HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-12, Page 8ESE"i', 1`IVf1ES
5 A EIN A RT. 8
'OWN TA,. --Es Mx. James Creech,
collector, witl be at the Town Hall,
f--� 1 un T'hurstlay, k'riclav and Same 1ny,
i �E. Q 12th, 1311x, and 14 h,to receive the taa -
for the current:*ear which must be
paid at time ..tie sat an extra 5 per
merry .merry Christmas, with plenty and to spare is our
hearty wish to all. We have a large lot of very suitable Nexus
presents, the kinds;ths.t are useful as well as ornam,eutal.
K-00, $1.38, and $1.75 each for three
as pretty parlor table lanes as you
would wish to see. All hand decorat-
ed and bib:;uttfaliv shaded.
$L35. S1 35 and $L5`) each for a
swell line of china berry setts, 13
pleees in each sett, pretty and goo&
$Lu) yeah for Beautiful new Bohm -
Ian shaded glass Eperns, the sweetest
centre piece for a table that you'll see.
The choicest and best in groceries
stud fruits suitable for Xmas, le what
we are offering.
$1.00, $2,00 and $?,75 each for our
new cllenile table covers, They are
just as pretty as eau be,
$1.00, $1.50, $2,25, $3.0(l and +"+4.5C 1
aeh for the choicest lot of French
aapestry table covers that we have
ver shown in Exeter. Oh, beta they
re pietty.
25tt the settforpretty clhitla�creane ;lest gee?e, sleet') ae.eu end $2.25 each
nand sn,ars. ,..t� for very nice .a Piece for as swell lot of white hooey caaht)b,
china portadl;e sl!us. :and marseilles bed spreads, Correct
„C,_. -..-„_.Pm, for :mitts boxes.
$7,75, $0.50, $ 7,50, $S.00, $8.75 and
$12.54 for :a lovely range of full dinner
setts. in the new brown., greens, blues
and peett•'s shades. If you want a. din-
ner sett we want to see you.
15e, 255, 304 50; 754 and SSe each
for fancy boxes, a telt containing ti
1 hkts. Swell goods for \nate.
15s ateh for fane'v t3isttne china
figu e•a 25i tetclt for china figures.
75k t.te h;fer swell shaded Bohemian •
fru:° tiiel:es. They're be;auties,
$2,25 $1.15, $3.a5. Stitt $130 and
$6 lel for the prettiest lot of fancy'
154 254 30e, 50c and ate each tor our
ew silk hkfs. AR special for Xmas.
2.54 4Uc, 50c and tele rat -it for Malta'
new hand purse:, they are :a lovely lot
and are great money -;avers.
toilet setts that we have ever shown.. 754 $1,00,. $1.25 ;i
some lovely gold tracing and decorate nice fur neck sett
jug in tins lot. Sets them. tails.
el $1.5ti each .far
r trimmed with
$1,.,,s each for a nice lot of solid oak $?,.;,'t$3.15
•• $3. ra3 and 4:tJ>u each for.a
scretstt-+, tilled with art Flateens :and swell lot of fur 'trek ruffs, shaped and
French tineele. finished with heads and tails. Lovely
$'.''i and $2.50 fnrs American
standard carpet sweepers, high quality ;
but low price.
$1.35 the pair for ladies' 2 strap fancy
kid agat'r:t bltpper.
'_ _._.
$1.75 for Ladies' ,l strap fancy kid
opera slippers. Swell goods, correct
.or atlas wear.
Fur znufYs, fur.. gauntlets, fur caps,
fur capertnes, fur t.,ta>?, and swell fair
coats for ladies,
Fur .;oats, fur caps, fur mitts and
fur robes for the men. Rare values.
,,MAIM.._,........ aidammillmnegprIMOrMEMMIMMD
Nuts, •eandiee, oranges, lemons, a 1
kinds for Xmas.
Storee close 6.30, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted.
To Have
the Best Goods
is what the businessr uxi n owes him-
It is this business policy of ours
Which induces us to claim to be
often the cheapest and con-
sequently always the best.
We have instock everything in the
Stationery Line—newest in Note
A Complete Line of
itinglish and German Decorated
French China
Limoge and Japanese Ware.
eANr, of Toronto ; also for the Pstawrx FIRE
Isamu:am COMPANY, of London, England ;
&LLIAVOn INsuB .xo)j COMPANY, of Eng
The copy y for chanes must be
g left
not later than Tuesday'noon. Casual
advestisementsaccepted up tonoon
Wednesday of each week.
