HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-26, Page 6C-',,. . 161:1*00221611,1, Genuine 9 arter s P BEM AN FUN soon eat up a lama a store, an es- tate, and the interest on borrowed troubles 'will swamp anebody. "Sof- a ficieat unto the day is the evil thereof." INTERNATIONAL LESSON THE S. S. LESSON. Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks of Now TREATTN% soLDIERs. and Hereafter, F-orttines Spent in Tobacco and Ugnor by His Admirers. ,17,,,,,,-..ortern A son of a Yorlesbire fernier al- , ars had a. "hankering'," after the A despatch from, Washington says: portions it for all the days ano army, but his parents were obdiir- Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from. the ye.trs of our life. Alas. for the poi - arid his nielitary ardour finally following text: Matthew vi, 3,1, icy of gathering. it all eti' for en° found veut at a omtlifietl form of sot, i "$ufficient unto the day is the evil day or year ! Cruel thing to put Mewing in the Ye/mut:try. IS 111C1) in Litt". Livms pillq thereof." upou the back of one eionee !Ili .1.,lie those days was regearded as 4 mad 46?' '‘..1-5, .490 The life of every man. woman and eargo intended for the elan° gala- ,9f -war (Mice jokea tchlici is 1,,is closely under the divine van. 1 never look at my niemoran- The father of the young fello•tv in . care at: though euch pe '°1 evert: the dum bet)k to see what,,engagements question died: and ivit tize. reeiethg only man. wouian. or child. There and duties are far ahead. ieg every ittsiness. which was a g•ood one in Must Baena Sigereetate0 a See FaceSlealle Wrapinr Dam Irea7 small sad oy tt? talso *moor. NE,i'Drms CARTEKS i -46r.-%-" ITTLE BILIOUSRE‘t, E FOR TORPID FOR (lai411PATION.. FOR t'S.41.01,V SEN. LV TOE; CW-4KRXIOR - CURE SICK HEADACHE, GAINED 91 LBS. ,,,..r4a....eraonzxo4;xtaar55m.asaxX.a Soot. 29. Text of the Lessore-Comprehen- sive Quarterly Review -Gold- en Text, I). eiii,17, Lesson L--Godeetlie Creator 01 ell thing's Men a 1; it, 3) Golden TeXt, Gen. 1, 1, "in the beginning God „created the heaven wed the earth." To My mina one of the greatest and Inset. precious truths in the arst two ehapters in the Rible is that, of Gott working unhiudered; God the Creator of all things in heaven and on eerth, to whom uothing is too wonderful, <Jer. xxxii. 173. Whea ; Ile who cominauded the light, to are no cweettene. As there is a law wee.: bear us tem lon5.ti.,us. The ,, ties ease, to his son. The latter ehine out of darkness shines in oer of stot-ms in. the 11;2221r:a world, so shadows of to -day are thee. eitoue,t,... failed to give the application to the hearts to ai,...0 the light of the hflow_ there is a law of trouble. ii. law of Why implore .the presence of otItet work; which it required. Ile was roll- ledge of the glory of God, in the face I disaster. a law of ntisfortune ; but shadows ? Tne cup is iiii•eader, glis.-. stamp., arivann, in 10 the nearest _:: Jesus clalst (II (ot, av, a). Ivo the majority of troubles of life are tasteful. 1\ I*. halloo #0 plea:AE.1,a gat,riseon town': whem it. regiment .., PI ta are irom that Gine on earth for and inutgintery, and the mest of those 'far distant to come and wring oi t • - '- Dragoons were stationed. and be lu purtuerehip with IIiin that God in all things may be glorieed through4 i Jesus Christ (1 Pet. iv„ 11). , Lesson IL -Beginning, of she and re- denlption (Gen. ill, 1-15.. Golden shine fillitig the earth with glory...MI.11ga ? itv fc:r enything if I. olci • - • , /tt a much. atbaanded grace did numb.. mere ,it, and he event money anticipated never come. At any more gal. in the inttetness . Spent. most of his eve:nags ertaer at rate, theta is no cause of cemplaint such champions that, lieving won the om...realit.s•, mess,, or with route agaiast Gott. See how much he has .the heit fonaer encounters. we e.i.s eoe'tie,aitions is the town. done to Mahe on happy, his sun- can go forth to challenge all the Be wouTo not allow the soldiers nth) for the mountain. greentsi-ss for HERE ARE 81. $1\1 MEN 1)*2V " e v°' P'eNeet text. Roan v. 20. "Where sin milking eediabow for the storm and. 74 tee mass: eeiereii 1,-,r the cioad, and just able to managv air:lira as they 'faster rlAte than be could make it• abound.'" Here theeentrance of the crest a t for tite billow and !wines -skin rfor are, They ern pay their rent He had military friends at. the farm great enemy. the devil. the adeersanzi, f hannered !lame through the opea- and meet theh. ''"tt's aad lit'r 11.4"sk's";ds ""d nvuled 1°I (0d aud Plan' W1110 "ati4Wes " 41,4. t es of UK, mortii„es ce„pente," fairs as thee- itow are. bra how if a .nt""s°111.