HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-19, Page 6IIIIE
SECURITY. Rev. Dr. Talmage Says You Will Be
cep uric More Than Conqueror.
Little Liver Pits.
Beer Sianatueo of
See P c-Sizile Wrapper li_scss.
Peal steal fete as oe•^p
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FOR ilE;:. A.011E.
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*3 •cr l r• Vegetable. e.— e tie
A despatch from Washington says:
--itev. Dz•. Talmage preached from
the following text: Nehemiah viii, 15,
"Go forth tutu tine mount and fetch
olive branches and pine brunches and
n:,rrtle branches of thiel: trees t7
make ho,aths."
It Seezus as if Mount Olivet were
tltlmooreal. The people have gone
into the mountain and have cut off
;tree branches and put then on their
shoulders, and they conte forth now
into the streets of Jerusalem and
ou the house tops, and they twist
:these tree ba t::ches into arbors or tree grew 80 feet in height some- is able ' to subdue all things unto
booths. Then the people conte funk: times, and it spread leaves four and Himself (Phil. iii, 21). In this
front their comfortable hoanes and from the root to the top of the Niger lesson, as in all. lessons "oft sin, we
dwell for seven days in those booths est leaf there was usefulness. The may see not only the sinner, but the
or arbors. Why do they tea that? five feet long. It meant usefulness. sinner's substitute, Him who,
\\'e11, it is a great festal time. It is and it meant victory -- usefulness , though he knew no sin, yet was
the feast of tabernacles, anti these for what it produced and victory he- made sin for us (II. (or. v, 2.).
}capes: are going to celebrate tete cause it was brought into celtebra- We know that the drunkards and The change now being made in the
dese•f t travel 'f their fathers and tions of triumph. And oh, how iuieh also some other sinners are Rept to King's title so that it may eonhpre-
,i ,
tz t n
Lear deliverance from their we want the rim branches 3n the have quite n fall share of the sig: head the tcitole of the British Fan -
Wes, btes, the experience of their fathers;
ated L' 1 as before
t Inas of suffering. h here enumerated. tee and not Ix eltly
.s f c ha a ,.n
churches o Jesus Christ at 1112 g
u � £ e kl I
the desert. when. • v ali•1• . •
a t. in•-,
lived ihitrtlo las on their way to de time 1 A great many Christians do .and no own can deliver but Ile who (,root Britain and 11t.land and India,
b t times :not, amount to anything.
you have: was a man of soa•iow and acquainted marks .an 20terestiatg stage in the,
land of Canaan. Anti s0 .Ile.v to shove them ola the track to let with grief. who so patiently endurect'slow and gradual development of the
booths also bet::une� highly Fall, testiSe the Lord's chariots conte along', the contentious and babbling% of Royal addreee which has taker:, place
—I will not sae they are necessarily Usefulness is typified by the palm His enemies,. tt-ito wu:t wonntled for since the time of Edward the Elder.
typical, but highly suggestive—of our tree. Alt, we do not want in the our transgressions. oral who after"son and successor of Alfred 'the
212u4. R tow,tid ile:avers and of tete fact church any more people that are IIis weeping in Gethsemane must l,xest, who was the first, Sovereign
that we ;are only Iiviug temporarily merely wcepiag willows, sighing into also hove had redness of eyes. See of this realm to call himself King of
here, as it were. in booths or arbors, tete water, standing and admiring • Him, 0 sinner, as the mat; who loves' the Ergiish, and whose present day
.'o our war to the yours:ul of eternal V their 1 lashes the glassy you as you were never loved ire even suceesso • and 1 •ames:tt•e is to be de -
SEPT. 22.
Text of the Lesson, Prov. xxili,
29-35. Golden. Text, Prov.
zee, 1.
-was not sick ; they have beaten me,
1 felt it not. When shall I awake ?
