HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 7.1111L INVENTIONS
ling Pau Cooceals a Dagger.—
Pair• of Scissors Rut to
Varfoue Use.
Lathes can slow uce their Tans to
proteet thomeelves against the rand
night burgiar., A. very beautiful
folding farf was recently protected, in
the stiek of which is concealed a
'dagger, The inventor suggested in
his specifications that this ncedle-
ifle shourd be poisone&. but
oaturelly this is against the law.
Useful also for womrn should b
the combined rocking -chair an
cradle. Mother or ourscan sit in
her comfortable armchair, anel, b
gently rochiog herself, send Loehr/ 01
to sleep Above, the slightest. extr
exertion. "%Viten. not in use, the cresll
con bp folded under the chair.
Soldiers should rejoice in the lat
est entrenching tool. It is a sort o
collaosible spade, with a sharp, curv
ed. edge of steel, which will cut woo
e.troost as ',veil as dig clay. Who
• not in use for these purposes.
folms a capital bulletproof shield
behind which fts owner can, lie done
ford fire, his rifle vesUP n th
81-Q0V5 to which ,the haudle of th
tool fits.
SeissOrs are often used for all
kinds of purpeses beside.s that for
whtch. they tem orightally intended.
But it Is zloty pOssible to purchase a
pair of the%) useful hupietneuts
which can be employed without in-
jury for sharpeniug pencilo, driving
ecrows, and cutting wire. Nor does
this exhaust their eapabilities.
;orn n efgarecutter1 glass -cutter,
hammer, ink -eraser, nail -file, ruler
tartridge extractor, gaelnpe-tortgs,
and stereoscope. The wleole of this
Miniature tool -box is but four aud
hair niches long.
Poshing your chair up unikir a letup
oe arranging candies so as to make
the light fall comfortably upon one's
book, no troubles entirely obviated
by a new invention. You sink into
large and comfortable easpeliair,
and the mere weight of your body
lights a couple of electric lamps.
which glow SO long as you remain
*Wed. and go out when you rise.
Bandy for those also are cousietnn-
sed to the teetotal miseries of 11,1%e--
drop:aide establishment is gistothr.,r
Um -purpose inventiou lately pateut-
ed. To all appearances it is a. dry-
nielust volume of law or philosophy.
Mit a finger applied to a csnatinglv-
contrived trapdoor pushes up the
Awl: of a flask containing the own,-
" fayorLto Uciusl
Spent Some Time ixt a Hospital
and Almost Impovezished m
Hi -
self Buying Medicines Without
'Benefit --Again Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Qpre After Other
Medicines 'ail.
From the Recorder, Halifax, N. S.
Mr. William Cochrane, a well
known tealuster, who lives near the
Halifax Polo Grounds, is one of'
those who willingly bear testimony
g to the curative powers al Dr. Wil-
liamsFink Pills. A reporter of the
Acadian Recorder who had heard o
Mr. Cochraue's sufferings and sub-
sequeut cure, called at his home,
e when he gave an account of his ex-
perience substantially as follows:—
"He had for neatly years been. a con -
f stunt sufferer from a.stlue.a, accom-
panied by an aggravated form o
d kidney trouble The latter troubl
caused severe pains in the back fen
loias„ and at times his suifering
Were very acute. Ile said he had al
Most impoverlehed himself buyin
wed. .
o • . e else. but to no
purpose; .the trouble. continued awl
seemed to 'grow worse as the eears •
passed, Mrs, Cochrane ;mid that
she had frequently Wen her husband
theta) up and fall to the floor as
though, dead, awl he Would have to •
be worked with and roiled around
before he would revive. A few e•ears
ago he spent ten days in the Virtoria
General Hospital. The doctors then
thought that the pains in the back
were due to over-exortien in his
busineSS as a teeausteet r, bgaveitUn
' no material help., Atter leaving. the
• hospital, Ito used bottles and bottles
of medicine, but lolled to And a cure.
A neighbor of his. Mr. Unias, whose
wife hn
ad been inate- a well woman
after years of sicknees..ley the me or
Dr. •Willieens' Pink, Pills, advised hini
to try them. Ile used a. coupleof
ilionee without appareet result, anti
felt somewhat dieeouraged, but Mr.
Lowe advieed hint to cOntinue the
use of the pillm, aini before the third
box was Stashed, he began to au.
