HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-26, Page 1411110010aCasznitsco TWENTY-NINTII YEA.RNO. 22 LTRON & M1DDLSEX GAZETT Special Prices RISTMAS RESENT IMESP11010111.16110011111101 EXE VE4, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20 190 00:11)0000S411365aCeitef.343-3311)Infeeseenoateetaneepasaaaneasgenseelais SKATES 1-.100KEY STICKS SILVERWARE TAB] Hensal A.Sellery, L. D. S. D.D. Seine/tor Grader- -ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extractee withouteain or ban effects. Oface inner -tees Meek, nfertsall. t Zuriett eviza7 Motelo,s.commencing niayeetb. G, nettneeia,nd, Notary Public, Conveyarn cm, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, An Issurer o MarriageLicensee. Legal document° carefully drawn treasonable ram on to leen on real estate at Ray rareeof Interest, Oilleo at the Poet Office, Hensel' nem buttered tons of feed to dispoee of at the niensallOetinealmret the earning wean Unecuenr. Bniane.-We regret this week to have to ehronicle the death Wrn. G. Johnston, eldest sou of Mr. Wm. John. El and POO T.<1?.1. T 07-014 tat Y sten. of Hay, which sad evelit, occurerd at his home, a few miles west of the village, an Tuesday evenbag last OA:RVINC4- SETTS at the tete of 4# ware. Mr. John- ston bad beau in failing; health for OCRNYED GRAWITvWARD ome time patthe result of a severe 1 ss, n' OA RPET SWEEPERS, attack of typhid ofever, but during the past inonth be had a very severe and painful illness which mediettl skill Wil$ unable to cure. He WILSan active, honest anti industrious rnan, poseesked of many excellent qiialities, H NcrA ***men -en S 0es have the sympathy of the conminniti „ and his widow and two anatil hiidren jai:their very sad bereavement. The Icemaine weie interred in the Bayfleld ceineteree-Mre, 4t A, Goetz, Strat. 'ford, (formerly of Hansa) had the Grand Send. mibrartune to fa Saturday evening on the sidesvalk' in front of finggan's •••••••nt*.1 Ur. WiVisene, our :Maud teacher e,proli.ng hie holidays with his par- ents t einderiele-Miss B. Pinicbard you tit" II, net a nice emir left here tea etidav for her Itetrie in or slippers for Xiime presents Seat -oriel to pend -the holidees.--Mr. Albert Monial ema wife, of Balmoral, for your friends. Men ,s 'asiewing olti acquaintanet•s r • * after an absence of 2tI yearie-M. and , mete W. alollard, of Itegina, N. W. Ilave them in diger(41" T., are spending ChriStillati with their lines for wen. women and children filen nne. a pair up- ward. FltiQ Z'-`ttitle l`cer• Mon cunt Women. G. Dawn. -Mrs. Will Oliver is spending t„,i. _Flee/ B weasel, of se. ;sortie ' store and break her left. arm below the elbow -T. J. Berry, of Heneall, has purebased the noted "Kiog Arthur," from the Messrs Slims, Lau-, arkshire, England. This makes six en- tire horses that Mr. Berry has now, and he claims that there le not. any one barn in Ontario til:Lt Call beat tbis fine lot of horses. -Charles Redmond, , who has been in Ma onCleinens,Mich, Pa"nis• 3fighTi' foe the past three weeks receiviag here. ----ehlinet, Gamble aod peter hree treatment for rheumatism, has return - cilia, are ;pending their holidays with vd borne. Hs is mach improved._ thieeds In Michigan- Oen. !Volker, of . Robs. Bell, a Seaforth. was in the vile exett I, t gm, • o u b • • * *. lage is thweek renewmg aced:imam- • - Xmas. with her' P.3.rents St. .414-3-8. spent Xinee tie his home here. -George We have a tew lines of over- , -Mrs. A.. etollard spending the week • Fitzgerald, V.S., of Dakota,„ accent- ehoes for men and children to natter the parental roof at Wise Craig. - be cleared oat al half theh‘ --The Chnetmas trees held