HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 34,5
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.:.47-0 The Untimely .....
150Sallb 11(311AEIT•'
eliArilat XXX. leerfectly certain, that She will be
Jolian I" said Ffenchette, 'Produced if required."
wreathiug, her lips la smiles, "this is "All right„ we willwithdraw, then,
ati great us it is unexpected, without further action. Good day,
What brings you to this hateful ladles," said the detective, in a
0.• mocking tone, "perhaps you'll hear
not going to gwe is the slip on the
road, or arrangleg aey pleat of that -
hied." ° • t
sha'n't be able to write for six
reonths, and it woe eeeessary to give
full instructSons to ce, Itreach trieact
of Mille about some busies.,
terse.' • ,
They travelled up second-clase,
having a cm:apartment to themselves.
Both deers were Welted the aovernor
mounted guard ot one, hie'. Goodyat
the other, Leon sat between them,
cool awl contrite -table, in a light
suit, of "dittoes" which: be had worn
on the journey from Paris, and look-
ing, but for the enameled bands, like
an ordinary passenger. No Mei-clout
of any importance occurred on the
journey up. Captain Scroolay never.
4, FOR FARmbRs1
* Seasonable and Profitable
. Hints for the Busy Tillers
717 0 the soil. ?
Tho Most unpleasant taste of taint-
ed milk which appears in it good deal
that is shipped to market in the :all
and early winter is clue to a largo
extent to the condition of the pas-
ture Dods ant the carelessness of the
milkers. Nothing probably pi -Oldie
heth, Madame I would that I might of us nein. So look,. out for relaxed his eggiliaiee. Ile sat bolt res eitY Peoltin more 'against drinke -
milk three to taste this disagree -
say it wan your beaux yens ; but -squalls." upright at his whitlow with his eye ing
=dour compels mo to confess
• •
constaittly eixed on his prisoner. This able flavor. Dairymen who are care -
that I came on buSiness, aud it. was .window on, the Pla.tiorm side was lees in their tnethods do Et great. deal
oi to condemn milk as a. daily diet.
het-Meth:ally. closed, so that none
.. mere chance . that brings me the One of the first steps thken after
pleasure a a Meeting, Madame." Bon hied regained strength was to the occupants Of the carriage could Moro and more people we coming to
"Chance. what Melo/ chance ?" pay a visit, M ecnopeny with Daunt, have at*" knowledge of what took tho coaclusion that milk forms the
"'I an lodging near here. aud 1 to young Drifaeld. Tie conversation Place at the feW stations at which best Wet provided by nature, but peo-
tew you pass eir hour eve
overheard at the Jtmior Belgravth'they had stopped oa the road, ple will not drink it so long as they
Captain Seeooby, was quite up,- have their sense of cleanliness and
"I am rejCiced to see you. Ain indicated that the clerk was in T43- 1 clOT A . ' 4 4 .1 healthfulness offended by this Ws -
ong for rest, orace auquiet,"
nsieur. I am very stele of all tide; session of sou•te klamaging filets. 1, •, I
promtiohihesitateto . sob essisso he had been 111Vtl
aed 'at :Basingstoke by agreeable odor which, conies from lf' ped
milking and feed -
or hear/rile might help poor old sure a small mob 'ef roughs. The first in- careless
At this moment tile, knocking ti t• 1 1 • d f 1 1 t • t • • If ti - al,
Valls-hell witere they Betted with tiled:led there would. be some excuse
This illUstra.tion is a turious comineetnry oil the wild stalteneets ntede by
Iwo Boers about. Vito treatment of Boei• woinan arel children in camp}.
Strange Cuetorns :In Bentotte
Corner of Obina.---The 4.1-.1.V.
tO strauger story has been told of
late that, Of an English travett,
ler who has just discovered, in, 614
of the most primitive regions -of tilt
'Chinese empire, a human beMg who
' worshiped es a deity by inillienz
lof people, ICnowo far and wide at
tile "Livill° God," he is to- the an,
Counted mr'illione of Chluese ;114
Mongolian Budiste trliat the fa-
mous Telma, of Tibet is to those
Centrel Asia.
