Exeter Times, 1901-11-14, Page 3MEETS OF THE WORLD Flieee or Cattle, Grain, CIleeee, 8xe ih the Loading ManleetS. Tonto, Nov. 12. -Wheat -The lo- cal wheat market continues firm, with hleultobas in good demand and el,or. ()atom new white, and red sold cet 60ec middle freights, and old at 680, No. 2 goose quoted at 08c ezi Midland, an No. 1 spring, at 08c on Aliulasul. Manitoba, wheat higher; No. J. hard sold at 8a to teLte, winding in transit; No. 1 Northern ete 81-ec; urn N. Northern At Goderieh, Midland mut Oweo Sound, No. 1 hard is .quoted at 79 to 80c. Oats -The demand is good, and 4f to to small onerinfes, Prices a• -P • firm. They ari; above export. values. Shale% of No. 2 white at 41e, middle freights. arid at 4:2/.‘ east. l'eas-Marieet tatiet and steady; No • 1 sold at 71ee high freight, and at 72tee iniddle freight. Barley-efarket is firmer, with de, mand good. No. 1 quoted at Ode, No. 2 at $0e, No. 3 extra at 47te. ,autl No. 3 at 46 to 4e, middle freight. Cora, -Market is irreentlar. Canadian yellow seid at 490 and December deliverer is higher. Ti. S. yellow is quo fili to °flee on treek here. Itye-The xuarket s aide ;lake at 40Se middle, and eaote Ittickwheat-Market steady, Smoked meats-Iains, 18 to 18-4e; breakfast bacon, 1.44e; rolls, 11.4 to 12c; backs., 124e, and. shoulders 11. Lard -Market is steady. We quote: -Tierces. 114c; tubs, 1.14e; pails, 111e; compounds, 84 te 90. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Toledo, Nov, 12,---WlieetCash, Ti; December, 76e; May, 78ec. •Corn - December, 60e; May, 68e, Oats - December,. 39e; AlaY, 40e. Rye-- 50ec.•Seed-Prime, 85.00; Decera her, 35.00; March, 85.65; timothy, Detroit, Nov. 12-Wbeet closed -No 1 wliite, =eh, Wee; No. 2 red, cash and November, 751c; December, 751; May, 79c. St. Louis, Nov. 1e --Wheat closed -- Cash, 73e; December, 721c; 75te. afilwankee, NovVIieu,t-Ieirneer; closeil, N. 1 Northern, 72 to 72ec; No. 2 Northern, 014- to 71e. Deem - ben 71ec, Rye -Higher; No, 1, 56e Barley-leirin; No. 2, 58e to 59e LI-HUNG-CHANG DEAD. The Great Chinese Statesman Dies • in P,ekin. A despatch from Pekin *ays :-Li-- Ifung-Chang died at 11 o'clock oa Thursday morning'. The courtyard of the 'Sfamen is filled with life-sized paper horses and chairs with eoollie bearers. which his frieada are send- ing in accordance wit:h the Chinese custom, to be buried, in order te etury his soul to heaven. Several of the Ministers of the powers have called to express eympatliy. The Chilies° officials tire somewhat uneasy cancel -11M8 the °fleet his death will have on the populace, and to guard against a, possible anti -for- eign demonstration the Chinese gene cud returns, were 16,336. There Was erels have disposed their troops no record •then of the arrivals from •,, IMMIGRATION TO CANADA. Considerable Increase in Arrivala for EAR Fiscal Year. A despatch from Ottawa seys:-Mr. Pedley, superintendent of inunigea- tion, says the arria al in Canada, for the year ceding June 80th was 49,- 162. Of these, 31,102 arrived at ocean ports, 044 the bale/lee, 18.- 0cio. cwrto from the United' States. Of those who Pante by oceau ports 9,;331 were English., 883 Irish, 1,470 Scotch, 520 German, 838 Scandinav- ian, 492 French and Belgian, and 17,572 front other European coun- tries. In 1896 tho arrivals in Cana- da by ocean ports, accordingto offe about the city in such a way as to the United- State's. commaucl the situation. Trouble, , In 1897 there wero 19,804 invade however, is oxtreniely improbable. grants who landed at oceau ports The wife of Earl Li and his two , and 712 who entered Canada from sons and daughter were with him. the United. States. During the not . They are greatly distreseed, Chin- year there was a large increase, there ; 0,0 Offie.141S throng the Yamen. Tel- being 22,751 who landed at ocea.n sample. 45 to 57c, Corn -December, 1391e, Duluth, Nov.12-alose wheat -Cash N. hard, 74e; No. 2 Northern, One; No. 1 Northern. 710; Deceut- bei', '70e: May, 731e. Corn -59e. Ner Oats -39 to 88. west. Minneapolis. Nov. 12 -Wheat closed quoted 4. east*, 71dte; December, 701c to 70e; ted at May. 71Oc; on tencic. No. 1 hard. ee 7i3Oc: No. 1 Northeru, :tem No. 5 t' 4""' (10. 