For Marriage Licenses,
Wesidirlg Rings,
Watches, t sloe tc,
Spectacles,. Etc
R. Ice ICI -CS
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The game season closes on Saturday.
Mr. Jas. Grieve was in Seaforth, on
Miss Mo so of
s A in is visitingat
Mr. S. Martins.
W. D. Yeo is visiting friends in
Saginaw, Mich.
Mrs. E. J, Spackman visited friends
in London, Wednesday.
Advertise your stray animals, farm
for sale, etc., in the lmiEs.
Mr. W. Goodison, of Sarnia, was th
guest of the Misses Johns, on Sunda
Mrs. Jas, Willis spent a few days
last week visiting her son, Frank in
; Our merchants are making thei
windows especially attractive for th
Christmas trade.
Messrs. Turk and Kerby, evangelists,
are at present conducting special
services: at Listowel.
Mr. W. Mathews, of Gerard,Kansas,
who has been yisiting at S. Martin's
has returned to his home. -
Miss Lilly Huston has returned
home from Sterling, where she has
spent the past two seasons as milliner:
We understand that Mr. Thos.
Russell, of Riverside farm, Thames
Road, will in the near future take up
1 his abode in Exeter.
For coughs, colds, in ue'1za and
bronchitic troubles, espedtally in child-
ren, use Winan's Cough.Bslsam. Solei
by C, LuTz, Exeter. " •
t1 --J O C i 115.
Pa for heater;
wood, good as new. Apply at TIM'Es
Boer tV ,.NTED.-A good, smart boy
with liar education, wanted to learn
the priu tire business. Apply at'
Timms office. I
All art}es having
from our stor11 :kindly bring
them in on Dec. 28th • t 2 m. as we
to open
th l
k and, present
r t
thellucky yPerso
n wit the handsome
parlor suite, Remember the day. R.
H. Swami.
To Tfrm FARMIN€€ P-,00Lxc,---If you
keep cowsfor milk, better or cheese,
are fattening ttenin
g s,cazrttleor hogs,
ponitry for market az; for eggs, it
•5 to feet English- Stoci tFoocl, Itis
clieanest food :on "- ' th'
e market.
ay 0. Lowe Exeter.
ar tars for .<1r:ange apples,
and all kir h sfish.
of , i "
rated $ia
ai'r. Corner keiZte .t
M, Gardiner bought a 125 acre farm
in Hay. from J. N,, Howard. -Mr.
Gardiner is now one of the biggest
land owners in . this part of the coupe
Rev. ,v. Mr Irvineof Listowel, w will
preach both morning • and evening in
James st, church on Sunday next. and
Rev. C. W. Brown, B. D., will preach.
anniversary sermons for Mr. Irvine, in
Mr. E, 3. English, of Hamilton, was
married on:, Tuesday, to Miss Olive
Waite of St, Thomas. sister of Mrs.
N. J. Keddy, at whose residence the
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
R.MilY and
Turkish S calp i ood remev€ss Band
ruff, stops falling out. of the hair, pro-
motes itsg ro th
w irritation
releives fret a '
and itching of, the scalp gives a beau-
tiful gloss and perfume to
'aair and
restores greyhair to their
color. It is the best haler, restore.aTon
the market. Sold- by C„UTZ, Exeter,
On Sunday, as Wm. Hawkshaw, sr.,
was goin
about the house he acciden-
tally stepped through the trap door-
way, leading to the cell a
l•, the door
being left up, falling on the steps and
from that ueto the floor, this being,
brick he recOIved a hard fall, which
rendered him, unconscious for some
time Re escaped with a few severe
bruises, WO a e pleased to know ;he
is able to be ar„f d again.
A. LIBErtAL OFFER, -1114 TIMES unci
Family Herald and Weekty Star, Mon-
treal, for the balance 04901, together
with photograveur of the Duke of
'f=ork and the Duche of Corawall,for
only 35 cents. Twsi; 'ctores alone are
worth tie price. T s is a special'.
offer to increase our s hscriptiou list
rapidly. Present snhscrt ere can have
the pictures for Ire cents.
