HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-26, Page 4Poorly? "For two years I suffered ter- ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and in one week I was a new man." -John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's 'Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will 'make you, strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, trie,d, and true Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. slim a bottle. Ali &nest& Ask your doctor what he thinks of llyer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all abotitthis grand old family reediene. Fol/ow hie advice and we will be satisfied. .1.0. A.TEIX CO., Lowell, Nassr TEEE EXETER TIMES .. 1Volsons- OHARTRItelleBAReselAMENT, iteee. aid up Capital , easeeeeo .eaeree Final eatle0,0S0 Beard Mee, Moatrear JAMBS, BLUM Bee., „ -- etaxerenee, AUSAGE,14 Money advanced, to good eareeeea ne tarok ever/Dote eviteelm ler mom eadorser at 7 per cent, per ^mune. Exoterlerauch teem semi leaded day from lea. es. to 3 p.m BATITIt1lee,Y$.10 ite re. to I et. ire, urrent .'atea ot letereet ells:mediae deeesite. OICEBOIst* & CAlleaNet, N. ree etISRDON, Sk01747ata NA EU ON THE PRESS TRIP •evezy point. It lead embrasures for OtEARRIVAT, TUES9051 TOWN:Or CAPE HRETON.— TRE VISIT OF TRE CANADIAN PRESS „ASSOCIATION TO TUE DO)IINION IRON AND STEEL Wonies.—A, Tarr TO HISTORIC Lows- nOURG. 11TOONIJOTIT SAIL CR TRE ATAGNIEICENT HAREOR, I148 cannon, and the posse was 80 et' broad. broad. This place was taken and re- takert by F.e.ench. and 33ritish. The capture bv Pepperell io 1745 was not the final conquest; restored. to France by the peace of Aix la Chapelle, Louis- bourg, was again the stronghold of Lroaneciel. The brief truce was soon le , then came the aemie$ of England, arid Wolfe sought and won his first laurels in the new world, The conquest of Canada, achieved, the edict went forth that Lonisbourg should be destroyed. The -walls on which so much time and money had been spent were torn down, and the solid. build- ings built a stone beouglatfrom France were pulled -to piecee taking two yens to complete the destrection. The most enterprising features of the loins are two French cannons, 1.e- cently wormed ram a sunken wreck of a Freech Man-of-war, and are now mounted en modem gun-caxriages. Then there are casements!, tunnels Of solid maeomy, whither In them of lienabardment the weenen and child- ien were sent for safety. and are still Well piesez ved. It is Very easy to eonure up pictures of the tirees when he English ;ships were Lulling their deadly fire into the aevoted town. Anzengst the other zuhis may he .eeen the entrance to an underground pas- sage way which as yet has not teen tboreughly explored. The weak - zees of Lauishourg lay tuadoubtedly in the laud side, from the sea it was pleeticallly impregnable. Of vouree evexy visiter should see the Leeds - how g nrenowent, dedicated vs June 17, let5, arid placed en the exact epet, wliete. ICO years Lame, Gen. Pepper- ell ecceived the keys of the foeteese freen Governor Dueliarnhon, The roenument, which was erected by the ciety of colonial Wars, is a polished granite shaft, biaTgling in a boee which rests en a equate pedeetal 4 ft high. The capital ot the column Is emincunt- c el Ly a polished bell, 2 ft in diameter, ot dark zed granite., It I Care the in- cripticri "To Our liereic Dead" giving eleo the nun.) erel the principal British and Flench feacce that telt nett in the filet eeige, We left this liieteric place with the feelirg Met it W;i5 a great. pity that at an eatlier 41.1ty au trgarrized cart bad Let 1 ten me& to celleet telics et el 11 vs•eave the :Woe (f this cue Retitle d eilece. Our I filll 11 IX SS It cAle with a el c It stop ea Glace Pay, and 'SEW there wet hy the pteminent nen el the tell n. Glace Ilay is lieverquote le 1$ t f the Denarrien Cent Cc Ilineby in Care Bret en ravel is fully ;;s Intel( sting !dace vs Sydney.. The output t f the Imes is 1 etpg ructeascel as feet vs ceeible, ern' is Melly to remain Jack dientends fore,cme time to cone., az el week only suspends at the col- lierie fy NNIivn the law zeqiiiree it once a week. The I corn of Glace Bay has 1 con, arid is, pronounced. The pay ion cf the coal cerapany en a iccent eceasien was $125,ttll for a for (night. The