Exeter Times, 1901-11-14, Page 51 "A good cause makes a strong The Make-rs know- ing first that every pair is worth a fixed through their price on the sole $3,50, -$540, -in "The Slater Shoe" "Ooodvar WSW": E. 3. SPACKMAN. Sole Local Agen Offifi HAS BEEN lOgilifD The Ellusive 130er Leader Collect- ing His Followers - land Eli °ben Pets Weeltie Iteeett Tneidents *Ur AtentienaUs Witoraahoitt*.au 1%74 Aritlikla Vorce Moving to Via - nem 70bent in Northwestern Orange Meer Colopy-Beer caseettles for tee Wools Over Three 171encirest. Loodon, Nov. 13. -Lord Kitchener, despateh from Pretoria, dated Mildest', Nov. 11th, presents his Peekly report, And, incidentally, lo.. oaten Gen. Dewin the northwest- ern part of the Orange River Col- ony. Ile $ays the Doers have ta-- cently been collecting under his leadership, and that the British are now moving to disperse them. Lord Kitthener givea the Doer casualties since Nov. 4th as 03 kill- ed,LQ wounded, 101 captured and 45 surrendered. lagers in /theist to Ire ahot. Lennon. Nov. 13.--Afr. Member - lab's severer measures are being adonted in South Africa. Tile Daily Mail correspondent a Cradock, Cape Colony, reports that Lord Kitchener ban issued orders that captured Boers clad in 13ritish uniforms tire to be shot. This explains Colonel Gore doge's summary action, which was reported ems; (lease ago end sherply criticized in some quarters. lloor Offers. Amstertimal, Nov. 1,3. -After vari- ous conferences at Ililversuin, where fawner President Kruger is stopping, the peace terns which. the Doers are srilling to accept beve been outlined as followe: Virat: Amnesty for all rebels. Second: The restoration of prison- ers and the withdra.wal of troops. 'I'hird: Compensation for burned farms. Fourth: A convention providing an- tolonly for the Boer republics, which sball be guaranteed by France and Huesies Fifth: The cessiou to England of Ito Witwatersrand gold gelds in lieu of Boer indemnity. It is stated that Dr, Leyds, the Doer European agent, will embody the terns in a formal document for circulation among the powers. Doers Claim a Saccess. London, Nov. 13. -Dr. Leyds' *lends, says the Berlin correspon- dent of The 'Times, assert that a British laager containing remounts for the cavalry now on the way from Ertgland, was captured by the Boers einem- Cape Town." Tho circum- istance that this success of the burghers; is not known. in London, according to these informants, is duo to the fact that it is not the cus- tom of the British to mention the lose of war material unattended by loss of life. ' Lords Will I? ail. London, Nov. 13. -The Berlin Na- tional Zeitung, quoted in a despatch to The Times, says Dr. Leyds (who Is now in Berlin) and tbe Pm -Ger- man politicians will have no more success now than when they at- tempted Krugerito demonstrations in eseese- Berlin. emeess___o MURDERED ..4.. oANADTA.N. Malawi Pare, a Logger, Killed bY a Woodman. Showhegan, Me., Nov. 13.-A jury yesterday afternoon found Alexander Therio.ult, a woodman, guilty of murder in the first degree, in ca.us- hag the death of Mathias Pare, a young Canadian logger. The pen- _ east -ten is life imprisonment. Pare's -137041\''a8 found beside a trail in the woods after the snow, under• which it had been buried, melted. Theri- ault was convicted on circumstan- tial "evi-dence. Re had always been a- steady, hard working woodsman. He lived in the woods with his fam- ily. Fatal Bxplositta at Norwood. Norwood, Ont., Nov.. 13.-A se- vere explosion occurred here yester- day morning in the cheese and butter factory, when the boilers was blown tip. T. Moffatt, who was working neate it at the time, was fatally in- jured. Mr. Oakley, the owner, was struck on the head by a falling bridk, but not seriously hurt. The building is a mass „of ruins, and pieces of the engine were blown sev- ere} hundred feet, smashing many windows in the surrounding houses. The cause of the explosion is un- known. timed white coupling cars. Ilro ckvil le , Nov. 13.