HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-26, Page 8cr Cash
•on I:11116E ONLY
Wet Own.) eise Crowded. Full. Yes, every departmeat in the big store is
till and v tithes en. your verdict. Have yau heard your friends say anything
about t ignificent lot a Deese Go oae we are showing, lots of qualities,
lots a (4,71,.i. All at prices only possible where outs and oee price holds forth.
S1.25 the yard for a lovely new black 25e the yatel for a big sob in pure
Eniting 00t411 b smeoth finish, 5S wool indigo dye. Guaranteed fast
buttes WPde. We thinik this is one of color and perfect in quality. Cheviot
the ver v hest lines of black goods that goods. This line is a craeltee foe 4
yopli sly this season, very saitable quarter. Dozet miss it,
for solis or ocld skirts. nek to see it.
$I. the yard for the new bome-
Ourt Pile! hair effects, new gceys,
new blues and blacks. Very
smell goods, They're all right. See
1!..0) the yArd fox a lovely raege of
es' Oaths and homeepuns. A full
range of ell the new shades and black.
Qu r deeer dcess goods are money
naVers for you.
75e thee:tee for broadeclothe,
bele:seep tile 3,1id t weed suitings, all
fituttlea Also lovely dark grey camel
liar elf'.. 7:e: the yerd baye lovely
Melange et Sseivert's,
Little girls eeefer coats; Oh whet a
swell lot we have, aucln the prices are
so easy for the little tots to reacts.
Bring your little girls with you and
let them see the pretty coats we ere
For neck ruffs, lots of kinds, lots of
qualities. These are very special lines
long soft fur ruffs with. 10 toile, for
only $1.50. Come quick.
Heve you seen the lovely new print-
ecl peune velvets, opera. flistinels and
wool Delaines we are showing for
ladies waists awl dressiegsacquee.
You slimed see them,
Ladies', you shoold see, our new
King quality, waileasy :eines foe fall,
6e ani 56c for broadelotbs, la,dies' We thiuk they are the IU)$t sensible
cleats, Vteue t clothe. Ladies' tweed e line in the trade, and thee, so mach
aml:setelea some lovely ',eases at 51e, wear, and oh what cotefort.
Teel) ft forget oue taitliczery r is always open, you are is elinue at ail
time. - uue in teed eta is, the styles. You'll see something new every time
you 4 n in. Corea, and brine: your friends with you.
ores close 6.3e, Weduesdays and Seturdaye ,aacepted.
For Marriage Licenses;
+ 'Wedding Rings,
%Vetches, et Q
Spectirscilles,, Etc
0.sT,T, ON
To !lave
'the Best Cootis
is what the business man owes him-
it is this business policy of ours
which intloces us to claim to be
often the cheapest and con-
• sequently cx!ways the best,
We bs e in stock everything in the
Stationery Line -newest in Note
A Complete Lirzcs of
.minslish and German Decorated
French China
Limoge and Japanese Virare.
R. II-110KS,
Miss Amy Johns has returned from
visiting blends in Toronto.
Geo. Stephenson a Constance,
ed on friends in town on Friday.
Miss Elitit Sanders, of Strathroy,
visited at hec horne here over day,
Mrs. Tirortz, of Tacoma, ViTash, is
is visiting her aunt, Airs. Geo, Samwell
Mrs, Crocker, of S. Ararys, visited
her sister, Mrs. Johns, the West week.
Mrs. MeDowell, of Listowel, is the
%lest of her parents, ele and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Edna• McOalltun has resumed
her position as typist aact book.keeper
for R. S. Lang.
A. number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Laminain
liensall Tuesday'.
.Mrs. Southcott is suffering a relapse
FANCY GODS OF ALL DESCRIP- of her former illness, and is again con -
TIONS. /fined to her bed.
I Mrs. Campbell was called to London
.3 0 I-1 IN GRIGGon Tuesday, on account of the illness
, of one of her sons.
