HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 50 If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." - GCoc3i11tentionswoSe''t make good shoes. Good materials ..1414 reliable work cost money. «As good" shoescan't possibly be retailed for less than the Makers' Pricey, stamped on tl2.r soles of- "tho Stater Shoe" 600dyaar " 1 i E. J. SPAC7EMA.N. Sole Local Agent T 13 . E::G'I'11,: 'PI DA,i .. RfCIPHOCIIV ON 11.5: TERMS!. Roosevelt Wants It But Says Re-. public Must Diotate, Need, of Wider el:tricots-.President i.ocks to outer 1,enels to Supply Them-Lxxe t,'iuttstateLrent. of elm Donee., Doctrine -Abundent International etoot2-Will. -The New Heal of tho Nation oil the Crime .of Anarchy.. Washington, Dec. 4, --In his Mes- sage. to Congress yesterday, : Presi- dent Roosevelt advised that Coi gress should consider the immigration of Anarchists, and expressed the view that Anarchy "should be made an offence against the law of nation% like piracy and the slave trade; for it is of far blacker infamy than! either. It should be so declared eseeeetiiesee00411100e00000.00: by treaties among all civilized p.ow- `"� .r�Y 0 ers." iY Tgl t p94 �j, r at Ya; S on iteciprocitr. • Clubbing i Rates •t • • We have completed clubbing • a • Arrangements for 1001 with sev- e •ersl the leading newspapers.t1ers . y Qwino• to the high prices of e • paper and payment of fs postage some a •• • by newspapers the rate - tPadvance of re 1 �s s slightly h .e >; F e• violas years, All of the follow- a • with the exception of the dailies, re will be sent to any address from • now tttttil J211ttary Ist, 10 3 fpr • will 11 • named. The rates es \E • amount be as follows : b • The Times and Daily Globe,$1,25 The Times and Weekly Globe • for ..-$1.00 0 0 The above includes two hand- 0 • some pictures ---one an excellent. • picture of the Duke and Duchess C� • of (ornw;tli in medallion setting e. • with the Royal Standard as a. • • background, the other a fine pie- a tore of two farm horses. called • • "Th., Farm Pets. • • Thr Tinges and Weekly Mail • PI And Empire... 0 a The above includes two band. • some pictures try John Innes, in • • colors, size Li x2,1 inches, entit, w • ed "On the edge of the herd, • "The .t ttu. Miner's k Farewell." wl t The and +and DAT] Mail la.Che Times F • and Empire (evening edi• • • tion) ,$3.2 The Times and Daily mail • and lniirire (rnornini;o- e • edition) ,,..,.,,-, $t2. • The Times and Weekly Sun $L73 o • The Times trod Family H e r- • oldand Weekly St,ir1.."5 a•• • The above includes handsome a pictures of the .King and Queen e • and a copy of Gainsborough s fa- v • rnou picture "The ;Duchess of • • •.Devon•hire." 0 • The Times and Montreal T erald (daily) $1.75 e •T e Times lad London aD til Y • Of reciprocity, the President says • t t"Ihere is general acquiescence in O our present tariff system as a na- p -Lionel policy. The first requisite to • our prosperity is the continuity and stability of this economic policy, Nothing could be more unwise than • to disturb the business interests of a the country by any general tariff ehanl a at this tittle. Doubt. apprc- /tension, uncertainty, are exactly what w most wish toavoid G nae, t . I l the 7r e interest of our commercial and ma- terial well-being. Our experience in the past has sluiwu that sweeping reviSlons .of the tariff are apt to l.ro- duc0 conditions closely a roahing panic in the business world. Yet' it is not only possible, but eminently desirable, to combine with the sta. Witty of our economic sy; teen a bun- plementary system of reci roca1 ]en ft loud obligation with other na- tions. Sueii ritieprocity is an inci- dent and result of the firms establish- ment and preservation of our pres- ent ecouounie policy. It was epc- daily provided for in the present tariff law. ern uncle y • $ n • . Adverttstx.,.a o • The t50 Times unci Loudon -10 Weekly Advertiser $3.4 e • The limes And Toronto 0 • Daily Star. $2,50 0 • The above includes a pictureSt a of King Edw aril. ta e �• The Times and , Toronto •' DailyNe+ws... $'2.50 0 ,.