- James Smith, branenian and spare con- ductor on tie l3rockvi1le and West- port Bailee Y, was instantly killed yesterday,nne ning at Delta. lle was eng,aged in ceupline cars on the sid.-- •ing, and, the eTou;;e1 being very wet, be slipped bet ween the cars and was run over. 1:o was a resident of Broceville, al out 50 years old, and leaves two dteighters. The remains were brought t o Brockville. ef, Shootine Accident. ICingstore Out., Nov. 130 -Simon. Ball, Vennachar, is in the General ITosPital, his neck, breest and shoul- ders filled with bird shot.- Re was WM:1g the target, When the gun le the hands of the oth,er fellow weat 9cc in the usuel manner. The snot will be piked out, a Peinful, tholegh not serious, operatien. more einelipex ontarlo. Toronto, Nov. 13--SOVa1lPeX has again been discovered. This time there are four eases in Plantagenet and Russell Townships, in Russell County, They are said to have originated front the outbreak at Ot- . tome, ant-ittone t Id Winnipeg, Mau., 'Nov. 13. -William lateen&LP.P. for Portage la died et Arizona yesterday. le had been, eufTering, frons, throat trouble. Mother gut r, children Cremated. Afarionville, r0., Nov. 13.- Mrs - George Justice locked her two small children in the house yesterday while she went a sbort distance for water. When she returned the house was in flames. The children were cremated • Doily in a wen. Peterboro. Nov. 13. -Yesterday man's body was found in the well on the farm of Mr. Lang of Oona - bee. The body was identified as that of "Silent John Hooper," farm laborer, Iferclainau Eileen Birdsall, Nov. 23. -Frank Lee, late of 20 Camden street, Toronto, herds- men for P. Birdsall Si Son, of Bird- sall, Ont., wits accidentally killed on Saturday. Nov. in ha lioliinoor Diamond.. L.ondon. Nov. 13. -King Eciward has decided to have the celebrated Kohinoor diamond mounted in the crown of Queen Ales:moire, for the coronation. -as ois Trig for ateriler. Saratoga, N.Y., Nov. 13. -The jury vsas sworn in yesterday in the case of Joseph C. Banks ot Homer. N.Y., who is on trial for the murder of Herbert Tachaberry, it former circus employee of Ottawa, Ont., on Aug. 10th last, 13anIcs wits manager of the circus. Tongue Threshed His Daughter, Woodstock„ Nov. 13. -John B. Sutherland was fined $20 and costs, amounting to $13.25, for having stud abusive language to his daugh- ter, by Magistrate Field. yesterday morning. ••••=.•••••••• Collector of Customs. St. ThOlIMS, Nov. 13. -Daniel Per - oilmen hee been appointed Collector of Customs at St. Thomas. AU the Same ta. nrer. "Don't you think that if I bad lived in the days of old I would have made U. goad knight's" asked the young man who had been talking ancient bistory from 8 to 11 p. xn. "1 don't, care so much what you would have made then," wearily ob. served the young lady, "but you might see what kind of a good night you can make right .now." -Baltimore Ameri- can. to the flight It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly.. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health' is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with lotsof strength. in - it --the kind of strength that makes, things grow, .. . Scott's Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleeprmakes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOVINE, TORONTO CANADA sec and $1. all druggists. Scrofula What is comnaonly inherited is not swede but the scrofulous disposition. This is generally and ebieftly indicated by cetaneons eruptions; sometimes by peles ness.rterveusness and general debility. The disease afilleteci Mrs. R. T. SnYden Union Se, Troy, Obio, when she was eighteen years old, manitesting itselr by a bteeelf in tier neck, whicii caused great pain, Was lanced, and became a running sore. It afflictee the daughter of Mrs. J. IL Jones, Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, and