EXETER. Mrs. Harland and daughter. of Clins
INSURANCE. , i ton, visited with Mn. Brooks, south
Exeter, the past week.
., The Royal Tempters will haye an
At Home next Monday n'sist• Each
member ca.n take a visiting friend.
es.ev. = Fran i . ._
Agan for the WESTERN ASSURAXCE, Co- 1 The Directors ofehe Agricultural So -
or Toronto ; also for the
atones -we Comeseerv, of London, PinesEngland ; , etety meet on Friday to wind up busi-
er, et f.NTiz "EN-41,3Asa•lt COMPANZ, or Eng eiess in connection with the late fair.
be Irnperial Haar Tonic for dand- 0
ruff, itchiness of the scalp, and. prema- i! E
TO ADVERTISERS. !ttire falling of the hair. Sold by C. t
T EC b.1
LIT3EDAL OFFEn.-The Tamps d
amity Herald and Weekly Star,
reel, for the balance of 1901, togetb
with photogeaveurs a the Duke
York and the Duchess of Coeusvolefo
only 85 ceuts. Two picturee aloue ar
worth tbe price. This is a speeie
offer to increase our subscription lis
rapidly. Present subecribers can bast
he pictures for 15 cents,
1 p, 41;71,Rtreeisirence°nofWednrts-le.
Reek was the scene of a eery pretty
weddieg, whea her daughters Mise
Bertha. and W.: 0. Rueter), a Exeter,
were joined in wedlock's boucle. Rela-
tives arid close personal friends of, the
bride and bridegroom made up the
marriage party, end the house was
prettily decorated with asters and
rosea Pretieely at 1 o'clock. Rev. J.,
W. Tirl,biostea ecennienced the cere-
twiny that made the twain one, and
at its eouclesion those present partook
of a dainty Needdiug repast.. 'rile
hride'e gown was of white ()risme-lie.
trimmed with French Valeueiennes
Lice and insertion, and her bog:let was
of pink aeters. The flower, girl. Mies
Winnie tInetene uiece of the groom,
wore a dress of white organdie trim.
used with es idencionnee hese and
'eU and her bouquet was or pink
asters, islet the ring bearer, Jack
Swartz, nephew of the bride, was*
smart ring beater. Mr. and Mrs.
Huston left by the 3..15 train for their
future home,Exeter, and, received a
heurty and pretty send oft flowers
beiug showered after them abnralana
ly. The bride's going away dress was
a navy blue cheviot, white silk and a
handsome Wowed Week velvet hat.
The bride was well remembered by
her large cirele of friends. as testified
by the many valuable bvidal gifts of
wiech she was the recipient. -Goilete
kb, Stars
Tim FALL FAus.- The following
suggestions regarding the smaller fall
fairs are timely, true, and worthy of
reproduetion. "The majority of the
exhibiSs at the fair will be those of
your own neighborhood and county.
When you see the product or your
neighbors, and see the red ticket at.
taelied to the article or animal, you,
have the knowledge that your privi-
leges are equal to his. Your land is
just os geed and if you do not have as
large pumpkins Or potatoes, or cale
huge, or mangolds, you are coulident
it must be in the cultivation. You
here receive the inspiration to win the
prize next year. Then if it is an ant -
you ha-ve to change your breed;
but you know with the same amount
of care you could have the red ticket.
Then again, there is the advantage to
be gained from talking over the crops
with your neighbors in the next town-
ship. You may learn something about
how to combat the pea, bug, or the
Hessian fly, or the cockle, or it may
be you might. get same pointers how
to 'polish up your cattle for market or
exhibition. Ois perhaps you are going
to buy a piece of machinery, and here
you will gee many pointers about the
different machines that will help you
to choose. Make your plans ahead,
and determine that you will be at the
fair if you are alive and well. Bring
the whole family the hired help too;
come to spend the day. You will be
surprised how intelligently those boys
will talk about the exhibits. The girls
will have gained. some new ideas
about fancy work, butter, bread, fruit
and other things, which will go to
help you make a success of the busi-
ness next year.