nuirennoth shaft known. as Do - minim' No. 2, one of the• hugest in the world, well shortly he added to the active wotklogs of the diettict event- urilly zequiring perhaps 2,CCO hands, zepteeenting a le pulatien of 4,t3.10 people, 'envie POW there is only a entail village. Rows of dwellieg are going up at Glace Bay. On our return to Sidney at 0,27 p. ne, our train made a xecord of speed at tbe rate of 71 utiles an hour, not- withstanding the terrific rate et speed there Welt' scarcely any jolts and we all t ejoe ed the ride to the full. Our entertainment was completed when the et oath and beauty of Sydney en- tertaint d their one bundrett guests to a moonlight sail on the open Willem en the geily bedecked ,steanser, Paw- nee. Ilhe harbor for miles around be- ing one brilliant glow of electric lights; the sweet etrales from the Helper's blending with the joyous voices of tbe merry crowd floating out upon the ocean and ecliced by other crafts and passed along till the arr from glare to ehoze was one of melody. As we came near the shore the seeeet strains of the brass band could be heaed, and on going up to Rotel Sydney, which •overlooks the bay we had the pleasure of listening to a band concert while we Eat en the open balconies. No e.ecticn of the Dominion of Can. ada pies.ents name objects of interest for the contemplation of the scientist and the historian than the Island of Cape Breton. Here we see remarkable natural features which were gradually evoleed out of chaos. Here we meet with many memorials of European ex- plorers and adventurers; of brave sol- diers and sailors, whose names and fame chave : bet n perpetuated on :its picturesque coast, not only is it rich in coal and iron, but tbe Island has been discovered to be a fine pulp coun- try, and deposits of copper, oze, silver and lead ores, gold, marble, gypsum and reaper minerals and metal have been located by the geobegieal survey, Besides these there is the extensive sea wealth, in its salmon, mackeeel, cedfieh, halibut. and large lobster ex. pm ts.with 74 lobster factories in oper- ation. We found at Sydney, modein churches, good streets, the banks, fin- ished and in course of erection. We found British and American warships at anchor in the harbor, and a very cordial and friendly people. There is also published in Sydney alGaelic newspaper "Mac Talla", possibly 1 be only Gaelicpaper in the ,world. We w eie all delighted with our visit of one day and two nights spent with such pleasant surroundings end hospitable people. LeavingCape Breton Thursday a.m. wenet visited New Glaegow wherewe were met by the Mayor and Town Council and Mr. A. 0. Bell, M. P., the latter welcoming the party in a, short pithy epeecle A number of the party visited the steel woris at Trentonand, others took carriages provided for es and drove around the town. Weleft New Glasgow at 2.30 p. ne and rapid- ly rolled westward. Our next recep- tion being at Truro, Our arrival at Sydney was at night,a distance from N. Sydney of 17 miles by railroad and 5 by water, arel as we en- lexeier, pee, 27tlie "Se. 'k 'Weed into the barber the scene pie- teented was one of extreme brilliancy., - The .centinuous flames butstirg ferth aloe:War leerteeprernPeir, 901fromthe gigantic eneeke etathoe -el the. tee non and steel .woeks ere the inn - enable electric lights„ enliaoced by the re conlight, gave glardeur to the s.ur- reunclings. Sydeiey, a tteurishirg city of about 12.ettet inhahitents varlet: tut two years ago was a .eleepy town of about, 3,0.0 sGuls, Lns now at the le- . giunizeg of the twentieth •ceuteety. ud- denly developed into a city, with eeer- :mou.s yeesibilities befote it as a centre : el industrial .activity. • The teem is thee to the fi;et that the Dominic:Tr iron .end steel cemparey have cliceen this ptece as the eceoe of its • R neer, 1V01 teperatzeree On Wedneeday, Aug 21 at 9 a. ne., we were .seeeezted in .catriages frent the Sydney Bone, inawe:my NOTES AND COMMENTS, ;• with the re:stencil and Eceriel .f.1 Trade, • el Sydney. met eriven to the eppeeite Canada's Position as a PrIze•wirx eitle the tewn lebezt• re heated dile e. • ..... • • MONDAY . 2 13. 1 3 10 17 21 WEONESRAT— 4 11 18 25 THCRSBA.Y.... 5 12 10 20 FRIDAY.. 13 20 27 SeanlettAT....... 