HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 2BOER ATEDIUlt.L T,TETTIODS.
leiva De12'..Fee On the Concentra-
tioes Camps.
The Englieh DeSign Will Shove An
'Uncrowned Feizzg'.
Some of the raew postage stamps.
, A volu2e. allieh is likely to be are to be iatued ,early in. tho New
.nauch eve...ea by poleWista ma the coil- Year, 'Ph() .origined idea was that
eentrataeoe eamps hasbeen issued in theyshould have been issued on the.
7aontion. It .is a bluebook contain- King's birthday„ this being found
he;L (Mostlymedical) reports impossible Owing to the insitdeate
on, Boer refugee camps in South Af- number Q.! Sheets .available.
.rica, fotworded by Lord Kitchener at Messrs. De la, Rue & Co. have
the reqticet of Mr. Brodriek, n:ta.clo ia charge of 'the printing which. is being
bearch lazt. carried: out under the supervision of
reports, thers e' ilittle or no- London Doily Eapress.
- ee.much . painfui reading iaromerset. Rouse officials, says the.
the but
thing. whieh can LA r4.!'tt4.1 as a natio- The designs o2. the view stomps have -
al reproenet.' Thety• show that the Of- been prepared by Mr.•ratalle Fades, •a
madeloyal atal herculean ef- sculptor..
7. to OOP°. With a.gigantie under- The headonly of the King is
.• 'legrn whieh 'almost taconceivable shown on the new stantp. and Ite'
faced them. The sordid portrayal bareheaded and without
,detitils of Doer life and the horrible the crow. - This is a derarttireefrom
neetheils of medical treatment at the the custom that obtained uuder
UI -'to o disgusting for publication-- Queen Victoria, though it in uni-
wii be almost incredible to those un- 'son with the general practiee of
ace:eat:1On/with.Setzth Africa,. The .reignizig Kings and. Emperors. with
greexal ignorance a.od superstition: the exception of the young
among the, Boers, to whose beneful _irelinirea., who rielows tleal example of
irliatence e report culla attention, our late (peez.
aee better knewa. . In the eteraty stamp tott mauve eola
Ilene.: are a ter., instances culled at Lor will be deaeoraintion', its platm be- Myriads of liritieh. and American
conetrue; 'the tieet dam. are reported „U dull min-so:le ThiS' .touriste are at this inoinent delight-
liverenetiorp comp: proletbiy be meal for 'eine. then:oat-es with the griutdeurs of
A rezent rinately amOngtio:et=r,z. oi a 10),ther %%due, i4,4.-• Peee Alpine tett.Vel..Nothilig itt the world's
reioers, reatoir ettett• the nature of Iaret7-4.e itaticitted so as tO ,Iiietterfe i oro ht/Pregsive than the
:i is ta .petiot. the port al-avsi ett. lOry Of 1.1W Alps. Ton, or twelve
•altit green paint. tritree Theoi araps 744h s,,altte years ago. zioEsibly ictr more,
drea, named Ieltaith were metering 'lute not yet bait). deeideil upon.. :a. long • umteen line of weaknees„
footo. setae complatut witicht lavae ati- :though it fa probehle ebut those , crack or a' -tire in the tairth's
1.0 aleer.,a.i.1„ 'nee iaeireiren were ',most la oteeeral toe; will be tirait, is- !stretched away from France ("m.t.
penood oel over With green paint . !ward hut:deeds of railee. tin this
with the exeeption of tL in leer veto of .01 1.11,1 . line followed liege volteinic mat -
o: the. a boy teetal four arel ;toe'ott here', 'tee inteittt to keep bir'ste- Neat et:sited a vest slow
giri oged Odven. W,!re3 e 041 .70,41,.. ,:t the reeerva subeitletice. which Meta On
efeie 2! to toe te„,,:etet„ Tioe eat- "..In hetet exhavist,A. V-POCIN. Mall where Ment
dirol the eause day., :reel the girl the
God for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for Good Teeth
SPIV:Jaunt et o • 25Ce
SetZtetalotalt pentree Peutelles, • 25oe
Large L1qu* 4
,Allstores or by reef; fonthe pzice. Semple for the postage, ee.
