Exeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 88TEW
011 PEWDU6E,
merry merry . Christmas, with plenty* and to spare is our
hearty'' wish, to all, We have a large lot of very suitable Xmas
presents, the finds that are useful as well as ornamental=
81 ,09, $1.38, and $L75 each for three
as h e a tr parlor table lamps as you
would wi.,lr to see. All haunt' decorat-.
ed and beautifully Shaded.
$1,25, $1 ;a :ma $1,50 each for a
swell Ow of eiiina berry setts, 13
;aces in eieh setts, pretty and good.
$19-0 eaelL for beautiful new Buhem-
iii.0 shaded glass Eperns, the sweetest
centre piece for a table that you'll see.
21e the sett for pretty china create
and sugars. 25t• for very nice 3 piece 1
china porridge setts.
K,.7.5. $9.3 ). $740, $13.00, $8.75. and --"--
The choicest and best in groceries
and fruits suitable for Xmas, is what
we are offering.
$1,b0, $2,00 and $2.75 each for our
new chenile table covers. Whey are.
just as pretty as can be.
S1,00, $1,30, $2.25, $3.00 turd SA.50
eaeli for the choicest lot of I+'reizeb
tapestry table covers that we . have
eyer shown in Exeter, Oh. but they
axe pretty.
9Sc, $1.2,1 51,75. $1.00 and $3,23 each
for a $'Well Jut Of White beset y cunt),
and matrseiIles bed spreads. Correct,
for Xmas boxes.
i'>,Ri'1 fui :e lov,°ly range of full dinner 15t, 25e, 30% rice, 75c, .'ual Bair each
setts, 1•n the new brown;;, greens, blues tor fancy boxes, cavil containing t)
and pa',tel similes. If yon want a din- l bb's. Swell goods for Xwab,.
Ines sett We want ter see you. o
a 15e, `t,!e2Oi., 50e awl 09c each for our
1 i t*aac4r 'f,'t h'U v Bisque tbwr#i • � slaty silk hrs. AU s ie0ial for Xmas.
figures. for china,, figures,
75c nancli fee swell shaded Bohemian 4ro, 400, ii0a: and igie each for ladies'
fruit disyam's. They're beauties. new island Nurses, they are a lovely lot
•_ •� 'Nand are great money s.Lvers.
23. $3.15. $3,K5, St.00, $4 50 and
Siiihl for the pt t ,est lot of f,Ancy ,
110:10t `,t•t
t.3 th;tt l� e have MAT'sbowu 4"s Sl,09, 81,21 Ttntl $1.69 9 e,tele for
ti. =c• 1•`ive1F gold treeing and deetlrat- hive ftlr ztee1 at:nfa fl uatnt•ti wltlt
;?ng in this lot. See thrid. taita.
!cam ,. L,1 Y.,R..,M..�.IMR•¢¢�i?,I,wRRR.� .Mia R.P. •• ..:•+ '"'
1.13 a••eeh for a ince lot of solid oak 4'.2'5• S3.i5 and S 1 ti;I eacb for a
Serer ns. filled with ;art lateens and swell Int of fur 'seek ruli':. Shaped ;aid
Fr i nelr tinselP. • finished wltlz heads and tail. Lovely
...:......°.,...P.R.� presents,
$1.25 and $2,50 for Bissels American
stallArr1 c •urIYet. sweepers, high quality
roan long pr it•a:.
1,1.35 the pair for ladies' 2 strap fancy
kid opera slipper.
;,I.T3 for ladies' 4 strap fancy kid
olierati s pipets . Swell prods, correct " Nuts, candies, or
or l.,attu wenn : kinds for Xnnis.
., �. .a. 4...... �.,. --,..
Fur multi, fur l;.uinth:4s, fur caps,
fur eapermes, fur capes and swell tits
coats fur ladies.
Fur ,,:oats, fair caps. foe mitts and
fur robes for the rnen. Matra values..
t• � i
ges, lemons, all
ft. 8 A 6{ i€
ka,;.r+,+,,, 4,,, g,.,nL �.�: J. �..� .,O.A.Y"I'O�O�' M'•i'M0�'Oi'
To t-Fave
.-the Best. ods
is what. 'the. business man owes
It is this business policy of ours
which induces .us to claim to he
often the cheapest and con-
sequently always the best.