here, by ggittnnglielhibsyfaltlisl ,s1v.:fe awl children, is els. e John Fitzgerald, of the, Presbyterian and methodist Sun- '" Chiselhursts Be was a former rasa eegular value. • . . ad' Saftool Were • • ' dent of Hensel', and notes with pleas• ure the many improvements that hare taken place hi recent years,- ties, Buidulph Claxton, a main% Mau., is visiting AU keys belonging to the Par- lor Suite to be returned on Dec. 2e, cit 2 p. her parents, Ur. and NIrs. Cooper For. 3weet taught Miss 4-"ce • • tenets: Irere again. --Mise 'Urquhart, of MoUlilivray Part I -Margery Hepburn. Best spel- Exater is spending a, few days with Ier for the month -Dttvid 13:11,:er. J. , Dickens, met at the residence of het parents, lot 10, coma, Bidcbilph, antl fr'ientis" bere.-On Tuesday evening ihrnesintElt LInnlElt YARD. , A. MeNttughton, 0. M. Walker, teaele A i*LaseSINO PetEsENTATION, - On est of this place. -Rev. I, Doherty, of 8afffrilt Ly evening the llth instestlinai Tao* rudtde, conducted service i n St1)1113115 rot nrlsimr the eass of tht? . turned home froin -hlarys.-Th firm of McDonnel Bros., recently pur- chased a fine sett of public tveigh scales, capable of syeighing almost any - that has two ends. WEDDING -On Weduesday evening last a very happy event took place at the resideno Donald S. Bell, of the Zurich road, west of Hensel', when his Youngest and only daughter at home (out of a :large family on girls) WaS happily united in marriage to James W. McLeau, only son of 'John 13. Mc- Lean, of TackereinitlareThe marriage ceremony was performed at 5 o'cloek p. in. her the Rev. J. S. Henderson, under a beautiful evergreen arch. The beide was beautifully attired in white Anderson ••••••••••••••••••”•••• BRIEFS. -There let a union of the Kirkton, Selena and Auderson Bp - worth Leagues at Andereoet.-- false Emma, and Master- Edwin Robinson are spending Xmas viteetion with their uncle J. Robinson, of 13elwood. Miss 0, Kirk, is spending the bolidays at her home in Kirktou.-Mieses An- nie Robertson, •of Guelph, and Mary, of Crediton, are holidaying at •bome. .411.•••-• Zurich 004.1• latuaes.--The Y. P. A., here had their semi-annual election of officers Tuesday evening, Dee. 17, The follosv. .nnoire silk and carried a large banquet mg °facers were elected -President, of 'melte earuatioes, while the brides- Miss L. Williams; vice-presulent, Ails! maid, Miss A.lice Caldwell - of the Ida 'Wells; recording secretary, Mho township of Hay, was handsome- 0. Then; corresponding secretaryersliss ly dressed in white organdie, The Beatrice Steinbach; treasurer, Mr. wedding March was played by Mies • Wes. Scheellige organist., Miss E. stddie Bell of the London road. After 1Williems; assistant organist, 3liss L. - the ceremony, and the happy couple !Renew; superintendent foe junior Y. had been very warmly congratulated l, P. A., Miss L. Feust; assist•tnt, Miss 1 by the relatives alai a few. Intimate Andrews. •• • - friends of the contracting puttee, all repaired to the dining roma where a Cromarty sumptuous repast was eajoyed. The happy eatiole were later on la the • BRIEns,-Miss Todd Hunter, of Por - evening Mined by a large number of tag La Prairie, is spending her Xmas young friends and a very pleiteent holidays with. friends here.-- Alex, thee was speut to the sweet strains of McLaren and Robt. Bruce are home the violin, The bride was made the for their Xmas holidays from Detroit. recipient of a large number of useful -The school entertainment last Wed. and valuable present e The young nesday evening was well attended. A good 'program was rendered. consisting couple have settled on the fine fawn on the 2nd con. of Tackersinitie of dialogues, music and songs. Mr. J. ami we unite r ith their many friends A. Norris was chairmen for the even - in wishing them king and c nainued ing.