HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 6TIE MARKETS
Prices of iarairt, Cattle,. etc
In Trade Ceutres.
•erant, Dee. 24.--Wheat-The
met 'is quiet, with prime about
steady, No. 2 white and red winter
quieted at 75 to 75ee outside. No.
geose nominal at 66e to 67e low
freights. Manitoba \Meat easier;
No. 1 hard is quoted. at 87e all rail,
via Sonata; No. 1 Northera at 83e,
Mid No, 2 Northern at 80e all rail,
Saraia, Prices are 10 lower via
Nortb. Dive
Oats -The market is wealear, with
demanel restricted. Cars of No. 2
quoted at all to 13e0 low freights,
wfaile locally stiles are reported at
4.3e- to ale.
Peas -The markot is uuchanged•
with demand fair. No. 2 sold. at ten',e
middle freights.
Pern-The marliet is quiet, with
prices steady. Canadian yellow sel-
ling at 62 to 62te west.
Barley -Market is firna. No.
quoted at 58a. and N. 2, 53 to 5;
No. 3 extra at 52c, and. Ido. 3 at ale
middle freight.
Rya -Tim nactra.et is steady at 55
to 55eo middle freights.
Buckwheat---erarket quiet, with pri-
ces firm at 65 to 55ec micelle freight.
Plee..-The market is Aral. Ninety
pee cents., in buyers* tags, wanted
at, a2.85 middle freight, with holders
keening $2.U0. Locally arta for Low-
er Provbace, trade theico straight
rollersin wood, are $3.30 to
Manitoba, nours steady, with. Bun-
garians S4r.1.0 to $1.30, aud stroug
bakers' freiglit.
erica is about played out fer
butchered cattle, as ecal dealers aro
quite stothed up. Good cattle sold
Well enotigh to-daY, but all light cat-
tle woe easier, wittiout prices beitag
quotably el -teased,
Stockere are wanted at from 2e to
30 leer lb,
Melee feeders aro worth 3,e to 3ta
Mich cows sold well to -day, sever-
al fetching as much as a50 each:
gO0 d eOWS are wahted.
Good. to choice veca calves are also
wanted up to but ten eacla
Sheep are steady at 3e per lb for
Larnies are worth from 31 to ate
per lb.
AU the smoll stud sold out early
to -day. and prospects are encourag-
tag for peat week.
The market all round was a. seasou-
ably good one.
Hogs are steady and unchanged..
The laest price for "singers is etc
per Ib, aud for light and at ac per
Bogs to fetch the top piece must be
of prime quality, and scale not below
100 nor above 200 lbs.
Following is the range ot quota -
Skippers, per cwt... ,...$9..50 a5.26
Butcher. ..... 4.00 a.50
Butcher, ord. to good. 3.2r, 3.75
Butcher, Interior- 2.75 3.25
Stockere... ....... 2.50 3.00
Sheep and Lambs.
Choice ewes, per mt.- Serie 11.1.2e
Butcher slieep. each ,... 2.00 3.25
Lambe, per cwt.. 3.50 4.12• 1
Duces, per cwt... . 2.00 2.50
alilliers and Caves.
Cows, emit-. ...... 45.00
Calves, each... • 2.00 10.00
BALI, 33AlierfrET4
Send Only the Best Emigrants to
the O0lonie3.--The Tette Re-
• viewed.
The Prince of Walee, in his not-
able speech at the Guildleall ban-
quet, eat& entoug ether thbags, se-
cordiag to tlie report given in the
Loudon. Daily Moll :-
Bore, in the capital of our great
Empire. I would repeat how pro-
fouxidly touched aud gratinea both
the Prbecess and.1 have been. by the
loyalty. affect/ea ,axid the eathea
whieb, inyariably characterized the
welcome extended to us throughout
our long and memoralele tour. It
may intereet you to knew that we
travolied over 45,91)0 ranee, 33 MO
V. $8.80. Toronto Bogs
Oatmeal-Mare:et unchouged. Car .
$5.50 in wood. Broke I t IS la • -e e 7- a 00 Perliaps there Waa something still uud cuu4".1°P's fu)°tir° "t4441•4)11 "
kite on tree.% a0.35 in bags, awl I Cheiee hogs, per am, ... 5.00 0.25 tipsier British rule.
