HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 4TUE EXETER TI E The Mosons Bank ,cu,k),TrptieDllY PARLIentENT, leen Peed up Cannel - ea5e0,0ea ReaerveYead - V2, 000 Head nfSitee.efeeteeen dAnenn FInn,e0T.Eace, 331Ax.6.04.11 Money advanced be good, feemers o eeir ova note win:toe° or mere endorser at 7 per eeeePeraneene Neter Jena/ice open every lawful dee feerta 14 A. es, to p. neellatInSenn. 10 a. ne. to en. ra. urrentrates et interest elloweclou deresite. peonSON .n CARLING. N. HURDON. sorecreons. 1.S.;73$413$ Exeter, Dee. ettle'ete, 'Oaiondar fear December, 1901 1 8 14' 22 29 2 9 19 M 30 10 17 2t 31 W=emsrixee . 4 11 18 2a. TenenenieT5 12 19 26 Fnmay „ Seeennisner, „ „ N 1111011118[x p[Rflt ikr,4-wrinthi4r-ACaulty will recall Mr. 3. P. Meran, sou of Isfr. D. Moran, of 1 Goderich, hut formerly of Seafortb, THE CHARITY OF ALL CHARITIES. I t• and regret to learn that he died be AtIttata, Oeorgia, two weeks ago, from congestiou of the lungs, combined with her failure. Re had always been a renaarkably robest, healthy, ma r4 is s sudden demise was a sad shock to his friends, few of whom knew a his illness. Alex. Smitb, of Stanley, two years ago introduced new grain, imported from a foreign part, which is called Spatz and resembles Russian oat, or still more, Canadian barley. He has grown it now two years in succeselon and it has proven itself t� be a great yielder with ordinary cultivation. We at least 20 per cent. more productive than oats and for clean or feed superior to corn or barley, for the quantity can be fed with out the danger of over- heating. The straw is equal to oat straw for feed. Why not our farmers get some information on this new grain. It.' s bound to come into use. Rev. M. 0. McLennan was inducted into the pastorate of St. Andrew's and Hills Green congregations on Tuesday last. The induction services were 'held tn Se. Andrew'? church. The niotime ator a presbytery took charge- of the question% Rev. John mexeu, et Bay- tield, preached tbe sermon Rev. P. Musgrave, with Rey. W. 'S.1. Martin as alternate, addressed the minister, and Rev. E. A, Sewer.% Brncefielti, ad- dressed the people. After the service a reception WAS tendered the new pas. tor by the ladies a the congregation% tal a tea given in the hall, follewed by a social time. Short addresses were delivered by the ministers pres, ent, and special music was famished by the chow. tlll tlio N@IN$- 01 int o1 limos Roader$: -i1011011111g , • • In then Gmtic$ Dilidd les ex Miss Willis asresigned her position as teacher in Greaten, piddle school the resignation to take effeet at the end of the year. She has accepted the position as second teacher in Lucan public school. • What was nearly a fatal Accident occurred ht Granton not long ago, when Barrie, son of Robt. Lawton, teU into a cistern of water. Fortunately 6 13 ad a 14 a. . he was rescued in time and was, after ee some labor, resuscitated. Hugh Leonard, of Parkhill, the welr known timber dealer, is dead at Mo• " bile„ -9.1a. He owned between 40,000 land -S0,000 acres of timber land down in that state. INirs. Leonar4 was at his bedside when he die& sbe havieg ikeIti1e0Ii received word when he first, took sick; Deeeased was Wen at Mount Carmel e00 y aes ago, AGR,I4CLTURAL T-FM,ENTS. SDA.N. Tbe Implement Age is a paper pub. A a kAratfOttl UVIII named Oeorge liehed in Philadelphia in the neterest of the iinpleraveh ent and icle dealers l' "*""' *1-- "'"' "''S‘ Qir wink' "410' et the Idritted Statee. A recent num- '. dituegutlil;t:vd" a 41°T11Pg 1'104 °ay 14' ° ber contaias AU artiele on teelprecity with Canada, from -width we tanw the t 4. p. Moen* of St. Mai ye, v as out tallowiagi-Thoee who gek pretee- on the stre4 t again this eveek after a tion bliould etudy Loth sides tit' the severe seige of eight weetis. The eproblem. When the high tariff lie., citizens were glad to gzeet him. mem