HALLE UCIL, lViontreal.
Their Brost Impressive Pete
Neglected by Guide Books.
Blow now rears its summit 15.780
feet, was a Feat friegitig an old centim-
e:I:towing dry, beeit of tante an -eve -I GROWING BABIArree.
ent. Large rivert , ezeiptied iuto it.
eat tedsoning; the tehel eit.1.1. tag.- d
lost' tnetztitA, 110 ' reed weeeeneol----care to p,00vent ,,p„eteeene of mud. „wad. era„,..‘.1 et
wi.re broi."1.1t. in: .1 t tat.on one timititc.r the soloing
Ovee•i'eeelfeeg and the Evils
aent on. ti.e layers became
Pr. 7.1.yrirmi-.1 a VevZelleeto
:5Cks.441‘tit ?tir„y tut tbt 1.
^ ' - • 1 .zr i hen 4tt laet onozoneed a. great up-
• woe, elete-,..e., eta. /le oetrea on * • " "
ee table, tee taro tea eeeeiaLee. iefonor ore Ilea rt. to 4: 't41 1;t1ott„
Ifints`tt tUeo'rhoa.t. coest teraior„toe
aeiroin,s-aet .ea s e•tee
:tii•tat any .v. 7.43' 14.. 4 - tOt -4-z 41'0 lb)
f,,am 1 t.e
r 4.
" :- " sot
4iti ceeeettoo,
aeo). la iota:. the Ile-eta...L.. is to
tat..,e,„ remove lie: tottlee. alai this cell emit:
ler siead.ly. tetfeie. ;oral tartneeti.le
, 'dote: by the nee of Ilelee'a Own Tole-
Hither, ; the .t7trepel11e, sterroneen
foreer. ea'ael a liege load. For ou
Mitt 'tte 11114'17.S. cram -
bled. crt,!.- ,:.1e21. Contorted. ro.-.. above
Cie atal run' inaed 'le rise.
fortnitee eteaof moult:do. violins and
rintlati?; '/k t id a tablelatal.
1.•:,very then rain and sum.
river. gr... ie,r exiti avalanehe have
been44 ':),: nrir.e boo '14 'S alai
genii a tett. iieeee l'ailleys that
, 11.1,„ , • •
„,liortelY t.e•Wit 3s,"" av2.4 Vast n. 411 terrent Emit-
tral I• ttrieed tvitil'•`s71..44% reetttrantreal to cot -Aida 1,;(1I (12 11 orn.Inkm, i nd primeval Br411-
;trainee. anyo 1,1,o ri0Lfi14:07e4 futital 1» ite eore,
The (1 14 eohtiwIrd the ettaaalled tenithliee meilh t Ti.e re:o.iit. is a Lunt of unequal
(3) A • ha 11727 named Selvot•• 1.',Mothers who (MVO u ;!.. Iltit.);rs ()we gro,y,t1.,,or. Vied yen leis in tile gutai)
four months, was' ts11,"rint2A. "Inn Tablets for their little onee ilever at, books ? Not a word of it. 'Vet
bronchitis. The doctor ordered the iter eitlieriment with other nualieines. Profesetir Judd .itt ills charming,
r.hild to g,n nothirg but milk; tile aizdalWays speak of them in the "Volcaitoes" (Ktgaii1'nt1) told tho
r other ri:ittst!tl (41 t3i14t the elobl milk ',highest ternte. eles. thee n. John- tale yeors ego in huff a (111 1.t patios.
bet gave it, sardinee hateoti; the inai.ston. Wall street, Brockville. says : Would uot the traveiler look on the
font died in two da;: S. "I have been tWitie: Own Tab- Matterhorn. the Jut/afro% the stn. -
Title is frem 1 t 1. 1 Max-:lete. for over a, year, olways keep peutionr, sillufl.q.n. the massive (loth. -
them in the house anti always find aril. the eier Cliace, the deep Lake
ei•.e7ati.:de 0: raeasiee has vete' them Eat iefto tory. lf tiny little boy- •.(if CiPtfONO , With 4Ittielt0, intel'est
conetieratily aboteel. bat the death two tvere of age-iit troubled with hail 11,, this story before bint ? And
rea,te 111.3014; the hitlizer inoigestion 1 121 12'- 21 run in: told so easily ; but. *tis not
than it should le,owle• *.o the erase I give him the It *1."t and he . there.
