HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-19, Page 5STRAWBERRIES.
1ellogg Tells Row to Grade Thera
'op by Selection,
Variation in plants is au import-
ant factor in fruit growing. Plants
grown, from seeds have a father and,
mother the same as an animal.. When
. we propagate by buds and runners
we have only a "mother" in a fig-
urative sense. It is reelly a, davision
et the nodes in its own. body which
contaia the protoplasm, yet they are
Pear creations juat as much aa the
plauts grown from seeds. 13elog 4
division they coutain the vigor or
weakness of the parent plant. They
-usually closely rescuable and bear
fruit the same as the plant from
width they are taken and yet under
changed conditions they often make
remarkable variations; sometimes se
much as to constitute a distinct va-
New we may talo advantage e;
these variations and fix in our miun
the kind of plant and berry we wan,
to produce and continuously nehaa
plaxits which we find here and the.
to the ideal we want and ProPage,
frorn these, keeping them, under re-
striction. to prevent pollen exliazis-
time and greatly improve them.
Sixteen years ago J. adopted t
following plan: I always set Ine
Plants in spring and then keep share
watch during the summer when hoe-
ing ancl ettlitivating for plents whit%
elicits? qualities superior to tlwir
lows and set a tatilibered stake by
them. A record is kept in a field
beak on a. Seale of Otte to ten. Vart-
la! examination is made at salted
periods during the seasoa. Foliage,
disposition to walse strong fruit
buds and few runnere are carefully
noted. The next spring wits% bude
begin to show many of the plants
istalted are discarded and from the
remainder wee, nit of the buds aro res
MOVed to sitei pollen exhaustion.
It should blow atubered that these
plants are roTz in stools or hilts
and all s•unners removed as fast as
they oppear to encourage the habit
of foraging exec,' bulls instead of run
stare. Since such plant is realiee
mane' plonts eoneolidated. tho fruit
stems lenes, be treated as individuals.
When the fruit le .set it is thiuned
to three op four tarries to the Stein.
$isze0,:trenglit l rop1 by exer-
rige, mem he aliowed to bear
Seine fruit. nia firmly convinced
that if the bloeeeen bode are remov-
ed every year, they will lose t he ha-
bit a forming fru- bade and, throw
their strength into the formation
runners the same as a pollen exhalle
ed plant%
When herriee are ripe their siese,
colou. falaneee and flavor art. van: -
fully noted in the scale book and
-see 100tings made, and the plant show-
ing the tnoet points of excellence is
then taken as tbe "mother" of
all the future plantings of that va-
riety. Ie is given high tillage and
irrigation and runners are potted as
fat ale they appear end treitsferreel
to the special propagating bed where
they are allowed to make runners for
next seasou, when the eteirch for new
and better variations is Continued as
before. Thai year after year we are
throwing out the weaklings and ae-
curattlating the good qualities in the
plants main which we are to bestow
our labor and use of land. -It.
Trellogg in Americnn Agriculturist.
Neattro's -standard. anti
• Nature unaided can maintain a
certain standard. This it can do
througlt its own mode of breeding
and selection. that is to say, the sur-
vival of the fittest. The standard,
however, van never rise higher than
n. certain level. There is an insur-
mountable barrier which it can never
scale. That barrier is environment.
But man van improve on nature.
While he can be even more rigid in
his selection, he casa also modify en-
vironment and for the better. He has
thus been enables' to create the great
gap that now exists between the
4. „primal elements of the hog as he was
and the hog as he is. But the ad-
vance has not been all gain. While
the improved hog has gained enor-
mously in certain qualities, es, for
instance, those that relate to maturi-
ty and easy keeping,' the breed has
lost somethieg in qualities which re-
late to reproduction, and also in all
round stamina. -Farmers' Review.
Tool currier anti Itolder.
The cut shows a long box, to
which handles have been nailed and
an old wheelbarrow wheel added. In-
to this go small tools, hoes, shovels,
ate.,together with fertilizer and any
stria11 articles needed, and all wheel -
ed to the garden or field, where crops
are being planted. The top of this
box can be made watertigb a It an
be then left in the field with the tools
a in it untir the work is done.
Destruct:on of Ant Colonies.