developed so rapidly that when she was 18 she bad eleven running sores on her neck and about her ears. These sufferers were not benenteci by professienal treatment, but, as tbey velem, tulle say, were eompletely cured by Hood' s Sarsaparilla This peculiar meeleitie positively ger- Teets the scrofulous dispositioe and mil - gaily anti pereMeently cures the disease. A. 31 kSTERT SOZ.V1t/D, Body of Missing Alfred >racket:Azle round In Toronto Day, Toronto, Novs 3' -The body of the late Alfred Mae . the missing, bookkeeper for Hiss Taylor, who disappeared Oct. sAlound yes- terday morning in at the foot of Dufferin, street. An inauest was considered unnecessary. In the pockets of the clothes wore by the deceased were found a. gold watcb, with fob and guard, several cur tickets, a card case and $01:110 pieces of silver. Several other arti- cles were found in his pocnets. Deceased was dal years of age, and liven with his mother end sister, at 10a St. Vincent street, Fee about 2.8 he had beeu in the employ of iEr. Taylor, and WaS implicitly trust- ed. His accounts were found to he short, and Mr. Taylor on Oct. 21, decided to ho-ve them examined. De- ceased. it is thought, learned of Mr. Taylor's intentions, and left, the store. Ile WAS never seen alive al - afterwards by any of his relatives or friends. TAO/311LX ON AMMAN PRONTIER, of 200 Attacked tor Itoliols Hader Jebandad Khan. London, Nov. 1Et.-"It is reported here. says the St. Petersburg cor- respondent ot The Daily Telegraph, "that delimited Kim, who lied from Afghanistan an the, death 'of the Amcor, has been making trouble on the Indian frontier. He gathered everal hundred followers and at- tacked an Afghan post, of 200 troops commanded by Ali Alcbar, near the frontier. AU Akbar thieve the rob- s o er us frontier, losing one offi- cer and nine soldiers killed. "The Britishi authorities, accordiug o a report, then arrested Ali Akbar, while Jehandad Khan fled to Kur- ram Valley. lIabile -WIWh has ordered the troops to pursue Jebandad Khan." Now Indian Provinces. London, Nov. 13.-.A. despatch to The TiDICS from Allahabad says that at the inauguration of the North- west Province on King Edward's birthday, Chief Commissioner Deane assured the native chiefs that the same canons of justice that prevail- ed elsewhere in the British Empire would be applied to their province. The new administration, be added, would bring them nearer to the cen- tral Government. The Commission- er's speech, says the despatch, will have a good effect in reassuring the native chiefs of the borderland, who feared sweeping changes. Three Killed iti a Wrock. Prescott, Ark., Nov. 13.-A wreck occurred yesterday one mile south of here, that was one of the worst in the history of the Iron Mountain Railroad in Arkansas. Three men were killed and eighteen Wounded, all negroes. An engine was carrying about forty workmen to where the road is being levelled. While going backwards at a high rate of speed the engine struck a piece of new and crooked track, bit the rails and threw the men in every direction. The dead and wounded were brought to Prescott. The Irish Boycott System. London, Nov. 18.-A telegram from Dublin in The Times says that at a meeting of the committee of the Bal- lees:tote (County Sligo) branch of the United Irish League, letters of apology from persons who had been speaking to a. car driver who drove for the police and worked for unpo- pular persons were read. Two oth- er persons apologized verbally to similar offences, and promised not to offend again. After Ten Tears, Winnipeg, Nov. 13 .