Exeter Times, 1901-11-14, Page 4The A1h1sons Bank' ,:eff.42tmED SY PARel Wee Yee-Ceeseee=ere-A. fasicier-e .Paidepeteeitet reekeee ebits and peeler weddirg t,:ele pia -zee= it - Fume eeeeceeo Wednesday afterevera last a the Hetel Cater:dere the tesideree Cantelen. when Mies Lettie, his eld.ese VIOT„Esiz., utatr4,11:2ZET,, ttr2.7.E1 in marriage te, Frane 4.1 ..14,,--33! Rees- Et,-;;,,Qt.se,. at 7 p. re. teee nearer: was 111 Sfeeee cdvareed geoe tamers en their 4 ."*-1 ir r cent. pee severe. '` pi:wed by Mites Amy itleaeleek„ ef lien- '4 :Exeter IL.70.0,ob Orei•eraz71,a1,0,:,!4.1.7. 317- urterarr-:•,tes of /Items: omalCZI -Melee; ett CARLING.K 11211,7=60-N. seetzteoree eteereeee ,eolendar for Nov .1)IoNnex "INE,PNASDA.N... e'ettreeeee Seee&. eeeeev f.4 0114.44 TIIRSDAY. NOVEMBE NOTE D COME Preenitee Rests bas -2 Was the inteteien to letth Hume. /i,IFO,eUQ;iCtrt kt7.11 MZElla .ata nenaleere-e:s a , th-e 27:Se a thee reeethe two vreees fretn. Wearteseley. azd the gre.eenc etly sereertee R Hanal'iZcxn, memeger er.I the Bet Teirietee care 37. Owen See:0e teok the reares fereet ef a hank efye weense ferns and dewess ; then feliewv `,`J ed the el'eerm'ee, .-Y teide en the arm cf her father, er3. itatdeenteiv attired in pearl rt;;;;,t,s7";i:Fo'" seem, trinteee with etiffeet.Yelvet etere.eee and theme. stese tuekies„ : see Let, vett ersterelderea ar.d eeteecied a le etre: .7 7: cress : her crey eaezete N ase:st- itee. wee deesse :.--e-- oreerely ilette leise taled.es se kite site-, eaereed tray ; Master, 1434-iirtese lt,"ereteten. Tenenro. piele eitte velvet- -reszfe ere - ed the reites. eezerecry lee:dere 17,e‘; :17ZOT:ZI: , was reefeeziesel Onter tetesee eheee with where she eves. o -11 presented ter with • - *; centest Vve'd hetwecel ltle. tear; 2 wet:: :" and Reck.the cemiidetes et the eel lee: eisert, ,314,1 !err; w„, Stt wateree *tee tee: etv to vehicle has a Lai t nine,3j 3 away fatalite. e. wt.7.7t$ 'the C3=i;:e ; r e-ceetrit,n fee re ;n-sier..4.- ter. If the rues" eureereiy teresee deg !Cr 3 4.;" "t,t0-0,11 vat -Fir, Lltil Cleat b resu.ss. 4. Se 4.1 der. 3Ir. A. W. Carer epee y rZais:..zn+,•,;; 4.1 Patee (Lel Ritede les-fir:ere celeuteles tleat leaet theey toweship in the province wee see tee ley...laws et. the Jenuary eleetiens te statute leber. ca.r44.t>7i t,3y,'0 the eeseele ger:Pr-411,y eve beginnieg see> the :neptessibility ef hendincr greed reeds en the ',it-Kr:lite later elee. Oety te",,‘:per -ceet. th.e tcweel.'r6.,-„ititti.,17.107Cur.C.;.'L3W C‘1,41titz• ed -stazzee re:a er :so far. • • The ce- veer ef, Heeen has been enus- , . nally M 'toe ok:to ; premex-74 W:tratat3,v:0.,,F re,t;Ct bee leet rere: er who et:Ix::: high tr. enie lie confileree : uteri whet- ha; rer- tinte:r7y teeefell in their. end ver.o-se peees :tree herd to the the„ the thee three et where set ir the 1.5:041.5iarctr. nrc.F Gihetre‘.!;t1, P. P.. A. Reis. Et M. P. P., Aroitite'd Bisker. R Retest: (`,4Fahees. es. M. it". Se. Cele. e.reer. Reber: Porter, tis P., Jc .M.473:M.3t. es M. P. ; -et 'es et: " tenes to tte, the eel], te etet wind. rale - treeett freen Too ijit:F 3 : ir,terCett 1.:P.,41-Cett the Velean ti":30 T1 Cee actri,,-.7nary etereee Tent he feliewe.e „ -a mere r st,..:7-cer- :tea general charge seireve eerelitiens, zerel eliets-; ree:3, ." tz, geeeral