I3tauxass COLLE u. --The 3tdvetdee-
'tient of the Central Business College,
Stratford. Oat„ tun be seen in our
columns. We are informed by the
Principal, Mr, W. J. Elliott, that
many Canadian and American Busi-
nees Colleges em;f loy graduates of
his college as teachers. During the
past tutee years the demand for sums
hnereial and shorthand teachers has
been live times the supply. This
certainly shows that the college is
doing good worts. The winter term
opens on Morality, January Oth.
\i'mene s Worthen S.—The members
of the Willing Workers Society of
Trivia Memorial Church way con-
gratulate themselves upon the success
of the handkerchief sale held ill the
sellout ball on Tuesday evening. The
attendance was very good, the hall be -
completely fide'd and the result of the
sale meet encouraging. It le vary
evident that rhoee wh1 .e'tt•lleletl tarot.
tt--purchase and to later it ;;t+isd titur,
for the rate wes hri& ;sad the soeiaiit
itv very [narked. After the sea, a
splendid prefer inn n- of music .Bud
recitatinne was hi; t°duosd. after
winch some time was spent in saei-d
intercourse and partaking of light n -
fresbhntents, Among those who eo
kindly assisted in t -he progratauuht•
were lir. Wilson, of St. Jaenes Cath-
edral thole. Toronto; the Misses Ilitrdy,
:1l'aF cul, Gid1ey, Hewkshaw. the 31isses
Johns, Mrs. Billings and flack. Vin
IIApj'iLT Waintup - A very quiet
wedding was toletunieed on \Vetines•
day pec lith, at the Presbyterian
manse, when Miss Snsia, Youngest
daughter of Mrs. S. Tait, was married
to Alt, .Andrew Lem nee. :t l,npalarand
well to do drnggtst, of Detroit, Mirth,
Nle. L:tni tie is well known here and
hila, tunny friends will vnugraatu•
late ihbu on securing ental sit e sat inl-
et -de young lido far a partner to life.
The Bride was becomingly attired in
an Eton suit or Castor covert cloth,
and wore a. blouse of allover -lace in
castor over the same shade of silk,
with a brown velvet toque with lace
and fur trimmings, Immediately fol-
lowing the ceremony the happy
couple were driven to the depot, '1
where they took the evening train for
Detroit, where there awaits them a
finely furnished home on Fort St.
West. 'THE TlatEs join with a host of
friends in wi hing the happy couple
many years of wedded bliss.
The anniversary of James st. Metho-
dist church was held on Sunday and
Monday, Rev. Dr. Young, of St.
Thomas, one of the ablest ministers of
the London conference, occupied the
pulpit both morninn and evening,
preaching powerful sermons at both
services, and were listened to with mar-
ked attention. Although the weather
was not all that could be desired the
on 1e a
Dr. was rooted with largeg n
tions at both services. Monday even-
ing was the scene ot one of the old
time tea -meetings, the best for years
They came from far and near in joining
their friends in having areal good
time which was fully realized, the
proceeds"of which amounted to -$190.00,
After tea Rev. Dr. Young and Rev.
Geo. Jackson, of London, a former
pastor, delivered two able addresses.
lb would be unjust not to make men-
tion of the valuable -service rendered
by the choir, under the leadership of
Miss Brown. The singing was more
than, ordinary.
ELECTION (n•• t )i+FICEas.- L. 0. L.,
No. 924, metaa the Oddfellow's Hall
on Friday evening last for the purpose
of electing their • ricers for the en-
suing year. Bu. W. J. Davis, dis-
trict master occupied the chair in his
usual pleasant and efficient manner.
He also gave a very interesting 'ad-
dress on the aims and benefits derived
from, this beloved order,and also urg-
ed its members to be alive to their
duty as there was yet good work to be
done. He also congratulated the
Lodge on its good financial standing.
Aftermuch time was spent in elo-
que:it speeches the election andin-
stallation was then proceeded with re-
sulting as follows:— W. - M., Thos.
i�Viiliauts ; D. M., John Oke Chap.,
Bert. Oddy Lect. Aaron Sutton ; Dir,
Ceremonies, C. Dew ; Rec. Secy., Geo.
W. ' Miners ; Finance Secy., Jas.
Brintnell ; Treas., H. Lambrook'
Committee, John Spackman, A. Wil-
liams, D. Dew, Sam'1 Stanlake, John
Ford. A hearty invitation is extend-
ed to all visiting brethern to attend L.
0. L. 924, on Jan. 3rd, 1902.
of the division court will bel'held in
this county during 1902 as follows
Gfoderich, January, 3rd, February lst.