Callada and the 1,- taw states , Lieut. co). mathewn, M. 1?. V. for Was deClared it Wall a wetter of con. South Latiaill, undiveeed the electore gratulation on tide bide of the hue af Blyth and vicinity ea Pride y even-, that this country. was relieved of Can.. hg last iti the Intel eete of Mr. Beck. adieu tenapetation tn agrieultural and implementbut tW. 0. Tuylor. of East Nieeouri, has machinery e. ee me rout oveaGotcd wan that ti o , sold his team to Win. Atelteson, of weak (Janadian coucerns were made, A, Vest );16somi- :4r- Ta,Tior is not siv- atonger, and that the tariff encourag. , xn.a" lit) taming but is open toe the par- ed aud foetered more such enterpreais cna,'e ot another farm - in Canada, OAS driving our maim- Geo. Thempson, a Toronto laniver- feetuvers out ef the Vatiadian mate 'say. son 44 Joel= Tae,epsen. ar se ketv. The hiNt Mae bun certanti'-,tatY- 1"et NS'itll rather d enrinns aed" very laigely aesisted Vanedian mane. dent while experimenting in the Owns. - facweers et iratilemetita and machine- teal laberetory last Pettey afternoon. ell, m their ti-WU UlatiS; Wat has . While hollieg FOUS4 Oa 't+t. Vitt101 in a eie no lanai of coeseguenve to ," glass jar the bottom suddenly ‘Irretiped eerievin mienufecturcts in Miscount- eut ot the jar, and the liqual was sot. 45 they can hold oar market ed on Thenapson's harate. UP WASSeV. /iII$t a CGxupetition, Witia a reei-;i et eiy brained. city treaty that permitted of low " An old folks' eet vice was Lela in tiw ties on iniptemente between the two metteielet aurae st. Maui:, last $OD., UtIttiCe. We would crowd the Caned- , day meeedeg iv Rev. (ay. Heueeeeme 1'1 nlanlafactinels in our own mar" Every effort was made to secure i ,etta ft is ante to assume that underl very large attendnnee of oa folks. tie Praeaut aouittion of affairs. . hie A i-tuall omen was placed in the 'ariatat, sour turd agfcement WinCa ; church and the singing led by the old would make the lead Into Canada vas'', people. who serg the old fashioned ier for our inauttfacturers would be ; tunes. As the day was fine there was greatly W the advantage ef this coun- ' a, WIN' attendance. as we would aut only bola our Miss Lizzie L Thorneou, daughter et •ground, but 'needle Cabmen with cur : 7ti„. ,,,,d mrs.. ii",,,I, rm,„„„„. p fai.. xuanufactuice. In pteof of this claim , Srari`e7tired at ierb07.1"4,711-“st7tu-IS:t‘y It limy he gated that for the nine ',, nettle:mete aged 0.) yews end 6 months, InOntil5 ending with march, liVii we -"this Thomson has been ill for some sold implements and untehinery to! Hennes ae a pulmonary affect ion. British North America to the value of she was for ahout two ware a teacher $1, Liusaya, white eapadian InAnUfne. '141 the Leamington Public nzebools, but tUrers eold nothitig in such linesi in !last 'Ally SIIV Watt taken ill and obliged. th this country. H e tariff should be 'to give up ber work. educed our manufacturers would no story wines from v..amioops,B. C., ouht inereitee their eales in Canada ..„. 1- ile Canadian manufactircers would i ettettt•„,•lasil" SPeacin, a dry goods tray - of that city and formerly of St. unable to meet the Ai:aerie:us! mcie .d, facture it the United Statesn y is suppoeen to h eve been mur- Perth tiered. Ile etarted west from Kam- tunder any 1iuds 0I ar lir' i -sops with trunks containing about u ftuiners are urgiug their ! rs worth of goods. He went as far I'D t to take action iu this WO , west as Calgary and returned, He sure that direction which the Government is finding difficult to re- sist., Should the United States show any disposition to revise the duty be- tween this country and Canada, the --- firm broken and rifled. containing $7o probability is that Canada willingly lin cash and some goods. The supposed will agree to the change. I murdered man is the son of Geo, thvY "re bringh% " Pres" passed through Kamloops, the