totipidite atti iregeo,e, b3. the "24 1" rdiev.ei. 'Lite litlilets rept-
theiteelvree One ehibl elle-trine 13 0111 hit i 110 h4OW#21%, and do ni,if eattee af-
'rut: 12 SI
given a ittrtee rit.W .7„.1.1` ipation as; mane me iialre.4
tot hp ito motive' ot Irene temp: the do. 1 las ve. alee found then!, 1 QUO- "It Se:,itts 1.0 1.40," said the lady
,eilett.four hours aro:more% ' ia aeeliitee." with e4 1 re .,1 .1144, • the news-
, .. t4 10 tt .eret, it is 1 rue71 0741 “.1*t•icit.:loin pa pen., prim some th.e„drin thiegeo.
,.• . • 4. 4 1t, ni 4 s
inevitable :,4;orttenaieteo !rainy • etre for 311i 11,4" 41:Ene:31$ of lit' "Yes." :mattered the ropurter ; "it
11.4-'4•Is 111 7107- (Wall1.3-..i'or mee4 midi' 41'4 4 4 214* 4mr sitareeh• often 211 24 211t3 sad to think. out:
t..?nts -met ,4,onsa1pati.121, the: 3,.. "1 Ion(12 rrht tea. peopie insist on tioieg shockilig
.. but, it waa oar tival. n114 we ret-te.1 '1111412'. th.im readily, and j things and compelling Us 1 write
about them.
Medied as quialy tr.; pc.ssibli.... loit . of 0122 1.1 oe di, •1I. .4 in welter they
vourse, dia.:Ise and privet Teti did 1 ema be give:, 0 if It tt:00t1 result s to
their 110.4.11y A or;.‘,. Sad it le thot so tile Yoongeet lef:tiii. Solii b's drItg-
zuneb. / ite -1,-oung : I ft,--Wo.,4 nor., but elets or Ned poet paid at 25 (elite II MO ilittin-"I have been almost ills -
the report, show t11111 el, fat' as in -box lo.7 add: essilar i he Dr. 'Williams' traeted since brother Frank gave
, Them lay it connot be, hod to zoos :,Mcilicine 'Co.. Brockville, Out. Bobby thrit (Irma for a birthday pre-
---- - sent:" Paptt-' '11 ity don't you make
4trel..-:,,artss or reits-ne-s on the part ,
of the oiliciale. , PROTECTED. Bobby a present oi a. nice, sharp
- ion:knife?"
As it. is, the .'areoi' tee Broieh of- 1
! 'Brave Act of the British Consul
fiLials is 1224V111 a liciteilcial effect.
Better feeling is growing. Els-sit tint ..; at Chile.
following exercise in romposit irm It', i in rccalling incidents of intetna-
a little Dutch reitt,o. 1,-,iti being , tional courte,-y, when British and •
taught EllgliSh 331 O. 03114413 Wtts Von : Ainet leans hay... supported each other,
meant: a writer in the Boston Transrript
"1 will try to learn Enalialt that T °tells the followieg story which came
can say to the. Kaidey, Intialstip; eiee. A
1 from ati American sailor who, itad fl-
am t1101v0 years old. This is My 1 1"11I-kfl " It POO, lii• Chile.
iirst English. 'writiag."
Tile Ln had
iegone ashore and ba-
, .
so the government will nut lose !Conte somewhat hilarionS, and one of Ceylon Tea Is the finest
tile police °Dicers, instead of 'warning .7- , 1.
at*thing by the publication of t7 - 1 er. ..he world producesp
.him lint to make a noise in the
:street. drew his sword and knocked arid is sold only in lead
hint clown. 'I lie American get up,
and protuptly knocked the policeman packets.
down in return. Ile was arrested. t-tt.
The following story Was related the 10.-• 1 aok9 lknixed anGreen.