-"lY .11 00 tAmtl°r t.ralks 50011 1111 through the table etorv to • and cieetis. to sing, rivers to glittt 2'. seas 20 1141" '5' 101' t (WL- ' • rw HOF. XX. where he goes to hie owe limit anal spriiigs to blossom. and int -ante should fail ? Go to-niorrow 1112 04111111 Could Only te cute end plave forever. in Verse 3.5 we have ate, ' • l• 'b te • on 'this sort of eiting end caine. the promise of a Deliverer vcho. thongh, Ile shall sufier at the hands overporerieg all othet• sounes 'with • -. . . , its emeg awl 01.02 221121)214 all ether your It (112 on your money eafe. had to disilose 01 Ids fanning 111- i splendor with its triumph. eoveriog "Sudicient unto the day is the evil t agests to 'meet eleinis. and got out • of the advereatee, shell totally 200.- 1 41) rill otle.r beauty with its gar- thereof." bo not worrer obout. notes 01 it with but te anv Pounds in llis quer bine In West) 23. we Ineve tee 1 iumis and outflasith;g all thi.otaa that are ear from due. Po not pile 1 Poeket- Wail the aid of friends he most simple illustration at tee we., 4, ; with its dominion-deliverartee for a tip on your countime cleelc the 1111' ' NVent V" to America told t'rgan life Of redemption, and in verse 24 the 1 'est wore! through tee 01.,rt fl.... aitcial anxieties of the next les•euty agaiti Oa a cattle raech. &ore" Of the redeemed in paradise v0.- 1 demur. I iliseourse of the, sin op . Years. The God who has tali,00 g0r0 ' ii111'0121 Five111011, a youeg felloW of stored is taught, by the cherubim. 'of your worltil'y occupation. guard. thirty. 4. 142 unexpectedly into a, Lesson 11,1.-Noalt liaVQ31 ill tilt' ark BORIlOW1NG TROUBT.E. •thel Ntntr 'it Ore frOlIt 1.11e torell of the ,s11111 oi $2.:1110. III! W116 a 111310411141, ((ilea. VW, I-22). Golden Text, Gun 1 FirSt. ;moll a !I al.,it. of mind aod 111CelnlifAry ard, the law a the bur- •at. a saw.•111111 with a 'team of $7 a vi. a, "rgoalt found gi•400 in the eyai I be 14 is wrong, because it flUtS one Jar, will be as faithfal in 1910 as -week. lie threw up ids jole and set of the Isnel." Chapter iv tells ot , hitt) a despondency that ill fits Min in 1001. God"e hand is mightier 'out to enjoy ltimeelf. Ile went to the division nu Q!,, those 'who Icor-, sl. aat . I ! tonruld;tgy... I planted two rosebushas .than the 2(124.121) 1210126 of stotec'.Lontion. and aftt'r 31 fOrtiisight there. .511ippeti God as set forth in Cain end , BY USING iirOIPP'S PHIS at dem the one thrived beau- gamblers or tile Plots of Political went on to Aldershot to see a frtend Abel. the one reftteing God'S WaY I1)14 I . tifuliy. the other Perished. I found demagogues or 0,0 red right arm °V who was a corporal in a lino Mgt- the other acceptiug, it. As YearS i the (bald ono oa the 412 ‚1(11 side of revolution, awl the darkness will neient. leissed on the increase W05 011 the li VxcTontA, MC., March 8, tecixe; the house. Our disPosittons. liht,; flY aud the. storm fell dead at Ills i, 11B L1107P 1r111.1 SOLPIFilS, side of those against God till all The T. !Slattern (.7o., Limitcd, , our plants. Leed sunshine. Expect- itvt. . awl he s1„,iit an les *into ego eis flesh becattte eo corrupt that Getd de - Toronto, Oat. : Mier of te•psillse is the cause of Runty ' So there are persons le, feeble eateeee between aite.reiga mei Lone Strived all With a deluge. sparing DeerSirs,-Sometimeagernydaughter,' secular aucl religious: failures. Fear health. and thee" aro trollied awn "don with his eoliiit•r friee.dee At the 'mks' Ig°°1'• °44- h'is 1°344' tilr°ugh was troubled tete buseneee min sem. the nem dodge now. hut the•y art) tattle:wing t110111- 4,4=1y iti tht, world: tete wae eeetetie greaa practical question is. Ant 1 in ser' well , end of three moutlte tie had not a w110111 to PeOPle the new earth- The, aged ice years, of benteruptey has %gleam many a the future. They mote) out with bad bead. mg among tlie note shavers. rear selves about future pleurisies and a Sob at joie 0141 etepheyiteett, As Ira' the ark. the true ark. Christ JeellS. : cites and loss a shooter aud ahutte has tam in.. It emuatisMs and =wedgies aud fee-e1WaS a good band et ets wore. igalin whom one is retieutptiou? appetite. ' oiled all the liege beithed vultures ers. Their