con- ductor of the train says, lu an appar- ently helplees condition, probably &Liggett Ile has not been heard a since. His trunks came back to the A London paper says that the new coinage will not be ready this year. _ ,The intention is to issue it as soon as possible in the new year. It is just poesibledhat the new stampe may be issued at the :tame time. There man expectation that the portrait of His Majesty, both on the stamps and mi the coins, will be in the main e of a profile, though not a full prate. The inscriptions on the coins will, of .course indicete King Edward's title of sover- eignty as recently amended. eSorne people appear to fancy that we are, in a, day, as it were, to bid good-bye to - 'queen Victoria money, and have it re- ' placed all round by that bearing the portrait or Edward VII. It is hardly necessary to say that the chaege will be (mite a gradual one. A complete set of King Edward coins have been prepared, but the 'order of their issue will depend upon the call of the banks. It is proposed to establish. a naval trammg ship at Cleveland, and Con- gress will be asked for an appropria- tion. Several months ago the coel• amittee an naval affairs of the Cleve- land Chamber of Cow rnpree approach• ed Secretary of State Hay in regard • to the treaty of 1812 which still exists between Great Britain and the Deli ed States, probibitieg the locating of any armored cruisers,or any sort of arrow- ed vessel, oil the great lakes. Owing s ---existing difficulties then, Mr. Hays thought it unwise to take the Matter up at that time, hot suggested tbat it be done later, promising to elid what aid he could in the matter, this is part of the movetnont to squash • e old treaty, and permit the of war ships in lake dockyards. mericau writers who speak out Wilin- g in advocacy of this; movement, pre- , end to fear that with the possession d e op canals from the sea to the -7akes in British lands, sex,,eral mipor- ant lake cities might some time be efenceless against attack. This kind appeal is supposed to startle Otto- rsi inLo Lbe actiou required in the oast of lake shipbuilders. -- 'CORNS ! CORNS CORNS! ecovetea at lase; o reniedy that is e, sate a nd painless. Putnam's .of -1, -,ss Corn and \A'art Extractor eVer ',ever causes pain, nor the sEg osi discc,rofoxt. 13uy C'oz•ti Extractor. and bovs-are ' many cheat), daug:erons and snhstitutes it% the umalcol. Spearin, St. Marys, Huron Ttnn new culverts were put inon the Bald/Ion line, Stanley Townshidp. last week if remote tile in front of the property of 3 T. Keys. Abe McMurray has purchased the handsome brick iesideere in Egmond- ville from Mr, Stewart for S1400. Mr. :el 0:U11:lay will occupy it as soon as Mr. Stem. art erects a reeidenee on bis farm. Rev. Mr. :McLean, Presbyterian minister tf Blyth, was on Thanksgiv- ing night made the recipient of a fur lined overcoat by the ladies of the hurch.Mrs. McLean was presented with a pnrse of money. As F. A. Edwards, of Bayfield, was coming from Brucefield, one day last week, his horee beceme ill and fell on the road when near Varna. The ahi- tnal was got to a stable and a. veteri- nary sent for, who pronounced it paralysis. Mrs. 11. McGregor of Seaforth, met with a very painful accident on Fri- day of last week, She slipped and fell on the sidewalk, near Barton's black- mitlstiep, breaking her arm at the writ.t in two places and receiving other injuries. Charles Dodds bas rented hie farm on the 5thconcession of McKillop, to his eon, Itobert. Ever since • the acci- dent with which he met, about a year ago, Mr. Dodds las been disabled for work anti now intends to retire, al- though he will still continue to reside on tilt: farm. • Robert 1., Peddie. • who a' couple of years ago was in lit -tailless ita._SeafOrth rot' A tirne, committed • euicide on Thursday last, by jumping from Belie Isle bridge; at Detroit: :Mr. Peddie, had sullered a sun areike nome tune ago; and it is supposed that was the indirect 'cause of his act', ,• Wm. Richardson, ',vim has li tied on % the Sturgeon farm, near Dillegreen, for a imn her of years, has purchased Win. Caldwell's liOuse ani lot op the Zurich road and in future will reside there. \T051', also informed that. R Dignan is al tout. .to„ purchase Cha. Redmond's farm • Miss Mary GaIhra.ith, who left Bay. tielththout a ve.m.' *gr.