--Rev. Me. Cranston preached in the Methodist church at Mount Pleas - lei ppiness, ant Sunday evening and left, 3,IondaySharon . doh. East. morning to visit his parents in fade. &WOOL REPORT. -^Following. le the •Centralla stanaing of the pupils in S. S. No, 1, Stephen. at close of year, 19.1L -Sr. IV, F. Morlock. A. Anna. W. J. Rowe, Smoot, Iteroar....The following is I'. Amy ; ens pae en omen, A. Yaeger, the report of S. 5.1.70. I. Stephen, ter Chester Rowe, L Preszeator, T litoesz,. the month a December. The names ler ; Sr, E. Amy, Morlock, E. of the four higheet only are giveu-3th Wein, W. Roeszler. W. Brown, Nan elaes-Fleeda Baker. Perry Windsor, Smith ; Jr. III, W. Morlock, C,. Rowe, Clintnn Hogarth. Awe Hepburn. 0. Clark, Kestle, M, Eilber, Sr. 4th class -Bruce Mitchell, Hector Smith, W. Wein ; Sr. II, D. Dietrich, Mitchell, Rose Wilsnn, Mena Celine. D. Schwarz, W. Preszeator, M. Faber, Jr. dth-Vernon Wilson, Rebecca Me. M. Keene -; Jr. ee, Neu -Coy, Eiva Windsor, Eduie Calfas. Sr. KestIe, Edwin Wein, Aaron Wein, a3. 3r.-Lek;h6 MeN'aughton, Enos Wind- Morleeet, E. 'Keene, J. Chapman ; Sr. see, More Hepburn, Olareuce Dupla% Pb. IL H. Wein,. W. Amy, L, 31orlock, Jr, tird-Saumel. McCoy, Major Ridley, 11'. Schwarz; Jr. Pt. IL M. Broken- Gifford Hogarth, 'h ern Sheardown. shire, C. Eilben E. Sehmeler, C. Sr. 20 -Charles Grafton, Elyworth Wein. Average at t endan ee . Ridley, IL Conway. jr. II -Mehra ' 11. NV. May, Teerhen Cotfas, Gordon Wilson. Jelin White, Norman Hetunan. Part II- Lillian Robinson, Earl Callas, Rae Cans, IGreenway Bingss.-afrs. A.Wilsou epends Ing Xmas with her mother, Mrs. G. Bewilen, Bleuheina-W, A. Wilson was in London last week buying drug goods. -The annual schcol meeting in S. S. No. 10 will he held Thursday', 20th inst.-Miss Maggie, Thibecleau hae • - .• Usborno , united in Inareittge to Miss Della, 411Y- g','..).?inigitialg'1°Iagg'iti''.1111.11,°:(1:1..en East eta° of beautiful glees water sett,. acesim- tr eons. Prire,ri 61. STANDLIIY,11. A , rocrryat,On.ilT teteene.eal eintletelive nildresen- 1. ir, yonng.est daughter of Jar: '1'3:Ylor Maurer. 1: this village. --The annual Xmas •en- s ft Law 0111rea. Peivate Funds no Loan.. presented het. with a pretty bible- etst John s. tsten, principal of tbe Largesteek of Launbeelnn end hemlock, eriz. etand with suitable drape, and a 17(1,0ou fe-e D d. mblie school was he ) toe hemlock hun er for banes. ote., t:neenteTiep SETTLiimENT.-Large- AND CDOOL, • NTEE,T.N.INMENT. throligh the instrument slity of the rev. 3. Waddell, of Elltri sille, a set- "ement bits been niiivea between r. Cannel, and the Grand Trunk *levey autbsoitie9. lir. Waddell smote to the head ofilees at. Montreal poiuting out 1 he heady lose incurred by Mr. Cainnt by Ow sad accident that happened to his wife, and asking the railway authorities whether they would net pi.' some of. the financial expellees ineurred hy him. -In reply G. T. R. eolicitor Bell, wrote, ete.ting that in view of the friendly tone of the letten the railway would gladly re- pay any finnnelal outlay, if it could be done without, pale:Being the ea,se of their employeee wilt) were charged. ElimvilIo SONS' $ One Dollar V. buy more goods and see greater value at the - Market Depot Than elsewhere, whether expe engaged for Mt. Pleasant school for in 1002. -Mr. Jos. Brophey visited at _ Grand Bend on Monday. -Mr. Lorenz DRY GOODS Bullock of Creswald, who, after an ab- sence of 22 years is visiting; his brother Thos. Bawls and other friends here, WISDniatte-A. very pleasant affair . took piece on Tuesday evening of last weeleat the residence of Rattle Me Pherson,i,it being :the marriage of hie eldest daughter, May, to Mr. II. Purdy of Grand Bend. The ceremouy was performed by Rey. A. Thibedeau. A number of frientis and relatives wit- nessed the cerenmey, after which all sat dawn to a sumptuous repaen The young couple are highly respected, Inlay their barque gently doe•n the stream. of life is the wish at their many friends. • .