Ileitvy hogs. per cwt... 5.75 6.00 Moro striking in the fact that the (3nuunb hn uyndnd" en5un vdinr°
st ee oeto, tg. logs, per ea .•.. 0. o •
weenie calling for deveiopreent,, vast
eepensee if virgin, eeil eeady to yield
profitable returns to settlero, and all
this can be enjoyed =der eoucattone
of healthy lite Merril laws and free
beetitutions in:exchange kg the over-
crowded cities ana almost hopelese
otruggle for existenth which, farce,
too often in tem lot of mauy i the
Old Country.
But one conditien, and one enlY,
made by our coloniel brethren, and,
that. ia "Send. so suitable- attigran,te.-
e would go further, and appeal to
ray tellow-couutrymen at home to
prove the strength of the attachment
of the Motherland to her children. b
sending to the- only of her best.
By this IlleauS weeclay Still farther
strengthen. or. at all eyelets, pass on
unimpaired, that peiete of race, that
community of sentiment and purpos5.
that feeling of common loYaltY. mad
obligatioa wait* knit together and
alone can maiatan the iiitegrity of
our Empire.
of which were by Rea, and I think it
is a, matter of whiele all may (eel
proud that, with the exception of
Port Said, we never set, foot on any
Land where the Union Jack did not
Leaving Enigland a tho middle of
March, we nest tot -lobed at Gibraltar
and Unita., -where, as a sailor, I was
proud to mee
f the Channel ated the Mediterranean.
seine; tivough the Suez cetera, a_
Montiment to the ;value ancl courage
oea gletea son of the great friendly
nation aerosis tbe Olieuziel„ we ea-
tered at Aden, the gateway, of tbe
least. We stayed for a eliort time
to euti
joy tlee me:sailed scenery of
Ceyloa ethere we WitIleSS
tiea a gor-
geous display by liavo races, and
saW in what happy contentment its
various peoples lived anti prospered
mismss REVPITALe
oSperons Times Peedietea o
Soath Metea,
A, despatele from Johaemesburg
says :-Arr Oaxl. Bonen presided on
Wednesday at the Oxst meeting el the
jobatineSburs Couseliaated Gold • -,---
Males Co. since the war *began. Be
said, b.e was impressed wit) the meg-
A. smelter is likely to be located at
uttude, -vast interests-, and brilliant.
future of the eonepany. The balance massy, Oat.
sheets showed. a, surpluo of assets
Tim Guelpb. Board of Trade favors
ever liabilitzes, expluding share cape-
natilciag tho city mernet free,
tele of &3,250,000. 'Pee liabilities in
issued shares Were £2,680,000. The I Montreal. has Advaneed the pay of
rzeese770e00tu. rid, amounted to X•1,00a,-. eivie inborere from, $1.23 to $1,50 a
000, and . Tiloth:rb al iiii:uieleiticeto profit.• t o tawl 1 ae da
"Da7'niel aterhersoaenaliner„ .as kil-
led by the cage in a. shaft sting
alo said the company intended to ban ene tete head, at Sydney, N.See,s.,
build. a residential hotel of a. pale.- me manageo al tag, watoseee
tial description. Tao great demand
Telegraphic Briefs From All
Oyer the Globe.
Persons in. Charge of ;ails Must
Hold, Presoners Tight,
The Pray/1101ot Secretary's Depart-
ment, through the losileetor of Frilh
one ler Poterie, haa just issued a
circular to all. sheriffs and. persona 15
Company has been, aped. for suppl
even for private residences iu Johan- ore ge$ beam the steonead power.
uethurg already fox exceeded tlao sur -
ply. When the popueatiou retterned The zturolier of convicts at Irings-
with tlie enormous, influx that was ton beta daily become less until, there
expected, the demand would certals- al'e now °WI 497 in its Panit"e•
IY 'Decrease. The company intended. tiarY•
to import. motors for tramway traf- Dr. Finn, of alalifax, wile has been
ae for the convenience cie resieleats. a.tteneing tamallpex patienee
reveeTthing should be done to has communicated the disease to his
lighten tho bordeue of taxation, hut wife.
whea a profit was elalle It the Gov- Peter Peterson, miner. was probaa
erameat have a, share. Be felt core- by fatally injured by an explesion of
tyrnyamidmtouaatu.Gold Moose mine. at
Breatfora has been presoatett
Agrieultetral Parle for n. publio
(len by the executors of the later
Cocaslitittaa estate.
Dr. Lambere, the% afaultoba Bealth
Onleer, blamee public gatherings,
suet), as weelabage and danees, for
the epeecialing ot smallpox.
Sir Cheri -tie
company which
areas factory so
annioa bon been ft
Charles. Rose, tlee
IA0130 R000 ride.
are associated so
eiers. The eonapany
talized $3,000,000,
will cost tully •thie eu
pony bas a,lready con.
