A. NO. 1 TOMATOES f �� � 99' ONTARIO GROWN FRESH BEAN SPROUTS 13 $9sI ONTARIO GROWN NO 1 GRADE COOKING ONIONS 1 9 ONTARIO GROWN HO I PARSNIPS 2 Ih ('K r, MOROCCAN ORANGES CLEMENTINES 1.96 fY f ' FLORIDA 4,4 PINK GRAPEFRUIT 3r()R99r PRODUCT OF FRANCE CAN FANCY GRANNY SMITH APPLES 1.52/k4 '9 I PRODUCT OF NEW MILANO KIWI FRUIT 2/99' PRODUCT OF U S A. FLORIDA MINI -CARROTS 1) ri, Pir(, 9 TREAT YOURSELF TO A FLOWERING PLANT COLOURFUL RICER BEGONIAS A nrr n( R FLORIDA 1029 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT .1`""990 fi