I will seek it yet again." Just as
before the deluge, so now. The im-
agination of the thoughts of the
heart of man is only evil con-
tinually (Gen. vi, 5). They regard
not the work of the Lord, neither
consider the operation of Ilis hands
(Ica. v, 12). They become dead or
indifferent to all the Lord's plead-
ings, and their one thought is how
29. "Who hath woe? Who ]cath to gratify their desires. A father
has been known to become so iphu-
take his children's cloth-
a -
n: n as to t eats ci< h
1 1t
in ' with which to obtain that which
his cravings desired. A mother may
forget, nature may Tail. Man left to
himself is only a beast (Ps. xlix, 12)
and often worse • than :mately : his
ter selection for such a lesson than ' great -thought is himself and how to
the story of the new earth which gratify himself. %%hen Christ takes
they suggested as a temperance top- possession of a heart,.. ITe who ole
ie last quarter. The only care for earth pleased not Iliuls.elf (Rota- xv,
intemperance. which is st lf-indul- 3) will live again in that soul IIis,
genre, is to be £word in self-control own life, making the person more
which- can be .accomplished in us and more like Himself until they
only by the Lord Jesus Christ. who awake 121 His likeness (1I• Cor.
18 ; Ps. xvii., 15).
sorrow ? Who hath contentions
ation of these pine branches of the sorrow
hath babbling ? Who troth
gospel arbor he will find it buoyant, wounds without cause'? Who hath
exuberant, undying, immortal health. redness of eyes '? " The committee
But ztay text takes a step further, have again asked us to meditate up -
and it rays, Co into the mountain on this familiar portion as a temper -
and fetch olive branches and pine once lesson, which is certainly a bet -
branches and palm branches. Now,
the paint tree was very much honor-
eel by the ancients. It had 360 dif-
ferent uses. The fruit was conserved
the sap was a beverage, the stems
were ground up for food 'fer camels.
The base of the leaves was turned
into hats and mats and maskets, and
A Very Curious and Unique Col-
rest. And whit waS Said to the ; lelx Uilg 'tj 1eS 3211 to , a,... y + • , - I Al t. ... . .
No wild cherry, dropping father or mother or alt hest on earth scribed in the sonorous and swelling
Jetcc literally may he said Ilgula-"7"14 fruit. 3\'e want palm treats, greatas lllcir love may have been, phrase: : •'1. dwslyd VII., b;: the grads
lively ay to all this audience. (.0 forth .
unto the mountain and fetch olive ,wing f:ollletlaitlg for (.,
od, soma- for IIe suffered before God for yourof -God. of the 1:llitctl Kingdom of
Yaranehi, :tell pine branches and i thing for angels, something for Damn, sins and Otte, ; yota fu11 tittlyatlon , Great 13rit:tin and Ireland, and of all
myrtle laraalCl:tls cruel palm 1>raaat 2212(1 out tired, and sick of this flat, ' from, the cansevptencee of your sins . the Iiritish :Dominions beyond the
a1:d Yelxtnrhe; of thiel: trees to snake i tante. insipid. satin sllppeletl, wane and deliverance front the power of ,sea, King, Defender of the Faith.
bvpambv, Iliglitytilit' religion I It them if tont will only receive IIID* 1 1I*peror of India."booths• its worth nothing • ing for this world, and (Isa. Iaii. 5, (1; Hob. v. 7: 1. '1.11ess. 'fele Edwards of our history have
Now. if we. are to -clay going to `sit is destruction for eternity. Give I. 10 : Math. 1, 21 : 1. John f. 0: been especially associated with alter-
' succeed in b:ai.dfoe tills gospel arhor ! Inc 50:2 men and women fully couse- Jude 24). ations' 1t2 the Royal style, for it was
we must go in1t.a the moult of (=Od's8 ; crated to Christ. and we will tale :0. -They that tarry tong at the, l?dward 111, who incorporated with
b:es•,1u' and fetch the olive brancli0� . , this. city for God in three years. , wine : they that go to ,.ace"a: Inixeli. , hi.-. title that of hzrg; of I'I•anct�, and
1^:tl whatever 4'1'1' we 1.2u6t Iattve ye Gi22.0 14,000 meta and w0112022 fatlly' wine." 1'alese are the people who 2qu:artered tilts Ileal' -lee -1}a on his. coat
•'lest have at l.'a.t - two oliva: u}a to the Clhristion standard. In ten experience the sorrows of vi•i•*e 29, !of arms. this practice being m ai2t-
br:at.al:es, reeve with Clod and peace'years 10.24(20 of them would take 1110 but -let wine s*tg est ail the pleat-, tabled until the reign 42f (,comae III.. ,
with 212021. When 1 s:ly 0r300 with whole earth for (God. But when are sures this world eon offer, and they • when, on the parliamentary union of
41o01, 1 10 tot la:.'aia t", repre`;efliwe going, to begin ? We 011 want to are very anaah:: of their lklllaAl.. Greet 1 021,110 and Ireland :t aeenittry 1
(but as an 111 gr;- t•;114e'tanl. having a; t?e useful. Thele is that a man in great kail)f," tried 1141:1 aaS at2111 fouthtl tore,. tl'e claim wits falxatil'. abandoned.