, prove. "Dr. Williams' Pin% Pills
have been a Godsend. to sae." eaid
Mr. Coehrane; "they are the rinly
medicine I .have token which seteried
to do inc oily good. I liad One Pre-
scription frein a darter which cost
me $1,75 no bottle. which like ninny
other medicines 1 took. Was just so
much. money Wasted. 1 have user
standlogein the aisle --"Wilt Mira in
front ',laze to move up, so that thira
behind call take the Places of thhri
In front, are lave roorn for thiat who
are nayther in front nor behiod."
In Dublia Major-General Gossett
distributed South Airican medals
to about tweety men of the 74-th
Company of Imperial Yeonciamy.
They had, he said, done good ser-
vice in South Africa, and the Irish
Yeomanry were always well to the
The Conservative party in Dublin
has suffered a considerable loss in the
death of Sir Robert Sexton. Sir
Robert was for many years the re-
cognized Conservative leader in that
To th
In comparison with the English
tongue, foreiga tongues ace's). parsi-
Monious in some ways of expreeeloo
ee, and wasteful ba others. Por in -
If.; stance, it is impossible to "kick." a
man in French,. , You must give him
a “blow with the foot." The Portu-
guese do not "wink" at one; they
"close and tepee. the eyes." In the
Good for Beni Teeth. lauguages of the American Indians
there is D.0 word with which to con -
Not Bad for Geed Teeth vey the idea of "stealing," perhaps
Sozodost Liquid osc Large Liquid and Powder yse All because the idea of property is so
storm; or by roail. tor tbeprice, Sample for retteze 34 vague. It is related of torte of the
IIALL & IttiCrnilL, stoNTasat. early missionaries that. in attempt-
city, and in 1892 the great services =Ts ov
which he had done the party were
publicly recognized by the bestowal ''''IFfFssss's'--rs'ssss---.-_ "srh-ersssmse"z:• Vain he could find Z4; wQordiztt°o ex -
prose "love," end was tompelled t
INFORMATION. inveut it.
of a knighthood upon him. A Pow' Items of 1<nolineage Which Old Lady (to IliStriet 1",-itor)—
int translate
Sir Thoma:s Brady and othern con- You Should. Read- "It's my 'end that's been troubine
nected with the Cork Industrial Fair,
Spain's 1460 papers have an aver- me se, MiSR. but the doctor he says,
whiolt is to be held mat year, inter-
viewed. C. It. Devlin, or the Cana.- age Circulation of only 1,100 each. 'You take these 'ere pills and you'll
dian Government offices, Westmore- in Holland no landlord Lae the "en shake a off.' ..'
land Street, to find out if possible, Po?" of raising the rent or . of
how far the -Canadian eloveroment evicting a tenant,
would go in the matter of making a ,Cie"rueaerlY; has only (64r -eight Pee --
suitable exhibit there next year. Mr. P(0 W" Meofees of ovor 02C)0,000
year. Great Britain has Soo.
Austria is the only empire in the
world which has raver had colordee
or even leans -marine possessions.
Fisk . is in Connejcut are
troubled ra-
rinited by a law which penalizes the
• braes in Ireland some twen-
ty yearsago, is a can . .-
islet° for the caxeunig of inore thon thirty trout in
. d
vacant ofilve of mace -bearer to the ""aY'
Lord MaYor of the City of London. Any child over eevert eon be Lpre-
seented WI V, erilfiliP:41 LIL 1.:Tspt;,4d, but
ord Aloonimerees is not at all It
ricin Geromov twelve is the limit of
h afian, end up to this has been, res4onsititutir.
supporting himeffir chiefly by hia pen
a journalist. reii) IV ye;i'rs ago go 3,
II° is not thIrt•Y frecere, ireeleral, botiglit for S2,,500
ars of ege, but has travelled a
ga publichousci in thot town. It ban
reat deal to all parts of the world. just bee
in, Fold to .3. 1,1%)ViVy COM-,
!,ToltONTO'S PlIOCIRESS," 1Paenvrienl" i.t8'idinj'f°,r()1.1:a.riss a i. night in
A bUildillg rerm't 31-'s jW4 IYN'-'11 Is" %Talian the owner Is arrested mot seri-
suea IC) 00 ''Saltala" Tea firm, Of iprie..ui to %yolk for a yea? fol. the
arta enlargement of thew already e b, . 1
Wercultuf for "tnelve .alterittielis Mitglitatr %refine slumbers nuey have
oenlitsodious Prendses. 1110101m; the I Voic(t=rtrieederi. Isr make fortunes"in
bst"ditiff of two -extra sforeYs• This frierniany. In Berlin there are 1e747
liners lihe substa.etial
spears volumes for the Progress 0114 i doctor?, who earn lees thee 8750 a
Popular daa3" , year. Only 250 inane $2,000, and
bevereao "chile& " C .1 T
,, .. , a • .,-ee on . ea . I only 170 more than
• 4.. The bey b• 'e p n , his
." spare time catching, mammoth fire -
A troupe of wardering musichins .] Mer, which he fastens to inc sides
were playing before a Sales hotela or his hest w'ftlt efOist clan. On a
At the east of Abe perforemeee %%eidetic; nighe a naya s at loohe lihe
of the Jae:ethers lert the group. alniail et'3.3111`." 'tr'ot hdrIP.