eYcsight• is feeble. an41 1 $11,:Ceeileti ill at:0. tilag 0, job ;tt Hull. Lesson IV. -God cabs Abram Men. apd,,iistirs,mol' the misfortentee of life. like 11Selins. lose it. Their 1 -Marilig is i"iSti"t gal,31Sity /Or treetiug soltliers when- -1 vill tdess thee told make titY1 'Mit. lie could net stedie off Iti8 Iwo.. . lea), (Widen Text. Gen xii. 2.1, Sll wa/ lir" . of ecorn vied baetchitiete. Many of tile31 are WOrried lest they entirely o' '"° t'°''' and flee if you cuuregeousle meet thellt. :nfal tileY ar° alarmed lest they Ie ver he :mane at:rote theta when Ins name te,reat. and thou shalt be a blue - flesh. . . Cidlly manifest at the tower of Babel. Her system got ' 'du 14; is a man who site clown muter to -clay and are expecting nn attaek .; The dockyard towns of Igen:env:ea the gloom of expect d 0 ' f rtune • ' of typhoid They have been troubled Irortemoilti•i: and chationa aro mil:, le.le_re etott %topped theta in their re - so hearing- you; ' If sliliemptraeS"ailitsewsearSeset.. , e tte o . . • . :. "1 do mit think for weelts with Nome perplexing mal-, 1 If he glims, ady and dread becoming lifelong In- Apart ram 1 a - , without theie inseaeres of the alma eteisson ity toe confusion of tongues. badly rim down • Heart and Nerye e t le melt a to cone: olt a Nota•itlistanding this, Men fall away 1 „ .‘ IIelea 4 haliners tole nPateld5a.rteTaitcerttectatrfetreolutre health 31U statiOn and ou beleg lend into ic101atry, and from the Mass of me.,0g. -mete tite low* there ,re rie, idolators God calls Abram to be ti, he says "1 expeee tlito erill steal Pills highly epolcen of 1 procured a box, ,,,e, ,e,e,„ ,, .• and be te. time she bee used them she e""" --"l' sing." Hatred ot God is again spe-1 WaS 10Q81 14! 1TOW poorly prepared for religious come entirely deaf, They felt chilly ,funds. anolvol„ /litho% Thomas Chat. 110t guilty' of the leteepliemy of mane wet, evetear teemeaves in an loam tv11011Y for Himself and the fa - had gelimal- tee lbs. ia Weight ;ma is now le ' that her perfect health. i • mers tit: darkest /tour of the his- larkleg him fo take car of sou while .- you sleep with yoil-r wiJudinL exco.s, of admiration for the handr- thee of a pSople whom lIe eau Sepets. Yoe rs tatty, ' tory of tite Free Church of Scotland "e ;Mau. A. few %' 24' ago two eatu ale front all other people end blees o clock at night or sit down on a °down to smithsea, with an excursion bless others (1ex• Xix. Gl e41 to weigh upon his heart said to,. INI!.ts. P. EL CURTIS. 11122(1 when the woes. of the land seem.; down Or eat elliellel! salad at . 11 'front 'Wolverhampton. wee value them thatela .., ,,.. irciti di 1 l'ent He may then be confident. awl lutd unwisely brought ,t'1 *1 Lesson V.-Ableut: and Lot (Gen. Ibis children, 'Tome, let us go out , cake Of iPe to 1)4)01 Off. Be 'mutant, and pay ball or fly late." and the ;and play was that I Again, the habit of borrowing leis- had With 1.110131. :pent uhotli ,t,:143 in j 1•111M difficulty in. the fortune is wrong because it 'ultras two chess in "eignifying Um eaue• in 2`211:. 1'44' Celden TeNt* 11f4th' NIL' i their father: who mec he 1106 tine tee us for it. when It 1.101.11ally "es emnee ;awl inerines. wait e1,10.1ecitete 12. -WhatscieVer e'e would that men 1, the usual manner," 1 the children toted not keep up with - 'We cannot always bo.ve •ehouhl do to you do ye even 89 to the most good toiled in the sun- 1 SMOOTH SAILING. 'la. frieze!. for the amount iteceseary to ; of the Wealth of these two men in It became necessary because 11 Stiminerfields of the Church who did 1 WIteu -they had paid for a wire to 1120141-'s .; 12n 121 . Awiier wit It the horrors ! i Life's path win sometimes tumble ;take them Itione. teve were penaile,s. flocks and. herds that they should so !mining deelivities and mount a eteen ,and lied 1„„riey 'Fortunately they were single men, '11"x"1"0" utn o it. Thelr men who kept the ' They distill poison ; they dig eraves : would drown ill, rejoicings of 11041_, . OOd• be tborn pierced. Judas will :proceee of -saving ewe. to ret . t ti ,i flocks were striving among thenisel- . and if they could. climb so higri they , 'en with ; . aeyers, wao bad 1,600 left i , i yes in the preSence of the heathen, . „ . kiss our cheek, and then sell us for 11: it . 