HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-12, Page 7STOCK 81101 gilf1P111 reeders From Far and Near Gather for Mid -Winter Fair. Lectures on Agricultural Topics -A. Pont. ure That Is liot Only Valuable, Ilut "which Is Druck Appreclated-Lord Mint.) Visits Royal City and Will Nos the Skow To•Day-Erenaler Itoss will speak. Guelph, Dec. 11. --Judged from every standpointathis has been a me- morable day in, the history of the Royal City. The twentieth annual re- muTence a the Provincial Vat Stock Shaw, so far as, exhibits mad a.ttend- awe are concerned, have proved an Ole Loeal A gr.ai euqualioed succees. Yesterday the e have completed clubbing •rangeraents for 1601 with sev- • mail of the leading newspapers. 0 Owing to the high prices a 2 paper and payment or postage• by newspapers the rates in some eases slightly in advance of pre- g vious years. AU of the follow- e with the exception of the dailies, • will be sent to any address from to now until January 1st, 1003, for • amount named. The rates will ollows 0 and Daily Olohe,S1 25 0 Weekly Globe • . 4 • • • • 4 • • • • • $1000 0 ve includes two band- _43 res -one an excellent preture of the Duke and Duchess e of Cornwall in medallion settings 12 with the Royal Standard as a ; background, the other afine ic- titre of tiro farm horses, called * "The Farm Pets." The Times and 'Weekly Mail • and Empire. . ... $1.75 * aThe above includes two hand- pctures by John Innes, hi • • s, size IA x25 inchea, entit. 0 ea "On the edge of the herd " . 0 and"The :Iline's Farewell." 41 Da Uy Times and Daily M01 and Empire (even n edi- lop) ...... • .•••• . 25 hues and Daily Mail ta 1 Empire (morning ion) $i.25 Ines and. eekly S*m $1,73 • toes and Family Her- • d and Weekly Star$1.75 above includes handsome 5 as of the .King and Queen 0 of Gainsborough's fa- re "The Duchess of • • and Montreal (daily)... .. $1.75 • nd London Deity . .. .$2.50 ▪ • .1A;uilon ertiser$1.50 • n(1 Toronto $150 noes a picture 0) " fa d Toronto p $2.50 • Farm in g . $1.so g id Montreal trd Montreal0 $1 65 : Th itness otess 'S3 25 is 1. Farming, ... $1.75 and Christian 0 $2.00 e .nv at,paper desired can 44 had at ennobling rates. TIMES OFFICE. eoesistnemecoeeeeesseoeo city was all animation and bustle, but no appreheusion is feared. as to the ability of the citizens to provide ample accomodation. for 01 who may enter her gates. By reason og the liberal grants to the society by the Provincial Government, the city 4of Guelph and. the County of Welling- ton, supplemented by private sub- seriPtions, a fine building has been erected, cominotlioua, well heated and well lighted. As a ctearcat. well-defined evidence of what Can- a.da can produce in the way of thoroughbred stock the provincial show is a success. Leetlin a Szatouittiat Yekertlay representative stockmen front all parts of the province were present. In Shorthorns. J . and R. McQueen, E. Jeffs 4 Son, H. Smith, J. Pied a; Sons and J. and W. la. Watts: in Herefords, P. W. Stone, NV. null, Samuel Younk anti James Hall, and in (ialloways, A. M. and R. Shaw, W. J. Reid, I). McRae. aro leading exhibitors. In grade cat- tle. J. Lloyd Jones. James Leask, E. Brien ea Sons and. John inekinson raa.ke a creditable exhibit. eetze 711, the Show.. In sheep the display is exceptional- ly large anti meritorious. Cotswolds and Shropshires predominating. In Cotswolds. Park 4 Son end E. Brien 4 Son and leading exinbitors. In Liucolas, J. T. Oibsou and O. Walker made the largest display. In Leicesters, J. M. Gardhouse• J. and W. B. Watt. A. and W. Whitelaw. Orr 4. Lillie° and IL Parks have some fine speeintens. Shropshires are represented by J. Lloyd Jones. John Campbell. it. Gibson and W. E. Wright. The exhibit of South - downs is especially large. many of them being winners at the I'an and Chicago shows. splay Creditable. In hogs. it would be difficult, to find a more creditable display. and a most commendable feature is the evi- dent determination to produce a class of hogs that will meet with the greatest favor in the British markets, and for which the leading pork packing companies of the pro- vince have denoted generous prize: - Pa swells in Poultry ttnialhg. The upper flat of the society's building is devoted exclusively to the exhibition of poultry, and here may bo seen probably the