• Daily The Times and Farming er World.. . r $1 80 ee The 'rimes and Montreal • • Weekly \Vitness...... $1 65 0 • The Titles and Montreal e Daily W itness $325 • • The Times and Farming$1.75 • The Times and Christian o • Guardian .... , $2.00 0 • Anv other paper desired can o be had at cubbling rates. o •TIMES OFFICE. 6 i • t1Tnenti nenreennef -i-• d r .y. ox' it Srrg wilt outwear \ ►�� ' 11r two pairs of common. rubbers. For t h r e e years we have proved that wth -.9 :et can stub alf1311111e your fC'CJ:ts. -ante: Teeme **Reciprocity must be treated as the handmaiden of protection. Our first duty is to sue that: tite protee- tion granted by the tariff In every d d is maintain- ed, where itis t ee- e a main! all G 1 e ed, and tate reciprocity- to sought so far as it can be ;:U!eiy done with- out injury to our home industries. Just how far this is possible must be determined according to the in- dividual case, remembering atw;i.ys that every application of our tariff policy to meet our shifting national. needs must be conditioned upon the eardlnal fact that the duties iuust never be reilaced below the point that .will cover the difference be- tween the labor cost her and abroad. The well-being of the wage worker is a. prime consideration of our entire policy of ceonomie teals - but you cannot stub tete rubbers.' ' MI 'S gequine are stamped - upon the sole of each rubber with our copy- gird Hanle 31,a0 do not arrow yourself to be c..;- ceived by imitations. King's LEATHER TaP Sriag the best on the market, v -inch, 00 -inch and 12 -.inch togs, with Rolled Fenee and Heels. They. are carried in stuck, encs your dealer can orderorderer them for )'ou; �t, aAh�D e .,,D.. KING CO.,. Limited have, exclusive control cf all.. �t IL,tbl,grr,. W. AU.Tar:raul received :aevt r ij ,_ ed"era far clothinc while in Lonrinr,, 11+-C week This speaks wine, Tantau s abilities. ,moo Danger+gfwStarvatlonr'' Toronto, Dee. 4. -Tho settlers in will not ' to County theail tun Lein g stiffer this winter front lack ofsup , plies. Tho boats have been making all possible speed on every trip, and have succeeded in getting in arnpio provisions and stores. A. 851,000,000 Polley, Vancouver, Dec. 4: Xt is., stated on good authority that the mother of Premier 1)unsnuir has taken out a $1,000,000 insurance policy. It is understood that there is a little dif- ficulty over the payment of $50,000 as commission on h. The o , London Daily Two o'clock Edition, 00 PER � This edition is published ellpecially for towns, -villages and rural districts in Western Ontario. -- It gives all the news up to.. ONE O'CLOCK each day, including Foreign, Canadian, American, District, Local and Sporting. It contains eight to twelve pages five days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday. Half -tone and other illustra- tions of important 'doings and prominent people appear every day. The Saturday edition alone is worth the price. Subscriptions received at any time, Address - The London Free Press Pig. Co •t : ear, LONDON, ONT. i ,rte c creation tt+' in Pm*, z* , I. VC'tt, oar . chid SIO for cen e 'syrup . Miss Pu , •_ +.s ret Sten feel II, very fleece I i- it, `I'rivit. 0hurch last Sunday evening. 