1' ,e ,and this was a dishonor to Ood; so 80 ploces of silver. Human scorn • / \Want to whom Cod had given all SOBS AND WAIT:MO, I will try to crucify us between two 'hint a few years ago. Wellt through . . ' thieves. We will hear the iron g ‘ :, evell, penny at Climb -an 4 , eating / this land, magnanimously gives Lot a ' of the sepulcher creak and grind as • '.. -41 I-° ,seito'rs and nrtrinee Its 'a .1.4 'not .411 1 1125 Ch°IC°' , ; Agein, the habit of borrowing !tendency to matte us overlook *ell Leeson 171.-Clo(l's promise to Ab- 1 preL, :it shuts in our kindred. But 'WC cnra! - 1-:sti" in tsrettisn.e '20 ilsrinl• . , trouble is wrong because it has bless..1-1 ills bol trb light. ell all Ifteenei (.s.t.en" xv: 148). (1 olden Text. i I sent blessitee To slake man's thirst for 11 - --fiejliti liet8iaei:j. :nolfuttslitting1,1444.11.10wable int)el fort:it'd:: itos 1 --- -".' 1, "I am thy shield at',e1: the! I not get readyt eso 1., 1 la i e DOAN'S KNINEY PILLS ',,„,i2.1„ hie brimming, cup. To feed arY it! icoineti°out' oi -br.C.iti; ' lUen i 1.1 'hospital, hieluding eenres of .°iv•yeedi"g gr.?" 5521211)12 50 elb,iercti: ; , the rock i 4 cleft, and cool waters forebwodoiensgsNi.71 1T1 ley N% fort) they come under the euns of heard of he was a patron of a. "doss - The original kidney specific for " give him milk, mai, the orcbards 7;01- the seed as tile stars of heaven. TEE °MOIR/WOO OF his Integer the fields bow down with into conflict N.:Rh the armed disas- .p9ein ds of tobacco for C011Valeseents chaptet in N'‘ 11C 1 so many ao tem; of the future. , are used for the lit•st. time, such a,s 1 down front Inc clover paetures to Their nnimente will lie bent motey nee(41' "fear note"' believe," righteousness," I benclilig wheot . and the cattle come tion will have been vested loug be_ '? tives 02 his naval 1* 1.11(16 When htst ; houseeete., and Imre is the first promise of juicy real misfortune. Boys in atlempting in London, but C ii ani the cure of Backache, Diabetes, i fruits into his lap. Alas, that low and ripen, castieg their to pimp a wall sometimes go te) far I knew him 1"' 1110re- 1 11'1' - i Abram is becoming increasingly seP- Bri ' ght s Disease and all Urinary . amid Such exuberance of blessing wben they come up they are exhaust- moment that :icildiers and blue-• ; arated unto God; and God is becom-1 back in order to get impetus that i It ntuse not be inferred for one :ing. increasingly ed, and these long recce in order to jackets are gl'lierally guilty of real to him. The Troubles. . a soldier on half rations or a. sailor generous civilians, f -- ; and efears and seek 1 adversary is ever suggesting doubts T Lug to turn his should growl as though he were man 011 short allowance ; that a man get spring enough to vault trouble "s1"114 -ling" 011 Tb -1't accept something just as ' should stand neck deep , eyes to the eircuxustances, but "I tun in harvests . brings us up at last to the dreadful fur there is nobody more. open -hand- .. thv shield" should dispel all fear. 1 looking forward to famine; that one ed and gem:roes than our soldier:4 reality with our strength gone. ses tef 1. Finally the habit of borrowing ; 1 and sailors evben they have the sioLleissra V11.-Abral interces- i. xv iii 16-33). Golden good. See you get the genuin.e E,1011id feel t he steemg put Ur 1 hut occasionally indi- Text: Jas: -v. 16: erne effect:ma: fere 1 lth •cl iu with tread trouble is wrong* because it is unbe- • NC ler"I ' N'through rill the avenues of life and lief. God has promised to take care eaesiteem i yet tremble at the expected assault of us. The Bible blooms with as - !of sickness, that a man. should sit suranees. Your hunger will be fed ; ; in his pleasant, home, fearful that your sickness will be alleviated: your LARGE FLOCIe'S OF SHEEP. !ruthless want •will some day rattle -S01TOWS will be healed. God will Australia is the wool centre of the the broken window sash 'with tem- sandal your feet and smooth your world. for it possesses more than pest end sweep the coals from the path, and along by frowning crag 100,000,000 sheep, and it cuts liecti-th and pour 'hunger into the and opening grave stiund the -voices enough wool Dom their backs to bread tray; that a man fed by Him of vietory and good cheer. The sum - brim; in $100.000,000 a year. It who owns all the bie•yests should mer clouds that*seem thunder charge has $..cune of the largest flocks of expect to starve; that one whom God 'ed. really carry in their bosom hare sheep ever gathered together, and levee and surrounds with benedic- , vests of valeta and shocks of corn