This remarkable religioes Person'
• makes his home at Urge, the
s'eote Mongolian tewo lying jost
on the fringe of civilization, at the
end okthe old Asiatie highway across
the Gobi desert. and it was andle
Englieli travellei- was returnieg
como up eight under the horse. ltItTl'ilhlet COME QUICKLY. verland front China to Europe that
Stone makes a poor floor for a horse. eine ot tee priecipat advantages in ihe witeessed the strange rites el:323^
stall -it is so' hard and cold utilees a poultry production, is teat returns Ilin.-eted with the worship of the "Liy-
great deal of straw is used. As- come huickite Welt the exeeption ing Cod." letteg tQ The Lon-,
Phalt is not so hail as stone, and teirawberries there is practically no idtai Standard, this deseripticn of
hanimeriug which hatl interrupted tees, for whem lie bail a strong re-
eau be used, but there is nothing bet- Ina, ot snug/ hem, woull you I
In the flesh he is a young raan
Fenchette end Meggitt was again wird, he told all lie knew about • - @
ateee- --e ,leeterd, in the neighboring (viler.
hint and hie, pat•ty. Had he realized for it e s
s histeurp, But it eau, awl t•cir than wood. Tile softer woods can bi.gin to z•ealize inside of three '
wee: soon after aueinese end cam_ , t ., 01 tilt 3 int(nt i n., Noe (mole at th t.
who they NV Nee • hr ' - i 1 e • • • - • •• = a . re 0 es mit tart , I, Mit ei -Ile yell I'S: a luileb. 1.,,ov,- tbfes pot 8P- riilder 4.**
i b tt ti • I • I el • .' b •ce , and lives in a house 'which.
Flemings und the bills,
goilau. atati-neesieetly, but with t eneneed next dust Sir Rieltard wits ilt‘ 7°,11h1 eertatul-1- 11111.° g°11e. " t° •11°st of the odor nod taintettl del- 'sel,-111,74:141.1‘111'sti's1(1Sic)trs, ew..vstesikwitItli,inatidtics. Is'11;0(lrate„hoitiltil'afelelliejn),(1)waertill Peiele)drksie•teK;ou ;011"::17-•;.7e4etent.enreePlhIlitc•a 119 ni°PerS1111.7114aril
*NSI'''t Vall that be ?" nticeil
W i loo vor comes from weeds alloweci to le • , i f ' - ' ' .' ' 'A '''' ' 11" Qf a deitt-Y is cbile9v "vnEaleil- •t°
mune, suepiclog, e• - - _ . !closeted with oue (if the partuers in, - a. 11- ' . , a
pig to unchiretrenu elle moveiniette er w i ' • " -• , •nee 't ere gook or tite pui-pote. it pie treee 410 not mean to bear freely i
lioldite, Vanchette's tuna us though rope.
tIon told tile folion, thr., letter deepatelied elandes- the pastttlietril4g;IsorgToni,ninitle eoqicesa Will121 i . Abundant 4.es11 alr is as 114'"'ssar'Y :rtrn g° ill ftl:11;ruft°11.`iist rePriulueti°n• 11 to4fo%.•Idien-, Pa11.11(Ivaltieashs%L% vi til° w"14'
lor 1 Ile health of horses as of men- rettlieut ion I e investment dnes
While he was still deliatiog. still the greatest hankleg-house in • o in ila pastuie 1.elds. 'these • ,
., religious oceacions and his public)
is bet ter than hendoek. short of eveen or eight years; enti 31 r
of this little heed it is necessary to weeds • 1 I
'ecalacy of silent Wises there' Daunt without hesita t tholy by Leon t Meggi t t , tome; end titer° is little else to cat • r • t • q••e„. - • • •• • • AMIABLL E SFS ES •
C411 te a re S. 11 rappiug, litlocking. or whole sitar- Ititegitt lied understood. o reccer- • a a. an tat 18te slaw from eversoos hay outes,,
•4,41t IVV:ara win el, e not eine() inside iiie oi to. o
whatever it was III the Miter rooin. "It is. inatnly statniise at present. • - .
ma it Unit whatever lie, did lie must to . - oead t • . -
That noise again, it is Yore' odd : strong. eilApicion. 'hire only iiingible du. at
no (gal at all. They (10 uot c rah
, OW, lez,e S e proditie note hay raves are poor things any -
"PO V011 hear, Madame Poiret ? snitl the great banker, "or at most h
even a whole gienteetiou.
D.A.YS F7.1•1.1. D.A.NGEE.
, 1,
of these renders Liza an, object of
g , . It()11t . I way, U. thoy noressitate an tannEttUr- emelt importence in Urga itself,
aim there be any one in there ? Any filet is about these bills of--op-r thoutla• ',111,10 Ir.:11T tilloille-h'Ilt i.t rice the cows nor 23131Re Milk. They Si113- al ';iiiisition ond um. (Ileac ,egotneoo. apart from his religious circle. It
IN the not 'uncommon craving to Pest
ene lietenieg to wbat we say t" 1 hault eon. Flemings ot Manchestc-r. • • le t. 1" ?et "?' °11" a' P- ply taint the milk, cream tied butter, ' •
, , , seee a duplicate of anythlog which
Ptinellette looked uneosilY toWitres 1, owt. ',Item to imow the name of 1.(,'-11.1''1' el:Fit ,11.1Ft .1w-Tati•st•' t,1-1•1-1c:•ltu'll shOil Its ellatiees of sale. There -
HORSE TALK. tates his fancy. In the exercise of
. it (ever wan eiomee,10 atm wan ems
tee cellatedoor. Except- when her Plemiugs. of Mitueliester, but that i • e ' • forte the dairyman who permits the
„ .o wet Ile went to ::-.even. PtulS the his indulgence be has at varigue
same n gat. atisties Show an Evil Week
blood Was Up and Ole tVoS rendered, inight easily happen, But I will • i 1 weeds to grow in the pasture fields In
shale, hereof free from dread ot the you mine Again* :iny at the same ,,,,e,e, . " ' ,. - - own interests at both ends.
