HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 8THE '-i,: iB S
8TEWf RT'8
6fiStiOft PRQDUGF.
.A LI13EUAL OFFER.—The Times mat
Fetidly herald and 1Veekiy Star, Mon-
treal, for the balance of 190i/together
with photograveurs of t Duke of
York and the D chess or ornwall,£or
only 35 cents- piyttures alone are
worth the price.Una is a special
on 1 I.. la f1LL, Drier to increase otyt stR#rseriptiati list
rapidly. Present eubscribers can base
Fur Weather is Here
And W you are thinking of furs for the coming cold snap, we
would like to see you. Our fur stock was never as large as it is
this season, and values are so much in favor of the cash buyer.
Mind you, cash and one price is the lever that holds fur values
down to the very bottom notch.
air -ac's prime dark Canadian coon and one price is what sloes it you
ao al a fell large roll storm collar, well know.'
Ill vie and well trimmed $35.1)0,•
eater1 Ladies' fur coats $125.00, $43.00,
the pictures for 15' cents.
morning, while watching a game of
football, on the Public school grounds
at recess, Howard, youngest son of
Mr. S. Powell, had the misfortune to
Weak one of the small bones in his leg
a short distance front the ankle. He
• was trying' to get out of the way uftlte
ball and, in so doing. the ball tolled a-
head of him, he slipped on it. with the
result ;::save stated. Howard WAS con-
veyed t•• his home where the limit Was
set by Dr. Browning, and now 1-Hosv-
nisi will have to take aholid ay from
$35.00, $v34.00i $3'2.C'J, 830,(0). $23.00- et:tool for some time.
!.s's choiceice der*
prime Canadian
000 the largest s.oek of furs itt t
coon colts, well furred, full roll storm County to choose from. Remember
:ollaat , rue values $38.00 and $40.09. our furs are all direct to us from, the
1 largest fur manufacturers in the Det•
minion, 'We have the 'quantity, the
Men's extra choice prime dark Can- quality and the value. if you have it
ellen eiten Boats. the finest that we fur thought see our big sztack.
e an offer. ipeei-d value $42,00.
Mett's prince Australian coon coats,
fait targe roll storm collar, well furred,
go t I for waerm and goead for wear,
''tie s s Meek Corsican Lauth fur coats, i
tae a.a'ifttii wavy .uei, splendid black i.
q urine v can't be beat, $.?3,U:1 and $23.00.
$2.50each, for your chole.• t,f a frit;
lot of ladies' cloth jackets. this l'i
of coats are not this s •.i ion's l:ttan t
styles, but they are gotei honest -it aisle
coats worth in the reg:el u way Sties)
to $10.0. If you want at atgre:tin in :a
jacket and are not tott grtrticular aaboui
style. now's your ciiantee Remember.
your pick for $2.5.0.
't ee's t' i. i.' coats ; men's SVainhat
Coate ; neene Wallaby coats, all ate
price- that aro herd. yes. very herd en
Ire olel f tsliiu:tt. Il credit houses. "Cash
$2.25, $2.5() and $2 75 for childre•,a';
grey Persien Lamb fur vale, the kited
that look well and wear like leather.
Our assortment, of g t'r'y eq -a is the
largest we have ever shown. The
valises will speak for Iteen,r•lyes.
Christmas groceries all fresh in stock. We ate looking for the
Iargest Xmas grocery and fruit trade that we have ever had. We
allow no cheap or low grade stuff to enter our grocery department.
The b_st and the best only is what pays the censurner to buy.
Perhaps we can save you some money if you come to us for your
Xmas goads. Come and try any way,, you are under area obligation
to buy if you are not suited.
S ,, • clew tl.:ii). STr e luestleys and Saturdays excepted.
the Best Goods
is what the business man owes him-
It is this business policy of ours
Which induces us to claim to be
often the cheapest and con-
sequently aneseteigagtege. best.
We have in stock everything in the
Stationery Line—newest in Note
t Lane of
nen Io o L r>i
i ng;fish and German Decorated
French Chino.
Lisnoge and Japanese Ware.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Collins, of Lon-
don, spent Thanksgiving with }Jr. and
ESCRfP- Mrs. H. Spackman.
TIONS. 1 Miss Etta May, of Exeter, was the
!guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Ward, of
Varna, for a few day recently.