> to aceept 110 itt por1.0411. pea'r!ii,idt) Government sCh001 in Manitoba:. is. 86‘.tin With t y ph old fever and• hits htttt tiikeii to a bespit:ti nt Winnipeg, Miss GA:thrall It ' is n c ery • e,titnahle yonng lady. mui. her. ma try fr:',"rd..77 hopo tt,r her speedY o(t)very, Not withstanding a. widely current eumor thet the Rev, Itl R. Hicks was dead, he never was in better health, d never did a harder and more sue. essfal year's work than that just elos- ng. ile has juet completed his large and splendid almanac for 1902 and with his staff of able helpers ba brought has journal, Wonia AND WORKS, justly forward into inter. natiouid reputation. For a quarter of century Mr, Hicks has grown in re putation and neefulnees as the people's ashonomen and the forecaster of StOr111$ and the character of coming seasons. Never were his weather foreceete so sought after as tow. hie timely warning of a serious 4leought this yeer having saved the . people from less and suffering. Millions of bushels of wheat were 'harvested through his advise to plant clops that early, file fine Alma- nar of 209 pages is only 2.1e, and his splendid family journal is onlv one dollar a rear including the Almanac. Send to Wont> eeni Wonies Pub. 00.1 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Rev. R. B. Barr, rector of the Pro- testant Episcopal churches in What - coin and Fair Haven, Waebington, purposes leaving, in December for South Africa to avenge the death of his eon, who was killed in action there. He is 4L former Londoner, 'having se- cured his divinity degree at Huron College in 1873. Subsequently he was stationed at Lucan, Exeter, Brantford Ibis native place,) and Point Edward, from where he went out west. A re- cent. telegraphic despatch from Ta- coma Washington, lets in fiwther light upon Mr. &tries proposed trip to South Africa.. It is as follows: - "With a desire to avenge the death of his only son, who was shot by beers last year, the Rev. It. E. Barr will Imre early in December, for South Africa to join the British army. For the last two years he has been rector of the Protestant Episcopal churches in Whatcom and Fair Haven, Ris son was killed in an engagement in which the Boers greatly outnumbered the British. The Boers, it is nlleged showed great crnelty to the British. Ever since receiving this news, Mr. Barr has bad a, strong desire to go to South Africa and fight. He has sold his property in Wbatcom county to obtain' funds for his trip. Mr. Barr has been one of the leading Protes- tant Episcopal clergymen of the North- west." UNNECESSARY TO STIFFER FROM ASTHMA. This distressing coinplaint,cau be perfectly cored by inhaling Oatarr- hozone a vegetable antiseptic, that destroys the germs which cause the disease. Oatarrhozone is inhaled at the mouth from a convenientpocket inhaler, and after perineating the minutest air cells is exhaled slowly through the nostrils. It stops the cough, makes breathing regular, and erradi eates the Asthma so thoroughly from the system thak it never returns, Don't stiffer from Asthma, use Catarr- boione, it will speedily Caro you. Large outfit, 81.00. Sinall 'size 25e. Druggists or by mail from Polson & C�., Kingeten, Ont. "One of. my daughters hadee terrible case of asthma. We tried elmost everything, but without re- lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and csne-half bottles cured her." -Emma Jane Entsminger, Langsville, 0. Ayer's Cherry.Pectoral certainlycures manycascs of asthma. And it cures bronchitic., hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping -cough, croup, winter coughs, night f! coughs, and hard colds. Three sizes! 