•.• 00.0•0014.1.0.- .* • BOOTS 5,e SHOES CROCKERY & GLASSWARE OR B.ROCERIE Remember we pay you highes price for all kinds of Farm Produce. TIS31 l Stephen Counoll ACUTE AND CHRONIC RIIEUSLA.- : i The council of the Tp. ' of Stephe stee.rdardlY influenced h3' the almost : convened in the town hall. Creadon,. l'Rso'n'g'ste; ePevallaftieu,t-qelqulun,&; emusvitrielitrin'3a1-1 p(-)nreDisenlit.daY`311ructitelsathoif Attilel Inpaeisluvbilr:. vitine cures' because it reaebes the , No, 7 of 10h1, appointing de'nuty C f ,, meeting were read and approved. value to five times the quantity any other rheumatic remedy. Nine i Aederson --. Wuerth, -That 13r -law source of the dieeese and drive- tt, out 1 turning ofileers and polling beothe r' of the s,ystens. Nerviline is ala unusu- . holding- elections of 191.r2, and Byda. . alralrkyugyot:ItintrIlis;t2litut2,111.1i.ce5.entieassittnrdom) ittikleisi No. of 1001, appointing audit°. The immediate result. will surprisel phatenagaubieletnherRenedeveth:ntiddecdie•trire2! the next time you have an attack. you. 21e, t the same and attach the sear Rev. Alfred Bniven. pastor of 1,:lin 3 council asking them if they la Toronto, has been invited es paetor to i corporation t hereto. -Carried. 1 Mr. II. E. lineton waited u • , .. ...,,,-. /He is -I. 'aidered the adeisabffiey en ene promised to fely peers Met beaks, church, Avenue road, 4.1. years of age. :ing farmers and others to ephasn of trees.in the toweishipeas be reee ed at the pregent rate of destructio succeed. Rev. illii. Livingstone. VI.' would he withoat, wood in t Went County Board Of Examiners. Y.tlearnas'itttTliii.1•4)tici:itirr.jecolni sideration. - The County Boats1 of Examiners met Orders to the athonut of .S.1.201.$7: were passed and granted by the emere- in Clinton on Tizt3silay, Dee. 21111. ts) Cil. An ithnized statement will he examinations. given in the reeve • and treaSurerne finial the work of the Model -School financial repprt which will be isened in There were in attendance in all fifty. e few weeks. . . four candidates - twent eafoue DI Cilia. Council adjourned. Nomination for . ton and thirty in tioderich, Tile reeve end councilmen will take plfree papers as a .whole were coneidered fair. on moneey, Den., aosn next, fiesta.. e p. Of the fifty-four who wrote, fifty-thiee so, so 2 p. inleceedell in seenring Ohta. pees mark, JIMMY Elam% Tp. Clerk; and worst nwartled Third Certilleates atamelionly. The pess mere. ectsairtia - -. by the Education Department is 00 ; of the tend. Ties D.ward have also . awarded theise obteleing 75'•., of the 1.' :.l Firet Cerss Honors. :tell i hose sib- , taiiiieg het.ween 70 end 75_ Seeond : riles Inonses. Folio:sing 1..: the Inn :-- • patrick, f•-•nita ; remeeet, Seetnel D. ;: i D triiiillte7, (\''‘I,‘"s,P.. Iiitia)Nes?t,irlte-y ,I314'altit.:-,.la.:;C,1:1:!1., ek.v.t.e! t. I•hvert, Agates E. esee V....et ie , SeeeiND Views 1143None-Aylesworth ,T.,„,,, i i in y ; Waller, Mere:ilea E : Blake '''-'n,,1-7,1, ,,. i 'Italie Al. ; Enerhatt. Itei re : n/oven- I . lor.k. Malt 1 : Bat try, liewerd F. ; KM - *terry. .Mary : It liwill,,!