CI•eill-ee a1;..1ost us. lett I do mean to • the pelts Haat does. not want to be', them all vaa3:ity and vexation of ; It is worthy of note that the Cotlt-'
:efl,221 that siva: ie Ito more aultal;- useful. When art; we ging to lit:- spirit 1;cel• ii 1-11 2, rend what can 1 i' Defender of •
LINRMiLl�d'I<'I ( , a:llnenith , bestowed n of I
n *6 u 3 & 1'. :•aa 114 i.:,'at'tt nod at bora`, mitt 0 'the 1aai41a tit) tl:.•l, l'„2311+'E.I* nt4'r the : th,l Faith, bestowed 12* tee 1'o}`tr the
l a•r.waen :t. !malt end a pullet, be- Ilut the paa1221 branch also mcatnt' king 2 But : ce what thesaute Ian Ilellry t I11. fur his tract- tail the ;;,a -
FOR tweeli cerise 2nt and ,eiiae, than thele 22010*7 7'011 all'h*iow that. In all learned to s:1'. : "Tea'. Itrya> is 1bet- e21 ,^aGh•:242•0nt' tit 03'06I*443ax to
is Iaa+stillty between holil:e::s and sin. • ages, in all lanais. the palm branch . ter than wile. We will rejoice and j martin Luther, has mince 14I'I(• :so
sprains, Strain Cot Wounds, Ulcers, A1,11 if food is ata1 haline.s and n+: moans victory. Well, now. we are: be glad in 112.4.. \\'e will reusen2he'' 1'`• •, a England nd halt the two -shit -
are r au'e all sine there 1t*tt,1 be a treaty. . c t . lie'', R - I I1Jt 1 ',here
.n. 3. t t
t',1t:en Sores, Bruise” Stiff Joints, Bites and there
s. be sa.ra*tcili22v faith 01 tliy nature the retool. of ,a .tfl e„eph, hive more than wise” (Song 1, ]tail; ] il'cc of 7K1t1 had to be meowed
Stings of L-tsc: Coughs, Colds, Gantraeted t to lr as2u t t a, stoIr. us. 110 has his eyes on u , he y w. 4).
',because of the omission of the letters
g oil%a l'ranches• ; wants to keep us. But word coniesi 81. "Look not thou 2148012 the '11s.1). (Fidel Iiefeuhnrl, the coin now
Cords, Rhetunatksnl, Neuralgia, Bronchitis,
Croup, Sore Throat, i2tiitisey, Whooping ea c:: what, titer world thinks of yell, to break loose from this doing oI his collar ill t#:+• top, when it aattaveth:ututuie; cuttet:tursl as the 'gnu-
ht:t come into the warm, intimate. Ito
our Father help. as. itself aright.” t'42uLltt2lcla: to an tea-; a, ••
1, Ic,�;s (ltarill.
tilt. I1. dries not make enures differ -'front our leather that if we will try;%ine when it le red. when it giveth lrehig a great rarity and known
Long a and all Painful Swellings. tF t I will
glowing and everlasting; relation- some clay we rouse up, anwe ,'112,d;00.saved person to do right ale tulle 1,1'0 the /amuse stele of Defender
4 ,.
