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Clinton News-Record, 1983-01-05, Page 15
,h r Flee morP !al Efyt 3'1 .( • 3t 4 IPRItliSt START A7 15 iwrludhrag FREE ! O KM weekend* weekly Hates Available holiday rent -a -car system 5244411 STRUCK L otos-ase H&r&®ta Leel., eaeesieue JACK, .fie COLfUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING S(p•d®IiRINg bila ®CUSTOM BUILT HOMES *RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS @KITCHENS eALUMINLJJM SIDING PHONE 402-9506 EVENINGS JOHN 'LASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Form Buildings *Additions *� novotionS PHONE 482-3063 NON 462-9239 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill Day Wednesday L IBR S DASHWOOD 237-3677 iRNITRIIRE REPAIR SERVICE UPHOLSTER` AND AUTOMOTIVE SEATS °°FURNITURlt' STRIPPING A SPECIALTY" PHONE 482-7379 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESSORO 523-92®2 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair Snowmobiles and Soewblowers and other Small Engine Equipment 35. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT HAROLD VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Technician, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 8th day of November, 1982, are re- quired to file full porticulers thereof with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of January., 1983, after which dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED of Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd day of December, 1982. 'LICIFNi'EI) C .A It I9F N i'Egib ALL YOUR GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND BUILIOING NEEDS CALL: JOE .McQt'AIO Evenings - 482-36218 CLINT' CUSTOM BUILDERS `Custom built homes Additions olgrywoll *Roofing *Siding, Soffit A Fascia TIM BYLSNIA 482-3873 DOUG BVLSMA 482-7334 E.B. MENZIES, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the executors 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482.7198 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. JAN. 8 AT TO A.M. Furniture, 1975 Plymouth Valiant, 4 dr.; Sedan, 46,008 miles, 6 automatic for Mrs. Boss Garrison of Blyth and Miss Billy Sfewart of Clinton at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. SAT. IAP'. 15, T8 A.M. Antique furniture, stove and fridge, nearly now far Addle Walsh of Blyth et Richard L®bb°s barn. Clinton. 42. De.1ith noti e c II, rat" .Ln a0� ' Ieobe (M Le m). 1'ilJEKHEtfd At the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich 'on Monday, December 271h, 1982. Mrs. Anne Helen (Vierth) Turkheim of Zurich, in her 91st year. Beloved wife of the Tate Rev. Ernest Turkheim (1942). Surviving are 5 daughters Lottie (Mrs. Edwin Goscho), Zurich; Ruth (Mrs. Ar- thur Navey), , Los Angeles California; Mrs. Ellean'Botstone, Zurich; Gertrude (Mrs. Horace Greenfield), Sirncoe and Irene (Mrs. Charles Carr), Winnipeg, Manitoba; 2 sons Jack and Herb both of Zurich. Also surviving are 19 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Visitation was of the Zurich Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49 Goshen Street Nor- th, Zurich. Thence to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich; where the funeral service was con- ducted on Thursday, December 30th at 2 p.m. Interment 5t. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Zurich.—lnx FOWLER At Huronview on Sunday, January 2, 1983, J. Howard Fowler of Goderich in his 79th year. Beloved husband of the late Delano McCreath. Dear father of Robert of Ottawa. Also survived by four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Predeceased by a son Billie and a grandson Robert Fowler Jr. Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral service 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Interment Maitland Cemetery. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy. -1 nx Clinton; Audrey (Mrs. GH9ttle' Hepburn), Willowdeale; Margaret (Mrs. John Robinson), Clinton; Donald, St. Thomas; Ross of London; Murray of Owen Sound; Tem of Water- down; Hugh of London. Predeceased by three sons Lourie, Kenneth and 'Duncan. Also surviving are forty grand- children and thirty-two great grandchildren. Funeral service was held from the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton on Monday, January 3, 1983, commencing; of 2 p.m. with Rev. T.A. Duke of- ficiating. Interment Roy's Cemetery, Fullerton Township. -1 nx KOEHLER At the Blue Water Horne, Zurich on Tuesday, December 28th, 1982, Mrs. Nancy (Kennel) Koehler, formerly of Goshen Street South, Zurich in her 95th year. Beloved wife of the late akar Koehler (1939). Dear mother of Harold, Mrs. Shirley Craig, both of Toronto and Greta (Mrs. Leonard Erb), of Hensall. Dear sister of Michael Kennel, of New York, Mattie (Mrs. Edmund Erb), of Zurich and Mrs. Eldo Smith, of New York. Predeceased by one brother and five sisters. Also survived, by jEl grandchildren, bore -dt '` 3 great -great- grandchiidren. Visitation was after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Zurich Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49 Goshen Street North, Zurich where the funeral and committal services were conducted on Thursday, December 30th at 11 a.m. Rev. Stan McDonald officiating. in- terment in Emmanuel United Church Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice will be appreciated.—1 nx LEEMING Mrs. Maude of Huronview, Clin- ton formerly of Walton at the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich in her 88th years on December 28th, 1982. Maude Morrison wife of the late Thomas Leeming. Dear mother of William J. McKillop Twp., and the late Kathleen Clarke. Also survived$y 8 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Friends were received at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth ofter 2 p.m. Thursday until Fri- day 2 p.m. when funeral ser- vices were held. Spring inter- ment Meitlandbonk Cemetery, Seoforth.-1 nx 0 LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Over 80 Tractors & 150 Pieces of Equipment at Brindley Sale Vard,. Dungannon, Ont. turday, January 15th at 9:30 Aorto For more linfor tl®tioiil coif BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-S29-7625 or 519.529-7970 34 Personal DOES SOMEONE you love have a drinking problem? There is help for you. Coll Al -Arlon 524. 6001 or write P O.Box 226, Mit- chell. Ont. NOK 1,610. -49tf AUCTION SALE Car. fine furniture, freezer eta. to be held et Richard Labb's Born, Clinton, Ont. for Mise Billie Stewart of Clinton and Mrs. B®ss garrison of Blyth plus ad- ditions SATURDAY JANUARY 6 at 10 A0M0 1975 Plymouth Valiant Brougham four door sedan with vinyl roof, good upholstery, power steering, radio, six cylinder, automatic. 411,68O miles. selling as is. Modern maple rotted dining table with four twit- ching et- ching chairs and hutch, modern bowed glass chine cabinet, bilge hole dresser with mustache pulls and mirror, set of good maple bunk beds with gesed box springs and mattresses, tont inental single bed with heed board litre neve cedar chest, small apt. size chest freezer, upholstered swivel rocker like new. Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining table and four mat- ching chairs, Persian type rug 6Y, ft. z 12 ft., chester- field with pull out bed, GAP conditioner. Filter '•ruses vacuum cleaner, dehumidifier, humidifier. Kenmore vacuum cleaner with .00%11199V carpet hexad like new. card table and chair set, several fancy small tables, knee hole desk, ® rue reoele prolfetor and screene aevpral chests of drawers, large ®ll painting, other pictures, eight bird pictures by Arthur Singer, small chrome table vwlth two chairs, swag lamp, table lamps, bedding. fancy antique dresser, two Iowa wt citeetereleldl. praasglieck hlghehalr, sapper Moiler, lawn chairs, cracks A lugs, laant.tins, -copper tea kettle, email wowing wares table, homemade doll and baby cradles. portable a®tuwing raasaebelite, spmoe collection, 29" fan, Csuekoe eitaiet. email man- tel clock made in Great ®rlteulPe, 7 BE t>t carpet. smell appliances, small quantity of letieollere tsIes ¢nor usual large offering of wise-, dishes, glassware ate. Ineludlae,, antlgue places. This Is a reel cloaca offering. Plea to attend. TiRMSe CASH Rich y, Fd I:.®bb © A Ct10rreeT 4824 898 43. Births VANRAAREN Jack and Carolyn VenBaaren are happy to announce the birth of their first daughter, Jennifer Rita, weighing 8 Ib. 5 oz. on Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1982 at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greidonus, Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Van- Baoren, Clinton.—1 nx COOK-=iILI> ERT Mom a cl Do are pleased to announce the birth of me, Cereal?' Alicia, i arrived on December 28, 1982, of 14ingharn Hospital and 'weighed 7 lbs. 3 oxs. My proud parents are Bev Cook and Lynn Culbert.