'Olive Westcott has taken a position
in the Post Office store.
M. Vincent will give a concert in
Bayfield on fair night.
A cninber from Exeter attended the
Seaforth fair yesterday.
Jahn Robinson, of Anderson, visited
friends in town over Sunday.
P. L. Bishop spent Tuesday night at
bis parental hoine here.
F. A. E lwa.tels, of °Bayfield, visited
J. G. Stanbury, town, yesterday.
hear weighing over 170 pounds
was shot near Brussels last week.
Miss Maggie Balkwill, of Port Bur-
n, is visiting old friends in and around
Miss Mary Harrison, of Forest, spent
a few dive here this week with
Miss L. Reedy hae recovered from
an attack of typhoid Lever, and is now
Ernie Gregory has been engaged to
teach a school west of Calgary near
the Rockies-
Preparetious for the 12th of July re-
union in Goderich in 1902 are already
in progress.
he copy for changes must be left . A number of draped flags were rais-
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual ed in town on Thursday during the
advestisemente accepted up to noon hours of the funeral of the la e Presi-
dent McKinley.
Pan-American visitors find good acs
Wednesday of each week.
comodations at Fulton's, (formerly of
•Farquhar, Usbornee no Michigan,
nye blocks from depot.
Mrs. S. White, of Detroit, visited
her father, John Haevkshaw, during
e past week. She is at present visit-
ing friends in Hensel!.
D. J, McOelluns, who has been book-
keeper for the Stewart Milling 0o. of
Seaforth, has purchased Jas. Stewart's
•interest in the business.
Are you going to the Pa.nArneriCan?
'Vesitors'can secure good accommoda-
'teen at errs. 0 Hooper's, (formerly of
Exeter,) at 429 Front Ave.. Baffalo.
Cot H. A. L. White, W. M. of St.
Marys Masonic Lodge, accompanied by
Dr. Hotham. of that town, on Monday
evening visited the sister lodge here.
The person who removed a pair of
iron harrows from John McInnes' field
is well known, evil will save himself
trouble by returning them at once, or
paying for them.
In the report of the Exeter fair last
week, B. S. O'Neil should have been
credited with second prize for carriage
horse instead of third.; W. Kunz first
for horse shoes instead of J. Dignan.
A horse belonging to B. Makings,
• laundryman, wh ile grazing in a pasture
field Monday night, fell into an old
well. When discovered the animal
was in about fmir feet of water, with
its head alone above, and had it not
been rescued when it was, Mr. IVIaleins
would have been the loser of a second
horse this year, having had one killed
by lightning in the spring. •
I FOR. SALE- Osimsp.- A butcher de-
•ivery cart, nearly new. Apply to L.
Ay, Exeter -
BOT W-NTED.-A good, smart boy
teeith fair education, wanted to learn
the printing basiness. Apply at
TIMES office.
lisit,isfr- Seven Mixtures for sa1ej
by 0. Litt; •
.A. E. Bennett moved his household,
effects, to London this week.
e Ise Lena Howard has resumed her
twvy position in Floridale for the
cote leg season.
Mr. and ors. lra johns, of Tucker -
J G. Sunbury visited his cousin
Smith, over Sunday. •
Mrs. W. C. -Huston, will be at home
to her friends on Wednesday and
Tbursditie. Oct. ?rid and 3rd.
Th8 AfijOUrDed Judges' court of re-
vision 4f the Exeter voter's list will
tate place to.rlay (Thursday.)
Frank Rollins of Crystal City, Man.
spent a few days this week visiting his
brother, Dr. Rollins, and other friends
in and around Exeter.
Jr. P. Clarke, of Winnipeg, a former
Merchant here, was ha Exeter the past
week visiting his father, Thos Clarke,
and renewing acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Stewart. of Exe-
ter, last week took up their abode on
Askin street, where they will reside for
the future, -London Free Press.
