Exeter Times, 1901-9-19, Page 4The''aolsons.ank
Paid, up capital 2.,590.000
Reserve Fund §2,050,000
Read eare,Atoltreal.
.14mES WetOat a'see with vet7 pleasant memories of our
Gs•''''En4"AN•4"a visit to Prime Edward bleach On
Money' advanced to good farmers on their Monde'e. lemming we set sail for, Picton.
Owarene stab cue or more erstorser et T err ' eta we neared the shore the gamier%
veataterannurn. - "Canadian Press Association"
Exeter Brawerench plainly visible and we were overjoyed
mar lasrgal day fora 1-0 m• 4) p• ta to eeee our own trabe again. We tiled
$,ATURDAYS, 10 a. m. map. m. one and all from tbeboat to the leading
.tirrentratea of interest allowed ou deposits. betel in that place and I fear the man-
DIMON CartLING. N. D. rilaslaDON, ager thought we were a formidable
seeicreoeseiseeaeee company, but we were ouly hungry
Exeter„ Ree.27th. end taxed the arcerrunedation to its
ammeiwiapariraga......,- Utir acr (iwner, hy way of
„ . •
Calendar for September, 1901. `'.5,";brey,T,,a..elicle;leVoVurigoInvet,ralnrivri4
‘,SIY"i•T' " • • • *" 1,5„ 42.,13,' there t'ilbout 8 p.m. Hunaer, or the de -
4•110NPAY .),=4 -°i•' sire to get first to the supper table at
TDIESIIAT • • j'U 41 A* the teeteide hotel there, made scan srtoesnAet... . 4 11 13 2.5 ,
inoie caber than others, and after
TiitilSDAY• • ••' • •" 5 12 19 ' climbing up the long ltill we fonnd
Friane.v 0 13 20 27 . only eeating capacity tar 25 persons in
SA'rtnn-Ax... • • • • • 7 14 212S . the-tiaang teenialiese who Med arst
aearaitca. Vif.;01.0.2511y by the
, rem:de:der of the ravenous crowd out -
ode that very litth• time Wf.IS spent in
4./Cc til bolting thiwai eonie slipper. It was
. nearly H p. wben the last one 'MOS
seen Vann eta of that dng room.
Whether tray got any more than
treaerieSDAY, SEPTE5113113 19ra„ 1601 teeth -ideas? Theerhour, eine% say, we
vete eta teet. We retired to our
ON ME PRESS TRIP sleerers white the train was Ale -track-
', ed nail enjoyed a geed night'e rest.
1:p in the neorningoe goudalitealtfast on
, the train, ;tea we ail left Mulgt•ave. ac.
4Jr..1.1011T111, S4111. TO TUE GAR- : cotnpanied now by Mr. LambLin, of
DEN eleven tartee.-Tan Matter 8161iTzl' the I. C, 11., w -ho male time AMA travel
TRERE.-A TRW' TI11101:CM THEW:neer !pieaeznit. Then we took steamer for
BRAS Dson LANES. trip through the etrait of Canso nutl
•Bras D'Or Lake, for North Sidney.
The route taken is along the Strait of
On leeching moneien we were aken Caneo, and into the Liars through St.
avery c -..,;olccune by the MayorPeter's mai, Tais vain/ is al,ont 2,40
and eel eral other prominent citizens, l'ee; rn:oaa'ith ir.dhose- a Vreadth of ZiTIP
among weetn we met mg Hawke, ef feet on the water 14.e. St. Peter'.
the Tr:man:et, a cousin of Mrs. Wn.i viu$ set,aed„ l'Y the Fao9ell paid WS
HOwey, of Exeter. who aecempanied tele " toe lfailet'; roPorten nia'n for t
our paz,Fx v.s ir Joan. and point_ Louieboarie wee
ed out places of interest with which lie eiwa-en•
wee familer. NVe rushed on to 1ointT4e aites Francil nngli$11
am (levee. weeee the se 8. Northam, are to ipe .Aloog tht...shores
berland wee aele, waitiug tor us. We, ninny wits have teen r-hipretl from
Veen etataed fee Prince Edwatel Island Year toYenr aethe FeZa, is theferin a the
aistenee &a; eee the strait ea. Norte. peak. Our lead titroeteli these valetas
umeeet..rae:a ettout *roues. our sail 4 W4,1{i; ire" et tielightful, steepaeeieg ;ell the
eieseiee wee nieet tlelightful, the waters PwStI e ;all to desrtilla• Itch' l'e.1111/0.9
were eheieta augment awl Roue oe tea; ntieree III" this our party Taila to yield to teat Neptune masentel
but the nre.ater pert were able to par- 1w311,• ita laaYia in"eta ;Ina t•atuantio
take ee tee iree supper "reed tut the . la•IN IAtli i. rnand
boat. A very fine pieta:re, of rare "4°4'41 line Pf coast:a wo TaZ4S-S
beallt7 is preetrated as the shores a 111"e Peat IA" itna cntele
New likintswica recede arid grow dim, -ildLa.tia" with " 13n4 hetween as
and the appeenchte the Wand is ,(Iral sdath Africa tlt tine Prints we
Made ; wi..et. be red *oil contrasts exPrlit'are nn*iwell aa the 'thaivibt
with the lane waters. the Asia green .autl valin with senreely ariepit. liie
of tbe Pelde. end the darkriagreen or llama ocean. Wae met eevetal
.; picture in which earth. C1thie triP twill formed eolue very
Sea and Aga combine their Inies giving"Pamaiaia. ef;lilaninNITIVez`2_ the
a so. ;ea st itoniAlrt. 0 meeting Miss Davsen,
at. z. it.ea ..is4watiersIde and were ' latahnct, soltran° in a ClItIVell •M(/tte-
nef telv %labnigd.. ton, V5 zater eve nail supeol• at (he
Iflvetting eerie. wit were 10 Vt1100:li.;€' 1'100 X.Sithn'Y fa Vol US
raid OA; t WitS the appearance of with 'evelal roe tf Ong•
this elect we had landed in. We retho'ihzelz an lank boat
foundit beetitifully situated on Bedque 'is"' tile Pa,"t1 n1wy.Mid finding
Bay. the coast of New Brimswiel0 hatedeerallInralathra liniavil• we
visible n the dittance. There are men agein tlept on the 'train.