69 to elet, at dOe eales at 49c middle freight, an on rificllaud. lour -The market, lei firreer. ty per cent. patents sold. al. $2 buyers' bags, raided(' freights. vette, and for Lower Prevince prieen of choice straight voile ntoha good export cattlo were sold at dw510tl c LIVE STOOK MARKET, Toronto, Nov. 12. --The prospects mote lelld out M the early part or the so le week for an improvemeut iu the et - l' trade scarcely held good at the trade Cattle Market toelay. Business wee flow and the delivery lighf., A few Avocet. ere $3.15 to $3.elie wheat flour firiu; Ilungorian pa, 81, bags included, at Toronto, efrong bakers' $3,70. .0ateneal-tfarleet unceanged. bla On track here, $4-50 in and $4.65 in wood. Broken 250 per bid. extra. Atilifeted-Brun firm at $14 to $11.00 outside and at $15 hero. *Sheri's, $17 to $17.50, both, her and outside. tents, $1.60, the highest. Sonie fair loade end of export were offered. but there were no buyers. Feeders were worth ear from $3.00 to 83.50; short -keep, bags, good quality, 1,200 to 1,800 The. lots, "leas common to mieldliug butcher cattle, $3 to $8.25; good butcher. 83.C.0 to 83.85; picked lots, $4.25 to $4.35. Stockers were not very active, ifa10 uarketg a, .k. tight stockei•s. :7)00 to 600 )s., $2.25 to 82.85; stocizers 700 0 eeee Its., 82.10 to $2.75: feeding ulls. $2.50 to $3, weighing 1,000 1,200 Ibs. nags are down to 5 6c't Lor best; Ugbt, 85. • e. `xport sheep and lambs are steady firmer, but culled sheep are not anted The day's•ufl was 51 Ioads itli 938 head ot cattle, 1.070 sheep 'lees and latUbs, 500 hogs, and 15 calves. of fl PRODUCE. itetateee-Prines are uziehanged C), et/0 per bag. on traelt, for et, eheiee Mock, and they job out of to atom at 4;0 to 03e. Door potatoes w around 40e, on track. Dried apples-Vew offerings; P uelnival at. 5O to Oc per lb melted sell al 10 to 104e, ilOps-Business quiet, with prices tetidaY at:124 to 13c. Yearlings, $e. Uottey-The market is unchanged at 94e. Comb. $1.75 to 82.25 per dozen, Beane -The marhet is steady, with offerings moderate. Unpicked are jobbing at $1.55, and band -picked at $1.70 to 81.75. Cranberries-Marl/et is steady for Cape Cod ut $8 per bbl; Canadian, to $6.50. 'tray. baled -The market is Un-. eluinged, with sates ot ear lots at $0:25 to 89.5(, and delivered at 810.50. Straw -The market is quiet and firm. Or lots, on. track, bring 85.75 to 36 as too. Poultry. The market is firm. We quote: -Turkeys, 81 to lie; geese, 54 to 0,410 per lb; ducks, 50 to 70e per pair; chickens, young, 40 to 55e; old 30 to 4.0e: live chickens, fat, 35 to 4.0e. Seeds -The market is steady, Al- • slice, 85.50 to 86.25 for ordinary and $0.75 to 87.25 for prime. Red clover, 84.25 to 81.50 per bush for ordinary, and 89.75 to 89.90 for prime. (By Dawson Commission CO.) Poultry -After a week of low pric- es and depression, values have in- creased. Turkeys, 8e-- to 91e; geese, lie to 6ec; ducks, 40 to 70c per pair; chickens, 35 to 60c per pair. If cool weather continues prices will remain orea and possibly advance. - Butter -Market steady for choice stuff but ofl grades are 'lard to sell at all. Choice 1-1t) rolls, 16 to 18c Ib; large rolls and tubs, 15 to 17c lb. There is a large quantity of poor • butter here orfering at 12e per lb. Eggs -Limed, 13 to 14c doz., • fresh, 15 to 17e; strictly new laid, 20 en`220. Apples -Receipts large, especially second grades. Faucy spys bring • $8.75 to 84,25. No. 1- stock gener- ally, $3.50 to 88.75. No. 2 $1 less. 'There is a quantity of poor apples selling at $1.50 to 32 per bbl. To- ronto :market has more than held its own this season, andlarge shippers say it has been better than any oth- •er market, even ineluding Great Ilritain. Our shipper tells us we beet other markets easily $1 per. Potatoes -4400d stock selling at 45 to 50c per bag on tfack. There .have 13gen several cars showing rot •that sold- from. 30 to 35c per bag, • and were good sales considering coe- d i en. Onions -80e per bag or .about le per lb. egrains have been. eent summoning ports and 9,119 who came from the LI-HUNG-CITAN United States. In. 1899 tiler° was a further increase, when the figures reaebed 32,508 by ocean ports and 11,945 from. the Milted States. Dur- in,g these years the immigrants were recorded for the calerelar year, but the department bas uow changed its seretem to the Oscal year, which ends on aunt: 30. For