finest and most extensive display ever gathered to- gether in this province. In no branch of agriculture or lam life has so much material progress been naa.de withinthe past few years as in this particular line. Improved facilities for transportatioxi in cold storage, coupled with the dissamin- titian on this matter may be respon- sible for this altered condition. Two o'Clock Edition, t • wiffbutwear Ana , two pairs -of Onninou rubbers. For three years ,e llaVe-proVed .that with yo soil/ yoU can stub ur foot, but caimot irubbers. King'S genuine ere' stamped upon the sole of each rubber with ur copy- rihted name moo do 110t alloaV yourself to be de- eeived -by imita.tiOns.' ings's, LEATHER TOP S-11:10 r r the -best on .the market; 6sinch, 11. and 12-inehtops, with Edg arld I-Ieels, They pied in stock, and your eater en order them for you • IROG� limited ss C011iGVO1 of aU.2410u ,,, isebbeve S• "- ' is-- es- , Ch lid foir FA This edition is published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in "Western Ontario. It given all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each day, including Foreign, Canadian, American, -District, Local and Sporting, - 'ft contains eight to twelve pages five days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday, • Halt -tone and other. illustra- tiOns ot important doings sand prorninent people appear •every day. The Saturday edition alene is worth the price. Subscription.s .received at anY time. Address - The London Free Press Ptg. CO LONDON, ONT. Mention tb Vjlper. ......S:Orofula • ' Mat is commonly inherited is not scrofula but the scrofulous dispoeition, This is generally and Wetly iudicated by cutaneous eruptions; sometimes by pale- ness, nervousness and general debilitSr. The dieease afflicted Mrs. IC, T. Snyder, Tinton St., Troy, Ohio, when she was eighteen years old, manifesting, itself by a hureei4 in her neat, which causal great pain, was lanced, and became 4 Matting sore. It afflicted the daughter of Arra, J. H. Jones, Parker City, Ind.. when 13 years old, and developed so rapidly that when she was 18 she had eleven running sores on her it neck and about her ears. These sufferere were not benefited by professional treatment, bat, as they volun- tartly say, were completelY cured, by l 0 od's Sarsaparilla This peculiar medicine positively car - rests the scrofulous disposition and radi- gaily and permanently cures the disease. .• Lectures of Hog noising. The best, methods of fattening were well illustrated yesterday in the sec- tion devoted to that purpose. Yes- terday morning at 8.30 F. son of of Ottawa gave an address' on "Desirable and Undesirable Joints ef Bacon Hogs," and was followed by Prof. G. E. Day, Guelph, on how to select, breed, care and feed for the production of suck animals. Both. lectures were attended by fair-sized audiences. Experiments WW1 small Ernits. In the City Hall yesterday after- noon, 'under the auspices of the On- tario Agricultural and Vemerimental -Union. Prof. II. L. Hatt, 0...C., go.vo an interesting report on co-operative experiments with smallfrulte, fruits, and contended that the sys- tem of distributing small fruits from the O.A.C. to farmers through - t the country was attended with gratifying success. Culture or sugar fleets. Dr. W. IL Wiley, chief chemist, Un - ed States Department of Agricul- are. Washington, gave a somewhat lengthy address on the culture of sugar beets and. the manufacture of beet sugar. The doctor is;' firm be- liever in the sugar beet as a mort- gage -raiser. nod succeeded in invest- ing u somewhat dry an0 technical subject with a. great deal of interest. Judging, the eattlo. One of the inoit interesting and profitable lesson.; of the day Was that. given during the judging of cat- tle Yesterday afternoon. In a build- ing welt adapted for the purpose. llauLed on both sides with. rows of seat N. before a deeply-Interestedgathering, gathering, Robert Miller of Steed.