The streets ehow signs of fall these
days, RS roads and sidewalks are Cpv-
erecl with fallen leaves, and soft map -
are changing from green to ruse
sett and red.
Andrew Lanunie, of Detroit, called
on friends here this week. He wax
called to his former home in Hensell
owing to the death of hie rnothea
which took place on Sunday.
During the past few weeks extracts
from the game laws have been going
the tounds of the press. Among the
game birds mentioned that may be
killed after Sept. 16, is quail. This is
wrong and might be the means of get-
ting the unwary into trouble. Refer-
ring to the game laws, it will be seen
that quail shooting does not come un --
til October 15th. Exchanges will save
their readees possible trouble by Trask-
ing their correction.
• Miss Eliza Oke, who has been visit-
ing in Seaforth for sometime, has re-
turned home,
Miss Ethel Bissett, left last week
for Schnmherg, where she has a pose
;stints as milliner.
• The demand for Turkish Scalp Eerie
is rapidly increasing. Sold by 0.
Lutz. 50c. a bottle. • '
Thursday, the 31st day of October,
• has been decided upon as a day of gen-
eral thanksgiving for the Dominion.
Henry Switzer, of the ard of Blan-
shard, about ai miles east of ICirkton,
brought to Exeter a load of wheat on
Tuesday, containing 50 bushels.
Robt. Burns, an old and well known
resident of Brussels, died last week.
Deceased was 77 years of age, and had
been failing in health for some tirne,
cancer being the cause of death,
Revs Father Tiernan, of Mt. Carmel,
was in town on Monday, making ar-
rangements for a grand picnic, to be
• held on the grounds of the Presbytery
at Mt. Carmel. on Tuesday, Oct. eta.
At St Peter's church, Goderich, on
Tuesday, Miss Elizabeth Hurley, of
Detroit formerly of Goderich, and
Thos. McGuire, of the same city, were
joined in wedlock's bonds. They will
reside in Detroit
The Sifton murder trial is now in
progress in London, at which Gerald
Sifton and Walter Eferbert ate arraig-
ned fot the murder of Joseph Sifton,
Gerald's father. Herbeet is a witness
for the Crown .and his testimony ;in-
criminates himself and Gerald with
thedeath of the old gentleman.
There is no one article in the line of
medicines that gives so large a return
for the money as a good porous
strengthening plaster, sueh as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back-
ache Plasters,
E1LLJB 1' 11/1 LS:
League Convention. •
• The Epworth League of the Exeter -ee A. Sellery, L. D, S., D.D, S.,Donor Grade. We Beg to Remind You I.
ventiou Tuesdley a this, weetz,
Distriet held a very suecess fit 1 Coina- t'n'stite4563Titrtoohdietu,otileihnanivErttlebs'a•Ipteefintstit.s: Tnveeth
ih criltlig
J awes- s c buret]. Rev. O. s V . J3 ro w Monday, commencing Ma'y 30t h.
B. 1.).„ President., of the district, tiS- Q. J. Sutherland, Notary Public., Conveyan-
sociation occupied the ellen', and Mite Vr. Ootepoksiener. F2teeInsureetce :Agent. olds
Ada Hutton, a Centralia, ablY casruerteeil7 41,?...TZgLig=tbILLeraaitets":,Quae
charged her duties as secretary. to loan on real estate at low rates intereet,
The morning session was °yelled at °fuse at ths Post Me% Bewail
10 o'clock, by very hearty devotier 8.1 Bar.ars.-je,naes Bell, son of the late
exercises after wes busluese emu- ROA. Bell, neeernpanied by his two
mittee ei aktive persoas were eleeted- sisters, Misses Margaret and, Elizabeth
The reports o the district secretary left 0.9 Monday for a week's visit at
and treasurer were received and the Pan -Americans -Misses Mary and Via GOODS MANTLES
adopted, The seeretny's r;port Dollie Hagan were ih the village Tues.