Job's tattle upon a, thousand hills , tlon and attends with angelic es- and vineyards purpling for the wine - cannot compare with them. In proof 1 cort and bovers over with more press. The wrathful wave will kiss of this tve maY mention that there than motherly foridnesS should be , the feet of the great Storm Walker, are a hundred men in New South looking for a heritage of tears! Has Our great Joshua will command, and Wale, alone who each own 50,000 'God been hard \Neel', thee that thou ! above your soul the sun. of prosper - head • there are hundrecle more who shOuldst be foreboding ? Has He Der will stand still. Bleak and wave haue 20,000 head ; four hendred who stinted thy board ? Has He covered struck Patmos shall have npocalyp- each have 10,000, and many ' who thee with rags ? Has He stread .tic vision, and .Vou shall hear the own flocSs of 1,000 and upwards. traps for thy feet, and galled thy ;cry of elders and the sweep of wings Theta are twentY-ene men who ea.ch cup and raspt•d thy soul; and wreck- :and trumpets of salvation and the ed thee with storm. and thundered ' voice of halleluiah own :.1.00,000,sheep. • lea mai 1 g.regular viduals of the above charactee crop up, and they insist 1111011 doing the thing well to the total depletion Of their own funds. vent prayer of a righteous man avail- eth much." He wlio had dined with Abraham and mow talked with him sons none other than I -le whom we know as our great High Priest who ever liveth to make intercession for us, and the ministry of intercession, as set forth in Rev. Andrew Murray's book with that title, is one of our greatest privileges. Lesson. VII1.-Abraham and Isaac (Gen. xxii, Goldea Text, Neb. xi. 17, "By eaith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac." This is the' most i-emaekeble type of the sacrifice Of Christ in the Scriptures. Abraham and his only son are so suggestive of God \and His only be- gotten Son. Isaac submissively bear- ing the wood on which he was to be oliet.ed, and the father, with -the lire and the knife, makims the picture complete in every detail. The Vaal suffering 111 iseac'e.seead, taking. his place on the altar, reminds 'us of Christ as our substitute, dying in Our place. Lessen IX.--Ieacte the ,peacemaker (Gee..xxvi, 12-25). Golden Text. Math. v, 9, "Blesse(1 are the ponce - Makers for they shall be called the childree of God" Abraham wiencl not steive for that which was right- fully his, .1)tue eathee yielded te Lot that God might be glorinede Isaac iu like manner yielded to •the Phiiis- tines -property that was rightfully hie; and God,: was glorified in him; and the Peilistines eaid, "We 'saw certainly that elm Lord was .-w-.iLls thee (xxvt,e28)• Py Meekness and submisaloa. and yieldedness Clod ie tier-166de net by. asserting oui-eolyee and our rights. Lesson X...-jacoli,at Bethel (Gee. eeeviii, 10-22). Golden Text, Gee. xxviii, 3.6, "Surely the Loi d is in this placeef Great, was the grace 'of God to this- peniteht but unworthy man, openieg heaven to him and giv- ing him the most grecious essurancee of forgeveeess and constant care and sorrows and regle:iinted with &lea future blessing. All the, promiees of God shell -sui-ely be kept aud per- formed' (It Car. 1; 20; Joie xxe 20), for He is. :faithful. lie cannot deny Himself. . 'Lesson XI.-- Jacob a priece with God Mee. xexii; 1(32), Golden Teat NEE DLE-TITR E A D ING ArACHTNE A machine which threads one thou- sand needles a, minute is at work in St. Gall, Switzerland. The purpose of the machine is .to thread needles that are placed afterwards in an embroidery loom for Making Swiss upon thee wieh, a life full of calane ? If your father Or brothee :come UNTO con FOREVEIL Your way may wind along danger - hit° your bank where gold fine silver ; ous bridle 1)111114 and amid wolf's are lying, about, -you clo not watch ;howl and the scream of the vulture. them, for you knoter. they are honest, but the way still winds upward till but if an entire stranger come by ',angels reward ie, and trees of life the safe you keep your eye on him, 1 onerarcli it, and thrones line it, and for you do 'not anow his designs. crystalline fountains leap on. it, and or Hamburg Ittce. devite 16 L1.1- So some men treat ; 1 tlie piuther ay ends at gates teat are most 2.114,21' 13' automatic. It ta.kes . NOT AS A`FATIIER, 'pearl and streets that, cere gold and the needle from a. hopper, carries it , . . !temples that are always open and Jongand threads, ties the kno•t, but a stranger, and act suspiciously hies that quake' with perpetual song , eits the thread off a uniform length. then carries the needle across: an open space and - sticks it in a rack. The work of threading these needles was. formerly done by liana,. Of London's 5.06,030 houses, 553,- 019 are inlia,bited. , Great 13r1.tain had 2,000,000 horses in 1850, nearly 150,000. more than 'at present. . There are 9,660 justices of the P01210 in England 11214 Wales, of whom 7,770 fire for countiee, the rest for t 027118. 