HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-12, Page 6-
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The fv/olsons
0101, tl11111811CARTERn 1IPFRTij
Paid up Capital - 6240000 1,
'Reserve Feud - fossieme i
Read Ceee.5fe Areal,
BLI.I0T, Eeee 'fill th Non ot interou to
/Roney 0-.4/aced to geed farmer.s on their i limos Reaaor4 floppoolna
own note welt one or more endamer c,t 7 Ter, . 4, .
cent. per annum.
Rxelerillranelt I 111 VICSO wuntto8,
Den every lawful day from le a. na. re 2 la
SATURDAYS: 10 a. m. te1 n. Pe rth
arrimt rates of Interest allowed on derosts. #
Demean. es,: eArtuNa. na-Rpox, 11. MeGorraan,. of the Argus stait
smarm*. =NAG= while skating on the river, out Thanks-
en:qv/mg Day, bad a narrow escape from
- it,aeow fling, having gone' through the
Calenda.r for DOCOmber, 1901. tee. He got a good ehillinge
1 8 15 2:4 .'eNi The Lawrie, Douglas and Chalmers.
DlexpAT 2 0 la .23 30 of St. Marys, stone quarry syndieate.
TM-eel:PAY8 10 17 2t 31 ' have a force of fifty or sixty men and
WP.61.v.EsDAY... 4 11 18 25 seventeen teams busy grading the
Turriseinv. 5 12 19 26 switch railroad line into their etone
FiatnAT 6 13 2.5 27 iquarriee.
Senetenreny 7 14 21 Dyspep.sia m its,: 'tweet fauns will
Yield tc the use of Carter'e Little
cNerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little
, th1,4• Liver Pills. They not only eviiere
ee I present distress bat strengthen the
etoinach and digestive apparatus.
• An interesting nuptial event wos
TavResaxy. DECEILHER celebrated at the home or Dir. Wm.
Stele. V. .. Stratford, on Wedries-
day, Nv 2. wen bie daughter, Miss
tete/ reauthere‘ of lives lest on the Fannie, was xmited in marriage to
great lakes daring the teenson of lthel Robett Dunseitit, et Downie.
win lie nee as conipared with 110 la.st Sunday witnessed the deridee
yeete net io letee tek Kee and 69 in Mrs. Win, Rogere, a Fa1b:31.014 who
,DesPite th,s' itullro.,,V,,terueut of the bad been ill for some time pa.et.
tat-ke'ruiliPirg aral the Jae' eavittie ser- sad coincidence ;deo. °miffed Moeday
vice. the ntutileev ef Nvee Icet this eerie »connectioa with the event, it being
scll isJISt t w;ce• 1151 imge ns. that j!1 4 the sudden death a Mr. Bartlett of the
16137- and the only espletriCem feiveri scene tenetenele mete in apparently
the fact that tie namit:0,1 vi..sios Ct3 good health on the way to dig the
the great lafees 1111l:; 4,10141.1ekl the t,neeve foe bee, eee rnegineee nis nen
sin years. . less body was found by friends going
teernede the cemetery shortly after he
A entitga, 4, the y .01 tril proceeded ftoto his home to un -
damages under en teeettlent inemenee lee1.1"ke the* t:44`,..„11,44(1,1 54'1'3.,1"1"er, f11-
osiey was wore env :cm yorle, routs by him. sue irieraiS of /iota
4..3l-41 MI et. A men recevering 1/1,214 familicS beve the inempathy id the
illneee either t r appendiete.e.."4"=""9Y,
creald not tell wieeln et e heartily of 4 mieldieSex
oral treed in consi nee:ace!