deneed, that while there is not 3 day visiting friends. miss /very
That we ar.e-at the Old Reliable stand to do business same as
"ever, and are showing the most complete stock we have ever'
hadin "
szbool Duodas • David Wren, w
has entered the kethodist ministr
aud George, who is farming ne
Chisellsurst, and Miss Arinie at horn
Deceased was highly respected. T
funeral service was held in the Meth
dist church on Friday conducted
Revs. Messrs. Long, Jewitt and Wa
doll, tater which the remains were i
terred in MeTeggarles cemetery,
Sacrament, of the Lord's Sapper w
dispensed, in °anise' church on Sund
morning last. The sermon was preec
ed by Rey. Mr. Crossley after whi
tile pastor adroinistered the summers,
The preparatory service on Frid
receding was conducted by Rev.
Shaw, of .Eginonelville.-Mrs. Lammi
widow of the late Wm. Lam nsie, di
on Sunday evening in het! 81,st yea
Deceased had been a resident of He
sail for a great many years, her hu
band having predeceased her sev
years ago. She was an estimable lad
and highly respected by a large circ
of friends, being of a quiet and uno
-tentatious disposition, She retain
all her faculties until the last. The
survive her, three sous, William,
Hensall ; Robert, of Manitoba, a
Andrew, of Detroit ; and two dans
ters, Mrs. Geo. Case, of tishotne,
Miss Jane Latinate, of Hensel]. T
funeral on Tuesday WaS largely a
Waded, her remains being interred
the Rodgerville cemetery. The se
vices were conducted by Rev. Weer
Jewett and Henderson, while the pa
bearers were :-Jno. Scott, Win. el
Jas Sutherland, Jno 131atches
Alfred eicTaggart and A. tecleherso
-Messrs. Crossley' i% Hunter are hal
ing revival services in town. Th
meetiogs are being held in the skaein
rink. On Sunday afternoon next siie
ial sermons will be preached to me
and boys only. on "Personal Purity
-The new sidewalk is progressin
rapidly.. The first block ou the sout
side of King street, and the stree
leading to the station have been coin
pleted.--efrs. James White was in
trait last week visiting her daughte
and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Sam
White accompanied her honie, and
visiting friends here. -Mr. Sloan, 0
London, is in the village this wee
visiting friends. -Mrs. G. O. Petty w
reeently in Buffalo visiting the Pae
.eitierican,-Mrs, D. B. McLean, o
euckersmith, was in Exeter on Tues
day visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs
Alex. Ross. -F. E. Kern secured. sec
odd prize for his carriage horse a
Zurich fair. - .Tacobi has bee
spending the past week or two vviti
his brother, at Taylor's Grove, for th
benefit of his health. svhile Mrs. Jacob
has been visiting friends in Sta,nley,-
Mrs. M. J. White, of Exeter, visite
friends here on -Tuesday.-Prof. Bed
ford, late precentor in Carmel church
has accepted a position with th
"Holy City'. Co., for forty weeks at
salary of $25 per Week. His friendS
here will be pleased to learn this and
wish hero success. The band of which
be WaS leader, will tniss his able ser
vices, as will also the large class o
pupils whom he was instructing- in
music. -Mrs. (Rev.) Fair of Lucau, bit
been visiting friends here the pas
week.-- Miss Miff, of Chiselhurt, i
learning dressmaking with Miss Mc
Hugh, and residing with her grand
father, W. Whitesidese-Mrs. W. B
McLea'n, of Seaforth, is in Heusal
this week renewing' acquaintances. -
Miss Bessie lire uhart is visiting friend
numerical advaace in the Leagues, tends returning to, her situation in T
there is a deepening interest, 4111Ong bury in a few days. -Mrs. Wren, w
the young .people, especially in the of George Wren, who recently mov
x,‘.%,Tisrekdodrinu4ssit°1inesies,Nrfaoril,y n?is4sTonl:: on WedttesdaV Of lest week at the a
We the Village from Ohiselhurst, di
purposes, and the intention is to ea of 61 years. Deceased had been 111 f
better iiext year. The district is ee- some time, and her death was tioe a
pecting that a missionary. will soon, expected. Her maiden name was Al
phethi7linigo.inted to Wese ()rune, whom
their contributions will aid in 50 1)- She leaves a husband, three sone arid
Stewart, and was born in Hibbe
daughter to mourn her loss. The so
Th4= Ural, topie Of the day. "What ore t J. K. Wree, who is teachi
herAlt is our. Epworth League pledge?