;tried, and candenuied to be shot the
other day in the Liverpool (England)
Post. Seated in a. third-class car- next. intelenotO 'apart tea drinkers try "Salada," Green tea,
Mr. Lerieg. the American bonsnl,
ringe of a. .south-boand express were iina==maie.....oaaaemoebasai.....
the, expostulated with the authorities,
eight people. Seven of
that it would be monstrous
number were quietly readmg, when , saYing .
Put a. man to death for such an The Duke of rife is the only
suddenly the eighth broke into deep i to man
01._ , offence ; but. they paid no attention who has ever been known to change
and blood -curdling groans. Tier'.
''' - h ...t. gazod at lint for a. to hinb On the duY slieeified the his rtuele while he ate bis breakfast.
with !sailor tvas brought out and piniolicel, After the merriage eerentontr 'had*
Atone:tit, anti thin] one of them,
lin yeatliness for execution. I been oelobrated in the private chapel.
great presence of mind, peoduced a '
t a ; '311e English (.0314.111, preparing to !of liuckingliam Palace, on the morn -
brandy at, and. • ''' . heist. the 11.131011.1'ack. saw . a crowd I int; of .luly 117th, 1880, he ]ed his
copious draught, forced it on the sui- . •
ferer. It was quickly disposed of. i in the field oppositeand realized 'royal . 'bride 11110 the dining-Tooin,
do ou feel nowinquired
that the execution was about to take I where 'the wedding' breakfast 'was
r'llow y?"
or.0101„ m piece. He rushed over to the Ame laid, a's an learl. When the meal
one of the company. "r 1 ""' erican consul and cried • the. Tate Queen, in
the reply. "What was the matter ...Lor.inge 1 3311 10 uot, .gohirs to ..iet iwIlli:iallgi.0111e;tn•el'.
glass to the toast, of the
.aritb. you?" was the next query.
\vv., them shoot that man " young eouple, conferred a dukedom
` 'Ma tter with me? :No th illg!" ' "What can T do ?" was the answer. upon him, and thus, as he ate, lie
the indignant ret ort. "Watt in the .4.1 hare 311,0te-stec a
I p;ainst it. I Can passed through two tankS 'ol the
name of thunder did You. groan like do no more.Peer age -sur els'r the 'quickest promo -
"Give me yoor flag 2" cried tha. tion ever recorded. The only ex -
:1 nglishman. turipTebelieved to approachthis is
With the 'two flags in his hand, he the CASA or the present Prime Minis -
ran to the field, elbowed his way tee; 'who rose to speak in ,the: House
through the croWd and soldiery, arid ,of Commons as Lord Robert' Jeecil
reached the prisoner. He foldedthe and sat down Viscount Creeibdurn
.Ameiiean flag about Min, "tend laid and heir to a mar quisate. De .
the Union Jack 01Q1' it. Ito stepped his speechthe message conveyin
back, andlaced the, officers and sol- tidings of his elder brother's .
was brought into the TIouse,
beim:I-atm i rated to. the young
whose whole prospects in' life
thus altered in the 'course'
speech. '
;err -
• that for, then?" cried the owner of
the brandy. ''Groan, sir -groan!"
said 'the astonished man. "Why,
was singing."
The Russians are the greatest tea-
drl takers in the world. They con -
Sumo enormous quantities of the re-
freshing brew, but do not sutler from -
Shoot, if you dare," 110 shouted.,
any elTects, simply because they con- "through the heart of F•Inaland and
coet the beverage differently from
our idea. With the Russian it( is "'"'
neh. man Was ot, a cup of tea, but a glass of tea.. not s.hot.
A sprinkling of leaf is put, into the-
pot, boiling water is Pooked. on, fried, "None knew thee but tolove thee, none named thee but to praise: -
allowed to stand not more than it 13 singiese that snie 3 at nil most boatititto poetry Vet' 41(31400 1. opplioabl to
The "Frit= publishes
statistics showing that cases nt
cide are very frequent:la the French
army ; trim so, perhaps, than i
any other European foree. Among
every 1,00O deaths in the ariny frOnt
aLl Causes, tio less than an average of
fifty (in 1890 exectly, fifty end in
189; lifty-one) are ea.used by self-
destruction. ; while of every 100,000
men on the rolls of the army oo less
than an average of twenty-seven
commit Salads) We& year. Amelia'
the Colonial . trooP,e the number
even higher., In, the navythe prac-
tice seems less prevalent
The Wealthy Bachelor - 'your
daughter • tells um she is a good
cook." .
