HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 7th
414411447! 42021=1171.*
wrgestioris of - Many
hing in Our Time.
to A or tho ^UMW. ro
than by wonders or bieesaat_biess-
br ea One Tboulan Nina Hue- .
teit.igi.r2311.,,botitbervie, ing of lorr
igevity ; the aveage of hia-
man life rapidly increasing, Forty
a.teh ,41.int.tou sa . years now worth 100 years once.
showing she has had rough weather, 25), but they understood oet, for the! `40 4 444;4
but the Captain of Salvation cora- time had not come, and Moses had , <se
wands her mad all is well with her. not been, authorized. He was 40 ;
The ship of heaven, mightiest craft years ahead. of thee. But now after •'ir • e
ever launched, millions of Do.ssengers
waiting for millions more, prophets
444444 44-44to 4444440+04 4 044 844.
heeping eheep for forty years God •
calls him and commissions hito to
mid apostles and martyrs in the , lead Israel out, but he must wider- 4ti• 1.,- "....°34 ilf
cabin, conquerors at the foot, of the i et arid that he is ()lily an instrumeet „L. 0 1 ' i °"*.olr Irt
Mast. while from the rigging hande 1 M the band of the Lord, that he is ;
are waviug this way as if they knew i nothing, but God is everything ited : eer •
us, and we wave back again, for i will do all by Iris power. -04i :ft •
they are ours. They went out from 1 Lessou X.—Moses and Pharaoh .e.
ur own households. Oural Haifa (nee. go 1.10). eectideri lext, lea. 0
haill Put off the black and put 1 lxiii, 9, "The angel of IIis presence te 4
on the white. Stop tolling the I saved them. 'Whoa Moses and Aaron i 4. off
afunotehte•aral , bell and ring the wedding went to the. rulers in Israel with ; "Ii eifiarkabie .er.
Shot up the hearse and their God-given credentials. then
Talmage preaehel frera Nate I can travel from Manitoba to take the chario4. were accepted by the people us the Ifr
()Bowleg teat eeoloel .." New York in less than three daYs• Now the ship comes aroma' the Lord's messengers, but when they I
three months. In other words three great htehaedlo.nd. f$oen she will went to .Pharaoli with the demand .4
1 st•ONV woutiers in the heavens In other thees it would have taken
d in ilie earth." wharf and we will go efrom the Lord that he should let 1„1 other Ie- ss
. e ha atieb, see live is waaa,,,,(lays. The average of human tut. Lau
Tears for ships going trael go they were scorned and turn- 4.
I prole:we to show you that the dot's now are worth three months of aboard hen
disestee end wonderfati for Mess,.
when Noah lived, witla his 9,50 years. • out the
ow she touches the wharf. Throw 'i led), So
ghter for ships coming in. !eel away with contempt (iv. ;.10-31; v. se
God hulaabled Pharaoh ani
We practically greater now than
, se.des in this picture as in ali oth- end Methuselah lived his 969 years , geogwaywth embracing ong planks„ Block not up that • his people by ten dreodful plagues.
h 1
il1 Lesson XL—The Paeeover (h3x. ^sit. *
i'frig', for them must he lights and
' crs. Need I argue that our time 3- les:.,/ugs. of intelligence: 'rho Sal- lost friends, eor you will have eter- ii -3.7). Golden Text, I. Cor. v, 7.
4- hams and the .A.brahain
Lime -ibis and the Henry te nity of reunion. Stand back and 1 "Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed 4,
i is wonderful for disaster ? Our world 180a "
„twit! vi. otiti it wa, itou.),d out Laic, the rowing time will not be required
Witsans — ' give way until other millions come 'for us." 'There is no salvtition from Or
;Lae bad a roitgli teme. since hie the
aboard her. Farewell to slut Fare- death, the tfonsequence of sin, but by eat
pace. it is ea epileptic earth—eau.. to learn to read by pine knot lights
o`e e0111YILIStOtb, ireois seated on ehrientaaer'S bench. 110fr WP11 " struggle! Farewell to sick- death, the death of a substitute. 'nit; •
some pair ot pictures that alone would sell for teeny times the eubacrip oo, price
ot pa an p ur .
or oneetieg it with In between. oi will the Fergueoos have to study as. fleas! Farewell. to death! • "Blessed 'ris seen in the, alifaxials slain by (Imre.
he .ate Sato the city. clothing or am. , . .
are all they who enter in through own hand to provide the redemption
• 111 it with fee- tronomy while scatehing the cattle.