was aide introduced by Rev. S. A.
Atalerson, 1Ci rk ton, and was follow-
ed by a Neared dISell,34lOt1 Itt Width
the opinion was s rc ngl y expressed
that there bs. no lowering of
the standard. bot eucleavor to
bring up the membership tc, the stan-
dards univ in force. Ati open dis-
cussion followed, on -The relation of
the Epworth League to the teipper-
ance question!' was "Educate, agitate,
The afternoon begets with prayer
and pritise service led by Rev, T. Lie
Sanderson, of Bice, A conversation
ensued on "The importance oe Junior
League work," whiell empleisieeil the
thoughts that more ettentinn elicited
be paid to the boys mid girls, and that
the great diffiettley is to iseeitre suits
able persons who isen devote time to
theft. work as eupeeineencleuts of Jan -
tar League. Excellent addresses were
then given by Ree. G. IL Long, of
Eippen. on "Systematic Giving to
Missions" Rev. G. N. !Jason, Sarilia.
on "The IT'orwatel Movement."; Rev; B
L. Hutton. Centralia. on "The r-tevcrs
Day Problem"; and Rev. J, a Holmes
of (canton, on e"Spiritualitv in the
League." This session was an excel-
leut cine and was closed with a very
impressive consecration service led by
Rev, R. Milyard, Main-st. church.
At the oveniug session the body of
the church was well filled by delegates
and friends. Dr. D. A. Anderson con-
ducted an opening song service. A.I's
ter some repoets of committees the
Preeident elect, Mc, Wesley El, Liar.
ves, was introducedeand cordially re-
ceived. luspiring addresses were giv-
en by Rev. G. H. Cobblediek 13 D. of
Parkhill, on "The International Con-
vention", and Rev E. .E. Hamilton. of
London, "On The Youug People's OP.
pertemitYiFor Christ And The Church".
The singing led by the choir under the
direction of Missi Brown and the S. S.
orchestra WAS very hearty. About 10
O'clock the hymn 'God 13e With You
Till We Meet again '.., was sung and
the benediction pronounced, and ,prob-
ably the hest convention in the history
of the League ot the district was
bronght to a close.
The followiog are the Officers for
next year :7 -Hon. -Pres., Rev. R. Mil -
yard, Exeter; President, W. H. Har-
vey, Exeter ; Secretary, Miss Ilfary
Taylor, Wieden ; Treasurer, Mi--,.
Munro, Exeter; 1st Vice- P., Miss
Lily Halls, Elluiville; 2nd Vice -T., Rev
S. A. Anderson. Kirkton ; 3rd Vice -P.,
Miss Haskett, Birr ; 4th N! ice -P., Miss
Annie Beek, Hensel!; Pres. Jun. Dept
Miss Lam mie, Hensel].
Members of Executive Committee :-
Rev. R. W. Knowles, Orediton ; Hec-
tor Taylor, Whalen: Elstor, Cen-
tralia ; Miss J. Mills. enc3 Rev. J. B.
Holmes, Granton.
Representative to Oonference Exe:
calve. Rev. Air. Waddrdi, Eihnville.
Exeter Muisicipa.1 Council.