- ville and Thomas Crawford, m.r.P.. Toronto, proceeded to judge the cat- tle. awarding the privs, and in ev- ery instance giving Well-grounded reasons for the awardinao of the m sae. Arrival of Lord Minty, Considerable doubt and Uncertain- ty existed in the minds of the offic- ials of tho society and city as to the date of the arrival of 11is Excel- lency the Governor-General. A rumor prevailed that he would arrive in a special car over the O.P.R., but, af- ter waiting at the station for Settle time, 0, stampede was made to the G.T.R., at which Ills Excellency rived shortly after 7 p.m. Aft ,r considerable delay, This Excellency disembarked, and, escorted by Presi- dent Mills and F. W. hXodson, by the 30th Battalion. under Captain Wideman. the party were driven in carriages to the Agricultural Col- lege. where a banquet was held, at- tended largely by ex -students of the college. To -day Ills Excellency will make a .tour of the city, visit the fair, and leave in, the evening for Ot- "wee:d Tay is expected to bring in large recruits to the visitors, and a. public meeting will be held in the City Hall at .80 p.m. to be ad- dressed by the Hen. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, and the Hon. G. W. RoSs. 1 he Exrverirnentai Union. The ere of yesterday mornines's sessiou ef the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union was an ad- dress by Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Depart- ment ef Agriculture, Ottawa. on needed ireprovements in dairy inter- ests. Ile held that Canadian cheese manufacturers had not shown im- provement in keeping with the high standard • which won them such a I great reputation at the Chicago World's, Fair. The large increase in the number of smaller factories, flim- sy boxes for shipping and inferior ' buildings and equipment • • were to some extent responsible. Butter -mak- ing was .showing; steady improve- ' merit, the makers evidently profithag • by the work of the dairy schodIS and instructions. • Hon. Sydney Fisher •ainelothers took part in the discus om• W. H. E. Redmond's Prayer. - London, Dec. 3.1..-A telegrain from Dublin to The Times says that Wil- liam K. Redmond., M.P., speaking•' at a Gorey, County Wexford, meet- ing of. the United -Irish League, said there never ivas a time when there was a better chance than at present to strike a blow for Ireland. Thanks • be to Godsthey had lived to see the • day when Johns Dull had been caught by the throat, by the men in • South Africa, Who were giving him the greatest whaling he ,Over got.. " Redmond said he prayed that Gnd • inheht strengt ben the Beers until they danced 'on .i ohn chest. •• • „ • , B'OR, OVPIR Fil71rYEARS • AN On, .A51) 1A, ELL -1 RIED Winslow't; Soothing Syrup . has "wen used fo over il'ty years by millions of moth ero for thei • children while teething, with perfoot It -teethes the child, softens the gums. allays al Pain, ourea wind colic,. and is she bier ie • for isierrieen. it 44 pteasant to the are. 1 1» druggists in every Port of ' the tverki. eenr', a bottle. Its value is, incaleire1'e 1.14 --ore end rake le re Winslow"- - .1 to. syrup n ask for no ,a her Itind. Eng tishm 4 • Or -ported. • Manila., Dec, • 11. -The Supreme ' Court met, yesterday and • dismissed • the writ of IsabeaS corpus in the case of Patterson • (the Ene•liphinan, private „ secretary of Sixto Lopez) whose deportation is sought by .the , authorities • here, as he refused to • take the oath of allegiance to the United States when. ,he landed at WEST OUR OA1,1.- The Linerats neelominate 1101.vextBeIh lex-sers-nen, Mr. Yielding Preoept. BOWMAI)Ville, Ont., Dec. 1.1. -Rob- ert Beith, was'Inianimously nominated here yesterday as the Liberal candidate for the riding cif West Durhatn, in the appx•eaciting Dominion byeseleetion, made neces- sary by the voiding of Mr. Thorn - ton's election- Speeches were made by the candidate and others - A generates array of the fair sex c.,f Bowmanville, bedecked the plat- form' tn. the Town hall hi he even- ing. A large number of supporters of the newly -selected candidate were present. Mr. A. En Clemens, pre- sident of the Reform. Association of West Durham, presided, ;zed among others present were }Ion. W. 5 Fielding, Minister of Finance, limn Ross, M.P., Robert Deirh, the newly -elected candidate, and others. After Mr. Reith and Ross bad spoken, -the Finance Minister, Ilan. Fielding, defended the course t n oI e overnmen a some e g - The meeting was brought to a close with cheers for the Mug and the speakers. At the afternoon meeting a reso- lution of condolence was passed With Hon. 31r. Blair in the sad deatii of his daughter. WANT TO EXcLuDE oataNsr,,, But