...iceberg raid Mee nie - ng •
i luxes eeven times heated, it A a Knowledge rolls its tides -along every
poor reales door, and his children
!wonder to me it has lasted so lone.
iIlleteors :,,Iifiot ie g by on this side and 1.14ar 'Ao down; nnd bathe in them. If
grazieg it atol meteors shooeing by the philosophers. of a hundred years
^ on the other able and graztng it, ;.‘"0 were lulled up to reeite in a. -
Intim of them slowing up for safeit'. • tiass with our boys and girls, those
Whole 144 t'4 of r take tint! 3V10 ii', old philoisophers woold lie sent down
:nu;1 ootenas of woeols eweepinfr till to the 1001. of the. class became they I
ont ue. Our earth like a lieliing foiled tq :Answer the gnestions! /free I
diseaFce and dis-
heart, Wern
• , tilleh PS Falpita-
libieg, Eimotherieg,
F tSpells, Anfierailk,
• uses, Brain Fag,
J. Laelt *f
rt tonic, nerve facia
building up and
orn out tied wasted
nod restoring perfect
a box, or ti tor 411.25,
f Ad id One Wen ut
Here is the best ofrer ever mode in this community. By VC1'3" excellent ar.
resigentent made with the FamilY Herold and 'Weekly Star of Montreal we arts
ettaiiireil to offer THE Exaersit 'Irtins And that great Family Finer, the
Yanifl• and Weekly Star for one year for the email SUM 01 $1.75 anti fl
elm% to each s.'''scrier three imantaful previa p etures, of which the follow,
ingis a brief descripicn
KING =WARP VIL—Tree to life, a beautiful portrait Axe IS x
St inches, on beentifel teaey white satin finiehed papeefor framing. This portrait
has been taken surtee acceoston to the throne, and is the very latost and beet
obtainable. It cannot he had except through the ll'ANWY Husittie
wzrlaby STAR; each pietere bears the King's autograph, This piceure bas the
greet merit of being the diet taken after the KM& aeccesion, and has thereforo
Ilistcfrieul value thet no other pietore can peatees,
a QUEEN ALFM,ItYPRA.—An exquisitely beautiful picture of tin remark.
ably beautiful and gee Queen Alexinitira, *deo takto Once the King's accession
to the climate/. It ie the mutt elm co that ot the Mug, the two f °milt a.inied.
211; also in the ram offered. on the
°portrait, of the Xing tied Coneort taken at the seconil egeuereediegeit,
altar in Israel's stead (Oen. ;0111, le/ tte tiogs can have Pile fre.ctioo at tile value of the liret. The 'et go dewri to history.
and here in the Passover lambs it
• THR DUCHESS OP DEVONSUIRV.—ne Renowoed Gainshorougla
E . ,I typical of the great Necrifien oi Him 10 a yrnent of #M,0110 reward and siffea sold to Ma 3,,Plerpont Morgan for
'At attortn ig°0111et,:rtiffIluecvtelo°,4bideenler or:Ir*Itlwtevvigritilryleiretia'aTsud telifellifrof lA Ito
TH S S LESSON- awfiwts:e 1.1111)°•s°t(iliosrPiaLlin111° s'ati*se;!iiiicielel!ehine,:i
4, PFUel' AU pa
et. This, In brief. is the blittory of one or the premium *tierce, lefties by a
' Lesson XII. ---The passage of the * claret Woke of enterprise, the publithere of the Family Berahl have, secured for
- Th 1 t i 22411f3 ' ten colours and is reercduced tine ler
and the have! . Ini, die to .. a es and pottgal kIlt.11.Cf. and me, . 'refit. Ex. xv, 1, "I will sire; unto .4. in Nevr York City, Mentreni sold Toronto for $12 each, and this is tbc 'picture
the quarter's Lesson. Gold-
gl°31°"slY•'' The L°1*ti wh° inade 1" ea pictures of the King and Qopea.
by whose blood alone ein teee Iii, /air ie. ene,000,
Red Sea, (Ex. xiv, 1 a-27). Goide,„ toile their imbecribers. The c tire $ 113
0' line. eolour for eOlour wait the original. Copies of th; reproduc ion axe Pow sold
LNTERN.A.TIONAL 'LESSON awilY (Acts iv. 12)•
smack off the batiks of NeWfound. libraries in all the important towns •
; !and, white the Majestie mid St Punt and cities of the ieriti. Itistoricol at."