As a general rule, ants do not in•
vegetables. They are no doubt
attracted to trees on ac2oune ol the
areseuce of colonies of plant lice
Anis feed upon the honey dew ex•
ereted by these insects. "ea, therough
spraying •of the trees with a ten or
twele per cent. kerosen.e emulsion
will destroy the lice. A small quan-
tity of bisulphide of carbon pourea
alto the opening of the ants' rnre at
the base of the tree, wile destroy
them. If the plant lice are destroy-
ed, however., theru will be e o difficul-
ty arising erorn the presence of ants
on the trees. -American. Ageicultur-
est. •
PrOgress in ,A.griCiilture.
Progress neust be the wetcaword of
all of our ferrite e and progress con-
sists in finding oat tile beet moth-
ar.ls; and adopt :zee them. Let the
fartherediligenten 'give "ett. eaneion, and
wade he 'has ic ned for himself let
kb tea1h lila c1freuat litente, rdia
theta'Serra ehera to solioel, where the
ediseaVen, 'catt beecartinued and eii-
PITO Prize Jersey Cow, Ontario Provincial
High Flavor at the Expense 0.1 Keep,. , Dairy Show, 1809-tt tater Itecord,„ 643
1.1ic Twelvo Months,
Ina quality,
The following Paper wan read Iv X- I The registered Jersey cowPrim-
Sundergaard at the Minnesota butter rose Pares Prudo, is a goe'el model
and eheese makers' meeting: All. nut. of the ideal business dairy cow, have
ten even the Very finest, is more or less
11111.agde4 rfrolrdh
fieLpkousvnitnof 0,buytetaerr:
apt to lose its delicate flavor and bY
this some of its value, for esecommencing November 20th, 899,
and day it 2
and ending November L7tlx, 1900.
gets older. The keeping quality of but- She was the only cow kept by her Ur. Arthur Seeb;cn of _Minnesota, in
ter is therefore 'STU IMPOrt6.14h Mat- owner, Ur. J. Craig.
of London; recent contribution to Breeder's Q.
ter dealers as well as eonenntere. it and wan„h, was well fed, no at, Zette on. "Yerow to Get the Moat 011t of
ls n, fact that butter with a nigh flavor tillipt we Wade to force her for an the Tfoga' lays •oteese on the value of
has for a geed maeY Tears been, the tsairotrarbee re• record: and the man- the hog pasture. Mr. Seeboole sane;
leader in the American butter market.
MSG study, however, proves that the 'es -
1"" Ives far The permanent pasture, A, call be
d to Make o J t
a seededdown tene grass, white elos
demand has been moving constantly
ver, blue grass and timothy -in fact,
the directien of a milder, sweeter and almost rine' grass that will not feeeze
Soore delicate flavored article, Whet' out, Pasture IS is for clover for sum,
er now this movement of the denland
mer grazing: also for winter grazing if
is due or not to the fact that bettor ; Wanted and po'ssible, Pasture 0 is for
witlea comparatively mild flavor proree corn Or green corn fodder raising. juet
to be a better keeper, one thing le sure, before laying the corn by for the Seas
that A number of creameries and deal- son sow 15 pounde of clover seed to
era oleo bave already establieleed a rep. 1
utation by this grade or butter, It is
TerY evident, provkliug the milk la'
right And all other processes are core
redly carried out, that flavor in butter
depends largely on the degree of aelde
Ste- of the cream when churned. Tet
tae species or kinds of bacteria, the 4
taisslort of wzeh i to earry out the
fermentative cbanges, are surely race
tors a no less importauce la obtaining
a Mali or mild flavor. The Weave or
producing a certain desired flavor is
Ora to develop tne (leaked bacteria, for
a etarter anci then to wetted theta ;
against all the uudesirable ones by at -
twirling aridly to cleanliness awl regit-
letting the temperature. "Whether it Is
certain bacteria er n. Chemical procees
that gives butter made train ripened
crease its delicate aroma, ono tieing
known, that AS soon as the lactic acid
bacteria bave produced a certain qual.
ity or lactic acid, the limit of tneir etc -
than bas been reached. Tbey do Uet
die, but simply discontinue their actor.
This is the danger peliat in tile ripening
mess. From DOW Olitbere Is nothing ;
keep the unnesirable bacteria in
eein and as some or these foreign or-
g9.111.91111S develop very rapidly It re-
quires but little to affect the butter by
giving, it a strong or uuelean flavor.