Labor EctleratIon, Did Not Vohs he Eeep Out Other Asiatics- SerartWo. Pa., Dec. 3.1. -The ex- clusion of Chinamen, Japanese and other Asiatics from America, ticket seniping legielation, aud advisability of adopting a. universal label for union -made goods, were the prized - pi Questions that claimed attention of the delegates at yesterday's two SeSSIPAS of the American Federation of Labor. The resolutious advocating the =- fusion of the Chinese were adopted hy the convention with considerable urralabut in the matter of excluding natives of Japan and other Asiatic lauds a snag was struck and this part of.the anti-Mougollan agitation was killed, as far as the present con- vention is concerned. Nor.. elcan steamer Sank. Halifax. Dee. 11. -Word reach $ydne,y last night that. the Nome - glen steaner Ella was disabled off Scatterieirsland. She lost her pro- peller an. Monday afternoon. Fivo men left the steamer to go ashore for assistance. There was 3, tre- mendous sea running and the boat filled and sank. Pour of the Occu- pants were drowned. A wetr.vila v11 Illert canade. Melbourne, Dec. Right Ifon. N. Burton, Prime Minister of Australia, has cabled Sir Wilfrid Laurier. the Canadian Premier. ac- cepting the suggestion of the latter that representatives of the Dominion of Canad.t and the Commonwealth of A.uatraile. meet and confer in Lon- don next June upon trade and. other matters. ' flt.X11dy in • at . Wiarton, Ont„ Dee. 11. -in accorde ance with an agreement arrived at between counsel for both parties, the North Bruce Dominion election pro- test was dismissed yesterday by Clutacellor Boyd and Judge Area - Mahon, James Halliday. M.P., being confirmed in his seat. KICK A DOG Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him. The more you kick the more he bites and the morehe bites the more you kick. Each makes the other worse. A thin body makes thin blood. Thin. blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other worse. If there is going to be a change the help must come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up such a combination. First it sets the stomach right. Then"- it en- riches the blood.- That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and rich. brocid makes a strong body. Each makes the other loetter. This is thewa.y .S cotes Emulsion puts the thin , body on itt1N itsfeet. Now Tl it can get along 0y itself. 0 eeU agn p • Patterson will be deported • on, the It to ill' cUlp y014. I. first • steamer bound for Hong Kong. 1•(swirr (Se 1 (Or Grocer • • 'of medicine: This picture represents .the Trade Mark 91 • ScOtt'S Emulsion' and is on the svrapper ssf every bottle. Send for free sample- ' • ' Don't tis the top of your jelly and preserve jars in the old oisbionee way. Beal them ty the new, galas, absolutely awe way -by thin coating of pure, reflnth ParathneWaz, ss air testis end acid , limos Seeley epplied, , ,:• p..1.14.12. is et .::::::::::::::00e: Odor.:i te. hl. i . • , _ s . Ives% about the house, %, - - 4, eneb poono, rake. 1: , Sold everrebere. ,..t. Made by lf,lecillIAL olt 00. . -Al' ... ..,. , •Alow , .„4 ilk•..-.' ` --;,:.".,..li ,-;'; , -.) , • , ', . ' ; ! .- '1,;,.. . . •London, HrQn and i31.100 GERM NORTH- • Passenger. London. depart 8.15 A. Al. 44e2'. Al. Centralia.......... 6.1. 6 60 Exeter 92C 6.9 Musa)) ..... .... .. . . 9.41 525 Rippe') 9.59 6.24 Brucefield . .• 9.58 e.,33 Clinton . 10.18 655 Wingbam, arrive. .. 11.1to 8.09 Weise SOUTII-,- PaSeI1gCr Wituthate,dePart - 0 gi A. 8. 3.151% ta. 7.1T 4.24 Bruceffeld .... .... - . .8 e,Z. 4.4.1 Ripeen 8.15 4.57 Masai) .... ....... - . 8.22 5 62 Exeter 8.3.-5 Me Cervtralla• 8.16 5.25 Dentten.errive . 9.37 0.12 NOTWE TO CREDITORS , ......_ Of Cearles Gratton late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the Cuur.ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICF- is herebi given pursuant to Chass ten12i 11.1'3.0., 181,. that all tversons hal log claims against the Estate of the (-aid Charle', Citation. la lut died on or about, the Mk day of January..A. D.. ICa9, aro required to v-ktitt on or before t te Mb day of December, 101, by pct. peepald, to .1. O. StanburY, Exeter. Ont.. .9olici- tor for the Administratrix. their uttuveR, ad- dresses and occupation, with partieulars of thf ir elaime statements of their aecounte and 1 044:nature of the securities tif au)i held by them. And nod "e is hereby giyeu that after the las' mentioned date., the raid Adruirtistre.