uu looking, matron. but it is a The and wo must keep this la mind as wo
'- hemp eed „i, irugt s.e, tried weeds which are sestemat wally root- are feeding the colts. All ata.kott soothsayer soul to on. ills prtsent most incsineraous habltaa
far•roetehing power of Leon. hour 1 is -morrow."
"I WM see who is there," irsieteil - When Telma paid nit; next eielt 1 , ii r
- - efi- aut. and eut down every summer They must be fed. to develop the perial thwear : nth:ware the Wee of ti°11 : and, ;It =other tinle= the Post
t the mama is practically injuring his The horse is kept for his muscle, haes become the possessor of some
reehless bY Passion she could sever have the mutter louked into. Will "It won't be so eaSV said, tha Every Months carious reproductious. To it he owes
will ca Joe A egeman. --an evil -session of an elephant, Faid to have
• topiiltion. 14,5 he proceeded to lie wee greeted yery wallets.
But ti the themes. of Dr. Ctraziville -
Molitor individual, wrio said- and fall cannOt long persist in, grow- muscle auil the em•st quality of March." cost him (3,000 roubles. 11e has
ne tee door. "I must eift the "You hew dem, u great service ing, and the combat will behbine eas- springy bone.
'We can get lum fact mulish ; the
44-1 ,t) t hi" bOt t NU A''' lig. IV Mat oil, lie bei ':.; lag t hIS Mat ter 1.0 our I"1- thing w'll hi t • '. Ier and °Psi'. ' ' il t i .
i lieep lam or help - si etery yesr. u one , t is a good plain to give the wawa ael.eoil. of thileago. ie correct. the "..-4/ neiluired UlartY othr7 gurionitt(”li
4 =Ilk,
tr k "UP 14 N•11111tory tone. "Where the.. Sie Ilichnrch Tle-ge has born . I .,‘ 4 htiie proeurina of evlfeli (Mora
itim 1tway. .season's crop that is allowed to pro- linas about four quarte of seilitetuiln athlete: advieer eau say : "Beware 1„ , ra , ..„4
he woman of the house ? Fetela ,sonti• foul plae•t I feor," a tis, oeto and oetit ot c,..-oty laalath.a• ;1 015511,11 Illercaauts tee orgo. a. 110t
As to ltleining ,S; to ?" to aniprolitable mewls of livelihood. I
"But lam will You get• iliro 2" asItt duce seeds will counteract the gOod . each day during the winter.
141 Meestitt. "it will be broad day- work of several wars on the part. of I If there should be any tendency to Pr• Marree"ll's ustertl°11 seeMs
'You hnd 1.30tter find lier ;74-mreelf, 1 "Yes. I 1 old you I did not newts' leo t •-•'" 1 , 1 tit d 1 .. - wos fortunate enough to see this ex -
i constipation. a Ittidespoorgui oi he veriiled by etattsties teaen from „ ,.. a, , . . _ .
'.20ue • t do not like your tone 11:e mime. end 1 might well Nay that., Ish,,1 al" hk- Is stn° tr." be we 1 g"nrd- e.. a 1 34nan'
'the matter of cleanliness in milk- grimed, flaxseed beiled in a, littlo records of 3' 412 companiee, ir011 "."PlulualY Per''Quage• unuer
not eaeily forgotten. Outa
-our .1111turtor." •1 !Mit we never had any dealings with ' ,:., worlts. groin elevator:4, boiler works 1511 1°119
r.,..y two at the most. and that Ing IS 0110 that Sh011ld not need cm- water unit added to the mill. will re- hospitals- . awl- marry e:_atat.lishuoutst side one of tite aeautlita elueoitist
tunt hesitated for a moment, them at all." Vaushall is a very confined place, phasiziug, and yet the dirty, filthy needy the difficulty.
