Exeter Times, 1901-11-14, Page 2OLERIVITELTIN
tinerlaBS THE DAY-,
I,Iatter3 e,S7" It'oliticel and :Personal
Tate:cat Gathered From
His Records.
It. ie .etitsesIed tbat about 8,0Cd
men aro employed iu the intir.es
Avid tttout Cripple Creela
For the lest fie -cel year tee eern-
The Story a 3. Yonng Girl Who
Snaered frora Hearlacbes, Dizzi-
ness and raintiug Spells -Her The widening .of London 13r1dtte is
Eeelen. Beettere so lead Thee she stiniAted to cost xloo.,oes.
Was Forared to Give up Schoen The preeent growth of Loodou's
ropulation. is about 2,500 a month.
Miss Catheriee Oleleellan is a Te population of Great Britain
legs of litetneas convit;es excc..etied the -
eeet oi their izeep by 8-11.000.
- among oeonaintaneen• Like 4° Au aoteriem dese factory is about
O OUrr 04e e S in the Land That
Reigns Supeeme en the Com-
mercial' World,
ady known Charlotte- has doubled within the lest 5
t oval. aud greatly esteemed yaere.
espert not EMS IIIONN. OZ. mein. etber young people throughout
leells in, the Iteeteraont oil destrict of.
the 'lend, Miss I:tie:Lel:an fell
thenas et ..O.V...1.4?ilil, a Oey. . ; tine to e.noenzio, or poortiess of
1-nst Year '-'4-1°,43.C-'1:4--tdd. fe'ez (u- It9:-."1" blood, cool although several meth-
.!;er 11/4ene e, L-erfOrt,tef",lei„rnl, teize ,,P.e.c'Tle'f' 0 cires we..v tried, she fottiel uothiug
'velst:it- ""'""" ""-""`"`"'"4"" ''eet 'F'e"' '''" to Lein her tend she be:eon using
rive treausteeel d seleite, eeve i -Ten • TI,;':.,14,,. _ I;12,..:"I'' 1:ar'S 1°,7" Vu -ie intoxicating liquere.
by eon.
eleteet et v,i, fo7 ro::_ou witEt easS.L. ---1-lee,Lnu „te-is' tile Westminster Abbey is to be closed
to . CZ yreinie te- -; ie
W-T1•e eoes'-'1.:IrY '• her Isur-es, sts 15 : -Je ;for the prepera.tion for tlte corolla. -
Fee, o'lloltion service early iu April.
,..-see. 11o,, (..outoet (....re et age.
1,1, COU-7AtiVir‘htge time suffered 1311..Cb. TE
5 he l'eng-',sr. state is. CetiOgrate.'7.O.re_ee.. nee„to.,„ n „ e„, e t . e t Te Loudon, am brigade 1:,F'S 17,-
l'aV•ec,; tl:c„,.. ,.'ht"'"'" "? ""°°" "I'" a"'" 000,0("0 gz-aloas of water a. year,
lee t;eet irz heat:el-di is hluenaot, eee 1:"""-;t t4I'lic to Trhte?" "ad 1 was 'against, 32.0oo,eco in New York.
mit. e.
21a. flattee,i; Onate,ert et Tnit
Sydeey, Australia, reports a elm
scheme woreed by a shrewd beggar
in that city. Dr4ESAd. ill respeet-
' able suit of clothes, he has saunter-
ed through the streets, explaining
to passees-by that he has accident-
. ally left ins tobacco -pouch at name,
and would be obliged for a
for his pipe. Colonials e.re so open -
banded with their property that in
a day's work he has colleettel a val-
uable stools, which be has "classed"
at night. and sold to tobaccontsts.
ge was lately shown up by stopping
the same man -with the same story
about his own fergetfulness wttlein
a quarter of 411 hobs. It Is
teresting legal point whether he can
be punished. If SO, 0114! may be li-
able to be arrested for askieg
atranger for a mach -
Although uo one has ever seen that
ill the story cliegs to the doctor's
name to this day.
I, Of the ten leading cities in the
world, the United. States has three -
New 1.T ork.., Chicago, and Philadel-
Cleeat Britaiu's wealth increaees. nu s,1 • 4 y
to commence operatives in Loudoo.
ebout,• ..e -4n0,000 day -teat is 3(1.
e head a day.