1.0 J('ing's Evil MJ)R MUR11T 1llPi8 1 That is Screfula. No disease is ,older. No disease Is really responsible for a larger mortality, Consumption is commonly its outgrowth. There is no excuse for neglecting it, it stakes its presence enon'b by so many !signs, such as glandular tumors, eutaneoue eruptions, inflamed eyelids, sore ears. rick- ets, catarrh, wasting and general debility. Children of J. W. McGinn, Woodstock, Ont,, bad scrofula sores ,eo bad they could not attend school for three months. When different kinds of xnedicines bad been used to no purpose wba tever, these sutferere were cuted according i to Mr. icGlnn s v 4u t #r testimonial, by Hood's Sarsaparilla et.iee be effected the most wonderful, a • tilt -#7 mil permanent cures of scrofula It eel ,t..d s'oung. The Selection of Col Evans' Staff is NearlyCompleted.. eet'gt-eraJor Church. Velio #las been Set-. ected as Adjutant,. Is Freon the West,. a; ed the :Iiedlea, °Mticer anti veterinary .orgeon t.Z' b"roxr4 Winn 1peg-Why I)is,.ttlethe+tlo#t le felt About Lite see, ectiou gf ileuses. l . Ottawa, Dee, 4. -The selections of .officers of Col Evans' nett' :tees corps has not yet been eto .1 ted: but it is expected Una.to-t : will ice the list annoy made up. Meantime ap- plications for commissions .are reach- ! ing the department by every mail, and it will be a relief to Col. Evans when the officers have been chosen. 1 i1'Major 1t . Hamilton Merritt of To- ronto arrived here yesterday and ac. misted the position of second in coin - ON A. IwolttER cRAI GE. mend. Major Merritt afterwards , reported to Major-General O'Grady- ! Hely and returned to 'Toronto in the .evening. Dr„ Alexander Graham or London Arres ed There a'eesd:tee 1C01. Evans' stair! win. likely ho as London, 17ec... ^Dr, t#lexazader l fo]lows: Graham was arrested yesterday al- , ternoon by Detective Rider on a R In cowrziand-(`0>. L'\atn�. C.B. charge of murder. The jury lion- Ilton Merritt. Second in ol:tnland it tjor. Rani day eight brought in a verdict th ,t t Adjutant-SergeMajor Cdturcit. the infant child of Annie Kilbourne calve to its cleath by premature nivartetule.ster--(vacant). Medical chucer-':'1.. d, Devine' birth, caused by Dr. Alexander Gra- : Veterinary surgeon -II. Riddle. bola, with the consent of the Inn -,l The Medical (lflicer and the Ve- t for andwas nothing left tiler, there clot h .are Winnipeg •r S r raIr t rill.! Surgeon Till terinary the crown authorities to do but or- and the Adjutant is from the west, der the doctor's arrest' that is, if the names given. are ac - The said tort took tole the officer tercal i cepted. y The only ones definitely fix - and i' - r (: Eva s d Utefor 'ie. 1 11 edge o n a ! charge. Dr. Grahaiu, will appear at the Police Court this inoi'ning, and rltt. a. date will 'then be set for his trial.: About the Unless, If bail is tal.en permission trust 13eThere is naterally steno diesatis- received from the Attorney -General. faction hero with the method adopt- ti g has .use wiles tea 1 in -h '1 res a eausedsur h. horses es for the 'l iG Gfor securing 1 'the to S >?.�aa >� terest in the city', Dr. Graham being 1 regiment. It had been expected well known locally. Ire lens lived t that buyers and experts in Eastern in London fifteen years. � Ontario would have been given a •to sapply ly a portion of the sri;, icol:t'a ii3ON S5 SERIOUS, mounts, uppe Instants, but the giving of the con- uno Loave Int: Ilea.rend rhymalan, tract to Mr. Smith of Toronto, un'• G" t der the supervision of Mr. Reith, i3avc Forbidden menus that the mounts will prac- tically all be purchased in the west- ern part of the Province. :tor do some Ottawa dealers quite approve of the standard of the animals to be secured. They hold that the mini - cher Lands 2 In height, 13 . 