We have in stock everything in the
iStatiorery Line—newest in Note
& Complete Lliie of
Ja rdineres,
r.nelish and German Decorated
Vases, -
French China;
Limoge ,and !Jana, WTi.re.
for Marriage Licenses,
Wedding g Rings,
Waateltues, Clocks*
Jewol ry,
Spectacles* Eto
t'1LLO T
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Wm, B.atiiden is in „liz Old Country
on business.
Mr. Janes WV•adie,a, pf Duluth is
the guest of ;,rias L. Hardy.
Miss Vina Fisher is spending Christ-
mas with friends in London.
ilfiss Loraine Hoopee, of Buffalo, is
renewing acquaintances in town.
hlr, Agnilla Snell, of Winnipeg, is
visiting under the parental roof.
Our butchers had very nice displays
of Christmas meati, the best for years.
:vas. and Mrs. Ed. Treble spent the
Xmas holiday with friends in Sarnia.
, Misses Lilla and Edith Rollins of De-
troit. are visiting there uncle, Dr,
•�. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury are
FANCY GOnt $ Lir ,1 tL,:pESCRIP- visiting Mrs. Stanlatiry's parents in
i1ON5. 'Whitby,
Miss Cora T'oaveli pleasantly enter-
, tailed a number of friends on Friday
evening last.
FCiibt: luir, sr., returns this
from a visit to thescenes of his child-
hooa,n Scotland.
Mit,. P. Vivian and children of "'Mit-
chell 'are
I L-chellare visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Brooks..
Miss Flintoff, .of Clinton, aftiri 'a
visit here with pleasant e th 'hex. friend.
E ET,: •
IN.St rItANcIt.
Alien" for the Virras•.tn1 i AssvitiNet C.o: -
air n of'.furo sea.; also, for the Paosxix-hurts
::sera oF: t c)ttx Ya77, ref ' London, England.; Hiss Mitchell returned home this week
lb, f.C�.^T �• X�dli it:kN0 CO.r(PAr7ir, ei Bug 'S -
:;na3 Id
•:r ng left
I'ht; copy for : clian„es'muet be
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual,
° ' advestisementl accepted up to noon
ars. e owe li was called to Wood-
stock on Saturday last owing to the
serious illness of a friend.
Miss Elliott, milliner with the R.'
Pickard 00. 'on Tuesday left for her
hire near Barrie, for the holiday sea-
' Mr...E+d, Bishop in home from Toroti-
Wedresda.'v of each. week..,..
1'Ii:Jtit71i�•..) ;'r>;,,..
STOVE FOR S E- Parlor heater;
wend, roc) T is neW" Apply 'at TrtrEs
Office, wife and family. He was a quiet and
BOY W err ED,—A good, 'mart boy! industrious roan endroade"for himself
- with fair education, wanted to learn , a comfortable home in. the West,.
the printing business: Apply at
TlMI:1S °ince.
to to .spend ` the Christmas holidays
With his parents Mr. and Mrs. 11.'13tq-
News has''just, reached, hereof the
death of Mrs,, Roht. Pollock's father,
$Andrew Elliott, who died at his rest-"
dente in Manitoba. Mr::EUiott was
foiin'erly a resident of Stephen,. Town
ship hut he moved to'Manitob'a, abput
twenty years ngo together with his
KEYS ? 'E nYs 1—All parties having
keys from our store will kindly bring
thein in on Dec, 28th, at 2 p m, as we
areoiang to cpc-in the loch and present
theiutliy person. with the handsome
parlor Suite, 'Remember the day"°
H Swcitr•
To ']'un FA.a.liINa ' t?or t, C,,_--Tf you
keep coves for milk, blister or cheese,'
and are fattening c'ive t,cattleor hogs,
ar peal'.=.y, -for' n] sleet -or„ for-'e;as, ft.
lirl=?f r tad1 lanhli- i -i'. l il'bou Jt is'
the - i!t'aitrest fond cr1' then ni..h•iset,'
Sold try .(' Lt,x2, Exeter
(-)id,z•ed,.,saa)riw'and regal ing-dry
)rornl,tly :c t7 R. N, Rows's, :i
Among the many who; spent the
holiday in town were, Bruce Dignan,
Bert. Ross, : ii;r, and Mrs. A. Me-
Iavish Mr. and i1Irs. A. E. Bennett
and Greta, `lvliss' Heawan, Mrs. W.