There are in to United Kingdom 1.1 S. • A.
over 122.752 places liceased to sell
we; ;led pen: ; feet could
. eot 41;e. leiZEt exertion. Aly
• roiled ate 7 1 suitered
; 1 :10/1V41 ICOLItti he-
" dieeettreseeently I stiffened
It is said that, for the first. lento
GerrMII4 Ste.".4 Atip-plates Dave been
botogitt by a Teueside ehipteailder.
• • ' • ee=•1 to bee a • s t
°Rowing The Report of G. Kent's Cure of Bright's
Disease By Dodd's Kidney Pills, An Ottawa Paper
Calls Attention To Another Remarkable Cure.
tW reseit t atetee. • Front the Ottawa Cieleee,
eittor la,00 •P of te., Znooto "Yeanee •o e , te. . ,, le -0 of the (.111 I.11 re- when he left bba bed. he wasreduce(
Colreotue" fleo•Lip. hlr. Ca Vil,, ll- faintivg !..,•.,.s. t erne eeverel one of lite roost lineut ;(tid not:et:Me ceritly learned of a reta,trettble cure iu liesh and, was ebtiolet e. physical
Feettile .7,•;:a..10?. in fltertetnn, wiz' -I e i• eie tor 1•,;,,,.,;..ic:!. ern ,ieet ors /Are„, I siesenerS of 1. 44.1 in tile L nittell .. of a, well -anima resident, oi Ottawa wince.. Some yeee's ago tut eminent,
who has siritered for sears with a liliss:eian. diagnosed his dieease
it 17:15 esr4 et;Lii'it!on- 1* e--",'":, 4.' evribed fee :co, bat ii.ereati of get., 1IC-5!)14tislul-
Qo 410. ..titt,..; .t.ttt :1, i 11,te .;1.44ittany grow_ A 1:4A.7 Oltildreit's Ir.firmnry is pre-', terrilee atilietion. The W4.11-1410Wa re- ,"Stone iu tile Kidney." but even af-
"los •T• 11- Kihilo:C•7--. of '''':t"sn''-'n ' iter uoelor, at.al eveittieetly lied to P°404 or 1..n.erpool wino; will cost sident is Mr. S. A.. Caesidy. itild tize ter the diegeosis the pletteelone were
was stone in Ilw hidnees. ortatile to efiect a perntantsnt cure.
nie.. leas ...re, 4 -F0 eist, eOteteet for eete„etietit, teeing to eeeto„1. About en.er ener,00n, The present, inetitne eel:action
iThe Citizen repreeenteeive called ea To -day he is a, well niu.n. Ile hes
tho ereneexcat, ed the chair ef. the., T : is t ime 1 i.,,,itti t:!e w.....4 into:vial oi: tiro* is etereenoted,
totent . teaet; ee neweer Co1'....--,,. tie , e eel hetoe eeneeteeo was z,i:oftl;t; For an army of 30.000 tnen one "tMr. Cassidy to verify the reports of found a remedy that 1* *s banished
nihweontee letkivid. J v;.•• 1,'A---' vq•I''jto ;eine, 'W8 ;-4* Lee/ iron ca,ed ley Ile, 10,0i10 Itor,t's for three monehe it in his reeoverY and feultd theot to Ito the diSVASC--"A rentedy that has cured
Ile le the propr-ow e
ietor a where utedical aid we heaven:al.
one e.ent. 'Unite Ticket, Meteelitt Street. The retnedy Bod(i's Kidney rills,
o to of V' ohtoh'''' V":"?1"'Iriati 1. 1 then deeklea , est Wetted throt 11,000 tons of food 0 tree.
1 r. tf. I.:n.44..44 reed Pr. P hienee-• agton to be gratieed tizat I did so. Tee EtIffjish Society eor the pre..1 lie is !mown by utmost, everybody and ear. caseiey feels eo etao..el over
to trY tlese5e idlie end hove every and forego are neceesary.
and is need us gelierally es he in his release from the excrucletteng suf-
eto te etteat, .1;:1"1.1ii, F.,: F11: '70771 ill 116 111:1' have ..t *1'i ,-eetored my ;•••eution of Cruelty to Childrenn se -
and puniSlUnellt i„ LUOIVUR IIis hostelry is bet V. Cen the fering that Ite has given the follow-
*, ItrOtereito ef 1.;dote. •Lre i1:1'•lee-Otte ilvecy size t•f te., symptoute 'it:urea thten
e teletien :mein entrance to l'arliaatent Build- *i*,statemeue over his own 83123. -
'ah. n e rOto:eite' o4:"1,:d'-'4" --'-c-t tiett heal /lade my life so etio?rateltoof neat•ly 11,6;90 culprits last year.