--I-Iyacinthe, alias St. George, alias Racotte, a half-breect, applying for a strip at Edmonton, was arrested on suspic- ion of being an escaped convict from. Choteau, Arent. After his arrest, .the prisoner acknowledged that he escaped in 1890,. Ile was serving a life 'sentence. Pie had been hiding ever since at Green Lake, 100 miles northeast of Dattieford, ' Fri-n(11y Belot -ions Restored. Paris, Nov. 13. -President Loubet presided at the Cabinet Council yes- terday. The Foreign Minister M. Delcaese, announced that he had no- tified the Porte that diplomatic re- lations between Pranee and Turkey had been resumed, and that Admiral Caiflard's squadron had- left the Is- land of Mitylene. BrokeUti Neck. St. Thomas, Nov. 13. -Thomas E. Bailey, carriage -builder, tripped while ' coming down stairs Monday night in the Landorp Block, and, falling, broke his neck. Deceased was 66 years of age, and an old re- sident THE.X. T R T I Ara. S A Royal Publication, One a the moat handsome pieces of printing, and a public.,tion that will come to have histOrie interest, is the specially prepared time table of the tour through Canada, of T. R. H., the Duke and Duene6s of Cornwall and York, einbracuPg that portion of the Grand Trunk Railway System over whicla the Royal couple travelled in the Provinces of On t ari end Quebec, Never before did a time table assume such a sumptuous guise, and it reflects the utmost credit:ma the Grand Trunk Railway System. The book in question is a, tall octavo one of one hundred pages, printed on special deckled edge litten paper. The letter press is in Meek And ri cl: the text is descriptive of the route from North Bay, Oetario. to Toronto, Lon- don, Niagara, Falls, Brantford, Wood - stook, Hamilton, Belleville, Kingston, Brockyille, Cernwall, Montreal, Sher- brooae, Richmond and Quebec, with margi zal time table, dist anct•s from Montreal, as well as showing the alti- tude above sea level a every poittt, al- ong tbe route. Biank pages are inter- leaved opposite every page far peucilea memoranda. The book is profusely illustrated, the numerous half -tone views being printed on supetatie paper ornamented with emblematic devices printed in grey ink, the half -tones, being printed in black ink. Edition -de -Lase copies for presenta- tion to T. R, El„ the Duke and Duch - of Cornwall and York, and °Mel' persons of distinction in the Royal party, are bound in blue -grey ooze calf with appropFlate stamp and silk bind- )34gptalibebroonwspi,n wthheichR onyv?aarlcrosi 007, i.rTohn et page of cover, being printed In gal enameled. The ordinary edition is bound in stiff grey paper, the side title with Decal crown and maple leaf decorations in red and gold, all bound with scarlet silk cord and enclosed in grey envelope. Tho Eclition-de•Luxe copies were enclosed in boxes of the Royal purple color, with the Ducal crown printed on the outside in gold. Nowhere in all their tour had Their Royal Highnesses provided for them so beautiful A hoed book, and the Duchess rensarlsed on this beautiful work, It reflects great email on the enterprise of the Grand Trunk Rail. w4Lvn* Iutidition to this Royal Souvenir, the Grand Trunk also issued a very handsome edition of their book entitled "Across Niagara's Gorge," bound in green ooze calf lined with brown silk, being printed in heavy enameled paper in the Luxotype process. They also issued a vest pocket map of the entire System, showing the route of the Royal party while on their Hue. This nap is printed in four colors, mounted on silk and bound in snsootit calf shin cover, ornamented in gold. 11 6a86 ot Mallon Disease Vint 'could Noee cured nu Ordlnaru Druos and Medicines. The Dread Disease was ban - *heel Aftcr use of Two Bottles of Paine's Celery Compound A Statement Cairying Warnin and Encouragement to Every Sufferer. While the blood is the life of the system, catryiog to every parttisshare of force and energy, it is also the means by which the waste matter, the result of decomposition of the tis- sues, is removed from the body. If disease has touched the kidneys, there is grave danger, and deadly oppression will settle upon the body and mind. If you have any of the symptoms of Bright's disease or diabetes, Pame's Celery Contpound is