the first. six Months. from January, 1900, to . June notit ot the same year, 15,352 orris ea at ocean ports -anti 8,543 'from the United States. CATTLE INFECTED. NOVENBER CROP REPORT RESULTS OP THE PAST SEA- SON SET powur, Phial Estimates as Prepared. by the Ontario Bureau, of Industries, The filial estimates of the crops in Ontario this year, baeed on aetual threshing results, aro contained in the November crop report, issued by the Ootario Bureau of Induntriee. The results are as follows :- Fall wheat, 16,017,029 bushels, or 17.4 per acre; spring wheat, 5,498,751 bushels, or 15.eper acre ; barley, 16,761,076 bushels, oi• 20.3 per acre; oats, 78,331,490 bushel, or 82.5 per acre; rye, 2,547,313 bushels, or 16.1 per acre; peas, 10,089.173 bushels-, or 16.7 per acre; buck- wheat, 1,757,071 bushele, or 19.9 per acre ; beans, 824,122 bushels, or 15.4 per acro; potetoee, 18,110,- 637 bushels, or 118 per acre; corn, for Imeking, in the ear, 24,838405 bushels, or 77 por o.ere; corn for silo and itodder, green, 2,359,514 ons, pr 11.93 per acro; hay an ciover, 4,632,817 tons, or 1.31. Oe acre. The great majority of coeresponci eats report that the Aupply of fern NEWS ITEMS FRONOUNCEI OUTLAWS. s !armed Biaglishmen Ordered to • SliOt on Sight. A despatch froin Paris Says text of Gelieral Botha's aounter-pro* clamation to Lord Xiteltener's reta cent proclamation lias aeached" hor It declares ;- __'"Whereas no official of the Orange CANADA, Free State or the Transvaal Repub.* Telegraphic Briefs From All Oyer the Globe. Two =ore mild cases of smallpox 110, and no genei,al, commandant, ea have been reported in Montreal. burgher inteuds to obey Lord Mich- ener's proclamation. •pr to troable with it, Atter December 1st smoking will be prohibited. on Montreal street cars. About, niaely rifle Aesociations have been - formed. in Canada during eareese - e , tion, be run to the coast tri -weekly, and determination of all buroliers to re- tie° last three months. • The C. P. 11. Imperial Limited will. proclamation has strengthened the "And whereas, Lord Kitcheiterds a, daily express will be run in addle 1st to the end; now, "Therefore, I, Louis Botha, cone - Brentford this year has had 136 niandallt-gelleral Of the Republica -a forces, with the consent of the Cov, cases of infections eiseases, against 216 last year and 298 two years ago. ernments, offecere, and. burghers of "And, whereas, the proclamation contains falsehoods habitual to the both republics. Proclaim Lord kateh- Tenclers are being asked for the ener. his staff, and the officers and ew astronomical observatory, which soldiers eervieg under his orders to be located near the routh-west lighting us now to be outlaws in gate of the Experimeutal Ote South Africa, and all officers arid tawa, burghers, in the tWQ republics and • r By the end el next month the G. in Cape Colony are ordered to shoot T.R. between Montreal and Toronto every armed Englislunan whom they, , will be double tracked. except a Meete". small portion between Port lirtion Ichor was inadequate to meet th denumd. The reasons given are tem porary or permanent. departure% for Manitoba, and the Northwest, the high wages paid in the lumbering cluetry, end the inigretion to the and larger tOWnS. Domestic help continues exceedingly scarce, the variety of other ealliugs and employ - Outbreak of Genuine Anthra ing girls away from the farm. •!. an'id'hoWll'intin,Y0.11,,C4natlikin population CANADA AFFECTED. • nienta now open to women attract, Nees Brookville, IN PALI., Willi:AT A despatch from Brockville says:- . This won two cows in t large the crop was a good. deal below the herd. belonging to the Davidson average. In tho west the ravages of Bias., at esanaelos sehoodhousd the lieesian fly did great iajury. the mar/lame provinces., wbech was 103452 ten years ago, by tho new cenSUS showing runs close upon 150,- 000, GREAT Burrma, Kate Clreenwo.y, the artiet, is dead In London. There is a crusade against high hats in London. Englaud's new export duty. on coal has not, decreased trade. Rev, Otiterlee Gore,- Canon of West- minster vi e, died suddenly. A much of the surviveg grain 'Yds since 1894, bas been appoint-, IBrockville veterinary held a. post -11'1144 in Weigilt on account °f ed Bishop of Worcester. ona/teed