legs and the principal thormoOlfare ture to a weileltnown Ottawa. news -
it: 't her 4-721,z, -, e.::2, t:. -.7: ;.-If:. 1.-14 i ,:'"inc:' neeve de eppeered, ;hid I. eel 14i?'013 1 In Lineoheshire the Drag:steeetss are
h. ,., : •e in (4e. leeiNee le.'. I'. re ho. ae ,,,,I..el I,. eet eetviri of ;111,,, vssin, Is „al 1 014,ers tit mime. of the city. anti lt is not. to he won- paper man.
, . ... 0 with the gen- i Bear Siro-I want you to publish
nr. 1..211teine f vete 4 it., destiny of this for the benetit of others who ;tee sue.
country in their hands, fertng us 1 have suitered for years
'721." ' ; . ' " "* : c." 4- :%ii:'i-; 1'44.1_,cr,..::: i.a.z...1,-,-.1. st IAA. that tmit41!•:ts"
4.„-i7,z2 .;-„,-.-„--.“."vo-,:i74, ..;;‘,1, /,,,,,;;.,, _ k t 611, ....Ir.* 4:1 oi: rablic..! :Mt ailvau,:e lOirtY, of Bonodietinei Wiwn old residents of Ottawa are about how I was cured of Stone in
:goo eve, oe, to'1,7 co:, el 1" 2'. eq: 1,44. ste ,3140;tt:s fant ihratiee nee 3.12'4.' L1 ate en a. rem:niece/a mood and eat% le ttli:Itxlidhartez.,,:. imnalye. smriaenrttlysr 41101 intlohwis
tt..., ff,..„ al...,;(,:„ .t.7,: eeeee Nee i everieliee. 1 rit ed. at Aetealtleasointe rare. in the tee good old eporteth ate.es. ti ey
1 r i. a -
,.. i.• :-.7,. iii .,„-,1,;11 e :, et I--,, ti_,-,, ItivarN oi Die 44 Uteltio 'They are busily en- ways aesoeiate the Dente of Scou diseaee for years. They !mow that
•ne Pi ich. ferar, eed it .ie tee', se ree leetieoie, ere 1 for the main be.e.y. Theo nre tiring- sport 20 ears ago. Ile Wnoi a fast clans in the city and trying every
ow ete. „tau 01-i IN 4 1 1 . tiered at that lie has more them, a Ottawa, Aug. 8. 1001.
:Ira : go,a,1 Sce4Nt rt4w .1";I'Lr tor.
;house lieeneet the Weal obligation to tnadaine lequainte•-e
trot- ot -
"anoe- • ie re- -7,
e eat
, 1
" mew r; taro al teethee, hie ontl he tt fist I. to es1 21 14 t • . •
1Zat.',.! One (iitee•re 1.00;e teen weary. pee, wet Hemet Ideatii in a.
Planner' 811°-actett(111Ftelatate wairitieiletnilieeredzsseeea4ree. sufiferci°nuteidtlnut°1tt ohnn;
meg e11otrattol leneene to:ailed 'old had 14 gun to fog 11 't life was-RU(1 Snide companions were playing
death on Inteny oecasions since endures who is afflicted with Stone
-. ills 04).31'r ett the two a aureien. ride awl aitaeaaie girlslon tlte benhs of the River LOU when and
Wiley. and 1 feel the great-
teeni, o hotel!' wie•;-e• erooe mouse eve/teal:ere istutal gine terwil 0, greyhound earnO along. They Ite V' 613 first ethernet]. At the int- in the K
it!,,,,do to oor to, thee are oeriaitt to Stroked met patted the dog, and then lent St :VIA of the disease he was lea- est gratitiule to Dodtl's KidnenAnly'iolinee.
le tore health au 1 ntrenoth Kee it p1" 13.116. Angled UP. In doing no en with violent cramps In the left for they have; cured. nut.
tee; weer ;eel emote e that the full name -The Williems' it lowered the girl bail -mord into the t'Ido of his stomach. and thou best Who hits suffered need Butter no more,
shined physicians could afford him;
° s • • de oext eieeit 4'."' P121h lox rale reople." is on water, and she 'was drowned.