Hawkshaw, : :MASS �eEriniline Howari,,
Harvey -Dignan,' London ; Will Mon-
car,Guelph ; Normon Creech, 'Brant-
ford:'; Alf. Davidsooi,Mancelona, Mich,;
Frank tike, Mr. and Mrs, R. Crocker,
Eel, Crocker, Frank Walter»;.'l'oronto;
Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, y ,tngh'am ;
Messrs. Follick, St, Marys : John
Fowe1 , 6Voodstock.; Norm -an Bissett,
Richmond,' Mich '-Ii,nss Howard, St.
Thornes Alia J'reb1e, Dorchester ;
Feed CCould, S. forth Wilbur Hand. -
forth, incs.'- .l W West eat; ;N e3heere,
lrela''.`-UeIi.n1 Z: G5';t: Knight
itiiss Lex), ,Howard has returned
I41a Jelin Ward,. of LucaLn, has been
appointed bailiff of tIiit place,
Luther -Howard is home from Galt
for the tihriSLinabs festivities.; '
A number of business changes are
announced for the first of the year.
.M'. D. Crittenden. of Blyth,'was a
guest of friends hest; .o . Christmas.
«Pili Carlin};, of St. Paul, Linn„ iii'
skunking hands with old frierlis here.
A full 'assortment ,of perftt- ]es sui-t
Able for Xmas presents ,:t " Lutes
d ;i
Ml. and. _ W. J, litmus " °spent,
the,holiday; with friends in London;
Miss rehear iiiusett, . Milliner for the.
post season at Setioniberg bas ret urn -
cd home.
Barry Browning, who is iL student
at Trinity 3kedical College is house fur
vacat ion.. Ti-
xt: TitAEs wishes its many renders,
Niels and all, a. happy auct prosperous
New Year
Charlie, .f . yudnran, of Buffalo, is
pending a sport time Toes with his
grandmother, ua's. Hyuchauaan.
Me,srs. Melville and Alex Martin re-
turned house on Saturday from To'
runt° for the holiday season.
Messrs, Tauain and i3.abkirk tote
Christmas turkey rut their respe,tive
bottles in 1J1yth and .russels.
Beg to ret
during the pas
eo:itinuar)cc •li
and wishilie;
J. Snell, H. Ford, L. Long and John
Williams after spending the stnunler
u- Manitoba returned home on Satlr-
Dig Itichrtyplus•--a sure relief fur
lame baciOntobago and all ttitiro'y
inlet u.tnauy4xderatigetarents. livid. by
(., Lutz„ 1 d.
The Reeve bas issued a proelatnattior
making it cuwpulsury fur ad petsuns
not already inoculated, to he vaccinat-
ed within seven tuya, front Jan. '.:5th,
Stet' advertisement in another column.
'lyre aro tievi-ral canes (+f siurtfpix
reported from Sleipkaa, Stephen . town-
ship. It %%mild be well fur all ivhu
have raw, lately been vaccinated to 44 -
tend to the itoportant duty at oute.;,
Tirt:,O. ut.h3ppy ria l•5ou h tvitar 1 I1iYer
fr'l:nt Mery (urine's aunt' dv;=pc tisia 4uiitt0
use Carter's Little Nave fills, which
are made expressly for
sleepless., nee -
vows, dyspeptic sufferers, Price 23
Mrs. Martha Mainuir, ;. who went to
Guelph last %Wel', to visit her biter,
Mrs. 1'e;art, accomplisiiect the j•►ttruey
without rituvh 1 Ltigtn . It wee tropes
the ebnoge would tee a sa•urlt, but. avu
are Sorry to learn that she does not
impznve in strength.
We regret to learn that IY[r. S. J. a .