A London perne int:purees that Capt.
judge lie:d that Ceere U415 FiiMMent :1* 14.". 'r wrn.tVse.ig" th"
:mt,h11. r;64tiOill tkini. at toe enema,.
ard zalumed f;he, t z Tr•o.. eel. meeting' of Alidilleet:x canutv come -
It will mule eeou ene, ell. C.111eilior; a s tlavy
Staten; Distriet Ceurt, efore J010.,r0 ''NtL'
con31.e. Jn
eeigeent inx/ AS!!,:t4ie E. B. Smith, ed
oge:net tho irdenniin eat/Iva/4'i will. ...Wea Cranz. i;old ;Ca Investigation io
mato a new t hes 1-.7e4wltnh l'ney ' 'Aeon leet treel‘ CIS tit the rause and
num: net yew to ne-enee. Legal ;mill.. tee'igin k't a filo which took place en
;;.t.v t.:443 the tiettnlit Jaen rind by Willett
tWen Mr. Patrick Nana', of lot 82, con. 7,
ievetoe. en sact-li r";'• Bitidulph, euitered the total Ines anti
r (lest metier: 1,4 his t wo barns and their
t content te consisting Of his hut eenson's
;entire cteip. implements, etts• nu'
Will'4,44VOUN.g nla ein•rent h.11186, and Catlin tus were ineured in the
mune, thet 11,u. Rev. hi It. Ilk tie wes-;) reborn,. too llibheet Mat.
dead. Ivo In tenter health. eel Fire Le:mance C'o. In MUSE (lumen.,
and never did a bat der and mere mete Vtl't fan .`ft:tenngnii nntaik t.0 the emit -
year's werle t8 that jtir-t t.. pnny 1 tbo 4.41,,et iht
ittreIe h. 4I1 k'l-toPh'k lereto4 just previeetely to the fite betu
and eploreliii ultaneso• fi r hoe avel ?nee:twine; out and s,elling qaantities of
Fhb It3s .S141' " ; grain ;it the Detifiehl e:evater the
010W:tit te4's Wol,tir° AN:$ teeny ieetituted the inreet lgation .
lorterne. jeeely tot word lino • rhe iriqu1r.3,. was ef the most searching
national r, pittat;M• For a qeerter of eheracier, 7hP company being rem. h.
a century., Mr. 113.: grnwn li 1ennei by its .01;e11eee. ereeees (le
1I41 th" Statibury, !Exeter, and Williaan Mac -
este onetuer, ar the fieeeaster Liman. The sworn testi-
eteraie 8nI a h. neeer conlieg nuene ef nen Narighe several of hie
tPa.$0: V4t.;40 WW1 ati. a number of other witnes-
aireemt.; ;as leolv., h ens eves tenee, ern the facts• And
cr3tPil4g, (I 4 11.0r. ciremnstarces team:riling the lite
tnos ytw »areo tin. peep& wine thoroughly gOile hat%
frOfil 10::1 :4.rd eetifer;i4g. IdIlk11s of
buelteis .i4‘ wheat eel e !wryest ed 4
through Iris advise to 1:0ant. crops that wcman lie weak, nervous and
ee,ann mature. emey„ el.;e Alma_ , end; who hae cold Imnde, and
nee of 21a) nap.s• tiras nee, ;me lee ( feet, eannot feel nnd tut like a Well
.5ph,,ndia •era,. pei eon. Carter's Iron Pills equalize
&air a, year belittling the Almanac. 414 eirculation, remove nervousness,
Send to "tVonn WIME,t; Pith. CO., 1110 1-11‘4.'trrnth
2201 Locust Ste St.
While sitting on tI:e steps of the
Royal Hotel Seufoth, on Friday night,
Min listening to the harpers play, Miss
Ai f•Wi,s Come i-!zn: (171.g the ;; Kennard. tester -in-law cfJas
Canadiae pater, !Iambi it beet meet , Weir. of the 1)V1',1, suildeely felidead.
mar,4 and unite ainiarent, that he is Death was due to heart Ware.
one eV the meet rem-irk:dee ef the et, • at n hy the pupils in
horse e teat have tcollu'd on he reenectls the Gederich Collegiate Institute, on
below, 2. 'This gelding tint heeds „ Tuesday evening of last week, Mr.
the list of the new 2 Pt/ewers fee 1601.18trang the principal, was presented
made his first appearance in public at II with a large oasy (emir and an atm.
