HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 4ns Bank
Rcr feealLe.eatleNT, •1S45
Falcllip Capital
rve Feud 33,600,000
- Bead Oce, aloetreal.
-TAXES' EI-Tele0T,F.See
tilINI/RAL Maxesea
Money 34'1 -awed to good fanners on their
ewe note wiat one or more endoreer at 7 per
per annum.
Exeter Breach
Open every lawful day Siam 10 a. ne to 3 P. ta
SATURDAYS, 10 e„... re. to 1 p.
bratee of interest allowed on deposits.
solaerroas. 11.14.1410nn
Dee. 27th. '3.
Calendar for A -COSI -Weer, 1901
STTNDeaaa......... 1 8 /5 22. 29
MONDAY „ .. 2 0 Ifi 23 80
Tugsnea"........, 0 10 17 21 81
WErterzsmOir. 4 11 18 25
TeetnteraY. 19 2,0
FRIDA.T fi 13 .40 27
SataTleTTAT 7 14 21 23
n,ove cowted at. 154e a pound, compare, Mr. Win. McOlinehy,of Stanley, lo t
wilh Bee a year ap;or the sisal rope 1 a valuable Uoree last week.. It, s ea•c
12. compared with 0c. Toronto men he fed him too many oats.
hi foreeaeting lances, sanl that next
year tbe fatenee 'will have to pay at liarrY °4141."11' RaY' 114staken'
position in the toe Joim Baggier,
least 15e or Wee, pound. It. is poiuted relive!), as assistaea clerk,
out that the past year bee, beeu an ex-
traordinary one in the twine business,• Vcred. Elleringten, of Lumley, went
The consuiruptiou hae been phenorneri- to London intending to join the vol,
al, mainly, becauee of the great western unteers 1" South Africa* lmt. not be.
harvest. The big cordage plants and ing Deeded be returned.
prieons on the continent which mama- R. It Cole only sole of .A. Cole, Fut-
factures twine. s,old out almost coon larten, who has been &iek for the
pletely, something that is quite un- limb three weeks, euccumbed to his
usual. No 11),:tit milterlat will, therefore, illness on Frida,y rimming.
have to he procured, and as tbe Philip- The trustees of Bayfield school have
Pirias is the PrbaciPal source ofsupply, secured a teacber for the janior d e -
high rates will obtain, the war tron- pertinent a the school, Miss Wria,li t,
bles in those islands s.eriously interfer- of near Owen Sound being the cheie e,
ing nith the output.
r abn3g.om
where he has beeant:truodryl,g rleeew,esated
11R0q NOM1[8fli PERTH
iosf Taterera$C1Dagi,d V 1.1p
I A, horse heglooging to Wne A.rueet,
' of Seaforth, fell while crossing one of
the granolithie crossing and broke one
of its legs, The 'council had to pay
----------tho News ot interost tot$13G`danulges'
'Master Charles Wbiteman, son of
Tioes Reaclors flapponInu 1Mr. 3olitii Whieetnen, Kippee, lett
for Chicago this. week, where be has
in those Counties secured a good situation along with
Ins brother .adtred.
St. Mares eenrell raid nearly aelet01
ler printing duriog the paet year.
• a
711e Auto relian Geverr.ment has de -
aided to tzend a contiegtut et ittelmen
to South Africa.
• *
ix-elt,vs messages to Eu gland at the
tete id elle cent it word or less tire
predicted by Mr. Z% Leoni,the F.lectrieal
▪ ti a
After the first of the year a list of
delinquents in the registration et Meths
will prepered by clerks of all
cipalitiee, tied proseeutione will follow
by the Regtetrar-Gc ntral'e Depart -
a at --
roenis et petitions to: tlie Ontario
Government pea-ing that tliey will
erirr,y out their etotisise to ennet 15ro-
bilition c liquor nettle to the
ftill e:atent f tin it rower. will la
seat:eel to ell tie. Me,theiliste e.
t tire.
'et/ .:4:ary'te von • ornat mi.- Vita
watetwan es nod viet trie light ple n 1
Daring the year t eVelltte Loth
tentreas ,Iirriudzntcd to Se::274 oxPrudi-
ture, ..$17;:7; surplus. tArilaa, whit whivh
to viduce aon. TIBi1 loeke tte If maul-
e:pal OSSZW!.bip Ill'febt. Te‘y.