over central e,,rel Lath sicete.eee fie: ;severed deys tee.eliteg, inp to the Vulictea sterne T11`.1 Vattr31 Ct the P;e14. Ts Vulceet ;storm' eeterels front Vat to tree 2.4 eb, tlic,v tieth leer,g the central dey 113'.7 VI03.F.Vis pilled. with tl:e Meen agein the celestiel ctittatoe in her pavsaze frena erautia to nertit deeilna-tior. *ewe a ti.r.e invest etorres of tile ere nth nray he expected frore Sttrelaye. the 17th, to Tuesdray, the 21St. Teese feortus will reeat erlele en ana touch. vng tire 21.le reln, with' etel tient:der with- ^ e few 1.-:e ere hy geies. ere! charge to fa aed. Let 1 it 4:•e.' teglens ve-et- e Vac: enTertirg eceetez. frrra At -errey.tiereeree's C7: :The cleteire3 a lteenee cf. reereete3 trete- the Gevetnn:ent seme yeare. Teets license •;;a 1e toSItSre.tSiz::: cn three me =Tee- tetice, This tetice has been g,ivez, atel the three menthe' ienve expired. The cOrar,:l.nEeS 111.1",0, reeved their Ores. at! Shesitt thee h....4 - 'been :terse! ze do so ty the (tee hee- meet. *Fee recehed. wes cenet3erel mere empeihieus then an eeereeei the cC,12.2::-7, which might give the etre- par.lee chnece centirate Zit:gate= lededniteire mearewe experting gas all the time. The ccarapanies espee,s- ed no doubts as to the Prevencin: Goverareetels aetkority in :he matter when thy actepted the keens? cf ce- cupetten. • • Tammany has been an expensive poeseeslen for New York city. In the Merdlants* h-seheie•hon seceeed ▪ re. isfee-r ' c. le To.! 0- - ft: .. t!--;" • 1.7:t'it 771: Frar.k • s st'ettO ST-Vi:Z• E. Besseeterse- zshee. trifortuna-le the.ca av. White euteiteivie leerse s...ercebted and fell, br his fte- tees. Zek, e. reerniese ef, the Li- k-.givereetlee Atee. MeNale rezeis, died laS R. MeeRs as been :rester ofej Breesele Peesbyterlex. e=rele. fen? 4 ventts.. ;•.t: 04.7iintere, have aseed ties Preeese'e "vi:4,7',7'lkS F. .ese Z zee:. Sees. Wee. 47'e...it:re cv 15," eth.o. beetzese T.: ' 00. - eieen 4. Fee Lemien feneeet ile aed v Nis licier;74,e, ic3T 4 Legere f Seaforth te Wm. .4erele.r. weiee ;;", iN-1.ffetee farm, bes reeerve3 where he win rereein the farm ; the ferre eeetw.ce d the rent .s „veer. All Ca -5U; VS. 3;1;0 lkbe.IfizoZ;;t31:7.4..-3 win "Zee- tee lief by Y.-eerrirg cr.e cf Carter's Steen: \Veva Sc Delladerma Bank -tette Pies. Price '35 evr.ts, Try ttere. mczacr,..ro: th,,..evrarge, Feere. „ .reveeeee. ..tvece- e ; bee gate to Owen Se`el„.3. 11 ; eali. he is ie,-ealv "e*P-test. lte" Pee' se el vetz- e bdewier' :etc ef "he te-e.1% areeated fee:. lee:peel and Hee H. 7.Q,737-4* F.5"-37. 7,:";,74 eheeeh se: e • ,t.te" 11../ b. -es taken a ▪ with r.te the l'et-re ae Wee e az.1, Colds , "I b1s1 a teat oe a, tybeesthe. Men ' - Cherry Peeteraleree it 1 . IttWatt•.reilef.' W. C. Leyten, We; Hw will your cough e 'IQ 'ors; prob.', abiy.For ifs flrst a cold, . then a cough, then bran- ; chitis or pneumonia, and last consumption. ughs always tend dwnward Stop this ward tendency by tafng Ayer'sCherryPec-: .. -, .. . . e.„ tt; 4,... - r77TV a 4 a.' E- e-fier.?r dey. '• extereee. gr'''aee at St. cf -r; teeereettte 3 LI eee. • 0-71,E07070E,;71i:' von eeseep pees rtveie- -she. - Ale 114r, ,I•N, rkr1,3;OCS FC' r14.4.: Z1r, rerveeseces makes, v:drdysters ; eithee cee ren. eers ta Mye▪ rit;ess Lytle - ;ere heti:. r. .r4s!'7•7.:S Reeder per. ed August' eeertlie ,r; es"ei 'tee 6" .4 Orteti at OrrVer s Wvat e.ov..rn le P4trt tter. .tV 5,1ta ,z after • : • a trait) t ft 1* 147,1%4 V: 3.r3.1 eahe eteeree. eel inf • ; 0(.7 .1.7. Stn-' • a.. G7.. a• • , 1 te:e. itb bis ▪ e first Sett. ofa. 7ieeara arei ,..