LARGE BOTTLE, 25c,, � s:.iia with the God of the whole ani- ; the blare: t.tant in tile hire. end tta provoking. for all Itis 11 212110 . Is ' of rho Faith. the I`rrix tt awl span.
^ sero..! That IS il;e toy that 121 Lies '11*. at 1ti211, anal we wrestle him down against, the right ; the easel naiad ° i+lt MIAs also obi iths.d 14I*gkott, ti-
F +t
a tt cllehtioit seemstupid. Why do land and we nut our heel on tlfs heck, , is nullity aitailtst God. is not Slit)- rte•; as 21 lew;std for services to the
S 111
<i we grata him in the dust, 111 ,
peeve through It 0t.r nn a an ,
w • tr:xut to have t a, , e,
L c is (Runt. '
1 f+ icer to itis law and rotor t t t (1, , Church of Iton:e.
Lerd Jest, Christ? Why. if we had iwe say, "1'ictory, victOrv', tarot:nil viii. 7'1• 2,42(1 gav0 leo law to !s- e
;ose on 10;0011 years of war ! our Lord .Tesue Christ 1" 011 what I ntel tilt Ile hadredeemed them fano 1111•. 1:ENG OF FRANCE
a ,blast God we 0021121 net have cap- t a grand thing it ice: to have sitz un-Elgypt. The altiy one tither IIe asks • teas thus the Most C11rt,tf:an K111-4" I
lured so much ars a sword or n, cave 1 der foot anti a Wasted life behind. • the sinner to do is to accept Ills i as well as the 1':htest Son of the
airy stirrup or twisted off one of :our backs. •'Ble,sed is he *iloso salvation. receive tris Sun. '1'hon, t:lltarul:, while ti4 S]+:uai,ll Dlonnreh
a 'the, wheels of the chariot of his 0121-; 110216gres,i011 is forgiven and whose::uld only thea, sloes Ho give coni- had the ,while 421 hefts; ISthotval as the
°i .. f 1ti:=e,te/ce. Taut the moment we ;cul is covered. 2111091 Catholic King. Silnilal•ly the
mends to he obeyed Notice in
1 V8 ba 112 this otxve blanch God and all Aiv tett bran"r5 ug ono stop Furth- 1 1 "f and so often att • u
T ; • . �,
tilt!' 1• of the Austrian Empire is zees-.
o l brings verses and . , a
I:C.*.ttalx ranee on our side. Peace ler. My
says, Go 10*tdl into the; thi, ianok the continent] is to :. Lllt I dressed as His Apostolic Majesty, his
through our Loral Jesus Christ, and moulnt and fetch olive branches and + Soa," and vee are not suns of (Ina . fr11 address Econ;, 11i2: ImV4201 I and
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, n, other kind of peace is wort!: any- !Linc I, •alleitCs and ln,•rth? branches rift wr tcreiy1 His Son as our :+:tt•-; Royal Apostolic Majesty Emperor of Toronto Ont. } things truce palm branches and branches of i tarn (John f, 1•' • 1. ',Taln1 v, I Austria, I'.nu, of Bohemia, and Apo,-
' Brat then we must have that other tidelc trees," Now, you ]chow v'er'y ; 121. Having 12ecunae children of toll: King of Hungary.
Some time ago my blood got out of olive bf sweet, beat c with mon. ICow, i well -1 make tens remark under the , (10e tote
para taal:crs of Llie divine na- Atonal; ilklhnaainedatl Prince:; rrli/f-
•s •veru as • t Tet u , a c uarrel. ! head of branches of thick tx•ees—that • tore e. pet. a 4), we are to let iotas titTee 14ry also greatly venet:tt .