0 The A.Tother-"Oh, yes. lint one
has to live with her to appreciate
fully what she can do."
• -
it t .1, LIM n
All the Laud Wonders at the le. aro enirertsg, MOM be the treatment
T•HEICalylitirEO nun R401'1.1101' at eteath•e dew,
from a ACAlle• cation of disetetet. VMS re.tered
to perfect health and btrength by Pzotes
Vimopathy cures not: ono dispnse alrr:e.
bnt it cures ,.11 drieases when usrd at come:inn..
tiertwith tie tropee temedia3. ea ere
cee, ro matter what yeur ciiesaso tier who
ii' 3011 cam.. N:1 elfred, writ% to Professor
to,day : te,1 11M1 Ibis leading symplome
of .3.4suc'tt mrlatat, how long you have heeo
haCei On% Mad 110 iv% at once til.arnese your
NIKO, teu ron the exect ili-eaia front which
ttat wilkoioitisTiy care you. -Thi$ cos's yen
Remarkable Cures Effect- abieentay nealtne. Profeseor Adetn wilt
ittl,so,seedi jou "1(.,; 131
of_ ))1; 131 (11V00114 now
ti; c
Coze Otter:".`" Thiel hook iells ysu exact y
bow FrIfos.to Mittin will eLro TOO. It folly
and coundetely descrites slut peptro of els
woulerfil• . tntent, 14 .81.4.3 txelaten to yell
how you v. ,elf nta9 Po; 911 this arca beet.
ieg ewer and one the s.lett OTOttral you.
refeeor Atthin eclat tot aet oro cent for
Ng servicet: in 11.1- couneetima. They will bo
a veil to rict,.:,:ber:ri trvrel il-nt at.3 TgioFtTs tnoulocao
g?Inctn o pb
:a a ends of every sle4' perou in thia
1 cimater that tie may be reeterest to perfect
:1;441‘tin4aid,f;r3crillet4,1. Z;14,1;illi rea:Ir le!taeif ;rue
le it d •s t
Profesibe Adism 1 :9.46 AdeactisPr4.fo- t_r
5 has. IP. Ati4IZI.elli et ; M 4.... lte44e3tor. 5'. Y.
ed by Professor Milan.
Ministers, Doetors arta Professional
Men Tell Eow HZ3 ilurail the
Blind, the Lam, the _Paraly-
tic and May ea tk. Very
Drink or Death.
FrOfeSSOr Atiltla Offers to Help All
Snilbrors From Any Oftease
Absolutely Free of Cho.rge
Professfonal Mon Invez.
tigate 1.113 Powers,
President of the Institute of Physicians and
In all parts of thi country men at -d,
WOZoOtt, dootoreand surgeons, eletgymnit and
educators aro wonlering at tho remarkable
cures nesde by Prof. Tho:nes P. Adkin,
discoverer of the .A.dkirt Vitaopathic treat-
ment, •
Professor Adlclu heals not by dru7s, nor by
City:Alan Science. nor by Osteopathit, nor by
litypnotion, nor by Divine healInr,. but by a
subtle 1 sycnie force of naittre itt combinstion
with certain vital magneto) romeliel which
contain the very oiem nts of life and health.
A reporter recent.y talkccl aitti Professor
Aditia and WO.5 asked to Invite all readers of
this paper who are sick or who arc worried by
the illa of those dear to then% to mite to him
for assistance. "dome 'people ha.vo declared,"
said Professor Arlkin, - tla t my powers ara of
Gan; they call me a niv!no healer. a Man of
mysterious powers. Tide is not so. I cure
because 1 understand nature, becenso I use a
subtle frtee of nature to build up the system
exid.restere heath. I3u44 at the mane time I
believe that t120 the tor wenn not have g. von
me the opportunity to make the discoveries I
have made, nor the ability to develop :hem if
He had 1104 1131(121(10(1 that / shout 1 uso thou(
for the st:ood of humanity. I therefore feel
ti- at it Is my duty to give tho benefit of the
salon cp I practice to all who t re angering. I
want you to toll your readers that they can
write to me in tho atrictost confidence if they
are troubled yr-1th any kind. of disease 1141(1 ,1
svill thoroughly. diagnose their cases Ofild
p escribe a simple home treatment which I
positively guarantee to affect a complete cure,
absolutely freo of charge. I care not how
serious their eases, nor how hopeless they
may seem. I want: them to snit o 40 1)102121(1 let
ing to al= Oh e re yr,:11. I feed that this is my
1118Eikowg101:ea.t is the senSation wrought in the
medical world. by tho wonderful cures per.