* *
11 is prolobie that title Domn
Pei:Low nt W hwet either on the tit h
of Pebeartry cr the 13th of Febrietry
the Minietere preferring the (Artier
date, if the anmovemeuts in the build -
u10 Ckthliakdca in time. lhe e-
pee to ma aheut 811 ready for
talon., avid a :short veal 111142.1. 01.1..22.•
Vtif41t, to ensue.
2,7r. zi tee. e ey line le en aavh.
de.'r 'Cy' the Nan.
it J. i6
ir t 1:1:!i1. lething
With 11E2
Lee: I.-v.:A.:ten, A eilent
ate: eine* eel the ; d ileot
*at. aOe. Fit mite s ',....14.4
,"1"ep tei
O 0 0
Tee 2,
tl 4-77
Sealla Africa.
Ofelereo. -4• reateanealealentel ofil-
leer.-- etee men, :32,021; dueitete t.1,;•." war,
2312 "4ttitelat--aid : reat,etteeelito
sieeed rel eke" Lave letee Fent
liceetp es love -Fele, etel the :a:eel -aeltee
tioe il37,41 fo. cte fatei 4,:11 reettea.,
ineitelea Ike:e411de, 21,7e,e, eeec lea ,
• retl I eeelarit t,,t11-3.41.11
taklttg' I;.tittirectitIdlt .titot..4e vt.1-.6 have E
• eea.a. ee al the ennui -nee, is 22,471, of this.- f
t- d• tlie daathe he South ,A1'1'lea have,
• be,..,1 1'.22(.1 17,4'..;51 .11(1-t
• maaioned -effiCede ed Olean:- • '
• - - o
-nee_ . . • T. Cameron. , Farquhar,- has moved
Middlesex into his new house. 11e gave a party
to the youne People of • the vicinity.
Ek Hodgins has purebased the Mr. Clutieron Jane- one of the mast
property on the 2nd. con. ,of Biddulph, haudeorea houses in LTsberno.
Geo. MeEwen, M. Pa a Hensall, is
about to lease the Seafortb flaw. mill
property, but before closing the, deal,
would liethecouncil to fix the assess -
anent at 3500 .or ate= a years. -
A serious accident betel john Jardine
while choppiug trees in the bush nein.
A.uburn onSaturday, One of the
tees in falling struck another and
&need off, falling on Jardine aud
breakiug hie leg, .
John Logan and John Carr cut
down a. soft :elm tree on the farin of
aiierk N. Sturdy recently from which
was taken 4,22) feet of lumber and
five -eorde of long wood and about a.
cord more Was left.
Reibt. MeMordie, of Kippen, will,
fter the New Year, leave len. Florida
epenl the winter with an lutereeted
. twin ()wen Sound who has an
interest with bin -welt in au orange
grove oe plantation in that balmy
Rey, .7tly, Weight, incumbent of
Middletotee parish, Goderich Town-
ship, hale taken up his residence in
Clinton following the •example of his
predecessors, who found the town Um
most convenient point from whieh to
labor in his charge.
"On Wednesday. of last week an in-
tex.estiag noittemomal event took
place in Hay township when twu
yoling people were joined in marriage.
.rhe happy eouple were 1r. John Hev,
of the Goshen line, and Miss Stela:1i,
of the lith eoucession,
rie trustees of Blyth public schoeis
have decided to close one of the rooms
on account of the smell attendauce.
The followieg teachers have ba..en en.
giefeed for neXt year ; Mr. J. Shaw,
ormelpal ; Mieee Annie Hamilton and
Miss Kirkby, assistants.
Robert Winter. of Seafott h'ha e pur-
chased froan Ihmry Smith, otllay, the
two-year-old heifer which :carried oft
the that "wiw at the Fat Stock Show
at Guelph, nocenely. Tide fine a ;li-
ned was bred and fed by Mr. Smith,
She Nvvighe about 1,080 puunde. .