**, 0:11.,eitie 1 Iliehtud 3. : Cod -3. Mere ; Dawning. Dtteeel Mare:nee .1.. : ..-311=. (.... 1 ' ittving just- opened up busins :tre prepered t o eupply all kinds i t 1 i lessee, , 1/‘;; ie yBel II 'a:Tel .aatention to all kindS WATER TROUGHS, NVATER TANKS, FANNING MILLS.Sta. t - Blinn t la. ; %Viso:tine .liesie. ; Plualtnne.. Peeet -- in --11. Wilf rta 1' . : w ., t -.1117 ,.,z.a, hix:,,,,..1: .1,1: yil.„;,, 13 ,1,,,. 11.!..,, !,..,,,,..,..111.:;.,..,R.;. ; ;• we tlo ,,....iiyittn,.., in t tie line of vvo,od. sand R17:.IRING of any dese • Chidiev. i 'late z tanvan A. tele 1 eeme. Hermes: :..., ; Fierel, lie hel ; t; oese, : 131,1lia ; II v. Jee. A. ; •Inyto ..i.atnoe : ; klgillarritela & Eieddyn tic.* ,ts. ; Deli on Ilene -.1) ; 1.':1I.', 1..... ; cription. Nitrite W. J. ; Nevi) etirel inse-e, e . , melnarand, ee'_,-, ; eleE wen E il. I., le, North Town Ilall. Exeter.. ...•• • . . s MeEwein ataxy ; Mt•the Leh Tv oa : •• --. . . McMin lel Lot tie le ; MO:: eletie3, Eva J.; ; - " -. • ----. • - - e. Miller. Iltilibee ; el snee-en. Airs, ; mum- , ate, TP.e.tte ; N., t t•.,n, (!i s. L ; Pa -s- Ohlidren Cry for\ , 11)0,,.. ,-,7in,..,.1., pyhos. flee. 11.. ; nth.. • ling . Jeesei NI, -neitil...3 s. Peeti Nmellie ::Welister. aleargo : 1,-•-•.‘. Lewis ••••*•••• ••;•••••••••*•..,..•••==.7.. :,a'.......Trrer... senrne.mtvoacentareawenonelomemneen.mov••••••••••,1%.....,...arsermsarmaaramicamw.asomse,r* ...........-....... ••••••••••••••••••• Bninae. -Mr. Geo Turnbull, of Vir- den, Manitoba, arrived here on Friday meitinurent o (Arum washeld 111 • A grand schwal. (3ntertainment woes ;net. ft is eleven years eince lw left, de L'iltatil " 111t)ndaY ""ing 1`144' held in S. S. No. 0. MeGillivca.v, oil end his many feleiels will be pleased 'here WM no tree this. yeal'e the enter- Dee....,,oai, it, beim; the occasion of the to see him again..-Mre. Waddell left, thimena consisting of ninsieal. selee. Parting a the pop Is anti Parents wit" on Monday, on an Of. fended visit with !woe hY tile choirs and r"eitati"ns l'Y their teacher, Mr. J. H. L•ine. It 'WM .1e chtleire-n; also-linu. light views by tl, decidect success. aula many express,. trfilt:Aiiy.iesilliiipL.InTslho6n,a00:111711:puben111.foerttgar:Idf .ter, Mr. :Wilson, of Leudon, which !ere both amusing and instructive to "'Aide . school ed themselren: as it teeing the beet entertainment they stioTil‘tItcoilille,htesi•isiTttiBi i.',1,•tt•;:tt'il.n111)et ..ld'eerIfiT-IiVt(•sti ll. The attendalice was very good. IA ever attended. 'rhe progen male slime. e'rette tls $30.-sh song serviee was hen' ed that a great neal nf pains 11.1t1 been :-..illuellit,itil)irrs.,alarrvieek--; after tht3 eieth of 1, the ,Merbodist church oa Sonday taken by . the teacher, Pillills •itud :appear at the meeting.. It bas been .0(13 r:MIO:VA Willeh will I.:ening last, whieh wee nae of, the ., people ot the section. The el -1[0.1;11U-, the geenn,/-1,,,„,t, neer of its existeece; sst ever given, and was (finch enjoy- , ment commenced shortly efter 131 133,110,1 iler of i -ate having bee)! s..11:1 3.1 by a large cringeegatien. - 11 e: J. o'clock when lesson., levee beard from at. hieniest priees.-The annual Chriet- I Ileadereon, on Sabbath e. ening Part hand Pertell In' Mr. Edgar Bus- erae t•'...7.:3evice,e of the Sunday Schonl will st, delivered the last, of hie series a. want awl t?ht, YE *lass by their teacher., ne.lited on Sunday afternoon next. .Mr. weed semitone, subject being -11 1 "---e-'!-": i An. lictin. biter ehe programme coin -------------, .E-Keer 1, former eaten-in- •tizetis." . fCeionetir Ma.carther, of . . - • • • mowed and by this time the new feculent Will give an address.