Boyd, l'rox'ipal of our public school,
bus resigned hispo'itioa. ate. Boys'.
nes been very snC0e551u1 in his work
here and the publls and parents will
be verysorry to bear of hie intentions.
We understand ler. Boyd has a desire
to go to Dakotas. and enter into the
tieevspatper work.
:iris's at.tueaa ` a`.Is" --craned. her
position as bookkeeper in Cobbledick
Sous' grist, will and will spend aL
f • chome 1 fore leaav-
t, days :lex ulut .cera before leav-
at 1
ing fog let. Marys, where she will insist
her brother in his dental office, :MISS
li,attie Penick having returned home,
John I'uddictaube, one of Loudon's
neost esteemed and best known eitisens
(tiedSuuday evening, One week ago
last Saturday i\Ie•. I'uddicurue contract-
ed a cels, which developed pneumonia.
He was horn in Devonshire, England,
02 years ago, He was well known in
We are pleased to notice that Miss
Elsie McG;tltuni has . s'ry successfully
passed her examinations at the Model
school, Loudon, and will for the ensu-
ing year teach a department in the
(`rediton public school.
Between the hours of halt past seven
and half past eight. on Monday even-
ing next, nomination night, the ceme-
tery question will he discusses) and a
financial report will be submitted by
the directors,, All persons interested
should be present.
—John T. Parkinson, who has been
teaching at S, S. No. 10, Landon Tp.
for the past two years has- returned
home and will attend London Normal
next tern'. At the public entertain-
ment held the ]:n O ;her of school the
scholars present ”;-1 r.rrir "teacher with
an address, also y copy of Shakespeare
a)..nda fountain pen to - show -their re -
spec, and esteem on zr t•;'departurf;. for
other fields of ww.k
It Is Se.19_ un good 'moth
Family Herald and. W
11Tontreal :Will, before t
nary,. announce that
cent t kal]
' more new
There orf
some time, 1
some pictures along
seription to that g
rity that the
ekly Star of
e end of ;Farl-
ey cannot au-
1 ri rs
su >sc rte for.
.r of three hand-,
kith a year's sub-
atpap er, for one
dollar, bas been th means of creating
subscribers that all
such a rush''of rlc� s
their ealcanttionii for supplies of pi -e,..,
k high.. .The
" a:i. it s
hires, wetieI } �, y .,„.
] o
V � preparing in
1 in f
extra work
three large aictures ' ” r: mailing. has
o r":
c it n o td s
a d a e..th� . f e
somewhat y €�
't. e 1.
`'L tb nr Tai e
'.lir staff are ]
bot a ti p y
those .:vho,have
<ri ad.
a and
li , t n
subscribe ,'orydoso this' month, need'.
have to nxiety about getting their
) .etc
publishers t, a
p]ctitres, as g.
to carry out their promises and that is
sufficient for those who know diem.
At thepresentt time there;'. is consider'-
able excitetnent' and 'anxiety anion;
the inhabitants of Stephen and Hay
townships; on account of- the preval-
ence of smallpox'_ in these municipali-
ties, and from current reports it seems
to.zhave existed in these to,syusbips for
some time, several persons, it is said,
having been ill and -recovered, rlhe
disease wo,s detected last "week and a
meeting of the Board of Health of. the
Township of Stephen was held on Sat -
u1 day. The Provincial Medical. Inspec-
tor was sent for, who, on Sundaylvisit-
ed the infected districts of Shipkat; arid;
Dashwood, and discovered 14 cases ,in
Stephen and two in Hay township,;
Soiree of the cases are very severe, and
several deaths are expected. Many of
those afflicted with the disease have
been going about;;;and mingling. with
their neighbors and also shopping at.
the local villages, ;so that at the Pres;
ent time it is hard to determine the
extent to which the disease will spread.