It is env end duty this week to re-
cord the deat-it of Chrietina, beloved
wife ad WM. P311.011, of Bluevale. The
late Mre. Patton bad been poorly for
soon. yeata, but this yeav her
thin -avow woree, She leayee a
liane,ba ittal 41, dallghter lt) 1:101trn
their 1.•7•II.
A very bele ;lie.
Alfred le, .• _ Theadele, oat
who iTintesIdeo t:t4 :eta 11111eiiIS •
.triy heneelf in play- .
envith ;tte;:"4:14:te or other beets az
are ....„4-va:.,toe seirta toe school, when be
.elipoed and breekiog hie right .
leg below tir..* knee.- •
popularly known as the Gully farm.
Mesere. Ciles and Eli Thompson, Me-
Oillivray, eurehased 100 acres of land
from 3a1r. Clunis, of Parkhill.
J. Snowden pnrehesed 50 acres of
land front James Tt11.11er, of tbe 19th
con., McGillivray.
A. peculiar accident happened to
little Nifl'Et Letta, daughter of Princi-
pal Sam J. Latta, of Lomio”, onThurs-
dim She Nytis sitting- by a coal stove
in which there was a hot fire, when a
celluloid comb in her hair suddenly
blazed up. The t omit was barned to a
crap beim.c the girl was aware of it,
and :ter bale wee badly burned.
Beeamee von lewen't used ('at8.rLh.
is die beet reaeon why you
el me it right eway. It will cum
tl4cettaeh that zufe7e.es your breath so
heery aed eaaar hearing so poor.
ti'elete.:;toioree is a seientifie (ewe for
ta !one h. Draenlitie 1u1dAsthma, re-
cooinietiaied lay doctors mid druggists
r - eietela yore. Henry 11. A. Taylor,
tL t druggist in eays,
trflianoet.. gives 8:nis1a etion
nieen.Yer it no, s. 1: 5e, :apple and
eeraa n to us. and ienoys fnlly
10.3,11, three tie* •le Of anv other
ea I at 1 h 3tz8e4ly st • id in the tity."
Vat 311 ha ,zerie gretrant fa a tlt cure,
:me a at lade 5. ea tan Klee your money
; • elere 41 141,10 11.211. I 4'fr 'WO lUt MOW
t ef' #11411t• :Saran 'i.;4t1 2:14%, Drareegiete
Pel••8 ace Ce., Nine -toe, Ilea.
elr. el. ileileateete, DeNvnie
Ls the owiter of a vei'y tine 'well bred
tete: VrIlieit I titly evoylaleil the on,
neeel eod, epeeme
c.le ufIa.: 4v...eloped ealveeat
14,;."", yoni? vt'lbt,,til, beovever
e now ;dive.
::•;i:earin. 11:e two.year-oid.
ean a a' 1., a. Spearlio of
neesi kieleal le 11,a lead laefl. helot,. the
other day, oleic:, p.leyitee in learn-
yead. a'a her St'ilip eta.
I" ilia-di:All in * pieces, lett ins elcall
lt• Iteett Ile will recoaar.
•ee-et teol; plate; at the
;et, 41'S. llobin,
11.e.• letc'relliesday
I/ their alanglit-eri
' li" 171e lolly homle of
' •ef
. 4• + 1:14,
1; Le e t c'ae West Huron
, t •
tete:aril 1 yo. -e /veld sal-
• -es 1 • oe el."eree.tik1140.
• „. .or Woe•dhate, is
hi Noweenalte'e tore,
• eleE ;eel i1re pored:to...eel Ira
LI': c:1,1111 tat the tit st line, illorriet
.4e et it'et
It n orereeeel to imIcl a series
f anoutrile 1...1oa fa.; in Lite Lon. early
'2 toe's roil fer Ba,yileid calls
Dv. Bryce has iSF,Tirti fOnOWitio- for tn,297.fiel . of which amount 8700
es 1 ei•e41. celleef
etatonreee Oa the stealipoa sittmeicer; h
Tha disreee now- exit e in 03 muffle/pal-
ititta end 21 counties, as. follows, &tree,
caseter Carleton. 111; Flaidisnand, S;
111r -'a, 23; Kona 40; Temelitton, 1; L4O4-
Dealt,; tketis ar•d• 01: en ail le, 3; al
elletooa 1; Mue1t:41e }ilia' P:1 r/ y tiotkltri.
20; :Norfolk, I; POI erbere, 1; Preavett
and Ruesell, 204 Ilea; CPA', 1.3.;
Sto; "sleet and Gleitgatry, 12; rid;
2; l'treritivoillt, 1; :i-erk, 1; .Algotete
• Nipiesing teed Thuntier Bay clistrietaa
41, Total, 312. 'Total etiSell• since Otte
delIt, 3i0. Deaths, 2, The infeetiod -
:bee coMerone Quelteca roainly, Map
t ohn,..kya,;•-0,1-ppta, Det'roit, the Athevican
Soo. art:dial* 'York 8:tat.
, t.icee for. binder twitte for
ese heat, season 81:* about to be ieeued.
to wliblesale alld are 'by nd
mcans .conTrollIng to 'tlie hue:hi:jag poll".
Unity.' The preSpeet rate::::: are
2.D orh bighee "lett" they nat-o, neve, for
vielayears., and it is 11. 'peettlier 'fact
•• that: Ore:fee/1"er' Will 110:11" to pay: mote,
earl:ale. 'free : erade foe 'Ilia 1.8 ilea than
Who.; theee'-teae a titriit- :on the Are eel-
"-ette aCtiele,, Coe:1'411"g- 1)1-ices;,V11,01e-
Tere..arelroirtel,ltt te4•10'ie pp"o rid •Ser
c0r3nYai.,ed yyite .7ee fle.ear
so S1i1as gene,op :mg con te
peued oyet• last , and eit sb s •
:slot e a • etail fu1ltrir advanceth3,
'43leo4ij , efteSidetetbly, and '1
eote•:• 4ri8et t14.1 bt, oath-,
pro fie:61'0.1e rai,": e't.'ft3 Orfila Ili
_•" 1 ba -le -kept Ayer's Cieerry Pee-
tlral ie.ney hoose for a greiet many.
years.' It isethe best anCellehee in
'tile world for eouglis an aolds.,.?
J. CO Williams, Attica, N. Y.
All S'epi-ou s
• -., •
trunbles begin 'yfrith"
tickling.- in the 'throat
Yon, can stop thfs. at first
n a single night with
Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoral:
Use it also: far bronchi tit),
consumpon:'lard wicks
, 9 9
and fartainghs of all kinds%
Three sizes: 9.5d., enongli 'tor an ordinary
:testi, hard 41c8, )4
or weenie eallea-am 15 10155 00 band.
ii• -4;1415• 00,1.0tretl'11.1as..
Mr. Fleel Terlee, Ripoen, while
eeeeneeti eewiree up, tans with a
0111/1./' n1:4 with en ate:idea by
whleh lie reettlykiihel. 'The rails
wete standieg up on end and as Fred,
'WaS ta:Ithig the rails from the vile, and
they 'ming* the rails- slipped and
topplettover on him.
Student.; of Goderich 7,1odel ethoel
'have secured schools as follows-rde
Blatchferd. eb S. 5. No, 5, Colborne;
Miss Stirlinee at. No. 4, Stanley; Mitts
Niellath - in- fiteleviela township; iee
Smillie in Ne. 1, ilttee; Miss Ethel Far
rove iu No. 12. Stephen; Mise Robert. -
eon in unionsehoot, Play arid StePben;
W. Passmore in No. 5, Mertes.
Your unsatisfactory experience with
other preparations should nob in-
flueece yeti against "Putnam's." Ib
Was the -first, the best, the only pain-
less_ corn euro., Give ie a trial. A
eorn treated with °thee: remedies
wouldn't do so agait if it mead help ie.
Give your cone a chanee. Druggists
tent) sell only the best always sell Put-
nam s, Pin eless Corn Extractor.
' We understated that on appeal will
be anode. by the clef in the ididdieton
vs W'ilkhlscm, breaeh 9f perimie?" I ce,se
recently tried in Sarnia,' io whieb the
plea wee -granted ;8f.000:dattinacts: ,
You Could, Look
1140 the futare and see tlie condition
, to whjcb yopx cough, if neglected,
bring you, yen would 'seek relief' at
once -and that naturally would be tbroug,b.