1a mini- mum l g means that the regirnent will be horsed on ponies not up tothe re- quirements of severe vampaigniug. On the other hand, an oN cer who served whit. the second contingent says: "While it is true that at large, boney horse will get along for 24 hours on 000 good feed, the big horse will only get the same ration. as a Tony, and, of course, won't thrive so well on it. Besides, the mounted infantryman requires a tidy horse, one that he can mount and dismount quickly. rThe limit of 13 bands 3 inches to 1a hands 1 inch, which has been decided upon, will give just the style of horse most useful, 0.nd for every practical purpose, best Suitable to the ser- vice. Not colonel Thompson. son. Toronto, Deb. 4: The notice in the news that Lieut. -Col. Thompson had made application for membership in the third contingent was an error. Col. Thompson has not applied for enlistment. The error arose from the fact that the colonel had written on behalf of another man. London, Dee. d. --Lord Stratls.cona and Mount Royal, the Canadian Vigil Couuuts*$oner, who has been confined , to bis house with a. revere solei for some time, is still :,ertously i. l. He cannot leatve bis bed Anti t;# ermine to do any business. Several specialists have been con- sulted by Mir William Broadbent, who is attending the patient, and they have forbidden visits from any one excepting, the members ( f the faulily. nonlne erorderTrial, Washington, Dee. 4. -Tho case of Mrs. Lola Ida Dimino on trial for the murder of ,lames S. Ayers, jr., u is expected to go to the jure' the latter part of this week. Three wit- nesses, intimate friends of Ayres'. were put on the stand yesterday,and swore that they had seen a revolver in Ayres' room. Two of them, Duncan D. Hubbard. and Thomas Ford. had come front 'Michigan to testify. They S 1 id the revolver1\Cl greatly resembled the one in evi- dence. The wrapper worn by Mrs. Bonino on the night of the tragedy was again the subject of discussion, the defence putting on the stand witnesses whose evidence was in- tended to discredit that given by I)r. Shaeffer, the Government ex- pert who had testified that It care- ful aro-ful examination of the wrapper had failed to disclose the presence of any blood spots thereon. Chloroform Cansod Death. ,,,,K Toronto, Dec. 4. -Tho investigation into the death of James M. Field, the turnkey at the Balton County jail, who died suddenly while under- going an operation at the Western Hospital last Wednesday morning, was concluded last night at No. 3 Police Station, when the jury empanelled by Coroner Arthur Jukes Johnson, returned the following ver- dict: "We find that James M. -Field came to his death while under the influence of chloroform and that no blame can be attached to the of- ficials of the hospital. We believe that ether and chloroform should only be administered by duly quali- fied medical practitioners and that a special anaesthetist should be ap- pointed in institutions where , opera- tions are performed." Died at 101..'-: - Windsor, Dec. 4. -Timothy ]3resna- hitn, the oldest man in Windsor,died yesterday morning at thehome of his daughter, Mrs. M. Lawley.- He was 101, years of age. Mr. Bres- nahan was born in Castle Gregory, County Kerry, Ireland, and came to the United States in 1850. For a number of years he lived in. Detroit, having come from that City to Wind- sor 14 years ago. Up to a short time before his death he was in pos- session -` of all his faculties, being able to read without spectacles. t atoatltias Were IS revs'. - Colon, Columbia, Dec. 4. -The to- tal number of killed and wounded on both sides in recent engagements is estimated at about 400. Just prior to the capture of Colon, the Liberal Generals, Patrio, Cortisoz and `I'ri- ana, were all three drowned, in an is prudtnt: attempt r -in a ,'nmali b0: at and through a rough and high sea to reach, surprise and seize the Colum- bian gunboat Gen. E'inzon. 4 ,a,l n011pm•.n;+Ilio?.