HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 3ME MA KET, liroibcport4, to w4alse Beg:gtt 3 One load ef extra choice was re- ported -sold at 41e, but it was not a tepresentative quetation, • For the choiee picked lots of butch- er cattle the price was from 4 to 41c per lie loads were worth from 3,e, to 30. and inferior to col -omen O•om 3e down to Isle per De 1,t•eetlers are worth front 3 to 3:c per lb. Milch cows are worth from $25 to 815 each, or up to.,950 for choice. Hogs were a shade firmer to -day. The best price or "singers" is Oc CF th; thick fat and light hogs are worth 5're per D. llogs to fetch the top price must be of prime •quality, and scale got below 160 nor above Das. Following is the range of quota- tions: - rices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres, Toronto, Dec. 3.-M:beat-Local trade is quiet, and pricee Dealers paid 71e middle freight for red and white. and millers bought at 72 to 73e low rates to milisestrld wheat was bought for milling at "de low freight ,to mills. No 2 goose quoted at 661e, en a now freight to New York. No. 1 spring nominal et 70e east,. Maniteba wheat unchanged. Nothing doing in No. 1 bard; No. 1 Northern sold at 82e, grinding in transit, and No. Northern at 79e. g.i.t. h'or Towel° and we 2e lower. Oats -The inte•ket is quiet, the feeling irregular. Sales of No. 2 white were made at 441e west, end to 4.” to 461, east. Peas -The inaricet is firm. No. Fold at, 79e. north and west, and'at 80c middle freights Cattle. Shippers, per ewt.......$1.25 $4.65 Butcher, choice... 3.75 4.25 Thatcher, tar& to good.. 3.25 3.75 mother, inferi•ore. ...... 2.75 3.00 Sheep and Lambs. Choice ewes. per cwt... 2.50 2.871 Butcher sheep, eacia..... 2.00 3.00 Lambs, pernewt.. 2.75 3.25 Corn -The niarnet b limn Ni) 2ks, oer cwt... 2.00 2.40 sohl at Wet north and wean and 80e 'alilUers and Calves. midgile freighte. Cows, each..... -.80.00 45.00 Com -The morlest le firm. uith • valve% .neco„, -- ....... , ,,,, ertio . 1,0;00 1 odes of Cate:alien yellow at chic - llogs. west. raild Mxed at 55e west. Ain- Moire hogs, per cwt5.75 6,00 ;Heim yellow is quoted on track nt Light hogs, per rt...o 5.75 ette. Heavy hogs, per cwt5.50 5.75 • Barley-Markia onetime:ed. stith ;Sows, per cwt.- - 3.335 8.75- •lemand (1inte•ratt.. No. 1 emoted tit 'Stags, per cwt.. 0,00 ..33.00. etie. and No. 2 lit. 52 to. One ; Non. 3 eactra at 51) to ei0Se, and No. 3 ut ....,....-.......9........,.... !Pe whittle frehelit TWENTT-SIX .IVIEN KILLED. - neT1 • - • deo • fi • • 1 , -,:ege ow tee - SCORES CREMATED; Wabash. Trains. Caash 'Togetb. and Wake Pire. • A despatch from -Detroit, Mielt, says: -Two Wabash passenger trains, Nos. .13 and 4. net iu bead-ou col- lision at S'and Creek, a stile:ten sever miles west Of Adrian, at 7:85. o'clock on WeOnesday • At 8:45 the Wabash, road eent special from bere to the scene With ten phy- sicians -from the littrper Au hour later a stemma special was de- spatched with more physicians and wrecking ert•w. New:Mover .repertwre report 150 killed and two paseenger coaches on fire.. The wreek Occurred one mile east of • Seneca, Michigan, a, small way station about 70 utiles south-west of Ifeti•oit, about: 7:30 o'cloelt. An end - grant train, No. 13, with twit) -cee gines, westbound, ageing -at the rate of 45 miles an hour, crashed_ into an eastbouod train, No. 4. Seven coe.ches on the emigrant tratn were crushed and all the passengers till- ed. One coach of the eitieseeger train telescoped. The eneigrants had no chance of es - ape, and those who were not crash - to death weve roasted. The. NEWS HEWS. felegraphic Briefs F.1-041 Al' Over the Giobe„ . CANADA. Cape Becton -coal is to be .hippex to Norway. George T. Locke was fatally shot According to the as esor, Gales at memo.), woo, scheol Prieei- population i$ 8, 002, Pal Dick Cennb, whom he attempted A dentist will likely go wien the to horeewhip for punishiug hie bey third contingent to South A:ilea. in school. • doliare for damage seito resulting in injuries received on defective side - wants:. Mr. end Mrs. Willies -ma the agtil setons of the Baptist eluirchn Ky., in celebration of their golden weddiegs received a $50- tollahSt One, To, prove that be was not a, coward as bantering acquointances bad charged, Dick, a barber of Norwood, Ohio, committed euleide vith poison. The Winnipeg Public. echeol hoard la a recent election in hfaseachte. has ordered the vaccination of au egatts t,he Prohibition and the Social - pupils. ist Jabor parties fell below the 3 per yeeneeen item ee, steel own. cent.