formed by Itrofessor ..A.citin that stveral
professional gen tiemen were asked to investi-
gate the cures. Among these gentlemen wave
Doctor L 13. Hawley and Dootor S. Dutton
Whitney,. teeth famous physicians and surg-
eons.. After it thenoug ant patn.ta t ng
investigation thege eminent physioians were
so astonished at thh fervor:oiling powers of
Professor &akin and the wonderful efti_eacy_of
i Vitaopathv that they volunteered to ro sake
i all other tie; ii.n. lite, and all other kinds of.
Areatment and. devote thomselsros to•assisting
p4.3.7. -o. 1 ess.)4.,ilsfia.k4111710inatitsiosogvroerayt NI, 'ootr k tho f,r inkrAtirctinn-
.4171tao p at h y treatment emluou t ph781045019 aro
generally agreed that the treatment 01 643801340
1 has at last been rodueed 10 11,41 exact science.
in WI same • SiDea men and women haVO
I been cured by thepowera of Professor .adkin.
So nio wore biincl, tome were lame, 3021)0 Were
deaf. some W.f.,. ^ ' tO
thirty zeconds, en small quantity of
the brew -about two tablespoonfuls --
is poured into aglass, otich is then
41124*4,1 with boiling water. A slice 01
; Jerncirt and 51.15 11 are add ed, and
oe we have one of the most re -
ng and piquant drinks itnagin-
The color of the tea as drunk
ale aml;)er, and, of course, no
.thin.1% Ito thinks who thinks
101e.love.i't e. -day -
nsis?„ whenr,
014714 3vay•;• • • .•
1101IDEB, ON NuTIllects,
intve Wor,t1c.'re4
,Witat 4110 white powder coveriter the
etettuieg Aft 0211 sifIce tioailr is
• atillieritY tlett an 'won as the nut-
levee,- gatiMed it is roiled lit a lime
:Leah:, from burnt, °yeller elleIle 04:-
.41.1.4 to prel,iillt kr/ tivs/rtiel jerk by the
)'.'0', 11, end it is this- (lost that re -
'3111;11S upon it. Ithiee• is one of the
outer coverings . of the nittnieg. 411111
is pre:vet-it by Miany bee.ttiv)
nt its eelor.
.1,113e,:ltitoi kyle ,do Dig ,i)..1.1i.roifii.tiattree'itrlic.,r,i 21:*•1 (1,12slite,1071:iracvrtd.of,,I:allet3'cii.ai it;
11(1140)2, (1021345 th 1413'W -
iie4tn7p44YelireYeY't 1\'
101 11 Year, .01i3ie 'in
Minard's Liniment Relieves lienraigia.
The prison ptiptilation of Cape. Col-
ony is 15 per 11004 of Inhabitante,
There are 10 (adored .eonviets to ev-
er:. white one.
Beachvil le Lady
Cured of Catarrh
in its Worst Form
After Years of
'rime , era honcirode of so.called tato,
00448, 14134 awe evIto have trice them all Ij
('41,311 4.1115112111 0 Qat:evil. Cure the only real s
permanent cure.
Mira 41.. Not -, Beachvillo, Out writes: y
feel vo gratills.d for the invaluable be
derived front Japaneee,Catarra Cure the
Would Ilk° to make this wonderful Inca
known tool! whi stiffer fram this moss an t
blgand dissgreeable disease. I had czar
for years. Thera was almost a «natant ti
.A4.1; in my throat. and my breath was
ob:ectionable to others. Nothing I could
gnvo me any perminent relief until I 1
Japanc,c Catarrh Cure. fused in all six be
tine it workel4 wonders in my ease. I I
not now the leasit symptom of catarrh,
rannot praiso t2214 remedy too highly."