March lst, April lst. May 1st, June 5th
July 2nd, Sept. lst Oct.lst Nov. 3rd
Dec. lst. Seaforth, Feb. 711 Jane 6th,
Sept, 8th, Oct. 7, Dec. 8th. Clinton,
Feb Sth, April 8th, June .7th' Sep 91b,
Oct 8th Dec 9. Brussel Fe
s, b 5, April 3, -
June 3 Sep3,Oct Dec +
t 3. Dxeter,
Feb 12th, May 6th, Aug 28th, Dec 5th.
Feb 14thMay12t
i; ,
lth,Nov 10th. Bayfield,
Feb y 15th,
ay 13th, Sept 13th, Nov 11th. Wing -
am, Feb 6th, Apr 4th, June 4th, Sept
^. 4th. Gorrie,Feb 4th,
d, Sept 2nd, Oct 2nd,
eb 11 t1i, May 5th,
n, Feb 13th,
ov 7th.
9a.Ina. ;
1 5. In.,
0 a. in.
s. and
4th, Oct 4th
Apr 2
Dec 2
May 7t
Feb 3rd
Gorrie a
and eac
ember 0't
trials wi
... e
IE are now showing a, beautiful collection of goods suit-
able for Christmas presents, and it will be a, la.eatstire to
show you. through our stook at aaiy time.
Fancy Lams.
We ran across a manufacturer, who wanted money very badly
and as a result we have about four times our usual stock of lamps.
We bought this line at just a little over ono half their regular value,
and every lamp of them must be cleared before Christmas, hence
these cuts ;
Regular $(.y$ fancy decoratec1 lamps for-
s' `'+2 50 " to is ss
ct $. s0 ,t4.4 se if
ss $5.00 st ss a if
wl 7s
$3- 50
These are fate hand painted goods arid it will pad' you to se
thein at once.
We struck it right on Dolls. Beautiful dressed dolls at TO, t
30, 5o, and $ I.c . Sleepers, wide awakes, blacks and whites.
Grocer es.
We have an established refutation for sluing first class groc-
eries, and were fortunate in placing large orders for currants, raisins,
etc., before the recent heavy advances, our Christmas stock is now
3 leas finest new selected Valencia raisins for 25e
7 lb:, good rice for zsc
3 lbs good s -eet biscuits for zsc
3 Ibs fine recleaned currants for 25c
4 lbs extra fine new season's uncolored Japan teafor:N.03
6 lbs good cooking figs for 2 5c
New Peels, Essences, Pickles, Olives, Etc., Etc., all in stock
ready for Christmas trade.
Ladies' .sties.
We have had a big season in Ladies' mantles, and are offering
big bargains in order to clear out the balance of our stock.
Tiff w�
Direct importers.
ikkard Co.
ClydeWhite, of Windsor,
y ,now carries
a handsome gold cane, a gift from Mrs.
E. E. Murray, of A,,yonton, whose only
child Emma, he recovered from
drowning at Grand Bend. on Aug. 5111,
also a gold watch. chain from Mrs. Mc-
Kellar, a sister of Mrs Murray, who
was also rescued at the same time,
Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, has also
keen -made the.recipientpf a gold head-
ed cane from Mrs. Murray, for his un-
tiring, but successful efforts in the re
suscitation of Emma., Mrs, Murray
I is deeply grateful
Mies Tessa Shepherd, of Hensall'is
the guest of Miss Cora Prior.
Manufacturing cur}n
Agents wanted every ere. Crown
Co., d
g Ontario.
Mr. Woods, of the' Molson's Bank,
Hensall, was in town on Sunday, re-
newing acquaintances.
Mrs. Jas. Crockett, Dorchester, has
returned home after a very pleasant
visit with' her sister Mrs. S. Martin.
Rev, Geo. Jackson, of London, and a
former pastor of James St.: church,
called' on old friends in town this week.
The editor of THE TIDIES, M. J.
White, who met with such an unfor-
tunate accident by. the
nfor-tunate`accident"by.the breaking of his
leg, is we are pleased to state doing as
well as can be expected and we trust
will soon be in his accustomed place.