7 14 21 28 AY. PTEI'd in ate live steel; elet-ses V' I7 peseo 14, oe ttevtu Arnetican is improving day Ly ;lay, the east law: attE 0,c,i1 eee the and is nOtv Phenomenal- In tattle capita:kg a Ontario than Syeleey on alcne Cameele, with ateut thirty„live the blend el Cane Ereten. per tent. el the entries, bas ot fq tv TO glVe CAM I eadtriz a sheet tercep- per vent el the rIIZES, a ea ; 431i Ilie .11(.111.440II 11(11 4 Steel Vele heirg ft et -prizes. ',eyelike we es id give facts as le ceeirated is St. 4t to us. Tins ecru:pony WitS .orgaviud in Any I:reeling et eat: as re, tt 0 elteet.: 1i10 with, a ceptIel cf e25,te tet ; the ability fzhe evil el huge ee (tie us le vp the I ni:'diug r•BS Leg= i the grewth cf sugar beet is diepellete owl.: toe ennee „Year. The hniehed by a revert reetle this irernirg iry Ile eructs ere peg awn. steel leLete mot Peel. k•laatieworth. villa is cerebecto 141'elltd ttte2- unese .44 the lee. Lee s ere,e !seem te teeettgeelet tee fircet quelity erel en unlimited Provirene an 1 thall cf the Govern-: flut'34,11Y,".e. tItrulat flUM the t( Ill• eeere. 1iesayeet1 at the Lig yield f, t.I rch Isl.:11,1,-NEwf‘^11P41- buzga" It'll's is OM'Otth idt end ;bat e.; (ilrehull.:e ether chief ireuediente, quality 44 the leets 1414 cod, el -Tears to cc vial ythe reeetera. /er enelting ate he certederably al eve tre ardea et. 1.'11k1 oil C40 14 C The wallas There IWO E'r three we che (""" 44(1, t. 4uLd el 4.t.0 acme meffee, tee, ee tee ee-ee ezel ewer le, WV I"Vt It" 4 Ell It Et ti 5(t the 1 uild- 'fir.g$ ;;;74W teeth:re: :JR ( plf.a7(11, 0Z('pulled tip. -Thew nrgbty bat franeces 't.-4t4ittli .04 e water side, teu lifty Oree the tcpics 4F,54,1;1-44.111 in the 3;9'Z4i1I r0 f%4n45, a!*211( ecurft.z fr.st ni,1.7 is the melibeote n 1vatL ierriWt cc:r 494,tey1eo- .5f.ceI..e'I,7:ee4F,eo NeL, cat og,s ,yt .13; duet e a Le e vt 1 eite anuedell if harvest in the ttli Weet ('f V.14° t belt sez. eceple to el et Wer7trg whet i'.14 1'4 '`'`'Ir Z32:411 g4:4. pz:se 1 C ra:41 fcr a. erd ;ie. ettt Lee I Ieede 'ea ert1 v sleet is ticn eel ether ep eel emcee vett„co •44:,41 hy the nallway, eti up to ( .. &mar Leehee leelterv re lt tx. etre:toe the t °era angle; the grain merchants reveals ' 3,1;'” W;111 SY4ri "rd that thee,' do not „leek for emir an ad - warm' a: at melee. They say that the , The. bleet fun taus; me ;el feet MO. skeet:tr. iE alTcre is pretty fair, eighteen it et in diameter at the wideet and that the cup in the United pat', eeel tele lye le et at the Leartb States is net Fe bed as it was at firet neer 1, tttm. Ow xeduetie n 44 represe nu. el to le. Freart r either tee the reatte r eubjected to a vy ccuraty is there exnected emir a ele- high tt n es:Attie when the hen teelts 'nand that it will enhance the price IA fie m the cie, and whetever weste mat- Cat/maim wheat, eteo prices hare :leet . ter teniaies ceeullines with the lime - been Putt for this evaeen's wheat, fer at 1 IA4. ft4zu .bg. In older to pto- the TK3Foll, that few deliveries have Lime the le ra le qua o el for tl:e ethic - yet been made, Grain in n will rot ,;.tien el the ere, 1 la wing engines el vehture any prophecy t. abat the ;' evaer Fens rower beeteelet lido price, well be, heyend that it °Ie+rti.eitien. 'The air is.; forc. ed at the wilt u t Le anything like one dollar. Letter:I Oa ()ugh tueetee or elicit iron noes. Ihe taant a Seirey has live hiowing ergines See'lefl leelee newer each. 'They ate the hageet engines ever ledit in tl.e Emil e!zlis leorth American Lae 'nem ar.ce to. ()e'er 4,111,:t1t.c. tars and their cone- ys. Felber Brophy, in wla eli ineurarce ' bine e' z. t wed the exet title men V31 over Cantata are deeply in. (4 1 (•:: "XLit! tYlin- tereetea. Father Brephv, a Catholic ekes are in diameter with priest, or the Belleville disteict, bad Some money to invest, and by ar- rangement with Alex. Crerner, an in- surance agent of Parkdale, teed it in life in a number of Companies. Crone. ;left Citntee Fele veheet. Tt.eir are paying policies of SISO,tittO Crerner's and a 3S I tLiet El to a. tempeeatuze of err r young man, and eitto quite eixt fen 1 ail orits ct two lefilere, each toon :et Er the inearrance was tanen of 10,(e 44 tee:13 htree tamer. Ile water out. leather Brophy claimed the in- Rumps in tlie e capable of pumping surance, but Cromarss wife sought to • Mx million