• • 11.0 r lief The attecke were+ S. A. CASSIDY,
Oen ealery inlet the l' S. teoverts- tne wrapper aroited etery box. Sold ; At potteles. chrtetopher ooneeno "
the leatotes.;003001 Rani% r keine; ry. !by aeon -using the "•ir. Williems Med- home as an errand boy, lost his life X-ItAYS AND irlIE HEART. Of 1,000 British girls there tu'e
a3. l, retired, for thirly-fite eeere iZe; 111 TnotIGIrr puppy Licked into tile harbor by a. Doctors Etat() that by means of
• • r'" 410 ne • tore -5- - and GO Aeries.
7 d."?.V.Rt°*MW,Migr,4
name or brand may easily vary in quality ?
Did it ever occur to you that bullc Tea without at l weV lanes/
landeplia, Ceylon
peeked in air -tight lead packages, and its unvarying fine clavor is the,
25, $0; 401 $o apd Go.
result of skill in blending. Lead packages,
We want thousands of barrel.*
to supply our cut"oniere.
Sbip yours to us and we will get
you all they are worth,
Liillib6d, Toronto,
The Cape exports the featbers of
40,000 ostriches yearly.
03110 OM.
ht. 7;
eel ter,
The Dawson Commissio
A GONTIS-Itt YOU NvAlstr LINg 00
feetefeilleg. goods that give r on over
hen prolletend eell In .everye house, write
4146, Tit- E, Kere Oo„ lifieterle etreee
tir,14.! .1,4..cA 3341'4i Aird* 1('t1; 64 in pr•Oiaring the new guar:err". thisside". who took an acti've part in besides consulting the
le 1
2' v- thy -uoiliv,‘ Iftut ardove44 be'r T.0 'ling over a zr;tgaiglelniAt, library of runner anli JuinFer of lot *1 renown, hind of remedy I could, think of. ,I
TwentY and took. tut active part In all linef,1 11' 'S unable to get better. Some
• ••t".'oco ethos the i'1; at; etrtieerent for puha- /111411142°'1 V01"MeS'
10226 ot bootie have already arrived. of sport. '10-4a Y he is forty years lime ago a friend of mine told Ine
fee.,:iet en; reersed , 11j111 maLe levee .; and there ere thirty-two toils more old, and tips the realee at 250
pounds. 1)tiftds(ra3 lIttslitinteeY•soTt.418I would
t r, ITO Need, .;.,11,01 give t one to tie. 1,4i to foilow„
V.1:.71c:1 oce^erred on :ner."Ckl. It fiq In7C;;tu5..?, of lido (bate! A little girl named Catheriee 110- Tito intimate friendO thiP robust and they WIVE cured Mo. This is the
tthsre rine %teeth be l'ree thee' ledihO et";tte losY ei•uo2zn, metre re-ariaT. at tbe Woodhinds, titan Lave known that for the past fit-st. 'sear in a great many that 1
' • el ; "fo'd cline by her ;ten years he has been a sufferer front have not been confined to my "bed
ji Prickeees Reape., 30) secrets for tbe
ltorue. Ferro, Laboeatory. Workshop, and
every departtreet or hurnee endeavor. with
felt aldex to contorts ,• 343 peeve. bened in
eloth. Send Ile cenee foe a cepa and if one
Vieth' the teen is Inn Watat Eateouey send
it back awed roar money wid be refandcd.
This le a go vd s delete for coevaesers.
1^ani Briggs, efetbodise Book Room, Toronto.
RR sire VAVINGS AND 1-04N Catt
PANY te lire sleek& and dehenturee
Orawhig ocel reeve at harrest and taken -4e
ro,its ; th;oe ereeramtiles tor investment are
wireuelleS; rd. ele agouti wAnt0A
Wrl' 0 6) 2.110 Compares eddree; Toronto
(le leont or travelling egenoe either et
whetter pertiinw. Literei ter.te eater,
or entruneelen, w"te ezponee4 guaranteed,
Apply 'ow. et WELLINGTON,
Oeneenta Ortrateet Numerles, 'reroute.
Dent, A.
vixreweelTKD-42 PER DAY SUI
tiOnWn laeteee-Aat tO can't**.
te employ age:net eoeitIon pars:mut; .1
por year end experweet; relieb e firm ; be
referenrea; wegeorience unneeeeeery, td.
OKKFIFK. addreee 1415 Teeth (Mee, Teraina
ottr known tpecIattlea We art
°ewer tbe oldest and most reliebio Orals in
etua4a. Sieery or conteds5loe. Exceualre
terettoryt Oetiltiftee. Pelham Nureer.y go.,
Teraina. Ont'
meet, es celerel of r lto Severoteroit by all .leulere or sent postpaid at 16 lebOut two weeks' duration, and,
Ottawa, Canada.