the only medi- cine on earth that can stay the ravag- es of the disease and cure permanently Mr. 0. Kevill, of Deunsford, Ont., testifies as follows: "For the past fifteen years 1 have been troubled with diseased kidneys. Often while working in a stooped posi- tion I would find it difficult to straigh- ten up at once, and could only do so after repeated efforts. While under very severe attacks of my trouble. I became veins nervous, and continually had tired, wornout feelings. My rest at night seemed to do me no good, as I always felt tired in the morning. I had been taking medicines and was getting worse all the time. At last I decided to give Paine's Celery Com- pound a trial. I procured a bottle, and took it as directed, and found its effects wonderful. Before I bad fin- ished the first bottle I began to im- prove : after I had ised the second bottle I felt as well as ever I did in my life. It banished all my aches and pains, and my nervousness disappear -- ed. I can go to bed now and sleep Nvell and rise in the morning rested and refreshed." - The essential lung-healieg principal of the pine treo has finally been successfully separat- ed and refitted into a .perfect cough medicine. Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26 cents. • For Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Burns, Scalds, Bites of insects, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Hagyard's Yellow Oil will be found an excel- lent remedy. Price 25 cents. All dealers. - 'his dog's head trade -mark on very package ef the geunine Grip -Quinine Tablets The kind that cure coughs and colds in twenty-four hours. Some Reasons Why Yon Should insist on Havin$ EUREKA HARNESS OIL Unequalled by any other. Renders hardleatb.er soft.) Especially, prepared. Keeps out water. I A heavy bodied oil. HARNESS An excellent preservative. Reduces cost Of your harness &Meyer burns the leather; its Elficiency is increased. Secures beet service, Stitches kept from breaking.. 43110 is sold in all Localitieis 21Inna1acttired /renew/al 011 Compantrt MONEY TO LOAN. sutheriand lanes Oo LTD We bare eulimited private funds for 1nYeets sassR pREE4RED TO Plat YAM; meet upon tares or village property at invrest rates of interest. DICKSON,84 CABLING Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. I have 5 large monist of private fen loan on faxen and villagenroperties atlow rate 02 interest F. W. GLADIKAN„ Barrister Main St. Exeter. aiEDIOAL , BTORONTO U . NI vER6k, Ttinity "Ur Eitre OftleeerCilitiO'• nivo EL e• -e--4/71) OTHER TIMBER, EITHER, STANDING Olt IN *ME LOGS, Apply tc E. Ci Kessel, FOREMAN, ErvrEn, Or I W - WIC IV INi lli i i jti . le In eradoete Victoila anrsraity i ir-.11 office anti reeldenee, Dominion Labor*, tory, Exeter. .uxeter 1 London, Huron and Bram : OODIG Novas - London, depart Centralia .... . Exeter .. . ....... lienaen Eleven Brumfield .. Clinton IV -Ingham arrive gorse Seem-- winaham, depart • • Matra ....... ... .. . Hensall ..... ......, contralte .......... Loncloaarrive Passenger, sao, A, Tri.. 4,0 m. . 5.1 550 .03c 6.0 9.44 6,15 9.50 6.25 .9.53 5.33 10,15 5,55 11,10 8,00 Passenger 65,3A, X. 3.151?,2,, 7.17 4.25 4.19 4.57 502 411 5.25 ars . 8.0e ant .... 8.22 . 8•34 e.46 0,37 A CERTAIN REMEDY FOR CORNS And one always to no reliefi upon, lo Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sa,fe, sure and alwass paildese. Near- ly fifty imitations Kaye its value. I3eware of such. (let Putnam's at druggists. or if you vaunt% get it we will seed it to yon by mail upon re- ceipt of25 cents, post paid, to Canada rr United Stetea. C. Poison es CO., Eingston, Oat, BORN, Creditea oe Tuesday, Nov. tse wife at 4arnuel Lampert et' daugle ter. R atepben.4i h. sone OD Satur- day, Nov. Sail. the wife of Chas.11efenan, ef daioner. MARRIED ERRATT- ROBIN*ON.