25c., enough for ,an ordirary cold; 15011., just right for bronchitis, boaT8D- WM, Mad alas, eta.; 51, ttiost oconsmical for chronic 'setae and to keep on R110. J . C. AYER CO., Lowoll, Mass. THE CARE OF THE SICK CHILDRQN. What Thejlospital for $ielt Children on College StreVt, Toronto, Has Done and IS D01114 for the Little Sufftwors of the Province of ontoon. $34.tent a year far malateuance„ an in - An inetauti that requiree about stionton that depeuds far support on the gown:teal of the generous people of , the Province of °Wart% must needs have tonelderable faith n tne lave, affeetion and generosity of the peonle. While the inetitution is loeated itt Toronto he work is eaaenttally pro- vincial. It admits not only .01)&4% from the city of Toronto but trout every city, towit, flIage and hamlet. Nee, from every feet lu the Province of Ontario. $o when yeti givc-be your glvinee eteee email -it goes for the benefit 4/ erery child of the provinee time is • '.7.'71;I:4tcd and, treated. Tui e etatement ittDif=114> beeauee receleioisel referenee iO nude to the /Toile:tat ;et a Toronto inetitution for Tolonto patlentS, wherene eve:sy sielt Analitt Onterie nee the same rights ' 4-7`t•4 privlrg.1i a.F.; those Vao live i:hin the shadow of the great red pile - r.tt College street. vane about $umo per ever. or a dollar rev patient. per day. to matte Mee .the Hospital.. The Government of the' province gives about $7.,000 a year. or nearly .eighteen eents per It'a 1. in other words, per patient per aernent 111 all expended in e. n" -.waive. The eorporatIou of the ene n. Teeeuto doer ten p more. It eivez• en.7,e / per year or elehe -ernts per heaa ree day, and thia too r,003 tee -at -de the .melatenance, not only of Toranto ratiente. bet far every petient in the iffdeltal, na matter from whet part et inn province thelittleores may come acre los, and tbis confrihn- tens et rho rive -tea -lion is increased by le eel net/01 te en0100 donated by cite vete p! Torent., ft*: the maintenance or •1'.: ••:*7.:rt to • ay nathine of the yearly lee Teronto r. eel,. thr! Mere:ere of maintained nal named Cot--1itt the Durin; its liktinr, the Hoepltal has neneled *Vele eatients and of three 4.000 wc•re (um:. and 2.700 w•i•%; iturrovetl. tie --and please ult." taint, f`rom 1,205 plaael in otttidl thrt city of '7:-7•21to, Tt'r 7 ea • • el,r10.1 .1••••1 1.)7 debt, The itT•nitin?,' nr.,11 • rt r IN) a -1d or thee raid hr !len o2 To' -onto end eeenee. tte cite zonl. Year hv .700.•ar the lr.en rr,Oueed and it lo rev down to sInsmo. To clear Ill.,. ineteliteduz21 thiS an - peal is' made. Hospital workmaw be carried on withaet raoney. Interest on mortgages has to be paid. An army of workers has to live, Nurses, dornea tics. officials are all human. They earn their wages whether they lite in or out or the Hospital. hundred and twenty children per 'IsY-Yes. u emue months a hundred and forty --once it Was a hundred and fifty --en these to look after and care for. Thirty nurses contomalin at worn. • A halfelozea maids with brooms and dusters; cooks and :veldt; to prepare the food and servt.• it, clerne In the office who wort: lik,v beavers. typewriters who tap the lteye their machines for 'hours a day, itte- swerin z eneavee of letters, preparin' aecounte. watehine every doing in lig, imere nee building on College eti P '1. that ver ciaees night er year round -a hive of tr.