! 1 Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of London,
EXETER. 'spent the holiday with Irfrs. Barnes'
l parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Evans.
INSURANCE. i Dr. L. Follick, and Miss Hattie
• Follick, drove over from St. Marys,
14'IdNEST r'LLIOT. 1 and spent Sunday at their home here.
rFor coughs, colds, infiue lza and
A; :a for the WE rsarlr ASSURANCE COM- bronchitic troubles, es
?esr. of Toronto ; also for the Primus Film peciall
yin chiid-
a<asueaAVCs COMPANY, of London, England ; ' ren, use Wigan's Cough Balsam. Sold
kr, tt avC5 INSURANCE Conti: Aur, of Eng 1 by C. Luiz, Exeter.
For Marriage licenses,
7Vedding Rl:igs,
Wretches, Clocks,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The tax collector is going his rou rids,
Advertise your stray animals, farms
for sale, etc., in the MES.
Miss Elsie McCallum was le. me
from Lindon for Thanksgiving;.
F. W. Gladman, barrister, was in
Goderich, on Friday,
G. J. Sutherland, of Hensel], visited
friends in town Sunday,
Miss Oliver, of London, spent Sun-
day with her mother here.
Mrs. Andrews, of Clinton, was Luis
week, the guest of Mrs, Johns.
Bruce Dignan was home from Lon-
don for the Thanksgiving boliday.
Every one should use T e Dashwood
flour. It is the best, . KNIGHT,
Corner Grocer.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley, of Blyth,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gidley
over Sunday. Mr. Gidley's friends
were pleased to see the genial Sam
The copy for changes must be left . who is recovering from a recent ill-
- not later than Tuesday noon. Casual 1 ness.
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week. a Rey. Chas. Smitb, a former pastor
of Main st. Methodist church, now of
Meaford, bas received a unanimous
invitation from the Official Board of
the Oshawa Methodist church to be-
come their pastor for the coming con-
ference year.
Turkish Scalp foo removes dand-
ruff, stops falling out .f the hair, pro-
motes its growth, eives irritation
and itching of the sea :.. ,Ives a beau-
tiful gloss and perfu'..e to `u e hair and
the mintin business. Apply restores grey hair t their natural
1 g pp y at color. It is the best'?hair restorer on
Tates office.
To THE ..AAE ING Put= .---If you
keep cows for milk, butte's rig cheese,
and are fattening calves,cat le t`5r.hogs,
or poultry for market or i; eggs. it
pays to fed English Stock ood, It is
the cheapest food on the market.
Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter.
L oca1t30
STOVE FOR SALE.- Parlor heater;
wood, good as new. Apply at TIMES
Hoe W.:NTED.: A good, smart boy
with fair education, wanted to learn
Mr. S.:aidley is indisposed and not
the market. Sold by 0, Low, Exeter.
Monday morning,of last. week, Dun-
can Anderson, a farmer living about a
mile west of Belgrave, attempted sus-
side by cutting his throat. Despon-
dency over financial troubles is given
as the cause, The windpipe and gul-
let are almost completely severed, and
the juglar was laid bare, hut fortunate -
able to leave the house. ly was not .otherwise injured. It is
doubtful if. be will ever completely.. re -
Miss Vera Ilawkshaw visited friends cover. The family and .other..relatives
Lave the sympathy of the community
in their sad trial.
At W. D. F1att's sale of Durham
cattle at Chicago, recently, some un-
usually high prices were paid for ani-
mals. One of the best and highest
priced anirnalls ; was a B uron produc-
tion. The bull, "Valiant," which was
sold for $1,675, was bred' by H. Smith,
of Springg. burst Stock Farm, Hay.
Mr. Smith's marked success and his
successful efforts in maintaining the
high reputation of Canadian cattle are
not only creditable to his own skill
and enterprise, blit do great•'credit to
the county. . We hope he may pro•'
ascends r>ssidin afterwardsher duce mbn.y such animals as `"Valiant,"
g with and that his efforts will meet with the
daughters. reward they are so justly entitled to.
in Toronto last week.
Miss Minnie Weekes spent a few
days of this week with friends in Lon-
W. Ross, of Clinton, spent Thanks-
giving withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Ross.
Mrs. Rusk, of Goderich, spent the
Thanksgiving holidays with her
daughter, Mrs. Wes. Euiston.