Evian, and still active who remember ,' Meal ion liae not tweet made of the
the bare location of this progreasive"."41t we vlsited at Westville in
town „„d,, the prosaic mule eat -hews' the very tantre of the etial zaining in-
shore. 'hue, the latenomenia waWiletry Picton County. tie exempla
ea wheat the ereewhee tranquility of a „field by the Acadia. Coal alining Code,
mere zeirea lauding plaze bee been tbe "rabble(' °ati)t-It irlf wilta'e calories
trtinsferreed into this luniy hive of leaceeti the slim of anaiao tone annual-
commeree of 3,000 inhabitants is tbe NVe etood at the edge of the ellaft
best arguznent to be found for the na, !and workh above ground but none of
• tural edventagee it possesses for met- ns cared to deecend to the depths un-
ropolitan die Linea ion. ;der the water but sent our compli-
ments and hedges down on a receding
t.1.1.11.IT11E.' IP
Prince Edward Island, is about 1301 We will next week give our readers
eagles long and has an average width sorne facts and figures concerning the
of about al euiles,-at Summereide be- 1g.reat steel works at Sidney, C. B., as
ing enly about three miles wide. Ww
e e /Mind them.
left Summered.° Saturday morning, ;
Aug. latia via rail for Charlottetown,
the capa.al of tbe Province. Passing I
along:tee saw rural scenery more like 1, EXETER FALL FMR.
Ontaz to than ta3y yet seen on our trip,
fine hedges eurround and run through ' The 1901 fall fair of the Stephen &
the fields of some of the farms ; the Laborne _Agricultural Society, held on
utiles and miles tif land under splendid motuhei and Tuesday . of this week,
cultivation, with cosy farm houses was equal, if not superior, to any for -
dotted here mid there, forms a picture mer exhibition held in Exeter. The
that attracts the eye of the stranger -weather, though chilly. was favorable,
and holis his interese as the ever vary- d a
bag panoraraapresents itself. While the. athlarge crowd WiLS on the ground,ceeds at the gate amountin,gne pro.to
houses do not compare with those of upwardeand in this WU in
Western province, yet we learn eluded 41,10 school children's tickets at
that they are principally heated ac .eacii. The show in tbe several
with steam, and besides a mortgage is bueldings was first-class, the exhibits
an unknown factor, thefarmersall be- being numerous and meritorious. In
ing in first-class circumstances with the stock claeses, the exhibits were
lots of money to their credit. We equal 1.0 former years, the sbow of
reached Charlottetown in time for din- horses being especially good, in fact
ner and were delegated. to the Hotel the best ever seen in Exeter, both as
to number and quality. Competition
in all claeses was exceptionally keen.
Following is the prize list :-
HEAVY DRAUGET, -Brood mare,
Dickson & Son, W. Brock, Thos.
Cairns ;Foal, W. Brock, W. Monteith,
Gardens, is the Post Office, a massive Chas. Godbolt ; Three year old, Sas.
stone seructure, and in it are the Say- Patterson, Williams Bros, 0 E Hack-
ings' .dank department, Custom House
and other Federal Government offices,
Also the Colonial :Building,built in Old
Colonial style, and composed of Nova
Scotia free stone. Its corner stone
was laid in May 1843. This building
was a revelation to most of our party
as heretofore we had only known it
geographically. We were accompan-
ied from Summerside by Supt. Sharpe
of the L U. R. and 31.r. Brenann, a
journalist, of Summerside, who enter -
tolled , us by the way. We all left
Davies, where rooms had been re-
served for our party.
-.Strangers arenapt"to judge a city by
the appearance of its public building,
reedier, this respectObarlottetown,a city
of a about 12,000 inhabitants, can
make a most creditable showing.
Situated in the centre of Queen Square
nev ; Two year old, Coursey Bros, H.
Smith, Jas Handford; one year old,
Jas. Beatty, Dixon & Son, 'Williams
Bros; team, 0. E Hackney, A Sin-
clair, Chas Bean.