The smallpox 1S'as brought into trig,,
township,; it is t aid by personw
came either fr thr -n''--
1 isr rsr'Qtl(rl0 P11
of Health will.
t+ wis our many
friends and custo-
mers a prosperous
and happy NEW
Absolutely pure baking powder sold j ;--stet,„Weed_---- and Belladonna,e ont-
by G'•,l,utr., Exeter,
ei blued wi ,1, be other ingredients used
lin lb.- loos roux plasters, snake (ar-
ts•.'s S. : stet, B. Barkaache Plasters
ii b•
a l ) as the market, Price Aft„. ami :ries, %. "exits and Fatui - . r tin .. r
aro vision,; al Mrs. Piekard's.
kt:ir t'.c,.
Dir, anal I.frs, AIlf. 1Va1tes visited 1 D. Crittenden, of 111=yth, lately ern-
fricrids ]n 1Vingl tiro th] t sti eek, ► pltyI d 5511 ' t'5 1 r,hal.:. a chanest of enter-
hfunicil)a:l and school trnst.ee ru)ur.11111 atllelarge tl rnt'n1ilis�.118te(latlza'1ne:r "
s , ¢tftt•r 'Vasty i i•.txrt, its st coned 11]111('9', 'turn
trlaltson s helve p1t eon ntal .1,t,}' fent l t%1it ril'e's' rt'nhraln ntitl t:I1 tge .with "`�' `m""""""— '''" -"�'•* '•'�'��
', + student in 1 t1r•, it-e:e', cvhr) will soon 1i vii the
Itlr. i'c. 1 iel;.;al'tl dtntial •atittlet
' j.`Jir, fnll()�51ixgy are tl.e(Y.-.t1 '1S (•li'C(15*
1'orotlto is sptn(iTTt;; vat„turns at hl',lnull running in Bi,ytl'.
home linen 1 at the 'ast re•*itlar meeting of the •
out. it, forrns the fifty-fifth of the suing }'e"Ll PrP'''' mis" U. Sweet ,
1-Ierh Pickard, of Brantford, is home
spending vacation,
We carry a Targe, well assorted stock of t.
I niturt', goo( Pit'''t s. your 'nolle=y's wbrth,
`;aatisfitction, both as to price and quality.
UHT T Frail{ ' t �U all {l 0
u fit. wul81 o
Di ream
' The t�a01 Brian Airll 1nac for 101'2 1s '11.150 '.,. Ir l),t 1,15 )11.041E4110 fair plat: mi.
sirs. (Rev.) 14r. I).1tva1, of t: tr'PYlimrnsl t , ,. , t .
t4 V sit' 1 t 1l 1d M
est xn )tar p,tre1i v r.:sr ry •
' series, is rxnn5trally valuable, and is ” ic'r•Iatt v, •,f c Tri -tuft! %laud' ar or, Mrs.
Chas. Ton:.
„ w _ i indispc, ns1hle> to every office' and 11- *i0T)1 r,e ; 2„d Vice. Mis ion:te•y, Miss Mr. Senior andclaughter, ales, ,Lupi. henry in the Dominion- Many of the E. i clahale ; :.td� ''ice, Litetnary, it s
ford, of 13lcnhelln, aura, visitiog thele list given are not found elsewhere and I,, ,Isrhus : lih 1 icaa. ocial, suis:, ' I
relatives in town.
Mr. Will Milylyd. who is attending formation about Canada be found .in 1 ; (*)rt;'1,•Y:8t, ii 's' D*:tithe"rd.
Dental College, in Chicago, is spend so small aspace.
it no other volume can s rnxei tn
Gulley leF ;c,ty,
ing the holidays at his house here.
Ohio, are spending the holiday thne , lady)
their tends here
and Lender Gilt. of Gihsonburg,
Mr. Beeehlxo has been erxganecl
r: 1p;s taw or nnie nxonn. the; wife of 'Wm. Latuhreak. o: a dao ;IY:en
with M 1; 1 f
i.3.mit tett•--In C;edt'on en
past n'i)
left for his home in Watford, nn\l, th
n 1)11 e 53511 inyt wirera of T). A
Tuesdav la t.. He •will be greatly m is- '1Snisn'n_xc:
od, r,er. of a d mei ,•r .