and his diagnosis provod extreme heat and drouth of June anti Priuce Chingie who is uow ids that th e an ela s had died of the To response to an appeal ft° tl July. TA SOIlle western localities the Lee • . eral AssociatiO? et Derbyatir to areet t court C h. ting tett. The foram, Wee forwarded to the Dominion cot' ialles e • pros, 4 1 T . !genuine anthrax A report re tl e grain was si/ailea bY wet` 1)er°re it Lera Iteseper7 wil retu t lei ussrenie the geeei•al • overanient which has fatten frame- the eastern seetien' which is free The commauder and otlieers of the xeeninl affairs, and the letter will, antge of flOveoll-,'• dime same it, stem, f„,e ene di,on,A from the, Hessian Inive are somewhat aphid have Ordered a silver medal or ....._ ,,... - 24101 of Chi -Li until Li- Di... mg..gins, ba-c---t-z-rfoia- is -i, ---it-----a more favorablo. Teem was an of-al- icareful exaeuiriat ion, cog:nfirn:derthe fall the vessel to commemorate the trip tieT:trvItir•nd,” sacce'iser in that. ting of the Brockvill o veterinary. ef tee /lege- fly. I d most universal decrease in new made with the Duke. is appointed. • iii probably be luan-Shi-The bodies of the dead atihn le I • ox aerfge. owing to the ravages In London it is again announced Robert Colluttin, an Am ,been cremated the buildings disin- ADA n oz'der to se- th t Duk a the e of Cornwall and York. who is one oe. the physicians attend-, cu.,. anti the entire herd inoculate to j; a th I Littl sowing luta been. deferred by farmers cure the new crop against the poste, will shortly receive the title of Prince of 'Walps. eriean. lteet s . ' 11C fr°In PaCl" Id b 1 t d Report.e from • x71 o mg Earl U. told the correspondent /No new eases ilav"evel° ea' tt,later per o au usua . 0 of tlio Associated Press that, whet. and 11 the"ght• the Program of tho spring wheat was grOW21 ill tile Went- Miss Johnston, daughter of Sir Lon- mis- he was called to act will D r era part of the Pr tdisease has been t erop was light owing to the same don-derry, has been refused ad tx,:an DAIRY'MARICET. ' Butter -The market, IS quiet, with ate opecial changes to -day. Choice e dairy ttibs are wanted. ,Mediuin. and _lower grades are dull and easy. we •qu'dtiv.---Selected dairy -tubs; 16 to 'Cl..7c; choice large rolls, 16 to 17c (the latter for selecCed. small pack- ages); choice 1 -ib rolls, 17 to I.Sea Wcondary grades, 12 to 136; cream - prints, 21c; sohds, 19 to 20e, .1,74;gs-7-Market firm !Or all grades. trietly now laid, .19 to 20e; fresh athered store eggs, 16 to 170; cold -erage,., candled., 15 to 1:6c; limed, to '1.5c. • jieese,--Tracle dull, with prices un - !aged. We offer finest Septembers "Ho 9.ac; second,s, 9 to 9:1-c,„ •noGS AND PROVISIONS-. • Dressed hogs unehanged at $7.50 to I:Tog products stead,y. We q u o : --Bacon, long clear sells at _ I, aa in ton aad ease lots. Para -mess, '819 do short eat .W.,1 .25, . por a a t t 1 e. ehoice, cwt .... ...... 8 4.00 3 4.00 Export 0 a t t 1 e, light. cwt.- - .... 3.85 4.00 13ulls, export, heavy 4.00 4.25 Bulls, feeders, light, cwt..- 2.7.5 3.12e Feeders, hene7 3.00 3.50 Feeders, light ... - 3.00 . Stocker°, 4.00 to 800 lbs... 2.25 2.75 Butchers' cattle choice 4-00 4,10 Butchers' cattle, good 8.00 3.75 Butchers', common2.73 8.00 Boteliersh picked 4.25 e 1.50 do off -colors and heifers .. 1.75 r -.4 Butchers' bulls ....... 2.50 8.00 Light stock bulls, cwt 2.00 3.00 Mileh cows 30.00 45.00 Sheol), export, ewes cwt... ..... ...... 3.00 3.80 do bucks... ...... 2.00 13.25 Sheep, butchers', -, 3.00 do per cwt.-- 8.00 . Calves, per head .... 2.00 8.00 Hogs, choice, cl,vt5.02e .. ..... Hogs, light, cwt 5.87,e TURKFY'S RAPID DECLINE. May Hasten. Developments in. the East -A Crumbling Edifice. A despatch from London says The Sultan's yielding to the French, demands brings out the full gravity of the possibilities of the effect of the French Seizure of Mitylene upon the crumbling edifice of Turkish des- potism, says a Constantinople cor- respondent. The whole of European. Turkey is seething with disorder. In Armenia the annual butcheries have been in full swing for the past three months, and in the remainder of the empire there is the peremnal Violence, cor- ruption, waste and,, lawlessness. From, the army down to the magis- tracy every part of the