Nee; yor% I, tomer!, wer 114.".2.4 re• tetel tit NI. a, bon. Or six boxen for $2.50 Inverpool, and cante to Douglas from "er'ro-no
years of age, who belonged to ,uf
for ;.c,e'rei yeare. he eseived :oil* 'Hee Co.. Breekville. Ont. under sad circumstancee. Seeing a. 130 Marys, 122 F.lizas, 72 Sarah%
Men lie t tad hifi eompaniens he wOUld the X-rays it ee possible to deter- 1„,„oonrer_e_teeeteeteenteetne
gatiug $170.875. ..he repteeeill at A gattedian ,r the Law wee relate BaVe it' TlitrY tr" t° dissuade him; mine beyond (lotto- othether heart
Stem the Ceng14
. Itr011 he ttiSO arreeted the obstruee . . I ing rays the whole outline of the a and worlow off the teld.
te vea•ived $1.thento a, ever.
;tionist, in one day. No . uro, No ray. Prezio re ciente
LaxageS Brome•Quinine Tablets 01ra a oilla
WIIEN COWS WRI.T. , queried a. bestender, "if. instead of build in British dock -yards ; but in- 4
Mtn -of -war cost $214 a ton to
% "What would pm have done?" 4.-
.••••.........* +.1•••.••• 1
I rely Inirton 3",' 3' elm leo; eren i actually iuterfcring. he had shnply e.
liar. received 05,ialei ;,;.,..t`„ agfere.-
but he stripped himself, and eryiar, ,
Cured 4
eeeers le+ -----3.4,3receiefee) a ePar, kirco're. tiug a znietleineanant. lie was water. oio wa droweed. tho body i particular case. Under the penetrat- ,
the rem, n. me_ abnormal in its size or shape detect- Torento Physioian Said he WoUld not
While the vicar,
in Cone:reef; from NI'W 1-012: for nate Leg to a tuna! i autilertee how, after out "'Here goce "
Jumped intothe; dimase is or is not preeent in any
F t
u•neefiet, and 11.4 hlinister to t-h-ain • etstreeted by :mother person, Where -
hortee in the Speen deeert, cry from eePoten 14.9 mind, aud called you an
thirrt, a. mule- cry from the pain or, inipertinClit, Otilcionsi healing seeme.
au injured foot. end (remelt: elven Orel, who tilde' loitered around and
tears in. streams. A cow sold by itte: laid violent hands on his betters
mistrets, who had tended it. from addling that he considered you 3. vag-
birth, wept bitterly. A youier ape , atond anti a blanegutted ?"
used to cry Irma vexation if Living- 1011." replied the policeman. " I
stooe ourse it in his isrieeo woold have arrested Mm alt the
-when it asked hint to. Wounded apes swam for inciting others to commit
have died crying. ;old apes have , a breach .of the peam."
'wept over their young oties slain by *4 But," continued the querist,
limiters. A chimpanzee trained to 1 "suppose he said nothing, but just
vorrn waterehlers broke one, arid fell -thought se?"
a -crying. which proved sorrow, 4 "Well," was the reply,. "X Can't
.though it wouldn't mend the jug.; armed, a man for thinking. He can
Rats, discovering a young one think' what be likes."
drowned, have been moved to tears; "Then," said the querist, "I think
of grief. A giraffe, which a hunts-, so."
man's rifle had injured, began to I
cry. Sea -lions weep for the. loss of I
not being recotered ta t uee
later, heart can be discerned and anything
Cleverty, was in the pulpit of St. ed. get better and adelsed a Change
wcier 5'
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Bad for G od Teeth.
Many of tho ole-sobool physicians will tell
you asthma is nourablo, At one tines it Wag
thoueht so, but thanks to Dr. Clarke's wonder.
ful discovery, I here is now a cure and e
peemanout ban, within the reach of oval,
There are 310,000 marriages year-
ly in the United Kingdom, and 713,-
000 deaths.
Nimes liniment Cures Distemper.
Greenwich Obs.ervatory was found-
ed in 1675, Paris 1677. . Leyden.
Observatory the Oldeet, Etirepe.
Per 0,•er Pety Ireton
lise. Wiest Qua spinet -se syeer toe teeu nseci br
redline ot riewbere tbeir children twhile teethieg.