\tr. Benjamin Grigg, of \lonti=sdl sed by the young people and especially Tura) In l tinter, on nue _,:;r ;nil. to .lir. and
sin of 1Vi11.. Grigg town,:.veats married by those in musical circles in which he Mrs. A Fera, a son,
recently to a yoian htdy of Blown- was a, prominent fL ere. Ile was a
valued member of Mair. street Metho-
dist choir while here.
A flugner wrote to a countyY editor,.
asking bow he would. break a bronco.
This was the answer : Tie a. rope to
laic tail and hoist it to the hop of =a 40
field, Ont. •
Mrs. Kilmer, of St. Thomas, and
Miss Grace Penhale, of London, spent
Christmas with their mother, Mrs,
Penbate, Gidley st,
PSulsax— WEBS •--.lt its r,ssd,nae of the
brides parents, in Clinton, on 1)i:a. 181,h, by
Rev. l)r, Gifford, 5 net a M. daughter of Mr,n. Nebb to 3lr. l . i:1'tut cu.
lis�9a-Cos'c•rr iL the r •atilenceoftile bride's
pairents,111Ctint,o.. un nt,'arnber 18tH, by
Itee. 1)r. Gifford t'• 1 suss, to Minnie, only
., daughter of 't`ir. Arthur touch.
iiia uxuUer f the ehuxclies special , �T�;,x-=tn [ ltartoT
foot pole then tit tiaopeQLratxntl ifs f to'y )xrr�l1N,bv Ttoy, .lir,
c an th r oI 111 , . ,* ) • , t �ts. ...t. \i'rn. aLtlsrar
and appropriate music rendered. Sun- neer. ran 1 it to c p e t l" r aeon sr•t
loPJoanna, daughter of 3Ir.
4i in•, te-nea
die f t*• back, d f 'that 11 net n Tt 111 a at I t
n o t Hanso c It 1sT a i at the 5033 -
Christmas sermons were preached denaeo �ho t,ru
11a, i oil to-13arrlis
same ireib;x;, and then let, a five ton ! s , ,
pile. driver h•Lrnuier.drop on 1;]ie mid-
day, alnd the subjects dilated upon had
F4'aisasTk:t-tlitttnse18—ii F.xeSer, on ('heist
t 's church ser -
ar ins
and I Will n ti e v yt tit ie
special o 1 dt3 bvt Rc
Conn try (Allies 11e, tiled daush .cr of atr. John Gilles-
of the y the b th ins:., the Inst tlyai cls newspaper and trust people for severel 1,51L ' kitcerrltic as \beerier i. 0 on the well
of the year, by the pastor, R, Iilyard• years subscriptions. ensu, bp'ltev U W iirown 13 A 13 11, at -the
'uuhjeets = Morning, " The' precious
; r
h�'Ll Std ti a
Yift' • evening', "Hearts and Elands' : FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEET
residence or- the bride's pmrent.. %fir and Mrs:
1NC+l' -A Ttriher( Birks, Mr T3 t 1,icndwehr, of Elver -
Farmers' Institute meeting will be side, nal tonna, to Miss Maud Rieke,Women with pale colorless faces; held in the Towti Hall, i+;xeteC, nis.•S:a- DII3D
who teal weak and discouraged,
I ,'
g tresis, - .January llth. There will be Smetil.l.i—in lateen, Dec, 12th, ,Tean.Pateanor.
receive both mental aiucl bodil vigor.: ;' aged 5 months and 2a clays, d•iighter of
y. afternoon and evening sessions Ad• g
hy. using Carter's Iron Pitts, which aar' dresses on live tapirs pertaining to the
tux -wenn -In 'iSU�tnu i Stan' l;< 21n1 ins:., Teo
5(15*ip ft))., th 3 blttai, nerves )tn'i corn
farm., tytll be , beoa'i Taylor, wife of 51:•. George Heywood
on. edged G
'1l S
p tt f Milton
Ii C
The London News ef:Nov. 2Gt.h, 1001'
in speaking o£' "That, Dainty Widotw',
cosnpany says, -.At the London Opera
Hoose the musical farce comedy `''That
Dainty Widow drew good houses,.and weddingtook. place at the residence of ;
piece ne satis'factton.. i `:
the p, e :, Lve ;excellent Mr, Arthur. flgach,Clinton, when his
The above company will annOsit in the only daughter, Minnie, became the.
delivered byDDrunTntnr+d-
o1 Myrtle ; G, o rh ,:, o a i ort ;
+'xtner• Lick, of Oshawa, and Ltc•tl.
r etitlen.neu. L+ol' full particulars as, to
topics, etc., see posters.