This illustrates dearly wby it, is so
dang,eretts to ripen create abet e its
proper degree in order to gain a high
llavor. It also gives us an idea of why
butter with an abnormally high flavor
in most cases turns rancid in a few
days. Tim undesirable bacteria baviug
just conemeneed tbeir action la the
cream, continue their work or destruc-
tion in the butter. We learn not only,
from experience gained in our dairy
Sebools and a few 'creameries, but also
trete what has become eustoratuy in
other eountries, that by taldng up the
Pasteur system we would be able to
produce a much healthier, more unle
forra and especially a better keeping
quality of butter. What bolds us back 1
Is not a lack of knowledge of the re-
sult, nor Is it because our creamery in-
dustry or our butter makers aro not up
to the high level of other countries, but
merely because the present demands
of the A.merican butter market do
not favor the mild flavored butter
made from pasteurized cream. Wlien
the Danes, someeten years ago, started
to pasteurize, they then met with
the very same trouble In tber English
rearket rlowevere before a year had
passed, the English people Were wlla
flag to pay a premium Oa pasteurized
butter, on account of Its better keep-
ing quality and more uniform grade all
Rotation of Crops on. Their Feeding
Orenfnla-errOVAde Coratextable
Reeving thi4xterls•-r4enti of Sane
1100 the WO Ptsinfeetard.
Doe't lie around the house losing
time and money be avec your back iS:
stiff frein •iimbiere l'o as thousands
before you have 81 . Boy a big ,
bet' that unit, t -7 - good liniment,
Po • "- Neve hie . rub it. fie queut-
ly ie. 'he • .• era. It gets at the
dis ez • es • • . . itielare you lip in •
t•-, I . .:N7 • • quick to I elleve;
..,o, ; • . *s ; y it te-
e... - ..
:1 i oneurree IT I rtb-ly
..f lee, a Is, in
tee p. r.f M es. FS en. e 1 a• X\ rilfe,
a tae e of Tt y'iol three
rilt•nl!..0. Ili ari fa:fure 1.1'1,s 1 he cotse
o' &eat-,
Fr TIg
No use to hunt tigers with
bird -shot. It doesn't hurt the
tiger any and its awfully risky
for you. -
Consumption. is a tiger
among diseases. It is stealthy
-but once started it r'apidly
eats tip the flesh and destroys
the life. • No use to go hunting
'it with ordinary food and med-
icine. That's only bird -shot.
It still advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott's Emulsion
• will stop the advance. The
disease feels that. !
Scott's Emulsion makes the,
body. strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
arid sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free ,sample.
„SCoTT&uoWE '.1.;oroIlito!
and 6 ditexists. aunty
$ •
:1 W4.2.. %le:11344 k.k..&i• 42141-140.4I0 I
Plan in sbellow Pens. and churneet in
s outman dash churn in emelt high
teniperatere that usually the butter
came in about ten minutes -a. system
which up -to -slate buttermalsers well
know must fall .far short of securing
all the butter that is in the milk.
says The Farmers' Advocate. This
cow, her owner asserts, has given. 40
pounds of milk per day when at her TUX F lied rssruare
flush, testing 64 per cent. butter -fat, ; the acre and cultivate It In when going
At the Prhviricial Dairy Show, at ti tbrough with tbe corn cultivator the
London, in December, 1899, in last Uwe, usually not deeper than two
stranase conipany and. on inferior bay ;I to four Indies. By tills time tbe ground
upplied with other feed, alio gave is generally quite well sbaded enougb
65.9 pounds in 48 hours of the trial, !" b the cora to boo, elle,
testing 0...9 per cent. butter -fat the ; neeessall
Meisture to insure a good stand ot
first day and 7 per cent, the secoud
c over even in a dry season.
day. Under Mere skillful core and -The next year pasture 0 will be
treatment, It is clear that this COMO
yew clover grazier; ground, and in
Is capoble of doing very much, bettor
work than she is credited with, and pasture B tbe clover awl will be tutu -
her conformation and udder develone ed under for corn and seeded down to
anent proclaim her a dairy cow of • clover again as before. Every year
great veracity. Iler weight is 1.04.0 , change the cloyer en the corn pasture
, and the cern on the clover pasture. By
d this continual exchange of grazing
ground the pasture eolis will be get.
