HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1983-01-05, Page 8ti• '. fil , CAI L. g t • 14.4P '''' ..%4.,! , ., . .:' 4 L....:4•:: , ••?. ' • • krt.:. eten.,01,„. voqiNtil AVE IJPTO goovvyma ' argaret . BricUe ted 14 Christmas..pro Darigetird led Ifl" ti The '• Meaning of Others taking part were EIva Sanclem; Alice LawSoa, Mabel fl,rvy, 13* -rice Groves, alsYliP11404, Doris Balkh), Lois Elliott, May Gibson, and 1.4orna Radford. At the close of the skit, Do' ra Heard lit a candle. tv Elva Sanders read a poem and IVIrs. R. Baker sang a solo and also led -in the sing- ing of several carols. Margaret Bridle conducted a contest and winners were Lois Elliott, and Dora Heard. A moment's silence was observed m memory of the passing of a Life Member, Mrs. Addie Sturdy, and Mrs. Leona Lockhart, a former Secretary - Treasurer. Cards had been sent to shut-in members for Christmas. The roll call was answered with a $25 donation to Family and Children's Services. The next meeting will be presented by Ann Kroesen and the topic is Resolutions. JU •1 ileton news By B ehe Deeves Last Sunday in St. Janes' Anglican Church in Mid- dleton communion was celebrated and Lisa Stacey assisted Rev. Reynolds with the service. Mrs. xarbara Reynolds was the organist in the absence of Sarah Storey. The lesson was read by James Storey. Before the recessional. hymn the rector had the Sunday Schoei ehil,h en come to the front of the church and gave them the three wise nen and the camel and bless,i them and had the children place them in the creche. ton Midii!eton and Edward Deeves receiv- ed the offering. Get well wishes go to all who are ill at this time in the parish so many are ill with the flu. Annual Vestry meeting will be scheduled for early in February. Watch for further notice. In pre t .,ration for those meetings all organiza- tions are ask- to submit their annual reports to Bar- bara Reynolds by January 15 so they can be published. Our rector will be having surgery January 6, our prayers and good wishes go to Rev. Reynolds for a speedy recovery. During the month of January, Fathers Bill '''ennett, Geo. Youmatoff and George Anderson will be in charge. In case of emergency call Fr. Bill Bennett at 565-2834. Next Sunday, Morning Prayer in St. James' Mid- dleton with ev. Geo. Youmatoff in charge. I would like to wish all the readers a Very Happy New Year and thank all those who have helped keep Middleton News in the Clinton News Record. Guests with Alvin Dutot over the holiday were: Fred and Carol, Jennifer Dutot, Ken Dutot's family of Lon- don, Mary Atwood of Detroit, Ruby Comrie of G terich and Elwin Mc- Cullough. Save each A'ria.NTION: Proprietors of established' businesses, builders, purchasers, poten- tial proprietors__ You can save yourself cost and inconvenience if you in- tend to buy or build a new business or alter an established business. Businesses associated with food, public use, housing or sanitation require conformi- ty to Huron County Health Unit standards. Examples: retail food outlets, food pro- cessing plants, restaurants, hotels, motels, etc. sewage systems, septic systems and barber shops and beauty salons, arcades. Call the Health Unit before beginning construction or entering into an agreement. Huron, County Health Unit, Inspection Division, Clinton, Ontario. Phone 482-3416. 4 4 6 , 4 1- 0 ,, e er ent LITRE BOX y OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.23 1 r— CHEFMASTER Corned Beef Buy! 48 , SUPER 330 g tin . • . • , PRODUCT OF FLORID, TENDER, F For Freshness & Savings • , •• 0. • • „•••••• •• • OLIP REG Liki4 PRICE 2.18/k#0.99 lb GE -O OR CHIPS AHOY Christie Uookies PROD • F TEXAS, JUICY PRO,. 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