AGRIOULTURAL.-Brood mare, Cour-
contains the offices of the local govern- se y Bros, Simon Hunter, Wm. Ker.
ment, and the library in this old nick ; foal, Jno. Duncan, Wm. Brock,
building is almost a curiosity, with Simon Hunter; three year old, E
its books in their quaint old-fashioned Gies, John Decker, 2nd and 3rd • two
bindings formiug materiel for curio year old, Coursey Bros, Jas. Hand -
seekers ti") spend a pleasant hour in the ford, A Love; one year old, Mrs J
ancient building. The Assembly Thomson, Jas Beatty: Chas Godbolt ;
Rooms, where the Government meets, team, Simon Campbell, E Butt & son,
is also in this building, The gardens OeurseY 13ros•
• about and around the three buildings GENERAL PURPOSE, -Brood mare,
are kept by the city, with a grant from W Delbridge, Jas Patterson, 0
the Federal and Provincial Govern_ Fotherington ; Foal Wm Brock, Mrs.
nients. A hand stand has a central Jno Thompson, Jas Patterson;
position in the gardens, and is occin three year old, R Birtch, Thos Eller-
• pied twice a week, the gardens berme ington, 0 E 1-1a,ckney ; two year old,
ing from every aspect as bright and P. Birtch, S •T Hogarth, Thos, Eller -
attractive a scene as can be found in ington ; one year old, 0 tValper, D
many tt larger eity. The City Hall is Fotheriugton, Josh Harding ; team,
a handeome brick edifice, on the cor- 3H Robinson, Jacob Rader, W Me -
net. of two of the widest and most gaire ; 3
pleasant streets in the city. The coun- Bawd en Sa.' me:Done% special for
cil Chamber cattail:a_ oil paintings of draught foals, W Monteith, J 13 SloW
• all tae Mayers -who have presided over eon, 0 A Graham, 1Vm liernick.
• civic affairs since the iheorporation of Simon Renter.
the Scity. On Sunday we attended • SPecia/ foals 'the get of A Dotaa
claureh service. and afterwards wan- "Orchard Willow'," Wm Brock, John
tiered. among the cool shady walks of Drincan, Wm Brock, W Delbridge ;
... JIMG2in-J. W Woodley, St. Marys;
W Taansou Fullarten 'Joseph White
• where you can gaze far out into the St lafarys. ' ' ' '
• sea, wbile tile sparkling Waters wash- ROADSTERS- Brood inaref Tilos
ing ing:n mile -Leer cadences on the Forsy tee, Jno Delbridge, Alex
shore, foam a fitting aeemnpaniment, leuchanan ; foal, John Johns, Alex
to a a rale of beoutv and quiet restful- Buchanan, T Forsythe .. three year
le wbole trip to the Island old, :foe Simpson, D nughee, Ella
Creighton ; two year old, R. II Riddle,
Jas Hoclains, Jae .Beatty ; one year old
Jas. Beattie, Jno Moir, Jim johns;
pair roadsters, Wm. Snell, lst wed 2nd,
Wm Hauson; single roadster, Ed
Swarts, C. Either, It M Elliott ; saddle
horse, Thos. Handford, R 11 Riddle,
Thos Handford, lady driver; Miss Dale.
Miss M Sproet, Mrs, R Welsh.
CARRIAGV.-Brood mare,. W Wit-
zel ; foal. W Delbridge, W. Witzel ;
three year old, Jas Roclgins, R Welsh,
Thos. Russell.; two year old, W L
McLaren, A. Bissett, Jno Essery ;
one year oid, W Witzel, Jno Essery ;
carriage horees, 0 Walper, .A. J Robin -
eon ; single carriage, MaggieCreigh-
ton, F E`Karn. B S O'Neil.
JUDGES -Wm. Graham, St. Marys
Robt Wilsor, Seaforth ;
CRIO"kt,- Light brithreas, Carling
Bros., 0.4. Graham; dark braluxias Co
Irwin 1 and 2; barred plymouth rocks,
Geo Irwin Carlin Bros; white ply-
garth; variety potatoes, G. Schroeder;
three DOW varieties potatoes, J. Hey-.
wood, 3. .Schroeder; .winter cabbage,
C. Birney, Miss M. JanueSon; globe
mouth rocks, Jos. Senior, G II Bissett; . mangolds, John Hunter,C. Walper,O,
buff cochhis, Geo, Irwin 1 and 2 ; silver . Stanlake; intermediate taangolds„ W.
' gray dorkins, G 11 Bissett 1 and 2; Penliale, j. Heater. 3. Morgan; early
biack breast, red pules, Geo. Irwin ; 1 horn carrots, L. Day, S.Hogarthi Nati-
brown red. bantams, Thos. Brock, jr; tes carrots, H. Huston, AV.Newcombei
duckwing hantams,Geo, lrwin 1 and 2: long orange or red carrots, G. Schroee
boudans, "-Mos. Prier; white crested der, Carling Bros.; white or yellow
black polatads, (leo. Irwin ; golden &Id carrots, 0,, Walper, L.Day; sweet 1.
polands, Geo. Irwin 1 and 2; wbite leg- corn,. M. Beetbour, A. Bissett; Indian ‘
barns, G II Bissett, D Douglas ; brown corn, T. Brock, J. Bowden; water •euel.
ieghorns, Wel. Johns; brown leghorns1 one, J. Roeder, Cephus Ppm musk
rose comb, Jas. Jewell, 1 and 2; buff ' melons, Carling Bros., O. Walper; .
legaorns, Wel. Johns 1 and 2; Andag Swede turnips, .J.linuter, P.Hartman, 1'
testate Gee. Irwin, .Carling Bros; black a Birney; variety turnips, G. Sehroe--
sparkish, Jo Moore 1 and 2; black der, M. J. NVIdte, J, Heywood; punap-
nunoreas, T Prier, Geo, Irwin ; silver; kins, T. Prior, A. Bissett; cauliflowers,
t laced wyandottes, jos. Senior, D .A., 0. Anderson, 1 and 2; red onions, C.