Japanese catarrh Cure is the only permantaill
end guaranteed euro 4,214 catarrh. Alt druggists
ell it, de cents, or malleti,postpaid. by 'rhe
Orifilths & Macpherson Co., Limited, 121
Church Toronto.
Is unsurpassed for Richness of Flavor and Purity. One trial etjeljproViii
It. Lead packe,ges„ 115, 30, 4,0,50 and 60c.
.0,5 or more boxes, We have
Sas°. cie prices in lots
A box of sweet Sonora Orange
teen ieS, 200, 216 and .7.50 6120s.
The Dawson Commission Co -s Limited, Toronto.
44 ow Potato, to eeti Meat foto fitioto loom real tan_
deer enfant, yOn Mast
pardon nte. but I have Stich a poor
memory' for names, it's a real afflic-
tion. :I have forgotten yours."
The. Count --"You snoult gottzult-
speeittliet ou Mem 1 di
it seases, nay
teor n to am. ewe rcitily slandt. My
r. name' is liaekowowskischuillingleski.
Minmes Linimeat for sale evertiwbgre
,.1,11,en the leeturer amide a gram-
matical error le brought, down. the
Itouse." said 31hts ElttrIey.
"I don't thirik the house hail beret
wufl brou0d, up," 00.111311e41ted Mrs.
Gurley, gravely.
1 was eured of a, bad rare of Orip
by illINARD'S
,Sydacy. 0./I. 0. 1. LAGUE.
1 was cured of loss of voice
by ItlINAIllt'S
I tees cured of tirlat ieit Rheumatism
by NI AR1r:it LIN/ ellENr.
Burin. Nfld. LEWlei
- -
Fifteen thousand criminals a year
242733 501143331004 to be dogged in India.
Tet (VII A C01.1I 1PIVE 1M'.Take Laxative Brome Quinlue Tablets AI
druggists refund the money if it Ulla to cueei
V. W. (4Q)'34 signature is (vault bete 2504.
Lon Pit'S 20 biggest hotels repre-
sent a. capital of seven millions ster-
ae. -
Bog, accommodate 8,409 aereete.
night during the ecesein, and employ'
4,500 servants.
Minares Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
The world's yearly coal is worth
$750,000.000 ; her gold $125.0P0o,
900 only,
Stops the Congas
*1841W01(* OCC etc 4'o24,
'rabloto cure C914
121 0110 No tore, No Pay. Vrico 2•514ril.
11.0seWOOd Is not, the wood of
species of roee-tree, nor is it red.
fettgrance gives it its name.
. Mi iiairneRtC ,
Tre raeree-e, Ettiolielintett o: euty
will Oil to 10 a eara. TLe rl of
, z way e103eL 2 l-114 'yew; e
more than
For Over Piny Yeats
linetwitieroteeseolnixo Pryer has tees owed bi
rtilionset matheie for (14:4' C(11.14241"(1:411tOOltiOr.
tiOatUtt tif se11ee:131. enter, al.s/c faith enrol
8116 c)ltc,reculates the stomach 138.1I 3rsoiv. nod laths
1114. 441!1444' tcr tehretaa. Teletoste o0101 it( ttit.
ottl L 41.07gi4a *k41'2i3itt01 Ito OttrUl. lie saw an,4
ask for"Alwa Wssistatsv 4340111731040 1417314183
Mr. Fuesy (rearranging the thing!:
in the partor)--" httVe WrIft.:1:4:11^
IY P000 141.4(4', my dear."
Mrs. Fussy f resignedly "That'e
what. everybody :,,ittitt When. .t nitarted
SW, 'Milne."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
3111 mercery will surely destroy the a exec° of
smell and romp:etch. derail ire the Nebel* system
when en tiring it thraugh tho mu. ens surfaces,
thtelt s.rticies should never be aged except on
nrescriptions from reputable 0115,4014:m4g tea
Woratit were first elinployed in tilt*
Po ->t onice in I010. •rhere,
ate now about 1,05,000 pest-roiatres.
Fed and vIlerhs.