• Beeeseary to give teem legal jemmy, v nseeett. sor en woeBRITISH PRESTIGF PREROGATIVE OF MERCY. Exercieed in 320 Ceimieal Ceeee D•erieg Year, despateb, frone •Otteeett 'ae.YO.a - BOER COMMANDOES. Vary De Size From Plity to Four Hundred Men: A riespateh to the London Times Durieg the year ending September era, Preterite etonfirees the state- 0tb, the woesf inthecteaTeict-e,sgag.rptangtothieheaanrioweiii;ing Thoef iclaesswe.' 3.0617e Ncroeurvelegtmae"teudaitlyiereelft= edQeg5P11412tee411 5"14/4115"ntallnlet:,lelb'e4 :47 h eleeehoeheehe; peeeeeewa the good bering from 50 to 400 men, 26 of them being in the Tranevaal. 42). the Orange Rorer Polony, aoul 13 the ape Colony. Thoee itt tho Transvaal include 1.100 nien north ef lit or t :11 1.0:48 a tit:31:: e.00: ea,t7 h:tus,13o, et arlki gthiaielireli tpolYtara* yowl lew4tiohc th.oe- 000 men. d and warmth of Kingston Pone- tentiery to the cold wOather outside the walls. Oee eicket-of-leave was forfeited, ono eanceled, and one granted for the purpose of enabling the `convict to see Ids dying =ether. Thirty -live offences were embraced Ul the crimes con -elated by those who were allowed out on eiclintaof- leave. Of these 51 were for theft, 1$ Parties ia the glary, four, anion, two nerJarYg ?Ix .State. standing as politica/ pony will compete with the American gearliet. ..-••••••••• lierse-stealleg, four receiving stolen °Apt,. xe.hen, says et as Been Stephen Doyle l'Vz9 acrldc,malpy 1 Fotiiendittires to be euide by the goods, four forgery. to -o counterfeit- Beheneeh, shot and killed ley et contraption retiosOTratila Itailroad Corapauy fur Inge and :three maxelatigliter. ' hunting mow lialifax. new equipment for Um- year 4902 in previeus, years the prerogative A despatch from Lenidoe;- will bro.4 all records and will es- of mercy was exercieed is fonosve-„- Some of the newspapers bere cote- Wynnte:-. the Alpine climber . '. • ` ' ' " ' toblish a figure witieli will probably 1900, 306 tieniee 1899. 2a6 tirueS ; eth.eut oppreciati.vely on at Ftiele by les for seetwal mentais. is reported to :".1-..er 4:4411/3 aP.Pre4.etes'(.1. b,,Ye -4111117.7 t 2,2" 11143119Q. ttithee ..4*''inlitluean"cnet wile) Itwa been he Cantitilet riztirOtt(4 company lit the M.0-CAu. #4 '..••• 44"P‘."'" .1... - preSerAt PlarAS are Carried etot the t.Iie number graiiteti up to 'the .30titlue ••oatti. African war on Britisit pteie er ae elvg* ee• • e - nciesirete af ileee ton tt0,43,361 Lee e „ w'II 'dive orders for Reny talc onleyear have/ tictelitt; ltieenf tporestlieo-eeuiperawlbtoielott clult:iolguritteirt cot:41:1;141 rangitt inatiediateke after jaw,":"11“)1117inq IL° 11''u '4(4 "I'Ainnw wItich'.1will require 411 • firitain*s prestige bas been enhattced e Seett-r. Inen and far- kg11.1:4,21,v413/4.::,$ f'itt '4'1411338.` ,Itt:“(iiturf-: of $25.oun.uvo. n the opinion of foreign. ‘ebinets rentler what aesistence they could. rrkt steitrasii"sii statslow. ; caled or forfeited. ners rushed to tete blazino mese to • • e diepaesionate thinners, boWerwe possible anti thone not dead were tale, ItYdragraPilic eurery of 1.ahe Severe! GENERAL. 't may be temporarily sunk. in l'ot and cafes of foreign towtr; Bodies were naleled out as rapidly tie gliobee. lies been purebred for the l• L, The population of Australia is 2. - en to the railroad navitat at Peru, Dui. :it is utterly it to get it is rumored that in the spring any naint•s of the :Mad and injured, 3•Ifecomede and Mann will tigin at , . .. . . .. .. . (twine. to the great exciteinent and Edmonton to build a. reilway te- al.micelle freleht, and Me ettst. 3_ etatifusien prevelling, Iti in believed"- ward, battgeforti. that ry Oarsenger oti the emigrant emigrant will lihely be the winter Itueletifieta-oierret firm on omull ' n'114eilkg' Cat4'•9tr.aPbe 5,U a• 3:te"' . . ea.. . a . igeg ,,te taw .. , ...-. tp,irittitutt Aron atm titeei ...rain was eitieto and ,f. A4A>A• SA; A pet ‘ o; %SIT; A , ern-xi/eel, with prime about Oele east. . troit Factory. killed will never be made. Compton! fee the elthweetit of pig El • le r-lle re et ie gene . Ninety A d await telt from Detroit. says:- Bodies were strewn eking both Per et tit . f' P1 sold 4it "•67 1150 Tw'atY-six 1Ne1 aro &lead> lire al sides of tile true; for a quarter of a wnt. martin. presidott 0! the van... W' iron to Great Brititin. a ant cr L. a q• tlit. or elite! 10 "4 (9 to $2.70 Melo unidentified. and so terribly 333ne end es therta was nothing avail- nine.. Grttin h.:whit:me,. now says cd• the hotly et the late cement tenni tine, the brides:woe/Mee ring fell to, nhatcsatior. ft :s announced that Xing; the ground when the wedding rotas middle. in buyers' 1.sits. Locally end horned awl hinchenect that identilica- ad,. to cover tee corpses, they pre-: 1.6.,,t7 tee eteelonea wheat. crop Oahe ' The industrial denrension ill Car- Ed% ' d var con:nut . . • for Lower Provinty! trade prices of th,n if -i- uttoc$1, imitt=ittle, and, 24 eefited a Wituosoitio alifiaaratiee• Ti• *it I will total 05,4100.0V0.A bitehels. many is spreading and Canshig gr.c?at !,.eirs be peid, lo&ndde‘lit,k1X1' itIrTeerist=71! were betr4r;' be found. Te xbee,14,s-utilgeeet. .7VVCTelirra ift7flt Onliee strilip;it rolf*'rs. hi WOod., are 'other men are tow', irt the \Parlous ,.., 88.15 to $3.:3o. el:mite/et wileat leopittils of the city taith•ring from Capt. Bernier. Who is allNinUO tu V.11'31ess• 1.1.11atC, the Drrtisn, f,..overrentent. in so h ' .- , g v.' 11 ri V hst4 tieoro. The Sultan of Morocco bre.; invti- ItOd pri:cin reform. SPECIAL HON° S. ing .Vays Tromege to Ilea.... enale AntiatteSatior. Silt is introdUCing intO her nocy deepeteh frem London says training fillip for engineers. Much eignificance is attached hero Maria, Luisa, a tiegreee, 3,60 years the unusual military tribute attend d just died at Rio Janeiro. ling the removal of Conut vou is exactiany deuied Qupeu reniains from the Gernatio. Eno. - „ bassy to the train which is to carry OMEN FULFILS ITSELF, alion Faidegretutt Terrified at Loss a aioc, tab. from itrime. says1.--At a - recent. nt's. wedding. in *be Ne- apolitan villog7e.. St. Marco •Argen, ‘1441 here that the eollistou resewed from it mismideretandiage of the train deepatelier's ertlere. It is sold that wee eves given orders tO Wait at Neneca. but ger., by that statton. liour ',melange& itenig,;,1,rig_ni ratento.,:terrible vete anti Litres oral other ilie plant 1310 Canedien Ilan" at the North :For the firtiil 411111 a. Russian 'ng. de,ired tO show it .wati, Mit," ot °nee the •direSt contAluenCeo. The • . - tut tsernialey. Si. included. at- !Pronto. and jeriso rtwailts of the explosion of Imo. sails from, 31,a:treat in a, few eereity has phicte-t Tolstoi! s tiufiecteg myti...ithiosit bridegr..tona biruself was greatly ex- , A t (AWL and at the Nei:tiding tenet a. stymie leihersh $3,70. the Wings of the Penbertity days fer England, waert. be estetaltS ils cUrriculum. The iathn of Comet con Iletefelae/friend WhisNred iLto his cur one or Oaeinetila-nitiraet rar Ito:rotor Companr's large plant at tate 00 Izae4 1,,,7,417.* in lame, , the eoraer Abbott street. .and 14041 $5.40 in woe& Brohen lots 2:10'.11:rootilytt Avenue at D:30 o'clock on per hill event, .Tneedeer. Millfetel-Pirtin "-home and firmer • Following, is a list oi the dead: - S15410 to al atit'dlle Feints. A. J. lioettien, Louie Ileeiling. latt- and Itt. altt here. ailiorte, $18 out” rid; :galley, A. N. Millen Eugene nigh.. :Ind 8:24 bt•re. It; t ohn I I ran re, eieleee, ,Ig-troplt 13;'0Ley. '5111, "14(1 •1114"14 $21. Tor.)nu) t harks mania. doseplt Kolveh, Ste. Ilen chrispit. (Norge sehottor. Chas. J elly, Jacob Koebt•t, William Munn. t bristopher Attithnan, Robert Creer. hilward /lurch. Jahn Seim:Alba, Riche PRODCCE. tint Iteon, theigiatis Diekinson (boy), Pot attiefeeThe inarhet in firm, with Peter Don, live unidentified bodies, good demand fm' choice ears, Twee In addition to those more neriotaMy twirg (me per han; on track, and ficii injured a chwen or moro 01 employes out of More at 741e, who eel -awed rottsparativeb elight in - I tried Applee-Zilerhet, in :deafly. Price Were tahen direct to timir Pritos art• 5 to eqa: per M. lileapar- homes. Eight etu men and boys hay uted sell at 9 to 10e. not as yet been located, either at liopte-thisinne quiet with prices their home:, or at the Ito:Vital% The steady at 12n to 13e; e-earlings, $e. unidentified bodies account, for five of Iloney-The market is michanged • these, unit the °Moore of the coni- - ,V, at VI to We. VOM1.1V, 81.50 to. puny say they feel positive that the OV. -`14 -per dozen. major portion of the rem:tilting 15 Deans -The inorItet is steady. Me are at theha homes. picked ure hillame at $1.40 to $1.45, The Penberthy Injector Company's and handpicked at $1.50 te $1.55. plod, oetupied half u. square at. the Cranbereht: - Maii.et, mielianged corner of Alabott °Street end Brook - with Cure Coti at $8.50 to $9 per 1 • blie Canadian, $0.n0 to $7. Huy, baled - Tile marliet is un- changed, with vales of timothy here at 39 on track, and 810 delivered. frttrasv-.1 he innrket is quiet and firm. Cur lots on track bring 80 per wards and then crashed i.i0W13, 0. . t011. 11131.531 of debris. 'Windows in hinnies ronitr,y-Trade is better, with for a block around. were broken by good demand and prices firmer. We the concussion anti flying bricks 111 - (motet -Turkeys (dry picked), 7 to le(1- the nuighburing ye eds. Flames 9c• *ease r ' to bic: 1 .1. • '''f t broke out from the rums :Almost Oa- .: , oec; chickens, (young), ae to eee ; niediately, and the borrer of fire was old, 25 to 2.5c, added to the suffering ones imprison- ed. Calls were sent out for all the am- bulances in the city. Pending their arrival, neighbor' ng houses were turned into temporary hospitals. The floors end roof had fallen at an angle and formed a sort of huge cowor, under which tbo tire burned liercely. Not until the firemen had chopped -through this did their streams begin to have an appreciable effect on the names. The suffering's of those "'who were buried beneath were later testified. to by their_ chee- red aneblackenet1 bodies. A vacant house adjoining the fac- tory was converted into a temporary morgue. 1n several cases the chor- red corpses were so hot when recov- ered -that they ceuld scarcely be han- dled.' The property foss, according to Secretary G, Childs, is about $3.80,- 000. The then carried $70,000 fire and some boiler insurance, but how much of the latter Secretary Childs could not state. ' Subscriptions Sol - the relief of the sufferers have been started. o .SHOT DEAD ,AS HE READ. freichts. ineluding sachs. ' ' •••,,•••,1•0.• meeting N. 13 while both trains to raise rding to a report from Odo-o. V goitre et full :weed. The noieti Dynan:Pee cylir v;.1,4clo,11, iterit,5431112 tee sheet*. „wai looms: to Vittoria stetion 41' tho awful results of having lost bbl ,gue, earrtege, anal e•r•certed the ; ring. and dwelt upon, it tit length. h coitision WaS, heard at leaat eeparator Rabbit AlLierta.leertlignalie at Lrzevratta. ure (hernia, oue seett3eion of'; Suddenly the bridegroom drew a re - The United Stllte'l trallVort ;the Coldstreant Gtz.tral6 3,60 :volver and flimt himself through the ni tmst.,hound train was the Cren-ibilowwit"litowtire 471;*°'11"1"ileetilii. 141E1\1"v4. Wright has hecit wrecked In the Abe hrst Greettellerai reread a Fpe.. • heett 0‘, sett to" 1,41 61 of frOM Where occurred. iineutal Limited and that left Cbl- ci.tped without -cr1tur3 injury. ,Straits of llartuan. Philippinee. guard of honor. Ittepeeeernetives beide. ea" at 3 41.(1°11'44 ethe INeeestt=1, shiPulmIlLs !Pr ,74,-31tri,tgva Er0331INV he wouldn't prevent a duel '41i the Mitieli Foreign Office end, truin left here at °Wen,. 3or tee pent evaeon tioneeo e-eeesee",' ais regiment, Baron von Reieswite other depertmeets were in the Miser- • - L. CAME 'WITHOUT WARNI.NU. The awful erfaah came without •the • slightest warning. The floors and roof of the rear building bulged up- TnE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -The market is unchanged, With receipts fair. Large rolls and dairy tubs (not showing feea flavor) meet with ready sale. Secondary and low grades dull and hard 1.0 move. We quote: -Choice dairy, tubs and rolls, 16c; selected, 1 -Ib rolls, 37 to 18e; low grades, 11 1.0 13e. Packages showing feed, 1 to 2c per In less than above quotations. 'Creamery prints, 21 to 211c; do., , fonds, 20e. Eggs --Market nrna. We quote: -Strictly new laid, 21 to 28c; ordinary store gathered (candled) 17 to 19cc: cold storage, 17c; candled, limed, 15 to 16e. HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Dreseed hogs -are Brno at $7.40 to $7.50 in car lots. Hog products quiet,. We quote: -Bacon, long clear, .eells at 10e -c in ton and case lots. Mess pork, $18.50 to $19; do., short alit, $20. - Smoked meats -Hams, •13c; break- fast bacon, 14e; rolls, 11c; backs, 34e. and shoulders, 10ac.' ' Lard -Market unchanged. We quote: -Tierces, .10ec; , tubs, 11e; 11ece compounds, Sec to 9St; Fearinan's, Sec. tONITEI) STATES ALARIKETS. Buffalo, Dee. 3.---Flour-Steady. Spring wheat -Dull; No. 1 Northern, 78 -Sc. Winter wheat -No. 2 red, 81c. Coen -Strong; No. 2 yellow, 70c; No. 8 do, 69hc; No. 2 corn, 691e; No. 8, 6Sac, Oats- Firm; No, 2 white, 50c; No. 8 do, 19...1c; No. 2 mixed, 48e; No. 8 do, 47ec. Ba,rley--Quiet; •fancy, 66 to 68e. Rye -Firm; 65e asked for No. 1. Toledo, Dec. a -Wheat -Cash, 77e; December, 77ec; May, 80Oc. Cons-- I3ecember, Sec; May 65tec. Oats --De- cember, 48e; May, 4L c. " Clover.seed -December, 55,421; March, $5.55. Detroit, Dec. 3.-Closetle-Wheat- No. 1 white, cash, 77 -le" No. 2 red, cash and December, 77c; May, Sitee. St: Louis, Dec. 3.-Ciosed-Whent- Cash, 76ec; December, 761c; May, 73e. ' LIVE STOOK MARKUPS. Toronto. Dec. 3. --Al; the western witiee yards this nternint,,,r tile re- cei p were 83 carloads o.f live oak, including 446 cattle, 779 sheep and lawns, 1,100 hogs, end a 'IOW - tench. cows and calves. - — Son Held -the Gun, and His Fath- er Was the Victim. A.' despatch frona Winnipeg says : - Thos. Sills of, Ellisboro, ASSA., north of Wolseley, was accidentally shot by hie 16 -year-old son. The lever of the gun, which is used to - open the breach, wouldn't work, so he cocked the gun, not knowing there was a cartridge within. With the gun over hie knee he tried to force down the lever, when the ham- mer fell, and the discharee blew off all, the upper pert . of the father's head and face, killing him instantly, the boon remaining in one hend of the corpse and the pipe in the other after death. Deceased was only three feet from the muzzle of the gun. The coroner'si verdict was "Death by accident," DVEOURED BY WOLVES. Caa'tieeele Lumberman Meets With a Freg•htful Death. despatch front Montreal says :- Word was received here on Thursday that a young men named Eldwaed Connors, employed at the timber limits at Rock Lake, on the (heti- nenu, had met his death in a fright- ful manner. lie was attacked by a pack of wolves, and literally pulled piccee, only smell portions of his body being found. three liteare late, and eerriod 300 • eve eeeheeh, e, enetee,,,. 01 zetioseerellias, town drunt;it,sea tr‘nn ths (frrmau MAY STOP SHIPMENTS. , er EigUres. A despatch from Ottawa, saw -Ac- cording advieee which have just etched the Department of Agricul- ture, it is peseible that half a. mil- lion bushels of oats for shipment In South Africa ennutte be procured in the North -nest. This is glue to the fact that since the ormouncement wat3 mule of the intention to make the purchase prices hove iailiened considerably. Previously oats were being :sold in Colgury at front 15 to 11.1 cents per iamb& The Depart- ment is prepared to peer to the ettrin- er 27 cents mot, and allow 3 cents per bushel to (he dealer, but bigher than 30 cents per bushel the de- partment cannot go under the in- structions of the Home Government. Even at these ligures the British Glot-ernment is peering tile Canadian farmer 82 shillings per long ton more than any other country. Oats are being shipped now from New Zealand. 1.o. South Africa at a, inuth lower rote than from Canada, and when the other day Professor Robert- son asked if a further order for Can- adian oats would be forthcoming the answer of the War °Mee was m the negative. The department here has no: particular interest in sending the oats to South Annea, the only desire 'being to find a market for the oat product of Alberta and at good fig- ures. As now there is an active home demand for oats at a very re- munerative price, the end which the Agricultural ° Commissioner had in -view has beetz achieved. busbets compared, witit the year be- .,,. f` lie `' French Government ugre-•7,s7 to I 1 Medical llealth O'er Langrill of 1 3„„ee, i pay eght eliillings eer head for (Wei Ilantilton has advieed thet the tun` f ere inarpoiee ettpleirett 00 the yreseh :1 ior first, tom 01 the t tory street , , 9. . MANITOBA'S GRAIN CROP. Figured State That 50,000,000 CARRIED BY HOGSZushels Will be Realized. • 1 A despatch from Winnipeg says:- The Provincial A ar:cultural Depart- . of Sznalpon. Witt has received the first instal- ivepatot froin ituirudoso Ment of replies from the 00011t17 8(111001 he sent how tin otter tilt indititw. owing to 40 outt.t It of diphthet la. , Captain Alfred letrocque. of the 65th RegimTg ent, ontrind, and a graduate of the Royal Military Col- lege, Kinnstou, heo been appointed au inspector in the North-West 41 1 • Alberta Oats HaVe Gone to High -.I TO AWAKE VITALITY. A Prenclo. Scientist Invents Rhyth- mical Traction. A despatch from Paris says :-Dr. Laborde has made an interesting communicate -ix to the Academy of Medicine on his success in awakening vitality by . a method of rhythraical traction, 'which he discovered. The system has been tried with gratifying results in several cases of attempted suicide by hanging, drowning and suffocation,. rhythmical traction in each " case being applied to the tongue. The successful experiments describ- ed to the academy were the cases of two apparently stillborn infants. In one instance, after operating -for an hour, the ,infant caane to life as if awakening' from slumber. In - the other case .alcoholic friction, flagella, tioe, and artificial injection of air into the lungs were vainly tried be- fore the traction system was em- ployed. This, after prolonged ef- fort, established respiration. Dr. Laborde has now -,constructed an electric motor, by inFeals of which rhythrnicel reaction can be main- tained \for hours. FROM CALAIS TO DOVER. Syndicate Forming to Establish a Submarine Line. A despatch from Paris says: -In an interview published on Saturdey, et. -Goubet, inventor of the submar- ine boat bearing hie name, said that O syndicate 'was behig formed to CS- tablish a submarine line between Calais and Dover. A cable would be placed 45 feet below the surface of the channel, along which the sub- marine boats 90 feet long and carry- ing 200 passengers weetail travel. Ile expecte that the pa,ssage will be made in. from 20 to 80 minutes. cutpwr Ilit1T.AIN. Ber order of the Government soret, t Pollee Prosecution of studeiti:7-i atal wori,ers to inereasing throughout • Itusila. Several hundred tong of Ponnsyl- walla anthracite will he delivered at the Imperial palaces at Iterlin anti Potsdam ;Alertly. June 25 bas hetet fixed for the date of the coronation. Sir Augustes O'rederIck Webster, Bart.. is the buyer of Battle Abbey. The Mail steamer Panda, at Lon- don front has bubonic plague aboard. The women and children of soldiers i. South Africn will be sent there from London. Ventilators will be rensoved from British warships, it being contended that they retard their speed, General E. T. It Hutton has been appointed commauder-in chief of the, forces of the Australian Common- wealth. , ln. London a copy of the Irsaltaior- um Codex printed by Faust and Schaeffer in 1459, 'was sold to L Plerpont Morgan. A Strong eompany has been organ- ized to build extensive cold storage premises in London. at a. cost of naore than $1,000,000. In London the fall of silver threat- ens to cause depression in the Mane cheeter cotton trade by diminishing the export to China, and India. Lord Brassey, speaking before the London Chamber of Commerce, says that the subsidized merchant cruisers do not give adequate returns to the Government. The regiment of colonials which Col. Wallace is raising in commemor- ation of the colonial troops that 'fought in' South Atetete -will be call-. ed the Fourth Pity of London Yeo- manry, with the additional title •of King's Colonials. UNITED STATES. Hog cholera is very bad in Michi- gan. • This season 2,000 deer have been killed in Minnesota. At Lafayette, hide Purdue Col- raig-sezeceived a present of 560,000141 The estate of the late Wen. Marsh Rice, oC 'New York, is valued. at $6,- 000,000. A. E. Heard, a telegraph operator, is' seieto have been cured of cancer by X rays. At Inichita, Kan., a handkerehief made by President Roosevelt's wife for a fair, was sold' for $80.75.. The managers of -four Northwestern railroads are leaguing together to stimulate sugar beet cultivation. Fere-d. Charlson, a logger, 138 years 01 age, recently married, committe4 suicide at Thiltith in the preeence of his wife. • Den McKnight, convicted at 8101114 City, Iowa, of' beating his wife to death-, has been sentenced to twenty-' five years in prison. Senator Hanna has given. $5,000 ashis subsea:notion to the Cleveland Committee of the National McKinley Memo vial A sseci ati on . Two men named Griffin and Roble - son were killed while boring, a well near Camden, Mo., by the„ accidental explosion of a charge of dynamite, Tile city of Spokane, Wesh., has paid in recent years thoesands of Co.rettees sLowinn. character sties crop reports, Trent whieh the Oilleial Dead hogs showing ell the eliarocter- ibulletin on the graiu cropis 0020- 15(1(111 of tenni/pm'w % 'were 0i014 Ana Hugh 'McKellar, chief clerk, destroyed here on Thursday by the sPralting an the Wheat (Weal= On United Staten Bureau of Animal lu- Monday. gave a rew figures which dusti•y. Forty-seven eareoses. which iehow the automat of grain already in had rust come out, of the scalding • tank of the Unittel Stales Dressed'rhe an.ount of wheat sent east ou THE WAR STRAIN. Meat and Wool Compane . were ex- c the C. P. R. is about 12,000,000 IltIembers of British Cabinet Suffer - o. Result. ,A. deep:tech froiu Londou says: -It will, yodel/is, not. be considered stue prising that. the stun of the lest i two years has told severely on the f heolth of certain members of the British lilinistey. Three of them, Lord Salisbury, Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chumberfain, ttre off duty for the present. Alt% Balfour scouts to be In the worst shape of this distinguished trio of statesmen. Ile has been very weak, and though it is now reported that his fever has abated, it will be hne belore he is abia to -take, his place in the Cabinet. Lord Salisbury's ailment is not considered serious, but, for a long time it has been apparent that the anxieties of the war were telling on the Premier. What with advanced age and the heavy responsibility he has load so long to bear, he is un- able to bestow on affairs of state that keen and vigorous attention he has given to the welfare of the Em- pire in the past. There is no truth, o far as can be ascertained, in. the rumors published in the Liberal press of his early retirement. Tb.e extent to which his collegtgues have tried to lighten his labors has been necessarily limited. Even his tem- porary withdrawal from duty causes anxiety. Mr. Chamberlain's confinement to his house . has also caused anxiety among his colleagues, for, though bis ailment is also sato not to be of a serious chara,cter, still it is ev•ideat in his case; also that the burden of the war, which has mainly fallen on his shoulders, has left its mark, and that, in spite 01 his robust constitu- tion, his health requires careful nurs- ing. LORD IINTO WILL ATTEND lie Will Be Present at the Guelph Winter Show. A despatch from Ottawa says: His Excellency the Governer - Generat has, consented • to at- tend the meetings of the Enherimental Union,and the Ontario Provincial Fair, to be.held in Guelph from the 9th to lettle. of December. Notice to this effect has been sent to Hon. John Drsrden, Provincial Minister of Agriculture, and to May- or Kennedy of: Guelph. CANADA'S FOREIGN TRADE That for - Last Fiscal Year the Largest in Her History. A despatch from Ottawa says: - The anneal report on trade and nav- igation for Canada, as compiled by the ellSteMS Department, has been -is- sued by the Cloveinnuent press. The main features of foreign trade foi the- twelve months up to the end of June have already beeu rioted. Ihe exports were $196,4.87,632, and the imports $190,11 ,5,525 . This , aegre gate foreign trade, 0-$386,908,15'7 is the largest in Canada's history, b el the C N rt. about 3 - covered fetch marked esnwitoms of .00%000; in. store at Bnart i arm tbat he destroyed them ao, 5.00(4(.100 bushels; in store In elevee Flesh WAS taken 10 Health Commis - Stoner Wende Aar examination. Ile is an exPert on eznallpox, and be said the signs were manistaltabie. The hogs oere saipped here from Louisville, by Swift and Co. There bas been cousiderable small- pox in Louisville, and Health Com- missiouer Wende thinks it probable that the hogs brouglit the disease here, as the slaughter house. where the carcases were seieed is in the heart of the district where the small- pox has appeared here. andred by inepector Zink. who dis-1 n . . W GET THEIR MAIL ANNUALLY Postman :Knocks Once a Year on. These Doors. A despatch from London eays:-It must be thought a most out -of -the- i way part of the world where the postmail arrives only once a year, and where the telegraph is unknown. It would sewn even more surprising that Great Britain thould 'possess a place so outlandish. But it does, in Pitcairn Islande.a. mere dot la the -Pacific, the home of the descendants of the mutineers of H.M.S. Bounty. At the beginning of the new year some 120 inhabitants of that little colony will be gladdened by the ap- pearance there of the warship Condor with mails from England, a treat which is afforded them but once a year. 4 130ERS MOVE RA.P, IDLY, Foil :the Effortsof the Biitish. Scouts in. Many Instances. A despatch from London says: -A correspondent at Protegee, writeS that the Boers powers of rapid move- ment and concentration still foil the efforts atthe British military Intelli- gente officers attached to the various coluinns. The Boers come int as fast as the fastest scouts who are look- ing out for them and their attack is delivered before warning can be given even hi cases where the intention of htlaiendInters,is partly known before - As an exateple of quick moving he says that, Louis Botha, with 600 men, covered 60 miles in twelve hours in order to avrive at Broken- 113aeantn eto help Grobelaar against Col, TIDAL WAVE IN ENGLAND. Rivers Otrerflowecl Banks, and Lar.cl. is Submerged. A despatch from London says:-- A remarkable tidal wave, accompanied by strong windel, has done unMh dam-: age along the:,:cesterri.Coaeteof .Engs land, from Norfolk to IthaiW Rivere • haVe •overflOwed their baeks, Owns - and seawalls have boon invaded, and Miles of country have been submerg- ed tors at C.N.R. terminals, 2,00 ;100 blishels: in elevators, 28,00C 00.0e -in mills, 2,000,000 bushels. Tho total wheat in sight approximates 42.- 000,000 bushels. McKelltu• thinks that the 50,- 000,000 aggregation for Manitoba wheat will probably be realized. POPULATION IN' THE WEST. Department Has Prepared Table of Towns. ,• A despatch from Ottawa sayse- The Census Department is preparing a table of totvns of Canada with a population of. 2.000 and upwards. Those in the West are : Manitoba -Brandon, 5,380 : Port- age la Prairie, 8,901 ; Selkirk, 2,- 118 ; St'lioniface, 2,019; Winnipeg, 12.240. North-West Terintories-Calgary, 4,865; Edmonton, 2,626; Lethbridge, 2,326; Prince Albert, 2,275; Regina., 2,6•15. British Cohimbia-Nanaimo, 6,130; Nelson, 4,610; New Westminster, 6,- 498; Rossland, 6,161; Vancouver, 26,133; Victoria, 20,816. Yukon-Da,wson, 8,500. GERMANS ABUSE POLES. Children Said to be Subjected to Harsh. Treatment. The Vienna Valerian& quoted by the correspondent oi the New York Times in the Austrian capital, says: "Just at'the moment when the ag- itation in Germany against the bar- barism and brutality of the English in the South African War has reach- ed a. climax, it is proved by judicial sentences that, in the enidet -el.- --- peace, Polish children under German rule are subjected to Sanguinary ill- treatment, and that Polish parents guilty only of protesting are thrust into prison. 4- -- SMALLPDX SPREADING. Still Continues Ravages in Que- bec Province. A despatch from Montreal says :- Smallpox still continues its ravages throughout the Proyince of Quebec_ shows that the disease has made its Provincial I3oard of Health office appearance in Ile parish of 'taiga:id, The latest reports re:eel:v:1:1e: Gat: - from which eases are well as in Masson Village, Ottawa County, geld St. Pie, Deguire, Yam- aska County, DUKE OF TECK INJURED. Thrown From. Horse, and Receit- COncussi.on of Brain. - A despatch from London says : -- The Oulee of Teck was tirrown froie his horse on. Friday- while out Inint.- ing neer Nantivith„ 'Chester. ing a concussion of tlaei brain and 10-' 1,' juty-to hO'