The elections for the
offices will not take place until `the 6th
of January next, and the nominations
on =the 30th: of December. This is
somewhat late in the new year, but it
is getting time intending candidates
ere m
err a,nn
ou c
n ements
The trial of Gerald Siftun, on the
charge of murder will not be again
heard until the spring assizes. By an
order:recently received from Chancel-
lor Boyd no criminal business is to be
taken up at the January assizes, eon -
sequently Sifton's trial must" go over
until the next court. In accordance
with these orders the grand jurors for
the winter ae,sizes have been cancelled;
A number of these papers were served
when the order was received. TheI
winter assizee commence on Tuesday,
Jan, nth 2laE• petit 'jurors, however
will not ,
re o until l the
opening nZn day
lof the court, owing to the municipalelection beingheld on Monday.
t11T),itSDAY, .Deo; 19 h, 1901.—Aue-
tion sale
of farm stock ndim
Iot 6, CO,%p13, ,Hai, 1a„ miles north of
Dashwood, • -Sale #t one o'clock.
-SENREIU1.Y, Aitrt `
Tf.T JISDA,Y,, Deef 19th, TOOL •-Auc-
tionsale of farm s'.ck a'tid implements,
lot 13, con. 1, $ en: ie at one
o'clock. S
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn
i rent at Town Hall, Dec 6th. Absent
councillor Muir.
Minutes of the previous meeting
read and confirmed.
Aimstrong•-Evans— That the fol
owing accounts be passed and orders
drawn on Treasurer for same
Phos. Piston. labor, 50c ; James Creech
cover for gasoline engine, $1.75c ;
Fred Gillespie, freight and cartage on
gasoline, $1.50. Fred Heist, tile. $10.60
James Willis, lumber $7 ; J. T. West -
cote, salary as truant officer, $10 ; A.
E. Tennant, veterinary examination,
$2 ;H. Parsons. Pumping' water, $3.75
Trewaine & Snell, electric light to
x 1st
, .r3
$ W. J.
' man, coal for north end' fire hall, $8.
Evans-Levett—That the following
persons be appointed Deputy Return-
ing offics-,•s at the following named
polling subdivisions: — No. 1, Silas
Handford's residence, . J. T. West-
cott, D. R. 0. ; No. 2, Weekes' marble
works, James Weekes,. D. R. 0. No.
3, at Mitchell's office, John Mitchell.
D. R, 0. ; No. 4,` at Town Hall, Geo.
H. Bissett, D. R. 0., and that a by-
law be prepared confirming said ap
pointments. Carried. g P
Owing to the disagreeable g eeable condi-
tion of the road leading to the stock-
yards at the. G. T. R. station, and in
view of a largely signed petition , of
the business men of the' village, and
farmers of the surroundingc
asking the council : to take esters
some steps
ave the yards moved• to the east
side of the track. It was moved by
W. H. Levett, seconded . by J.
Evans,that e
clerk send a
copy oi'
this resolution to :the G. T. R. officials.
Levitt— Armstrong— That council
adjourn to meet on Monday, Dec. ;16,`
at 8 o'clock p.:m.- Carried.
This being the last business meeting
of the council of 1901, all parties° hav-
ing accounts against the
g corporation
s -ill kindly hand them in before that
' date.
Gro. I
• B7sSETT, Clerk.
.tinea; n .,
Mrs. Stephenson, of. Constance, is
the guest est of her niece, Mrs. M. J.
We are , sorry to learn that Mrs.
Thos. Harton, London road, is again
confined' to Mir home from cancer,
this being the second attack, as she
had ohe removed in July last. W e
trust that she may ' again be speedily
restored to it' 1
Mrs, Kate Bawden, , of ;Blyth,• Who
was' visiting her mother,, Mrs. .Mc-
Donell, here,'was called home last
week owing to the 1 loess of her
daughter, Grace; wht bad returned;
home from,{T ionto; , r',an attack of
e ,,.,•, ', ,.. •,,
���1? lae,,, fi � Which, it is
r d �,.
h �
'fie �� ^ }•n o t
Afflan YOU BUY A A
If you could get it for sc tittle money cling
}paid was nothing compared to the value of the
are so many days and nights on which tiae-,wear
is necessary, that to buy one at these Cle arae
walk of wisdom, , prudence and frugality. The
laevh° aaiid the latest style up -to date goods and i
t:d out. -
i1 j.aa.•N('ts that were se lling for $f0,00 reduc
: lI jatekets that were selling for $8.50lit (luta ded ttto
Ad jackets that wen.. selling for $8,00 reduced to $0.0 .