Miss ;0. Sweet, spent the Thanks-
givingbolidays t,t Durham with her
ister, Mies Ethel. '
Mrs, S. Taft, who has for many
years beena resident of Exeter.,, will
this weekbreak up housekeeping and
AceIItEee.— On Thank.�,;iving Day
he Rev. E. Milyard, of Morpeth,son of
Rev. R. Milyard. of Main st. Meth.
elan eh, Exeter. while returning front
St. Thomas. where he had gone to
meet his sister-in-law. Mrs. Chalnlpets,
ntet with a very serious accident. !I
They were driving along the road. and
io turning a corner, one of the shafts
h.-canie detached from the buggy and
i he rig hutting against the .Horse,
e•cter seri the animal to run away
13,•1 it oceupants were thrown out, Mrs.
Chambers carrying the top of the
buggy with her, thus escaping injury,
while Mr. Milyard was thrown with
great force to the ground, and alight
ing an his head, srestaineel ser•ir.sra
jury. It was at first thought Idss
wits broken, and while hi- is still un- �,
able to move his head, Ito is con:-iderrd
out of danger,
ll. -:
E. are now showing a beautiful collection of goods suit
able for Christmas presents, and it will be a pleasure to'
If you could get it for so little money that the priee you
show 4you. sh t U. thiuugh our stock atany time. paid was nothing compared to the value of the coat. There
jam so many days and nights on which the wearing of a jacket
is necessary, that to buy one at these clearance prices is a!mi!miltof wisdom, prudence and frugality. The jackets are
new and the latest style up -to date goods and must be clear-
ed out.
ran across a manufacturer, who wanted money very badly
and as a result we have about four times our usual stock of lainps.
We bought this line: at just a little over one half their regular value,
and every lamp of them MESE be cleared before Christmas, hence
these cuts ;
Regular $1.75 fancy decorated lamps for
AS e6 it
to , • .7 [[ ec
iH ., D
$3.50 cc cc
r a;
These are fine hand painted goods and it will pay you to see
ens at once.
JAMES ST. 14I1T1Ieriplt+T i'ili'Iie
crowded lniuse at hey h set -vires on
Sunday and following dimities!, Dee.
8th and 9th, will no doubt greet the
Rev. Dr. Young, of St. Thomas. who
will (D. V.,) preach at both services in
connection with the James St, causes.
anniversary. The music by the choir
will be special at both services. as: will
•alsa the collections in aid of the Taw,
Fund. On Monday evening the ladies
of the congregation will he nerdy with
all the geoid things retetisaail fur the
annual supper to be;given from 5::o to
5 o'clock, the tickets being 25 and 13e.
Following the tea a. program ate act
given, consisting of addre. ses by Dr.
• Young, and a former pa,tur,Ri-v. (leo.
Jaekson, cif London, and special 'male
by the choir. Come and levee an en-
joyable evening.
A. Seniors ACCIDENT.— 00 Sunday
evening latet M. J. tt bite, editor of the
•.Teed ", met with as very painful and
ext reruely unfortunate accident, which
it is feared will confine him to the
Limas for 50101' tittle. Accompanied
by his wife and sisters he was an his
Way' to at at Main st.clsurclt
and had reached a point nearly oppo-
site the residence of John W, Taylor,
where he suddenly slipped on the ice
which had gathered on the sidewalk,
and fell, breaking his right leg be-
tween the knew and thigh, also twist-
ing hie back severely. Medical aux was
summoners at once and Mr. White re-
moved to his home,where though in in -
twine agony at. times, 1U' ie progress-
ing as favorably as could be expected
under the circumstances. ides T. M.
White of Windsor will take charge of
the business during the illness of his
SELL.—It is our very sad duty this
week to record the death of Sarah
Mary Sweet, eldest daughter of Mr•
and Mrs. Thomas Sweet, South of
Exeter, and beloved wife of Mr. Jas.