. .
sS1101:11apitis0:11- n, ttl s',
- di 01815; 127Me tforoilo, 554141, fur o es; t:icsaa_,: eet,:e:tedi ee.ea _net: e7,„y7;
Karl's Clever Root Tea purifies the Blood
taeroteetnee Three Engagements With Severe 1
' British Casualties,
Cures auy COLD or COUCII
in a few hour.
aele",""eeteteem'Weeereee=ereerelettleleterrneeseraen..$ ;
, ,
A Quiet Hour With Jesus,
A quiet hour with Jesus,
Oh there 1 ---What blissful peace I
All alone in tbe
With Jesus at ease. .
A quiet hone with Jesus,
There, how preeloos to me ;
A quiea hour with ;leafs,.
There, with Jesus to La
o beae Him new Wideper,
In soft, accents so sweet,
My ehild, keep thon*Yer
With me, until we meet.
111 thoee !night realms of joy,
With Fatherabove,
With the angels together,
United in love.
Where there'll be no more sole
Where death is e'er loet ;
For I paid your freedom,
With my blood at the Cross,
So just wait a little,
e'end with me abide,
Alai soon I ti/,`411 110Veri
In the (donde toe wee Bride.
ELL941.IL 11ntai4et,.1'sborne.
awenns alfeet a child's healta too eerieue1ly
to negiece. h'ometintei they oeuse convulsion,"
aed twath. ir you seepeet them to be present,
gwe Dr. Low'e Pletteaut Worm Sven, whiela
destroys the \mute without irtjurang the
l'elee fra'
1.7sed Internatly Ilagyartre Yellow 011 cures
Sore 'threat, Ileareenese, Quiroy, Vain lu the
(71tv,t, t;r0up, ole. 1.cdextenelly ettres
lthelematient. e'lat Johns.. Contracted Coale
aerates, amine thin; ealr1, Vete, and
3.13rtiot Ill.:eels,
Wznsn'aAbswace Diystorkins,
Vancouver, Dec. 24. -Mrs. Gram
Powell, a. young German woman,
living on Seventh avenue, Mount ,
Pleasant, a. suburb of Vancouxetaltas
been miesieg for three days, and is
supposed to have been murdered.
On Thursday the woman was at
home with her father and was called
to the door by a. *stranger, an too.
derized man, who wanted to sell her
some poultry. She egreett to buy ,
and the num :aid he Ited-tite Ionia
at Ide platy, a !i1 '11. 41141t 4880 tartly. .
1. -The threw en ller -alma 1, took lter I
purse, «ant e ilt her 15, 0001 WOO. 01.1i ,
suyiar that hilt) v.111.41/1 tab hack in a
few oileutesio thee site has
not been "teen.
teerat eve e. ; 1.13:Ireli.
tretert:Nqt.:,. 11.-e. nor a week's
heel Lee • o --2.-.t the "itteta-
41:' ere v -ht,"-.• a'auare. 11898,,
tle; fereeee ltieinite who •to"
Aprit witra,r :1.1"411"; of hou
is dgh- '
tore. re'• t:elirt:1::, 11, 11, 5 and „.
-1, tool Lis etert. 7 years of ageestab- •
Meg and beneg tl-them to death •
ti lty :were - la bed, WaS found
gall ly ',1'eAerday and was condemned
1.0 be dettapitaleel by the guillotine.
Briere persisted in declering himself
ty ttio Ennialy In the •Drano
Inver Colortl. and Transvaal Colour
Col. I1arnant Dangorotisly Wounded,
Two or Ills Oftleers arid Tiveaty or 1118
Aten 3:9OtaUs ertt, .5everti
tight at licOuderyn.
Loadori, Dee, 24. -Lord Kitchene
in a despatch ironJohannesburg
dated, Saturday, Dec. 21, sends re,
ports of sharp aghting in the ()rang
Biyar Colony., Two hundred mount
ed anfantry, an the neighbotheod of
Begincleryn, were divided into parties
and were searching farms wher they I
were attacked by three hundred
'leers and forty armed Datives, un I
der Commandaut Britz„ The Boers
charged. determinedly in overwhelm-
ing numbers, Tile Britisb, casualties
were severe; hut no details have
been. received.