iL L C , e, } tC 1, 1 1 ( � r • e • ]
to shoulders and aryls. Four running around us, and One match or nt o- branches s would slot stand. 1 tae ; Hero 1411 t,ttr eves, hear w itlt our 1
y ' ' (00 111(20 will set 110111 off. It 1s } i}est l•lnst caf tho tempest would' e:u s, iv0mlt with Dur luutds, tt 1111; j of l'utunnivacr of the Faithful: the
sores appeared on my foot and leg and I easy cin u?,11 to get up ti quarrel. f 1>rostratc 1t.. So then the booth or ! with 0110 feet• speak by our 121012les, :Sultan of ItIerocco, is the T 111*-- * -
was in a terrible state. A friend advised Hui, my brother do you not thine. ! usher must have four stout poles to i Ill this way ITh will not l4.m . where , Mi na. uin, otherwise Prince of True
BurdockBl-+-d Bitters so I procured three yeti h d better 1h"lt a your }horns s•tty !hold up the arbor or booth, and IIe should riot and when tempted Relievers: and telt Amc''i of Afghaluis-
u2,100 02142 fine large boils illliLCiL{-Ctt can
say neck, besides numerous small ones on Thera are gunpowdery ciiristians all t a booth or arbor made of sliglht IIim possess our whole being, loot. c e'd The of
2af l rhey.tihe1 style
st.tu.. sus c f a t ix , affects
sBlood , y ' !hold
for the building of the arbor 1 we mast like sinking Simon as'
ry ;tan terms himself ,ice-ill-Mitatiwadin
bottles. Acte finishing tel first bottle the ed ofi2 IIaf1 not you better make an � fi
I r "h1 of l�nuatt and religion.)
1 n e s o e , „
apology? Had net you better sub- for this world we must have stoat } •• Lord, save etc i a " " t (Light bails started to disappear and the sores to ;Wait to a litter humiliation? "Oh," b.raa2:hes of thick trees. And so it But ihese are modest in compurk-
heal up.After takingthe third bottle ; . gospel arbor. Blessed be ?1�. "At the last it biteth ]Eke as
stars with the I.n1 eror 42f China,
you say, ' until that man takes the is in the I' a
there was not a boil or sore to be seen., first step I will never be at peace !God that the have a brawny Chris- serpent and stiilgetli like an adder.'. whose lofty title is the Son of Ilea -t
Besides this, the headaches from which I ! With toile. Nothing will be done un- ! tiaaxity, not one easily upset. The f there is a last of 11}1 things :sinful.; yen. The cictitn to be King of Kings
suffered left me and I improved so much 1 til he is really to take the first 1 storms of life will come upon us, and ? they come to an end, and then there is made by both the :shah of Persia
p step!" You are a pretty Christian. the want strong doctrine •; not only 1s the eternal reaping. Those who (Shalt-in-Sliah) and the Emperor
that I am now strong and robust ag sin. When would this world he saved iflove, but justice not only invitee 1 sour to the flesh reap corruption, hieitekik of Ahyssinis (Negus Negust).
Yours truly, . Christ had not taken the first step?, tion, but, warning. It is a mighty; and those who sow the wind reap ' The Emperor of ,1 span has a very
Bliss MAGGIE WORTHINGTON, We were in the wrong. Christ was gospel ; it is an omnipotent gospel. ^ `il i, �IjirlwTltere ind (�ntuyvcorne aIo time curious and unique appellation: The
!'hese are the stout branches of ;i 7liilcado or Honourable Gate; and a
thick trees. ;when Prov. i, 24-31, shall be 1110 ex stately and splendid title is that of
Well, my friends, you see I have perience of 121410-;, when because they the Great White Czar, who is Em -
one or two points not be- would not listen to God they shall peror of All the Russias.ar,
cause 1 forgot to present them but call, but IIe shall not answer, andThe former Portuguese Emperors of
because I have not time to present finally they shall have to hear Him ( Brazil were styled Constitutional
them. T have shown you there say, `Depart from Me, ye curses}, Emperor and Perpetual Defender. But
is the olive branch of peace, here into everlasting fire prepared for the the Most sublime and high-sounding
Feb. 3rd, Igor. Golspie, Ont.. In the right, al} nigh
right. And yet he tools the first
PNEUMATIC CLOCKS. step. And instead of going and get-
s ting a knotty scourge with wlliclt to
The City of Paris is being rapidly whip your antagonist. your enemy,
supplied with a system of public you had better get up on the iacli-
clocks worked by compressed air 2 ant mount where Christ suffered for
under electrical control. The entire ! his enemies and just take an olive
area of the city is divided into sec- ' branch, not stripping off the soft,
Mons about a. mile and three-quarters cool. fragrant leaves, leaving them
in radius, and in the center of each .all one, and then try on them that
section is a station provided with a 1 gospel switch. It will not hurt
reservoir of compressed air, from
which air -pipes extend to all the
clocks included in the section. By
means of electro -magnets, energized
every minute with currents from a
commutator controlled by a master- "Go up into the mountain and fetch
clock at the central station, the air -!olive branches, and pine branches."