%,:mee. 31%1re-etc-re Jae 'Soy, -The nor- eensistene there and the eZ,5te7a pertieens of the eel:. wed Wand ;tee, tet fret= Eingeten. aves a heavy weether. Rivers beve over- t. a Cowed their 't.a.z.%:s, 0.t.i are &Leg iedulgete cezeideratle dern-erge to tho railroad ',atter. line to) It Antereo end the mere., „ week tteeer.s. 7• o scateroomr SttaNe. Zte'.5'5"Nl;:i 'Viz. -Vat -4 Haven. Mess.. Nov. "leen and .--The sehetner Peng:es e. P. the tee- Peal. Mee freren Port Johnsen,tr reetien. elvelte. with tr...•• cergo eed entvIEVr..,.exfzs..0.1r ert:_tevzzt:ieuns =ofd. szer.:71C. be.stileezeas;ns eTe, • indtereed itto the ef tt-,o water. captare Reefeeee ceee e:t",ler rf.-2etor ..f AN'ontank crew a .feerreni''''S;I:eI17. :Ater at cr-ee tc'..1k up Lexica seeerred terribly fro= expes- is residenze Methere, ell. There t:z 3! thet time ale mats?. his bente . the fleet fcar years ef hie ministry , in the resilemee C J. At the ette.0 of his indazetzett, wen was het a pitmeer zetttie- ,....e. To him has hien seiven the eiviiege witeeseine the irresistahle anee cpragrees in, that place un- tceley Matherwell stands as one ot he most pregesseive and inteneetual centres tn rural Ontario. Mer ministry e -o unique in ite length, the Motherwell peepte felt that in perting from their pestor. thet the occasion demanded seree special rezteguition of set -vices faithfully crscharged. With this ohjert in view a lerge aesembiage ef peeple met oa Thursday ev,ening at the manse end preseratel the Rev. Deceor with an address,. a par.se con- taining Sithlr, and himsean lf d ti ;_eugh- er„ Margaret with a couple of e.esy chairs. The Dr. has purehased the res.idence lately oz:cupied by Andrew Jeffery, situated on Shrewsberry street in the best part o Stratfordi It will make lum an elegant home as the house is aimnst new. cf $7..telicev ;I; tee ev ere; Je-vbee Peen,set :tee se -la his fern; .tb.e 14tle ce eM1 J' 4 It c-zstai- azres 'II az:2 with geed lenle%ege and -is ter geed ilk shepe. laseeiszn intetesis remev. • r_ar,1/4„ a. ice to Meese," eve Zehr. :ro tIti-;57 leler.eay. -ees cf erre. Zaree s Seek "tie. rezentiv rerchesed a .tetv pee wieee • reeereds. It tt.te •be3. is three yeenre ell. a- " etiree-n McKenzie.cf dtersan'th. tear Ureeeieid. On Wareeday cf lase week nt the I:raze Ta s. Brareflei I. when adze:se deteghter. Zutes Edith Simp. sem wee maerted. te Mr. CherlesIclunte y. seetien ferene= nr. the railway. Pelritatirnd the heerr. =emcee- nees. 'tree -I tinge, tervoas headache, cell kande and. feet, pain in the back. 1, and other fortes ef weakness are re- - I:eyed t l'erter's Iron Pale mede - epezialty fer the bleed, nerves and ener rest.iieret tretito es resiv Sten:day -n complesten. We are emrrY to re -cord the death of a Ilt,-"se Annie Riley, of the Sth conceit.- Huttett, wbech occurred en Saturday evenat9g. Decea-sed was a premieing and. brghly respected yeriteg figures which showed thet in ltket the °Ira he 7°.'"