machine of Government is in a hopelese condi- tion. In the opinion of the thplo- matic body at Coestantinople any attempt at patching, things up will be merely futile effort*. The neves of the French interven- tion was suppreseed at Constante, nople for three- day, but the Sul- tan's, Cabinet being in constaut ses- sion showed that a, eerioue eriels had. arisen. The Stilton bas been in eonclition of epileptic fury, and leis Ministers, vidio live in pollee/MI ter- ror.foe their lives at his liands, were helpless and afraid- to do or suggest; anything. It is believed•in Coustan- theople Russia es behind France in this businese, and it i8. tett that thce present trouble is inevitably destine. ed. to lead to deVelOpinenta in Eastern . questioa weiele England Will be powerlees. to Make her in iluence, felt. BIRTHDAY HONORS. Duke Of Cornwall Becomes Prince - of ..#/aleS. A despatch freni .London,SayS: The list of honors conferred. on the occasion .of the. Ring's birthday -is short one. It Mob:Ides. one baronet- cy, conferred on Lorca Mayor Gacen, 'of . Leaden, eight knights, . including; Dia:. George' A. Critchett; the distia7 qsuished °enlist; and Judges Gray, of Bermuda, and Li ttle'. f Newfound- - and :ave. companions of the Or- der '.of •the Bath, inclucling' Mr: Clin- ton. E. Pawkins, partaier in the , 'Morgan. and Company. King li;(.1 Ward • has -appointed his t;on..t.im Duke of Cornwall and Y ork • Prince WalCS. and Earl Of -Chester. x r- \ 01" tion ehilwe that fl8ftneRePlee„d•ee. Invsost,bo- ige.- tountldie itrenpaittxtiosteg:.tetriyonweNa jocvirodut la 'et.w/..en 15 and 20 cows died of n.utlt- e severe hemorrhage, due to ulceration 1.4tx an this farm. Little was known of the stomach. of the disease then, and their car- 1' "Tile bemorrhage was readily con- !cases were buried at various points owing to the underlying condition of trolled," said Dr. Coltman, "but. 11 on thedt farm' including a alarallY s ofp0t. ecently tlie herd broke into ;se chronie gastritis, and were feeding and drinking a. With persistent I ' nausea, only tlie mildest liquid food considerable time before discovered. et. could he digested. wednesday he Ie 1 ipposed the disease was resur- s si was cheerful and without pain, but a, rooted In this manner, at 2 o'clock Thursday morning ho became unconscious, and was no longer able to get rid of the collece lion ot mucus which ho had been freely expectorating. Deatli was ex- peeted owing to the symptoms super- vening' upon gradual carbonic acid gas Poisoning. Throng,hoire the evening digitalis was frequently udiniuistored. Earl Id' s persistent refusals to rofraiu from attending to Government busi- ness aggravated his malady, while the refusal of tho faintly to permit certain measures customary in Wast - ern medical practice for relieving. the stomach contributed to hasten the end. o nee, an the John R. Joilustou, ex -mayor of tomes that injured other cereals. sion as a. law student at Dublin. Reports as to the barley crop are -ery variable. It suffered somewhat UNITEDSTATES. 'ma the Hessinn ily and to a. great- • r extent from the tiro/Mt which re- It is not thought that the Itepubli- ulted in premature ripening render- cans will revise the tariff. ig the grain light and the straw In the U. S. treasury there is a hort. There is considerable differ- cash balance or 8170,1176,412. nee in sample. The crop will be Indiena, florists want the cornea good deal tinder the average. Oats tien adopted as the national flower. bweetrteerals joabetlohwa Lthaekonejeotr•alogea,nbautE.daisctl At Ithaca, N. Y., E. P. Seaver died from blood poisoning induced Midland districts than elsewhere. be' a pin -prick. THE YIELD OF as generally fair, though light in The Police Board of Jersey City has decreed that there shall be no rain, while peas were a. small yield, fat men on the police fame of that lie to damage by dry weather and city. o pea. bug. The season was a fay - rabic ono for corn, and the yield The Newark, Oh!, Board of as large where sawn, while the Health has ordered schools, churches uality was generally good, both for and theatres closed until the small- Llsker° a fairly good crop, buckwheat ' g and odder purposes. Beans ex epidemic is stamped out. At Wilmington, T Dan M. T -0* cl ,ionoTe `auo 0211.10.M1 