HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-05, Page 22Second dr t g impost Jack Spark Every reel has a drag of some sort...star front - mounted, rear -mounted, etc. Bait regardless of how great that drag may be, it's the se- cond one you have along that can make the difference between a boated fish or the one that got away. In the case of bait casting, it's your thumb that handles second drag chores, and a lot of fishermen know that. But when it comes to spinning, fly fishing and spin -casting, most folks think the drag they set Ls the only drag until they reset. Wrong. It's your finger. Or Two fingers, maybe. :ut regardless, the manual finger drag which you can apply to the line at any given time is invaluable when playing large fish, par- ticularly running fish. While it's true a drag should be set tight when fishing in heavy brush, for normal fishing a drag should be set at about 25 per cent of the line's breaking test. For 101b. line set drag at 2-3 lbs., etc. Why? Because as more line is stripped from the reel, the friction of the line in the water actually increases drag, often doubling the set amount of drag. Another reason a drag should be set loosely is that it can always be tightened. A tight drag can't always be loosened. Also, when a fish is brought to, there's a good chance it will make a sudden lunge. With a loose drag this won't happen. With the "second" drag in hand and the reel's drag set loosely, you're always in control. Should you need to tighten up a bit, simply apply finger pressure to the line or the spool. This way if the fish should make a sudden lunge, you can merely let off the finger drag and let him pull against the loose one. The important thing to remember is that the "se- cond drag" is always there and ready to be used. Coon observed y':;la eche Deeves Communion was observed in Holmesville United Church on the first Sunday of 1983. Rev. Bechtel told the children the story of a missionary in Africa who followed a guide to the place he wished to visit. Larry Rutledge and Del Schloendorf received the offering. The U.C.W. will meet January 11 at 2 p.m. in the church hall. Gramma Cudmore spent Christmas in Ottawa with her son and family. Happy Holidays to those from the area who are going to Hawaii with the Clinton Legion Pipe Band. The Community Centre in Holmesville is going to be a busy place again this year. Dancefit with Eleanor Ritchie and Karate School registration is on Jan. 3 at 7:30 at Goderich Township Hall - along with various meetings, dances and weddings - The Enterprising Seniors will meet January 6 at 2 p.m. Thoughts and good wishes to Mr. Andy Riehl who is a patient in University Hospital in London following a car accident. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bland and Isobel and Don Harris had New Year's dinner with The Chapman's in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter are spending the winter at Mrs. Van Dammes. Shp your Llvassock with FRANK VO GEL RR No. 1 • Dashwood 238-2707 (call collars.) Shlppaar To United Co- oparoelves 04 Ontario Llvostor& Dwportnaant Toronto. Stool+ors and Fawdars voliohlo „ CALL TUESDAY ®Y 8:6(0 A.M. FOR PROMPT SF'.