'Cog richer every year and growing
cless Inattention EMI Many Valtinble i
heir 0 larger corn awl more clover. This is
anoteate Defeo 'TTiliTh
Many forst horses are killed cull eons
year by thoughtless owners, They
would not take Us ir lives as bute,. .
ake the reeding floor of cement. It
ers' would, nor would they purposely was stated tbat It 'was 'Wooed to he
better not to have a roof above tbe
tako their lives by intentional crude .
ty. By careless inattention the work feeding floor, so as to get all tbe sem-
is done, and many men are guilty of sbine on top of it, but tbat there could
the cliarge at killing oft good horses I be a three foot tight board fence
if the matter could, be definitely it oround the shies or the floor to keep
traced. Poor treatment when dise off the chilly winds,.
ease attacks the vital parts of a Fig. D Is a water barrel with an aut-
hors* is a source of much fatality
temdtle fOUrstain.
among horses. Lack of judgment un- I
Provide dry, eoutfortable sleeping
der circumstances relating to the .
* quarters. with plenty of Hatt, sunligbt
care of horses when they are out of .
ming the best disinfeetant On a *old
eandition is another. The lack et '
proper knowledge of the effect or 'winter day you will frequently see the
different foods for horses under pe..1 bog g0 out VS graze on a -clover field if
culler conditions may be added to 1 he cart get tit it If each one of the pas -
the list, .& great many MRS might tures contains 15 acres, the plant out -
be given, but it is unnecessary to , lined will usually be sufficient for 150
repeat them here, The horse owner , to 175 swine.
who will give t he subject any In a paper on the care of the sow and
thought can lgure out more ways
than one in 'which the lives of those her litter read before the Illinois Swine
faithful animals may be shortened or Breeders' asSeelation Mr. T. B. Hart
lengthened. There are very tow i e
horses worst out. The most of them i et Is of greatest consequence that the
die from one cause or another, and . sow be fed In a manner to put her in
these causes are what horsemen want I the best possible condition before far -
to look after if they want their rowing In order to maintain the health
horse to live to a. green old ago. It 1 and vigor of the sow and litter after
is easier to preserve horses than to 1 farrow. Tbe feed before farrowing
procure them. Barring a.ccidents, a , should be about the same as after far -
sound horse should be as good at i row, except with old sows It should
20 as at any other age, yet we find i not,be so liberat 'Tho most important
but few that are old that are able I factors to be considered are shelter,
to do a full day's work without i
great fatigue. You must study the proper teed, cleanliness and exercise,
care of your horses if you would good blood, pure water and proper mat -
preserve them. -Drovers' Journal. ings. Good shelter is necessary for ob-
4• vious reasons.
Cold drafts must positively be avoid -
Wise Foresight.
We know several farmers who a ed, as pigs and young hogs are per -
few years ago made extraordinary baps more susceptible to colds and
sacrifices to purchase a head or two pneumonia than any other animal. Cold
of fine stock. It really seemed reek. drafts will produce these afflictions
less for men of their means to go to sooner than you know, and when she
such expense for such a purpose, and pigs once contract the disease they are
Many actually predicted that they ' only a little way from the grave. The
would be glad to sell their fine shelter having been provided and tak-
stock at half price before two years Ing for granted that the gow is in good,
had rolled round. We know about strong condition, neither poor nor la -
these men, have kept track of them,
den with fat, it is now necessary to
and to -day they are prosperous,
some of them remarkably so. What look after the new arrivals and get
was esteemed foolish extravagance , them properly started on the road to
market and crowd them along.
was really wise foresight. -Farm and
Ranch. It is conceded by experienced breed-
ers that for the Mat thee days of the
Commercial Fertilizers. ' pig's life its dam should be fed very
Where commercial fertilizers are sa. ' Moderately on thin slop. Ileasry feed-
telligently used they will not ex- Ing at this stage will produce a greater
haust the soil. If, however, one ap- flow of milk than the little fellows can
plies a single element, as phosphoric consume, leaving the surplue to fever
acid, • to the soil and takes off a and curd in the Udder, which In turn
large crop, it must be esrident to any ' will proee disastrous to the life of the
one who gives the subject a serious pig,
thought that a system which sup- The feeding of swill to the sows
plies one thing and removes a dozen duce evil results, usually causing dys-
while the pigs are young will also pro -
mast result in a condition of affairs
under which pr6fitable crops cannot entery, and when thls trouble once as -
be produced. It is the farmer and not sumes aggravated form it is most sure
the fertilizers that exhausts the soil to claim some of the best of the litter
in these eases .--Professor ea, A. Rea es Shining mirk& It is probable that
tan, Indiana. • more pigs are lost by improper feeding
• of the dam during the first week of the
• Adulteration Leally Defined. pigs' life than frert3 any other cause.