4444044 04 ant 2c44c4 t134 gnat, at 4lIl, ctum
V ft 44 elite levitates tte ceterwch mei lames, end t bp
beet reccee ter Diavriere. Teeete-Ste, 44114; 4 tank,.
,V4141 drueeiste tlavewebeet the well Via Aare VA
atkiOt "Ma*.WIN41.44St 4 estoweitsoertier."
Otters tO Make. Wo Can put auy hen,
eat. induetticus man cm YtEtnInn in the War el
earning Sin) batwtee flew and ehrieinto.a.
write us to•nertar hlcBertaid Ltledea.lidVt.
D, Louden, Out.
massea navies ot the world in-
clude 300 battleships, *71 eluisers,,
1.255 gunboats, anti 1,000 torpedo -
Ear shin allmentof
woe hl e. E
ter eattien'are,
Toronto, ont.
. We furnish yarnand
ork. Go dpey. Segel Intan
teedard Buse tlee Brett a
'VTR A.1, asr.;5Ees COLLEGE. TOR.
ONTO. Tworre Teachers, tine equip.
meat, oleley typew:itin% machine?, modern
ceureep. thorough work. invites correspond.
txr.op.f puttee, Address 11133.1. 1'II11C131-11.
yer made up (leede, gaits le CielleVrivrt, Vitt
or Yore wted oil ea:emelt:, Ilene) iii,1411P,74 114421284
ta errant if den° by ate
1411131t AMERICAN neeINtli CO. ntroel,
Dominion Line Steanaisiti .3----
Aloatiol to Liverpool. Th -too to Liver.
peel. rentaed to leverpeol. Via Qaataa.
lettetacIrret. YaltStereadute. Rees:ler aezownodatlea
or eu am.% el re tenger!. tieweerwa and etetoreeres
Re atalcubirt, erecal tutontioe leo tten elvea ta OA
!crone Steen owl Thweeelo:zeor nalligeneese2ctowe.e. Yet
teeraetpecoseeed all eatuceterl, epply to auy level
at helm wilt qualify to twatte an exemlnetion; t
work; Ow *0 months' elattlY desist; &pare thno 77 State et.,111111.8111. Moetreal sad airfield.
euceeetfal *mecum lel 1 bo oirei• ed permanent TAILORING
1.-,,AltmEas, soNa WAN'rED-To take et I num touneettor
tie ;short, practice' enure° on veterinary i alettolindllh
posttIou at Me a year% our varlows IR:watches;
eplendid oppertunity for youug men to etwure
a thororge VeWrinary Cantle and foOcl nod -
Hon ; wr.te at once for u; ; r . Ad
drens-lieed Wee. Veterinary* Science Aliso.
ciatton, Loudon, Ont.
Married women live on an average
two years longer than single ones
eluding guns, etc., the total cost is
raised to $400 tt ton.
eufferer from asthma or bronc tit s.
a. sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
bt ha ao waelgl rirenaotwanu reerre Itt recut ,
that, I could scarcely speak above te, GRATEFUL -COMFORTING.
toalmre. :adrsalImba:d.
asthma and bronohitie. Tne attacks became whisper. I gOt no relief from any -
do severe feed cengblug spelle Meted so long
that I became much alarmed. I had consulted
many Tor nte phyeicians but their medicine
only gave me a little temporary relief. I was
becoming thinner rail weaker all tho tirne.
Line of the leading physicians told ma I WWI
I 4hreatened vvith consumptioe and advised a
Ichange of clirnate. I henrd of a Toronto lady
who had been cured of Aethren. by Clarke a
Kola. Compound. so decided to try it, The first
bottle did not help me much. but I continued
as directed and before I had finished the
)1011 not be dietppoInted if you try Olarkes Kola Dear Sirs,. -I was fax' seven years 1
65S Yonge Street. Toronto, writes :-•• For wld Would be so hearse at tinaes
7 Wellington St. vilest, Toren%
Canada's Largest Tailors
NVill make clothes to order
for every man in Canada at
other firm, and DELIVER
card for their
FRAIL LITT- LE. ONES. fourth bottle I wee completely cured. Thin
their young. Gordon (2uneming ob- I _ was over a year ago and X have since gained
• i Their Hold Upon. Life is Slight, nearly twenty pounds of my loat weight. I
cannot praise this remedy too highly, as it has
ox a dying- elephant. And even. an i and Nothers Have a Great restored me again te perfect health, which I
served tears trickling from the eves1
orang-outang, when deprived of its; Responsibility. ti d 1001 since diepaired of ever rezalning.