• rush by. Besides that, Our wied twine tables far all who desire. to Text of. the Lesson, Review of
toe Lord, for Ile bath triumplie ▪ randly Beralcl aubteribere are going to get absolutely free togetber wfth the
• With° • '••o,c
ims by sin bc,•n dAttiaged in Its Wo Itr,rtgli I bent 04'
tereal umehlosige, 18848 ever and alien en Text,edit., 34. wae through the lied Sea. 1U41 4)
• s that zot big veinal Call at TOE 'XMAS °Mee and see eamPles
ungifted over the hosts of Pharaoh hi
"dis furrinceo have leirst. orid 1 i 0 '1,411' rCAVX •A.T Thl.:111..
Le:-solf I.—Joseph sold into Egypt , the „ . of these beautiful pictures.
weieiag oneees 0. the mount tor. . 1' • .1,s t t (Pia iliforitioAkol- ' (Gen NaNvii, .!- t) Golden Text, ..: ' e -1- - 1,0,turi, th • Son ee: AIS great paper the Family Herald for tt's 24
eione who afterward in the 11;44. 4, Tea wane Tug EXX21411 T33123 for the beat news, end you wept_ thet
" q ' 11 .--,sio, r• s' pages of general news and famtly
. have been frova of old. Ivor.' 4'• 113ges 111aue am worth many times the stiliteription
„beep beeeeen. ;toil tiae i,lit31(18 110.ve Newip;tpves fulling ull around u.s : Autt,,, Ili ,, -Tile patriarchs, moved,' riP"'S (1* '11"e' ' ' 'e 4' ,
„ .
' •
tapped a ''• ' ' ' '
,...„, fee, end tht. eivat Inil% of thieli os t,b, Supteinter equinoctial. avail envy, sold Joseph hito viit ' " •
' hieziv Clod manifest in the flesh. A : reading
hr• •• Its agricultural
':er::-. that evf,.• en...1 fmon threatf,u,ti We eve the whole world twie d
nt • of all tiongs. whose going, Price.
Dfinor send your oubseription to
,everythino• te---------------------------------------------------------s evet14 THE TIMES OFFICE.
the world has boos i'nrred 'with are'- Now., three heye rancid and stale. bat chat eves with haat, lila a Tt•
e 0,1" !little child efr, hom
ehild everioetouly avoi- eta
lint it eeeme to ts te the 14,, hreakfael inble end through the uscd A. played with toudtts the'1" the ony Judge f all nfirt•
et entail/IT i t itrot igh I he litZepaner at
_ 4 +40-40^0-OS•4340.4'414.1109 114 04,4,4,4,1**44,4,44,44,44
were espialally 'eNtr ••• 0.14.. a,. the ttatable, with ‘111:,mother's bean and trings ber third
:W44. 1- eeti .11K15t ber...1,fInd there betweenbefore ber. So if we are in right re- •
1 .s.iy 1.01‘,"!2112I4t 1..e-. ;. ttleffas ill goVel, prorlamotion: ieeione with otIr .absent Lord evere—
Biotite an eitrtivinere N017 it.i 1.111.1 fun, that neiirly all theetbing in the book will speak to us
hushed ul,• Whilt 2211"`"."n"17:j 604 4041" lialra be 140411 Of HIM, and the htitred and cruelty
mud (A'tigInNi !'"id Ve•luvius uttlUst " h!:Indred Yew's' and hearlY of JoFoltif's brethren to the bro:ther
^breathing, let toniehitiorei of the ell 110 rabic societies and nearly whom low tether e0 loved tem ellen
often Ilourishtng profession of womeii
IS nONO on itcCeptcd mid '0
-eartewae ri tr•even 1 311,w,abal al., the gteat philanthic mhe
ropove- gest tirctttnIent winch Christ wrtesntiot•rsiorfden
re- iinngl,..."3:ance. "In a. country town of i
;Kilt-tith nivate:es in two will orre
le cord- meal s? Christiant nity is on tlte march t•eiced froHis brhren
et. the Jews, Seine -et -Marne *10 41' which I ton stay- t
‘.111.1iiiieci yiomg ladc.ytIeenttistet1,
11 in the e'd 4.009;11" of 11.e ralti'lli while jurfdir1 1 1Y is dwindlinG into iza- and the helioing lueirt wills say ith i'tee mono/101y of tooth -drawing:, a
iAssoeiatioti 1 '11 41412 the empl,ror. becility. While infidelity is 1 itus' deep gratitum
de, --Ali for e." dont iatis busin,,sn in yrovinekil
"gee,. to ancient Antioch and amid the dwindling the wheel of Christianity neesoa 11.-1oseph in prison (Gen.