'Ailing' whether it would be safe to i "And those bills te." and there -we 50R10 dark passages to method ' lloweil on so inany farms I 'Theo should hate also a grain ra- (nhluelltb)::!uitglie it."01r049;i:us ftu/r('stsneeluhre..":1;esness ,citelerneratee:4.' eiviT•lasc6Peitagehet114; sglelnalri-ticcirdelectii
- Danchette alone, Then he I 'If they byre our auloreenient they. . '. :.
go thong. aline there, eny pals shall is Sndlelent evidence that careless .tion o'i wheat bran and aats unit lin- • tents, The ventral one, reeplendent
4. as rar us the door and called were forg'etL"
hustle the screws, and, while they methods nro stth followed. :the milk seed meal, equal partq. with yellosv Fling aud gold enthrold-
ut sluirply • As I thought. 7 was 1119 11*. eon
. 0 in suspecting rogeery." lleferenee 1" the l'eutu.11-4 of the el'y, with huge ,yellow silk umbrellas
are lit trouble, you slip your artnithat has a cowy flavor is tainted .WInett, bran is 11 Strung bone awl
" lanizelle 1 Afanizelle I"
autt descending, the stairs, and the , „ ,
, . •Son -to one Amp. do it, but it responsible for it, and they should re-' huy, tor it re.turns nearly its full at' 1tage of nillet.th:lve eases of in-, either hand and stirrOUndillg hlra
Gait) st011t liery-faCed woman op- taat . tile,re,1"1: uo such POoPle lts seeenit. oo, moo, ceive their lesson in (*lowliness by• tahte in the manure. :Suriee by accident a mouth. Out of
peered who had answered the deer to IF1,c,nung, &'.. C0'. lie _len
t i . has been -You had better he on the box of those who Inindle the rank. lf wet Clive esPeeitil uttention to eeereise. Ithis total sixty-five occurred during gwoe rp:171c1se;4418,11°,,,dt 14ftrieaasnasP.ritenstssrthilaolli
!Laud 0 month or tete) before.
into our friend's and lead him oft to by the dirt. asul filth that drops in !muscle -forming food. and iA 0111' Of • P , and euebious to matelnecontained the
Cool: county hoe itat for each month -
a few minutee a heavy step was eah-rank.'' the milk pail. Careless milkers are the few feeds a farmer can niford to for the Pott live Years snowe an throne of the God." inu
"Derfeetly. The natae-We• have as- oh,
Certained bv reference to Alanchester ,
A gloss, sat.ine •sllaral.' and, when 1w, comes to
'Vint waitte 2" elle fished an-, 1 is being PerPetrAtedi to which ;,o -n. dem, ore.
geiiy, in her high -phi -lied voice, wliu eier ee .
oe raldis's are a party." "That would not snit Me either,
au American tweout. '• II I'11 b""I' \Val- I am not much of a 'whip, But I
. ot so fest,
-1 want 10 go in hetee-open (103'01:"Id.t." urt‘ n idgb,IY.res,Pee.table 1,1°118,e" Will Fee to the cab, and the person
iq rhtura in French. infotriliv(1,1a1114,011tccrinueullelteenbcii= b(uusIdluesie‘ to tase Leon to it. Atter that whore
-Who ere you ? Ilv whet right, do t - ' " '' ' ' had Ile better go 9"
034 W;t. '7,thet's your e(!air
iweuld be hasty to accuse them of eeseto master.
••1 collie front I.eon Lontinaghe. %.e"Inr'lletiol-'•• 1/11 the e°"""r•Y' theY when We have set him loose our job's
;arr. more likely to have been 11b41 (10114'," 11aFt 0." (1011' "
le (4•31.1:1111," kitoopciseil FAnchAto 1,1Q1S, pie (nwselves. Indeed, the loss „is,feat a
hat c fallen exalt Ley word of all this to a soul,
MAIL; ill lenilieb, thiaing M. Jo- Nr4411'41 441/021 mind," sa icl Meggitt, impressively.
lieu would not uederstand ; "It is them' lids lad"ts 10 s°111ethi"g 'If there is any euspielon of what two
ruilically wrong.in their way of (1 0 -
some plea tritig A-mm(.111;111 Lnows will soon hear
„leg businees. Father insufficient care, t141;1"0‘tiat'tit,1,,he Pull"
iting of Leon."
'01.' a 1811101111MP Waal Of jadgalellt.
'' title W41$ still wavering. 1111(1 could is displayed, ar there is samethian , ,,
"Theo are out of it this time,
not ea -.11y wit hdraw lier allege:nice e,,,,. ,„,)„,,, „eh; „„4,•• c never fear.
ir•l°1 .1 ik° Inn" who inal s° Itta!1,. held (."A"e" fts;i: ‘11Teg'",;',:ii..t".."ile always felt as iii',;letSg,rietttr'tititioll,isicaaosiseig7e‘telhetitteoll steate°11;
her in theall.
'though he were sittitee 011 a volcano. n. few further. details with Mamzelle,
'Mote 1141510. I sat' rePealf'd Lettitrs had arrivet1, asking for end got a letter conveyed to Leon.