' Graben) • white evyandottes, Jos Sen-iBireiey, C. Pym; yellow or white on-.
ior 1 aud2 ; golden wyandottes. 0.4. ions, 0, Bieney, O. Andersou; tormea
raham ; bronze turkeys, R Williams; toes, O. Anderson, Rev. Meath); blood
-tiny other variety toraeys, Geo. Irwin ! beets, long, A. Bissett, G. Schroeder:
1 and 2; wiid geese. R Williams, A Bis-', turnip beets, A. Bissett„ L Day; sugar
sett; any other variety. geese, D A.0 beets, P. Hartman, H. (iroute; long
Grabame Beeman geese, .1 Hord & Son; ; maegolds, P. Hartman, 0. Birney, j. •
Pekin ducks. D A Ovation ; collection 1 Morgan; celery,. 0. Anderson, 1 and 2;
singing birds, -A. Bissett. , !carouse jilt). Cottle, 3. Hunter; par -
Judge. -E. S. Howard. snips, IL Haston,S. Hogarth; cabbage
IMPLEMENTS, red, (I. Sebroeder, G. Anderson; Col. t
Farm wagane ohathem meg. co ; top vegetables, G. Andersoin, piekling on -
buggy, mem Rem; est ana 2ua ; ions, G. Antietam) 1 and Z
Single piano bocutter. cLaughlin Mfg. Co., 1st and 2nd; portland eut- ,; carnietiMfIrSuiCtl'L
r7,H. Greg- !
x M
ter. McLaughlin Mfg. Co.: Ist and . out bonen, A. yepherson, honey in t
2nd ; iron beam plow. W. Smith, 1st
tcomb, Ar . MePheson; honey in jar. A.
ndfind; laasest0Jas pigyai acplestz:uwage whees,S..Nyiseaysehee,Illi74istautndj!ronlilttnp5hs.jueh
pteam. jut> Moore, 1st and ,,attuonteannedveg„tahles.m.Brethinfr, '
2nd ; draining tile, six pieees, J. Kerr , elm nishardson,
& son _; building brick, 11 pieces. J
rr .4; Son, lstand 2n4; fanning mill, DAII)a- PIWIWC1:8"
Witham Mfg. CO. Five lbs. butter. Rat. Nereid, dames.
specie', weigh semeg A aheigera Harton, E. A. Hogartin ten 1115. but: •
D„.):AninveNnicsii-or., 'at ategratt, le Robinson, ter, E. Barton, IL Kydd, Mee. Nat, ;
rolls„ lt, Rydd„ J. Barton, Miss. J. !
GRAIN AND SEEDS'. Triebner; special, 3. Morgan, 3. Haw- -
kills, 3. Hinton; Creamery butter, A. ,
Fall wheat. white.' 3. K. Wien. I. 4.= Bolder,
Brethour; WI wheat, red. S. Wise, J.
K. Wise; any variety spring wheat, 3.
K. Wise, M. Brennan.; 0.roweil barlen,
M. Brethoute J. K. Wise; 2 -rowed Lair -
lay, M. Brethonr, 3. K.Wise: other va-
riety heraiy, tn. Bretatner; largo oats,
M. Ilretiomr. Josh ileywoodi common
tette, J. IL Wise, al. Bretheler; Mack
Bella, W Mitchell, Exeter 2 9 2
Wilkes, 3. Hicks. Elimville
Lucy, 1 Snell, Exeter, 1 1 1
White Wings, L Charlesworth 3 3 3
Time, 2.45, 2.40, 2.45
230 cl.A.S.•s,
Sidney Pointer.B.BosaenherrY 1 3 1
Kid McCoy, H. Wing, Sbipaa. 2 1 3 2
West Sitle..1. Merner. Zurich 3 2 2 3
Time, 2,34a for three heate, 2.392 4t1.1
Joe Stauton. T. Mutelork Heasall 1 1 1
King Stanton; 2 2
Time, half mile, LOSS, 1.09, 1,17S
Deniteen.-Aged cow, Smith, 1
and 2, Jim. Bunter ; three-year-old
cow, II Smith. Jno Hunter; two-year
old heifer, II Smith 1 and 2. Jno Hun-
ter $ • year •old heifer, :No Hunter 1
and 27; heifer calf. II Smith, .r1130, Hurt
e; bull calf, 11 Smith 1 and 2. W
rook ; herd, II. Smith, Jim Hunter.