tre gall, gambler and bookmaker, was toes were light ire the east, but shot dead by his young son to sLINO riled out better in the west, To- his mother from a vicious assault. cco growing appears to be on the The whalers Norwhal and 13owhead reports are received re- bringing seven whales, 21,000 pounds hove arrived at San Ierramiseo, rdinee sugar beets. In only u. few of 'whalebone and 300 barrels of oil. calities are sugar beets produced, vorable as those of the present sea- tensively sown. The output has n they are certain to be more t if the results continuo to be as 00C10.cilY' falu"s Cow from Queen. Sons of Horace, Indiana, for by auction in Chicago to Robis Victoria's Shorthorn herd, was s 05 goo as regards both bulk and nifty in almost every case. Tur- hins. May Preston Slosson, wife ps, carrots and =angels have all the vice-president of the 1:iiive!,; ned out well. Dry weather has in- of Wyoming, is the only won I chaplain of a prison in the Uni fered with fall ploughing, more es- states. cially in the Lake Erie Counties.I nit trees are generated in good I mrso tee, an insane woman of ndition, but the season was a poor Merrimac, Wis., put her three -wee ks- e for fruit, especially- apples. Many old child in the store beforeeher Us - respondents note a plentiful sup- band's eyes end the child was burn. - of plums and pears and peaches. ed to cleath. erries and small fruits did fairly At Yuma, Ariz., TIN-en/is Hart, un - 1 in many places, though the der sentence of murder, and a , Mexi- cnn in jail for robbery, overpowered the deputy sheriff on guard and es caped on a switch engine. The Dene-er and Rio Grande Rail- way proposes to introduce pretty girls as waitresses in their dining car service, but the scheme is not meeting with much enthusrasm among Chicago _railway men. GENERAL. .An American cherch is to be built in Berlin. • REFORMS IN ARMENIA. Prance and Russia Decide on. Com- mon Action. A despatch from 13erlin says :-- "It is reported here," says a des- patch from. St. Petersburg to the Cologne Gazette, "that Franco and Russia have arrived at au agreement KHAICI-CLAD BOERS SHOT. for common actioe with a view to --+ SMOKES 11111CH AT 108. w Conten.arian Attributes ECor Long ,o Life to Tobacco. "d th A despatch from Wilicesbarre, Poe, 0 says :-Mrs Ellen Coleman, of Ptud- w son, near here, was 108 years old on Sunday. she celebra,tecl the event by walking a mile and a half to the w Sacred Ilcart church. and then home again. All the afternoon she enter-, tn. tained delegates, of the villagers, te who called to pay their respect's. ea She confessed In the evening* that de the day, full of excitement, had made her a bit tired, but not very. She ea rested in a big easy chair and smoke do ed her beloved clay pipe. She has la, smoked, she says, for the last fifty fe ,years, and thinks it is the best thing so to induce peace of mind and comfort ex of body when, one is annoyed or troubled. the execution of reform!! in Armenia and the European provinces of tho Col. Goering° Made Short Work of Fr Ottoman Empire, guaranteed by the a NUMwer 04., Them. 1. P co Sultan in the Berliretreaty. 1 A despatch from London says:- on "They propose to invite the eigna-e Writing fi-oin Aliddleburg, Cape Col- ply tory powers to meet in conference for i ony, Reuter's correspondent makes nh this object. It is expected here that the following statement in connec- wei I all the powers will accept the invite.- tion with the pursuit of the Boer . • qu ni Jur ter PC Australia'e Duty en Flonr-Duties Generally Ase Low. A despatch front Ottawa says Air. .3'. S. Larke, trade coreaniesioner in Australia, bee fortvarded to the Department of Trade and Commerce copies of the first tarift of the Com- monwealth. The anticipated. imports for the first year are expected to to- tal X31,000,000, of -width 44.3,00,- 000 will be free goods. Mr. Lerke confirms the cuble despatch that the duty upon goer amouuting to Z2 105 per ton, which is about equal te) $1. a barrel will be the most serious ten/ that Canada will have to cone tend, with in the market of Austra- lia. The evident desire of the col- ony is to encourage the growth ot sufficient wheat ae will meet the re- quirements of the population. Mr. Larke says that on the whole the diities