Russell, i which sad event took lace
at the family residence, Andrew st.,
on Thursday last. Her death comes
with a sad blow to the bereaved fanc-
ily. Mrs. Russell was only in her 26th
year and to be cot off thus, so early in
life,and to leave behind her a family of
six small children, motherless, makes
the trial. for the bereaved husband
yery sad indeed. Deceased had been
i11 for several days and her life from
the first of her illness bad been hang-
ing as it were i•1 :les balance, until
Thursday last wl toe gates of death
swung" open and. her released spirit
swept through inlet iinmortality,
where there shall b • ;, a more sorrow,
neither sighing, but all tears shall be
wiped away. The sympathy of the
whole community for the bereaved
families is universal, as was evident
by the very large concourse of friends
in attendance at the funeral on Sab-
bath last.
received here last week by Duncan
McKay, of Exeter North, of the death
of his youngest son, Duncan, wbo had
gone to Denver, Col., last April hop-
ing',there to find relief for lung trouble
which be had contracted. The re-
mains were brought to Exeter on Mon-
day accompanied by his second broth-
er, John J., who lives in Detroit,.
The Detroit Free Press of Nov. 20,
says : "Duncan McKay, who was
allied to a prominent family of Battle
Creek, Mich., and was a great favorite
there in social' circles, died in Denver,
early this morning. His broth-
er, John J. McKay, is a well known
tailor in Detroit. Recently McKay
developed consumption and came
west for his health, He came to Den-
ver and went to live with Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Pittman, old friends from
Battle Creek. All talked in anticipa-
tory pleasure of a Thanksgiving ball
to be given last evening and promised
McKay a good time. Yesterday his
illness seemed to take a tarn for the
worse. He tried hard, to husband his
strength but it was no use. When
Mrs and Mrs. Pittman dressed for the
dance, there was a wistful look in Mc
Kay's eyes as he bade them good' bye.
When they returned he was dead."
'Duncan. McKay was for several years
a resident of Detroit, He was a moul-
der by trade and while in Detroit was
employed at the Detroit Stove Works.
and other founderies. Mr. McKay was
born at Exeter, 34 years ago, and
spent his boyhood days here, where he
has many friends who : sympathize
with the sorrowing parents' in their
sore trial. The funeral took place
Tuesday and his remains were laid. to
rest in the Exeter cemetery.
All jackets that were selling for $10;40 reduced to $8;00.
All jackets that were selling for $8.50 redxced to $6 50.
All jackets that were selling for $8,00 reduced to $6,00.
A11,}itc.1>nt t� that were sellllx�, for $6.00 reduced $
All jackets that were selling for $5.50 reduced to $4.50
Highest prices paid for poultry :--Ducks 7c, geese tic,
ttx; L.e s 8e, chickens 10c, eggs 17c, lard 12e. tal
toy, 5e, dried apples 6e.•
We struck it right on Dolls. Beautiful dressed dolls at l0, 15,
co, Sleepers
de awakes,ekes,
blackscks and whites. t ,
Vt'C have an established reputation for s311ing first class groc-
eries, and were fortunate in placing large orders for currants, raisins,
etc., before the rtstet heavy advances. our Christmas stock is now
3 tbs finest new selected Valencia, raisins for 15c
7 11i, ood rice fur 25e
3 ' e3 good s'' eet biscuits kir 2sc
3 lbs fine recleaned currants for 25c
.} lbs extra fine new season's uncolored Japan tea for iizi.ao
6 itis go -i i co.i°cin;; figs for 2ec
New Peels, Essences, Pickles, Olives, Etc., Etc., all in
ready for Christmas trade.
Ladies iViantles
e carry a large, swell assorted stool of up-to-date
niture, good values, your money's worth, and guarantee
satisfae•tion. both as to price and quality.
uturc Framing anti all Kinds 01 Repairing.
- We have tiad a big season in Ladies' mantles, and are offering
big bargains in order to clear out the balance of our
lrhe Pickard Co
Direct importers.
Main se. Cnrnen ANNIVERSARY. —� Miss Della Hill visited with frii
over Sunday.
The sixth aunsvers:ary of the Main et,
Meth. church was held au Sunday and J. N. Howard wvas in London, Wed -
Monday last. Rev. Jas. Livingstone, nesclaay on business,
of Windsor, President of the London The Misses Butt:, of Kippeu, visited
Conference and a junior pastor of some Mr. and Mrs. W. Trott this week.
years ago, occupied the
pulpit both
Mr• and. Mrs. Win. Pars
s of Lon -
morning and awning. The church don, spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. .1.
was well filled in the morning by an Brewer s.
expectant congregation not only from
the village, but many of Mr. Living -
stone's old time friends from the sur-
rounding districts, tame to have a
glimpse of the smiling countenance of
their old friend and to listen to the
music of his voice once more. Ile
hung up some beautiful pet fumed pic-
tures and all present carried home it
bundle of them. "Isis subject being
Mary and the box of spikenard." In
the eveni ig the ushers of the cburcb
were kept busy providing seats for all
as the church was filled to its utmost
capacity. The mass meeting in the
afternoon, addressed by Mr. Bloom-
field, of Orediton and Mr. Livingstone,
and the singing by the children, was Mts. Jas. Parkinson, of Pall Mall st.
enjoyed by ell present. The ladies of Loudon, is visiting am$ng her old
the cougregation had a nice supper on friends here.