The Supreme Court of Iowa has About a week will be required to bring
recently decided that any substanee the sow up to rn11 feed. Then rush the
added to milk is an adulteration. whole family aleng till weaning time.
Accordiag to this decesion it makes It has been our practice to allow the
no difterence whether the buyer pigs to rUn and feed with their dams
knows what he is buying or not, or till about 10 weeks old, at wield] age
whether he knows that the 'sub- they will practically have weaned
stances added to the milk are whole-
some oreamwholesome, such addition penthemselves. At tide period a seseerate
constitutes adulteration.. This is a skin
should be provided In which to
and feed the Shoats, "leaving the
most wholesome decision and ought - -
to be the rule cif law in au the sta:tps ole sews to weep and wail on the out -
of the onion. -Hoard's Dairyinan. •side" A couple of ears of cern would
also a good place to pick out your seed
be good for the Old.sow, but if It isin-
Goad Farm Polley.
tended to keep her over for another lit-
ter 'her principal feed should be grass.
Sell nothing from the farm that is It 1.1 b n m actice to clean ut
not able to carry itself to market is
a good rule to follow. Exceptions the sleeping apartments at least once a
may be made,. or course, for some week and ofteeeer If the heding
thins Wee eggs, frEii, and potatoes, comes clanip or soiled. Damp bedding
but hay and , grain tub mare profit, Is uhont as diSastrOUS to the thrift of
able when iseat latted inatiimala. • the Dig as cold &arta., -
*d itorptLiver
18 stensetimes responsible for dilleGelt
maim. tho Is, DYSPEPSIA.
When it is,
Wbat headache, dizziness, constipation,
; What fits or despondency,
I Whet leers ot Imaginary evils, conduce
wit)* the distresa after eating, tbe sourness
of ate stomach, the bed taste in the mouth,
. and so forth, to make the life of the SUN
rem scarcely worth living• !
Dyspepsia, reselted from torpid liver in
the ease or Mrs. Jones, 2320 N, 1.2t1L St„
eteseassespale, pa„ wee was a great sufferer,
Her statement Inecle in her 77t1 year is
that she was completely cured of it and red
its attendant aches and pains, as Oben
have been, by a faithful use of
HOOd'S srarSaparitta
That aria ma ell tea digestive organs, LEGAL,
sores dyspepsia, end give permanent vigor
Satheriaet tones CoLTO
We haveuelimited.private funds for invest- ARE pREpARED TO PURCHASE
went upon Lana ter village property at lowest
rates of intereet.
X have a, large amount, of private fends to e
beau on farm and village propertiee atlow rates
ref intereet. t 0 T ER TimBER
Han -ester Main. St. Exeter. • - '
VERSITY. 2.1, D. C, bI. Ttisity Vniver
tily• efice-Crediten. Ont..
Tut() Ai. C.,
. p. li, (irndun.le Vzcietia 0c0CerSiii
(Rice and residence. tie manou Labor*.
IcrT, Exeter,
and tone to the whole aystem.
port ovesA FIFTY YEARS
AN 0145 .ANA.0 • W ta-1,1"Du:1) Reateler.--Mre
WiesiewaSotabitig ryrop has been steed for
ever ;jay years in- niellotte of soothers fortbeir
...rererca svelte teething. with Perfeetsnceeee
e ...aloes the child, sottensthegareaellars al
„as ewe,: rabid colic. tied .ahe best remedy
1.'6'4.111 -twat It is pleasant to the taste. Sole
driogghasL ever e- Pert el the ward. 25
'eube beak:. Iv, value Inedenlable, De
rare red 0,1: for Mrs Winslow's ...00tlaitig
-"arise eel ;.elre no wrier kind.
Getter. St:1' l'3.° .4 IOW.
k per tetehel - ,... GI to GI
, leg.. ...,0au, •,,,,, 33 tfi al
.1! .4m •• ••• ..49 to 42
6 ..••• -.et to
Diliter• ,,,,, -11 to 10
,T.0.4. •119.• 10 1
0 .