imposed are low, in fact, con- eidera.bly lower that the tariff ot Victoria, which went out of existence with the birth of the Commonweelthe MURDER AT UTICA. Aleu.onte Man Pound Pleating in Mohawk River. A deepateli from Utica, N.Y., says: -The body of P. II. Soule. of Al- Mente, Ontario, which was tound on. Sunday aight floating in the Mo-, hawk River in this city, with a, hem- vy rope tied about, the waist, fur- nishes a ittysterioue caSe, which the authorities are inveStigating. White it IS not definitely certain that the man was a victim of foul play, the circumstances in the case are pecu- liar, and warrant the police, in be- lieving that Soule's death was con- tributed to by persons unknown, The dead man's identity was fixed by the chief of police of Almontee Out. Soule has one brother living in New York, 0. 0. 6-1' ulo, who was summoned to Utica Monday after- noon to assist the case. tion. KRITZINGER FAILED. Tries To Cross Railroa.d Nees Thaba N'Chu. old .....iAcrditezsiptagtecrh irowmitBhloemafobnotuetin says: & Boers has made several unsuccessful. 5,- attempts in the last few days to cross the line near Thaba. of from the north. -.) The result of the census of the el- an vilian population on Bloemfontein, . ted taken oli Ozt. 30, shows that there, are 3,200 adults and 2,200 children in the ton. The population M made up of Boers, Hollanders, Ger- mans Ensligh Scotch, Irish, Welsh, Americans, Poles, Italians, Russians,, Swiss, French, Portuguese, and Aus- tralians. There are also 113 Jews. on, but the conference could not be hold before spring. "1St well-informed circles in Sin Petersittmg a. fear is expressed that the present step of France may force matters to develop so rapidly that Russia, despite the Czar's IoVe of peace, may end herself driven into an attitude of another kind, in order to safeguard her elm %tercets. Events in Turkey and the nokane axe regarded political circles with great anxiety.'' ' TO END THE WAR. - Vigorous Plan of Campaign Sent to :Kitchener. A despatch from London says: -Ac- cording to the Daily News, Major- General Ian Hamilton, who sailed Saturday for South Africa to act as Lord Kitchener'e chief of staff, takes a plan prepared in -• London for a more . vigorous eaanpaign, with a view of ending the war before the cm -onetime festivities begin. "General Hamilton's appointment,", says the Daily News, "is part Of a plan arranged atter the King's re - tern from the Conthient e,bout six weeks ago. Unless Lord Kitchen.er should decline be be complaisant, the aew scheme is likely to develop about the beginning of the year. HOOTED BOBS." Recipients of War Medals Chee 'for Buller. r: A despatch from London says At Nottingham Thursday where Lord Roberts, the. Commander -in -Chief, clistributed a thousan‘:SVP.1' medals, he was repeatedly and cheers were raised for Genevil Bul- ler, The recipients of the medals, at the luncheon subsequently giVen in heir 'honor,' repeatedly broke ,into he.ers for General Bullea, force under Commandant Smuts por which inflicted such severe losses on the 17th. Lancers near Tarkastad:- p "Among Smuts' commando are se- dur verge who originally belonged to por Kritzinger. Coloner Gorringe, hav- ing captured some of these men in tiy khaki uniforms, tried them by sum- sto marer court-martial and had them iy shot on the spot." 0110 eas IS s cl y was eery variable. The re- ts emphasize THE NEED OF SPRAYING. u,stures were in good condition ing the early fall in the eastern tion of the proarinck, although in more western counties compare.- ely bare fields were common. Live ck of all kinds are in a.n unusual - healthy state, an odd case of out, in hogs being the 011i3r dis- c reported. The supply of fodder aid to be ample for (be winter. he season was a. good one for .ying. Creamery plant% have hee LORD MAYOR'S DAY. In Old London. -The Procession Put • Was Good. °he° tob A despatch. from London, says mon The first Lord Mayor's Show of the sati present century and of the reign of Ti King Edward took place on Satin-- tiee clay and was more than usually ht- and teresting with a number of new fea- been tures. Special attention was paid been to the colonies, which were represent- the ed by attrastive cars. The decora- The bone 61 the streets were of the cas- abot tomary character. 