Aus Lean= Govermuent o
of filt,y thousand small
Um aggregating $1,500,000 -
tract with tile Impeeloa Go
for the sale of este bemdred ti
elles is aso expected, the p
beg about thirey dallari each,
new le also expect
•large order from the Denauion
The Rose rifle NVaS tested lase el
lata a commission or inilitory
lookups in too province that they itcleuce the instincts of the most
cltarge of the pri.sous. jade, and
must illaPress lition their lailers, l'urne talPeou:trrty"ott t4ton-adetigrld.ananct4treelrembereferal-
e7s and guards thn ahncliutn nen...en' led that te settlement woo is the
site' of etalrcielog the tfreatot vagre" hands of Arr. Chantberlani and Lord
ttaCo and adopting the eerietellt Pre- Offluer, eusuring tact and. buelness
cautions to that eoci time the prison- and auanaal wane), 444 juatice,
Ors in their tiliarge aro kept satelY At present the induetries, of the,
tied. have ne preventible oppertuniter country theugat great, were in their
to escape. In the ease of lenowa infancy'. Nevi industrie$ would spriug
desperate criminals it will be regard- oh. autt $eateagaeaani, agteetaataa
la surround thera with such vigilenee mom:taut developments. Everytateg
ed as inexellsalalY tO neGieCt Comateree and industry woulcl nave
Atillfeed-etran. continues firm at Sow, ver ..... 3410 4.00 government, commerce end evecy ve5tIgittlu 4h°775 th'u't• PV15""'3
escape le due to eareleseness or 50-
$1.9- to $1a.50 outside and on track tags. Per erne oeeo 2.00, form a enterprise in this country glect the services of the oillcIalS eon -
here. Shorts $21 to m outside. was under the leadership awl diree- eerned will be dialienaea with. Tide
Atriesitobte brau, $20, and shorts 2•',> OM Of btrt a handful of our fellow-
0/router letter by the iuspeetoe ia citio
aud we realized tlio Ingle
ED« qualities of tile meet wao haveseteral escapee recently ere=
Toronto freights, inclualug so cl*ce
Pota.t -The market is firm. with aled, lal-Zdega:ale°e:113:rs II:111.1v-lseAssittnr.alla saw the eonsummation of
offerings small owing to scoseity of itto great nalasiOn whith was tbe
most bomediate object Of our lour- TORTURING ARMENIANS.
tag on trod:. here, and the jobbing t While going to a Ore at seer ney. and you can imagine the feel- Turks Continue Their Shookiug hghting*
'rage et prate with which I presided -
ee.ra. Oars are quoted at 70c per
A desPateli from 13ituillitenearOrs
...............1. ----
Pried Aarties-haerket is dull. Pr1-; west end of the city, shortly bel over tbe inauguration ot the areal 4. Berau el:rtclb.ititvos. no oologrte
Price eloe. I 0°c:eat:tea foundry premises. la
cee are It to as per lb. Evaporatea i sawn o'clock on Theirsthav morlehlg• represeatative us:no:ably of the new ELLING IRON IN ENGLAN
and kept Der us. that spleatlia poe
jells iind leeleupe in Ontario,
°lilted to prosperity In the Trau pitmsa BRITAIN.
aud South Africa generally. King Edward luee reereesidered hi.
The chair -41%u space that the alum ntention. vieit Ivelana 'flex
f the war debt waa a Metter f ektr
taleteller arrangenieut. Bo was of t Lawyer Artaur Stafford Francis as
()Pinion tbcY could vile.' uPon the rill- under arrest IA Louder!, charged
deuxencia being- neither uzzjust 1 with misapproorieting r•lri,000 trust
nor oplaresaive. Bee added that thelookney,
wan imaroving. ehd Lasher, eheSs mester,
he expected that In a few mouth.% an- has been appointed eselstant lertureas
'Piet:7 would be he full swing. uot-In matuematies otoeur college.
at the Beer% would still b
Tlie Gt.
loot the
safety 15
hat the
not be enter
sar.r. will of courso e eons
eieeting site for the leicto
Alloy° Nesbitt of Toronto it
legal repreleutative of Sir 0
ad a. gocel deal to de with
eizatioa ee the companY.
ensisting of Col. Bon
Major Gandee.
mutat will Peel)
and the ct
ea ni
walla-04141ex that peasibly smat
bA) corner at ,whos 112114(19 re olaced the desteuiee
coneraonweeetea la Gazette saye the number ef Airaeu-
Llortey-Tee maricet is uncliangal at !Theodore Smitla marrieci, of A TRIBUTE TO OANADA. territoryis dairy hi ecetaii%g iTtateaurkitesiri,
ed.! ac 0 to 10e. (.1 t Ur) Day street hose waggint collided. i born Australian
steady at 13e; yearlings, 8c. • '<Sig aim Amy streets. Fireman iot that great4isleld-eontiztent.