galleon; of water per day. peevent hien from getting it, on the There are two reethceis of heating the ground that he should only be paid metal. It niay he cast in a pig casting what he put in, with interest, elle inachiee r ets.e rein into hot metal being the natural inheritor of Leri cars and flees ccinveyed to the open husbands insurance. One branch of !hearth furnaces , ;where after being the case was settled, and companies placed in a "mixer," it gees into the bolding about $70,000 paid up to ellEn Leerth flitnate- Esther Brophy. Tbe North Ameri- There will 1 e ten euch furnaces of can Life,. with 36,000 to pay, and the ;fifty tons coley:nee each. Unceasingly, Royal Victoria, with a like sum, de- 'night and day, .rd every day and every night these blast furnaces will continue to melt and run off the iron are fox- the markets of the world. The Sunday week involved may be safely classed as "work of neceesity." It would never do to allow these fur- naces to coal off and the fire to go oat. The other two branches of the com- pany's business, via, emelturg pig Iran and snaking steel, are carried on at Ferrona and Trenton, Pictou coun- ty, N. S. The blast furnace is at Per- rone, and with the iron are from Wabana and froze the company's othermine in Nova Scotia, the flute - lack of school accommodations, are stone from Proton county and the coke woeking so well that maty • educators frora Sydney Mine% the pig iron is have suggested their continuance as a produced. Some f this is ,sold as fixture of school policy: Among those foundry pig iron throughout the Do - taking this position is H. 0, R. Siefert minion, but the laegest portion is used Superintendent of Schools in Milwau- for the maenfacture of steel at Wen- kee, and be is supported in the idea, by ton. Nothing seen by our party was F. M. Schula the Health Conimismon- more impressive. The vast extent of er of the city. The plan is in accord the works, the massiveness of the with physiological and pedagogical machinery, the ingenious appliances prinelplee, Mr. Schulz thieks. "I am far accomplishing the results sought firmly of the opinion," he said, ."that to be achieved, the streams of liquid, small children cannot absotb know- fiery metal, the massive coke ovens, ledge for more than two or three and the way things that are not direct - hours a day. Their. little brains are ly related. to the /nein object are not capable of it, I belleye it would utilized, were a revelation to all w ho be a good plan to have a graded scale saw these 'net" works for the first of school hours, ranging from about time. two for the little children to six or After we had spent $ pleasant eime eight for these in: the highest grades. at these works, -we drove to the hotel, The eeeseeeing of the health of tbe had lunch, then again started by spec - children is more important than the ial train for Louishourg, a distance of development of their braies. A 42 miles or; the Sydney and Louishourg healthy child can learn •enuele better railway. l'he fortifications on the than e siekly one. Children who are eouthern .side are reached at a dis- over-worked when young fall behind tance of 4 miles either by land or by their torollunor's when they are older. water. 'We were taken aceoss the It is impracticable to cultivate the bay on the steamee- E, eh. Cates, and mind at the expense of the body. enjoyed a sail over "the waters of this There is no expectation, however, of noble lisiebor, where we were landed an early adoption of the plan in Mil- at Olcllown, and were in view now of wanlee,k Short hours for young the ced Freiech fortifica,tions. children bring better results the Louis- bourg was at one time 7 egar ded the superintendent nye ebut I do not be- key, not only to Canada, but virtually liee-e it 7is oractical;)e from • ei social to North Aanerica. Once it was a city poise, of -View. The parents want with. wells of eronewhich :made a cir their children kept in school, so they cuitof 2S mile% were feet high" and will lite kept off the streets:, 'They be- a thickeess of 40 feet at he base, It lieve leis the province of the teacher was caned the Denkirk of40 Areerioe. teke care of the children rather Gal view eel by veterans of Preece, thee to teiteli there." ith pope f ul beanies :cononanding le el e The