Now, what is suggested by the pine
branch? The pine tree' is healthy, ;t
is aromatic; it is evergreen. How
often the physician says to his in-
valid patients: "Go and have a
breath of the pines. That will invig-
orate you." Why do such thousands
of people go south every year? It is
not merely to get to a warmer cli-
mate, but to get the influence of the
trine. There is health in it, and this
pine branch of the teat suggests the
helpfulness of our holy religion. It
is full of health—health for all,
health for the mind, health for the
.soul. I knew an aged man who had
no capital of physical health. He had
had all the diseases you could ima-
gine. He did not eat enough- to keep
a child alive. He lived on a beverage
of hosannas. :1Tc lived ]sigh, for ho
dined every day with the King. Ile
was kept alive simply by the force
of our holy religion. It is a healthy
religion, healthy for the eye, healthy
for the hancl, healthy for the feet,
healthy for the heart, healthy for
the liver, healthy for the spleen,
healthy for the whole man. It gives
a man such peace, such quietness;
such independence of circumstances,
such holy equipoise. 011, that we all
possessed it, that wC possessed it
now ! . I mean it is healthy if a man
,gets enough of it. Now, there are
some people who get just enougii
religion to bother thein, just enough
religion to make them sick, but if
a man take a fall, deep, round inlial-
them, and it will save you. Peace
with Goa, •peace with man. If you
cannot take these two doctrines, you
are no Christian.
But my text goes:further. It says
pipesareintermittently connected
with the reservoirs, and thus the
compressed air, once every minute,
drives forward the hands of the
Children Cry for
Rapid progress is being made upon
;he new reservoirs at Staines, Mid-
dlesex, for the supply of London,
and it is anticipated that they will
be completed in about two years.
The reservoirs are approximately
four and a half miles in circumfer-
ence, and their capacity will be 83,-
100.000,000 gallons, a sufficient sup
ply to serve the district catered for
by the water companies to whom
they belong for 100 days. The reser-
voirs will be supplied from the flood
water of the Thames.
`or Infanixt and Children.
;itia'f o-
of 1r flee/twoi
-Q-, - is
aasnapper,e r,
is the pine branch of evergreen gos-
pel consolation, here tate palm tree
branch of usefulness and of victory.
and here are the stout branches of
thick trees. The gospel arbor .is
done. The air is aromatic of heaven.
The leaves rustle with the gladness
of God. Come into the arbor. Come
into the booth I went out at • dif-
ferent times with a fowler to the
mountains to catch pigeons, and we
made our booth, and we sat in that
booth and watched for the pigeons
to come. And we found flocks in the
sky, and after awhile they dropped
into the net, and we were successful.
So I come now to the door of this
gospel booth. I look out. 1 see
flocks of souls flying hither and fly-
ing' thither. 012, that they might
conte like clouds• and as doves to the
window. Conte into the booth.
Come into the booth.
Curse cards are being used in
Switzerland and Germany to check
profanity. People go about with
the cards in their pockets and,
whenever they hear bad language,
present one to the swearer to sign.
The card has printed on' it a pledge
to abstain from swearing for a spe-
cified time or to pay a small fine
for each oath to some charity.