4, • • 11,....,” fIS•1•11. 8 to 8
.4-4,1".•,ti - e,..., • 5 10 -
I 1.tela-a, rer a ,,,,A11...k • 0 1/ Z(1
*4 7 tO
te 17
.••• •••••,
Dried .k ow le,. . 5 to 11
his I. Lye so edit ........ -.ea -a a.7 CO 10 fr.to
neeteeteeses,enciters, Notaries. Coeveyencere.
,Connettese..eers, Solicitors fOr the Melons:
MC607 toLoan at ioweet rates of bittereet.
(Succeesor to Elliott. 45 Madman
Wester, Solicit% )1otaxy
Corr, ioyanoor. to,
Aloney to loan on Fame and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
"Do not jue betweue
if your sboornan teUs
you hehas afavorite line
w11m is better than
ourudontt quation bs
Go directtotbieDeater
TO bas the :kilt to sell
he small profit s18o"-
o real thing -
‘Th Slater Shoe"
S N !meal Agen
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unevilled by any other.
Renders hardleatber soitt3
.specially prepared. ,
eeps out water. i
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative. 0...,„.
leduces cost of your laarne.ss.
ever burns the leather; its'
ffleieney is increased.
ecures best service.
titches kept from breaking.
Is sold in. all
Manufacturad by
Zippered 011 Cameleer
Thomas Steele is prepared to dig wells on
shortest netiee. Old pumps repaired and legs
rejointed at moderate prices.
Elimville P. 0.
Dozen good, strong, young men. eighteen
years and upwardto learn the trades of iron
moulding. tinsmithing. stove moulding: GUR-
NEYS FOUNDRY CO, Limited, Toronto
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
held pursuant to '".the Voters' Lists Act," by
His Honor the Judge of 1, e County Court of
the County of Huron, at, Elimville. on the 27t1i
day of Sept, 1901, at 10 Da tack to bear and de-
termine the several empplaints of errors and
omissions in the Voters Lis.t of the Munici-
pality of Usbornet for 1901
.5.I1 persons having business at the court are
required to attend at the said lime and place.
Dated the llth day of Sept. 1901,
PEANCIS MoRLEY, Clerk of the
said municipality
E3arga s
As we are anxious to clean
out our stock of Bicycles we have
decided to offer the balance of
our stock
M Cost far Cash.
• Our Wheels are all high
grade with the best fittings and
most of them bought at
Special Lew • Prices.
If you are in need of a wheel
call and see what we offer you.
Our Pianos and Organs,Sew-
ing Machines (Stc., are of the best
makes and prices reasonable.
Music and Music Booksal-
ways in stock Also all kinds of
small musical instruments on sale.
TT SaINSMAN,14. D. S. .41..ND
D. S.D. a.. Weer tir.aduate
of Torento Viv
nevety. Vendee.
Teeth extracted 'without pain or
bad atter Meets. Office in Fate
e(nae block. 'West side el Ataill
D.A. ANDERSON. (O. D. 8. L.11,:
Rereatiradmete et the Tercet° Vaitareity
.rel Dowd College of Deutel Surecime of
Ontario. evah hertare Anse Postaeraduete of
tlevago tidies/lot Pre.stbetle Dentiatre twith
herein -eine 111Cinliell.
livers letter Mime to theelientol Profession
eriteetil leis etilee. Midge work. crowoe.
and ettleateite Vele,. all done in
lee :moot atwitter le sre, :e, A eeefeetle
Iserneers evattele tic tat d fee yalseese,extaae, f
/deer, Ont.
ossea one aces settib of Coait Ineastero
Apply tm"
E. ei Kessel,
Roller Mills.
Flour Wbolesale and retail.
Will feed on band. Qualit first-claes.
5D WM EAT Wfi, NT Eel).
Wood Wanted'
J. Cabbledick San
At Cost Price
A good .A.ssortrnent
T"' wATE IIL00
nay en .