%) hnn.1 people. emelt and large. a little town doing what it can for God's suffer:u; little ones. True. 11 is, that some have to par a • • all who can afford It are expeenni )ay -but those who cannot Pay and can produce the certificate of a clergy. man or mown ratepayer of the pro. , vine° to the effeet that they are too ! poor to pay, can have maintenance I and treatment free of charge. It all could pay there would be no need to appeal for money, but elf$PF per cent. of the work is free work, for the children of those who cannot 9: ford to pay. Fancy a great family of nearly one hundred and fifty sick children. Yoe who have had perhaps one or twi. sick little ones at your own home therefore nnow something of the work. but when you visit Toronto drop in and see what they are doing to w•e back little ones from the grave. It would only weary the reader to g a with more story. This year a giant effort is being made to clear away tla debt. Every dollar of thie debt hamil eaps the Trustees. Every dollar rent in helps to lighten the Iced that i. nein carried. If r:.very reader would send but a dollar what a grand fund would be raised in a few weeks of time. Let every one who can spare a dollar. Send It to Dou3las Davidson, the Secretary - Treasurer of the Hospital, or te, Ross Robertson, the Chairman of the Trust. And please send it In at once, for even the best of us are prone to forret our best intentions. 4111•••••••••••=111.111•4•121. I CRAMPS ARE LIKE BURGLARS. 'The town of Wingham have entered into an agreement with the Bell Tele- phone Company to furnish a tele- phone fire alarm system, Other towns such as Guelph, Simeoe and Owen Sound, have adopted . the system, which has proved to be von, efficient and is not expensive. Rev. II. A. Graham„ of Lebanen, hes received a imaninimie cell from the officiol board of the Kineordine Meth- odist church, to tiecome their pastor•. fox. the next confetenee years. Mr. Graham filled the puipit itt that, church at the time of the vacancy, caused by the death of their pastm.. and made it favorable impression on his hearers, ." es/iCould IL' into the future and see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring you. you would seek relief, at once -and that naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption •Guarantetd to euro Con- •L'a 11'w Asthma, sad all I,ung Troubles. Cures coughs and codsin a day. 25 cents. Write to V. C. WELLs & Co, Toronto, Can., for free triarbottle. Kare's Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood,' nen- • Before leaving Arthur, for Windsor, Mr, Thos, W. Whalley, late editor mid punlisher of the Arthur Enterprise. was made the recipient of an address 11 nd a gold -beaded cane at tbe hands of the business men of Arebur. The presentation was made by Rev. Father O'Leary and C. B. Coughlin. 51. D,, president of the North Wellington Conservative Association. Air. Whal- ley carries with bini the hest wishes of, the entire commimity. tie intends lannehing a daily Conservative paper et Wheisor. in rompany with Mr. 11111- Craig-, son of Dixon Craig, ( late Conservative NI. P. for 'East Dur- ham. Children Cry Tor they come unexpected, and when they are least welcome. Be armed with one minute enre for cramps and keep Poison's Nerviline handy ; it acts in- stantaneously. Nerviline's Anodyne power is unique, far its composition expresses the highest medical progress of the age. Poison's Nerviline is a true comfort in the family for in all derangements of the stomach and bowels it is an absolute specific. Ner- velem has five times greater medical value than any other remedy and is sold in large 25 cent bottles. Try it. Mrs. McKinley, wife of the late President is causing great anxiet v to her many friends. -To Mrs. McKinley life is hut a, void and her expressed desire is to die and join her husband. Her unspeakable lass is only telt. SALE RG1STER: TUESDAY% DEC. 10T11, 1901. -Mort- gage sale of house and two lots, on Si i» ene st • Eitel e r. • Sale nt. 2. 