procielael the If•aclar of 'the bawl. end 4i414 1100%":00d4 Australia,. ie thee
pelted out a little paper box, whirls ,lurgo•st cemetr-filf In the werisi. It
lei emptied into his left hand. while revers OS)09 antra Only a, plot of
the eyes of the leader followed every 2,.1;011010.11.eT=)•bluais,:rist,elLeet t:,ifeee airittent
inc alitenl',.
ug then took g ogee fe ins riots ;tionalitiee liaVe been buricd.
e Devlin promised to support the mat -
d . ter, and he further agreed to meet
S the committee in Cork soon.
-. Viscount Mountraorres. whose fa.th-
g or was cruelly murdered during the
eight or ten boxes of Dr. Williams
• Pink Pills, and can say that before
I began their use We Was an Intel
erable burden. I have reason to Ix
than c, t o ossec rit n(
advice that urged me to use this
Moet. diseasee have their origin it
poor blood or weak nerves, and lt is
because Dr. William' Pink Pills
make. riele, red blood and strengthen
tho nerves that they have 111(q. WI t1
Stteh success in. curing kidney trou-
ble, rheumatism, paralysis, nit. Vitus
deem .annemia, nervous prostration
and kindred trouble. Seo that the
full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
•for Pale people," is on the wrapper
• around each box. If en, doubt, mind
direct to the lir. Williams' litediehie
Co., Brockville, Ont., and the Pills
will 'bo mailed post paid at 50 ceuts
a box, or eix boxes for f,52.50.
. STRONG ilriAre ON IT,IS 2 '• C
!A Toronto 'Contractor Who Was
. ;CI -ever Without Pain for Years,
And Who Had Many 'Tirocie, to
quit Work-Docld's Kidney Pills
Zlacle Eine Well.
Toronto. Oat., Nar. 1$,-1Special)
—At, No., Shil Lpiereott street in
'this eitdr, resides Air. W. J. 1,:eane.
Air. Ireera.i in a contractna, tied is (me
of tile hest Isnown men in hie line
;biesir.eee in 'reroute.
I Like twiny other stitlell'o,sio4 Men, :
Ale.gage.; lute este-erre! during his -
busy life a great defel, from Kidney
Dieorsiere. Per yeare friffered
great renifi., Ile was forced at times
;to quit hie %rent; altogether find go
to bed. Ile used Dodel's Kidney I'llis
;a1-01 is well. 'Thin is what ler saya
about. it
1 Owe.; late gr.-Isat ploms;we t
write in praiee Inald's Kidney
' and the good they Lave dene
21a I lint newrr without. them
"I have teen a gr.:oat Fatlerer with
The steady in
i salite of
roves the. ect
and fragranca
its increltateg popularity. You nice it* purity
In Lotarl Pa.okarso, 2, :7, 40, SO, 000
We need large quantities for local eget expert
Prders and an pay the top nuichet price for any
cpiantity of well fatted and well dressed
Turheya,Qesse, ocefte and citioltene darInge est ginplion
The Dawson Commission Co.., Limited, Toronto.
Nroagi ne ATTU:3, *I' nanny. nterree.
Ica c"
tte_ ra.at 3a vacs r:1'ra rc,...sto-ivesm,r, m)cez av..4 em .'.ii•,,rr.,.4;yoa or..x e4e uo a -a,
marapc-symic•olei.v,.. ' .
C:w roam tnt tnt, rerre,Isrfntbr.m:a ezztr...,zr.;:a .tr',.;,1•,.Ev•razdkr.:1;:ey.i..i.'sataa..
447',A1:41,z,,,att:7.4.4 't.t.aran'a mat nittstuantrotl.:.-.....