°Queen met purseant to adjourn-
ment, at Town Hall, Sept 20th. All
Minutes of previous, meeting read
and confirmed.
Beane- Armstrong- That 13y -law
No. 6, 1901, to assess and leVy rates
for the year 1931, as read it first and
second time be now read a third time
and finally passed. Carried,.
Muir-Levett- That the following
accounts be passed and orders drawn
ori Treasuser for. same, viz. Queen
City Oil 0o.. gasoleine, $19.11 ; Walter
Westcott labor, 54.67; Thos. Welsh,
labor, $10.42 ; Wm. Creech, labor,
$1.75. Carried. '
A communieution from Mr: Jos.
Oobblediek re. water was read end
Armstrong--Muir-Thet counsel :id=
u rn to Ft id ay. Oct. 4th, 1991. Car-
GEO. H. Besszre, °leek.
Melville siartin left for Toronto this
reek to prosecute his stndieS at law
Osgoode Hall.
Miss Mary Hare returned hotne on
Saturday, after a pleasant visit with
friends in Chicago.
Miss Lituaa, Brawn, of Wroxeter."
Who is well known herb was united in
marriage at the home of her p trentsi
on the 4th hist to Mr. James Allen, of
that place.
We are pleased to hear of the'suc-
cess attending our late townsman, Mr.
J, A. Gregory, now of Yorkton, Assa.
He has been re-engaged to teach in
the school there by a unanimous vote
of the board: and at an increase of sal-
ary, from $800 to $1,000.
The anniversary services of the
jarnes et S. S. will be held on Sunday
29th inst. when sermons will be deliver-
ed both morning and evening by Rev.
H. W. Crewes, of St. Thomas. In the
afternoon there will be a grand rally
of the school children and friends in
the church, when addresses will be
given by Rev. Mr. Crewes and Dr.
Rivers, of- Creditors."'
On Wednesday at 6 o'clock, at the
home ef the bride's parents, Crediton,
Abralarn Walker, son of James filled the silos around here. --The root
Walker. of Devon', was ;pined in the crop is a good one around here this
bonds of wedlock with Miss Flora DYer- fall. -The boys who went vestarein-
Rev. Mr. Knowles performed the core- tending to return to their old homes
naony, while Miss Nellie Gay, of St. again. ---Jas. Lamphier had a sale on
Thomas, ossisted the bride, Osmond
Walker performing the functions of
groomsman. The young couple left
for the East on it honeymoon trip.
• e would specially draw your attention to our MANTLES.
In these we are showing the best we have ever handled, for style
bo quality and price. Our $5 Mantle is a daisy. All other lines up.
Y, I to -date.
Q -
near Seaforth.
Bayfie I d
B.aters.--- Mr. F.A: Edwards is
spending his holidays itti present visit,
mg friends at Lobo, Loudon ancl other
places. -Mr. Mack Vincent intende
holding a grand concert in the Town
Hall. beta on Friday night Oct. ,leh.
everybody corne.--141iss Gunn, of Dur-
ham, Was the guest of Miss Retta
Stantmey, last week. She returned
home on Monday last. -Mr. Robert
Ilegan who has been visiting his
mother here for the past •month, re-
turned to An Sabte, lerchigan, where
he resides; -Miss Myirtle McLeod, left
for Toledo, on Monday last to vigil, her
aunt, Mrs. James Hill.-eMr. •Kenny
Moorhouse, of London, spent last week
under the parental roof here and re-
turned to London, on Monday last.-
. Miss Grace Cameron, left for Detroit
On Thursday. after spending part of
the summer with her parent S here.
Large stock of Lumber -pine and hemlo-AT,
170,000 feet a hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. Price.5
reasonable. --,TAS Veld: Mast side of
Main st.
HOI'D of LUCAT1 Was in
this vicinity Wednesday.-Meesrs. Joe
and Jim Horn,with Bell's blower, have
BRIEFS. -Nelson Gunning -has finish-
ed his term at Charles Hooper's, and
leaves soon to study dentistry. -Chas.