London, Ont.. in June. I05/0, &Mee ; ress by. them. This WAS the 113th atm -
that time latibits won fifteen race e and ivereary of Mr. Strang's prineipalship.
been only mut- unplared oat of n total
Mr. Griffin and his family are Low
of twenty mail e he two vas. ms, earn- •
g fru $10,10i. w1,6! is 1" ie comfortably settled in the new reel-,
denee at tba jail at Onderieh, and the
feanara of his ettentcni Car"e1- is the
owe thee in efn, ellen 11, !lye r 111.1. grOn n (1$ SU 11.1Y dim\ have hen nicely
11 M. si need, and was he'd in gra.led, Mr. Grn i; report to the
County coneeil shows that nine per -
such little regale: that be changed „
hands for $150. Anil the fielowleg1 )fl Itla" ftre confined at the
year,'Wheri he a nee oat at LtIndun'•
and won Ina maiden start front a big A quiet home weddiree ocourred ot
field in straight heats, he had nee the home el Mr. and Mrs. Jes. Fergie
shown enough to warrant hie owner to son, of Clinton, on Wednesday of Ihet
keep him in preference to the $700 week. when their youngest daughter
that was offered for him by his pres. Miss Adelaide M.. was united in the
ent owner. His speed after that mnst holy bonds of matrimony to Audley,
have come like lightning, for the end eon of Alex. Oshaldeston, Holmesyille.
of the 1000 campaign found him better At, the meeting- of the public library
than a 2.10 horse, and his fiighte of beard. Gnderich recently, the question
speed this year, particularly ae Terre nf seeking a, gra,nt for the library
Haute. where he paced a half in a from Andrew Carneeile, the British.
minute and a quaeter in 2'43-4 Seconds. American mnite.minioneire, was
indicane that he has not yet reached broupeit up, and the secretary in -
the liadt of his septet%
structed to write and ascertain upon
what conditions the grant would he
Exeter. Dec.:Fah.
CL -._.[L- 0
"I had a most stubborn cough
fer many 'years. It deprived me
ie of sleep and I grew very thin,
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ri and was quickly cured."
1 R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
, 2nd such testimon.-y as the
; above have taught USI,Vhat i.
Ayer's C'herry Pectoral
will do.
1 We know it's the great-
est eoucrh remedy ever
made. And you will say
' so, too, after you try it.
i Theres cure in every drop.
Threo sizi3st5ti114,e4otth foi an Ordinary
, coldi IOi4. Just right for bronchithi, hoatce-
noon, hard 4404d4, .44111.; 61., roost oconoznibll
for chronic casco orift to Itoo on hatd.
. 11. &EB CO., Lo1eU, Tana%
; . -- asrsat,
On Sunday morning, Nov. 24th,
Mrs. Sarah Purcell died in Eginend-
vire, in tbe 55th year of her age. Two
VOILTIS :Igo she WaS attPCked With la -
grippe. and sire.e then flee been an in-
valid, hut only became seriously HI a
few days previcms to her death. She
leaves ei Inishand and five eh i I ci re n ,
two sons and three daughters, to
mourn their loss.
j . D. Stewart of Russeld4ile,
who lies acted as g,00de superintendent
of the Glasgow exhibiteon since last
slating, was presented on the closing
day with a, purse containing over one 1
hundred sovereigns' B111 0
Glaegow, nnle(4lni al y)1101, presided, i
and Nit'. .1). SC -o1 -f, ChM 00 n ad is T1
Commissioner -General, Me.- E. P. Ale,
baster, Irish Pavilion, anal Air. H. A.