mango, WES b0 vexed that it took to :
crying. There can be little doubt, ; Every baby -every little one -re -
therefore, that animals do weep 1 quires constant care and watchful -
from grief, or pain, or annoyance. :ness, and when a. trace of illness is
:noticeable, the remedy should be
l promptly applied. The little ones
A SMAIlT BOY. I are frail. Their bold upon. life is
There is a good story going the' slight. The slightest symptom. of
round e about a maa who has become ;trouble should be met by the proper
a successful in.erchaot. .A. few years; corrective medicine. Baby's Own
ago he was employed as an office boy ;Tablets have a record surpassing all
ad meseenger for a large firm. He •' otlaer medicines for the cure of chile
Sozocilonee Liertzie. 25c. Lardee wand Poveder 75(4,
At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Liquid for the postage, 3e.
HALL & nUOKEL, Montreal.
Dr. Marken Kola Compound is sold by all
Chemists, e2.00 per bottle, three for $5.0), or
sent on receipt of price by The Griffiths &
Macpherson Co,. Limited, Toronto, Canada.
.44 free sample will bo seilt to any person who
has asthma. lenclose Go na stamps tor postage,
was scut to collect an account from dren's ailments. They are purely
a firm which was considered very vegetable and guaranteed to contain
"shaky," and teas told to get the no opiate or poisonous drugs such
money at all hazards. The debtors as form the base of most so-called
rette-e the lad a, cheque for 8250. I•Ie "'soothing" medicines. For . sour
went to the bank at once to cash it, stomach, collo, simple fever, consti-
and was told by the cashier that pation, all bowel troubles; the irrie
there were not enough funds to meet -Lotion accompanying the cutting of
it. teeth, sleepleseness and smul
"How muth short 7" asked the symptoms, these Tablets are with -
lad. out an equal. They act directly
"Eight. dollars," was the answer. upon the organs which cause the
It lacked but a minute or two of
the time for the bank to close. The
bo'' felt in his pockets, took out
eight dollars and, pushing it through
the .wiadow, said, "Vet that to the
credit of Blank ee Co."
• Ohe caelaier did so, wheromon the
boy presented the cheque and got the
money. Blank er, Co., failed the next
day,. and their chagrin can be better
imagined than described when. they
found out the trick that had been
played upon them.
There 18 no doubt that the destruc-
tion of birde in France has produced
disastrous effects upon agriculture,
horticulture and the grape industry,
In the Depnr tnanni; of Iterault alone,
It hers been calculated, the destruc-
tion of birds, accustomed to feed up-
on lentUtte eosee, a loss of Inore than
.2,000,000 gallons of 'Wine every Only 24 Per cent. of doctors reach
year. Some birds. consume abet -it 70 years, but en per cent. of clergy -
600 inseets eaca COLEy. and a single men do so.
In e act -eating epeefes. Levat
21i" rae, tbe ialeaLs of Saving, rf*,110 o clot e Bat, my deer
teto0 gra';',Tes Whez..1,1; and 1..150 j'll Day, ..rk 1.1ctot,
LIPCZ }49‘. 1'J te--"1 prorok. money.''
Six nautical miles, or knots, ax
Chad's, Stafford, the wife of a local roughly equal to seven English.
publican was seized with a fit. of re-
ligious mania. and shouted that she
was a prophet and. that the world
was coming to an end on the fol-
lowing Saturday. She was carried
troubles, and gently but ellectivele
remove the cause and bring back the
condition of perfect, hearty health.
Every mother who has used these
Tablets for her little 03209 litaises
them, which is the beet evidence of
their great worth. Mrs. David Duf-
field, Eiensonby, Ont., says: -"Baby's
Own Tablets are a 'wonderful •anedi-
eine. I think they saved any baby's
life, and I gratefully recommend
them to all mothers.'' Ask your
druggist for Baby's Own Tablets. If
he does not keep them, send 25
Genie direct to us and we will for-
ward a box prepaid. We have a
valuable little booklet on the care
of Children and how to treat their
minor ailments, which we will send
free of cha.rge to any mothe.r who
asks for it. The Dr. Williams Med-
icine Co., Brockviale, Ont.
Shard s Liniment Cures. Diphtheria.