14.„bn,s11.c4i I it
3 Hs COMIOPT lea been over Tiventvae e,
ereno, 111 Or,CCeSSIR1 Otler.sical in Western
I ittiaie.etei conitunes ilieetreasainse loss er
den nee by, Ike, :11e1ttittrit5e
fliat 1.1aCteraS Mil 011 tril her dtecruitteas of
'time property. Intenai teserere have
t tien ol itisturitieen the Premium Now re
pan,e ibe cast tree -care this company has
hire., e eel tattier. <emeriti': property to tlei
in 4 441,.1 ei 40,812,t,•11;eatl peal 111102[304 Mena
an,. it...606,1000110, censistint; of Cash
In 1 n2 ectv calumet Deposit:eel the t11105500.
red lieu itni. a PUT 4J14 lane awl sit (urea
•3a- sill. es 10.1,,,1 resideet ; el. 1J.Y1.06
Fter010rY• 3 . lit s. Inet ester .
LS: 1 . sant for Exeter and vieleity.
:1heIl:!:n,cdcnerLotlt, 011..1.Tov n:01;stgtu#,,saie:atireat01110preo
Teel e is ell tut t on the premises a dweinna
gootl bank e tee, orchard, is well fenced and
drained, and tist-claes elay for the manufac-
ture of eitber bilek or tile.
For particulate apply to
nrediton P.0,
Fanson's brick Week and dwelling, in Exeter,
for sate. The brick: block is well, situated, on
Alain street, is 70x55 feet, three storeys, and
contains four stores, offices and halls, all leased.
This is the best business stand in town. The
dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10
rooms, is admirably adapted for a. boarding
houre. The property must be disposed of.
Terms easy, apply to P. L. Fanson, Exeter,
The undersigned otrersfor sale his 100 acre
farm, lot 5, on, 3, township of Hay. The farm
is weilfented, *well underdrained, has two
good barns, first class brick house and it acres
of orchard, 10 acres hardwood bush, balance
90 acres good clay loam. There are two wells
of splendid water, and is convenient to church
and school. The farm is situated 2irai1es from
Exeter on it first class road. The farm must
be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming
on account of ill health.
Ono hundred acres of good clay land in the
Township of Hay, in the county of Huron, lot
7, con. 12. Goo5 buildings, consisting of frame
house, bank barn, driving shed, and all out-
side buildings necessary. All clear with the
exception of 4 acres of timber. Four acres of
valuable fruit orchard. Well fen ced and under,
drained, and under a high state of cultivation
vvell watered with it beautiful spring brook.
School and churches very convenient. The
property is 1 1-2 miles north of Dashwood, a
very beautiful locality, Mustbe sold for the
proprietor's health has failed. Apply to
Dash wood, Ont.
• Notice is hereby given that an adjourned
court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario
Voters At, by his honor the judge of the
Comity Court of the County of Huron, at the
Town Hale Exeter. on Thursday, the 26th day
of September, 1901, at 8 o aloe , p no, to hear
and determine the several complaints of er-
rors and omissions in the Voters' Lists of
the Municipality of the Village of Exeter, for
1901, All persons having business at the
Court ere required to attend at the said time.
and place.
Dated at Exeter, this 7th day of Sept 1901.
•Geo. H. BISSETT, Clerk
London, Huron and Brucc
GOING NOldlit-
• London, depart
Centralia .....
Exeter ...........
Clinton ,
•Wingham, arrive
Wingham, depart
Clinton • • •
Henson .... ...
London. arrive
8.15 A. M. 4.10P. M.
3.1 55O
.... 9.31 6.0
9.41 05
• 9.50 6.20
9.58 6.33
10.15 6 56
11.10 8.09
etes..n. 3.15 P. m.
.. . . 7.41 4.25
05 4.19
8.15 1.57
.... 8.22 • 502
8•35 0.14
8.46 5,25
. 9.37 612
Passed 15 worms. I gave Dr. Low's Worm
Syrtip to my little girl two and a half years
old ; the resnit was that she passed 15 round
worms in five days.
o clear these lines at once
4;2 Trtitor
Wa ons.
We. are agents for the celebrated
Waterville Wagons
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town MIL
oiler Mills
Our ,mill has been remodell-
ed with the Gyrator System
and people tell us they now
make better bread than bak-
er's when using our flour.
Gristino ailfl Glloonillo
DOIl6 PrOintill.
fug tate
Headquarters For
Dyspepsia Oure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach a.nd Liver Pills
Iron Blood. Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix -
Chilblain Lotion.
Tcy any :of these preparatione and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
Al Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laboratoru.
During the hot summer season the blew'
gets over hes.ted, the drain on the system is
severe and the appetite is often lost. Bar.
dock Bledd Bitters purifies and invigorates
the blood, tones up the system and, reStorec
lost appetite.