Nearly 40,000 of these cards have
been distributed in , Switzerland
devil and his angels 1" i(Math. xxv,
41.) In the case of those who are
redeemed by :Elis precious blood, in
whom ITe has coarse to live, the last
on earth is only a step - to greater
glory, to die is gain, to depart and
be with -Christ is far better (Phil. i,
21, 23)•
33. "Thine eyes shall behold strange
women, and thine heart shall utter
perverse things." Woman represents
the worst as well as the best in
Scripture. The true Church is the
bride of Christ and is espoused as a
chaste virgin to Christ, while the
false church is compared to a harlot,
(Rev. xix and xvii and II. Cor. xi,
2). If drunken with wine, we behold
the evil, but if filled with the Spir-
it we shall see Jesus only (Eph. v,
18). The heart is the great center
from which evil or good proceeds. -
See in this chapter verses 15, 17, 10,
and then verse 26 as the only way
to be right.
34. "Yea, thou shalt be as the
that lieth down in the midst of the
sea, or as he that lietb upon the top
of a mast." This certainly suggests
the saying of David, "Truly as the
Lord liveth there is but a step be-
tween me and death" (I. Sam. xx,
3). Inasmuch as life in this mortal
body is so uucertain how foolish it
is to continue a moment longer in
sin when God is beseeching us to be
reconciled to Itim and to accept the
redemption which Ile has so fully
provided and which He bestows so
freely 1 (Isa.- i, 18 ; Math. xi, 28 ;:
TI. Cor. v, 20 ; Rom: ,iii, 24.-) The
God in whose hand our breath is anti
whose are all our ways (Dann, v, 23)
is very gracious. He .is slow to an-
ger and not willing that any should
perish (II. Pet. iii, 9), but He will
by Ito meatus clear the guilty unless
•they. accept Tiim.
35. "They have stricken me ; I
There was a merchant of Milan
who left a,- fortune of $3,000,000,
and 105 lawyers were eeigaged by
the: heirs to dispute certain bequests.
The case has just been settled ; the
lawyers have •got 12,000,.000 and
the heirs have shared the remainder.
title of any ruler must surely he the
following, which was possessed by the
ex -King Theebaw of Burma, whom w
deposed in 1885: IIis Most (Glorious
Excellent Majesty, Lord of the Ts-
12.iddau, I'ting of Elephants, Lord of
the Mines of Gold and Silver, Rubies
Amber, and the noble Serpentine,
Sovereign of the Empires of Thunat-
paranta and 'I'ampadipa and other
Great Empires and Countries. and of
all the Umbrella 1Voaring Chiefs, the
Supporter of Religion, the Sun-I)e-
scended Monarch, Arbiter of Life and
Great Righteous King, King of Dings
rind Possessor of Boundless Domin-
ions and Supreme Wisdom.
Children Cry for
S ,i::
What 0s
4. est
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castorla is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is 'thirty years' use by of
71Tothers. Castoria,. dest;:oyss Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castorir, assimilates the Pooh, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels oflnfants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. wastoria is the Children's
Panacea --The other's Priend.
Oc`l,S$t)I,'lc`t,. Castorla.
SI a e• to children
Cas ore •s xc s we9 ad t d
a, an t o eaDicine fo as r 15 I
t e cle t rn r Ctta #a
children, :bathers laser repeatetlDg ta.tl the that x recommend It as superior to any farce
of its good effect upon their children" scription mown to me."
Aa. G. C. °scoop, Lvae.'4 Mn.tIL a.?ex 4:urea 1,1. 1). 4r•c.41r'rr,1v, !s"
THC CEf2TAte*1 CO3L4PAMY TT (44s1RAY 4Tri42T, UPI/ TQ.4*'CITT,
rat, Tf
Tbonsauda of•'•aaug and rsiddlc•s riti mien are annually swept to aeireelatrre
Vass through l;.Attbit INDISQi 1L3TIOY, EXCl:t*9Et'i, AND /81.0013.
sarISEAtlE3. 3f yott lhare any of the following 07m1t0m cousait tie berme it Is
too late, Are you ncrrvoan and treat, d ependect and Monty, 9t'e0c1 before rho
eyes with dare: circles under thence. treat: back. 3:12iueys irritable. peteitatiou of tho
heart, baalifttl,dreams awl los -el. F ediment in urine, pimples on the farce. saakcn
eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression. peer memory. 1i.ele59, distrustful, lack
energy and strength, Ci;c1 tetaruings, restless nights, changeable moods. neck maw
11eod stunted organs,:presnature decay. bone palate, Hear loose, sore throat, etc.?