Monday evening which was a decided
success both as to its quality and, to
the kindly patronage of friends and
well wishers of other churches. The
proceeds exceeded that of any previous
anniversary of the church, a total of
over 5140 • was thankfully received.
After supper Mr. Livingstone and re-
sident ministers delivered short ad-
dresses. Mr. D. A, Ross the popular
leader of the choir, came in for merited
e for the' quality of the music ren -
Mr. and Mrs, JAS. Sanders, of Lon-
don, were here with friends over Sun-
Messrs. Henry and Percy Cann have
returned. homefrom Snowflake, Mani-
Mr. Ed. Dyer, of Brantford, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dyer, this
Mrs. Jas, Swenerton, of Niagara,
was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Ross over
Mrs...(Rev.) Hanna, of 111t. Forest,
spent Thanksgiving with her father,
Jno. Strang.
Miss Gussie Pickard, of Seaforth,
spent the Thanksgiving holiday with
the Misses Kemp.
Mr. and Mrs. Peacock, of St. Marys,
attended the funeral on Sunday of
Mrs. Jas. Russell.
Is that cold back„ aga$'in P Try our
best ruin. It will r: •e you. F. J.
KNIGHT, Corner Gr 'e" ...,
Miss Nina $insintin left on Monday
for Toronto,where she will attend the
Couservatory of 'Music.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Glanville, of Lon-
, -- don, visited Mrs. • Glanville's mother,
Mrs. Sweet, Huron st., overiSunday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William Try Bolt's Piire ,.Malt Stout for a
Wood, 236 Clarence street, London,'' tonic, recommend' .' by first class phy-
was the - scene of a very happy event sicians,F. J. Kalli', ,dorner Grocer.
on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, when their
eldest daughter, Miss Emily, and Jas.; Thos. Raise', secy. of the Mania
A. Sanders were united in marriage. facturers Asso., of Toronto. spent the
The ceremony was performed at 1 p. ; Thanksgiving holiday at his home
m, by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, in the pres- , Thames Road.
ills—a sure relief for
bago and all kidney
silk, and carried a shower bequet, and : dein ements, Sold by
was attended by her little sister, who �' LUTz, Ex ter.
acted as maid of horror, Mendelssohn's We are sorry to state that W. J.
march was well rendered ndered by. Miss Ethel y Clarke, of London, a former resident
Brock, and while strains were being of Exeter, is seriously ill. We' trope
poured fourth,'the contracting parties for his speedy restoration to Health.
were usheremdony into over; t}te and, drawvingeongratula room.
the Miss Hattie White, who has snent
The cereforepart of the milliner. season, in
tions extended to the bride and groom, London, pent Thanksgivi millinery
the company sat down to the wedding 'friends and lefe on Monday to resume
din vets The presents to the young her former situation at Nitagara.
couple were numerous and costly. •` The ` WillingWorkers of Triyitt
Among them was a check from. the •
Memorial church will bold their. Hand-
groom's,forfatars hSandsome
sum.d ,' kerchief Sale, in the School Hall on
Exeter, for Handsome gigs Tuesday evening
hatrpy couple will take up their rest -d q ,, Dec., 10th, from 7 to
dence in London. The bride and S o'clock. p. m.. There will be a good
informal 'programme f p g mme and light refresh -
groom are both well known in this "lo- inents. The collection plate will be in
eaty and many are the air. a conspicuous place. Dont forget to
tions bestowed upon the happy pair.
ence of a number of immediate vela -1 Dix Kid
tives of the contracting parties. The lame back,
bride was charmingly attired in white and u^roar
I cotno and spend a pleasant, evening._
r'f'Diill�I�1 to
Aineral Directors,
3eedey & stm�g
Glimbincg the
Business Ladder
you increase Your S
.1,+r • r use*•
fulness to your isnploye-
so you increase your Chau•
ees of promotion— your
usefulness to tho busi-
ness— your wages. A
course in the Feder•wted Business Colleges
withseho&ls at London, Toronto, Hamilton,
Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, St. Catherines
helps you to reach this end. 1landsonro year
book and all particulars on application to
Forest Gitil Business 6o116lle
J. W, WESTELSVELT, Principal.
central d!'