-At the rei-itlerace 0f the bridee eatente. Goshen line, litanley, en the titb hi,. by the Bev, J. W. Andrews, of Varna, Mr. Henry Emit, to Mies Mary A, Robinson. both et Stanley. /LUNT -SIMPeON-At the residence et Thos. :Simpson, lituccileld. Nov. WI, AliES Edith SW11%01110 Chas. limit. of Brueelield. ELLIUTT-WOON-lin vilneoday, the 541, Nov- in St. Veers church, Clinton. by lite Rev, C. E.Gurne,M. A., Otitis Sada D. Woon to Mr. Wiu..1, lolh of tho towntiliip of Cioderieb. DIED toW807.•:-Ie. Clinton en Friday, Nov. es Joules Howeon, aged 73 years and 7 mos. F.L1NTOFF-In Clinton. On Sunday, Nov, fird, George Elintetf, aged 53 years aud 7 menthe Titsenr.-In licusalt, Oa Saturday, Nev. thlt• 1001, Mrs. litry Trott. aged, 07 years. 1101JOLliitLL -At Elppon on Saturday, Nov. 9th,19U1, James McDougall. aged 74 >ea.rs. InsItoUls-ln :Morris, ou Oct. lab, Le11/3' Pardue, aged 70 years. Tugkersmith, tho rei-idence of his brothor,Mr. Hugh Oricre, John Orley% knots' of Brussels, aged 61 years. Near 'Warsaw. New York, on Noventber at, Itobert Welker, third son et the late Mr. David Walker, of Tueltersmith. aged 95 years. IULEY.--.In liullett. on Nov. 2nd, 311t.s Annie Itiley d aunt ter of 3Ir. John ltiloy, aged 24 years, 11 months and three days. - GOT CORNS ? Foolish to keep them if you have? No fun in corns, but lots of pain. Put. nanns Painless. Corn Extmetor raises corns in twenty-four hours. Get a quick crop by raising it -druggists sell it. Benjamin Bowman who dropped. dead in St. Thomas on Thursday, had $4,0L0 accidental insurance on his life. AN ENGLISH AUTHOR WROTE: "No shade, no shrine, no fruit, no flowers, no leaves, - November!" Many Americans would add no free- dom from catarrh, which is so aggra- vrtted during this month that it be- comes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof that catarrh is a constitutional disease. It is related to scrofula and consumption, being one of the wasting diseases. Efood's Sar- saparilla, has shown that what is cap- able of eradicating scrofula, complete- ly cures catarrh and taken in time pre- vents consumption. We cannot see how any sufferer can put off taking this medicine, in view of the widely published record of its radical and per- xnanent cures. It is undoubtedly America's Greatest Medicine for America's Greatest Disease -Catarrh. . TO CUBE A COLDIN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. AU dru ists refund the money 51 11 fails to cure. E, • Grove's signature 18 05 each box. 95c - FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REBIEDY.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been.nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhosa. 11 18 pleasant -to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for l'es Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no o ner kind. • Exeter, Nov. 131h, 1901. Wheat per bushel 66 to 69 Oats ...... 37 to 40 Barley...-. -.... .... -.41 to 48 Peaa........ ....,. -65 to 70 Butter..... Eggs ....15 to 15 810 7 to 7 5 to 5 .. 6 to 6 16 to 17 Dried Apples. .. . to 6 Pork live weight 25.00 to 85 CO Turkes Geese..... Chickens per Ib Ducks._ Wool... Children Cry for CASTOR A. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tlio sigmaturs ei .44a. Is ea ovary wrapper. LEGAL., DICKSON & CARLING, • • Verristere,.Folicitoes. Notaries. Convey _amen. Comenssisners. Solicitors for the -Mel -wee' . Bauk,lete., Money tolna.rt at!owest rates of Worsen OFFICE ;-1,44A5 s,rp.sz,r. .s,.enstwo, ea se L FL DICKSON W. ILAN (Successor to Elliott 4t- Madman) Burster, Solicitor, liotarT Conveyancer, HSC, Money to lows on Farm and village remertie$ at Lowest =tee of interest MAIII STREET EXETER DENTAL' EINSALAN, L. D. S. AND Dr. A -It. EINeatAN, L. 1). .8. D. In S., Roper Graduate of Tormito Teniversity. Peptise Teeth txtractsci ;singed pain or bad eller effects. (Mee in Fag. son's block. 'West Elsie ot Main Met, Exeter D.A, ANDERSON. (D. D. 8. 