Hedley, general manager, were ainong
those present.
yee '1.1:4 41 of the (111.zw/gl, clone
1-1y. hoi?dhig, Cl/!‘10:1•, by th"
fIJ-e is, fast .1/tend And the
1i-1...ye I Ile new iqitif coinple
e -1'nt; i;re ngiiin 4:4 '
iind 1 %.4 01,Yt'..o..tv.t, ho wore- •
me,41 14: 111,- 41 -mi fielshing depert-
nenn- 14e th1,1! pb1(En:,
11 1d credit DC),)e.fl,
,tr) ,e, 111;.!)t)- 1'.fe
41r neo i() tx11ILV nr,
h/si IR no to try a- c,11-eli up ee
Robert Milian eountY eomtnIssioner f
Wroxeter got a nasty fal which
KIICEIENR 3 6110 OF 033
might .easily have been a very eerion
matter. While in Rutherford& Men
roe's store, he started to go to thenate
with a lighted temp in hand. but in,
stead stepped into. Ai cellar way and
fell down etnne 7 or S ft, The latnp or
glass was not broken, but Mr, Xillar
got i few bridses and scratches, it:
was a good thing the lamp did nob 6X-
p1ode or the result .would MVO been
Another of the pioneer residents in
the person of Mrs. Westfahl. of Rg
niondville has passed. away. Mrs.
Wyatt tbl has been a severe sufferer
for several years trona Asthma, and
for the paet year she had been con=
fined, to her residence most of the
time. She was relieved from her self.
ferings on bricley last. She was 67
years of nge. HOrseli and be bus.
hand were among the first settlers of
Egtnendvale. and she has been a 1 est.
dent of that place ever Once. She
was a sister of Ur. John Reinkle, of
Tuckersmitin and of Mr, Lends Reinkie
of Figniondville,
./4,nie.e.ime, nee canian.t pied wort:,
CalUnlet.: Mich.. Dec, 11e. -While
fit of despondeziey over his ina-
bility to find worle and .provide tor
his family, John lanonen„ living at
Cooper Valls,. .22 miles kern here,
early 'yesterday rose from bed, and
while the .family was sleeping be eut
his wife's. throat, the throat of a son
10 years of .age, slashed a younger
4013. less seriously, And then Com-
mitted suieicle by cutting his own
throat. Kinorien is dead, but the
other members of the family, while
IA •.a. serious condliion„ are Mat
ally wounded, and the attending phy-
sicians think they will recover. The
younger bey. with blood streaming
from his gashed throat, ran to a.
neighhor's, and the physicians were
soon summoned.
Go tiA Down nor Life.
Montreal. Pee. 11. -• Yesterday
inorning's FeSSitnn of the Court. of
King's Deitch was not a lengthy
one, but it was oue fraught with ter-
rible importance to, those concerned.
In less than twenty -*1's minutes
Amebae Bantle had been sentenced
to imprisonment for life for attempt
to murder. &Munn Labelle had
been condemned to three years penal
servitude for theft front his employ-
ers; Joseph Vow; to three years
for robbing a, stronger, and Ocorge
Bissonnette to two months imprierme
anent for manslaughter.
leet meat sparingly, and take very
little sugar. Avoid damp feet, drink
water abundantly, and always rely on
Poletnee Nerviliee lie an absolute 11-4
Meyer rhetunatie peins.
five times etrouger than other I one -
dies. LI PON't inover pain is simply he -
yowl Buy a latrge25 cent bot-
tle to -day, test it, and see if tins is not
so. Polemes Nervilitie always 'cunt-
rh n mat ienn
But if followed by another cold, or
emoe axt /a exposure, le liable to resit
in Nese] Catarrh. riness a radleal
enre is obtained, the Throat. Bronchial
tubes anet finally the lungs heroine eir
eeted. Nothing COVPS COWS so gutted)*
nnel pleasantly as Catarrhozone. The
Inspector of Mines in Nova Scotia,
Neville, save. "Catarrhozoee is the
best remedy I have ever used. It ear-
ed me of Catarrh of the Head and
Throat, and I am pleased to recom-
mend such a, satisfactory remedy."
Catarrhozone is a safegteuel against
Colde. Coughs and Caterrh. Ib e'en he
nsed while at work, in the church,
theatre. or street cars. Simply in-
hale Catarrhozone and it cures. Priv,
41.00. Small size, 25 cents. urnitgist4.
or poison and Co Kingston Ont.