(31 cost of the Geveramera: of New Yore Baiiher. reselizei superireerelent city was that of thirteen lealine 10-1'221-1 d.hm "-he gra'and oi cities cr,f the thaited States cembieett Three cities represented more than .A. Wiliaer is retie -re: feera the feem twice the population of New York. in Biddr.inh. He ttekiree The °die', cities taken into corneae!. the buteher beeihess with his bra:her son were Milwaukee. New Orleans, in Crediten. The hest 'Welles of this Detroit, Cleveland. Cinchanatte Pitts- conanyamity will acceesrany Mrand burg, Bao, San Frame:tete St Mrs. Walker to their new hare°. Louis, Baltimore, Boston, Philadel- Ti' an • 7 .6 for all purposes of these thirteen e phia and Chicago. The outlay in Is'fh2; chisifiqrstivPer'elbryYtets•ei -irt%-wctsurecLit will cities, including payments on the plate ; meentewl aeuuteatdlee ti.ctllisAdatPe3setrnae-c- lie debt and interest charged was S176in - 715,662. The total outlay in titat c'f the les.i%.al Re5$112. BeT. hCrauston, of Crorearty, will year for New York city for these prer- lot poses was $16d,253,2-15, nearly ele-etete- • reae 000 reore. The situation has not m- Miss Marion Ceiver, M. D.. lately ei from Intior, India, addressed proved, because the Tammany appro- , a. public meeting on her werk, in the priations have increased enorn:oueiy in the last two years Presbyterian church, on Friday even- . ' ing. The lectare ;was very interesting ; but the attendance was not as large as Five weeks ago Fred Elford, of it should here been. pae in 150 chiceees for on Monday last Mrs,. Jas, Davis, of the government „feeding station ; they ' nsteucted Dabile' an gaIng to the stable went were keP /1! _s_ro_e„.._ei Y"..; little teo clese to their horse and was .hai,theeh _.-,__tehheeh were eeook ; bitten by hinarloni„ the sheulder. Dr. 'Cro":r:ti uots‘uaen-ru uekciuniustg,12.14.0_t„R e dressee the wound, mad al- diet/eh the wound is painful, ehe pros - gravel twiee a week, arid durrng the peels are not eerieme htst ten days were fed tallow to 'q sweeten the meat and make tt, juicy. It is our painful duty to record the of He death At the aeteet they were sprinkled 1 th in"' Srnith, eldest son of davs beore with apd also ten. f°liver Smith, of wrneeter. He wcs k.illing, to destroy insects, but although taken down with diabetes abont five kept le dose quarters dating their en- „es"„e,kes P-'grao 'td the diseese made forced confinement, not an iusect was, ,''''",t7ee-.-eh..'zdeath eeeeaieei. eadjughistifler- on there. nor was one of the fowl in 'nh' any way injured. The lot consieted1 The sad intelligence of the death of mastie ,u uee Beered Rocks. or grades, and the ;experiment shows that the . eearee the fnwl ie to being pere bred the more tiley gain. fr. Elford" kept a:so a crate of ehrtimon foe -LA merely 70 see how 'beie would com-;+ pare with the others : for Ou iirsq week they gained in fiesia, hot after t,ha.t 'they made no gain. I';',7•11ext the fowi w ere first pat in they v,-eighed er Average ef 3 Is. each. Wheg.their. neeksWere wrtmg liar' or 3est. week thev had gained 350 lbs, in Reset. Mr. Gamble of Owen Sound, was re ceived in Stephen township on Thurs- tiey lass. Mr. Gamble formerly re- -in the Line, before moving to Owen Sound and was a brother of Mr. Wm. Gamble of Grand Bend. There are few families that have had as nemy marriages in them as Mr. and Mr'. . John Drturneth;dh, eF sal chronicle. Will, who was mimed' rece ill- was the 1&.h eand. !Itsof a fa; er o t" een lie happy crowd ea; ese of his 'sisters IL:43 been married worean raz :24 Years, hut a year ago was stricken with consumption. On Wednesday, the Gth inst. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin- son, Goshen line, Stanley, was the scene of a very happy and pleasant event, being-, the marriage of their eldest 'laughter Mary A., to 3.1r. Henry Erratt, of the Babylon line. On Tuesday morning at 2.30 o'clock the residence of Mayor Jackson, Clin- ton, was discovered to be on fire. The fire was located in the dining room behind a burean which stood just be- low where the stove pipe hole goe.e in the wail and is thought that fire had dropped down from a defect in the chimney. The fire was extinguished but not before $300 damage had been done. Rev. Mr. McLean completed his 35 year as pastor or St-. Andrew's church Blyth, last Sabbath. In the morning he gave a suunnary of his pastorate, more particularly of the past year. showing that after all the removals his church was still gaining. It epee les very highly for his manage- ment that he has beer: able to keep his church so well together all these years, and still he able to preach, first - dee"' sermons. He is about the last of the old preachers in the Presbytery, The quarterly board of the Askin street Methodist church, L-andon, met on Friday night and extended a call to Rev. W..�. Howson, of Clinton, to be- come their pastor for the net con- ference year. The 'call was not unani- mous. In the first vote, Mr. Howson was the fayorite by a large majority, A motion to make the cell unanimous was then made. but was not carried. The briard reduced the salary of the present pastor., Rev. J. W. Holmes, from $1,2;03 to $1 1(0 As th's can but apply to the balance of the year. sotne six months. the board will effect a sexing of 85% The proposal was vigorously opp,./sed by members of the hoard. A.seti is said to be very unfaror- a lc 1.ervier.1 hr the rim trr eg ior 1 a whole. among whom Rev,. Hol- mes is legartied as an earnest and eerie este H.- -0 st ceast ; -ee=eeler sees: he a retests,/ at 'MO ttr batnns-.Ar. -14tpirmirs Tessa oP, Icte n4e.V.s, SoutaIl rerolaind-,-114174,7 • 1"r4t, 191., Nov- 13,-Viceleet teetel. • Sr.oWSZ,rz=33repOrte4 ail the. coasts ..of the rated A 1" -ere gale :is blew -leg henreeh and reourataineere seas are reenneeg. No fewer than hail a drren. s=edi Yessets within sight ci ifee-er ore Cy -leg signets of distrees, eel ehe lifetreats are vairele atte.-74,Ft- reach tit -;3: 4reekte. tn sent ti.ze Sci4tbi Fere- T.',i; the erew eeieeiter t the tezeiree. Several vieseele hear., eeeeesecel reel tugs ore eeezeieg wee- cie wore driving ash ere. ci reels there !lave heee: eeear etc, ' seenees. Sietee eve -e e tee- seeete, steerreet. Cele eei.i.eel Veete.f. eee et et teeert. 7,t3e iatr. tr:le O2Trero =4-'4 ;7X; ehateet Tee ..-r-tet eisete the leheseceiieee - are "-• ,ezee iz :17 th Tee.' thet -0 leas heee eteeeezi. neeeter ef yr:vele; . See • dee.:e.e... Coese„ Telere hese b7.-.e.et sereece C.eee's Verketaire- Iv:Z=4 grezt. damage t.,as tZen. deT,e, Ceetls. 