0 Children Ory for C STO R 1 AV. toward. him. 11. is high time: you ' and a city mingling forever Sabbath began to tbank God for present 'and jubilee and triumph and corons- blessing. Thank IIim for your child- tion, ren, happy, buoyant and hounding. 1- Courage, my brother ! The father Praise Him for your home, with IIS dces not give to his eoli at school' fountain of song and laughter. Ad- enough money to lcust him several ore Him for moening light and eveta ' rears, but, a the bills for tuition ing shadow. Preise Him for fresh, and board and clothing ancl books cool uvater, bubbling from the rock, come in, "pays them. So God will leaping into the cascade, soaring in not giVo you gra.ce al 1 at once for the inist, falling in the shower, dash- the futtire, but will meet all your ing against the rock and clapping exigeiT.iies as they come. Through its hands in the tempest. Loire Ijim earnest prayer trust Him, People as - for the grass thee eushions the earth cribe the euccess of a, certain line and the clouds that curtain the skY ef steamers to business skill and and the foliege that waves in the enoa- not the fact that when that forest. Thank Him for a Bible to line of steamers started the WirC of e proprietor pa sci"1")..e the whole of read and a. Seviocir et) deliver. I to Again, the habit of berrowing each clay whe12 a steamer started in trouble is wrong, beetles° the present prayer to God for its. safety and the is sufficiently taxed \vith trial.- Clod success of the 1 in e, pet every -tiling sees th tit we all neecl a certeie In 0 od's 121 s and leave it therc. amount of trouble, cted so 1111 aP- Laree interast money to pay will RA For Infants and Children. The fan- clammilittiore0e..vtaecxe,„ gazeez• TOO PARTICULAR. 11=1 at a restaurant where he fre- quentlyAbusiness man who had eaten te • took his midday luncheon walked up to the cashier and said; 1 find I haven't a cent of change about me to -day. If you will kindly let me, owe for this until I come in again, which will certainly 1)0 in a day or two, I will square up then. - The cashier was not a good judge of hurnan nature, or was under the influence of a momentary erritation, for she replied e • ; We, don't run any accounts at this shop. Jf you haven't anything to' pay with, you can leave something with us as secerity. I, didn't say I hadn't any money, the eustomer rejoined., I said L had no change. Please tcuke the amciunt of inercheck out of this. And he took' a fifty -dollar bill out of his pocket -book and heeded it to the astemishecl cashier. It will be better to pay it noW, perhaps, -he added, Gum to leave something as security, for you will not be likely to see me here again. Theo picking ep his change, which comprised about- all the money the cashier could find in the establish- ment, he bowecl and walked °et. Children Cry for T R SIVIZENMERIT.- . oteueslossaterattrestusallillersatleseurelle. THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE ••Feeee•Q.Feeeee, 40 IS ON TEE APPER OF EVERY BOTIrrOF Oaf/Luria Is put up in Cue41:e battica O,n1y. fl - 42 SQ14 le belle Ilaa't euyeue to OM yea ea3ableg elo en ttte plea Cr prealeti tlett it le "lust erl UZI "yin 11=Wer, eTezr flee gee get O-114-Utat-Z-2111 44 ,,neetv, .41 ee -;'""eetet'ateeeeei VARICOCELE &TRXCTUR No ettiecilliseese le se prevaleet among IZACtl Variecteele. /821 21 interferen wit!) see natation of the eexeal mranst it re:Juges ei144410110, 10$4 01 seinen terougli tee talue, decay of tite organs, pants in tile loins, Aching in tee back, 11C4Y0;14130114C113. peadeacy, bastato [less palpn itatioof tee 'heart, colautipation, and a eouie 112111Q111. these restate in compleie Lona of altantiood. Tbousatale of young aa,^ ridden. AZed 2110:1 12444 treuele4 with *triatesre. lf you have reason ta Telleve on are atlitcted with laden% neatest it. It will rata )•(1u. Done let doctors exp.r1 atilt oneren by cutting-, atreieuing or tearing it. Our New Method Treatment 4i3$01.VCR tb,C etrietere asap) hence it etsappeers and can never return W uure Vericoceleand Stricture without operation or leas of time. The treatruen ma.