Exeter Public School Report.
noxon nors. FOR NOVEMBER
ROOM 1 AND 2. -Claes ADOMMee tin t
Class B, none; Olees 0, Witinie 0 il-
l/rig. Winnie Howard, Dolly Di: -k51411
Class D. Viola Davidson, Mary Pa4-
5441,:. No. on roll 43, Av. att. 23.
S. J. -A, Bolen 1
J. M. R0131IraS0IN.
ROOM' 3. -Se. TV, Hazel Brown 121 ;
Jr. IV, Irene O'Neil. No. nn roll 40.
Averege 46.
ROOM 4,—Sr. III, Olive Gottlil. Erin 1.
Bissell, Fred Smith ; Jr. HT, No7441.
Harton, Forest Crew s, Mary Brort ,
`Ethel Vosper. No. on roll 40. Asti -P.
att. 38.
M. E. Gm,.
Room 5, -Sr, III, Sophia Worry,
John ROSS, Millie BieFett ; Jr. lIT,
Clarence E s te rhrook Frankie Mavis,
Denetnine Afilyard. No. on roll .50;
aver. 40.
11, E. WAT.,Boi.m.
1100Bf 0. -Se. IT, L. Horlgera C-
N"VelSh, E. Farmer, L. Birney. .f. Mon-
son, A. Barkner, L. Gould ; Jr. III, E. 7,
L, Snell. 0. AleAvoy, Stewei t. No
on roll 54. Aver. att. 89.
Room 7.-11 class, Annie Lang, Cath-
erine Makms ; Se. Pe, U. &lite tieine
none Olive :17/1i)d, •
lie Dirney ; Jr. Pt. If. 410110 No. on
roll 45. Averige 4,1 tend any& 80
S. J. inwne.
Room 8. -Se. P. II, WollNeo Fuke,
Iioulden, lark :
Mid Pt. Bert Weeteott, ; Pi 11.
Willie Snell. No, on roll 45. Aver,
att. 30.
E, Cennexe.
00Mmender in South Afries, Re-)
perta the Week's Wei*. • .
:Seed. of utirk.ets.
'Subject to this proviso of the
proper protection necessary to our
1 industrial well-being, at, home, the
principle of. reciprocity must com-
mand our hearty support, The
Phenomenal growth of our export
trade erePh,asizes the urgency Qt the
need for wider markets and for a, 11 -
ea 1 bend policy in dealing with foreign
ra• nations. Whatever is merely petty
and N-exatious in the way of trade
restrictiOUS should be aveided. The
IntOlbUtiett ef the 1.1oers. In South Afel
ooneeetration Calnr's—'1116 14
listmeat of the "iow Coutioxowt-
Soonos the Tree in Teelous notelet
Statko42-App1icaut Who Waiste4
to Mahe rhysleal Poraonsfration.
London,. Dee. 1.1. --Lord Kit-ch.:tem
in a despatch frene Pretoria, dated
Affnedeen Dec. 0, reports that the. re-
sult of the week's work is 31 Doers
.killed, 17 wounded, 352 Mode prie
goners, 35 eorrenders and quantities
of supplies captured:. ..
By advancing the line of Week -
houses in the eastern part of the:
Transvaal Lord Kitchener is *IOW
able, for the Arst tilne, to . carry -out
systematic,' and continuous operae.
floes itt the vicinity of Ennelo.
thel. 41,114.1. etirOniOa.
COURTOT4 have captured the Sentb,-,,
ern distrietS of the Orange River
VQ10Ity, And are new .0PeratIW
:northward of the Thelma:int line.
The Boers aro still in forte In the
eXtrerA0 weSt of Cape Colony. They
are there commanded by Meritz. who
reCently attacked Tontellboschicop
'The Doers were therm on, and NOritZ
was severely wounded.