'Several'. fatat accideete have eve-en33- sc-e Farts cf the ever -try the rain has cormvact tar at, 17.a.ars. T.:to s7,,:is was site: ragitt,f,t tatat t1 35t tast r4itt r4lar.,t7, tits c„tast. rts czat,Itatanyar7-4-"ce a shipping ea -realties- Airegether nine persons wore drowned in these disasters, Five vessels have been vereeked in el:tease tewa tarter. which streter: with recee"vte.ge. m. maid teat Nerd. wheieh starred Irene Dever ter Catalls at tea past blorrdey reght, ran desert the lieiateteip tite wzlits d'ate, P4Ver Vier. The crew a the lightehip were. dre=tel.Itin rep:Tied it rZvOr that I.4e rerszes wen we. wetle thee ligletehip. Tito N'ord has gene, eeleere at the Ferciared„ lettt her pasecregers ere said to be 2ilsv7 Weather is e; , Alr'S atee the Rev. rate eee three heeee.ess else:et-tie; ctit HE NEW IrESIESS 1118E TO ANY MESE The manufacturers of the popular Diamond Dye Mat and Rng Patterns are filling orders daily from all sec- tions of Canada and the United States. The pretty designs are attracting the attention of all women who are in- terested in tbe niaking up of borne made mats mad rage. Each pattern is brought. out in full, rich tolereof the beet imported Scotch Hessian, ready for hooking. Scores of- pretty creations made from the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns were ex - Whited et the autumn fairs and Itt- tracted Much atientum. The Wells & Riehardson Co, Limited, 200 Moun- tain St., .1Ioetreal, P. Q, will send post-paid to any address sheets of new designs to enable ladies to make prop- er E.eleetions. Chlueso Arus.O. Loudon, Noy. 13.-Telegraphieg from Hazkow. Nov. 5. the re -4a cerrespoadent of The Times. Dr. leorrLecn, says: "The Yangts_e Val- ley is now peaceful, and no doubt Ls entertedred that the cane; will :se- t= to Peke:. Trade is very active here. The i=mnfacture of ar=s and o=n2r.ition are proceeding on a great, vale at all the principal Chin- ese arsenals. There are 2,000 work. =en in the Heeler -ow arsenal." Job Dynaant Slashed. -Fr-i,ntErtion, NOT, 13. -John leyrnent, sr., the well known horseman, has re- turned ^to the city. iThea he was in St. Lo'uls a murderous assault was made on hira. He was attacked by a highwae-met. e who slashed him with a razor, cutting him badly about the face, and tack all his mon- ey. Mr. Byraent was t-tlten to the hospital, and was unconscious for some time. The doctors said he had ' a very close call. Parmiryz Not Played Out. 3". H. Hale, the successful peach grower of Connecticut and Georgia, varose life work bas been on a New England farm, Who has no other in- come except from the soil and -who has been !or the last 20 years In elose touch with the most progressive thought ot Areerican agriculture. is quoted as bar - Ing said recently that be MIS dearly of tile opinion that if young mea and women ,of brains and energy will fit themselves as thoroughly for tbe pro- fession of agricillture as they must for any other business or profession tile chances tor success on the farm are far greater today than In any other business in New England. nlown to Pitons. Bloomfield, Ie. 