Onantea-Aged cow, Jim Hawkins,
Rola Iiieles 2 and $; two year old heif-
er, Rcbt Ilicke,Shapton & Son 2 and 3.
yearling heifer, II aironte, 1 and 2, W.
Westeott ; heifer calf, Phil, Ilartinan.
Thee. Prier.
Bane gent's (4-verir.E.--Two year old
1Vestcott, Hawkins,
ipten & Son • yearling steer, Jno.
wain', Shapt.on & tam 2 mad 3; fat
ere Jno Itawkins. 1 and ; fat coxv,
Swale:doses Gardiner 2 and 2; :aver
vela 11 Smith,
AyraAllant:„--Two year old heifer, R
JEM-41.1i8.-eow, Alex. Bacbanall.
4%rinstrong ; o vette old heifer. Thos
Prier, Tlitee. Weida yearling heifer, T.
Brock ; calf, Thus Brock, jr. T.
Brock, sr; bull calf, Thos. Brock, jr.
Poeletn ANC:VS.-Heifer calf, Butt
& Son; bull calf, E. Butt & Son,
IlEtinroups.----Cow, Monteith Bros ;
Iwo year old heifer, yeariing heifer,
heifer calf, bull calf, Monteith Bros, 1
and 2.
Judges. -Jos. Atkiuson, R. 8. Rob.
SOD, Ilderton; Jas. Heywood.
8111101'SIIIIMBOWNS„-Slailarling rant
A. Dunkin, T Case & Son ; ram lamb,
A Dunkin, T. Case & Son, A Dunkin;
nged caeca et Dunkin, T Case till S01),
A Dunkin ; A, Dunkin 1st,
and and tird ; ewe lambs, et Dunkin est
and 2nd.
laxeinees.-Aged ram, Shapton &
Son ; shearling ram, Geo. Penhale,
Shapton Son ; ram lamb, Shapton &
Son 1st, 2nd and ard • aged ewes, Geo.
Penhale, Shantou az' Son ; shearlings,
Shapton & Soli ; ewe lanthaShapton &
Son, Geo. Penhale.
LRICESTER.-Itant lamb, (ieo. Pen -
hale ; aged ewes, Geo. Penhale ; shear -
Hugs, Geo. Penhale ; ewe lambs, Geo.
Penhale lot and 2nd.
GRADE SHEEP.- Sbearlings, Shap -
ton & Son.
JUDGES. -J Sheppberd, Hensall ; 1)
M McLaren, Hibbert ; Hicks, Cen-
YORKSHIBE.-Aged boar, R Birtch;
boar, one year, R Birtch ; 1901,13
Birtch, Jno Allison ; sow two years, It
Birtch ; sow, one year, R Birtch, Jno
Allison ; sow, 19al, R Birtch, Jno Alli-
CHESTER WIIITE.-Boar one year, A
BERESHIRE.-Boar, 1901, D A Gra-
ham ; sow two years, D A Graham ;
sow. 1901, D A Graben).
TA.MWORTIL-Aged boar, 3 Hord &
Son ; boar one year, D Douglas lst and
2nd : boar, 1901, J Hord & Son, D
Douglas 2nd and 3rd ; aged sow, J
Hord & Son, D Douglas ; sow one
year, D Douglas lst and 2nd, J. Hord
& Son ; sow, 1901, D Douglas lst and
DIPLONA..- Pen of any breed, R
Birtch. D Douglas, J Hord & Son.
JUDGES.- Jos Petty, Hensall : R
Delbridge, Winchelsea ; Thos Prier,
Light brahmas, D. A. Graham, Car-
ling Bros.; dark bralunas, Geo. IrWin
1 and 2; barred Plymouth rocks, A
Bissett, Geo. Irwin; white Plymouth
rocks, Jos. Senior, Jas. Jewell; buff
cochius, Geo. Irwin; white cocains, G
Irwin; langsbans, DA Graham; silver
gray dorkins, Geo. Irwin; black breast
ed red games, A Bissett; black red
game bantams, Geo. Bissett, G. Irwin;
brown red bantams, Thos. Brock, jr.;
duckvving bantams, Jno. Moore, J,
Hord & Son; any other variety ban-
tams, Geo. Irwin, D. A. Graba.m; sil-
ver spangled , hamburg's, D. A. Gra-
baro; houdans, Thos. Prier, white
crested black polands Thos. Mack, jr;
golden nolands, Geo. 'Irwin; white leg -
horns, D. Douglas_ D. A. Graham;
brown leghorns, D. Graha m ; brown
leghorns, rose comle D. A. Graham ;
white leghorns, rose comb, Jas. Jewell;
huff leghorns. D A Grabam. Abe Bag-
shaw ; black java, Geo. Irwin ; .Anda-
lusian, Geo. Irwin, Carling Bros.; black
spanish, Jim. Moore, 1 and 2; black
tninorcas, T Prier. 1 and 2; silver laced
wyandottes, Jos. Senior, D A Graham;
white wyandotte s, Jos. Senior, D. A.
Graham; golden wyanclottes, D. A,
Graham; bronze turkev.e, D Douglas,
A Graham; any variety turkeys, G
Irwin; Toulouse geese, la A Graham,
D Douglas; wIl geese. It W 1 inn's ;
Bremer) geese. 3. Hord & Son; ;my
other variety ge se, I) • A Graham. 3
Bowden ; Pekin ducks, Geo, Irwin, D.