The cencentraeloo nantee,
London, Dee, 11. -Lord Onslow, See
oratory of the War Office, said last
night that the large concentration
camps were being brolten up into
smaller ones of from rwo thousand
to three thousand persons each, an
hat if the ativerneneut found ihillev
id. not go better in the future 1,
would not hesieate to turn to the ex-
perience gained in Judie. in dealing
with the plague,
customers to whom we dispose of
.our surplus products in the long
run, direet/y or indirectly, purchese
those surplus products by giving us
something in return. Their ability
to purehase our pre/duets should as
far as possible be secured by so ar-
ranging our tariff as to enable us to
take from them these . products
which we can uce without harm to
our alrrt illth!,str.hp,: zlful Iebor, or the
use of widen. Will be of marked
'benefit to us."'
."..f.k. r - c• r ;#11,
The niesseee C.& .7, ...el Li -J.: Monroe
daetring- Sth U, dee ...r.t.".1011 that there
must be no -Wee nu int tiggrandiZe-
ment by any non -American rower at
the exPense Of att:o' :teen:item power
011 Atnerivan soil. it was. simply a
step and a long step, toward wiser.,
Mg the universal peace of the world
by seeming the possibility of per-
nument peeve on this hemisphere.
'The United States did net ask under
this doctrine for any exclusive com-
mercial dealings with any other Am-
erieon state. It did not guarantee
eny States against puniehment it it
inisconducted itself, provided that
punishmeat did not teko the form of
the acquisition of territory by any
non-Anierican power. Tho attitude
of the 'United States in Cuba was
d. suillcient guerantee of its good faith.
, yoml its present 51Z0.
, The Work Of tipbUildillg the navy
I must, be contiuued. It was not ne-
' cessarr to increase the army be-
111%rrnattlonal Guoil.'aill.
The message concluded. as follows;
--rho deeth of Queen Victoria cults -
d tine people of the United States
deep mad heartfelt sorrow, to which
the Government gave full expression.
d when President Wel:biles. died our
- natiou in returu received from every
Y quarter of the British F.mpire expres-
sions 0: grief and sympathy no less
O sincere. The death of the .1.7.inpress-
1 . Dowaner Frederic:. of (helmets, 03m,
O aroused tiw gi•ntiint, twiny:01)y 01 the
1 American Peollle, and this eyenettliy
was eordially reciprocated ey Oen-
- many when the President. was asso.s-
Mated. heleed. front CVer,Y quarter
f f the civilized world we received at
O the time uf the President's death
1 assuraite ei ef such grief end regard
as to tonell tile hearts of our people.
In the midst of onr atiliction we re-
_ verently thank the Almighty that
WO are at pence with the nations at
itunc4in,i. 1114,1 le. Mitt.' intend that
our pollee* elatit he such es to can-
tle:el im. e oet. it tle se: int emotional :
. : iinittfal 10:115001 and good-
y.; • -
linlrijfrOtio Mon Sworn fa—sonne Itecreit-
inir Incidents,
Toronto, Dec. 11. - The seem
day's recruiting for the new Cana
dian mounted eorps was marked b
as main or even 1110re gillthWilaStrt
than. on the opening day. Thos
who were told on Monday to be 01
hand ;again yeeterdity attorning wer
there bright and early, but meet 0
them found that, this was only
polite way of refusing their applieo.
tion, as very few of these were call
ed yesterday. The total number 0
those sworn in so far is 31, of thes
23 box° seen active eervieo in Seidl
Inemouts me necrinitine
Yesterday's proceedings were mark
ad by many incidents pathetic and
humorous, "Happy" Malin**, a.
South African veteran, WAS SWOrD in
on Monday, and yesterday', his wife
of only two MOnths. Culled on Col
Otter, and with tears in her eyes
asked hint to reject her husband. .As
laciiroy has been sworn in this will
he a (1111k:tilt thing to do. and the
Colonel could not give her any de-
finite assurance,
miOlizticaly-oteinxgpefreilellowNev: iirmitthwnhooplii-eavalottas
local reputation as a boxer, was
most earnest in his desire to enlist,
and nn being told that his constitu-
tion would not stand the rigors of a
campaign in South Africe. lie ex-
claimed with Nyarenth that ho would
line to see the man in the building
who could 4•1,and up in front of him
for five minutes. Although he stood
6 feet 2 inches in height the Colonel
did not deem it, advisable to pass
To -clay will be the last day for re-
cruiting in Toronto, and 25 more
men are needed. there is still a.
chance for a few good., sound men.