-, OIT. Ottawa, Dec. 4. -The quantity of grain carried through the Soulanges. Canal during the season just closed was nearly a million and a half bushels less than during the previous year. In 1901 the. quantity was 18,036,524 bushels, against 19,427,- 586 bushels in ]900. C. P. IL. liar., in„s. Montreal,. Dec. 4. -The C.P.R. -tra- flic earnings for the week ending Nov. 30, was $1,048,000; for the same week last year, $181,000. Rain and sweat bavo no effect on harness treated With Eurekaklar- nes 09. It re- sists, the damp, keepstheleath- er sea and pli- able. Stitches donot break. No rough sur, face to chafe aadcut. Tho harness not Only keeps. looking like. • new, but wears twice as loogby tho use of Eureka 1-Iaraess 011, Sold everywhere in cans all sizes, Made by imperial Oil;' Company./ London, Huron and J3rucc I:44 Neaten- Passenger. London, depart 3.15 A, et. 4.40P.�t !'entrails ......... ... Se 9 fie Exeter l 9. 6'15 Kippeo 5a .25 Bruuefleld 9.: 51. Clinton 10.15 865 Wingham arrive - . i1.10 8.00 fzorso Sorrit Passenger 1i'itegi,ant +&par' . 6 41 .e.,14, 3.15 le 1r. Clint ca --- . 7,n 4.25 lirt#cette lel . e 05 4.49 c 41 4.4 002 .. 5.10 >.ttt 5.25 J ' 6.12 , hir.pen -..•.- Flana.�ll Freter... .. 1'entr.ilia o 've senat! n.aret NOTICE TO CREDITORS ly MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited privste funds for invest - went upon farm or village property et lowest rates of interest. , DICKSON.a GAMING Exeter. 11ONEY TO LO,41.N.. F)dheriand Innes o. L RE PREPARED TO P>)R.C1I,d ELM ----AND-- I have a large ameunt of privete funds tc loan on ratan and vi)lagoproperties allow rates ofinterest, �� F, 'W. GLAIIM ,r • orris r; a1n xe or. B to 'til ' Sts Ia t MEDICA,I,. )y j P. k. ' . Al. B. TORONTO UNIJE! YERS11 ), t 7,'linity Delver) city. Ofece-Credt:or IT til".]3YlQ\V i71 i lel, f'., rf • T. f;, Graduate v cto:ia o*i. rslry eitee and rex atone*. Uuminlon Labore- ,' tery, Exeter, of °buries Gratton late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in tier County of Blatt\n. Farmer, dece#teed r t 'N „ hereby v u r n to ( i arc i en Pfl IChap. Sf 1 ter 1°9It.le. 0., J, !sat al peo-one leo-onehexing Online against the l::at.'le of tee said (:barges Merton, who died on or allow *be fah day of Jenu:try'.A. D.. heel,are required o -end on or bii'us' t e 18,0 day et December 3151. by ens! i.rep1i•1.10.1.G. drt tanburykxeter tnt. . tar for the 4dministr+t #x.!hitt na ne$s -'rs Mad gcrupatiens, with ptr-knaroibartit- • of their elt:itns t;taten+ents of ibetrn^Lannis and the amine of the securities lit ant) (told t.y tl,c'm, At d nolltie i•: hereby given the' alter the lav mentioned date. the raid Atinanietrt Die will proceed to dietribttto the cassis of the raid deceased among the pectice entitled thereto, hmvle1 .° regard only to the a ):slues of whiehnotlreetall have teen Wv(e:+, abn.e required. and the raid A,dratnietatl ix 1.11511 ltot be Heide for the said as-;et't or may tart r . w Lore tela of a :toy ` ecu or f# to a er thereof, 3 F 11to c) n# etai haveL•+ n ai � tuella© elute not been r received et the time of such eisttibution. J. G. 1TANBU IY. Exeter. (Int_ Solicitor for tits ,.dminri+tr. ar+s. 'o carer I11 or ti v , t , th dayb De, ed rho_ OTICE TO CREDITORS Of George Monteith. late of the tc•wn- t•llip of l.'sborue. in the comity of Huron, retired farmer, deceased, NOTICII is hereby given pursuant to Chap. ter 1201t -S. 0. 