Vca ratar an ti..' tr- retnnZirs,tftmatIcra z,ltiicc-.. Pc.r.,:mt.c r.•Frr.x
.otta'efLe-,7;c1, . - a 4.0.'4 S'c,:, czn rey c:-.). 41/
. 4.* _
XICZXCI:Z..°t, c:,-,o3,7.454:stv;a3,4A4v.- at.
tervr • a tee.5
r e4' -4,1447:m pr
tr.•;:oa 'S 1r%
FlzU C7r4,44 • Volzaavil to:474cl
•yeas , aa apt!, S3toasta,,,,
cata„,9,4% am?. *x
pain9 in My back, in thrk rfrairer of , Asll'rfs7.3 14.7Z°441r
ray hitineys. 1 %Va..; 'Ver;.' elek. and at
tines couhl Lot Ltti,Lil to tee woi/q
at alt.
teel Geteat clo anos
tag.uIeeedve;col'erri;A, ,7114;11:.;:tr 1:1i40 0I;;;;"
itt s - te e
tiss isaht. ((MCI fri('211 tri rSine '1211-PN'Iret.?*Ti 43'
atfeiego ghe to tt.3,.. ithhtf.h fcging3.., I ner wertb money an l ••••••••"'''''"'"' " " " " " l'-
`•471eic 71'1' " • 3
Qar money will trs ri•tendc 3 TM- :,;•1 702 rt." frSare :as -eh -sr eft.-
Pille. • S
I int:radio:4y folind relief, "OneDri•-a 11; •
haoil, passed it, round. and a largo Pk*Pi.Q1 Of five erne:note 1.••-•1*.wiTt a and wee r4.,:,1;;;,0 ?force. l'oronto. baterlo,
. .
ha a ..Qa • C.Pa.4
faun was &1.e1 4'(l. eVerYORO flash of Ihrhdlullgeslul thus:der 1Y/earls' llgioll tognite:. :•;-1.1131 he4 Efi;,1*!,71
1. while ternelering what he held, in his 'that the flash 11 o distant frOM fre:.cen dS4t3T.cifi
iv•s very si woe, o veld the been heard irs or foul :since from ter e rier e VdtiV GOA
,e.v tv. • • r had the sinelete4t le' hear era ezMrsell rt""b. scrli
rLader. 'sviton questioned "We ere the Ileels though 'unit. teen of a return of the trouble." fat eneos , ettee.lo..es .1n.to t
to 3:1.1!..lelo, addre 'a IS) 'frith Vales. Toronto.
People have a very sensible dislike
of giving jewellery to c/aildren. Even
if they don't spoil it, it generally
has the effect of making them vain.
But no fond mother could object, to
'err, except on the score of un-
isomeness. Jewelg and gold and
sr are replaced in these rings and
the Most recent form or thildren's
brooches by almondk. and Candied
peel and colored sager. These urine-,
Wilts car be first wore and theta
will become a fine art when aideflaby
it newly-inveated pair of spectaeles,
along the rims of which can be ar-
-r_eghged n, number of tiny photographs
Inte--thOse 'sometimes set la the- cad
of an orneindieSehotini• -A, whole puge
of a dictionary' ler grammar could be
photographed down to a circle of a
edetirentieth of an inch in diameter, and
yot rendered legible by the magnify -
Ing -glasses with wide's. these spec-
tacles are, provided. The inventiou 3s
intended for clergymen and lecturers
whose raernories are faulty.
-For duck-shootingt where the une
of a boat would dietterb birds, an
inventor has come to the rescue with
suit of waterproof clothes, fitted
with a, sort of lifebleoy round tho
waist. Got up in • this attire the
happy .sphrtsinan can either walk
along the bottom, in•shallow water,
or, by the aid of a paddle, boldly
venture across wide rivers, his gun
resting on the buoy -beside him. This
inflating -dress will float five people.
At,, the last Paris Exhibitioa a
twine. was ta.ken by a neat life -Saving
apparatus, which appeared at , lirst
ight to be nothing but a deckhouse
for a ship. So, indeed, ft. cotdd be
Ilse& fitted with bunks and tables.
But by pulling out a few bolls the
whole thing slips overboard, and be-
comes a large aucl powerful life-sav-
ing raft. Even should the ship spike
e, rock, and founder in a moment,
fleatring..ileekhouse would auto-
-fay/detach itself, and bear off
all who were in it.
Roast, Outeide the House
old town. of Stratford -on -Axon
.11e London Mail, does not for -
Re boast tbat it has the only
lite fair, which carries On its
exactly as th?.:y 'have been ob-
ilmOny centuries.