Col. Otter was assisted in his work
yesterday by Capt. Shauley. Those
already sworn in have been notified
to hold themselves in xecidiness for
departure for Halifax to -morrow
Montreal's Quota. Complete.. -
:Montreal, Dec. 11. -The thirty-five
men in Montreal's quota to the third
contingent were selected yesterday at
the drill hall after a very severe
examination. Over one hundred pre-
sented themselves before Col. Roy
for enlistment, and the Montreal
boys selected are a fine looking lot
of soldiers.
While Tirttger'a tray. •
Ottayea, Dec. 11. -In _a letter to a
gentleman in this city, Col. Steele
says: -Oom Paul's nuarters, hav-
ing been taken possession of by the
mess of my division,. causes an unus-
ual animosity cm the part, of the
burghers of this town. • They stare
in 'apparent blank amazeinent at our
cheek. The -house having -been held.
sacred up to date causes this, I sup-
Col. Steele goes, on to say: "Jones
ho was a' private in Strathcona's
orse, is now a lieutenant in the
cottish Horse. He had a yerv hot
fight on a recent trip, in which four
of his troops were woun.cleel- one
through the lungs.' He aid his men
made a very gallant fight, the last
of it at close quarters. All our
fellows here have done that sort of
thing; they have a good name here."
Col. Steele states that Major Ogil-
vie is out with a portion of Il Di-
vision, South African Constabnlary,
co-operating with Kitcthener's col-
nin. South Ateica, be says, is -no
place as Yet for
544moritrea, urlocec.k. 153:_o-The
received a bad setback last night
t tho Letellier Club:a leading Lib-
ral organization. 4The ineetmg Was
. •
ailed to discuss a motion censueing
hp Governinent sending the several
ontangents to South Africa. The
lotioll,•hewe-ver, was only supported
y timnhover and seconder, about a
ozert speakers holding that it was
anada s duty to assist the Empire.
11 'lora Cbuicl LOOk a
",r, in to e harcand see fhe. conditiou
to which yoar cough, if neglected,
' will bring yott. you weuict seek relief at • t
once -and that naturally wonfd te Ihrowah
('4. ' • 0OuranteCcl to cure Con -
45 re- • surripti on , 13 r o a e hitis,
- stb ma , and ati Lung
- 0.1.041-bies. Cures Coughs atal t'olcis in a day.
25 cc..n113. Wrift to S. C. W.1.1'.'LLS ..F.,.... Co.,
Toron.I.D Can for frce 4ri9J'buttic.,. .
iCsr1'a Craver Root TIS jnitrinicst.rellteea
, . .
.o....,..mercauramonaaamo.Lacsr..),e.a.,&.: •
5444444 94)
S (rat !Kona 1)te,h1 ed yBtl.ter.
Ottawa, Dec. 11. -L, -Sir Wilfrid Lau -
51110 ,yesterday, reCeivecl. a cable from
Mr. (Delmer, pperetary to t,he ifigh
Connnaissioner, -stating: . , ;Lord
Stra,tliedna decidedly 'better to -
• • • *ALI .8 414
.. nee. 4.-A. table from the
tf,dele to Lord Minto announces
ha t P.. 2175, Trooper Walter To-
zer. is seriously ill at Bloemfonteiu.
' 'Ls next of kin is Mathew Tozer,
father, at 215 Bleecher street, To-
Loans Service Medals Maven Axelrod.
1 Ottawa, Dec, 4. -The first consign
inert of the long service decoration
reached the Militia Doartment yes-
terday from England, and will be
distributed shortly to those entitled
to receive them.