- Mr. A. . • e„ I g . g lame school was peened t ti 0 • s eek vieitine his brother. --Mr. aad • ' ° blenn, of Mita) , is visiting his fath „with . ruanislam.a,ditere fshordy a •ter • • this the Claims Agjet, and a 'clerk • nd.• : , Vist were pi. eseu t from Orecliton, here and relative.: at Fare Ilia 'kr - . , - ...... .1..11m:tit Carmel Ceutralia ene Bruisley j• • .,-,- , e c.' . • el -- r'-' 1"" ne. .) el. so t a. Mt. fi*C711 Mr...11.11re• ado called on .Mr. WEDDING BELLS. --A eery pretty 1 O'Brien spent MIMS tvith az% ailti„.aus i T „i t • i n ' , ' - ennie rtads, or eodertch, is spending Rivers, who was . VtatIciell, rah:nat.-cave them out be Mr j eind interestine , event was celebrated A MePhet.son.-Miss Meckay, who has I. t-1)1 i'l' leeat)stkence °I.1 't" the holid ays under the peeentral roef OaarinVe. After talking over -the nest- r, en Do, 1Sth tie the residence of Mr. tivert in Manitohtr for some time, is . tied7v 'm en 111°-c 115..F" it was 01'enn 1 -The eleetion of officers of the (1. 0. tare the railway rtien . agreed to pay.- tend -Mes. Tho te Dickens, it lu, tam. it. visiiing lier liroeher, W. • J. Matikey, ' 13 ' e ,'" -r' 13‘1". btivt:°113 13"1 '.1 I C. F. took '.1 ((0 on Friday eve:ling I principal ofethe iinblic schObl, --Tames iTihei.i.111100 C1111S.!ettil.g f,)t, ?out!' tift.Y, I Met, wIwn the following officers -.were allthe loner:LI expenses, the Value of Biddidpia, when their snoond daughter, the horse tend buggy and other. inci- l'el is Alic4 flaittieg wee wedded to sir. 1 TaYI017 and wife of 'bid •onto, seas here •R‘eletOtsi :we..? , ireintereo. Nr turn .n0s,,,...„, teeetee f„r the coining year :--Chief this week iattending the wedding of I '''. •ie Scl' ' ars 'yea' ").1)-e 1.°1.' aer" t thetnicillor S. Pyrn ; Vie:: Onunrilloe. • 1 anciountin in all • to 'Y. Coates, a prosperous young farmer .. -tax s• - ,er thing in the line ef choruses, recite,- Fred Delbridge Retie-v(10re Wm 3 L. isan .15 Iss I none dialogues, tangs, readings, ete• miners ; Assistant. Rec., II. Deloridge ; de • Prelate, : Sties Johus ; 17rea.Stwer, $307#1, it being untle,rstoed that tlrey.1 of Ushorne. The,fereneony waa per- Bahhi 's in t•lie . reeewing tre- • • ' . • village admitted. All liabiliey 'teethe -.matter formed bynhe Ree„ Writ, Stoat, nectoe• • . "IV F • - lut • lied' a Addetesses were delivered by Re I tuith 01 (Id lorejudiree tfee.t,heeniareolat•ightee„ ('.SC 10011 aboio :rxty frielids;• :neatly the inn • unnilice•of line wedding cakee lds , InCn,•aelvie,s' tif ,e(•1•'•11q4)P, 8.P(14(,. Joshue .Tohns ; Marshell, Irs3.o. Kellett, and that,- initcsettlemene eyas -without ' or St..Pat rick. S ra:the presence, . • . • , puuus ur mdre,ss wera ticipht I Warden. Wm.' Tp_ie kleceptea the proferred set- elieditate relaeives of elle. coutractini'r aviadosth•during the pirseweeli.--...."tat"4.,ter • 4)1'41'd -117g- ' hTti Johns . Sentry, N'N. D ividson : tlement. parties. The wedding (navel) was well •Miss McHugh is' spending her vacation 1. J2 erei •- 'Pent persevisrenee, ana tees,. deo. Andrew. John Minere • rentiered by Miss ol the tri ' 41- 4* 13e.r,,;;I rne)untlee,:ce. .Essy. Father en I p,„si„ 0,1.e ; p groom, and to 4trains at 045 thee char:air is visiting her son-itnlare, t.epx•eseiltativea to tire ' • '• -1 Armin!, uttrinal, gave ti very ahir *td- ; Grand Connell, Sohn Miners and S. STOP 'MEC= : bride entered the parlor leaning on 'tart • Kil-1313-°Th- ' l dress on education, which was lien -tied I Andrew. _keep Nv011in OFF THE OQLD. ' her, fathees arin, and looked. inost A teenrn,N; Y, is visitiug his Parents Mr te iie • t t t • " Lexaelso.frarerwetletnistia 'neblet4 cure a Cold i charming trttired. in a lovely costume atul iidt4" W' But'llanan'---Mr: 191a •1‘Irs Hatton; of Ceutralia, thnneht the hem's I I teat ie ores . ev. , • iirg A beautiftil boenee o•E careineons Mel/one!) is' visiting hke.. parents • in Cr edit. on, -Das Mr. No can% No Per- .*-5 'cents • of silver .grey.s.atin 'cloth elegantly JP -1m r3lattAtfc'rei vlsithig ts'el'lliver too late to enter into am adilreas lint I - • in Lantion and Contented Mind is Lontinual Feast {trim:med. with 1,8. 111 an,1 gimp, carry - I and maiden hair ternS, Lie elle tk her Toree$1, Jessie NeViii Meletelilan the Iplace under a pretty arch of eveegreene great Scutt,ish vocalist, will glee a ton- , and flowers -and loined•the grOuttl, Wito 0011, in Alilltrr's °Pena- 11;t11 ' ("" •Frid'4' ; had already takn-..3.rie .,positiou. /ley eve:ling of this week.--janteS \V Beti; father diclehe office Of .givine away:the w1"-' has 'leen igteadateg, Lb ;nine(' ten bride. Sbe was L.,stt_ennayevidb4eoxisauoeptttillyy it-43.1.1elgise ihitelPidhallyti.ttliff)hiiste issishitoursie, spend, - her little sister) mi T Misses i y I lau x - , . gowned in white made a debit I a Maggie of Uill'°Ei and .3-4.'s•'i°bP Pleased customers and. satisfied hunts are those who deal here .'attracuve flower girl,, and earned en . . . Santa Has beeri his rounds exquisite basket f flowerencoataning • -the nuptial ring- and performed ber •ancl, many heart has been made ar.t with beconaiie grace. After the , by the useful presents he ceremony all adjourned to the taste- fully decorated dining hall where were p ▪ c h as e d fr 0 US. tables spread with •a most recherche 'We still have a lot of goCa suPper, sebstantial, seesonalale and n 'thigs. - Plenty of fancy dishes left. A variety of laa.ndkerchiefs. Good serviceable underwear at ht 1>ric _Ns. - Try pan of our horse bla.n- ls:ets froth $ .50 to j14 00 AlwaYs a select line of fresh groceries. Trs us for teas . A select grade oT perfumes in _fancy pac caeee. OM' motto est" don, are. also venting then', eaaveets, --Mt: awlJ Uri as 13e11.:-:-N1I48" Ida Dick .oee. Davi: ten„ .i5. eeeleeding.„ the. -..Xtnae holeie.ye' relit:11,11er' intreete.1.1Dr,'.2. Mac- af• Detro i t, son, ittelaey z.q.1..s as White of tine viiInge, la -eery 'ill and 'not expected to recovee(ee•e„Da. Seller' spent the holidays at Ins' ifon.) in. Aestliorp of eiarys delicioas., At the close at tire sa se plei- .0135,reepastetele Rey. Nee stout prop°, vatting her sister, Airs. 'S1-Ia-13atik. ed.the.lagalbh and happinessof the tcrutif?.n...jarsr..0101liclienitatitilslaw(neenkr.e-vislfi,tilt).,ceaisNle charmieg bride and Personable groom* at the oc,ciaSiOn, Which Was most, bean. et .ara la, spent with h bily concurred in by all elle assembled parentshere, R • Reilineml, o .gaests„ The weddingpresents w eve near London; is vieitiug his brothe nueneroue, c.ostly and. neeful, and in Charles,. 01.. Hay Tem -labile -We a expressed ' bt(tv,elf tts • le.‘i ere eh:need, with the eut tai n marl , 'rad Vale. field quartette composed IN' ot Mr. Ind-. son .Miss Ida Wincl•s(M' Ana N'rs Boyeee and Miss Cora Windsor, • who presided At the organ was warniel v en- cored, a,s well, as the graphop hone selections by Me. George Lightfoot. One at the chief pieces was the Pap - Loraine, to "Nt•arer AIN God To Thee" 'which was•wel'ine lslerPtt by Missee M ay led • Ettie CLoughlio,. After the Jitet. ehoritee(A••Parting Saegehy s(thool, gay_ Me:ivory stoppacr • forward aud r.eari '1P r, \ j1 tireSth: 411 NEW STEM BEtErs.