- –1 nx 46. I I'i me0ori m KIMI SWELL in loving memory of a deor hus- band, Hector Kingswell, who passed away Jan. 10, 1982. My lips cannot tell how I miss him, My heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how 1 miss him, In a home thait is lonesome to- day. have lost my sours companion, A life linked v lith my own;, And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone. Loved and missed by his wife Lena.—lx KINOSWELL In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Hector Kingswell, who passed away Jan. 10, 1982. God knew that you were suffer- ing That the hills were hard to climb. So he closed ypOr weary eyelids And whispered, "Peace be thine". Away In the beautiful hills of God By the valley finest so fair, Some day, we now not when, We will meet our loved one there. Lovingly remembered by son Elwin, daughter-in-law, Ann and grondsons Sean and Brett. --lx hookj ct nd i* Gc rd n. p ItliW/4' 99 ply 9 e, ' If lrl Hc- P i do np ttai e d your tl ` I o Mitred yo,u t res . Gods Gorden must be bautiful, For He only takes the best. Cod knew that you wore suffer He knew that you Were in pain, He knew that you would never get w®II, int; world agoin- He stow the road was getting rough, The hills were hard to climb So He closed your weary. eYelids, And whispered 'Peace .Be Thine.' It broke our hearts to lose yoie, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The doyGoci called you Home. Always remembered and sadly missed by his daughter, Brenda, son-in-law Lorry and grand- children., Sherri, Y.J. and Danny.—Ix FAr1leR Tie/ AS'lu p WREST In loving memory et a son and brother, Dennis 5. Forrest, who passed away four years ago Jan. 10, 1979. Surrounded by friends, we are lonesome In the midst of our joys, we are sod With smiles on our faces, we have a heartache Longing deur Dennis for you. Too dearly ; loved to ever be forgotten by mom and dad, Ken and Jane Wildfong and brother Rick. -1 . 47. Card of thanks LEPPINGTOH We wish to say a big thank you to the second floor nursing staff and to Dr. Baker for their ex- cellent care while we were pa- tients in the Clinton Hospital. Evelyn and Adam Leppington.-1 ? f 1 1 `with ii f a#t .: IttO, WS* - s nursing strip; oaf . ihet Minton Hospititl for th , lr • spilliont core land: kindnteiss, 1th OP duNn ., MY • stay there. Also I ,lik..fo t ttk- my many friends; and'ar t veal , for their gilts. vls(t. oni4 Shaer- ful eneduragernent• ,;it ° q-- l2rerrtty appsrecloted I!)Udr a ' lltiNN' 4 The family of the late , Wilfred Sanderson wishes, to; 'oxpreais sincere thanks for' expressions of gympnthy, floraltributes and donations In our recent 'Toss. Special thanks to the Stiles Funeral Home, residents of 85 West St.. 'Goderich, the Kinet- tea, Rev. Royal and the staff at I1uronview.-1 ORNISH I wish to thank sty friends and neighbors forcards, flowers and thoughtfulness while I was a patient in hospital. Thanks also to Drs. Herren, Walden and Newland and nursing staff for their considerate care. Special appreciation to Mr. Webster for his musical enter- tainment. Helen Cornish. -1 KENNEDY The family of the late Brod Ken- nedy wish to express their ap- preciation and thanks to all their friends, neighbors and family for their many acts of kindness during our time of sor- row. Special thanks to the Ball and Falconer Funeral Home and Colin Swan. ,The Kennedy family. --1 • 1 1 • • 1 1 • • • • 1 • • 1 • • e • • • • • • • 0 e • 0 • • 1 e e moose STARTS_ ,.. .,.Ai�a,��.R74w.�6 �1n►' IC`ICq,Gp�4 SE yAL M®®TINAKKATAI(A L*0 . SUN., M i , 'f ES®a Lail -dem. 19 Another World, Another Time... In the Age of Wonder. :,• •• • .,..i. PARENTAL ■ GUIDAi12E I ITC ENTERTAINMENT eerie A JIM HENSON rii,,, "THE DARK CRYSTAL" otr„lad ha IIM HFPNIN ,,,,I FRANK (17. A• • •e • 0 • • • e • • e 1 Special Prices Effective Until Closing Tuesday, January llth ,QUALI *IMAM STKIKIKT Many More In-store Features © Come in and See the Wide -Selection and Savings! ROM I EGG NOODLES TASTER'S CHOICE FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFFEE 1/2 LB 5.89 NA®�aI�A�P ����®A�9 WE®IVES,,AY �, A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. TORE HOURS: THUI §DAY AidD FRIDAY — 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY — 9 A.M. T;t, 5 P.M. BRING YOUR 01119N CONTAINERS U HAVE THEN SUPPLIED U ' US ®A T OUR COST!