Daunt,, teem whose Iluirit ears „ immey-that wee ; loamy 10 be she had been right in saying that
freeti cool more freneitel.eminis irom roe over to, tee beaver, who vets ea
the pollee were hanging about the
within "Give 030 the keY or olhol ill -Mel," and which would be used in place. Two of Mr. Vas/ices young
eourself." !helping Leon to bear the privations men, wore couslantly on the watch,
In hie evcitemeniS be also spohe 111 a! prison
' and thet- saw Afeggitt leave the house
"Who are you ?" Faueliet le.
"Yoh. will soon know," ns ho
- wren otzt of the kitchen, closing
the door toul locking it behind Wm. twee (toothy, linsl become his prison-
? A few steps took him to whore ices most attached and devoted slave was duly reported to Faske.
to positions were entirely revers- "They are up to no good," sale,
• leaske and his aesistants were wait- The .
fier outside the house. ed. the detective. "I must keep my eye
•-Come on. Faske ; I have run him on him- till the last ; I may still
"Here's news at last." said Mr.
to ground hope, but. there n" Goody, one morning, as he entered stop their little game."
time to lose," Leou's cell with the prisoner's break- On the Friilay morning, -however,
The party led by Daunt hurried fost. very' early, they managed to give
" 'Taint good news neither-
doweetaire and re-entered the kitchen
where the two women were still
cowering n corner.
"Now." said leaske, "You knot's/
Manizelle, and why I aln, here ;
give inc the key."
" Very reluctantly she,sme en t,
• dared i •
the door WilS, toelocked, tho bolts
drawn back, and Daunt eon in,
His instincts had not misted him
t Bob Surtees was there, lying hnif-
. tainting on a, miserable mattress on
the floor. •
raske and Daeut carried Bob out
• at once into the kitchen and up-
It wise some time °before Bob re-
covered his speech.
"1. thought I should never come
otti, of that place alive," he said ttt
length. "They attacked Inc in the
...Park -men I had IleVer 50071 before,
and who must have made me insen-
sible. When .enitici to myself I was
la that dark 411 thy hole alone!'
•`Were ueill-used ?"
;\ hen I shouted too loutt.
TI • ame then, clad swore to .• kill
a you made ,no attempt, to es -
Leon had seborned one. of the ward- el; they bad sem_ him enter it. They
ere of Dorchester prison:, and wes theo saw Joe Magsnian go out that
uttlizitee Idea for his own mils, afternoon, and ono of them followed
This faithless officer, whose "nun° him ee far es. Vauxhall all of which
him the slip, and trees -thug down to
"II w shalt 1 travel ?" asked Leon Thee- should face away from the win- lt 35 the careful and constant aleo
woold but remember that nil such Nee•er etnapel a colt to stand on a t 4(' it I IR 4 • tile tent was an open space, sixty to-,
tainted enille hurts the whole business plonk. floor tied by the head. The coroner's offlee shows a more eighty yardS aetaise, where hundreds '
and in many cases ruins the dairy- The stable should lie well lig,hted startling cimfirmatiou of the dee- lof Mongols, standing,, !meeting and
1111111 who practices the methods there and warm, tort; theory. About 65 per cent., or i sitt Mg, all deeply ineeresteil, gazed
might he less poor milk shipped. to Never feed e0111 to colts. nearly two-thirds of the deaths kV i upon the Wee4ling matches width
tlie market, and less Poor butter ! lf rine• of the ferin horsee nre to be aeeidents mat other causes requiriug overt. going 011 in pairs all over the
inade on the farin or creamery. idle during the winter the shoes °nide] investigation occur between i ring. 'The combatants tiro piehed
- eltoeld. be removed. i the thith anti the 2111.11 of each !champions from v:trious
Tim: NEW BARN, They should be turned in a pad -1111011th. t TRIBES AND VAMIISES,
dock every day for exercise. I Of the (toys of the week occuriug in I
If you have a, new barn in mind, They cii•e stripped naked, with the
1f. a horse steps on a hail, or a 'this "fatal" period. Stienrdays and
this winter Is the trine to read 111) w mud Is made by Low blunt -pointed thlendave appeer to teem part, Imo arpe , except ion of t heir leather riding*
l'nkstrument. the linen 'should. be 1 11111- under ihe malign illfhiellee.
the subject and get ideas. llere ere This, eaa.y. boots mad garment, rather more
a few hints:
Ilave plenty of light and air. In•ne of th '• Lee scanty than a. man's bathing dress.
li.1.1:,t1 ttir ,13,,,itnna n free openiag made be partially explaingil by the
the pnst barns have not: had enough li.": -','-i--- - iti', nis • nd the that a greet melte of the 1- horine Upon entering the ring, each pair of
it'd wrestlers prance up with curious
f either. The large amount of ant. boot pue n a pon 0- oil: groClIncl flax- I class. tore. Paid '0;1 Saturd ii, -4,
11101* ttee0 e0 1 1.1.71 t(ram naren- • •- - • .
f i , . 1. t. . a movement,: of the arms end legt to
amnia in a horse stable makes it get 'eetl' wan the immediate presence of the "Liv.