Hooper has returned home from the
West, where be visited his brothers.
-Martin McOlocklin has had an arte-
sian well sunk by Mr. Slack. -.Miss F.
,Gatliffe visited friends in Stratford
Tuesday of last week, and everything
went at top price. -Scott, MeNaugh-
ton's stock sale on Wednesday was
well attended.
Furniture +
+ Emporium
During hot weather we axe inclined to look for coolest
spot and most comfortable seat possible. We would suggest
when. you want comfort and can get the same at small cost
you would be wise to
Our Rattan Chairs,. prices ranging from $2.00
upwards. Also complete stock m all lines, in latest designs,
Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to
call on, us before purchasing elsewhere.
Funeral Directors,
Beverley & Huston,
LW: of Fall Pairs.
Fullarton-Logan, Mitchell Sept 20-27
Turnberry, Winghans- Sept. 26-27.
Great North-western, Gode-
rich Oct 1-2
South Perth, St. Marys- • Oa. 1-2,
Stanley, Bayfleld- Oct. 3 4,
E. Huron. Brussels -Oct. 3-4.
Iiirkton fair Oct 3 and 4.
West Nissouri, Thorndale Oct 8
Blyth and Morris, Blyth Oct. 8-0
Ashfield, Dungannon -Oct. 10-11.
Howick, Gorrie-Oct, 12.
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia should
use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which
are made expressly for sleepless, ner-
vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25
Your Wagos.
The boy who starts
work, after a course in
this college will start at
wages two or three times
g -eater than he coul
hope to obtain without this special trainin
Colleges at London. Toronto, Hamilton,Ottaw
Sarnia, Berlin, gait, Guelph, St, Catharine
Now is a good tinae to enter, All partietdar
Brost Gitll Bushing 6011806
J. W, WEsT1,11VBLT, Principal.
Bargains 'ft- Bargains
The balance of our summer goods at
reduced prices,
Ladies' Oxfords
Worth $1.40 for $1.15.
" $1.75 for $1.40.
" $2.00 for $1.50.
$2.25 for $1,75.
Misses Oxfords,
Sizes 8 fO'1.0.
" $1.00 foy-gOc
$1.25 for $1.05.
Also some women's buttoned
duced peices. -
These goods axe all new and upeo-
date. Nn'old styles. All this year's
goods.. „
Cat( and Sects 1-0 ot 13a main •
Come in and look_ through the stock,
Item en) her see ;este. 1 will be pleased to meet you• .
Grieve's old stand, opposite post office. 8WEET
Seventy -live per cent. of the new
students from outside of Stratford,
who were enrolled at the opening of
our Fall Terin, came frons nearer other
business colleges than ours, and stud-
ents were enrolled from places in
which other besiness colleges are locat-
ed. They wanted the best business
and shorthand training and came here
for it. Our graduates getemployment
immediately on leaving college, Nine
of our students have recently, taken
positions as teachers in business col-
leges. Write for our catalogue. En-
ter now ir possible.
• Principal.
• Will. Dignan is confined to his room
with typhoid fever.
R. S. Lang has shipped a large
qauntity of apples to the Ole Coantry
durine the past wee k.
All the best stock raisers use Eng-
lish Stock Food for calves and young
pigs, because they find that it pays to
use it. •Sold by 0. Lutz.
Villi8t6vor You Want
Whether it's a suit for a formal .
occasion or just for business or for out-
ing, it ought to be well Made' and
ought to fie ;We do it that way.
The fit will be perfeet ; the making
Will be excellentethe clothes wiill be
a credit to us and/to you.
Note Tile Irr1G6S
Black worsted suits worth $22.00 for
Fancy worsted suits worth $20,00 for
$16.00. -
Scotch tweed suits worth $20.00 for
Canada Tweed suits worth 818.00
for $11.00.
Treble's old Sta4nd,
W Taman'