It is a very handsome decoration
of gold and silver, suspended by a
green ribbon. Inside an oval silver
disc is the royal monogram of "V.
R.I." in open -letters of gold, and
surmounting the disc is a golden
crown to which the ribbon bar is
attached. Around the face of , the
disc, are the words "Colonial aux-
iliary forces." The decoration is
for commissioned officers who have
served 20 years in the militia. The
long service medals are for similar
lath of service in 'the ranks. The
-Minister of Militia will w -ear the
long service decoration.
Kruger Stall 'Undecided.
Chicago, Dee. 4. -Mr. 11. T, Van-
alen, secretary of the Holland So-
ciety of Chieago, has received the
following letter from the setretary of
President Kruger in reply to an in-
vit ettioa to visit America.:
"Casa Cara, Hilversum, Nov. 20,
1901. _
"Dear am directed- by ris
Honor the President ol the South
4Irican Ii.epublic to acknowledge re-
ceipt of your letter of the 1st inst.,
and to thank you and the Board of
TruStees of the Holland Society of
Chicago cordially for the resolution
passed by them.
"Ills lionor desires me, however,
to add that nothing has beea decid-
ed as to an eventual visit to Arne/1-
ca, and that, therefore, nothing can
be arranged in connection with the
St. r.rhomas, Dec. 4. Jerome San
dei -son of the Michigan Central
rotindholise, inireoul ou sly , escaped
death this afternoon. An engine
fell on him, pinning him down. for
20 minutes. Ele WaS terribly in-
, .... • 4 4,
UilEt„C,:..._irl;.1N:0;\ .'
nu:Lfunthe Iagr1rI11 0411eoreess sigmarot, on ea',
-Wat-c‘-c,if, bre Pl, - Of
• eii a cl:,re., coldv, (A
Lill 1-'-1l1. ' l-vcry
- ''' 7A' 1( '''' cot11es 1' " '''
EA C lit,' Lrd v ' 1;44 e dc
n 4.i.:..,,,4
at G r i p - fin i ii„ i 11 0
.2, l'al)jcts, '((.1:ecolzte
..).. ' ' coat(.d)1,1.41; ell
•. ,
'--"' . •.•:41.1 feel i rc ell "ft
• () - c 11111111e. al
0'4 EX,
EVRY BO , 3'013 41)11441)114'10 1 ..
" , . ' , ,' - fine. 'Irl.;,e pr i 3 - ' • ' ,.
Quinne.' Tlie 3,,,st‘,fie1-c4li31 k-,:ii.1 failiily
t -ie li' -,ine - 17 4015,4! in 'a dc -,,a,. Cure azi 'a
4da7.' Forsale by cleitlers 'it eileraliy. 1"1-1 cc
I Castoria is for Wants and Children. Castoria is a
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W. 1r.. EA.MA N, EX ETE
•• cl.14fRIST..\•"1AS I Wie"NER,. -
In spite or tlto fo, kid the wor.d
dyspei.,ta 111,r,ify haat took,
uot., 11 ally 111 5,iy 3113'
011 th1-1,` 1.0014 1)( I he
Ohi•is.tinas dim ele 5) Mile eeeente
)1.1,a ("00 11 .1 ,ift,
,Inay not, be lair for any to do that -lel
us hope so for- tile sake of the cook!
The diseose dyspepsia indicAt es a hod
stotnach, rather theu a had cook, and
for anweak storneell there 's nothing
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1.111-1 54011141(11 v Igor and tone,
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1X14Lk4S ..,,aLaig the pleasure I, should be.
Chilcireri Cry for
0411e44 14f .$1014 1143ci :clic, bilious -
10 -44 C(1151;111.1.1i.al (4(1 he cured in less -
tele , 1113 *i44 medicine, di for less -
in of y, IIV llsillg 0451-4911-44 Li t tle Liver
Peie 154154 hy any other weans. •
Does your head ache? Pain.
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25c. All druggists. E3
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