20i lens who aro cc ug ore,
llops-Busiaess quiet. with. priceel with a str,eut....ear at t
1 i t t-, i Their condition la teerible. Many
show sigys of alloyed -rig moltreatraeut,
lleans-The enerket is steady. Iln-iltuhar..t Wilnun •,,nu t 0 . ee ace Natal and Gape Colony, tlie Prince toes illeehea througlo oral of boat
pieued are jobbing at $1.10 tO *I .45.1A3115toelt:aftlyaninclitinI:eler141.1 al'Anl°L.11,,,,(:{.3, said :--To Cauteda was also bonze old men with theta backs covered
crisa handpicked a.t *i...cirs to $1.00. 59„eul -reele i the meseage already conveyed to with vrourias. The haplese wretches
Cranberries - Merizet unchanged, teeing, ef t! 3:,,r): saterteaneeeele:ete ..,,,,ii tAustralia, and New Zealaud of the declare that tte rolabery and mar -
With Calm Ood at $8 to ao per bbl. -- - e -';""" ,,e- lerotherlaaul's love and appreclatimi der of Arrneola.nS are every -clay oe-
10 to 10he for straheed. Combs, '-'`aninY nvenu°' was Ptul°st• n5 432 After spealrlog of their visit to It ilistance% the casco of a. boy 13
Robert neauritiun, New Zealand. Tasraania„ eau) had bis touguo mit out and Ilia
al..50 to $2.50 per dozen. ' ly•killed in the collision. Foremaeo„,
d Fireman
Canadian, 0.50 to 87, I was -thrown to tno side o the street. of the services rendered ley her gal- cureuece. o1Wil no uotlee les talc=
with good deracind. 'eanotby quoted ! g-- . . - tho joney from ocean to oceen adds that tlee etotentertia Are sub -
her Turkish. ofileiala. Tho Gazette
Elea'. baled -The market is firm. I
Motorinau conductor, and passeu-
ere. Were 'uninjured. Aitchison le innt' sons.
son of t he ewer and eatuieroa a son urstentietea 1111551,a will once mere,
protest stroogiy to the Sultan..
at S9.50 to p.70 on tract- for No.•
Straw-The market is quiet anal
the editor of the Spectator.
lima Car lots on troxit are quoted at
$5.30 to $0 per ton.
Poultry-3iarket is
good supply. Turkeys' 8 to Ile per eat the Recora This Month by
A eleven:le from Montreal says
The Customs receipta at Montreal
ate trozea, seteldea and halloatteued
stool; seed from tie to Be. Geese,
dry -picked. 0 to 7c. Ducks, 50e t.0
eatuvelloua for it o comfort and or-
ganization, we were able to see some-
thing cd its matchleso scenery, the
ricbness of its soil, and tho bound-
less powibilities, ot its vast and (M.
raoraluary fertilo territories. We
saw also the success which Imo
crowned the efforts to weld into one
community the people of two great
ee%e. Chickens, young, -.10 to (10e. races.
old. 36 to 40e. Rabbits 20 to 25e 'this month promise to beat the re- Our fleel halting place was, by the
Per Peer. ; cord, Mae White, the collecstor, says: express, desire of the Zing, Now-
! "Up to the naidcile of this month our fourullanti, the oldest of our thlonlea
THE DAIRY afieltleeteTS. ; collections were $150,000 nore tbau and the first visited by Els Majesty
reuitertehho market. is p.m ior I they were (luring the same, period in 1800. The Laza, seafaring peva
;crear, and I expect at the end lotion ot tiles° islands gave us a re-.
ireeh made dairies rual large rolls, 'last
tele demand being good. We quote:--;°,,,ge.e.the in -1°11,11i° find that., our bus- eePtion, the cordiality of which is
$200,000 paced ol still fresh be our memories.
Selected dairy tubs, 10 to 17c: ''''"es 'las 'ern
ehoice large rolls, 1.6fr to 17e; hincst i what it was (luring tho previous
year. For tbe balf-yenr ending De -
lb rolls. le to 10e; packages show- i
:comber lit the rovenue will bo $5, -
lug teed, 1 to ec less than above
01 to i 000,000. Last year it was e$1,6e.7,-
aunt:aeons. Creamery prints. a 1000."
22c: solids, 19e to 21e. - 4.--
laggs--Tbe market remains lineal,
With receipts light. Serictly fresh i COST OF SIBERIAN LINE•
scarce, selling at 23 to. 25e; cold
storage, 17 to 19c as to quality;
i Expenditure of $515,000,000 Be -
limed, 16 to 17e.
Cheeoe-learket firm. ede quote: --
fore Is Is Pireehed.
Finest Septembers, 10 to 10e; se- The Lcaulon Times' Odessa, des -
rands, 91,- to die. patch says :-Reticence is shown by
• Russian OnIcial publications regard-
-, ingetb.e actual cost a tbe trans -Si -
BOGS AND PROVIS'reldiet beelan railwa.y. According to the
Dressed aogs are Orin at S8 to ,Odeesa. Novosti. the line, when it was
$8 15 in car lots. Hog products i begun ten years ago, was estimated
to cost 850,000,000 roubles ($180,-
250,000), but the difference, extunat-
ed and actual, up to a year ago, Was
over 180,000,000 roublea. Before the
tine can possibly be in -working order
there is reason to believe the total
cost will be'0701! 1,000,000,000 rou-
bles ($515,000,000).
steady. We quote: -Bacon, long
alear, sells at 10ee in ton. and ease
its. Ittess pork, $20.50; do Short.
cat, $31.50.
..raoked Meato-Banas, 13c; break -
east bacon, lac; rolls, 11e; backs,
11e; and shoulders, 10ec.
Lard -Market contbaties firm. We
quette:-Tierces, lle; tubs, 111h,
pails, lite.
Belgium. and England Being Con-
A. close/etch from Paris sere -The
new sulreeeine, telepbone Ram from
Brussel.% to London is now beano
stractea. Line will be 290 milieu
long, of watch elemey 66 miles will be
under the sea, from La Penne, a, lit-
tle Bolsi= tort, near the French
feoneler, to Rerosgate. By mons of
this line there will be direct tele -
LOYALTY, STRENGTa AND phonic, communication betwee.n. the
1UG3. ompany Q cAnacleo
lntera British. Field.
despatele from. Loud -on say*
'rho Dominion Iron Company,
Canada, 19 now apparently well
tablished in this couutrY• Ntunere
orders have already been pla.ceet wl
it for Newfousidland iron. some
whioli it is unable to execute. Ite
iron is rapidly oompeting with the
Scotch awl ittiddleeboro* classes, be-
ing roalcea equal to Seidelz low
grade. while it is cheaper and better
than Middlesboro.
The lateet order cornea from lireSiFAT
Stewart, the great Glasgow pipe
makers. The contract is for 200,000
to= and the priee enables them to
teem -Pete sueoesoinilg with the Ger-
man pipe makers,.
11 I were asked to specify' any par-
ticular impressions derived from our
journey, 1 should unhesitatingly
place before any others that of loy-
alty to the Crown and attachment to
the Gad Country. It was indeed
touching to hear the invariable re-
ferences to "home," even from the
lips of those who never had been, nor
were ever likely to be, in these is-
lands. This loyalty was uninistale-
able evidence of the consciousaess of'
strength, consciousness of unity mad
living membership in the empiree and,
the consciousness of power ana readi..1
ness to share the burdens and the
responsibilities of that membership.
Ware 1 to seek for the causes whicia
have ereated and fostered this spirit
I should venture to attribute it in a
very large degree to the life end ex-
ample of our late beloved Sovereign
It would be dant:eat to exaggerate
the signs of general sorrow for her
loss and of love tor her memory
whleoh we found among all races in
the anost remote districts which we
visited. Desideo this, may it not
also be largely .attributed to the
loie aad just poliey width duriog the
last half century has been con-
tinuously maintained towards our
colonies e
•Disqualifications in lelontreal fee
Buffalo, Dec. 21. -Flour -Steady. i Not Paying Taxes
ia,eat-SrinS lower; No. 1 Nort,heral
,c; winter nominal; • No. 2 red, A despaleb. loom Montreal says
a. Corn -Dull; No. 2 yellow, 71e; 'The City Treasurer has prepared a
o. 3 do, '70a to 70ea; No. 2 corn, report showing that there will be no
8 do 69e. Oats-1tasy; less than 51,880 persons in. the City
2 white, 51e; No, 3 do„ 51e;
No.2 mixed, 4,9e; No, 3 do., 4.8-Ae.
Bar1ay-65 TOT:, good to fancsr.
jeyeealetai; No. 1, 70e, through billed.
Duluth. Dee. 24.--C1ose:--1111mat--
CAA, No. 1 hard, Ifiee; No. 2, Nor -
teem 7:10; No. 1 Northern and De-
cembere 731c; May, 775. Oats -48e,
C ora. --681 c.
Detroit, Dec. 24. -Wheat closed -
No. 1 white, cash, ≤ No. 2 red,
•caSia, and Deoember, 83e; January,
81c; May, 65c.
Toledo, Dec. 21.--Wheat-Dull; De-
qeMber 85c; May, 8515. Corn-Dull
Beemblier, 67C; May 67f,c. Oats-
Detember, t6c; May, 4.6c. Clover-
sencl-Docembor, $5.75; March, $5.8&
Toronto, Dec. • 25.-Tbe receipts
*.e.re small at the Western Cattle
Yards to -day; the total was only aa
1oa,o5 of live stuff, including 500 cat -
tie, 6,00 sheep and. lambs, 1,100 hogs/
arid a. Sew cows and milkers.
For good stuff the market was un-
changed, but, for light cattle it was
decidedly more easy.
Export cattle WfIS' in. good demand
at, fl'om i"3.c, with a few choice
lots at rite, thougb, this was an ex-
ceptional price. 'Everything kleTe
west ea.i.-1,y-
disqualified for the non-payment of
water and personal taxes. The dis-
qualifications Inean that this number
of people will not be allowed to vote
at the approaching tivi4 elections.
The law is •that if water and per-
sonal taxes are not paid before a
given date that parties forfeit their
right to vote /5 civic elections.
great cominereial cities of the two
Countries: Liege, Brussels, Anvers,
London, Liverpool, leanchestor and
There are in existence two other
eubmarina telephone lines, One be-
tween. Paris and London, 202 miles
long, and one between Buenos Ayres
and Montevideo, 218 miles long.
New Zealand Prepared. to Furnish.
A despatch from Welling -ton, N.Z.,
says :-Voluntecrs for the Stli New
Zealand contingent lot service in.
South Africa are already pouring in..
The Christ Church Press, ahe leading
newspaper, states that if the eirtpire
eallS for it, it is certain the colony
will cheerfully furnish a ninth con-
;tingent, :
RECEIVED $1.50,000 EACH9
As the result of the happy relattoias
thus created between. the Mother
Country and tho colonies, we have
seon a splendid rally round. the old
flag in the defence of the nation's
honor. I have ample opporttmity o1.
forniing somo estimate of the milit-
ary strength or Australia, New !Zea-
land and Canada, having' bad the
pleasure, 01 reviewing 'upwards of
60,000 troops. Abundant and excel-
lent material is there available, re -
(miring only that moulding into
shape which can be readily effected
by capable and experienced officers.
-To the distinguished, representa-
tives Of the commercial interests of
the empire whom If have the pleasure
of meeting here to -day, I venture to,
allude to tbe impression which seem-
ed generally to prevail among our
brethren across • the seas -that the
Old Cotratry must wake ua if she in-
tends to maintain her old position of
pre-eminence in colonial trade
against foreign competition.
Executors Wh.o Wound /3p the Es-
tate of Baron Itirsch.
A despatch from Vienna, sra.ys
The two solicitors -tyho wound up the
estate of Baron Hirsch, the noted
Hebniw • phi 1 a nth ro pi s re ceiVe d
$150,000 each for their services,
ing the absenee from Lome o
rime aud Princes., of Waive the
eatable than to rewire
,esery telegram every morning.
It is thought that Moe. MetriedeY
emote Ihni much. longer.
osis ttO, French Caltailiau,
ielt at, Ludington, rad., eget& 107
Them is en ireineneo inereaee of
lunabee impoetatione Irene, Canada tQ
Losses IXL Penneeelvanla from flods
are eetlinatect at from $3,000,000 to
Successful Reaults Obtained in
Chrouie Diseases.
A despatch Imre London says ;-
Dr. Wigraare, chief surgeon of the
Rontgea Department of the Lonaoa
Skin Bospital, told a correspondent
on Wednesday that he had juet cured
by the use of "x" rays a case of
cancer of tbe breast, which had re -
Lu tbe -skin Lula sear after two
operations with the knife, constitut-
ing seirrhus in its worst form. Dr.
Wig:neap 19 employing "x" rays with
the most successful results in aLt
kinds. of chronic diseases, particu-
larly eczema. Ere says that rodent ta-
There were eight. deatbs Crone bit-
bonlo plague, in Sen. Francisco in '144744"3 of Jo
otha, Sinnenena a. Neetiug
gatera to Decide. '
A despetele frooe T.49144Qn s
deepatch to the Daily Nowa ft
datea Dec. 33, sae.
important (level placate may
peeted in a few qrs. Gen.
1105 supiectoueil etitire ra'•
for Dee. 15 to tl
aud etnaintthie
Wet's WOWS.1neeting with the
pawed uutil Dec. 1
the moraent is
up whether pea
War vontiaued.
Dee. 15 being hie
proclamation day
rho corresimuilent
opefut signs in
our leatlera. Ile
ideence offqr the
bide 200
Alt tbe ofneers
volvera at n
• utioued agal
'etza Ilnhig foo
eerible Aecideze
A despatch frb
By an explosion
Brady Street,
the last three months,
Carnegie will increase hist ou
ffer oi 'leciageoL,Tejellzeu,1
$10,009,000 for nationel twenty emu
eers, and epitheliorati of the face eau
NEW MAIL STEAMERS. rays,be absolutely cured by means of the
Canadian Vessels Will Be the•
deSpatch from London says ta
sity to $25.000.000, ljured. Tho damns,
Third. Less Than. Usual Spent for
Berland and Woll, the Belfast slap -
Gifts in Germany.
builders, have been asked to ma,ko a
tender for constructing three steam- A. despatch froin Berlin says :-The
ors lor tb:° 31e.". Canadian 'mail net- most conservative estimates place
vice. 'Rho specifications require that Germany's Christmas spendings at
the vessels shall be 825 feet long. one-third less than a year ago'' as a
The longest vessel now, e.110at is the result of her economic crisis. 'Ms
Oceanic, which is 685 feet over all. decrease, hoWever, is said to be as -
Tim representatives of tile 'arm:eaters compel -tied only by re reductioa la
f°r value, indications showing that. there
of tke new company, who asked
the teadoe, are going to make a. tour will be no diminution in volum.e,
oe tbe Englisb and Scotch. ship- Mexthants deolare that this is ton-
yarde. It is uaderetood that no dusise ehtdento thmt tho hard times
°veer has yet been placed. have affected both the masses and
---,--o--- the classes, all of whom, While in-
• tent on perpetuating the traditional
COAL FAMINE IN CHICAGO. splendor of the German holiday
Big consumers .Are Begging in dulgo themselves on a coosiderahlY
cheaper basis.
Vain. Nor Supplies. •
Thirty loeoraotives 1tn.Lt tor tbo
Japanese Government reilwaye, will
be built in Schenectady.
The steamer laara.who. Bell was
wrecked. at Charleston, W. Va... eight
of the °rev/ beiztg (Roweled.
A. thousanc1 children. la the Belle-
ville, III., public. sCh0010 were sus-
pended ror retueing to be vaccinated
At Leolyoke, Mass., a compraly
capitalized for for 51,000,000 hes
been forraed to =elm brick from
C. M. Voree. a. prominent attorney
son, have foluid it necessary to in-
despateh. from Chicago Says :-
Chicago is 'threatened with a, coal
famine, Throughout the entire city
big consumers of hard and soft, coal
are beggthg ShiPPOrg 'LOY' supply them,
but Without. avail. The severe
weather and. the, floods throughout
the coal mining aiselacts ba,ve tied,
up railroads to slach a.n extent that
shipthent is alirtweat impossible. To
add to the serious shortage, i'ailroad
companies • are exerting their pre -
I t' I t f
rogative Sca nig car o
coal as fast as they arrive here and
are putting' them. to their own -use.
No one Who had. the privilege of
enjoying the enerienco which we had
during our tour could fail to be
struck with one all -prevailing ant):
pressinzv demand -the we'nt, of popu-
lath:n(1." Even in. tbe oldest of our
colonies theta weal Lieu:Want signs of
this want. There re fetaet treats 01
Nationalist IYIember Convicted of
of Cleveland, dropped dead, from.
heart disease while purchasing holi-
day glfts,
Miss Jennie Ilitelmer has been ap-
pointed local manager of the baker-
ies of the National Biscuit Company,
at Pittston, Pa.
A colored man, Roscoe Conkling
Brum, son of the late Smatter Bruce,
has been elected senior class orator
atDllexit.rtellir Ilan:islet, an insane ranthman
living near Bryan, Idaho, killed his
5-year-o1d boy and severely injured
two of his other ehildre.n.
3. D. Rockefeller 'hos made a
Christmas box of 51,000,000 to the
University of Chicago, and other
Olna,stinaa boxes amoun.ting to
$375,000 have been received.
W. L. Farlin, one of the original
discoverers of qua.rtz at Butte, and
to whom Senator Clark ludirectly
owes hie ledge Sortuno, died. there in
Poj:arlyto...r Lodge haS introduced
despa.telt frore London says :-
'Conor chairman of
the Mayo County Council, who Was
proSecuted by the Government under,
the' Crimes Act fel' holding meetings
and delivering speeches in defiance of
orders from the police, wa.s On Wed-
nesday found guilty of intimidation
at Castlebar, the capital. of County
MaYo, and sentenced to two months'
dountry yet unctSplored, hadden inaprisonmcait.
wroomit to $20,000 -
Tile explosion oc
tho big bleat re
were at work ea
nom, over 126 feet,
They were enapIoyea
were just getting read
being members of the
when the gas whielt
In the furnaCe exploit
molten metal, clielera
throwa over the unforta
top of the structure.
When the goe let.
suea on. the small eelat
top. All the meet
the elevator, but ie
and there was no e
meant insteal, death,
oa the platform WAS
The tons of molten
es fell upon them and
to death. Their bod
the roof ot the mill,
every bone broken, n
nizabic mass of launa
laurry calls Were 8(31
and morgues. Rat
Vans arrived betor
the morgue. wagon
The bodies of some
many of the iniur
about the yard ben
ionae of the dead la
the slippery roof to
The" cries of the 1
stillness which._ lied
place w,han the limy
and fire had. abated.
To remove the deo(
oi tbe mill it was feu
'get hook and ladders
Prance Again Threatening to Sev-
er Relations.
A despatch :from Vienna to the
F.,elio de Paris says information Tans
been received there :front Constanti-
nople that Of. Oasis -taus, 'the F'rench
Minister there, has again threatened
to break off al pi 0Matic relations
with the Porte. The suspicious
movements Tui•kisb troope ao Tri-
poli, near the frontier of Timis, is
said, to be the cause of thc complioa-
bill into Congress to prohibit the
sale oX firearms, opium and antaxi.- carried the burned,
dating Liquors to the natives ol is- pen humanity
lands in the Pacific. OCean, and placed ,tivaro.
The Baldwin Locomotive Works of Wit= the dettd WO1'4'
PhiladelPhia hag a contract for 18 injured were then loo
locomotives for the West AuSiralian all parts of the. yard
Government ra.ilways, arid 36 for the attre, tho'f-alur were
New South Wales Government rail- inanyrinjured
Belief That It Will. Ile Effected Be-
fore j'artuary.
• A clespata from London, says
despatch to the Daily 'relegrani
from Roane says that its semi-offi-
cial news . telegraphed. from Com-
stantinople is correct. Miss Stone
will be liberated before the end of
the year, but there seems to be no
doubt, that Mate, Tsilka is doad. co-ailtry,,,
at this timid: e
en to the Morey itti
. At 9 o'cloe.k Thom
_ .
GENERAL..• sr Arthur loung, matmg
:leg, ' Thev say that ordli
the stat
Norway will borrow- $8,750,000. gave mit
The G erman iron. trade is ' iniprov- anell were • lulled
met-I...work to,p o
one- et the
taking .up t„ho, Ore
Eurnaco got '5ttui-.1q.-,
stet:Let:no and the tlive
assi.stauce,,, A EaW
they -:could. riot ineva,11'
more went up 'nut,
reaQ.liect iourt50l 1 "lt
trying to, get .tii
leased that the, 1 t
Gr7t3EST,.., OF
Prince rand Praricess
iting;ab Ergo
deSPatch. froni•,
I:Prince' • ',and 1,3rine
gOtief,t(X• vi'Sit LorA
it;ig regar,,CIeCi
As, extraordinary flow of potrolenni
has been fatuid near Suez.
Itis slated that Germany will, not
import American pork after this
month. •
Large American firms will work
Siberian mines, start factories and
a'enerally develop that, cOuntry. ,
ip •
Austria, will buy- American, shoe-
making nmelainery, and will supply
,gratis to Austrian manufacturers,
Cuba is selling Much More to and,
buying much less, from the United',
,States, While Germany is gaining,
t144dertiita‘e137.11n,s inVited- T
.(4entalY to jOiri:
-Cite anti -Anarchist: crti,sade, Vat Italy
is awaitingthe initiative of Franco,
and nnglancl.,
The Swedish Government Will have
0. RailtvaY. Council, to lix .Ereight
rataS on a ba.sis calculated bo pro'
11)01.0 the industrial cloyeloppieni- of