Tbe engagements occurred Dee. 18.
10 and 20; at points widely apart,
The casualties, so far as hnown, ag-
gregate but 150, equally divided;
but, heavy British losees, the totals .
oZ which Lave not yet been reported,
have occoreed in the Transvaal.
In the eastern part or tho Trans
veal Colony, Col. Mackenzie at
tacked Commanclant Smit's force o
Boers rit Lake Banagher, Dec. 20,
and hallecl six and captured sieiteeu
of the enemy. Commandant Sent es-'
A force of Boers, during the night
of Dec. 19, AttaCk4(1, the British pest
at Eland Spruit. but the burghers
were driven off, leaving eight men
killed, including Corcunandant Krieze,
Field Cornet Mahon, who was
wounded, and three other wounded
men were ahe lso left on tfield. The
British casualties were seven men
hilled and six officers and eighteen
men wounded.
Lord Kitchener also reports that
during Gen. Dewetas attack on the
British forge, eonareanded by Gen-
erals Dartnell and Campbell, at
Laugberg, Dec. 18, the Boers charged
bravely and fought desperately for
several hours. Dewet was driven off
with the loss of twenty men. There
-casualties were twelve 011 the side
of the Britieh.
11001. meth Roale.
On Dee. 20th M. Both' a with eight
aundrecl Boers, surprisedCol. Da-
mant's advance guard at Tafel ICop,
Orange 'ver Colony. The Boers
'ushed kopje cemmanding , the
Main body and the guns; but a Daa
rnaart, rallied his men and drove the
31oees from Hai kopje. *The British.
casualties wore heavy, leaniant was
tiangerously wounded, "two officers
and twenty men were 141110(1, and
three officers and seventeen . men
were wounded.
The Boers left six dead on the
field and dispersed, Tile British
pursued the melee* and captured a
eiumber of prisoners, including Com-
mandant Neyter.
Later, the Boors, under it flag of
truce, asked permission to remove
heir dead. They admitted having
ended twenty-seven men.
Tn nrinsa oarla
CaStOria is for Infants and Children, Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Oastoi Oil, Paregorice Drops
e and Soothuag Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
nee. rete 1,1,anro4'y Dead. t
14.111t1011. Ont., Dec. 2.1.-A cable-
grani received 111 this city Sunday 'a
from Ireland coatalued news of the a
death rea tie"' previous .day of Rev.
Dr. - ritamery„. tt: well-lc:Iowa and t
greatly bele-eyed atienlber ef• the, Bo- t
num Catholic- ttlerey of this diocese. m
The newe of his death WaS iiectrd: a
• with unaffected, rtr„yet, ltere.
In the fight' at Tafel le."op the
ders dressed as British yeomen, en -
aged in a splendid race with the
ritish it -the attempt to be first
n gaining the crest, of the kopje.
he Deere gained the summit first
nd opened a heavy fire on the sin -
lo troop of Danaant's horse, which
ook pert in the race for the itopje.
'hese, troopers took advantage of
11 the small amount of cover avail-
ble immediately below the Boers,
and fought until all but four of,
heui were killed or wounded. By
latat time reinforcements of Da -
ant's Horse came up and Charged
nd captured the kopje.
neera nave the. Measles.
Itamilten, Bermuda, Deo. 21. -The
Doer prisoners of war landed on
I-Iawkin's Island have been isolated,
several of them are suffering from
it mild form of measles. ,
-tear:elm re ',caul 1,000 Ien.
I.,ondon. Dee. despatch to
The Times . from Sydney, N.S.W.,
Says the Federal Clovereuneat has de-
cided to seed a contingent of 1,000
men to South Africa,. •
ealle.:_at:4 aseeitles.
Ottawa,. Dee. 24 -.---According to
38 eablegrem received by .111S. .•Ea--•
eileney from Cape Town, Major kle
Q. Ogilvie, D.S.O., diedeof . his
°untie on Thursday last.
The .
• toeverrior-General has received
the . fel tow,ing„ from Mr.. Chamber --
ell": Loudon, Dec. 28---"R0gret
. i [teen" you Hugh --Gordon .
11U14341 'WaS .dangerously ill Dee.