, Alt earthip le he t hat nett rev skeet t ire a Gen. xxxix, 21, "But ti.e Lord WAS ;
20; 2a, lea. Golden 'yen. ,y(rAlutcl?yconsists of litt le else. French
.• splendors of lite 1'00'1410n is met he le making about a thousand revolt:- xxXiS,
.. tiat. emperor's life. 1.,isbon. fair and Wonders of eelfeeierinee, A, clergy- follis Prol if the. wealthier
' , , . ,. .
1-.011S 311 a, Minuto, .
I beautiful, at 1 o'cloelt on the 1st tit It an told itie in the northwest that 3 t ie written of him both as slave
with Ja•,eph, end ebowed bite moray." sort, rarely, if ever. indulge in a. set
November. 1775. in 1,17.: iiiinutet! 6"." l'or '-lx YeItni Iv, Was a missionary ttt mid prisoner that the Lord was with !uouf'11111;18° jeeth; wiln they lose tlieir
000 have perifited, and Voltaire the ettrtme north, living 400 miles him and he was a prosperous man they get on as vest they can
.writee of them, "'For that region it from a isaet wilco awl somethms, cxxxix, 2, 2r..
t) it is hard to wait .
, without. lint "iin. aching tooth
wail the last judgment, nothing want" *lei thermometer 40 degieles below day by day under adverse and try- that interferes with business must go
„ wrapped in rabbit skios woven to- petit of deliverance. and be seeming- i and the cost of extraction I.3 within
Two francs is the
chimneys in 124) 1.12* ilartl,y or fully geueet 1 eiticl: ''.18 it 1)1,3881111C? ly forgotten by those whom. we Phi:: I', 11+:11.112:0:11•ekr'se°t111:fge°0':ft2;ttuesi)! nuslItilt1:°1111°1°Ill'ewsillthe'
hig but a 'trumpet, Europe anti eery. 2 1
ale s=ept cut of ilOors in winter, ing eircurestances and me no
A,i'airiea feelitig the throb -1.4500
But- the dieaettrs of other times 'weary,
s help us if they were not so selfish lam ueicterous in
tiP! t 1'11;170d. YOU 410 not mean 40 degrees beloW , befrieuded and who might be used to is said t'O tte c*.i re ClIttny
• I t ' ITe Feed, "I. do, and 3 wit 1 3 thug the forceps. But, the,
in the grip of ati earthquake, in 1882 s mete ! can 1,1res in the world. let them put ,
t 1 t rous
here any other being that will Lesson III.—Jueeph exalted
1.1:1, volcaifin forei, 11111w:111mi to four f""wing 1 heir lingers off to educate 80. "Them that honor Me I will!
and t.m.e11 411,1 of rermauent ei,,aer, their l'oe's for 13:': Goepel ministry. honor." From the prison he 1.s sud- 1
years no lastu7 on the , denly Craltecl to be ruler over all tlie ___+______
tion. in 1 Sal. 4 apii it fel t the geolog- F0r nine sill.: nm -c AMP. T/RED.
mi.Nien in 1 858. meadoza in lam; inar school and college und theologi- raoli (43), and this when he WM but tiCS Of tl. eillini of h1S to gy V°1111g
1 .
tvidors, putting her mite into 111e our Lord Jesus began Ills public:kaki:—
Wail:au Islands by such force ttplitted
Nevado, :thee- Lord's lontsur Y . , the face of emperor IllirliSt17. it wee all accomplished i "Sniith is one of the best fellows
anti lei *1 '*421 la. 1 81-1;
or president impressed upon the coin without effort on the pnrt of Josep1*. i in the world. WhY,
which elle earned ii. Millions of time and way. do you know, he
en in 1 S71 . Antioch in I 872. Califor-
nia in 1 oee, man satvader in 1873. not SO CoriPICOOUS as the blood with The LOr a did it, all in ]lis own good ' actually 1 al.,:cs the entire care of his
while in 1 883 what subterrauean ex -
have lied their couriteritut in a el lux •, kit t
times. 111 181.2 vauens was eanget i I I.r• or Christ 1 Where and ungrateful. ,t Frenchwomen are the DIOS ( ex .
in Chile 11)1)440(1 square miles of laud rdllY sePh enthusiasm? Mothers xli, 38-49). Goldtni .It \t 1 sam, their luind to 11 hat they will."
le ti
agony ; NIvies rmoien 1 11 1 szirt table 11111 11 Ow course through gram- hind of Egypt end second to PhD,— Ile was enploiting the good quell -
manual /01.3,01,4,,s1 131 .180:3; the tear cal etindne.ev lo completed Poor 30 years of uge, the age at Which httiy friend, and this wrts what he
old parent S."