All jat:b t=i that were selling for $ti 00 reduced to ,l5 0p:
All jackets that were selling for reduced to -4,"0
Highest prices paid for poultry : --Il?jas 7c, geese .ti
tin kevi, !*t', chickens 1 it',-•-13,uttel' 10e, eggs gs 17e, laid 12e t
Imo 5e, dried apples. 6e,
D1 "S t . STAND.
We carry a large, well assorted stook of ula4ti,
nituro, good values, your mono'$' worth, ai
satisfaction. both as to price and quality.
?iotar Framing and all Kinds-
FroMil it j tItt8ll O
Funeral Directo
filming the
Business Ladder
As on ill
s crtasoyour use-
fulness to h-"nr employ),
so youinercase your alum,
cos of prnnlotiou— year
usefulness to the busi-
ness -- your wages. A
course in the Federated Business Colleges
with schools at London, Toronto, Ilalnilton,
Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, St. Catharines
helps yon to reach this end. Handsome year
book and all particulars on application to
Forest Gitii Business Golleao,
J. W, WEST1 RVELT, Principal.
Dix Killeley
latae back,
and uridar'
a), Lem,' 1
ills• a .sure relief for
ibago and all kidney
rangements. Sold by
titer. •,R a
Now a� the season of snow has ar-
rived .it is every one's duty to see that
thesidewaa}ke-areclear and especially
un the principal streets.
If some of our.subseribers could fur-
nish us with a copy of - the TITHES of
June 6th, also of Deo. 5th, 1901 we
would he pleased to bave them.
Invita:io's v
Invites:lots have been issued an-
nouncing the marriage of Mr. Will
Ross, of Clinton. sun of Mr. D. A.
Ross, town to Miss Couch, of Clinton,
for next week.
s' J. N. Howaird has disposed p ,sed. of the
Block in front of the foundry to Mr.
T. Russell, (Riverside earn.)' He has
still his residence and several lots,. left
and will sell ata low figure. -
Wo deal in "Genuine"' 13utiness.
cation, therefore our gradeates
properly prepared for the best positi
Many leading business colleges em
our graduates as teachers. Surely th
proof of superiority, No studen
evor left our college dissatisti o
decide to attend any coil ulktl
have received our catalo Wrl';
one. Punter this month if possible.
WINER-in Orediton, on Tuesday, D
Lilly Winer, aged 20 years, 0 months.
ARMSTRONG -In Usborne, on Sunday, D.
8, Edith Davis, reliant the Late John ar
strong, aged 91 years,
EN4;'LISn-WAITE-At the residence of
bride's sister, Mrs.' N. J. Reddy, lir. E
English, of Thomas, to Miss Olive
of Hawiltol
iith,1901, at t •asbyterian manse, Mr. A
drewLaaarnie, ruggist, of Detroit, to Mi
Susie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Sind
Sidney Snell, near Devon, bas .e
his farm,: lot 13, con. I, .to.eDan
Curdy, of Farquhar, for the sum
$ 7,200. Mr. Snell will hold an•.aucti.
sale on Dec. 191b. Mr. Mc0urcly w
take:possession March 1, 1901.
Levett & Co. some time ', ago pu
purchased a car load of eggs from M`
,Skinner, "of Parkhill, which were
as represented, ; Mr. Levett:
action against Mr. Skinner
of contract. The case.
Parkhill last week, Mr. v__-
ing damages to the arnottRt of
On Tuesday morning ascitizens
awoke it was to find' that the Storm
If you want a suit or an.
King had changed the trees: into a
sym hon •of 'white. '
P y , It was a typical,.
winter scene,: bitt.ao+: so pleasant' to'
the men' who had tog 1 o t
paths through'u and make
the soft deep snow..
We W . e
enjoyed v 1 yed fait;ly good sleigh-
. since. 3
for I
-overcoat, call and see our spec-
Blue worsted
and serge suits,
worth $ oo for or z o
Tweedi worth suits wo th $17.29
Overcoats with � lth : yoke worth
$22.00 for $1[8. oo.
Overcoats worth $i8.00
x for
$3.00; Sn
¢.ob and $5; 00
Panting made to , or El
` ofootr
fitg uaranteed.
Goods bought
hire will be
cut free of charge,
',04e. e.
i'ltis clog's lzesacl `Made -atilt
every- package:.`of {L°ef'Yetiuine
ll -QT -11 i
Haut c
[colds in trent `fou.