°fore, i takel-; care each year
that the Afop Fuel. 'shall lose none ,of
it wonted traditions. Five oxen
;fad twelve pigs wee° slaughtered for
Lit i8 year's. "mop." Each one ' Was
roasted in. 'the street, before a huge
fl 12 burning in a roiriPordrY brick
oval. Each ono as it was cooked
teas cu 1 np into slides and sold for
.1 and Sd. a plate. The .slices were
.)Id as quickly as cut and all sate
w:-.,-,ea0-rellk,,,,,was demolished before 2
'lock on Saturday had struck. A.
rr was roasted outside the house Of
am ShakesPearee hut otherwise
street was almost deserted. It is
r Irma tho centre of the fair.
vial trains from all 4Ve4., rts of the
t poured in blind' 'ds of visi-
inio cu Ltieb‘ old ra arket town,_
iiidicdsntore drove in in mar-
, W to -Tons costermongers'
carp and even in victories and Inn-
da.3s. Up to a feW years ago men
ood r 0 WS in the street waiting
bo red .' Laborers With whip -
',rd in the ie.' buttonholes waited fer
Lll 1,110.:}T.found an employer.
Now few come f or the purpose. The
' of th'e are over.
Pe,r 4.• Xn6lish ' PooPln.
compared with'
.Id in Spain.
loft Laud. / the tob,t.r.-r‘r. (I'ver ee • ce *1 es be
subject to temptation, and to be; heard at 120 mitre, it is hard so le:icier:aeon lea:
sure of the fidelity et our collector / , arts is now er 'et ,,ar nt an th.,
i •‘• I. 1 0 i one will emit hale to stif.hr frcen ! ifiGinNTS. Wit Ilh, v2 SO riVC14.9"ki.411111.
s alien leo returns to mace ems! of the huge leas P-IsoSIS C.flit.liitil•g a stret-
. . fuel full so t *
Liman i:, ail TV.11::,• to lee thee . ionten. OM.
onetrest hospital. On the outeide are .
he has to hold five flies in his left I principa et.tete maims. Lon 1;
tend we count theso first! fuelled ald-liglithousea. 'May are . • ' ^ . I esa tashntticualsau er woman te 0 vo4Y
ilue,•fr TroUble alter te,tity fraolt earning ene between new end f• Whitlow?*
I • otters to mate, but we. van. put 511.7 tiOn.
ac or any ot err igloo, one o .
LAND OF THE slrAzratocx.
Many Occurrences and. Incidents
That Will Interest Irish -
Lord Dulierin is an expert cyclist
LaUy Cadogan, wife of the Lord
Lieutenant of Treland, is much de-
voted to fishing..
Cork town council has declined to
condemn the assassination of Pres'
dent McKinley.
Owing to illness, Mr, Meemnan, M
T. for South Down, has decided to
retire front parlieen.ent,
Dr. O'Callaghan, Bishop of Cork
has addressed a pastoral to his
clergy on Socialism, which has
spread recently in. that city.
Colonel Sanderson -was recently in-
stalled as greed master of the Coun-
ty Grand Lodge of Belfast, by .Bro
titer Wm. johnstcm, 'AL P.
' A lacrosse rnatcIi played at Bel-
fast between representatives of Eng-
land and Ireland resulted in a vic-
tory for England by 14 goals 1,0,6.
At the funeral of Lord Morris at
Galway, high mass wee celebrated in
the Franciscan church, twobishops
t - r
and about 60 clergymen offiChtting.
Why- is there some reason to doubt
the existence of the Giant's Cause-
way? There are so many shamrocks
in Ireland that this may 'be one of
Only about" one and a half por
ceut. of the total area of Ireland, is
under, NVOOtiS, while there is over
twenty-three per cent. of uncultivat-
ed land in the country.
The Weimer Castle, a steamer of
13,000 tons gross, built by Harland
& welly,, Delfasti for the Union Cas-
tle Maar Steamship company, was
launched -ifecently. • "
The Dublin Metropolitan .Police,
like the Royal Irish •Constabulary,
are 'directly under the control of the
Government, hut they are a civilian
and not a military body.
A •touching story is told of how
three Irish boys pledged undying
friendship in their school days,
fought and fell together in South
Africa, and oow lie in the same
At Derry Assizes Wm. Scullin.
dener for Colonel Bruce, Castle 1).a,v7-
son, , has been sentenced to three
years lianal serVitude for the man-
slaughter of an infant child.