citement ! Oil 'bland of the goOd Men eanLI women, but more Lesson Ill.—Joseph and his broth- -Well," answered the young lady,
7o,nrien n men,. to Whom Christ.. is ren (Galt. xlv, Golden Text, et ea,
Syria hiecliteliraneau, a beautiful Italian
mt. urt i place, t in( clad, am- 0,f. ytititt. Christ /list and Oboist Rom. 21, Ile not, ace) col= of doh..
xu rounded by all natural charm and last anti Christ forever. igt?ive 3.,evwl,tslyonler doing his
(evil, but overcome evil with good." II "
perorie Vontler Napies, be paradise watching all these wonders unroll- him to heap coals of fire upon 1 lie • •
'; °fit° lolluegohlute tiou.,e,Ettrit.11...erly a third
^And he is the companion of every -
ger all Throat, Lung historical reminiscence: Yonder Capri Thes0 things .1 say because I want After perhaps 20 years He who per-
oraan em- you to be alert. 1 want you to be formed all things for him enabled
the summer 3'c -Sort. of the I;
thiug in its action.
*4 prompt and effec-
on, 4ear River,
onlathil with hoarseness
*ditch the dester pro -
end reeoallosaidedta0
Norway Pine Syrup.
using three bottles I
Vol' 1411 before retir-
bile you sleep with-
. cueing biliouseess,
variant and defspep-
feel, better in the
ho animal kingdom,
or coughing, or ev-
e the Taco, in (01.01 -
foreign substances.
s vertebrate en. the
as in process of
the vegetable
n --that, is what
123.1 ile we know
,„ eon' hes collet -
e race and blew dust
lieeently botanists
• special attention to
a native o1 warnt
1U-count:Ales, and.' 0.14'
tioallt to dust. , rIt
'cansor gett'1X, ritl
tter: rib:1m dust
7)51:3:ros in the
121§1,40, LLnd. ',when
PreSsiiree" 'there.
ith a S.??tincl-,eN,17..
2214.1 110 &IASI:, IS
At (4.. illOro
gots red ;in the
igeyi ty,,haS inade i.ts
, d ell ui Le
king boti-'. nilott.eil'' to
. ,
'Ate ringlitator 01 th.O
the 1c),n.4er
„1027 t,14.Q 1.4,98 at, .1 -is
i-Tik," he
riegroes itS 2111
arrte,es 81*1*3
theory She
14*64* e
of art—thie betoutfut febend suddenly nig from the heat -MIS and tile certh. heads of those who had treated him body In distresta
I • itt 11 if the earth God hits classified them whether cal- so cruelly (Rom. xii hit)) and how ^ "That is nothing more than is ex -
toppled into t g
8 000 merrymakers perished, and amitous or pleasing. The divine 1.-30 !poet ad of him."'
lovingly he did it wiien he said,
the Jews shall one day see Jesus
b:‘'n-f-oult.e'hi th;And he treats all animals as
some of them so far down beneath purposes are harnessed in traces that not grieved nor angry with Vo
it was S Eti d of Moses. were huniau beings."
selves. for God did send nie
the mach of hunann obsecpties. that it, cannot break and in girths that can -
sent to prepare life for them, even t
go 1 And he mentioned a hundred. more
reins you to preserve life" (verse 5). iti
may he said of many a one of them, not loosea and are driven by
Italy, all Europe weeping, all so
their brother, as the one whom God 1 Toe lady Isamu° very tired and
crank of the Christian machinery Lesson V.—Death of Joseph. (Clem
9; "Zech' .,ii, 1 Moral—Never praise Your "chum"
So I rejoice day by day. Work life . eternal (Isa. xxv,
Christendom weeping Where there
for all to do, and we may turn the 10)•
this way or that, for we are free I, 15-20), Golden Text. Ps. xc, 3 2, 1 ici° tluch 1.0
were hearts to sympathize and Chris- 101?
of disaster, measuring it not agents. But there is th.e track laid ..---..--.4--,--
tians to pray. 13ut while the na.-
times were measuring that magni-
1 i,..‘,11i1T,C ctil ES: 1Si Ai I lEillt O. USE .