Oar Now Method 1'rcatznent still clue you.
11rpt a �'
Nothing eau be mare demoralising t0 yoaug and rthulioaf:ed men than eralsston2f
atnight or52ere2drainsthaough the urines they unfita roan for business. mar*
reed life or social harp-me:A. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth,
naturae wweattucss, or sexual excesses. our. New Method Treatiuiautt *'.U& vs*
tively care you. CfR4s (UA A^T8LD. NO CUES,
,Miffs Idaarnea Used Without Written Consent.
W A. eluir, of Lima. 0., says*—"I was one of
the conntleas victimu of early vice at 115 years of
an -c. The drains on 0.131 system were weakening
v*y brain ns src*1 2222 my sexual and nerron sys-
tem. For ten years I tried scores of doctors,
electrlcseltsaudpatent anedicine% Some helped
me, none cured. 1 tea•t giving up in despair, In
fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad-
vised me as a last re:.art to give the Nes: ry
li5etbo.1 Treatment of Drs. N. tt IC. a fair
Mal. Without confidence I consented and in.
three months I was a cured reran. I was cured
seTen tears ago -'am married and happy.
la:•artily recommend Drs. If, es E. to sly ablictel
BeforeTreatulent fellow men:, .lfterirreatmcnt
AS -We treat and cure Varicocele, lhnissioats, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness,
Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, IInnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder
Diseases, and all diseases of hien au:l Women.
medicine sent C. 0. IJ. No names on To des or envelops. .'Everything confidential.
Q�u�eL sta100list and cost oGff treatment, PRE
l 4�d
The longest briclgo in the world is,
it is recorded, the Lion Bridge, near
Sangang, in China. It extends 51
miles over an arm of the Yellow
Sea, and is supported by 300 Stone
arches. The roadway is 70 feet
above the water, and is inclosed in
an iron network. A marble lion,
21ft: long, rests on the crown • of
each pillar. The bridge was built at
the connnand of the Emperor Keing
Long. -
• There are Dye times as many boiler
explosions in the United States as in
Great Britain. The number last year
was -'303, more than 0120 a day. -
Chlldren Cry for
These pills are a specific for all
diseases arising from disordered
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They cure palpitation, dizziness,
smothering, faint and weak spells,
shortness of breath, swellings of feet
and ankles, nervousness, sleepless-
ness, anmmia, hysteria, St. Vitus'
dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,
female complaints, general debility,
and lack of vitality. , Price 5oc. a box.
The maids of honor of the Eur
press of T:Lussia are generally re
cruited from the daughters of su-
perior officers of high Court func
tionsuriese, and educated at special
schools, where they are surrounded
with the rigid etiquette in which
their future lives must he passed.
The pupils aro alt dressed alike•, in
plain black.
Tho proportions of the human fig-
ure are six times the length -of the
right foot. The face, from the high-
est point of the forehead, where the
hair begins, 'to the end of,the chin,
is one tenth.0f. the whole stature.
The hand, from the wrist to the end
of - the middle finger, is also .one-
height. ht. Fromh
f the totalC the
crown to the -nape of the neck is
one -twelfth of the stature. •
(Put up in yellow wrapper.)
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,
Cramps, Pains in the Stomach,
Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholerae
Infantum and all Summer Com-
plaints. - Safe, Reliable, Harm-
less, Effectual. -
There's thatgirl singing A Bird he
a Gilded Cage! said the nervous
Yes, answered the boarding house
wag, If. 3. had n bird that couldn't -
sing any better than that l'cl open
the cage and let, it fly away.