To pay and board a British soldier
from the church, out clung to the costs tbe government 520/ a yeai.
gates outside, where she remained
for twenty minutes. Eventually the, To outtE A coto 36 OvFL,DIT
unfortemate woman was removed to Take .Leareive 13romo Quinine' Tabletr.w. All
I druggists refund the money if it fella to cur0.
an asyluna. ' K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250.
A. novel fire alarm has been fitted
up in. the big recreation room of the I.
The man. wit° --invented. work. ought
London fire brigade headquarters. It 'to have finished. it.
lakes the form ofect 4,7 shell, which.
has been converted into an. electriel
Dearness Ca-nnot be Cu red •
alarm signal for a general turnout in
the event or fire. The shell was sent 4,1, local applications, as they cannot reach the
d seased portion of the eer. There is only one
to Commander Wells as a souvenir
from South Africa., and the chief of-
.gitgaPrueutnreedcgtfricaltiwilulakietat is by constitu•
caused by an
ficer has bad it converted to this I inflamed condition of the mucous lining.of the
When this tube 113 113..
nfreels.igpiautrlipose. It makes a resonant 1. mon
feet hearing, and when It is °Merely closed
i Eustachian .Tube.
at you nave a nenbling sound or imper
..-_a_____._ denfacss is the result, and, unlee) the inflatn.
rnation can be taken out and this tube restored
Neatly coop persoes are reeet_ to its nornal conditicn, bearing will be de.
land. Of these only 150 are skating famed condillowa et the mocous eurfacee
clentally drootaecl,every year in Eng-.
We will gem One Hundred Doneesfor any
acCidents, and 200 from 1. '4'*. I ease ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that C8,11
of every .100 Exig-• zot be cured by Hill's Catarrh Core'. Send
Twenty-nine out
Usti people live in cities of 100,000 for circulars, free. • •
do So, : Sold by Druggitte 75c.
or over. In. Russia only 5 out of 100 F. J. CHENEY &GO., Toledo, 0.
Hail's Family Pills are the best.
, ADvica To A BRIDE.
Don't take away chances at the outsit of your married life. Give him
cIoer TA-.
thing till tried your MINARD'S
HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles
gave relief and six bottles us:1de a
complete cure. I would heartily re-
commend it to any one suffering
from throat or lung trouble.
There are 20,000 engine -drivers in
the British Isles, and these average 500111ustrations maile free. Write us for any
1 instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
fel$$ gan
Lowest prices ever voted, Fine catalogue'
10,000 nules' travelling a yearthing in Waal& or Musical Instrument..
WHALEY ROHE ? 00., Limitok
tdinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Toronto,Ont., and Winnipeg, Man
amei Me,g2 end WarmanWftIeBeek Pansy Rheuma-
tism, Nerve Vieekk-tess, ffinfifsesgien, Ceasiipeeen,
Liven kidney etr. Madder Tremble.
My Electric Belt has restored health and strength to thousands of
nervous, debilitated, aod pain -worn men and women. You also can
be cured if you will grasp the opportunity I offer. Read what the
cured say. Electricity, as furnished by my Belt, cures by giving
back to the weakened nerves, muscles and- organs the vitality they
have lost, reducing inflammation, developing the full vigor of health
and removing theeffects of overwork, exposure to .weather, and long continued
P '7E
To those who have trusted and been betrayed by seductive promises, to those who
have swallowed pailfuls of pills and liquid medicines without result except a damaged
stomach and increased pain and weakness, and to those who have worn so-called
electric belts, which either burned and blistered the body or gave no electricity, I
offer a positive cure by means of my Electric Belt It gives a stronger current than any other, and is
guaranteed not to burn nor blister.
01. OnLIfirS FFE
I am not giving Belts away. / am offering to cure first and be paid after you are cured. I have an
Electric Belt which Dow ouga„ eilid any honest person who will secure me can have my Belt and pay
Inc wheernecolecil: riloCai,rit07_,Ybhukilrghf
on,R6at;otraenr tohida,ratteitaviti?ich has blistered
You or gave no electricity;I will allow
yon -!u exchange Writhe, prtha ot mhte.
OF:lesilLev:Oott!ite-,Owly9usicleti,Feruozealli:;clidtteestturFilizi-EyB.beautifiiiiy illustrated 30.page book ao. lettera from tha
cured) Sant sealed; free, Address, enclosing thWeed.,
Otilfee Hours eaeliele 8.30 p.m.
DR. M. .IVIcLAUGHLIINI 130 'Verge St Torr"V'fr