A Graf:are; corection pigeons.. G H
Bissey, \ Brock, jr; Belgian rah
jr., N. D, liurclon ;
ratabite, H •Spack-
','11 ,Willtarns, 1) A
3.1sliSsille.nsAll'isT.ertel,tiliiiiiit'w80.ol,Malsisee • >44+.4•11-a 44-4a4+4,4-044,-,-eideta+4,4-0-atearlaa..a.a.+4a4+:414"-a44.4daairaa
M. Jamison, 8. Wise; blankets, 3Ire. , The 'ling of eaalegee. 4.13,,,ows nappw. Thou,eht..
Walking Shoe
Solid comfort, wear,
shoe 4eanty and satis-
faction is what you get
in a pair of "Sovereign"
walking boots.
Goodyear welted, ex-
tension double soles,
the latest style in cut
and finish.
Rubber heels, leather
lined, waterproof
handsome, durable and
No better -shoe at any
price, $4..00 per pair.
Made in boys' and
youths' sizes, Us()
and $3.00 per pair.
Nott, ;Mies E.Creightoreborse •
blankets, M. Brethour, M. Creighton; •*
yarn, E. Creighton, J. Tom; dmnestie
oats, 31. Brethour, MeRwen; Intsse cotton warp, W.Chesneee 31.13rethour;
pk,aN• 31, 1_1mo-tour...J. E. 1,Viet•; sinAl sewi"gt!'",",41"1",,e• 8, • N"ettlit• ,1
pees, eg rhatheme ieteeaeon thno., organ, a. eiar{ta t ARO plklor lump. ••
thy 4„4.0, J.N. wise; mu,: tuve, R. :S. Rowe, Beverley 4's: litar,ton:
eti, meEwen, ih•t.tht,t," bedroom furnittire. Berteley
• Beverlev 1111.40a,
; ors/lour, egiladellit'li Sinl. MastyPtilnklIt'•
lud 2; white be,ans. J. H. wise. .11,. a 4,4..1. 101We; stuffed birdij, A. McPhee- gia
m„, obour:11 son; factory Heade quilt, J. aluir & Coo
mat le ear, nuit,y,a.„,,a. 31. etaahour. if"tatentlitel: ft.,;ate;trooni,e; eel,:
etaeone.--Winier appita. F blankets,
51"ir &"1-, 2z
ner, Wm.t'beAwy; fall apples, F.Triele harness, materettg and 2; cured ham. .
oltmc nt t wet ds, •. NNW:trion; si
W. ChemleY; Winter apples. any 3, Tom. T. Prior; etore goods, W. W. •
airiety, II. Gregory. W. elpe..ney; fall Taman; toile! goods,S. Ponell; baker s
applea 11.6regoty.1V.chesm,y; Rhode bread, A. Ilagehaw, WAN". Wes
Island tireenings, MeTaggart, 11. FINE,
°mute; xorthern Spies, O. alker, ,
Stacey, Roxboro Itussete,Thoe.Yellow, xaterealm Painting, •Mls• *LI
s„ui etalawitue H. (haute, ague Dam). (rayon. Mrs. White, H. N. aleTteg-
II. Urinate; Spitzenburge, A, Mather.
painting in oil, Mrs, whitgagewoieh,
coy; Westfield Seeklio.further, gall; pencil sketch, Wm. Weekee;
immte, wm, ittn,403: stiow nivie,s. photographs, J. Senior; hair dresser's
IL Gyula., la Trielmer; Gravensteine, week, Ed. Fi; pastel sketch
11. Huston: Fall Pippins, IL Gronte;
Colverts, 116sett, 0. 11. HFLOWERS.or- •
ney; King Tompkins, NV. Chesney,Jos.
Forth Alexandere, Jae. Snell; Canada
Red, /I. Groutie Brethour; Milstein
Pippins, (a lItt, G. Walker; Wag -
neve; W. I hunwey, 3. 81101; Grimes G.
Pippins, II. Glenne: Maiden's IllusleG.
Welker. W. Danneey; Golden Russets,
II. Granite, NV Dauncey; Ben Davis,
Hogarth, 4.. Bissett; Wenithy, 11,
Gregory, 3.0111, Duchess of Oldenburg,
21, litieton, Mrs. J. Thompson; Blen-
heim Pippins 10. Trieliner
PilAns.-Ffemit-li Beauty, Mrs. ,
White, A. alerhersom Duchess An-
goulime, 3. (4111, Thos. Brock; Beurs
Clairgeau, A. McPherson, S. Hogarth;
Chipp's Favorite, Mrs. Nott; Vicar of
Wingfield, J. Roeder; Bell Lucrative,
(4. N °epee; Sheldon, NV. Newcombe,
Alex, Meraven; East Beurre, A. Mc-
Phee:aim, Louis Bonnie de Jersey, W.
Newcomb, T.. Brock.
Br:v.:vs.-Du:tiles Purple, Mrs. J.