1197. that all persons having adios against the Estate of the said George • nr�bt bda Monteith, who died on or !!bout the y of November, A.D.,1911, are required to cued 00 or before the 2810 day et December, 1901, by Spost. prepaid. to J. 0. Stanbury, Exeter. Ont. olicitor for the Executors, their unlace, ad- dresses and occupations, with particular: of their claims, .stntemouts of their examita, and the eater) of tato securities, 111 anyl held by them And notice is hereby given that after thrlart mentioned date, (be said executors y theassets of the distribute ln proceed to 11 t bu to \rill e 1 uid deceased among parties entitledTiled there. to, ha'ingregard only to the claims of which notice than have been given as above required rind tete said executors khan not be liable for the i nId assets or any part thereof, to any per. Fon or persons of whose claim or claims notice Mallnot have been received at the time of suchdietribut]ou, J. G STA\lsi;ItY. Exeter, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors Dated the 1111 day of December, 190I. Exeter, Dee. Ith, 1001. Wlient per bushel Oats .....-. Repairing I3ariPy . .. r..... 17;eytiNests, y per .,.,.. Gceye Chickens pCr ID p� 1DuoSes...... Dsiiei Pork ieli . Brien Apples.. Pork live tcee•;;ht Never thought of such a sign for u medicine did you? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other , things acid Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over -work, from disease. They get _thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made -and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds: It does the wort both inside and out. It makes soft hard,thin blood red, bones weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma- terials are used inkthe patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it- yourself -you and the bottle. This picture represents the Tracie Mark'bf Scott's Emulsion -ancl is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for Free sample - SCOTT b& L'OWNE, TORONTOCANADA ANADA soc. and $x. all druggists. G9 to 71 40 to 43 44 to 43 05 to 70 15 to 16 ... 17 to 17 3 to 9 G to 6 b tc 5 . ,7 to 7 16 10 16 to 5 15.a'0 tb 5 25 CA TORIA 'For Infants and. Children. fte- ettile 4gr.sriire w:xP ever - Pe ti STRAYED' Came unto the promises of the undersigned, lot 13, con. 9, Usborue. on or about Oct. 25th ,a two-year old steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal: awn)... ANDREW HODGERT, LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers. Solicitors. 'Notaries. (:onvevaacers. Cenurassi( nere, Solieltors for the eloisons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE -WAIN STREET, EXFTER.t 1.1t, CA1'J.IN0,B. A. iy H. DIDESO1 F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott a Gladman) Batrrister, Solicitor, Nobly Public, Conveyancer, Eto. g • . , lid 1 and village Money to loan oil Farm a properties at Lowest rates of Intel t•t..t OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL.- Tbe Council of the County of Huron will meetin the council chamber in the town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 3rd, day of December next at 3 o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Clerk, Dated at Goderich, this 20th. day of Novem- ber, 1901. 7 ANTED,. Responsible Manager :(integrity . must. be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to be opened in Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Salary 6150 per month and extra profits. Applicant_ must have e1500 to Woe cash and good. stand- ing. Address, Supt., 1'. 0. Box 1151, Philadel- phia. Pa, 14 KINSMAN, L. D S. AND N L. .Itz.nf�. AR. A. It A eZ '1' ttt Honor ado ri DS.D.I.t. nrG of Torento Unit ersity. I en tist in or without extracted ted bad after effects, Office In Fan-, son's block. West side of Main t. Exeter• EITHER STANDING OR IN LOGS. . Apply to E. 0 Kessel, FoREatax. Erer-En. ()N ANDERSON. N. (0. D. $. j.;.}1$ DEN TIM'. ileum Graduate of the Tomei°:nis'e& tY, .00 ]loyalt o1)ege of Ilett'al Sw genie of Ontario. \with !aortae Also 1 e Segni ('hicago School of 1'restiletie- 1`rilt:rtl� tvtitb E ve r s t i m g k n e on t o the D en ta l I t at eal e nhoioreble meanie: . dor in tbie o ee. Midge wens., crowns, al , 1uuinent, old and � ,Can toP1 tell done 1u . ers the neatest naner1Kierble. A perfectiX " banalities anaesthetic wed fol Fn6tle:- entree. 