- be taken at home privately. Seta far 911r Free Illustrated Book On VaricOtoIer tittloturo laud tirlont. WO gunruntoo to Cure; or No Pay. Kid es - i1a4-s2er AU sexual complaint:I effect Mese °ream belie* the kidneys are a great noun of disease. Have you Achille' or wealoteee over tee email of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, maltase of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling In the morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our Now Mottlott Treatment la guaranteed to cum any disease of these 040119 01110 pay. PZeNo Names Used liVithout Written ConscAit:' 0. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Idicti., sayst-I had varicocele 411 tho tecondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I W112 operated en twice, undergoing, great suffering, but °toy got tetnaorery relief. I WA11 finally advised to try tee NOVI' Motflorl Treatment of Drs. .t If. Tito enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my motel energy and Vitilait • reunited so I was a matt in every respect. recommend yott doctors with my whole heart:, I CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Derma Tenement, After 'treatment. We treat and cure Nervous Debility.tost Manhood, Taricocele, Stricture, Syph - ills, Gloat, Weak Parts, Gonorrheca end Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Pree. Books Pree. Write for Queatiou Litt for Home Treatment, Disc. Keimody 84 v rivrma 148 SHELBY STREET, ituf6t1111 DETROIT. MICH. tadA at.,.•••;e. ABOUT B. rl.:ao 1. Its Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures.. 3. Its Economy. lc. a dose. me. 33.30.. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions, Purifies the Blood and removes all the impurities from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore, aad rallierMAEIES DYSPEpSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA., HEARTRuRN, SOUP. STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, , RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. HE k CENTURY OLD: A Standard Remedy Used in ThousaElds of Homea I! Canada. " Luke :gybe, 3, "Men ought always to P1 ay and not to faint." Our 2*02 venly leather is ever :longing. 1.0 ,do groat things for His peoplo,that His power May be seen, that He inaY be glorified, but we'' arc not to be se full of ourselves thee We hinder Him by our planningand striving fled de- • Lesson late -Temperance lesson. (Prioeie.r. 1 2,9-e5). Golden Text 1.,v , etVine is a, meeker, strong drink is raging, and whoso- ever is deceived thereby is not, WISC.', There is no salvation fpom the sin of strong drink or any other sin _except, in Him wile was made sin for us, who bore our serrows and carried our griefs, who for us: was a man of Children Cry for CASThRIA GIMES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera) Cholera Florbus; Cholera Infa tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea.SickzieSS and all Summer COmplaints. Its prompt use Will prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and often save life. - The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. There aro 144 1102d of cattle to every 1,000 acreri in tho 13 jind agminst 1,95 in riollatirl. aluggins is not hanUsomo, and ho kn.OWS it . V/11011 111E; 11 mt 4-a Iv 16 bon) he CV, ked: lloes it look 1110 mo? Of cot rse they replied in the r 01121, 111(4', h*-' Nvith a 811,2*, biok it te wile) geetly. 11 ,,.? 4- • Mks: ,-...! 4. ,, • -4;1' 7,1:: :„....A.r, : . , 41 1 ::- blegetablePrcparationforAs- sinulating theToociancilleguta- thig the Stroarls aittlBoWel..5 of. t :m .•,. Prozotespigestion,Cheorful- ness OpludtMorphine WoT - .-. artditestgontains neither nor Niue:al. XA.11COrric7. . .27.gpr4fOleirikPl=147-Z7= .flgefia.h -41.r.sinv, "taiv,Sese,te ..etal`s=atWer.# 74,4,44d- fif",14,4;41. ;Oared tiOtt. Worme,Convolsionsproveriall- mass TAcsim4 . Selest- • ' fr,:dielte440- - Remedy for Corislipa- Sour Stotaach,Diarripea =Moss or SLEEP. „signature a aleir...ereia47 IgEvir YORK. , . . 