White, Miss J. Triebner; Lombards,
II. Huston, W Newcombe; any other
variety. Miss Triebner, G. Walker;
Pona's Seedlings, F. Wood, Wm,' 'Tre-
ble; Grand Duke, A. McPherson, G.
Vosper; Glass Seedling, Carling Bros.,
T. Brock; Bradshaw, S. Powell.
GRims.-Niagara, Carling Bros.,
Mrs. 3. White; Concord, H. Gregory,
G. Vosper; Delawares, Rev. W.M.alar-
tin; Rogers' No. 15, NV. Newcombe,
Rogers' No. 19, Rev. Martin, W. New-
eorabe; Rogers' No. 5, Rev. Martin,
Carling Bros.; Rogers' No. 9, W. New-
combe; Rogers' No. 22, W. Newcombe:
Rogers' No. 45, M. 13retbonr, W. New-
combe: variety grapes, G. Vosper,Mrs.
PEACHES.-Rarly Crawford, James
Harlon, Carling Bros.; late Crawford,
W. Penhale, S. Powell; variety peach-
es, Beverley & alueton, J. Roedee.
American Wonder potatoes, 0,
Varieties in pots, W. M. Harbmn;
Fuchsias, Mrs, Rieberdsont Foliage, 3.
E. Dingell; Begonias, Mrs.Richardeon;
Oeraniume, Mrs. Riehardson; hanging,
basket, Mee. Richardson; eolleetion
flowers, 3Irs, Richardson. /
Happy Thought
Their Cue vklr
are made in 6 dii'erent sizes aud 72 di
the latest practical improve-
ents such as tile Corrugated
ven, Transparent Oven Doors,
Vnobstructable Oveu Damper
and a Thorough System of Oven
Ventilation. ;
150,000 Comedian Coolts
Recommend Them. .4P,47.47
Write for illustrated pamphlet.
The Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford
4-11.11,44+++44-4-:-+W.4 8015D BY *-1÷141-141-4-H14+44+444+-
40, T took on
1°1'F Ilands and Brant
to perfect The X1appy
Thought Range, and it's
the Range that ardent
copiers have taken their
cue from. : ; ;
nappy Thought Ranges
t styles. They have all tt
Dahlias, Jno. Cottle, S.Harton; Pan- CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT.
sies, J. Cottle; German Asters, ILIfue.
Hemmed handkerchiefs, H. Gronte,
ton, Mrs. White; ten weeks' stork, IL iw Calesnev; darned tendts. 21. Groute;
Huston, J, E.Digniunl= erbenas, Chas. eroehet woette \V.cheeney; pin cush-
liiiney, 3. Cottle:Petunias, cattle;
Petiolate, double, 3. caue; Phlox
Cheenay; plain sewing, Robt.
Drommorali, 3, Cottle, 0. Bit:1*y; Zen- "
nias, 3. Cottle; cut flowers, Bev. Mar-
tin, IE. Dignan; Annuals, 3. Cottle,
LADIES' WORK, L'Eufnat Terrible.
Rag carpet., woolen warp, AV Mee- I
A well know 11 lanai r ell MI:0a to
ney; rag carpet, cotton wRI
arp. a. TO.
I give a number of seleetlene at a ia =I-
S. Wise; wool mat, Miss II. Wise; rage"
Intel y eller the :Wile ant over
socks, M. Jamieson. M. Creighton;wool d the guests were ehatiering in their
mat, M. Brethour, Miss Wise.; wool an .
stockings, M. Creighton, Mrs, G. Nat; esual iasluon the hestees and her little
girl, a elan of about 5 or 0 yenrs of
cotton socks, M. Jamieson, M. Creigh-0 nge, eame up to him.
ton; cotton stockings, M. Creighton, "Oh, Mr. ---," the hostess remarked.
Mrs. Nott; lady's mitts; M. Creighton;, "you must be tired."
Richardson; men's wool gloves, Mrs. child; "we are " -Philadelphia Tele -
Merton, M.Creighton; chrochet quilt, graph.
Mrs. John Thompson, E. A. Hogarth;
tufted quilt, E. A. Hoped), Mich.
Brethour; patchwork qua. woollen.
H. Wise, Mrs. Nott; patchwork quilt,
cotton, Mrs. Nott, H. Wise; silk quilt,
Mrs. Tom, A. S. Davis; wool shawl,
Mabel Brooks; flannel shirt, Mrs.Nott,
M. Bretbour; ladies' enderwear, Mrs.
L. D. Graham; darning on stockings,
Mrs. Graham, E. Creighton; button-
holes, Mrs. Graham, J. Tom; linen tea
cloth, Rev. Martin, M. Creighton; ta-
ble mats, M. Brooks,E. Creighton;doy-
lies, ISL Creigbton, M. Jamieson; pin
cushion, M. Brooks; sofa pillow; M.
Creighton, Mei. Nott; crochet lace
men s WOO miets, al. Creighton, Mrs.! eyes, you must be," agreed the little
Nott, M. Creighton; knitted quilt, T.
Schroeder. A. Bissett; Beauty of HO- 1 Miss Mabel Brooks, Miss Maggie
von, G. Schroeder, 3. Heywood; Em- Creighton; crochet work, E.Creightou;
crochet and knitted slippers, Mrs. Gra-
ham, M. Creighton; embroidered cen-
tre piece, Rev. Martin, M. Creighton;
embroidery with sick, M. Creighton,
3. C. Wood; embroidery on flannel,
Mrs. Graham; Roman embroiaery, M.