1,.D.S DENTIST - /loner Oraduate of the Torenio 10ialvtre-ity tad itoyal Vollef,n of Dental Smote? of Ontario. nith borers as..0 peseersonees es (nevem) tiebetilef fees:liege 1* ensile teem bonorable mention. Evers :him known to the newel Profeii;Jori done in this Mike. Bridge work, crowns, td - I eminent, gold end vulcanite plates all dote in Om neatest manner posAble. A vertcvM brandies mese-texas este too Warm - Office one doer rough of Dayupg I/0440re Exeter, Ont. A G( OD INVESTMENT. Fanson'a trite: bloat and dwelling, In Exeter, for sale. The brie!: block la well situated. en Mate street, is 70x55 feet, three storeys. and contains four stores. (tinges and halls,all leased. This is the best business stand in town. Tito dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10 rcoms, Es admirably adapted for a boording home. The property nmst be disposed or. Terms easy, apply to R. 24 ransom Exeter, Ont. Flour wholesale and retahJ Mill feed constantly on band, WilEfIT WA9T5D Eoz which highest price will be paid. Wood Wanted, T11101131V 4=1 CLOVER. SEED DOSIBIT,, J. Cobbledick a. Son TWEEDS At Oost Price- FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTING'S AT Cowl'. clear t te lines at once NS, Tvalor Wagons Wagons. We aro fez the celebrated Walkerville FOR. SALE -BRICK RE. eller for sale on reaeonable SIDE:N.7CE WITH AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER -We • j terms, that very desirable residentftd property known as "Thellooper Efemestead" situated on Lot No, i6, south of Byron Street. Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick ewelling, also the necessary outhouses. The hoube is in good re- pair and Las 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is execllentlyadapted for garden Ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup. ply of bard and “ift water, The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap. ply to DICKsox & CARLING barristers Exeter, or to A. E. HOOPER, Bow P. 0., Penne., U. S. .A., proprietor. Ent Rdlll__Estale Rency szr IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm, Buy or Sell Town Property, Borrow or Lend Money, Collections Made, Your Life Insured, Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan • Line, CALL ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKMAN Office over H. Spackman's Hardware Exeter. ten Cash paid for Raw Furs. A Drive in Having purchased a large line of new music at a job price we -vvill sell it at 5 cents per copy until Dec 1. The collection embraces some of the latest hits in songs and instrumental music. ) •••••ale,sinsimgmen Our stock of Organs and Pianos, Sewing Machines &c., will be found new and attrac- tive both in price and quality. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES agans THE BEST MADE. F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. CRUDI'FOIN Roller Mills Our mill has been remodel'. ed with the Gyrator System and -people tell us they now make better bread than bak- er's when using our flour. Origin ancl Gliopping Don c IN11131U, H. SWEITZER„ BROWNING'S fug 8tot'e fleadQuarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and NervelTonie Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder. ful healing and curing properties. Al Full line of Patent Medicineson hand. TOILET ARTICLES S. MARTIN, Milburn's Sterling Headache Powers give women 'prompt relief trona monthly pains and leave no bad effects whatever. Be sure you get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents All dealers, British Troop Oil Liniment, is unsurpassed by any other liniment on the market to -day, It is composed of healing, soothing and clean- sing vegetable oils and extracts. It Ls put up in !ergo bottles tortht small price ot 35 cents J W. BROIANI146 DominiouLaboratorll. If a child saes raVeno-usle, grinds the teeth at night and picks the nose, yOu may almost be certain it has worms and shhillci administer withoutelay Or. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, this remedy contains its ODD cathartic,