Two ei.,/f 'the Wooed is not too deep recent. peranee. As an old oewepaper
ing God," before whom they how -
foul quicker than a cow stable. Said. "titItUrtifty means pay day, pay
cub‘e feat of air space per pouud of . y will be complete in a Sew days.
a It: )14. t. o i 1 n enus ron-
41 (lily eihtus It et• b ce? 1 t tow, falling on their knees end strih-
ble, rind trouble means news." Ing the ground repeatedly with their
horse, one cubic foot per pound of .
cow is plenty.
1 Vrof. R. A. AreQueen for many feoazetehhelantalen, ir9rhpecne.cedollisances over,
The ideateplace for a horse is tho DAIRY WISDOM. position by
box stall. but wbero there are malty If a cow lins been eating grain a years a resident of India, and n. dose los own second, noway an ehier,/y
141310031 1 of the Brahmin religion, Mongol, one of whom gives he sig -
horses this would take too much long time anti floes not show the 3)24-' 14131(10311
and occult eelenees, says
room, Box stalls should have a, Sour lull keen relish for it, substitute a
low fetes of mt. hew potatoes. enee that the priests in the Brahmin tem- xviatril.,sitoiringt he boa to beisin. The
itself was goodetalee full is
or six inch board projecting all
around the sides and on the door about a peck. She will licit shrink' Ides have hod this theorY for nintlY the signal for the opponent to fa
period The winner at once begins prancieg
about three feet from the floor, to in intik or butter yield. The careful years that at this particular
feeder will keep his herd right. up to of the month the serient made its mid dancing about- in an even more
keep the horses from scratching their
run and paying ProdUetion by such aPPearance in the garden of Eden wonderful milliner than et first,
tails. A very small box stall is not
as safe as the ordinary stall. it careful attention to every want of end tempted Ere, with the _result presenting himself before "the Goa"
that num fell from the favor of God, with many groveling obeisances.
should be at least 12X:12 feet; and 14: each cow.
and ever since then this particular After this Ile cluit. the ring to , be
x1.0 is better. The daire-man who has a disgust
•• time has been regarded as es egiell • r Iv d ,
for a person who "babies his rows, . • I , e me e by a crowd ot admiring
A box stall is always desirable for friends. another pair being introdue-
. as he calls it better go right out of ltnlocke•
a valuable driving horse, a. sick hoiso
the business for he -will never sne-,
or it mare in foal. For most horses
the tout° is COMO for Chatham." Basingstoke entered the train. there the ordinary stall must be used. ("4 •
"By the South Western," replied tent -ion to every little tallation in
Mr. Goode- ; "I know the route well; as tre know,
n.1.511'e W115 on the platform at dows to the direct rays of
eeyes,t dispusition and health of each. mem,
'Vauxhall at twelve noon. Then the-light1
it is not the first 'time I haette been, bee of the herd that, makes a dairy
train ran in, and there was much keel) the drafts of air from striking
and won"11 be the last." Pat'.
The South Westeru, you say -we stir and some confusion at the siet- their heads.
Rough and tumble care and hest -
tion. Faeke saw the prison- crov The stall should be eight feet lone;
paese on the platform, to let the
crowd pass, and saw also the small
party of roughs also lingoriug close
behind. Guessing almost intuitively
what was to happen, next, be des-
cended the stnirs and looked back.
Presently escorts and prisoners
earret down. They' were walking three
abreast, Leoe in the centre, the two
officials on either side. The party
hail the stairs :to thereselves, 1111
suddenly the reughs appeared. at the
top and followed down, with a rush,
hustling andejost,ling all before them.
Three of 1110111 settled upon Captain
Scrooby, three .upon Mr. Giciody, and
forcibly detained them, while Leon
heard a hoca•se whisper isa his- ear,
"Ben. man ; rim for your life."
He needed no See01.7d intimatioe.
Feeling that this was tho sepreme
moment, and that, now it 'depended
only. on himself to escape, he pound-
ed forward, took the laet three steps
in oho., and, retiching the bottom of
the tan's, paused for juSt one sec-
ond to look right and left.
. tie was here,, according to Meggitles
lettee that Realtor assistance was to
reach him.' • ,
It, came. Some one approoehed,
'and, taking himehy -1.:1-1e, arm, cried.:
e I ippy 1. the eith'S' here •
Then they hatriecl eh together .0.1.att
in -arm into the pad beyond the stat
:time jumpe'd almoet .eiinultaecieesty
into a, hansom. that, stood welting;
the doors' were shut, the glass let
down, and thet hone instantly start-
ed orf at scoite ,
''Very neatly .elone,'' said Leon,
with a: sigh of relief,2' •
''Very 1" replied his companion,
drily, in a. voice that Made him start
and look round, -
It, w,es,gaske, ;the 'detective.