Geeigh ton; cross stitch embroidery. J.
C. Wood; silk work, Mrs. White, AL
Creightom-drawn thread work, Mrs.
White, T. Ellerton; fancy netting, T.
Ellerton, M. Creighton; handkerchiefs,
linen embroidery, E. Creighton; tat-
ting; Dr. Browning, Mrs. W. Sweet;
darned nett, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. Graham;
Bo ttenbing lace, Mrs. 'White, Mrs.
L. D. Graham; point In ce, Mrs. graham,
E. Crei irb ton; Bonita]: lece,Mrs.White,
M. Brooks; Braiding. E. A. Hogarth,
Mrs, Nott; painting on china, Mrs.
White; 1 and 2; patching, M. Creigh-
torn screen, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. White;
etching, M. Creighton, P. Hartman;
bead rest, Mrs. White, M. Creighton;
' w iskholdea, M.Creigh ton , M. Bre tinier
tea cosy, Mrs.Nott,'S. Wise; hand bag,
Mrs. White, M. ,,Brethour; tidy, M.
Brooks, Mrs. Nott; Mount Mellick
work, M. Creighton; fancy anion. M:
Creighton,H. Wise; Bulgarian em-
broidery, M. • Creighton; sideboard
cover, M, Jamieson: crochet skirt and
jacketin wool,M. Creighton ; tray cloth,
M. Creighton; Mrs. White; Applique
work, vJ. Brethoue, ALOreigiaon; hen
stitching; M. Creightou, Mrs. Grab am;
toilet mats, M. Brooks, • M. Bred:nine
embenidery in Mee stitches, M. Creigh-
ton; plain heed sew i n g, Mao. Graham,
Tong home made bread, Heetoo,
Bawdon. La' A, Hoggetah; tea
• biectate, H. Wise. W. Bowden. •
wire State potatoes, (e. Schroeder, A.
McEwen; May Queen, J. Heywood;
Rend New York, Jelleywood, S. Ho -
"1 have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
pleased- with it. It certainly re-
stores tha original color to gray
hair. It keeps myb air seft.”-Mrs.
Helen Kilkenny, New Port] and, Me.
Ayer's Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never fails to d
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for.
making your hair grow.
SLOS a bottle, All &voids.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
13end us one dollar and we will express
• you a bottle. Be sure and give the name ;
of yevx nearest exprese °Mee. Address,
J. C. AYER X., miss..
Trouble Ahead.
"What are you crying for?"
"Me big brudder's gettin a lickin."
"Ah, I seet You're sorry for him."
"New, I'm 'sorry fer meself. He's
goin ter lick me fer tellin on him." -
New York Evening Journal.
No Wonder.
Oswald -Whit was the mattali this
mawning, my deah boy? You walked
dweadfully kwooked, don't cher know!
Had you been eating a bwandy peach?
Bertie-Bless you, no, deah fellow.
But in pawting my hair the beastly
ialet put thwee more twesses on one
destroyed my equilibwium, don't cher Charlton
side than the other, and it completely
1 More cass of sickhendeehe, bilious -
1 ness, coastipetion cetti be cured in less
i time, with lees medicine, and for less
money, by esiug Cal ter $ Little Liver
Pills, than by any Other means.
I Dr, G. C. Shannon, one of the old
residents of Goderich, tlfirked wady on
1 Sunday at a ripe old age. Ile ValS eur-
1 gem to i be gunboat during the Fen-
ian trouble, baeieg leen ppointed by
tbe Itnperial Government, azal up to,
within a few days ago he carried on
local practice.
Must not be coufoundcd with com-
mon cathartic or purgative pills, Car-
ter's Little Liver Pills me entirely an -
like, them in every respect. One
trial will prove their superiority.
Teeswater's tax rate for 1001 is la
Is now easily cured, not bypouring•
nauseous destructive
drugs into the
stOmach, but by inhaling ()ataxia.
hozone. Drugs do more harm than
good, but the soothing, healing medi-
ated air that Catarrhozone supplies •
to the lungs and bronchial tubes can-
not fail to benefit, Catarrbozone
prevents those smothering spasms
and headaches, cnres the cough and.
makes breathing easy, 'Universally
used ; doctors recommend it ; druge
gists sell it, 25c. and $1.00.
Charlton & Reddy wonld inform
the public that they have opened a ,
steam pump factory in the premises .•
north of Town Hall, Exeter, and are
prepared to supply all kinds of pumps
and. fittings, alsoplurobing water tanks
and troughs, or anything .in the line
of woodwork at close prices Repair-
ing of any description carefully awl ,
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure 'Our dys-
pepsia,rpake your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
• 25c. Ali druggists.
Want your inouttaclie Or beard 4 beautiful
brown or rift black'? Then nee
•60 trra. OP DFIUGGIOTS, 0M 5. 1'. HALL d en:, NASHUA, H. HA
For want of room since the fire
bargeius will he given. •
Those wanting rigs etnee.end eee
for yomeelves.