ce int of appeal this leornitig geeve eudgneent m the enee f the eft inches of detective aim and each engine will let w cubic feet of air rt.l. TiliLlae. The pressure of the blast is 15 pounds to the Equare itzch, cicied fight, and this morning tbe Court of Appeal ordered that the policies he cancelled, on the compan- ies returning to Brophy the m preiums paid by him. This decision is in con- formity with the law that fax bids one man item insuring the life of another, and thus having an interest in his death, IF If 14 An American exchange notes that half-day classes in the lower grades of the public schools of the United States made necessery in many cities: by the WARTS, VERSUS MOLES. /lee either a mailt of beauty? This would be a suggestive topic for debat- ing societies. For the iefointation of tech, let it be known that Put nam's „Painless Cm n EX I rad or ierre, v e.e pairecesly tS in a vei y Ebort Druggists who sell the beet alwaye Futile Painless Coen Extractor. Dr. Beldon lies disposed of his d t a practice ir Seaforth to Dr. Ti' eetee of Beussele. Zurich Fair. The annual fall fair of the Hay brooch Agricultural Society, was held in Zenith on Wednesday and Thum - day last, The weather was favorable for the occasion, and the financial suc- cos of the fair was equal to former years, the gate receipts amounting to erJuDons.--Poultryand implements, ;• Tacob Saruras, Zurich; Geo Broevv, ° Bensale GRAIN AND SEEDS, White fall wheat, Jno McBride, E Gies, Nathan Peck ; red fall wheat, Geo Clausiae, E Giess Tas Ila an ; speieg wheat, any variety, J. K Wise, Snider Bros; 0 -rowed barley, Geo upwards ot $e60. There was a spiel's- Mosta% E Glee, Geo Sehoellig; did how of evezything except roots rowed barley. Jacob Rowles; black ' and fruit. The horse ring contained oats, Alex. McEwen ; white (Ate. Sam Wise, Jacob Brown, David Schnell ; large peas, J K Wise, Alex IticEwen ; small Peas, D Sebnell, Alex AlcEwen ; timothy seed, Wm Blackwill, some specially fine animals In all class- es, while the exhibits of cattle, sheep and hogs were cely fairly good, num- erically. On the whole the Directors are to be congratalated upon the suc- cess of the fair. Following is the list of prize whi- rlers :— RORSES. Duteco na..-131 cod row e, Wes, Bar- vey, Won Bhtckwilt; real, Wes Har- vey, Wen B1ac1wi11 ; two year old, A. Lora E. Gies ; span, Ales. Sinelair, Jas. Patterson, Jas. Glesu. ORICE-LTIMAL. — Bread nine, E. Glee, Nathan Peck, By. Kreger; foal, E. Wee, By. Kroger, Abe. Geeiger ; Iwo year old, Wm. "Love ; onT, year old, Jno. Becher, Weodal Smith. Jno. Becker ; span, Jno. Becher.. E. Gies, Leeds Bestimeyer. 0 ENVEAL Po/mom—Breed max ee. Ab. Geiger. Jas. Patterson. Jure. Geiger; foal. Wendel Smith, Jas Patterson, Wendel Smith • two year old, Ross Johnsten, 3. 11, Schr.efl, leo Gerger ; ene year old, Btos, Wen. dal Smith, C'aeper Wolper; span, Jacob Bader. Jrnor.„—Win Monteith, Ceborne. Ce.ratteor..—Beeed mare, Dan Spell - r, Witzel ; feat, Win Witzeb Dau Spencer ; two yvar old, W L Ne Laun, Ab Geiger, S Bennie; ane Year old, Wm Wit zel, Louis Ve alper ; span. Casper Wolper; buggy horse, B F E Kale, Jno, Preeter. Beeensurt. — Breed male, Wm Witzeb Jno Geiger; real. Wm Wit. 511, LORIN Wolper ; two year old, Inc (ieiger, Geo Coleman ; epee,R (ira- bane EIliatt Bres. Joe Becher; buggy Leese, Chris. Either, Nathan Peck, Geo Sehcellig. Judge.— M in HiXOTI, Exeter. At the cle.ee el the hoz Se $110W theze was a eeeedente contest, styled as a . or late rose potatees, Geo. HORTICULTURE Collection of apples, Snowden Bros; fall apples, Spider Bros, Abe Geiger; winter apples, Hy. Kraft, Johu Deck- er ; king Tompkins, Hy Bowler, Hy Kraft; SEOW apples, °seer Ko'eliler, Teo Decker ; northern epies, Hy Road: er, Abe Geiger; haldvern, By Reader R. I. Greenmers, By Roeder, Chris Os- wald spitzenbmg, .Alex AleEwen ; canada red, Kraft, Chris Oswald ribson pippin, By Baader Chris Os- wald ; goldeo Russett, Hy Kraft, Jno Decker; ben davie, °mate Koehler, Abe Geiger; 'evagners, Snider Bros.; mann, Hy Kraft, Hy Roeder.; maiden's blush, Jiro Decker; Written)), pippip, 3 Smith, Hy Baader; pewauleee, E Gies ; colverta Hy Kraft, Jno Decker; glori wallah Abe Geiger, By Reader; russett, fly Boader..lno Decker; fali ars. (ea) Abe Geiger ; winter pewee 01) W B Battleze; pease, fell and winter, (col) R R Muleteer* ; bartlet pears, Alex IticEwcre, R R Johneten flemisle beauty, Jacob Brown, M V White ; clapp's favorite, J K Wise* Jacob Brown; peaches, Wendel smith, (leo Sehroader ; prunes, P Hartman, R R Johnston“ crab ap- ples, red, Samuel RRIllaie, H. Bender ; grapes, Jos eVeseloh, -Woo Stelcic ; collection of grapes, Clu is Oswald, W B Battler; collection el plums, JlteOb BIOWP, Ai V White; collection of canoed Ault, R Jobeeten, Jno,Deche ; er, Sanel Rennie. Jonoits.