'Although the German Government
gives a large subSidy to ships built
in G ermany, the Eantbul.g-,A.merican
lino has ordered its next, big ship to
be built by Harland & Wolff, the
great ship -builders CI Belfast.
An Irish street Car conductor eal-
ledcoca shrilly to the passengers
14 t444. VVrite to.niot. rAt.1).=ia 1.,z4,03.pavl
telephone commueicut lug with the 31Ki"utt'ig:
' money." :cher, apoliances for tri -.t aid end
20ZOOGIIT Tooth Powde
"What aro marsuplerha?" ashes/ the
teacher, and Johnny was ready with
his answer.
"A • .1. I t 1. •
250 ;ft broterneter mot a ;aunts oz. 110thi.r; UV Pall ntWay.y: eine.
their stnumcbs," he stitch glibly.
"And for what are these pouches
used ?" asked the teacher, ignoring
the slight inaccuracy of the answer.
"I'm sure that you know that,
said Janne', with en-
couraging promptness. "The pouch-
es are Inc. them to crawl Into and
conceal themselves when pursued."
Life Often Made a Burden Through
Nursing a Cross and. Fretful
All babies should be good-natured ;
well babies, if there is no outward
reason for discomfort, are always
good-natui.ed. and yet how many
mothers permit themsolves' to be
thoroughly worn out caring day and
night for a sick, cross nncl fretful
baby, when a little care cold fore-
sight would remove all the trouble
and make both mother and baby
happy. The little one's suffering and
crossness may be, caused by any ono
of the numerous ills that make baby
lives a misery to themselves and a
constant source of worry and discom-
fort to the mother, such ns colic,
worms, indigestion, ccdstipation, the
irritation accompanying the cutting
of teeth, etc. When baby is cross do
not, if you value your child's future
welfare, give it any of •the so-called
"soothing" medicines, as they only
stupefy and deaden without remov-
ing the cause of the trouble. What
is needed is a simple, 'vegetable com-
pound such as Baby's Own Tablets,
which reach the root of all the minor
ailments of little ones, making them
well and happy. The best proof of
this is the high .praise all mothers
who have. used this medicine award
it. Mrs. W. S. Beaverstock, Church
street, Brockville, says ; "I have
used Baby's Own Tablets in my
hoose for several years, and know of
no medieine for little 'ones that oan
equal them. When ray baby was
teething she was restless, cross and
peevish, and I could do very little
with her. I gave her the tablets and
they quieted bee When, other medi-
cines 'did "no' good. 'When baby was
troubled with -constipation the tab-
lets always gave prompt relief, but
above all things 1 think they are
most excellent in indigestion ; She
voinited a great deal, was very cross
and would scream with pain, and I
had to get .up with her many times
during the night. No Matter how
muCh she ate she kept growing thin-
ner: :It was then I began the use of
the: tablets, and she grow plump and:
fat, and 1 hadno further trouble
with her"at night. I cao recommend
tee tablets to any merthet Who has a.
sickly; cross or fretful baby, and I
am. sure She will never be without
them again.". Baby's .-Own Tablets
nr0, easily administered and dissolved
In water can be giVen eafelfr to the
youngest infant: If your druggist
does notkeep them send 25 cones to
the Dr. Williams' Medicine • Co.,
Brockville ; Ont., and a box will be
emit. you by Male, pest paid;
/ It hi roported that a caneera leas They never fail. \heirs of trial leave ; '1•0'
a r'laced so as to take each day . t get ..11t.ve is no short, precteed reurre pn veferinare
one picture of inc new building ne ettS0 Of Kidney Treutne, Lana! Back.. *mirk; thrre mainlie 6.▪ 1= Y' UPlog 914: (--
1( 'Selt °Ir0rt lele It 1 ),Ual;:rtill%itisltillio:0111,1)(11‘11:bie'eosicnIoff,roceit°1:ne_1! 11G.Lt`rQhoeuittlibl: 1111e1Si•tet:isIztru41:!egtia1113-,:leiElc1141(ell4tse4r1'7or:Se.171•Ialzil'ialeltailrs' litt4i 1:011 ;1 cetti to ,1('*
%:tlifar;aea4: a84111: rrol nur ;:et 1:11
• a tiler ourt Veteran* Orme nt.tt
tient wt.:teat aura for fal particulara. Ad.
dresi-dleed 011ice. Vetermn?" $tuctice :Vac
ciatien, Undo», Oat,
ing hereafter a moving picture of the will not. cure.
buildingfrom its beginuing to its Dodds Kidney Pills are Cae only
medicine that eter veered Bright's
•Drsease, Diaboter or Dropey.