'ha, Nov. 13. - as Sikes, San flae! and 1S11- 4 Ilona Woodson /net terrible deeetlas ' . mirer,- .sualaigte-TemieaaegUla- tlititestionaets.aDdaffelsof SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMI SIGNATURE PromasNestil'maReTi -oessaraBestContclias neither Opmellarphi&tgt. rc3rnnraL ii0TRAIEtcoiric. IS ON THE RAPPER OF MEI h put nig. czaehe caiy, z;t s1 b talk. P4aet, at tweeze ta toll er.3 ca :to plea cr that it gaPoutl'"vill er7;:c: owry Tar. z- tbt 7ca SUNS of FASHION 171.,11,Z, ALE BY EL When you want the highest shoe style -the most beautiful Anish com- bined with correct fitp lightness and wear; Shoes that are fashion- ably correct - no Matt er what shape or style - You can get them in the "Sovereign" shoe., "Sovereign" shoes re- present the highest and best in shce making. Flexible, light, strong and handsome. Laced cr buttoned shoes $3.00, $3.so and $4.00. Low shoes or Oxfords Sa.so and $3,0o per pair. Branded on the soles: "Sovereign Shoe" SWEET, EXETER. .144-1.4114V-/-.34-1444444:41,034.3447.7..c.-14:4444+41+4,-14+41-4444441.14-1:0- The Ilhigof Ike:ages, "Buch.'s Happy- Thought' TT took Money1 .600' Hands andBrains to perfect The Remay Thought Range, and it's the Range that ardent t. copiers have taken their * cue from. : : : : Happy Thought Tbeir Cue le qv • Happy Th.ought Ranges are made in 6 different sizes and 72 fliffeeent styles. They have all it in the coal Reids near here yester- day. She men were engaged in opening a keg -of powder, when a spark from a miner's lamp, worn by one of thein, fell to the powder, and the ram were blown to pieces. " ' nociTorouity ' Boston, Nov. 13. --Art important .! enterriew with President Roosevelt is to be held at "Washington to -day he representotiVe.s of the Boston. • Chamber of 'Commerce and business ; the latest practical Improve - 1". merits such as the Corrugated „t„ Oven, Transparent OvenDoors, • ▪ Uncdastructable Oven Deetper ▪ a.nd a Thonaugh System. of 'Oven Ventilation -T 152omm 7C)°C>ortCa'ael alealeer. elh'ec'ezs°11 le..1Ps Write for illustrated pamphlet. ee-neactureeee 3nen. from. vanbehalous sections or the The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Ititnited, Brantford 4mintry., t of more intimate rela.tions with Canada. .4+444.444-t44+.+41,44.+0 1301,3) BY #4.20.410+44+-1•111+4,44.++44: J. HEkillAN, EXETER-, Grip=Quinine Tablets fca-ocos.ATEtarzaD) Grip -Quinine Telles cure S•e•':tS a cold and clamp AS7tatliti.- diseat es. Grip-Quinineretains n'',1 the carAire virtues, of Ouinine, with the tlit.t.rmeabile- itess left °a The Chocolate .Tall,'Let..fp,rra makes it pleasant it,s+ take, In och ton' capsules, ard better hi Retrievriber 0- tin -,4e The treiinino are in bones only, Do0,18 TrAe-rnarlz, Retuse others. Price 25 cents, at all diuij On ?go ,<4.0.,,t. e0or0-ing the faingy of a for Victoria131.ZZY ? J;kaa Vit Clinton , touncil for tile lose or a horse, said to Vin. A mere, sneing the SeafOrth causeel ialling- en a, granolithic eidewelk. • , James le eho bas resided for 20 z eatson it t t to on the Riiron road. a! :517,ort tli;o4;;« POSt OP Seaforth, having --old his .- r t; oty of Brant, ana in- t e m there immediately, Children Cry fok CASTORIA. Then your liver t at well You suffer from b jou': - ness, constipation. Ayei- Pills aet'directly on the liver. For 60 years they have hem the 41Si tdaonsdearF s cure., Pm '= -,'Fri -T,-1,1.- Want your nuototautte or tukratobtoueful 'broonor rich taack.2 Thumis BUCKINGHAM'S DiElqiiitliteers .7 *r nonoutro, ex