We deal in "Oonulno" Business Edu-
cation therefore 'our graduates are
properly prepared for tho best po6ltions•
laiauy leading business colleges employ
our graduates as teachers. Surety this is
proof of superiority. No student has I:
ever left our college dissatisfied. Do no,.;
decide to attend any •collego until you
have received our catalogue. Write far
one. Enter this month if possible.
Exeter Municipal Council."®
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ments at Town Hall, Nov 20th.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and confirmed.
Evans—Atmstr•ong— That the fol-
lkwing accounts be passed and orders
drawn on Treasurer for same :—Geo.
E. Anderson, salaries Fire Co, No. 2,
$130.00 ; Fred R. Knight, do Fire Co.
No. 1, $60.00 ; James Weekes, salary,
Chief Fire Dep't.,$550.00 ; F. R. Knight,
supplies Fire Co. No. 1, $L20; E. Hunt,
labor, $1.00 ; A. Bowey, labor. $3,255 ;
S. Handford, labor, ,$1.50.—Carried.
Levett—Evans-That byelaw No. 7,
1901, to lease and release of a Ronald
fire engine hook and ladder truck, etc.,
as read a frac and second time be now
read a third time and finally passed.
Arnestreng—Evans — That "council
adjourn to meet Dc a, 6th, at 8 o'clock
p. m. —Carried.
GEO. H. Brssnrr, Clerk.
Head quart es for Oranges, • apples,
oysters, an 1 kinds of dried fisb.
F. J. Kerr sr, a9orner Grocer.
F II Clothing
IIRWIN—In Centralia, on Sunday, Dec. 1st,
Margaret lrwin, in the 00th year of her age.
KELLEfMANN—In Dashwood, on tho 30th
ult., Emanuel Kellerman, aged 21 years, 3
months, l5 days.
KPSRNICE—At tho fisnily residenee ' vet -
Road. Elizabeth Tuer, beloved wife Cf I3x
Bernick, aged 73 years, 9 mos., 21 days. -
RUSSELL- In Exeter, on Thursday, Nov. loth,
1901, Sarah Mary Sweet beloved wife of Mr.
Jas. Russell, aged 25 yeas, 10 mos., 21 days:
.MCKKAY—In Donvor,Colorado on Nov. 271h..
190i, Mr, Duncan McKay, (formerly of t
ofaExeterNortxh,raged 34M earls Duncan Mc
Always avoid harsh, purgative phiThey first make you sick and th
leave you constipated. Carter's Litt
Liver Pills regulate the bowels an
make you well. Dose lie i1b-
Mr. Patrick -Curtin, on Monday, of
last week shipped four cars of export
cattle to Montreal, eighty in all chief-
ly heifers. Taken as a lot they were
the best shipped from ;this part for
some time.
The entertainment undee, the three-:.
tion of Messrs Huston & Vincent had
not, owing to the inclenient weather
and the holiday season, the... fulIe;
patronage it merited. Miss Mai etta
ILa Dell, as an elocutionist, ranks
among the first in that line of enter-`
bainers, while the singing of, Miss
Theressa L, Flanagan, . and the movat
ing pictures all called feral.loud a-
plauses from- those' fortunate enough,
to be present.
• is not'only a luxury at this
time of
the year but i tis an ab-
solute necessity. Health ` de-
mands it. Let us show yen a
fine lineT . e:d
of Worsted and �l ed
Suiting's, and ,Overcoatings. We
to do at all times the
very finest' work at prices away
W. W. Taman.
Grieve's old stand, oppotite post`offiee,
'New Quinine Discovery
The ' Grip -Quinine
Tablets (chocolate
coated)are.a certain
cure for coughs
and -colds. Tit e
Griie,Quinine Ta;
lets have all t
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colnbi.ned win
ON EVERY BOX..._ oth r C11t'i.tLfl
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Produce any atY after effects. Cure:
cold guieny
and etarely; S p ents:s
:att11 druggists: