HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-12-5, Page 1• $1****01.4ogmes..am ....wmansweawassoammassam.11113105.1421MAMISVOMIXIMMINIIVIP.17.10.11WIMMIAlill TWENTV"N INTa ART -No, 19 . HURON ez 111.11)DL EiS lia-. GAZETTE EXETER, OINTT., GARADA, THURSD.A.Y MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1901. ..__........_.2...._................ ...................,•••, ••••em•,....„..,........„.. _ .6... JOHN WII / TE & SONS N SEASON.----umaaw . .., Henstli the cerenion th - ------- I y ...-e oappy eunp.e were DeshWoced. BRIzks.-uiss Alice Murray is lisle- - Only a Pew Weeks Then i'e,C;EtcatettetaTvvTalnotaVfpflailvneVrtgralailfeneticeg; wi A, aellery, L. D S., D.D. S..Efouor OToraeinecictu.4e- Efter,otvli iluele•ctIsD:hielatotTliirvielatis4..T.;.111:11s:::fleta:Ya',- ' aoRdirrs-s, ,T.TATerr,ineGyre, teoKne,Ileurtnieban., listinegtropheorutasisnt.e_r, alarrsi.leTtotknaijapssoonn, roe! CHRISTMAS Anderson -....,_ ....... • .•••••••••.,-.-,...n.ennena.-.../.-•no , McCLARY'S cast- and steel ; mcoLARrs coat _and .wood cooks. a..7. Sutherland V tar P bit Co AxinoPnedatty7 ,:scolimiozneken, eyneznsmal4y, aitit Zurich every otarhtte:l.weauittneds lt,7,1.axejheip. etTAelt :leg:al:lacing, rcuazerahloino; otiliellifrontaeyot,oies:;ttedlmilantuileel I (,)t forfote,:mel:aoriss76atuutrzsiteg:au„0--iEfwariew...I:tartils. er,Oonamissioner.FireInsurauce Ageak and . - o y 4 c, aveyart- • - -0 • ' games The yoeria cooph. mtera LL -'Kellerman. — The Annual meeting of t t ,„ ay $,, One Dollar - $ AfcCLA.RY'S Famous Base One ranges. Orate a4 the Post Office, Itensa.11 carefully drawn at reasonable rates, MOney -1-----"' --- --- •)--= - - -- -,;". ------", T a i - to loan on real estate at low ratesof Interest. Guests were presait from .ieeterlioros , nes a 11 11 - C'' evaUgelf°4 ..,ssurerof MarriageLleenses. itegal documents iglIngh,r,"riPhitbefiavit$Inel_.;r'e,Ca„lici7ti,re'i,--2.210,>13:1.': CthaelladD74.41,-Tibre 13STenlectillr latolleheUld"e00.1 fit° gil'''St (4' bee elste4 '611'4 Ifard17.. p. 1.... .ny mere goals ana secure, liensan Oatmeal MIds the cowing week. the n hundred tons ef feed to dispose ot ot the alarys. Exeter* :rani ntie,re .ces, white agent of the eeeieee" was Present nd London, Beneetletee veotereeiyie se, L, eburch. Rev. ,T. G. Litt, of Creditor), , Grdenway ligrAleaTelr bralste at the ' Burner. D Vaco..-trap••• it • • ,., p.?rft acitoi:k, .., 1 lino of hand.inade Boots und sh 1 i las. flonNivin§II:ty was observed here ness place bel g oes a ways -11 , closed, ;ne athenSvlillage prsesente% 40........ ,Itpele, also the very best makes of school shoes for children. 'sninelvhat a a" (Viet aPP°3tiume Tr..1.- It pfdi of our men's rubber boots puncture proof. day. A union Thanksgiving gr ice 'many being froiai home spending '4: Women's and Misses long rubber boo' ts. , 0 WAS held in the morning in the 81,lvth Men's felt boots, Alen's factory made ion boot • i odist church. Tho resident mil:I-eke; WOmen's fine felt shoes. Alens fine felt shoes. i the seuiee,. Thf, attendance was long to wait for on Sunday Dee, ist„ Woddel AlblyiVIlleil the chair and an- MO5t Plots of the country betwetlo 110 , hl%rtY frierdsj iin in Wt5htng them a GURNEY'S Souvenir Ba Burners. , URNEY'S Aerated Oven cooking stoves and Ranges BurF-Fs.—At a. meeting or tile Board rhe bride is hels.l. The le ele will 1I U11 of God. The following otleeers; ,,.- . - ft-weia WOM .9. retnrtted . • testify to the 1 ::',;.,,ii esteergi nl W144 t WcIrk of tile sedetY in spreadiug thel --.' " vr! v1. -""1"111g "e•r L'ePnewe ..n... costly . presents gave a verY r Than eisewhere, whether expended interestI ng -address on the fl h„..)11E,, l''';'---111"7-' UPI'. 2' We 415°n•eewh°, Arlarket Depot WilOwt foe - ' 1 e ship tickets for the current or incom. " exteadiall' eongritui,ttlewl, ., ing year, to free entry three tunes each the ` e all persons presenting member. T,134FIS Join win. :11,. ,, . _. I, mewls lo t Ele:tial,ert: J. :yekaero,e4.. ICeilerniiiii, T. llnlin Ilast week. -1W. ,Y, Wilson bave 13°a1c3 4; t'EfQE nter Fair," at Gnelph. Thi4 win willing And.1 t, ',.er TI 'de osit 't_.7. . A am io tiirectors, 1:1147:ere.ozelio:tiltee4:31,btlebe:eimiaptire:ev6elm.eu: ilist; - i the appearnneenotlheir store inside. i CROCKERY tee of directors of the South Huron Far. mndt rnissd In 114 g"v "Y Seh°91 were eI"ted 1°4' tilt4 ms‘lIng 11113%'tyll' 3435'.* jkiSt '11 mers, Institute held yesterday at sm. and Epworth the memo. Pres., jos. Snell ; viceRON'. 0. I ear"' is Painting JaR. L AlePherson's sail, action was taken to affiliate with dist eliurch, : always o eMorlock ; se,. Treas.. Thos. Snell new 11°115-9'e-4* Maeshell and wife of DRY GOODS day of tbe wiriter fair, Geeepla to be contrana ODITVAIVY- It IS OM' sad duty tTbe members of the Boston Meth°. GLASSWARE 'Iola Dec. 0-13.—The concert held here 1.1 V • • V •••• ••••••••1 V • • OR. GROCERIlife. thi8 week to record the death of dist S. School are training for their Eammtel Kellerman. EOTI Dr Ur. fiCo. annual Xmas tree entertainme t t n If you need 11 good stave on Saturday night last, wa,S largely j Remember we pny yo•A al. ElleaTtet Oea' K ono, oe this village, at, the age „ held Xmas night, at bottom prices call on attended and WAS 4 success in every Law Qillecs. Private Funditoise3n. Of tmeht.Pone Yearn.. ife toirk sick a IvspeCD.---4.mbroete Smith, Aeeounteut eae. p PeaeefallY ice for all /duds of H in the Maisons bank, was able for the tirst. time, since his operation and Wag: 1,..wg 4.110,4.14E17 1401M -We twerethkea'abDon7teret3aankY1 '4a.f"tetlei lintliftTlirliffielrestt9otif FonneASTS Fon Dgcnatuli.n. -- De. t. . ness, to taktra short walk, and is now to Lam last reeedng t, t=le ientains away at the Immo of lus uncle Jae011 !regular storm period near tite cvnters la !SHOP ifY4 SON- • rerP 0.411.ed,uPoR this.w. e.(..k.tto , fonTry follv e (Ins; Pn,sFel relabel. hogins in thc. midst of a in Forest, at his father's recruiting.— or one,w,lio has ;leen e. long re.sideat Kellerman. on Saturday morning. The G of theirieorm,e,irmyroatundetevre.nni,listiegis:ni,enr,1217 Mat"tret Irwin 1.1', at uti)asebr:ny tr4orakep LCI LI TneTstey,t, to the •' ces. A number of second hand x°nInvasEnizeurdellawly:tecloolssVainitfgreptionret tlauurghntelltl. :tithe lat;Zros.eph and . VY• A al era threetenieg weather and active ' stoves. trade as fairly good.—Large quantities '74na Irwin' an° wr's 1444 ira 'Alliaguln I, sermon w.ns Preached by Hey. J. e..stornts will epread over need) of the 11 - - N d Axessra. Ruis smailacembe ace years ago she Callli? to ltve with her Jo leaves behind him, besides his parents t to scow and sie,.z.t la the west and ----- ave What you all ee skating and curling, so thst Tavern getting a tine bottom on tlie rink for 3.„13„elie8„anhsuelf.311,111`,„11e„r„t tbree brother5‘i tikrge elra.e.°f 1, milli, with a high liarerneter Mae *EXMER YAMI. E300T8 et 81-10E8 FOR WINTER WEAR of fowl are being ket and meet witalld hbrraegathyt dlennat%:(1!---r. !I.CPPTIvern°t'stlet**Ire(1:413:14:3" In ill" .Abcout Finhhiner. of Zorich. in English. Re 4,,and 20. and ratite woalil lieve toraed th•and Bond a.nd came with .1)alerhiele, 44 German, 4=1 Rev, C4+ a. 1,,:lantrN. from ay.st to east, by Ow 1St dulge._ rho Rev. mr. Doherty of a.ftz_er..ivArs.ls___ s.p.,ent..ildif_.rei..na..11o,,,,o*....le. ,‘e... s , _ ,, .. ky. j . 1 hit from the north-weet. Sente ef the ii: vo'ct'rein (a hmtr-lit%tiVe..,V 114:11.1c. these sports, will soon be able to in- __ The 111.1.e,,,,va fami _lave t xe:-er : leerd anal clidd wave coming into view 14.0.4,-,,,oztz el 1„. - Thorndale, formerly of S. Paul's, con- t14"7 INevIn' °I) L'24 1"mcts81" 1* 41 tins tileir sld Irreavement4 . '91,11v.r ille "7"" 41" ,"`"./". 414 11 lc' .ifill),AtilY or tile IN owe eomounneY II heaviest tied racist general Meet nor e "1:-1 'Ye' = :e a -e ee ler wee iericee anS. Sools are busily engaged- in +Pv 8mle '411111.* an4 it W414$ P8t1".41 bY :I 'ducted service here on Sabbath even- TitleaduelcPelza*L(pre't8shet,127e"franCenht",11`4* ' —...............1. l—hiffrchurch choirs - _____ ,'11,spirelintaot°tvbellfelirellint3sthrlikeiLv 117351- 3Ir'''Ll'in1"1:.:11* '.." I Vil Ita .14* Yan't ; etsz44 14 cl s le aving been a victim of ,`, — T . { preparing good programmes for Xmas, Thanksgiving Day silo remarked that gLeet,ed an Hihneilie aadienees RUBY SO $00n. To 1SOMO of her ftiends on !attendance was the largest that ever btormg, with eleetrleal dropsy, imt the clue Ives not eepeeteo eided success iu every Particulate The , tlie celeetial eetiator ors tlie 3a1 heavy 1"43" is Ilt PIN' 'MI visiting friends in her friends that her recovery; was 4 Ellrnville ' tl - h. t,x ending, to near the mid. turned lintne after 6irmding the sum. tiollumir4, 41,42,1i.kely t,..., eontinto, 4n. ford. spent Sandie' the goest of Harr'r pheneneeee Theifford.-IV. 3. ROOM of nett - The Thanksgiving suppee was a de. ale or the month. The moon being en by the eterm diegane 'itYeae7,2ntraronnra- nter in Elgin. Manitoba. — .13. Dos -en. Farm Produce. size reit that the end wa,, not tee (us. 1leavinit after their supper as the ill after that thee. Tbraetening eine 'Ell;nrIlheeRWitleel Hettnitori went, te tante aud that now she was hilly re- ebnreh could not, hold them. The unsettled weather 11431,y gee:ovally S.;;14,4gnIth lest week on bushes Signed to /WPM uds mortal ehty awl tables were bountifully loaded IcItit expected I -mewed nf'l ter '"tattnn °lad Mies Jennie itevene go to her long home, and was only plt4nty of good things and we believe leleet and snow about the l'ith and titi4. wer,' noiled in the hands ot matte. i being preeertt, and taking part in mount... fox: the ,smumons; uk. hoe not ale did ?melee to themselves. RIM, r.1191i rOV VOMP. boreal weather over mnoY eet TtrsdaY. Noe. 2fith, their Men's, Women's and Misses' fine rubber, iemainas sots Ar ' !She was a, member of n, t 'log which was well rendered by t, good.—Mrs. "Wm Mitchell and (laugh- I 11" 8P iss Clarice. returned this week *- • e s . irit took its eeerleeting flight, pounced the programme for the even. eitle and %la Ou and ahout, the b happy And prosperone lire —The nine; the anothor low liaromoter will iiita *rev. iu °In ti eaee nee on tai t resby- 1 ePrdigans. en's heavy, puncture proof rubbers and socks and ey or WWI in Toronto part of hist I funeral took pia(' fit" wilione eteneigieds'eey to "Grand Bend. The proceeds, Including marked bittern disturbances will be or - amounted to over nea.nized aid starting on their eastward 6.tattnn were aattr'ti fa OK' ;mods of i matrimony, on l'ireiltiesday„ Der. dth. had been visiting relatives. -Miss Bella. frundnw e , ilba eau and Miss Thihadeau. of grow rapally warmer, and by the lith whieb will 1r' il• 8191enditi entertellee meat -Joe Oliver; arid ant, Sfrtry week, .ttul this visiting her brother, Miss Murray, of near Woodstock, is the Exeter ceme •ver and W0.4 foliowed !Sundae' offering, by a large coney -e of relatives end SM.—Joint MoYees. Of DalewaYeisPent lattenT Vrem about Wednesday • • • from London and vicinity, where they nInn:e.h here for ma% yenta, a•ael ber fripir, jhe Exeter male litaytettA Rev, Ward froeuweetern extremes. It will i teri.4n elPir411 will he held on Dee. 23. I 4. 4 sell tile celebfated Saskatehewan Robes Coats and yisiting relatives in Hensel! and vicin. filend8' ' around the '44,113, It the past week renewtog acquamtanCes the lit to the 14th. these stormewerA. tlich reeepi nits or um s. Every robe guarantted moresentecl or money - re. 141e. if%P. this Crecilton. .,?,1.t.s3 sinceme.s.,„c left Riimvi over thc, want*, to the Atlantic the high keen in which; the romp' iree. ga poas, It aid haopy preeents ae a token. of nded. 0 Ship . , w leit sh- had i cr rain sleet 8 - • - Tll iialmess we carry a &Uhl() of light and hea,vy • har_Isistymn.b,w, Mrs.. Hannon, who is , , ... seriously 111,—On Euesday last Alex. I Claus will soon be on us roun s. ' BlitlEIM -December is here., Santa 'T . - - • 1 • ti 1 the banks wing holidays titvmg walked tendency i happy married lire. , been spending a short time with her , Nye 6,.... and he will certainly notice a gooe coied. Freen about the IOth ee the 2lith 1 eeuple are bell Their many Mend; less, collars, halters, whips, combs, brushes.—Trunks and 1 Forrest, Mr. Dalryna le 1 . , y - pate to giee him a,weleoueieee- :fele an- , . rire- e tithes at 2Ort. Hope and Whitby westerly' piles. with low barometric ' •ard From 'dune. tl Jegormtliierneoritsbi.C•inin in 'IviShillg them a Ring and ' many changes. -31, Elfora, ere, spent of December erwit e'ee eerJPS' _ - . . . . , stlatite mIthenmeee:ni,. ,$ier Joints,. Berne.. tele late harvest excursion.—The many day evening, (Ili II, / i e Areeiva: 1.2cenwpantea hinoT fafre, 1;iii4:11e; Hans o the leeh man returroni how.. 4............,.. % i refully attended to. .. epturnag cn harness, boots dc shoes promptly and 1-. 'w iblankets cannot be surpassed tor quality Lind .. , friends of John Cauipbell, of the Lon- gelled church. ils i:_heet ng ... ii on road, Will regret to learn of his denominational an( all are cora= y enent the holidnete ...ivaltreleiesotee P, T. kid. On and touching the 17th it will 144111:{zre?4,1XVKiftuol‘f 1'7°711; Andrew on Sunray as ,— 14....., — .,, . 4,.. ,_ -, were tim A..r......1 1 IL of titrt1 nnuth warmer the btrometer 1 lentreinedv.' ec zi "16 . - ----. for more cold mid high nettn-eiree-ho reeht . le'''. eee e 4 , eee it a eiiiict 0,0,, , ,t.V., 1.11,47, 54‘11, fele. elieeeTter' , . a„,4 pee, e el en- wee, . • ', worm ,,, . 11,13 in ty - e„,ete 1 • , . . ws, of Kansas iireirs SOULlin , . . 10 lool ror Cati,t. Wouriiiq ehllb:oln-1, Mapped i Ms cousin Mr Uattlie : . is another reactiotriry per- „ R. H. Sweet , .,,b,fle.imintAtr fi GfALL2 SOLIGITEDD. terly winds on the heels of these storme lasting up to about the 21s lel death, which occurred on Saturday invited to attend. Addreeses will be last. `---He was one of the pioneer resi- delivered by the resident ministers.- number of the members of the C. 0. C. dents of the township or Tuckersmith, Mr. Claud Bluett, of Forest, was in ea visited Exeter council one evening a native of Ireland, emigrated to this the village on Saturday last- looking last week and had a vevy pleasant country when quite a young man. up a house to live in. /Iv. BlueLt has tin:ie.-Mr, 13ale. of London, is visiting The cainaireition of the winter sreetice 4 He was a Presbyterian in religion, a been appointed principal et our school conservative in politics, a man pos. and elves promise or hilleg the hill. eeal from out with Ur. and Mrs. Thos, burg took in the fowl Sluale.-8". storms will fall about the Vulcan ' sessed of many excellent qualities, and. He is attending London Normal most highly respected. in the come School this term.- Miss Fraser, 'of wonday evening. supper of Main et. church, Exeter. on storm perhel. central on the was 2-3ril ante UM very soul of honesty and integrity, newed acquaintances in our lflidSt last passes its petiolate greatest deelina- 1 . ..........,,-......... and hy thrift and economy, made for week. She was the guest of Mrs, Mon north and full, with earth just at I home. He had attained the good old Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Rivers. - himself and family a comfortable Kerr. -Miss Daley, of Seaforth, spent Kirkton will in air probability be one.of tl i are Prertred to suPPIV all kinds o.. ie ' her turnino .point in her orbit. This Having just opened up- businese we Old Stand Zurich Two Papers -30c. •.„ • r. -s. — Itessrs. 3. Torrance, of ndville and R. MeLean, of ' We are going to offee two papers , ich, were ia the neighborhood eeek and. succeeded in purchasing from John McKinley, John en And. Nicholas Foster.- Mrs. H, Merrier and children left on ay for 13rendon, where she will e parents and meet her bus- eller. If they- %vent to see a sample of as been in the West for our paper before subscribing ask them .- Miss Telford, who has to drop us a card giving their name urging Preeter's millinery I and address and we will send one ; if this season, returned to they want a sample copy of The Sun 0, card addressed to Weekly Sun, Toron- to, asking for one will secure what is asked for. Get your friends to sub- scribe now, as the soonetethey come in the more papers they will geelor the money. Send remittances to TELE Trams office. for the balance of this year for 30 cent. One of these is Tap Tiatas,you know the value of that. The other is the Weekly Sun, acknowledged to be the best farm, home and market paper in Oenada. Tell yoar friends of this eiaee Usborne T. -The concert in S. S. No erne was a grand success and ool was packed, there being be. 5O and 300 in attendance. Mr. Principal of the Exeter Public ; presided and throughout the program the very best order led. He gave a stirring ad- whech was listened to with are a d proea. During the even - dere ses were also delivered by Ralik is, Rev. Mr. Brown, and Russell, of Toronto. The tee of the programme was all 1. be desired. 4,4 'Winchelsea Thames Road. REV/ STEAM munity in which he lived, being the London, a former teacher here re - reaching from the 2let to the telf. On the 23rd, 21th. and 25tli, the ninon e *! orks age of 84, He leaves a wife, three sons Misses Wilson and Dove, of the Public BRIEM-Reuhen Shier returned to Mid three daughters ; James at home ; School teaching state spent Thanks- his home from his trip to ilamiotaetbmost active storm periods in Decem- PUMPS. er. If now for Christmas shoulilo FITTISGS, William at Ripley and. Robert at Tor- giving holiday with friends in Goder- Manitolue on Saturday, and reports not already leave faelen it - 'WATER, TROUGHS, onto • Mrs. S. T. Jackson, of Ripley ; eel and Mitchell respectively,- Qear. that Manitoba. is the country.- Miss AS°0 i Mee. konteith and Mrs. McLean, both terly ineetine eervices were held in McItay, of Wooehano, who has spent a y ie expectea many- parts of the WATER TANKS of Tuckersmith, Tie funeral earteg,e the Evangelical church on Sunday to the Rodgerville cemetery on Wed -1 last. Rev. Wing, Presiding Elder, nesday last was very largely attended, • was present and preached with his evidencing the esteem felt for the de- usual power and spirit. Many par - ceased, and. sympathy for his family. took of tb.e Secre.ment.-Rev. R. W. -'Mrs. Geo. Ryekman, of -Mich., Mrs. Knowles preached three times in the Wm, Russell, of Hay, Mrs. James Mc- M. E. Church, morning and evening Arthur, of Ilvassels, and Mrs. Fulton, as usual and in the atternoon to men of Hensel!, four sisters, daughters of only. -The annual business meeting Mr. Moir, of this village, who bad not of the S. S. of the Meth. church was all met for over 22 years, had din- held Tuesday evening after League. nee -with their father here on Thanks. The reports given were very en - giving Day. It is needless to say that, couraging showing the school to be in the meeting was a henpy oae to all.- a very healthy state. The attendance The many friends of .atillar J. White, and collections of late have been the "Editor of the Exeter Ceeras," will re- 'largest in its history. The following gret to learn that he had the misfor- officers were elected for next year: - tune on Sabbath eveting last while on Superintendent, Wes. V. err ; Asst. ) Supt., R. E. Walker; req miss M. Beaver ; Asst. Secy., Mies . Morlock; Treas., Isaac Hill, jr. ; Organist, Miss Clara Clark. Tea,chere were re -ap- pointed to same clisses as last year. - Fred Finkbeiner arrived - home from Manitoba, on Monday last. -Fred coined money this summer and had a good time as well, -John Preeter and family, of Zurich, visited at Samuel Brown's on Sunday last. -The Young People's Alliance of Zion Evangelical church have prepared a elissere ery program for Sunday. nielit next.'' Ox.... of the principal features of the pro- gram will be an address by tile Rev. Morris W. Elines, lateemissionary from South Africa, Rey. Mines made many warm friends at his lase. visit to the above named church, mule will no doubt be greeted with a full house on Sabbath night nexe. Special music by the choia-Miss Willia,ms spent Sun- day lase in Exete.r.-The ni any friends of Vern. Siebert, et former merchant ot this villegee were pleased to see his sinning face again. Mr. Siebert is at present running a general store in Platsville, and reports businese brisk. his way to church to attend the anni- versary services in the Main St. Meth - Commune - Once more we are forcibly reminded that this life is not 1 odist church in that town, which "he all, by the death of Elizabeth Teur, attends, to slip on the sidewalk, whieh beloved wife of Daniel ICerpick, who was in a slushy and slippery condition, near the residence of Mr. Taylor, and passed to "that bourne from whence falling off the sidevvalk, which is quite • no traveller ever returns." On Frideg- morning, Nov. 201h. 8he was born in high at that place, broke his right leg Westmoreland, England, in the:year eetween the knee and the hip. My. 182% and when but one year old came White was as quickly- as possible con - with ber parents and other members veyed. to his home, and a doctor stun- ned, who set the broken limb, but f the family to Canada. They settled ni° lock REPORT. - The school re- ° he the Township of Etobicoke. about it will be a flambee of weeks before he of S. S. No. 6, Usborne, for the 72 miles north of the city Of Toronto.1 tan attend to his regular &dies. Eor- th of November, is as follows :-- In 1853 she was united. in the bonds tunately he has a, brother who is an the past week visiting Mrs. O'Brien re- turned home on Tuesday. —G. MT, Harnivell's new tailor shop is nearly completed. He will be ready for work after Christmas, Will Jameson has his new house on Main street com- pleted. He has the cage. Now for the bird. -John Kirk and Harry Jones re- turned home from Manitoba, last week They both look well.- Robert Bryan left on Monday for London, where he will spend a couple of weeks.- Miss Andrews, of Varna, is spending a couple of weeks with ber triend Miss Laura. Cairns. - Norman Fletcher spent part of last week in London. - Quite a number from here took in the hot fowl supper in Elimville, on Thanksgiving- night and report having a good time. Will Davis lost a new pair of rubbers Sunday evening in the Methodist church. The party who took them is known, and they had better be replaced before further trouble, - Miss Bella Hazelwood is very low at present with appendicitis. banes Tufts has a new smile on his face this week, it is because bis wife hasreturned home from lelanitoba,- Edward Shier has started to school.' -again. He intends s tudyine foe a Methodist minister in the near future. George Godbolt and Miss Edna and. Ethel spent Sunday in the village. -- Ira Marshall and sister, .Ecina,, spent part of last week visiting friends in Walton. - Harr3r Copeland was playing football on Thursday, ,aritl was severly bitten on the leg ter a dog, but is able to be °lib again-- N.' B. country from Menden the 23ed, to 1 FANNING MILLS,&c. Thursday, the 26th. Christmas Day , P.Deeleoncli bi is rd, neduringth Watch and see. A. reactienare- storm • We pay special attention to all kinds the 1 teswt heir t i daysnaetheor :PLUMBING will be a, snowy day in =limey eections. i Plambmg. gressively from west to east, and i work, and REPAIRING of any des - I cold will relax, the batometer fall pro- We do ahything• in the line of Wood - storms of rain and snow will result in lcription. many localities as the storm conditions I This year will come to its close with I march eastwitrd iterOSS the country. 1 Charitmi & Ked rising barometer. 1North. Town Hall, Exeter, British Troop 011 Liniment. is unsurpassed by any other liniment on the market to -day. It is composed of healing, soothing and clean- sing vegetable oils .and extracts. It is put •ttp . in large bottles for the smill price of 25 cents Children Cry for CASTO 'e!e, an' Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfectory. iria Mina's e Sr. IV, May jones, of nia.triteon-y to Daniel ICernick, of edieor and will take' his _place for the I-IERBAGEUM AND HERSEES. ie Frances, Olive Nel- tlaey resided in the. Township of Dar- kelet ule to its usually. good, .2 ..,1,,,',1 25 and 50e 50e per 7 lb. pkere elbridge, Coward ; IV, Darlingeon. After their marriage meantime, so that the paper will be Camille; er, III, Willie Elford, lington, where a family of nine wove Mr. White, WhO is a. yery tiotiVe and Johns, Alumna e/eywoocl SL • born, eight of evhom still survive. capable editor, will feel the enforced verett Skinner, Hattie Hunter, en Bee when the 'fatally were stile rest and .1ais abseneS from the helrn ei Waddell • Jr. II, Ma.y Cooper, quite youug they removed to the will be much misse from the eusi- Campbell. Vera Oreery ; Sr. Pa township of Usborne, -where they have ness circles in. which he moves, but we Doupe evill move into his new bouse Ja Beeson, Goclbolt, George' resided eyer since. Mrs. Kernick was hope before 'Ong to see him once again soon.--MrS. Gourley will inove into Our stook \via satisfy. X cut! 1th such a big assortment it Basson ; Sr. Pt. 1, Pearl Johns, Annie a kiud toad affectionate mother, and a, aceively engaged in his accustomed Alineda linberb ",.Tones, consistent ehristian beine a tuexuber of Week the nearriage or James eonthron PETER GARDINER, Teachers. remained faithful till the Master sum.' Miss Bertha.Yotufgblut, eldest dough.- X GUT SAWS AXES; her new house on Mary street, next pays t:o buy axes from us. Prices Wilson, Tominy Sae/velar ; Jr. Pt- I, loving and devoted wife. She was a Place. -On Wednesday evenine of last week. -Misses Esther Brethour and saws from eoe per ft up, 1 Della Stout speet Than.ksgiving at Washbur,n: the Me.thodist church for 48 years, and eldest son of Robert Bonthron, and their homes here. -Miss. 0 Kirk spent art of last week at her home here.- E, E. elates, moned. her from the church below to tot, of G. F. Youngblut, took place in W.E. Doupe and Miss Mcleown. of cLoTHEs witgEIRERs WASHING MACHINES Woodhain. snob Thanksgiving with . '' . ese-- the church -above. Her remains vvere our village. Cromarty . conveyed to the 'Exeter cemetery on .--. , etb solid rubber rolls from WASI-1 130ARDS 'from 75c $1.25. We are Sorry to learn that Mrs. Jno. Duncan, of Sexsmith, on Wednesday, I GALVANIZED '1/4/VASH T UI3S Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doupe.-- Mrs. w• • sthadays Dee. lee, the .funeral was - A very bad the misfortune when going from Joseph Brook is net able to be out yet. . . . 2 . 45 1:o Ss .0oe I Up•to-date at rock L->otfosi prices n.—Thanksf,,,i.ving passed very largely attended showing tliat she happy event took place at the resi- the house to the barn, to slip and in --Mrs. J Tufts is on the sick list ab s- ly here. Serve was held in the was highly respected and beloved _by dence of the bled s , . S. . in e , present.-- Wilhara Miller has engaged )yteris,n church which was attend- all who knew_ her. The members of Humist°11) Henson, on Wednesday If there ever was 4 sleciiic for any With Idle Maxwell fil'int St. Marys, for ^----eee---------- "'ex-- eeeeeeeoeeeeee-eeo----e-eea- a goodly' number ot people.- the family who still survive are ; evening, Nov, eetheit six o'clock p. me one compleint, then earter's Little play monthly Missimeary meet- Thoinas. William, Frank, Mrs. Jas. when her eldest deughter, Miss Mare' Liver Pills are a speeificeor sick head- the winter. -Mies Alla Tirmen spent STOVES Amr) RA OE S Sunday at her home here._ ee, tii„„y. y. Seciety- was held Sun- lorayne and. Mrs. A. Gibson, of Us- ee toe the attendance. was borne ; eters. Johnston, neer St• Mare's; Iliggins, a Prominent poling fennel' of this One pill a dose. ',Cry thean :The essential- lung -healing Prin-ciPal o the 1 i_ A, was united iu niarriage to Robert ache, and every woman, should know -----. •,,, - - Barcik stfoves and ranges make haPPY hom-es. Bay tile > ,-6-6,t.ng papers oh Mission Mrs. Dining, Hee' lownsbills and Mrs. tTsn°rne• r! 's w . ° was hand- The b 'd h • • pme brae. has finally been successfully 801.1M:at- best. i.oley re the ehe,°upest. eTeeee. by Mr. Park, Miss Smith, of St. Cloud, Minn, yee, Kee. soruely gowned in white, organdie, We would ask Our -reltlers to kindly od and refined into a_perfect, cough medicine. nick anfamily have e entire syro. k d 1 the - logked charming, aud. carried. a boquet overlook the delay In issuing the Dr Wood's Vorway in Syrup. Sold by all .....,,,,..,4,...„ satisfaCtion, Price , [..../he .Pastor. -Quite a ' the annual meeting pathy of the con, munity. or white ewes. The Rev . Goo. j e w it t "TimEs" 'this week, ()wile ,t• in ill, ,e,„ eeelers on a guarantee of ., iety which was beld _. , -, nglish charcloStaffa. the happy couple (111e, while his little perfOrrned the ceremony which wade irt.0(1);t:,111 jmni.Le 1.10.i.iieNicvlehnitteN,viloilelii'shiit'nfodlayi asic, ' FOUND ,.'t Tasv J. HEAMAN i instructive addressee STOP THE OOTJGH . daughter, Ena Jetvitt, made a very We also 14' hp to eiOresS °or P:rati- A liver pill that is Ta.T1 and 5ure that, a ,i, - mother Mrs B fall' g to breale her a III /Ile Pastors ei the Eng- Aeoen woetie ovF TER o01_,D, pretty !mead at bonc)r. The wedding tilde to the many kind friende who re- gently, etucely thovoug,hly that ...Joel; ilot I. Presbyterian and Laxatiye ra,m).,0,,'Quiatue Tablets aura a colalUdi h Lb pIayLd bt Miss Higgins, of ildereil such tiniely ;isstatance in the P•r° Lar'-11-vrr r°9ses'es th 8 3 qua , ties, anasu d re a re cure for I.i vet Complaint one day, Kb euro, No pay3-- , Price 25 cents ,,e6v., .r Or groom, After heure of need. Constipation sick ileadacte,ote ' All kinds of Scranton coal011 hand. •