"Please look pleasant," remarked Thousands of Canadians have tried,
camera. "Now. ma'am," he, contine
tho photographer. Snap went the aad proved, and testified.
ued, "you may mouse your natural i Gnly• 80,181. British subjeets out
expression." , or 700,000 alto died last year had
SIZOVIII for tha TEETH 25c 1 k °
!anything to leave by will.
. ' 1 linards LinimeLCures Dipittluala, 1
A six months' cruise thicreftees inc
speed of a ship 15 per cent. on fuel In Irnelish asylums 47 per 100 of
"Doetor illenh, the etimed• it on
.lire I" e.dP d the veseren from, the
vast tee -room. -Vt.* vs.? .
I will retire." mined. Inertor
I from the puloit . ''Perloiha eeetei
Letter wake up the reeeeregareen."
Catarrh Can
Be Cured.
Japanese Catarrh ÷
081-3 is tho onm
ly Raan- 1 '
; almard's Liniment CuresCultiq et.
ent Cure ever discovered for catarrh. t,
There are a thousand and one so- !
The Roman Catholic Church has
called cures for catarrh.. Most of :land,
15 bishops and 2,112 priests in Eng -
them. contain dangerous narcoties. 28 bishops end 3.290 priests in
i Ireland.
They relieve at the time, but it does I
not last. Now that is just where! —
Japanese Catarrh Cure go canto A ('OLD IN oar. DAY.
all other so-called. catarrh remedies., erupts refund the
differs from/ Twee Laxative nrome Quinine Tablets. Al
money 12 1*. Naito mire.
It performs when others promise. i
I E. a , Grove's stsnature tame each box. 230.
11 cures and the patient stens cured.
Japanese Catarrh Cure is absolutely ! It is not always a mark of kindness
certain in its effects and has never ;to posnese an 'open countenance. An
yet failed to cure any case ol catarrielalligator is a deceitful creature. and
when persistcmtly used. • It is a'!yet it presents an open couatenance
soothing, refreshing and healing i when in the very act of taking you
purifying, healing and vitalising thelp,.11t;:t.arecer;vr;fyrgowr7:11•11ft Tecelitzlo!.itrl.acchliTt_'j:;:rwelzrtn:fehaltibo:2
nostrils, when it is quickly breathed! ..
diseased membrane, mid the trouble i taonthes the child, tortens the gurus, •alialys pain, CunrA
vrefirt return. We do not ask you to r
up to the seat of all ' the trouble,
ointment,. which is inserted. up the ;hi,
old by druggists Oman
For Over Fifty Years
thont TOLZ;o51a.cautm
BO ittitestilkh
take our word for this. We can
Ink for" Ines. wonaerr's sooTarse stave... 1 4
prove it by reconuneudations froin!
physicians mid thousands of test I- !
menials. Wo want you to 'prove it I judge Jincks: "My daughter,
by sending for a 'sample box, 'which ! wasn't that young Mr. Huffeite Who
you can have absolutely free of 'just .went out?"' Miss •Iincks: ".Yes,
charge. Send 5 cents for postage,
lisujinictjlouiScigaegajin:st Dllidincoming m
ote., to The Griffithn
Griffiths & Macpherson !
Co., Limited, 121 W. Church St., TO,/ maign)aeinaiL Miss to h
ise d .: igrei-irc
Yes, ortsir,iib,ut.nallde
ronto. Sold by all druggisSs. Price i
. ..
malrima revereed your docision I"
SO . cents.
• --ea—a
,the inmates • are men, and .53 are
/women. ln rreland the proportion is
'reversed -52 are men, oral 48 ere
" • Women. -
solo the causal
ENGLAND'S LOST LAND. nue -aorta on' the okia.
Innen-ye Bromo•Quinine Tablets cure a cold
it is stated that every year Ifmgiand in ono do.y. No Cum No Pay. Prioo 25 cents.
1 eSes a tract of land the size of Gib-
roller., and that on he east cost. Boy—"Want a boy, sir ?" Hobson
alone the annual loss 'equals in,terri- —"What for ?" Boy—"Why, to pay
tory the island of Heligoland; In a dollar and a, half n.'week to Satur-
the last hundred years an edge of day night." Hobscm—"For 'doing
England equal in area to the county what ?" Boy—"Why, for waiting all
of London has been submerged. tho week for it.,"
.r -t. Oat& e,
• if4e, e-edf
-171.(44teo Ce411,01 �zh 4"Roe, aolfeZA
enrofenseiseres. sear -else
arwaraVa*avaaamoicammr ..4,40444.x44444444444044444744
I beltere. SIINAItieer
will cure •-vert," • of Din%ti,.,,..or:a,
Milt; DAV: ER.