Toperts as to nature of
ietetee. ilia father is' R. .Meafaugh-
4, Ncathemberland
oeney, N.B." .
Tee, teteseelty repartmeat at 'Cape
02841 has etelded .3..Kird Unite as fole
Pleaee inform • ,Tarnes
Mott, Porter's Hill, Oat., tliat. his
.Seut eel Herbert Elliott,. South
"vicar e-onsta u coy, ched• of era
eic Sever, , eteer , Bloemfontein, Dec.
. tweet; te Death.
Watertowit, N. V., Pee. 521.- The
frozen boelje of oteertee Leach, an em-
ploye of the N'eveton latrol raper
Company, was rotted in the woods
negr Osevegoateltie yeeterday morn-
ing. Lettell beentee lee". in the woods
Sunday: night ea his way htnne
an.d fell atom ustion, where he
was found. „
Laet or a Yet; .4 Ilsni.berliocal.
Concord, 1.‘raNi4., Dec. 21.- William el
Ellery, Charm:no% the last of the c
brotherhood, -Melee:deg also Thoreau, e
Hawthorne and rmerson, which made a.
Concord Sammie, died -,esterclay.1-141
was lanei in Beeto 1 'Nov, 29, 1818.
- 14
Cora .1; u I siry ac
• Montreal, Dec, 244.-A bylaw was le
introduced into the, Couratil yesterday 1
making a-accinatiou compalsory- Of (1
course it, will have to be ratified by- la
the Legislature.
London, Dee. elee---Mies • Kilbourne '18
has been. released • from., jail,. en 84,-
000 bail. She Will be tried in the 119
spring. , k
111an'ltobl, Legiala•tare.
. •
- Winnipeg: Man. Dec- ale -It is am.-
derstood that t'2e lataintoba Legisla-
ture will be called together Jan, , 9
for the despatch of business, •
Onslow 1,0rd,
London, Dec. 244, -Edward • Onslow
Ford, RA, the sculptor, is dead.
He was born in 1.852XIs was made
an Acacia/dela/1 in 1805. ,
Expected To-1)ax,
Montreal, Dec. 24:::-Genera1 Mana-
ger Hays of the (fraud -Trunk arriv-
ed in New Yprie yesteeday, and is ex-
pected her to -day.
'Teterboro man noted.
Peterboro, , Dec. ea. -Benjamin El-
liott, a native of -ride town, was
killed in a. mine in New York 'State.
lIerirtix Corps
Ottawa; Dee. 24,: --Dr, 'Johnsoi of
tteto wn, P has been
appointed captain in the Field Hos-
pital ,Corps, which is being, 'raised
far ser -vice in South Africa, with
the Cat,laclian Mounted Rifles. ,
Two. of the -recruits for the lat-
ter e,cceptecl at Ottawa, one Arnold
V. McDougall, assistant private se-
cretany of tee, Premier, tend Capt -
George Bowie, formerly captain in.
:the ,Otta)va, .rie.ld ,Bettery, aid a
graduate of tile R.M .0., both volun-
teered to serve in the. ranks of the
third , pont n gen L.
e0ee1e4e.11 „ilon te r(1pent)).
Toronto,- ipoc• - • 24: Daring
yeett.:e- 0 ter t Wen t y -s event., quen • were
exo,int and: „ p a s,sed., tb e, ,rttedieal
tOSt.,L1 ti \$'110531 415p -pasad
oth ':tet 1;Cd dni81:1,0.0ti4lgy ttod
' *120W: .1:12,011, 851023611 to -day,
thn Witt ,he, sworn:tn., , They
wiUleave 68 ,:irlolrs:Jcly :evening to
the acI,Itvace Ilalifax.
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance; It le Pleasant.
Its guarantee is, thirty years' use by Millions -of
Mothers. Castoria destroys 'kYornas and allayS Feverish-
fiess. Ca.storlit curei Diarrheen and Wind Colic. Castoria
Teething. Wroitbles, cures Constipation and
-Flatulency. Castoria, ilSidrittiatc,..s the rood, regulates
the Stofitiaeb. 'tfAvele ofnefants awl blidldren, giving
lrealthy and natural deep. • Castoria is the' Children's
Vanacea.--tbe Moiler's Friend.