"So teach. us to nunaber our days
with the golden rocl • like that . with SO long ago no one remembers it— that we maY aPpIy our hearts -unto
Wisdom." It is a -very great trial to i
which the ungel measured heaven, laid by the hand of the .Almighty
but with the black rule of death, God in sockets that 'no terrestrial or have' one's hive or motives or sin- ' el.1(3e1in'i-Ite::-10--•)°::)1cellicsa.,8- '°alt;i1(1:* isbighgtisteesnbt'duelllitv'tb1Te
Java. of the Indian archipelago, the satanic pressure can ever effect. eeritY rieestiened, and that Joseph's s---- .
brethren should conie to him with
a, requeet for forgiveness after they t ot tobacco which:
is caught iii the grip of the earth- \vorld's • redemption will roll and house the. impotr s , .
form so impor i
an• a part et :leiver-.
And along the track the car of the
most fertile isiand of all the earth,
goes clown and city efter city until pool's trade. 'ihe warehouse is 72.51
quake, and mountain.' after mountain
that island, which produces the best feet in length, 3 65' feet wide, and 121
beverage of all the world, produced feet 1.0 inches high. T.he ground
the ghastliest cattestrophe. One him- area is 12,800 square yards and the
dred thousand people dying', dead 1 area. of the several floors 171,098
Coming nearer home, on .Aug. 31,
1886', the great earthquake ' which
prostrated one-half of Charieston,
But look at the disastere cyclonic.
At the mouth. of the Ceieges are
tinee islands—the •Hattialt, the • Sun -
deep and "the Dakin Shah, n.zpore. In
the midnight of October, 1877, on
all those three islands the cry was,
"The waters 1'; A cyclmie arose and
rolled th.o Sea over thase three is-
le -ode,- and of a population of 340,-.
,000, 215,000 were drowned. Only
those savedwho had climbed to, the
top of the highest trees I Did. you
ever see a cyclone ?. No. Then 1
pray God yoil may ne'ver see one. T
saiv a cyclone on the Ocean, and :it
swept us .800 miles back from our
'course, and for thirty-six heillet &UV-
ing 1410 cyclone and after it We ex-
pected every meneent to eo to the,
bott inn Thetis told us before we re-
tired seep .o'cloek that tlie barometer
had tarfen.,•-• but at 11, o'clock at night
we' were awakened with the sho*3k. of
the waves. .., All the ,lights'op.t. ()rash
went all the lifeboats. Waters rush -
Ing through the skylights down into
the ' cabin _end dawn on the fureaces
until they hissed' and smoked in the
deluge. n n •
prayioge shrieking...! Our 'pont ship
,poised a moment en the Lep ,or ,. a
monntain of phoSphorescent rio and
,. , , . , .. ,
'time plunged downy down. etowie un-
til it SCCMOCI. aLi 'if she never : woold
,agaiii be righted. Ali, you never
'want' 'to .see e, eyelone et see, - ••
• • liCiiii newer tiene the ^leaf 114. 8.137 g14.1.-
104.,, 1111(1 .6 14.211 14. the .white Iiii-
teee,..eactee.,,tiiiies ent id , , -(21*' ei i gilt
o' tiio'-Y.o''..•. ''' ' ' "
they must answer.
had enjoyed his forgiveness for 4.7
von to the Grand Central depot of
the millennium. I have no anxiety ears was a groat grief to him. It
must be a, grief to our Lord when
about the traelc. ain only afraid
those whom He has washed and
that for our indolence end unfaith-
sanctified and justified question their
fuhiess God will discharge us and
get seine other stoker and some
other .engincer. The train is going
through with us or without . us.
So, my brethreu, watch all the
events that aro going by. Ir things
see821 4.0 tUrn out right, give wings
to your joy, If things seem. to turu
0111 wrong, throw out the .... anchor
of faith and hold lost. n
Those of you who are in midlife
may' well thank God that you have
seba so 111a1)37 Wondrous think.,, -s, but
there arc people alive to -day who
may live to sec the shimmering veil
between the, material and the spirit-
ual world lifted, Magnetieut,1.
word. witle 'Mitch we cover up .our
ignorauce, Will yet, be an eeplored
rcalni. • • iricetrieity, 1110 • fiery cour-
ser of the sky, thet l3en 2131*41 reank-
lin lassoed and Arcii^se and Bell and
Eictison have fit ought ender voiniaete
control, ha S greater wondere to re-,
veal. 'Whether here or, departed. this
life, wo will sea tbese things. It
does .no rn difference. Where
we t,Xami, but the higher tha stand-
point the larger the prospect. We
W111 see there from neaven if eve do
net see -Chao ties]. e41 11* ,
Oh, What a grand thing it is tO
have ships telegraPlaed and heralded
long hefore, they come, to port, that
friends May, eome, dowit to the wharf
and welcoine
, •1 714a(1.LONC•1•''Al3E3E,INTT ONES!