11on. (Mee one =outb of Cariioi I1rt+helore Exeter, G- °� A INVESTMENT. Fanson's 1 rice: block aid dwelling, in Exeter, for tette. The brickblockIs well situated, on :Bain street, i$ 70x35 feet, three store 1s. and contains four stores. entices 0.101 hells, el tl,Is is the best businct$ stood Ili town. T 10 •o storeys Weir y he d\om, Is bi C rooms. ie admirably adapted be disposed bowling Neuro. The property m f. Terms Cady, apply to 11. L. Fanson, Exeter. Ont. Exeter Roller Mills. Flour wholesale and retail, Mill feed constantly on hand. W-1Ef%T WANTED Ior which bigbest price will he pales,, Weed Wanted, TIMOTHY AND CLO'Ele SSEEDEoron'£,, J Cobb1edic'k Son TWEEDS At Cost Price. FOR THE ,EXT 15 DAYS, A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY P.ANT1\GS AT COST. e want to clear these lines at encs W. .JOHNS,, 'il'het 7i ,olio Cutters! Do you Want a Cuter? We have the finest stock in town.' All the latest styles. in the newest colors. Our prices nate low is can be found for first-class material and workman- ship. FOR SALE --BRICK- 1 E- SIDENCI'1'WWII AN ACRE On LAND IN EXETER -We oiler or Salo on rcac onnb o ' tcnUnit very desirable residential propcrt known us "The Hooper Homestead" eituateyd on Lot No. 16, routb Le Buren Street, Exeter. There S, erected upon the land,a comfortable ' and conrntodioue brick dwelling. also the, neceseary outhouses. The bouse Is In good re- pair and bas 0 rooms. Tho lot contains an acre of land and le excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of bard and tort eater, The property is up to date. and the terms easy, for particular; ap• ply to DncxsoN & C.'ARLING barristers Exeter, or to A. E. BoorxR, Row P. 0., Penna, i;. 8. A., proprietor. ixeler heU_ute Aency IF YOU WANT TO ,Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrovr or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan Line, ON THE 'UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAN Office over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. es. Cash paid for Raw Furs. A Drive in Music. Having prirchased a large line of new music .at a job price we will sell it at .5 cents per copy until Dec 1. T116 Best (. W66k1i6) ! The collection embraces some of the latest hits in songs jj PP fld�� ��1��� , and instrumentalmusic: �U� Wes ENLARCGEP AND IMPROVED. Tne Leading Weekly in Western Ontario ACCOMPANIED BY Fantri arid 110nie A <emi,monthly.publicatioe-ono of the best in America -is sent to any address in Canada or the United States for 75c• A YEAR -• Send f:r Circular containing • terms for flubs, also our list of premiums, WESTERN ADVERTISER London Ontario. Our ,stock of Organs and Pianos, Sewing Machines &C., will be found new and attrac- tive both in price and quality. S. MARTIN. BEFORE YOU BUY _GALL AND SEE US. J F Russc' Two Doors South Town rias!. Milburn's Sterling Beadacbe Powders give women prom ptrelief from monthly pains and leave no bad effects "whatever. Be sure you get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents- All dealers. CREDLT OI" Roller Mills Our mill has been remodell- ed with the Gyrator System and people tell us they now make better bread than bak- er's when using our flour. Origin and Gloppini D0116 Pro[ ptI i. H. SWEITZERtt BROWNING'S ¶D'ug tore floalquarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve'. Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any:of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines ol7r hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. ei aWBROWNINQ Dominion Laborator11.