0, .. THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE ••Feeee•Q.Feeeee, 40 IS ON TEE APPER OF EVERY BOTIrrOF Oaf/Luria Is put up in Cue41:e battica O,n1y. fl - 42 SQ14 le belle Ilaa't euyeue to OM yea ea3ableg elo en ttte plea Cr prealeti tlett it le "lust erl UZI "yin 11=Wer, eTezr flee gee get O-114-Utat-Z-2111 44 ,,neetv, .41 ee -;'""eetet'ateeeeei VARICOCELE &TRXCTUR No ettiecilliseese le se prevaleet among IZACtl Variecteele. /821 21 interferen wit!) see natation of the eexeal mranst it re:Juges ei144410110, 10$4 01 seinen terougli tee talue, decay of tite organs, pants in tile loins, Aching in tee back, 11C4Y0;14130114C113. peadeacy, bastato [less palpn itatioof tee 'heart, colautipation, and a eouie 112111Q111. these restate in compleie Lona of altantiood. Tbousatale of young aa,^ ridden. AZed 2110:1 12444 treuele4 with *triatesre. lf you have reason ta Telleve on are atlitcted with laden% neatest it. It will rata )•(1u. Done let doctors exp.r1 atilt oneren by cutting-, atreieuing or tearing it. Our New Method Treatment 4i3$01.VCR tb,C etrietere asap) hence it etsappeers and can never return W uure Vericoceleand Stricture without operation or leas of time. The treatruen ma.- be taken at home privately. Seta far 911r Free Illustrated Book On VaricOtoIer tittloturo laud tirlont. WO gunruntoo to Cure; or No Pay. Kid es - i1a4-s2er AU sexual complaint:I effect Mese °ream belie* the kidneys are a great noun of disease. Have you Achille' or wealoteee over tee email of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, maltase of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling In the morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our Now Mottlott Treatment la guaranteed to cum any disease of these 040119 01110 pay. PZeNo Names Used liVithout Written ConscAit:' 0. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Idicti., sayst-I had varicocele 411 tho tecondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I W112 operated en twice, undergoing, great suffering, but °toy got tetnaorery relief. I WA11 finally advised to try tee NOVI' Motflorl Treatment of Drs. .t If. Tito enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my motel energy and Vitilait • reunited so I was a matt in every respect. recommend yott doctors with my whole heart:, I CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Derma Tenement, After 'treatment. We treat and cure Nervous Debility.tost Manhood, Taricocele, Stricture, Syph - ills, Gloat, Weak Parts, Gonorrheca end Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Pree. Books Pree. Write for Queatiou Litt for Home Treatment, Disc. Keimody 84 v rivrma 148 SHELBY STREET, ituf6t1111 DETROIT. MICH. tadA at.,.•••;e. ABOUT B. rl.:ao 1. Its Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures.. 3. Its Economy. lc. a dose. me. 33.30.. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions, Purifies the Blood and removes all the impurities from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore, aad rallierMAEIES DYSPEpSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA., HEARTRuRN, SOUP. STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, , RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. HE k CENTURY OLD: A Standard Remedy Used in ThousaElds of Homea I! Canada. " Luke :gybe, 3, "Men ought always to P1 ay and not to faint." Our 2*02 venly leather is ever :longing. 1.0 ,do groat things for His peoplo,that His power May be seen, that He inaY be glorified, but we'' arc not to be se full of ourselves thee We hinder Him by our planningand striving fled de- • Lesson late -Temperance lesson. (Prioeie.r. 1 2,9-e5). Golden Text 1.,v , etVine is a, meeker, strong drink is raging, and whoso- ever is deceived thereby is not, WISC.', There is no salvation fpom the sin of strong drink or any other sin _except, in Him wile was made sin for us, who bore our serrows and carried our griefs, who for us: was a man of Children Cry for CASThRIA GIMES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera) Cholera Florbus; Cholera Infa tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea.SickzieSS and all Summer COmplaints. Its prompt use Will prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and often save life. - The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. There aro 144 1102d of cattle to every 1,000 acreri in tho 13 jind agminst 1,95 in riollatirl. aluggins is not hanUsomo, and ho kn.OWS it . V/11011 111E; 11 mt 4-a Iv 16 bon) he CV, ked: lloes it look 1110 mo? Of cot rse they replied in the r 01121, 111(4', h*-' Nvith a 811,2*, biok it te wile) geetly. 11