`Tut away, 1" Cried Leen, with
frightful imprteatioe, as he sank
back 'apon, the ,cushion of the eab.
"Whale are you ta„king me 9,
will be the, ilea 43S1 and
ectiest, I think, for such. a slippery
enstoMer es you," eephed the detec-
tive wi con cl es cell ding franknesS.
lle Coetinueci).
qer 1111111V.thinkieg of it, but
I to get out h. The collet'
; I was watched, too ;
to -day, whenever I knock-
ed rae one always appeared. It,
waS, 'ecause 170 0710 emne in to. stop
.talta kept at it so to -day. • I
thought, there might be 'a chance -
that .struege,rs..pethasee Were there.''
They had'beft Feecnette albite for
o private tallt with. lefeettgitt."
Doh' looked surpriSed ;' 'could
not take it' in (mite.
"There is witch for you to hear,
Tiola Iblt, 00311e, can -. you bear to
te. moved, do think --to iny
cl)antliprs., sa.r, in the Albany ?"
"Stay, Sir :Richard," interposed,
„Asko. "I- think 'TV0 17111st settle with
those women first ; they ought to .1.)6,
taken into 'custody,y
1.)a-tinte 10011 ',she , aside„-- arid - 111e31
tele a wiii;Teectl. eonforence.% •
".1 get no-good out of her
210 you propose. -then
. .
'To let 'liter .go„. but keep, a, , elese
Mete freer lice, so tilat we trea,v lav
01:11...; cm ter dliteeta. 1,110 n10111(1.11:
, , ,
01411 pess -through London, then ?
a".Phe 1, rain goes to Waterloo, but
*1113 get ciut at Vauxhall and cross to
Vietoeia in a cab." -
"Vauxhall is a, quiet little station,
? Few peopie about, and not
untelt teaffie
"Miele is a bustle Whee the train
conies in, 'that's all know ; We
don't have meth -thee there, so -I
coenot- tell graeli eboet it." •
"1. must, Write a letter to -day,"
said 'Leon, tehraptlY "my friemle
must nnew thtit am leaving thise't.
"flight you ere, sir ; Win being
you the 'Noce when •1 cOlne :With
noon Leou had matured his
plans, "3' had better say what
hae-e to say in French ; Goody, Nvoulcl
bo sure to read rny letter, and he
might thinit that I was letting him
into „a, hole." .
'Dear. Friend,'' he began --
"The time-, lms come. I am to be
remOvecl to Chatham next Fricley,
011d yo Wi 11 hove a chance of heir' -
Mg me at last. Our train leaves
here ...at ten athletes pa,st, eight. 'We
travel by the South 1Vestern. The
vainvay- guide wilt tell you whe11 the
train is due hi' town ; Ivo ao 1101
come on to the terminus, but stop at
the station jdSt outsicle;. look again
at yom•, guide. There I shall be
transferred to , a cab, and -Laken
across to the other station ; I have
told you my destinnlion, so you will
guess the line. Now the chalice will
be just before I got into the cab ; be
on the iookoilt with one or -two men
whom you can trust ; act promptly
,as opportunity offers, and all will be
well. If you Cannot 'n.rrange alone
consult 1.Vradcruoiselle."
This letter *vas 'written aud .read,v
'ielded when Goody came in to take
away the dinner -ties.
"This nviast; go to the saran place,
as the others, and when it roaches
theee you will touch the same
- "Seems pretty seid M13.
iv es . \ell 1 go be to Paris, 1300 dy, opening ±1 u ncerem on i ously.
eepeee. e,reA 411.013* 3 call malce hou tue t hp to no larks, 31 trust ;
,,, einor ling for themeelvea have never paid
where the horse stands, and at least
four feet ought to be left for o, pass Yet, and never will.
It is the sensitive, highly organiz-
sage behind the stalls. The latter
en cows that will eneld the most
should be four or six feet wide. If
five the horse is apt .0 hi. 4.
In a four -foot stall a. big horse may
hit 1115 ltips, aucl a six-foot stall is
profit and will respond quickly to
good. care and Rind treatment, and
they likewise stiffer most from abuse
and -
more comfortable because the inmate starvation.
can lie down and rest at ease. You Never ese musty or dirty litter.
:just Shako each bed up every day mid m-
are mistaken if you think. that
because horses eau not talk they
don't like to be comfortable. '
' For heavy farm horses it is best to
bave the floes pitch towarcls the
front., so as to rest their back mus-
cles by throalng. the Weight 1110770 ill
fl'031C bat, thIS 0811 not always be or -
ranged. As near a level as possible salt, ashes and sulphur within reach
is the' most practicable. 11 is bettor of the cows' at all times.