Ross —CoUCn.-A: pretty but quiet
— s a . c the 17th 'est John
, 13 n r
Jcxivsro�r 1 ]*
Johnston aged 18 years
opera house, Exeter, on Monday, Dec. ,bride of W. J. Ross,a former rseter•ite,
30th. Special prices lac and 3oc„ seats soca of Mr, alicd. mes.;1). A.' Ross. The.
on sale at Lutz's drug store. drawing room and dining 'room. had.
A.NDWEI11t-EfIOIcs, On SVednes- been decorated with fiowers•and pre-'
'tla `el ernoot . Christimas, a ;quiet, sensed a. very- beautiful appearance:
pretty home weddiv -was solemnized It was laigla noon when the bride, n1.0
Ilicks when their eldest clatighter 's navy blue aud carried a Froquer, of
Miss Maude Hicks, was united in mar- white roses, leaning npon the art)) of
ria,..,<Ye to H. A. Lardwebr, 1. prominent her father, entered the drawing eoorn
real estate broker, of Riverside, Cal, where the groom, anvaited, her. ..he
The ceremony w,is performed. by Rev. wedding niarch the while being played
C. "W. Brown, 11 A. D„ in the Tires- by Miss Adams, of Lendeshorm The
ence only of then utenthers of the bride's ceron10/1Y WaS performed by Rer.
family. They were unattended. GiiTord, after which, the bridal party
The bride was necorninely attired in a npartook of A recherche luncheon and.
travelling dress of grey. The young on the 2,25 train the happy couple left
a,t the residenee of !, r. and Mrs. Robt. was attired in "her tre,yellinon dress *of
couple took the evening, train for Tor-
onto, Niagara and. other Calbaclian
poink, on short honeymoon, after
few days, in order to afford the .bride
an opporttmity ot bidding her many
future home in Cal, The
bride is one of ,Exeter'e4ctir daughters,
v esteemed by ea/wide circle of
, who will be,neorry that she
for Toronto and other points se/10re
they will spend a fe-w da,ys their
honeymoon. 'I'heie were many :hand-
some presents which testified to the
esteem in which the bride, who is one
of the most popular of Olintob's young
ladies, is held. The groom's et was a
gold watch. Mr. itoee, -Who is book-
keeper at the ovgan Iabtory and a
clevec and highly respected young
gentleman,"has been congratulated hy
his, many friends in. securing as his
take 71
nr a:
Of i.,
r_=j :. 4 ai015
will fully equip 3:,;r,n„ In .si
•1.01r'Pntur! iso i:r.: 15..
pp:et 'e t' 1
to c and matte sacci,e it1 b
r.tp,ily , type writ u.;-, in ii::
.a.; it tiesetter ,r to erne:
For t /Situ i
Y. M. C. A. lit',
I. W, WES nll:.v.ELT,
ie�• Tl 7: i'.,
��,���ar IG�It ova �.iill
Only ono bind of a bit
given to,,udonts, and Id
Our railua .rs•1 r
4 .a" -,t.- t -are t,Y
ii ms nu businesse ^e
r aof
can nurse ,a�etn-out. 1e
.thororxgtt proparatitin.
',tuna have recently bet-
-other br! r 1040 eoik:gcs
,our grade ,:es as teach$
notorne Les sons. Sure!
class of w,3rit we do.
spealti.ng et -W. Scott,'
Lion. of "Thitt, Dainty
"That. Dainty Wido
tensical. comedy that .
did not-teiedi for a
ahsad, Of dat Cent,'
company was a
Leonid.. not hti•Yen
The above Goer
Seats no+,
Blue worsted and serge suits,
Tsveect shitS Worth 017.00 for
Overcoats with yoke
Panting made to
GoOds.' bought': her will be
cut free of charge,
PP p
order for
A good
deY dr sal