-Dicl Santa Clens find your • .k13 ' • e. ° Se nee Lewis s.s., • . irnit nunily, from Manitoba, *rived on Morel iy litst to visit his pareots and, feintels in this locelity. Jim looks; 1(14 if the Wesa t grees rvith him. -Dr, Hutchinson, of L)nden, paid a, visit to our township on Satemday lest to as- sist the, local Board of Health in st am pie,e, oat ale smallpox fron, tne:. townellip. -I-nave you been vaocinated y el ? Sweet of Detroit, spent Xmas. limier the. parent -al roc.f. -"On Thilnedan evening last after yrayer meeting in the 'Meth. Cinareli, he eve of •the departure of Mr. and Bloomfield frent our midst their inanie frieeds, and associates in church .ork preseuted him with A fine sot at ible liehrs coneisting of 0 vols. of ett hew 3-1el, 7' y's cow Well rsT; hith's Dictionary opr ;J the Bible esl rucheas Coileol dance. and 1 s loomfield (vith a handsome 1.1 [Vi 1. 11,C.C1(101p11 t14,(1 hi a vere en Lary address to iv 1-; M ich r. Bloon i- •-•••••• Id replied in feeling terms. They fav their nere hotne - Brieelen, o Satariiiii* last :accompanied by the g,e0d wishee ef a i*.:* of- (i -en Is here, The entertainment arid c,s4 1,- eta in e Evangelical church. on Christmas e was:a great success. The weatleer a free and guara,nteed a large at- edanee, This is really one of the St centetase . ver rendered in this liage.e-Rev, and Mrs. Knowles nee ending their • X•mas. 'holidays with' lends in Lon'tiOn.- 'Wedding. hll es - 30 ng out last . Tharsday when Miss 'tete, Crediton East, beoame the, 3.3"....-,416,ei Deaner jr. Rev.•Litt tied the nuptial knot.. -To • alt readers, ; oe, the Times -We Wish a • very Happy • New Yeare t ,• • .le a ,e, irllre itcin.iieivthetnAninoew enkayl'oS g g ood sleig hinge- nEeh 11eimany-friends. Mrse.Coates, „e„ hS.shn: lady grettly belved for vtmilug hist,and as nof th entqualities of • heat andMind-d a0d0708L8116Ce8Sha! t"0somueeuiatW. aniiial eenatreo• eirtertneu l writh couple are.held ,woldoWednescia graces , s t of manner, will he much missed 1*3 the wide circle of lee: acqualuterices (vide (lowlier° more. then Ire congre- getiati of the Church cif illegland and the Sunday school of which she hets been a most consisteut; pious end_ valu- eti tnember, and the good wishes of all ge with her and lace partner through life's journey. attentlauce was Liege. The pi ogram whicat was principal ty alerted out by the • children was so lalig and varied that space forbids us giving a detailed account. The Cantata Was the attrac- tion of the exalting. and all the ,parts Were well stistained, gcciag eeldeece et card \training and faithful-, practice,' The ttse looked .beautiful with, its -- • • • of presents,-eeRev. Waddelh or J20u3 Irt.Tio, gave a very suitable CAST %I gal Nat \nt uriflflU New Year gifts at very special prices : Carpet Sweepers -- We have Clothes Weingera - I n ‘civ ircifne gr ce inrst thee labor-saving machines finial we have half a dozen $2•.45 to $3.40. A.n elee•ant kinds. By buying a larg'e num chance to .get the h.ighest. grade bar Of wringers for cash we can sweeper for 1110nee)". Afford to make cut prices, ,t•i:2-.40 $4., 7 5. Ville, 'Was in the village 111 *1111 Nveolc.-- reply t)ut, coi.V(‘'t is without ox00/i- Mr. and Mrs. Higgins, o, Thx.eter, ire- • in els, usual 001la101'. fee has also 011 '• 11198'4 eine1 vO roni 3r1v for CutScamper)" d by Miss Higginiss *1 1. .170e7 toCfi •prese 3 ,teslw11(gift 1 '131 totl*8.11*1' ()I3SPt:)411i`nthyge his week -v VIr ten dull *I car1g.tlie•tlreovea qts. , : 3e Hum oe. -Miss , ek hirsi re- 1.1,1:1,3, he has 1*1300 8.1 0311 teachnt S -:k teg h t 2- 7' 1: 2 per l't.y.k3 150 t• -).35e. ..• OFFICE N\ A n' 4,, „Sk t s We sell the genuine SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Stove, Egg on hand. toy 1(1 r raW' 11;(1.;;:-; -tV sOinetiaina in t