"Casterie. is an eaeellent medicine fa. t "Caetoria so Qi.1410.<41 to t.
children. -Venters have repeatealy told me ' thet 1 recommend it as superior to ney pre-
, of Ike geed effect upon their children." scriptioa known to me."
Da. 0. C. oecooe, Lowell, Naas. TT. "1„. :Mean:oat. y
V'4? 00fl
4:,,84'30 OA"
Tho " Sovereign " shoe for Imilo
is made in every kind of si,00
The very latest fashion is not too
new for the Sovereign" S110e.
HanelSome thesis shoes.
Strong, comfortable, ntannsli
waildno: shoes.
Dainty, fashionable, light shoes
for receptioni other indoor social
Flexible welts, silk stitched
uppers, fine imported leathers, beau-
tiful finish and absolutely correct lit.
$3.00, $3.5o and $.1.00. Low
ShOCS $2.00, $.s.so and Spa°.
Stamped on the sole,
"Soverasil Shoe."
eee'..V That's "what you get when
ea, you 'buy a. IIappy Though. t.
The nappy ITionkret Raeige
;.. Wnsoelie. Of- thee firs tc Ranges .
sane. hianufaetutecl iii a Canada.
More 1.1'a.ppy T Ix k t
lilatageie" ;are enaintfactinecl
and sold eacay0r that. all
Is -None
for any
blouse -
other •C'anadian maleee.' conibinec1-4501000• :being now in use.
When hayingebny•Cantida'5' PaVoritei lialepyc•-Thonglita".
not an exoetiinent.. : s• a ; ' • . ••• ' :
140.n11fact-41red b3"
Tb.e Wm. Buck sit -017.e'cb:; u Limited, :Brantford'
• Were the areaterantatere fo± ItItistrated."Catalogne.
•gtFifIra:'''.:‘.;:''''.•'•17.1111a"..'•":.4•„•I'',"•11-,c, 14, oaeai El,
, LOST. -On or about, Dee. 4111, 1901,
betrt. else ne cl . • Exe ter, 2.1.
pilrea,„einifte , six Cl01115111., • The'
fieteer wili be, , soi telely eCwarclecl
leealrie ,.."saene 4fjthJ. G. einesat•Wir",-
elecileeee t.,„ • ;
Mr. and Mrs. Trick, of Clintoe Mrs.
. • •
leer. ,Ropluer eiedMiss Isabelle, 1.-lo4e32i-
e8ee1:St, .1.,,pois„.: Mo., .11.1r.,
Teick, (1f lb ediord, ar,td Jobe Luxtme
of Albion Cellege,.Miele., ave guests
el Mr: and .11ers. George &unwell 1i
the ebrietioas holiday. • .
ee) 0 "elate COLD IN ONE DAY
Tabe Laxative Brenta Quinine 'Tablets, Atl ;
driwgists refund the money if it fails to enre;
GrOve'a signature is, on each box, 21e, '
ttlic breath of the pine to Ibe breath of life to
11,0 00215111)3pt Ivo. NOrVi'DY
110,1,i/1e 8111.111114 4188 cures coughs; "eatas
teeett"., 1)01) 15(11111441 ttne ao brae, a,nd lull, 1
111.1111,e'", tvhicb, riot attend '
ed to lend elee
.Mr, Simon al elee tti, ,..tf Pookhi11,wag,t
4,pppi,u toxic oui fey feeeeeentatiVel ?lea the..
Vistoi1et;12ibepi1:11 for
t• t y e at 9D2,t tt •tilte' el oe1,12,2,f. .S42S1:i1211 ref;
e,,O0 un.bee:Co uos i1fl, Sett.arcletet,
Then your liver- isA't - actin '
, ,. - . . g
well:''Ybifgoffei°frOin ci,,i14;4',A. -
ness , , -'
▪ ,_
Pills -act ilii6cily' c -ii thel,l- '
For �edus t )ey havebtes1
the' 8iafitrafa ' 'Fa
, small' do§e:g 6.ure.:.,; :,..•
, .,41
16.4111;.3,011T-ITiott5ti40j50,641,5eib4li, boa '17Lira
e icatHut, 14.,44;