131g crowds lined will the whole route of the procession. fair After the usual reception at the Law have Courts the procession completed its ty o tour of the city and returned to the be r The German. Imperial deficit is into a number of cheese factories 825,000,000. se being made from May to Oc- er, and butter during the winter Bubonic plague has appeared at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. ths. Prices as a rule have been . . efactory. Socialists made heavy gains in the ensiling bes been carried on ac - recent Berlin inunicipal elections. lv. Peas w e early, a large quantity of oats has disposed of, but wheat has not moving very lively, and notch of barley le now fed 011 the farm. average yield of honey will be it fifty, pounds per colony. Bees go into winter quarters with a amount of stores, and as prices been good owing to -the scarci- f fruit, the season of 1901 may Lagarded as having beee a good age one for the apiary. Farmers 13R1 ISE .TRADE. taking unieh more interest in Guild aver are GUN BURST. poultry raising. Mere cure is now being taken in the selecting, feeding, housing aud the general handling of Seven American soldiers were drowned' norile crossing a river in Samar, Philippines. Vital statistics of Europe show a decrease in the birth rate in. all countries except Norway. It is expected that, following the lead of Prance, other powers will discover claims againet Turkey. IVra,ny Killed and Wounded on a fowl. • British Battleship. to b hens. A despatch from Athens says:- in la, While the British first-elass battle- ship Royal Sovereign. was praCtising with her- guns near Astakos on Sat- urday, one of the big weapons burst, killing an officer and six men belong- ing to the marine artillery, and Seri- ously injured her captain and thir- teen sailors. It is reported that the The Plymouth Rock appears 6 the most popular breed of Turkeys are also being raised rger numbers than evert London Times Says It is Absur to Talk. of Depressible, A despatch from London says: -The Times, reviewing the present coedi- tion of British trade, says it is eer- teenier loss active than it was in the middle of 1900, but it would be ab- lvee linS degenerat c.,ci in Hal- ama atairmacan:e.iai af GITat I3riLaia sotif•aatie-seeT1.°tIllste •The proposed boYcOtt of Pritish conene land into it simple manifosiation of 'Sociallsnx against en,„ '1,i. I10. . Piry, assistant to Sir Robert accident was due to an artillerYman CihblO tts (2ontroncr on i cotiorted Lo be, hilly ernolOyed When most other in d st.r ial attOn s are experiencing a severe reaction from inflated trade. No great country can be highly prasperous 'under modetm 0011(10115 unless airier eouediees are at least; fairly so. IIartd. the finneal C °roam issi otter of se. va Linla c;listoras, has been 101'ge IA in r4• ,.to close. the. breech bef ore n 0111i 'jai Posts,. .1,1to. gun 'Was fired Int PIPES FOR THE TROOPS. Queen Will 13resent Them to the Soldiers at Christmas. A despatch from London Says : - Queen Alexandra has ordered thou- sands of briarwood pipes, which will be mounted in silver and stamped with a crown and her Majesty's mon- ogram, for presentation as Christ - Inas gifts to the troops in South Africa. PLAGUE NOT INFECTIOUS. Contracted by Inoculation, Such as the Bite of an Insect. A despatch from Glasgow says: ,- It is believed now that the putbreak of the plague was undoubtedly due to rats. Several which were caught in the Central Station Hotel, from which several persons suffering with the disease were recently removed, were found. to be suffering from the disease: The medical authorities de- clare that the plague is not infec- tious, and is contracted by inocula- tion, such _a_s±.....4.he hit 01 an insect. ONE MILLION HATCHETS Ordered in Chicago for Troops in South. Africa. despatch from onloago says : British Garaerement has given aa order for 72,000 dozen, or 89a9,000 boys' hatchets, to the South Chicago Tool 1Vorks. Tt lias been taken .9110 tool company, Which tnanufac- tures the greater peteentaL,*6 al the awes of the. country. It is the larg- est order etaaa given, and is for use in South Africa, each" sold ler given o 911509121. The ordor e. s of EnglishIcrost Menefee t uvere, bt c e eel'ted, .2.aeleateeeteee