--Horticultute awl garden h , vegetables, D. French, Clinton ; F. Bees Zuric. 'GARDEN VEGETABLES. Tatruel'e Trot. This was won by Jno ar Schroeder, Ily Iloader, Abel Geiger; white or red elephant potatoes. Gen Schroeder. Cyt us Coloskey, 13 Battler ; Colored° red potatoes, 0e0. Schrvader, P Hartman • Michigan blue potatoes, Geo Schreader,Snowelen MOS, ; any variety potainee, A Iseeter, Hy Reader, Abe Geiger; white joint rotatoee Geo Schreader, W B Batt - es., Wu; 131a4twill ; Ernphe potatee ei; Geo. Schroeder, Geo, Schoellig, W B Battler , Carman ootateee, B Batt- ler, 1Vra Blat kwill; mail white beans, W B Battler, Geo. Clauslas ; beans, any variety, Clirle. Oswald, Jim). Decker,. yellow corn, Chris. Oswald, Fred Willert ; sweet. corn, Snider Lime., Dan Sartiras ; zed onions, Cas- per Rcerig, P Bender ; yellow onions, Witwer, Snowden Bros.), ; Dutch setts, Casper Roerig, F Witmer ; white field =tots, Casper Wainer, Wendel Smith ; red field carrote, Ow. Schroe- der. jrio Becker; red garden carrots, P Hartman, RR Johnston; Swedish turnips, Jno Decker, P Hartman ; yel- low globe mangolds, P. Hartman, "Jas Hagan. sr., ; long ,red roangolds, Fred Winne, A. Foster ; long yellow men - golds, Fred Willett, Hy Kraft; Ox- ford cabboge, Geo Schroeder ; flat Dutch cabbage, Geo Schroeder ; black spanish radishes, Jacob .Haberer ; pumpkins any variety, By Bonder; celery, Thos Johnson, R 13 Jobneton ; blood beets, R tit Johnston, Herman Well ; rooted beets, W B Battler, P Hartman •, watermelons, A Foster, Cyrus Coloskey ; muskmelons, Abe Geiger, A Foster ; red tomatoes, Geo Schoellig, Snowden Bros. - yellow to- matoea, Snowden Bros., SV B Battler. SPECIALS.—COM Stalk, W B Batt- ler ; col potatoes, Geo Schroeder ; wbite field turnips, P Hartman ; sugar beet, P Hartman, A Foster ; citron, By Roeder, Chris Oswald; cucumber. Data Schnell. IMPLEMENTS. Double iron, harrows, Jno Deichert, Jno Weseloh ; lumber wagon, By Guenther, Jacob Deichert ; carriage, F Hess ; open buggy, F Hess, H Guen- ther • covered buggy, Hess lima 2; Pordand cutter, F Hess 1 and 2 ; square • box cutter, H Guenther; mikado, H Guenther, Ileede I -Glee, an easy fitet. W. Witzel et ceed. Eat. Elliott's third. CA41 TLE. Llynna-Milch cow, Jacob Reader 3st, tleal and id ; 2 year old heifer, Jacob Reeder, let and 2n4; Yearling heifer, Jacob Wader, H. Roeder, Sinteu Miller ; boll calf. Ily Kraft • heifer calf, Jaceb Reader, 11 Itcoder, Ily Kraft. themin THAN THORO'ICREO DURHAM- -MHOS VOW, Jacob Reader, 3 Surma% By ; heifer calf, P Bea- man, 11 Roeder, Jacob Habeeert vette old heifer, Med Wiliert, Jno Pfaff, 2n4 and 31e1 ; yearling heifer, Feed Willeet, 8 Serums, F, ; 2 year old steer, Jim Pfaff II. Kalb - &lea. 2n4 and thel ; fat cow, Hy Bonder; yearling steer, Jno Pfaff, Ily Bender, 11 Kalbfleieth ; Jersey cow, IF 'Whiter; fat steer, Jacob Roed- er, Hy Roeder, 2n4 LORI :rd ; heifer calf, 11 Roeder ; pair steers, Jno Pfaff. evriovs.—Ino Sheppherd, Heneall ; Ricb. P4,i1bae, Bayfield, SHEEP. Loxo Woon.—Aged I are, SROWeel) Bros. ; vearling ram, Geo Penbele, .E Gies ; breeding ewes, Geo PenhaIe, E Gies ; yearling ewes, Geo Penbale, E Gies ; ewe lanais, E Gies'Geo Pen - hale ; ram lamb, Geo Penhele, E Gies. FINE WOOL.— Yearling ram, A Dunkin, let and 2n4; ram lamb, A Dunkin. 1st and 2nel •, yearling ewes, A Dunkin lst and 2nd; fat sheep, Geo Penhale, E Gies ; breeding ewes, A Dunkin let and 2n4; ewe lambs, A Dunkin, let ann 2nd. HOGS. 131;niesinnee—AgEd SOW, Snowden Bros., lst and 2nd. T.emwonzn,—Snowden Bios ; spring boar, Conrad Fuss ; spiing sow, Con- rad Fuss, 1st anti 2nd ; 1 -year-old boar, Conrad Fuss; 1 -year-old row, Snnev- den Bros. CHESTER, WRITE. — Aged boar, Alonzo Fostes ; aged sow, Snowden Bros ; 1 -year-old sow, Snowden Bros. Juum.rs.