If possilile let them have water in
to absorb the urine than to run it
the stable at all times,
Never turn them out in storms ot
Navel- bore holes in the floor for
let, them stand- araand hi. cold winds.'
move every soilea bit and make it
Clean and thoroughly air the sta-
ble before milking.
Always use plenty of plaster and
Keep a mixture of equal parts of
this purpose, for the cold ah'
Hitherto. when any serious damage
was done to any of the vessels com-
posinge the Dt-itish Mediterranean
Fleet, the injurtel boat had to be de-
tached for repairs. When this hap -
Pens in future the trouble enn be at-
tended to on the spot. With this
'lleW a sea -going factiory ship, appro-
priately narked the Assistance, has
arrived at Chatham to be completed
end undergo some trivial trials pre-
ital orY to being attached to the
Mediterranean Fleet The vessel,
which is practically an ocean work-
shop, is fitted with engines estimated
to develop 1.200 heesc-power, and to
giVe.,:ee.-,speed of thirteen knots an
hour;'svith a powerful plant capable
ot carrying out extensive repairs. AU
her machine tools will be eleetricolly
driven. She is to be fitted with wire-
less -telegraphy apparatus 871(1 gener-
ating plant for electric lighting, and
1.11111 1111110 1.1 e081P1e111e1lt OC between
200 and 1100 officers and men. large -
137 made up of skilled artificers.
St 31 41L. 11-11.3p, 32i1iW3a.CDCB1C3dbitILia* CV, at7t07.311,011:A. Ehathisea.
,eo-TirtleAx.40 01:11-1.419)11-. (Octat,c1.0; -Eflatmeo aniMainaavtrcs,a3.1.23..
It is the old story of wet feet, exposure to cold and dampness and chilled bodies. ToWards night the
hoarseness comes and the hollow, croupy or tight chest coug,di. Then mother'S anxiety, for she knows the
danger and the suddenness with which the little ones are -sometimes snatched away, When yo31 think of the*
thousands' al times that Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has saved the lives, ei the little ones
it is scarcely to be wondered at that mothers look upon it with confidence and satisfaction.
Is an'tdel medicine for children :becituSe le is remarkably pleasant to take and is perfectly free from Afor-
phia. It is one of the few reinedies. for diseases of the throat and lungs which thoroughly cures thc, cold as
as the. caugh. There are other preparations of linseed., Ile sure you 'get Dr. Chase's. Syrup of ...Linseed
33,,nd Turpent-tae, with portrait and Signature of Dr. A. W. Chase oa the bottld. Price, 25.cents; manly size,.
- three thees as much, ea cents. All dealers, or Ectraanson, Bates sz. Coe llorouto,
ed. At ore time thew, might have
been from fifteen to twenty coriplee.
wrestling. These,. with the cries
the onlook,q•s, the coloring. 01. their
bright, clothes, the mass of gold and
yellow In tbe megrancent tent, and
the quaint and pletureeque roofs of ,
the beautifully colored temples, ris-
ing above it, made ep a scene to be
long remembered.
Some foods are very injurions to
the sight. A ease was brought ender
the notice of an eye specialist in
which the eyes of a wholefamily
were affected by eating rabbit -pie. In.
each instance the patient had become
afflicted with 0 peculiar defect of 3-1-
51011 that 18 technically known as
"failure of .accommodation." Stalo
sausages and sour cream cause a
weakening of the sight known as
"amblobia." Blindness result .1 ng
from eating tainted fis11 has bee4
found almost impossible to cure; and
quinine is also responsible for some
persons' lialf-blind condition. This
drug affects the optic nerve in 13 man-
ner that sometimes ends ie blindness.
A French explorer has discovered
on the 'West, coast of Arrlea, whathe.
regards as the vainest pec
earth. They are the Palfc
warlike tribe, whose main en'
meet is the adornment of (Mei
sons, ch i e fly by means Of t at Loral
Gq.eat, ingenuity is also exhibited
dressing the ha he wb ich ie ay .
eases 124 nrranged 111 t'ts or.ilaingiy
elaborate faslii on.
Berns' co t t.a.ge at A.1 I o \ v ay ri.nci the
nc14001114g mrient, aa bil nks of
o ou at t eac annlict.11,\r a la 3-g.0 tua-
her oZ visitoirs than 11005 41)71' oilier ;
1 i tern:ley 24111nle itt t1).,.,,e '171/1t01 11 i .
(10211 Las L 45,1,00 .1.1(dcei s of
1101414245 401) sold, 111)d. 1110 Ayr
frons). Couticii„ resolved 1110 other (11137 ,.
1.0 co 's Li.c 1, ano31111110 IraniS)213V200
rain 11111 `'1\,11.1(1 143011'' 10 2))) 1)11101124'
cottage ---a :"' Sece,01 AVO 1171.1(35,