30 IV, GLADArA.N, Solicitor, 0 GILL, Atet. SATtILIDA.Y. DECEillanit 7Ta, 190]. Sinciele Tait a ill 'hold an anvil/1i1 sale of household eff..ers, oleo lion.e ar lot sitfin 3 ed in 1.1.clesir able, local on a i n cif,. So le at I ‘vo o'clock: • J.No. GILL,. AU et, TO CURE A COLE1NOvE DAY Toke TAxativo Brenio Quinine Tablets. Ad druggists refund am money if it fails to cure. 131 NV, Grove's signature is on each box. 250 Grip=Q!.tinine Tablets (CHOCOLATE COATED) Grip -Quinine Tablets cure all sorts of cold and damp weather diseases. _ Grip -Quinine retains all the curative virtues of Quinine, with the disag4ee.t11e- ness left out. The Chocol e, Tablet form makes it pleasant to take, inuell nivel than capsules, and better in results. . Remember the name Taalets. The genuine ar- itt boxes only, with Dog's tfel Tr...".1cf-tilark. Refuse all'i ot.liers. Price 25, cents, at all druggists. Innen e.? 1011118 1Ii'0l'l)1Ii0tIlII0t1i0l'188518l8)Illl)13o huiti gag. .a.1/ 11/2111 AgetablePreparationforAs- similating tkeToodatuiReguta- lita-S /maths and.Boweis of SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE PrOniotesTheslion,Cheerful- llessandllest.Coritairis neither Opittm,Morphint. aor Maud. blow NAnc ()TIC. .raireavarhwazuvriza -Tux. Rocatrils Sas* „e16;istAilveZ AYernint - -.F,gremkerashract4,sr 714';.2 Sea = Ciarr44,,Tgitv` s laivevin-Aore. Aperfectlientedyfer Constipa- lion. Sour Stotaach,DierrhOea. Worms ,Convasions,Feverisit- ttess ondLoss or SLBEF. IS. ON THE WRAPPER. OF EMT BOTTLE OF xs.:"44H-40)=4W4 Casterla is pra up in ozza'atttea etily, it z rata:old In Valli, Deelis1i eayteo to volt you, ;vein elvo tto 'eat ce ',amigo feet it itt"Juct as gota" sea qalt cratece ovory pea &evi laze, eye ter.tila ,2.• leen ITKr %Imo. FOR SALE BY 8110E VARIETY. The " Soverei " shoe for ladle is made in every kind of shoe style,. The very latest fashion is not too new for the " Sovereign " shoe. Handsome dress shoes. Strong, comfortable, mannsh walking sh es Dainty, fashionable, light shoes for receptions or other indoor social functions. Flexible welts, silk stitcbed uppers, fine imported leathers, beau- tiful finish and absolutely correct fit. $3.00, $3.50 and $4...00. Low shoes $2.00, $2.30 and $3.00. Stamped on the sole, "Sovereign Shoe." R. H. SWEET, EXETER. .3 The King of Ranges, "Etucli's Happy- Thought" A Range with a Recor &Non", Too Good forany House. keeper That's what you get when you buy a Happy Thought. The nappy Thought Range was one of the first Ranges manufactured -in Canada: More Happy Thought Ranges are manufactured and sold each year than all other Canadian' makes combined -150,000 being now in use. When buying buy Canada's Favorite, "The Happy Thought,” not an experiment. : •• • • • • • Nanufactured by The Wm, Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford Write the Manufacturer for Illustrated Catalogue. ( APHIMVW .1.011•10.11MMItn• MMM k 1.; 17 •, SOD Bit 1 I EAMAN, EXETER. Poo Tnrown out. Scranton, • Pa., Dee. 4. -The break- er of the Geeea Ridge Coal Company was destroyed by 'fire yesterday with all...boiler and engine. houses, black- smith shops and car sheds entailing a loss of $1.10,000, partly insured. Six hundred 8mp1c,Yes are thrown out of employment. The action of ()oilers Little Liver Pills is fill tnant, nnIcl anti natoral:', They gently ;•Iiiiinho,:•' th, liver, and regulate the howels1 u ti 3 ot purge. They are sere Lo phm;se. Tcy titeni A Bad Breath • ,Barque Founders. • - A bad breath means a bad Vitoria, B.C., Dec. 4. --The barque Highland City foundered off Van- couver Island during a gale, and.the crew were 'brought here by the steamer 'Queen City, which as rived last night. OhHdren Cry for stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills aro liver pills. Thercure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 211c. All druggists. NrirMitTOnr moustache or beard a bMsutiful • brown or rich black? Then use , •BUCKINMIAM'SOYEf°r Whl kers 0011o, OF DRUMISTS, [MP. P. PALt. OP., MOtik.1484.