—Sheep and bogs, David McLaren, Kippen ; Jas. Petty, Hen - sail. POULTRY. Hambinge, Alis Colin Campbell; plymouth rocks, G W Irwin, Mrs Campbell; Wvandottes, ells Camp- bell, Snowden Bros; silver crested polamis, 11 Roeder, G W Irwin; dark brahmas, 0 W Irwin 1st and 2m3; dorkins, G W Irwin, 1st and 2nd • black =names, Mrs Campbell, G Irwin ; red caps, Geo Clausias, Wen- del Smith ; white leghorns, G W Ir- win, 1st and 2nd; brown leghorn, Geo Cleusias. WendelSmith; buff cochin hens, G W Irwin, Jno Prang; ban- tams, Mrs Campbell, A Dunkin ; Pekin china ducks, G W Irwin, Geo Clausias ; rouen ducks, Snowen Bros, Geo °tansies ; Ducks, any breed, G W Irwin, Snowden Bros; geese, Wm Boader ; turkeys, Snowden Bros, I Geiger, Snowden Bros. ; honey in comb, Geo Clausias, Jacob Haberer ; G W Irwin ; guinea fowls, Jno Prang; home-made bread, Geo Mums, R R toulouse geese, Snowden Bros, Geo Clausias. Johnston ; baker's bread,. 0 Either • home-niade buns, W F Caldwile R 13 johnston • extracted . hoiley, Geo , ()tansies, Wended Sntith ; maple syrup, Wm Blackwill, Den Sarunan, JUDOES.—R J Drysdale, Drysdale ; E Rennie, Hensel). . LADIES' WORK. Crochet quilt, Jno Decker, Juo Geiger ; crewel work, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Geo Nott ; tufted quilt, W B Battler, Sam Wise ; knitted 'quilts Geo Nott, Thos Johnson ; Berlin wool wreath, Simon Miller, Thos Johnson ; Log Cabin quilt, GeoNott,Jeo Dectter; patch quilt, J K Wise, Sam Wise e quilt sewed on ground work, J no Decker, Geo Nott ; outline quilt, P Haetnaan ; horne-ree.cle coverlet, J Wise, P Barone') ; horneonade Sarn Wise, J 11 Weimer epainting on velvet, 0 Prez, Mrs, Campbell ; Berth. wool worlo• .eles. Campbell,' Thus johnetori ; Berlin wool pillow cushions, Mrs. Campbell, las Cochrane; crochet work, Mrs. CarepheleGeo Nott ; alum baeket, J' J Smith eirs. ; heir wreath, • Jno 'Decker ;. feather wroth, Thos Johnson; beading on cotton, Geo Notts. leers, Campbell ; catelboarcl work, Geo Note, Tina J ohn- sue ; stem cushi oa,AD2,2, OampteJ1,8041. Wise ; etiolate work, Geo Nott, Mrs. Careptieli ; lioniton lace, M V White. Ley Jeweler ; keitted lace c4.P.th t.iPo ill Veil in wore, Ve Steel ie le le eteeeston ; straw tiesket„ It le .1 hestoe, Aires deetteleolli L Wore, Airs. L cushion toilet, MANUFACTURE. Horseshoes, finished from hammer, Jacob Deichert, .1no Weseloh • horse- shoes finished from file, Jno Veichert, Jacob Deichert ; buggy harness, B A Higgins; collection shoes, P Bender, Fritz ; collection leather, F Witwer ; colleotion tile, Sern'l Rennie : finished flax, 0 Cook, Rickbeil & Heideman; borne -made wool blankets, Geo Nott, Sam Wise: DAIRY PRODUCE. 50 pounds butter, Snowden Bros., Abe Geiger, Geo Clausias ; 5 pounds butter, J K Wise, Samil Rennie, R R Johnson ; home-made cheese Jno Fu1 SALE B SHOES of FASMON When you want the highest shoe style—the meet beautiful Anish cOtUe lined with correct fits lightness and wear; Shoos that are fashion• ably correct— no matter what shape or style -- You can get them In the "Sovereign" shoe. "Sovereign"shoes re,- present the highest and best in shoe making. Flexible, light, stiong and handsome. Laced or buttoned shoes boo, beet ated. $4.00. Low shoes or (1,4for4s $20%), $3.5o and $3.no per pair. ). Branded on the soles ; "Sovereign Shoe" EET, EXETER. atiVINV few -- ,M The Mpg of lanetti `413eio 4 9 A Range 7:11e with a G'oorl foren,v Record ff= That's what you get whezz you buy a Ray Thought. The Rappy Thought Range was one of the Arst Ranges manufactured in Canada, More Rappy Thought Ranges are manufactured and sold each year than all other Canadian makes combined -1.50,000 being now in use. Vaen.buying buy Canada's Favorite, "The Bay Thought,” not an experiment. : : anutactura by The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Br otford 'Mite the erautifeeturera for eilustratest catalogue. movmmmawAW (AD 13 W. J. REAMAN, EXETER Geo Katt, Mrs. Campbell ; lamp mat, 3 13Wiee ; ernes work Ms. Campbell; head Newt:* M V Wfrite, Geo Nott; shell ea ork, Geo Nott, Jas Cochrane; chemise, M V White, 13 13 Johnston ; darned work, M V White, Geo Nottil gent's dress shirt, By ICraft,11,13 John- ston ; tatting, Mrs. Campbell, Thos Johnson ; embroidery in silk, 0 Frita Mrs. Campbell i • emluoidery . muslin, Geo Nott, VWhite ; woollen stock- ings, 3 K Wise, Geo Nott; cotton