;1 believe. Oil NAIAD'S 1.IN CAEN
will prettifies growth Of hair.
Stanley. I'. E. I.
is the test 1:0usA44tl re:iwtly 0
011 city, 6nSi.,„ATTIlira.,e; FOLEY,
i 13
The 'young* man, loading a dog by a
String', lounged up to the ticket °dice
of a railway station anti inquired :
"Must I—aw—talte a ticket for a
, puppy ?" "No ; you can travel as
an ordinary pato,enger," wus tF0 re-
Beware or Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
es mercury will ntraly fle,troy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when onto:ring SI:through tho mucous surfacea.
Such articles 'should never be used ezeepr on
presorlpt Joni from repuMble 13lysichnie, as lhe
damage they Will do is teo feta' to tit,' grent you
an possibly derive from them. Harm Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney Lk; Co.. To-
ledo. 0., contems no znercury, and Is taken In-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mitcou-; surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Curo be sure you get the Rena .
Ina. It is taken internally,and made in Toledo
Ohio, by it. 3,• Chtney & Co. estimext. s
ft.itlolem5 by Druggist, price 75c per bottle.
Hairs Family Pills ere the best.
4 1 tene't ts 1 NAN IV'S 1.1:C1atE.V
Ono of Dundee's fashionable girls
ventured to give her mother a few
tips on etiquette In the following
Manner : "lou should have turned
down the tipper corners Of 'yet:iv,
visiting card, ma, When you called 4.
on the bride. That means congratit", jTHE CANADA PERMANENT
1t:4%.* (-mei ti:at ads •oe 1.4u
t or,-43of—St. Peter'a
nnite tee a:el St.
g Rc44-41-..
s I inhvnt Cues Distend/1pr,
; ;i74$. Aft
' Ae.irerois tea; 64 ;04i a, 11V4.'4ni', of
1.150 on a haroen. 'line ria
eon, lea., nal ie. • •„, ta.
W IV it) 1 104
or all skin olimonts.
. 0. omiintrt & Ca" Haneitotter. England
'I be cre%rn Realer, is 't Bales of Gilead Clio -
ovum 1, h:alq Visors, (Ins, Bruises, Bunts
and 81105, long standing or acute. Is la lino
rquallo I for intlamed or mak oyes. Once tried
14lsv1474 used. 1,1m beat testimonial is a Wel
sample Free on receipt of 3: in stamps.
CILEADME CO., Box 564, Taranto, Oat.
Cleantny era curene eat HU Gloves cleaned There
tom basset by pass, le 1311 35 the best plac,s is I
OC41111110k1 Line Stea,msaips
moz1ie.3 to Liverpool Bodon to Liver-
pool. Portnnd ta LirerpooL Via goons.
Large and Fait Stenanshio. Superior accOmmodatiora
for sm L44%45 01 tan:engem. 841.10003 and Staterooms
Ire a11idship3, 5pe04141 at:exaton has horn given to tha
tecond Saloon and Thwd-Olass accommodation. Fos
totes 02p113311911141131 ail particulars, apply to any agent
at the 030511117, 01
Etioberda, 3,111113 a Co. D. Torrarma
77 Stab St., Beaton. Montreal and rortittlItt,
lost rtansenta, Drools, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices ever quoted, Pise catalogue
500Illustrations, mailed free. Writee us tor any
thing In notate or musical Xnstrnutentg.
Toronto, Out., and Winnipeg, Man
.1 The Important
. , .
....1. Consideration .1:,
. to theMan or woman with a deposit'. j,
'V neeount is tho security of the money . 1' .'
• deposited. If the deposit Is with
Canada's P1'8111101 'Compaq
Its sofrty is beyond question. A 4,
secondary consideration ia the rats of 04:
interest tho depositor receives. This is ,14
also very attrecJve. An information
cheerfully and promptly supplied.
lotion. But, instead of that, ma;
you turned up . the, lower corners,
Which 150 1(115 Cpudo once." •
• "Yea, Florende," replied the moth-
er-, With dignity. "But you'd better
Wait till you get Married before you
:Criticise your 'ma'
She knowS
4, nori
Toronto Street, TORONTO