Se ,. earday., ...We tal.e our. .etaircl,
in the. watch t,owor„,oci oyough the
glees, of. iiispiyaidea 204 leolc off and
See •it Whole :flak p4 ships comiog 121.
•Thatl is •the -elite -•of -peach,: flag , with.
few: ef Bethiehern, i& sting
Hire for the full benefit of His On-
o, by scluare yards. There are at present
in bond in Liverpool some 013,000
salvation and seek to obtain
11101.1'owa works instead of thanking
hogsheads of tobacco, eteeighing 50,-
000 toms, which is equal, roughly es-
otin(rtoeco,l,to a customs duty of
Lessonpgayllt(Ex. 1-11).
16110(1 work, bestowed freely upon
\tr.—Tepee' oppressed in
Golden -text,
Ex. ii, 21, "God heard their groan -
Mg and God remembered His coven-
an.a" 'God permits the devil and hie
people seemingly to have their own
way, yet, , He works by them or in
spite of :them all the good pleasure
of ITis .will and the highest inteeests
of Ills people.
Lesiion VIT.—The childhood of Mose
ee (Ex. le 1-:10). Golden Text, Prov.
xxii, 6, "Train up chilil in the
toffy Ile should go and when he is old
he will not depart from it." What a
striking Provideuee that the daugh-
ter of :Pharaoh, the men who was
seeking to destroy Isreel ancl bad
given commandment to kill all the
male 'chile:ram shook] bring tip aS Tier
own son one 0T these mille children,
destined by God to he the deliverer
of Israel from the Power of Egypte
Lessen VI;r1:.-41,Torl4's Temperance
lesson (fsa. v, 8-30), Golden Text,,
1:sa. v, 22, "'Woe unto them that are
mighty to clriak Wine." These .six
woes linen the covetous, the cirenk-
arch the desperately wicked, the per-
verse, the worldly Wise .paid ihe het-
-ere or, rightenueriess are a kind of
parallel wi thiar4i4ezixstriste,,solx
wos uttptohn,
the Scribee and, •
lie 1 -1 2) .. oldepect,,i Ex.
'When OrAn
0 veal' he
Sir 'Robert Ball says the sun is
getting smaller every day. The suti
is nixie 4.11e11e8 smaller to -day -dem it
was yesterday, and the contraction
is continualiy going on. There is no
reason, however, for alarm., although
.the sun twenty years hence would
have shrunk a mile, At the begin-
ning of this century the sun was Jive
miles bigger, and at the beginning of
the Chrietian era 100 miles bigger
than it ie to -day. The diameter of
ine sue is 860,000 miles,. and 40,000
years hence the sun win have' lost 2,-
000 miies. But it will look exactly
the same 4,0,000 years hence as it
does to -day.
'rho letter of apology, recently sene
loy the Emperor of China to the Ger-
mail 'Emperor is cleseribed as, ap.
ouisite work of •art. It is painted on,
r a single piece of yellow silk civet four
yards in length, encl. is beautiially
himinated with driegons, flowers and
exciliesques, embreidered., in gold.
bread f.111(1 'sill oi Noe' cies' • (010 738
The Woek sis '$o '.perrectO 1 executed
broicifiry is,
e Ire-beet'4.41
et op
st sight lite e4.4
elo other elegise Is so prevalent among eien as Varicoaele. As it interferes with
the nutrition of the nennal grgasAs it prOduCes esuiselons, loss of semen through*.
"th.h, decay ot thh orrah Paine h the Wine, aelsitog in the back, erroainsse. dee.
Penncloy• oasItfulnoss, patostatlee et tbe constipation, ace a corebaiaticue.
these reentie in complete Lone or lastabaoll. Thousa.nds of young into caiddlc•
axed rata are tronbled with Style:torn. If you have rehILOLL 10 Wee* Ott ate
afibcted with it, don't neglect it. It will rain Yon. Pon't let doctors expal atm:
ea yea by cutting, etretching or tearing it. Our New Metbet1 Treatment
diemives strictstre tissue hence it dieeppeari and can enter return NV tong
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or toes of time. The treatmen
taken 3.1. 1804146 privalely. Bend for oar Free Illustrated Book on VatriCocalics
Striatura acid elnet• W. oar/into* to cora or no Pity•
Kidneys & ladder
141 texitat cottrgaiata.o.tvetteeeittoeses. iteace the kid:tees tire a great source
of *disease. Rave you aching or weakness ever the small of the hack, tendsue1 to
urinate frequently, deposit In urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling le
She raerttlar• Don't neglect your kleineye. Our Now /drettlhod 'rtreatessent
is guaranteed to care any disease of these erg/nein' no -par.,-
.,, -1P -No Names Used Without Written Consort*.
0.1V,Ro'we, of Jackson, Mick., sayst—I had
vs,ricocitle in the wane:try stage and two
strictures of 8 yeers steeding. I Wag operated
on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only
got temporary relief. Ivrea finally advised to
try the Now Method Treatment of Drs.
.b X, The enlarged tett% dleappeared in.
six weeks. the stricture tissue was removed la
e3g11t weeks and ray sexual energy and vitality_
tretareed so was st roan in every respect. I
recommend you doetarstr1111 tekeln ileaft."
Before Trost Anent. After Treatment.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Varlcocele. Stricture, BYPIt.
ills, Wealt Parts, Gemorrhcea. and Unnatural Discharges. CoussitatIort rine.
Books Free. Write for Question I,ist for Home Treatment.
Ors. Kandy 81:, Kerffan
How Lisbon Got Rid of an Obnox-
ious Pest.
Lisbon has recently- been subjected
to an unprecedented invasion or rats,
which has disordered the domestic
economy of every household and
made life miserable. Cats were
powerless to check. tho invaders ;
poison seemed to act cot a stimulant
to their appetites, and traps only
served to demonstrate the helpless-
ness of mitn's iagenatity to cope with
the pest.
At length the aid of the bacillus
was invoked, and the municipal doc-
tors were conunissioned to inoculate
some rats with an infectious disease.
A. suitable virus, harmless to man,
was found, a few rats captured and
inoculated and then let loosT
e. he
bacillus triumphed. The wits sick-
ened and die.r1 with wonclerfuV rapid-
ity, and to -day .Liebon is celebrating
the '4021(14104.4 of the voracious
- It is now propou
sed to se the virus
on board ratios, where rats are
known to be tee carriers of infection
fatal to Man-4tote,bly plegite
'Bad Backs*
Five yes ago my body breke
out in white' watery., leiropies,
which grew so bad that the suf.
fering WU almost unbearable.
I took doctors' medicine and
varlets reinedies. for tWo Yoats
but they *ere of little benefit,
wb.enever i .got warmed 1.4 or
sweat the pimples would come
out again,
A ukighhor advised nurdock
Blood BittOr8, autld 1" am glad
f 'lowed his advice, for four bet—
t es completely cured me,
,That *as tii,r6,ebyosexeirtcs
Aare Alas •ueVt-,,,--
.nie 0,40
ot the LAO,
The cramped up poste
tion 121 which a thilcir
works comes hart 011
his kidneys and hard
on his hawk. Very few
escape backache, ..ptio
in the aide and mussel
troubles of ene /dna and
ate., Oftanthnes the first
wornings et kidney
nfaedeisease are negleeted--
te7 think it will be all rigtkj
in a day or twee-bial
siok kidney% won't get well without help.
Are the best friend of kidneys needing
assistance, Read the proof from a tailor
i•^",,e has tried thorn. '
John Robertson nterchent
Durham, Ont., gives hie experience as
'a I Ina been ailing with loy kidneyfor
=Ore than a year when commenced taking;
'Bean's Kidney Pills, which 3. got at Da.
iftriane's drug otore, and ant ifineeraly gl
ths 3. did go. Tho wrong action of
kidneys made me sick all over and eansii
me ranch inconvenience and pain. Thetle
110110W Lb thing of the past, butanes Dega's
Kidney Pills mixed me. IL have bad 8,0t10e1*1e or haeonvenience with my kidnete
or back eince I took these remartableVilitf,
and yet may be sore that 1 gladly riffOnt•
mond them to other oufferere."
are the ladies' favorite medicine. They ds
not purge, gripe, weaken 01'sicken, Tlidy
sot naturally on the stomach,. !Jiver and
bowels, curing constipation, dyspepsia, 5i4.1*elt
headache and biliousness. Price 25.V6
The United "Kingdom has Six Leen
leadhig art societies of which eight
are ltoya1.
Oa, tl et on. (to 11)ashaw ay )--` ' t
do 'Y u think or it? X-Icq' e' 01
ly, 31110 1 havo 4.112003741 2.2111.„9
122 11 14.11 o4.3.1 6110, uctu,ally 1310
4.0 1(,arl ts7 a ,aver?' Clubberty
4.,e* 2o t Ilo 41011
4.14j11 04. t? s stle Lo who .1
t war,
to loud o,