stockings Sam Wise'Herman Well; knitted nets in wool. Sam.Wise, Wm Stelek ; knitted socks in wool, Sam Wise, Sane' Bennie; paper basket, Sam Wise, .1 J Smith• arasene work, Mrs. Campbell, M V'Whitte • crazy work, Geo Nott, Mrs. Campbll ; silk patchw ork, Thos Johnson, Sam Wise; outline apron, Airs. Campbell, Jas Cochrane ; batten wreath, lima Reader ; crochet petticoat, Thos John - SOD, Wm Stelck ; crazy cloylie, 3 J Smith, Thos Johnston ,• chair tidy, Mrs. Campbell, M V White ; rag car- pet, Sant Wise. SrEmAre—Draw pillow shams, J F Rickbeil ; outline pillow shams, 3 H Schnell ; eofa, pillow, By Roeder ; drawn work, Heiman Well ; pin cush- ion, P Bender. • FLOWERS AND PLANTS. Collection of flowers, R R Johnston; maple leaf, R R Johnston ; boquet of cut flowers, Thos Johnston, R John- ston; collection of geraniums, Thos :Ilkeston, Jas Cochrane ; 'collection of cacti, Thos Johnson. Jas Cochrane; collection of calla lilies, R R Johnston; collection of pansies, By Roeder, Thos Johnson ; collection Fuschias. R R Johnston. JonoBs.—Ladiete wprk arid flowers, Aire. W Fritz, Crediton; Mrs. John Johnstoe, Beneath • FINE ARTS. Oil painting (portrait), M 17 White, Mrs. Catembell ; oil paiiiting (land- scape), M V White, Mrs. Campbell; water color, (landscape), Jas Cochrane, Twee Papers -30c. We are going to offer two papers for the balance of this year for 30 ceets. One of these is Tem Tneos,you letow the value of that. The other is the Weekly Sue, ackeowludged to be the best, farm, borne and market paper in Canada. Tell yoor 'friends of this Lifer. If they waut to see a sample of rear paper eefore 'subscribing ask them, to drop te, a (elect giving their name aid add] t.sh a [Id e will seed one ; if they i4ant A Sr, mills copy of The Sun a card addreesed to Weekly Sue, Toron- to, askiog for (sae will seeure what is asked for. Get Your friends to sub- scribe now, ee•-. the Fr;Oner they come in the more paeeett they will get for the re ors ey. Send reit ittan ce to TREs TIMES office, rf yOu 1 a l',A) 3..D.te.-Liver Pill to -night, before e.,t;rit4.4- 14, will -0wcr-t; wklic yen sleep without, a ,1A1 hil1ou4ne5s, sonstipation, e".eeeeset +era sit keee ewe:0, and maul, yom e Leer in 0 t -ler:dee of !le PlrOV Dtptoms le fry-lirladt'lca 1.;a40108, etc. 11,4 .; are 0, ante .01re for all liEW.STEA Pump Charlton ez Reddy ould Worm the public that they have opened a, steam pump factory in the premises. north of Town Hull, Exeter, and are prepared to supply all kinds of pumps and fittings, alsoplumbing water tanks and troughs, or anythireg in the line of woodwork at close prices. Repair- ing of any description carefully and. done. CALL. AND SE8 Charlton & Keddry. Mrs. Campbell; Crayon ‘vork, (por- trait), Jas Cochrane ; oil or water col or, flowers, Airs, Campbell, M V White; pencil drawing, Jas. Cochraue„ Airs. Campbell; pen and ink eketthes, Mrs. Campbell, Jes Cethrane ; painting on felt, M 'V' White, Jas. Cochrane; peint- ing on silk, Jas. Cochrane, Mrs. Camp- bell; painting on plaster parie, Thos. Johnson, R R Jr brae on. Judges—Geo. Tz ott, Hemel]; F W Hess, Zurich. , • •eSTOP TBIEF 1 1 e ---...... . 'Would be a justifiable crY directed • against the countless humbugs that offer a cure for catarrh. There. is only ; one scientific method of treatment for Catarrh. Blake the air you breathe the carrier of healing, balsamic, cura- tive agents, It hathes every inch of' mucous membraires with its healing.' soothing properties. That's Catarrh- ozooe.. Your druggiet or doctor will tell you it's the only effective enethod of treatment acd that it is Vine— prompt -permanent. Remember the. and name All dealers, 25c.• • Backache, sideacho, s-n-c]ling of thefcet and'. ankles, puffing under eyes, !recycle/A thirst. scanty, cloudy,. thick, .111fridy colored urine,. fre.quent urination, burning sensation -when.. unnating, Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from biliou ness, constipation. Ayer's, Pills act directly on tlie liver.. For 60 years they have been. file. Standard Family Pill.. Small doses cure,— .125(5 E:-= Want yilqtr 131•41stac4ie or hea,rda beautiful :khrowit et nick Meek 7, Then tuas •f UGKINGHAM'S DY. or the Whiskers 072. 001004,caurr. • 41 PAM 0.0., NAIS140,4 H." "t'titetielatelIMIIIIIIIMeleiasseteieeetteeseeeetiese 08