- tiex will proceed to distribute the sissies a the said deeca‘ed among the parties eetitIleal ebsreto, boa ing regard only to na, ebJLl of which eetice stall have teen gtven as tille.e required, and lite said Adtainistratrlx ,,htlt 1101 be lisible for the ssid assets or at* incl !thereof, to ane person er percents of etas(' claim er claims melee shall not have broil reeds -ad at the time of sueh distramtion. J. O. STANtilltY, Exetes.Out Solicitor for the Athatitiatrate;e. Dated the27;b, day of Novel:alit P. 11.9C41 NOTIC'E TO CREDITORS Of George Monteith. late of the liven. ship of Usborne, in the county of Huron, retired farmer, dect•abcd. NOTICEIN hereby given pursuant to Chap, ter WM.% 0. 1ie7 that all pert -on, having el "tints against the Ito -tate of the rani George Mouteith. who died on or about the 2Gth day of November, 4,1), 114 1, are required to send 'M or before the 28th day of December, 2101. by post, prepaid. to J. U. Stanbury, Eacter, Ont. :olicitor for the Exeeutorte their names, ads dressee aud occupations, with particulare of their daiitis, statements of their aecounte. and the untrue of the securities, Of wry) held by them. And notice IR hereby given That atter the last mentioned date. the raid executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said dere/014=00gal° parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the elaims of which notice shall have been given as above required and the Said executors t-hrill not be bheble for the said assets or any part thereof. to any per. $011 or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received at the time of vdicli distribution. 3. 0 STANDVRY, Exeter, Ont. Solicitor for the Executers. Dated the 401 day of December. 11111. Exeter, Dec. Rh, 1901. Wheat per bushel...... .. 61) to 71 Oats ...-... . 40 to 43 Barley... -... .... 44 to 48 I ens., 65 to 70 Buttor...,...- . ..... . 15 to 16 Elm'. .... r; to 17 Turkeys ... ...... 8 to 8 Geese .... . - ... 0 to () Chickens per lb .....• . ...... 5 to 5 Ducks . ....7 to 7 Wool.... .... ...... .. 10 to 16 Dried Apples.. .. .. 8 to 6 Pork live weight ..... . e5.00 to 5525 CAST •RIA For Infants and Children. fac- simile isratrre ever' of -, "Ze„44. wrIcap7er. STRAYED. Came unto the premises of the undersigned, lot 18. con. 9, I.Isborne. 011 or about Oot. 25th , a two-year old steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. ANDREW HODOBET, • MEETING OF THE H1.7110N COUNTY COUNCIL. - The Council of the Connty of Epson will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 3rd, day of December next at 3 °Week p. m.. • W. LANE, Clerk, Dated at Goderich, this 20th. day of Novem- ber, 1901. \V ANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity ' T must beunquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to bo •opened in Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Salary s150 per month and ext rh profits. Applicant must have $1500 to $2000 I lash and good stand- hvg Address, Supt., 7'.JJ Box 1151, Philadel. al -,- ---- Tlie Bestat Weeklies ! - .....'TH .... W6St6111 fit1VtiS@I ENLARGED AMID IMPROVED. The Leading Weekly in Western Ontario lincoVpi.Nttp BY arm. arid ...iiorne A'semi-monthly pub licalion-one of the best • in .A.merica-is eent.to any address • in Canada or , the United • Statea. for ?S�• - A -YEAR INT _151,e )34ve valipaitO. privato Mods for Invest - upon team '". Or village pxoperty at lowest 413 tuterest, DICKSON Ss OARDIXO- Exeter. flOICETZ TO I have a large amount of private Riede to loan on faro -land VillagePrepertieS At I'm rates of interest - F. W. G)JADMAN, BarristerMain St. Exeter. MEDICAL. 'ORONTO T,ErtKr TTiMity'Univer sity. Ofilee-Oredtae W. B./30WININti 0.,1 *P. 5, Ors4lente VT 14,4 ' plaice andresednote. 0001 11;011' LOOM. e Wry. Exeter. I"A ARE PREPAB,1111) TO PURCB:.4.,$)4 ELM 0°111E11 TIMBER F,ITIiER STANDING OR IN Twr L08, Apply to E. Ci Kesse.4 FoRwsra is'XUTER. OX ' LEGAZ. 'DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissiciaers, Solicitors for the Atelsons Beek, Eta, 1Sjemey to Loan at lowest =tee of interesh. OFFICE STREET, EXETER.* r.S., CARZWQ,13, L. n.DIMS= F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladrean) Barrister, Solicitor, let Public, .Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan ori Farm and village Properties at Lowest, rates of Intel est OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER PENTAD H KINSMAN, L. 11.5. AND • Dtt. A.It. XINS14AN. 13. S, D. D.selEraner Graduate of Toronto l.niverstty. Peptisa 'Teeth extracted svithent pain or bad after effects, mfrs ru son's block. West aide et Main, !teat. Exeter Roller Mills. Flour wholesaleand Mill feed constantly on hand. Wti EAT WANTEDD or Which highest peke will be paid. Wood Wanted. TrixowayAND CLOVER SEED BorallT. J. Cobbiecitck it Son .A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S.L.O.S- DENTIST, lienor Graduate of the Toronto 41:g 1iaal t.'ellege et Ifeetai Surgeons of °Marie, with lisseere Also Baitsgeduaie of ' Pae414,4Frbtael PreAtelie listessies 4401tOCAtne =mum. Everything kattradn tu the penult leresessiee dune in this Olive. Iltedge work, crosses, al- lunatanit. geld tied vutesaute plates all dove in :be uceress tuimuer passible. A perfect's beaude,7, ount-ti.ctic t ped for ;wick, 4...trac• tam. Ofr.o., one doer smith 01 Carling Drev.citare Exeter. OM. A 0% OD INVEbillEN'T. Fair.ote,i 1 rick lohn-1: and dwelling...in Exeter, for sale. The Mich block is well situated, on street, is fosza feet, three storeys. and contains Nur stores. of:1004 and halls,alt leased. This 1* tit* best lnvineKs. bland in toun. Tao, dm ucnieg is brielt of e storeys and contains In rbrms. is admirably adapted for a boarding home. The property roust he dillar.cd of. Terms easy, apply to 11. 1.. Fonson, Exeter.' Ont. _ F° SALli-BRICK RE- .91DF.NCBI,NTril ACRE OFLAND IN IM21,TER-0,Ve Oer for Fate an reasonable terms, that very de.hatae residential property known as "The Deorer lionestend" situated on Lot No. ttl, south of Enron street, Exeter. There Is erected open the laud. a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is b itt good re- pair and ha,. 9 emus. The lot coutains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of bard and reit water, The property is up to date. and the terms easy, for particulars ap. ply to Dicksee S t'suraxe barristers Exeter. or to A. E. siboorrn, Row P. 0„ Penne. A., proprietor. TWEEDS At Cost P e. r IN FOR THE 'NEXT 10 DAYS. A good Assortment ,A.LSO HEAVY FANTINGS AT COST, o want to clear these lines at once W, JOHNS, Ti-sa Tailor Cutters! Cutters! Do you Want a Gutter? 'We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Our prices arelew as con he found or first-elass material and workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY SfiLL, -AND SEE US,. F Russell Two Doom South Town Hall, CRED1TON Roller Mills fElei f2le 4eliclf Our mThas been „modeu_ IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan SW' Line, • ON THE 'UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAN Office over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. tn.. Cash paid for Raw Furs. A Drive in Music. r • ar i Fri cr. • Having purchased a large line of new music at a job price we will sell it at 5 cents per copy until Dec I. - The collection embraces some ofthe latest hits in songs and instrumental music.' Our stock of Organs and Pianos, Sewing Machines &c., will be found.new and attrac- tive bethin price and quality. S. MARTIN. SCOTT & BOWNE, Send for Circular containing terms for _ _ . i fa Is 1.,, . wOMen prompt relief froro monthly' pains and Milburn's h'terling Headache Powders give j N1N ' .. , , TOnoN-To , ' ' 'CANADA . riuba, also our list of premiums. , . • Stliess4S. sir ' e 1: 5(Ds. and $1. all druggists. al°eaaviooras..0 bad effects wha,te, ver., Bt3 aure you e n's. Price 10 and 25 cents All , • . Doininiou Laboratorll. W ESTERN ADVERTIS1R, get ivilibar .. • , , ed with the Gyrator System and people people tell us they now make bettet bread than bak- er's when using our flour. Gristing and WNW • Donc Frontill. SWEITZER. BROWNING'S Dftig S( tore Headquarters For . Dyspepsia ()tire Blood and Nerve:,Tonic Stomach and. Liver Pilis Iron Blood. Pills Liver and Kidney Pills • Kidney Mixture • Sciatica. Remedy •'Sarsaparilla, Cough Mixture • Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- • ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. • TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS ANC SUPPLIES