`VICE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANU R I 5, 1983- PAGE 5 • PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM MONDAY JANUARY 3rd! UN..TIL CLOSING SATURDAY JANUARY 8th/ 3.. W,E RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.:. F.B.I. PURE (GLASS) P11 JU1 E 48 fl ()Z PURR ASSORTED VARIETIES LUXURY CANNED CAT FOOD 6 ()r (04:)11) SF Al 7.7 _ of S0( KE YE SALMON 2.19 LI BBY'S WITH PORK, IN MOLASSES OR IN TOMATO SAUCE DEE BROWNED EANS 14fIoi LEWIS SNOWFLAKE BREAD TETLEY PKC ()E 72 TEA 'AGS 1.99 GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE SUGAR 2 kg YORK SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT GUTTER • .500 g SUN PA( 12' fl of FROZEN (ONCENTRATEE) ORANGE JUICE .79 PURITAN 680 g BEEF, IRISH, MEATBALL ()R TURKEI'( HI( KIN STEW LIPTON PK(, OF 4 ( HI( KEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 1.49 (Q(mN 1. , kg FROZEN STRAIC,HT, ( RINKLE (UT OR SHOESTRING FRENCH F 19IES 1 .69 IBB1'S 6,0) II t)r UNSV 1 E II NE 1) ORAN(,E, (FEAR ()k PINK UR-1PE- FRUIT OR Sdb1111NII) ORANGE JUICE 1.69 Mc( ORMICK'S 400 g ASSORTED VARIETIES VVHOIE 1VHEAT TIN TIE BISCUITS l05 SAVARIN 8 or FROZEN BEEF, (HI( KEN, TE1RKE1 MEAT PIES .79 LIBBI'S 14 II ttr F - 1N( 1 ( REAM ST\ I 1 ( ()RN, (.KF E N PEAS, PE •1S A ( •1RROTS OR kilt/ I) VEGETABLES . 6S ROBIN HOOT) 10 kg Al1 Pl RPOSE FLOUR 7.59 Mc( AIN 10 nr FROZE N FIRM ( 0(1 SPEAR‘, OR BRUSSE L SPROUTS .79 S( OT( H(, \RI) 0 ()r 1'\RR1( PROTECTOR ( \t IF k ,OU nil IQ( 11) I)ItiF1 DETERGENT . 49 . 7 HABITANT 14 11 rrr P1 •1, 11(,1 T 1131E OR P F .1 111 T H H •111 SOUP I.(. .5 \ 2011- 1011 g \StiORTf 1) 1,1RIF TIFti ( Fl1O B1(, CANDY ENCORE INSTANT KRAFT 0 ()r I)(>11FSTI( 11O// IRF 1 l 1 STICK CHEESE 1.7 .88 ‘,Il11R\1O01) ;Ill) rnl SOUR CREAM 1.19 MOMS SOFT MA['GA 2 II) WARE( 1OUSE PRICES - EVERYDAY, EVERY WEEK' PLUS SENIOR CI T IZE DISCOUNT EACH WE ;ifs N ESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL ILA STORE) CATS LLI MACARONI & CHEESE [)INNER 225 g OPEN TILL 9 PM THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE HOUR. S Monday Tnarsda!, t-iMes:di , 8.30 a.Qea.-6:4M) p.m. Thursday 8-30 a.m.-9:O0 p.m. 8.30 a.nnn.-6:1811 p.rn. F'v-oa➢av 8.34) a.m.-9:(M) p.m. 830 a.01.-6:00 p.m. Satordav ..........8:30 a.nn.-6:4M) pari. DAVERN SLICE' SIDE BACON 500 g 1.69 DAVERN BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA o ;' kg ®58 Oh FEARMANS SMOKED PICNIC SHOUE RS 2® 1 kg .99 IFr AVERN SKINLESS WIENERS 454 g .8 CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED HAM 173 g DAVERN PORK ,S. .BEEF STORE PACKE SAUSAGE 2016 kg it, CANADIAN QUEEN MA( K ( HEESE, BOLOGNA OR CHICKEN LOAF 373 g 1.1 FEARMANS STORE PACKET) (MLI) OR HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGE 2.62 1.19 Ih ( ANAI)IAN , QUEEN VARIETY OR MINCED H A M 3 7 ➢ g 1.2 ( ANAF)IAN QUEEN S1bEET PI( KLEE) COTTAGE ROLLS 170 I, 1068 11) MARY MILES DINNER HAMS 5.25 238 Ih 1 FARMANS BY THE PIE( E POLISH SAUSAGE 194 kg 1.79 Ih RO1FN HEAT & SFR�E FISH CAKES 2.18 99 Ih L, RUPERT BRANS) SNAPPE R OR PERCH FILLETS 173 �K 1069 II) GOLDEN SKILLET FROZEN CHICKEN CUTLETS 126 kg 1.48 11) PRR1ROSF FRO7F°N VEAL STEAKETTES 3.73 �K 1.69 Ih VA( PA( BONE I) COHOE SALMON .99 FAMII Y PRIDE FROZEN BEEF BURGERS 2®84 Ig 1.29 113 tin