*1V P 1107
1 THE M2334T roPuean oeertarniMe.
Prezomo tho tooth, Cwootenstha breath,
strenguieno the gums
Inetruments, Prunes, tinIforrno, ztc.
Lowesb pretes ever noted, Vire estaloeue
SO011ientrattensonatte free. Write teitorany
thing in lIctste Or 310%19111 Instrument'.
HALEY 1113713 ao.Lintiterli
Tomo% Onto end Winnipeir, Man
- ,
Gents'Sults Olen
or It; aka Leaks' Wear of an kinde,
and form Thiegiceactoyery donm
eve MEDAL/KC 2132 *3149.
MAUNA, TO4OoktO4 otter& is Quebec.
Dominion Line Steamni
Moonset to Liverpool. Zotten to Liver-
pool. Port/and to LiverpooL Via SloOtend Queens-
u awsses et p11480032211p11480032211at Stitterto
Lona and Tut.fitotoutiito.‘uporier acconnuedat
tar a
sre ansidabipa tipoolal attention has bees 9t14113 10
second ashen and Third -Oleo steeotonsodation. A
*101 02 pastor's:id 111 ponetasts. apply to any
st the 00111181117, 0!
Richards, VDUsa co, D. Torrance A Vo.
77 43104. 111., Easton. Montreal nod Portland,
Soreness removed at ono0 tio
soar left if CILEADME is promptly
applied. Don't forget the ilainft
$‘ Cileatiine," Le, Balm of Woad
Large Boxes 2So. Monists, or
Dileadine Do., Toronto,
T„i 0'U -777r
- ere
er•••• „eel e.
V. 41....
4.4. .1444.
\ eae. soss
Cured wilhaut Orgt
Piasg rsr LiNliftfleMg
There is no need to suffer torturniTor
pains and ruin your stomach With ot"
drugs when ypt.i, Call be completely :
Cured in from one day to a few weeks.
Read the evidence Is -
" I was suffering frontorheuMatitsrte
all over zny body before I got yOur Belt 40.;
and he three months was entirely
oured."--William Aldons, 214 Oleria.tie
street, Toronto. 6,
am glad to say that my. Plum matie e
pairt5 are gone arid 1 have not had a
lame hack slne-D I put the Belt ont4---
aoseral L1t/51401m, liciarkdale, Ont.
O "The best.day'S work 1 ever done was to come to TOPOnto see you, as it was a new str.t.rt
: in life. 1 wait.1 nearly drawn double with pa.in, Taut there is not a teetoo of it left." -S. Nick -.
0 64 ers on, Niagara Falls South, Ont. . . '
114 ' "r am Pleased t�tell you that / am well and that after giving your Tile -t a fait', trial 1 0
am completely: eured of rhie-urnatisin."--lienry lelale205 Bay street N., lefamiltori. :
O ri7 01.p folite. ...Electric
':,'es° Liver, Kidney and 13owel Troubles, " Oome-and-Go " Paine and that Tired Feeling after every other ircr:ZitLnattiecsai '-a
e my invention; ' it doenntroost.yOU'attlithing if ii faF•12e
Stops the pain, free. .E,he blood froth' uric acid and gives 8trength,tort31.t1!)daoirn-worn , Inoseb3li:ecast.a,nd. n,erves, It le
4 'the 'only Belt thet oesn't 'Linn) orblistev. It also cures Nervous is q Weak _Back, Luail).18:0 u 1 4
l'';° -11a:s''':qaAtie/49r: Tt9g:a:111,.:0:186:11::::::;.i7,12ele,77Y it will C"r4:" 111 (14:3:1:ethatt: 3:::Yro,y751• 0 .1414 tak0
CICK ' If '41 can't' ealr seed for Inv 80 -page bo, so .11 . .,, . _ ,
": tast'ittaiRortiEteieBfleornill'e ,orif''etle,, Ser,it, sealedi free. .A.:ddrese, encloeing th,I,.., aa,
, '.' AHt)CAFILIFIt! 13000e6.06,:iog9:06t4:00,1;00,4k : nc,01
'i'e(o 49 06,0* 0:rooters:eve
rt-tt en, To):, Sowago ,•.noted
, ebe tagrAxib ana. , artist. net 31000 300043,0