HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-19, Page 2NOTES AND CO211,1aNT3, Raelroa.ds are constantly gaining in importaece for war purposes, and this is eePecially true in a country of such vast, distences as Russia. As soon as Russio. gained a firm foot- hold io central and eastern Asia the necessity for a railroad to connee these dista eatarde•••e• 0 Iper evaalieeleeerselealietiatleft .. ,..t • . The °me• . • • 11 4. - .. • . 44 ... '00.40‘8,0.4.0...4.41)*00+.40004.4t IN THIi APPLE SEASON. The Urea for fresh apples is el- CEYL• N AND INDIA NATURAL LEAF Eft Mirto M 114-' Resembles Japan in flavor, but is never impure—while nt domains with the ways healed wait pleasure by house- infinitely superior in quality. It is making rapid strides motherlaVd e became evident and wives fol with, them uo ead of breught into being the tCaspian cle- licients dishea neo.y be prepared. in public favor because taf theabove facts, Drinkers Qi which lies beeextehderans- , e everyoApple sauce, appreciated by nearly teas should gi ive t a trial roed. n ei to tsr.e. is too oftert poo.rly made. 4 Afghanistan and Chinese borders. Not long ttgo. in a house weere bet - Wen the great Sieerian road was ter judgmeet might have been ex - to the darn came to the talele conamenced to reach Vladivostok, the thicket:et' with cernetarch. most iraportent strategic point in maw, peopie thin4. tha; sanee luade -eastern Aa. Russia ob- ef summer apples end tender skineed . ..,- ta.ined fro. na Che. permission to whiter Ones i3 improved ia flavor if • peeled 'before leation peel is sametiniee Plet inta Prieen-Wartler--. It's just b.eert found build the. traus-lit-enelearian brarrch !tile aPPle5 nt'e 1-401 cooking. In ti-iis ease the pulp is each with the sugar. Some hou.set out that you eidn't coronet that of the Chena roa& whieh bas - bee -a pushed througl. colautier while it. keepers use a. sprtnitling of einna, -crime you've been in for all these extended to lementure Patzsloes latestis hot. Ily tbie method. however, mon or a piece of butter ehe size of years. and so the governor has par- -acquisition, on the leau-ttaug penin- the eauee becomes r -ore or less a clee•re. doned you. Junocent. Man -that Vm stiln o Port hur ad Teller.- "entree"' in tee long in the usual Ore housekeeper always use' pound pardoued. am I? Prison -Warder- -e, AlitArt„l• •-'• • - 11 -tithed el cooking is most sittisfac.s sweets Per batting. She removethe Y --s; hut don't go yet. I have to wan, Uow the Russian town Of Dal- ,2 tory . to the reajoritje of persons. ;.core, and packs them in a large pud- telegraph for further instructions. In - wet. The trans -Caspian road had . Pare, nuertee and core the fruit ; •ding.drish with a, cupful oe hot water uccent Man -What about? Prison .originally a purely Military ohIett. '.'nut it into a satteepan with just, in the bottom. The dish is covered Warder -Seems to tate that. consuler- 1.1V7S ,THAT rst exeeditiora egainst Teke- eneelgh bUnwater to covehi r, and ceely and set in amoderate oven, Mg you bedn't kiny business here, • WE. TOOK HIS BRO-Tge The fithe ;simmer lt gentle until it is done. witere the fruit is allowed to steam you ought to pay the Government ritarkomeen proete t 4. t•e"...- -441 - 04Weeteil to taste while hot, stirring slowly until it is tender. Meet the for your board. - Ceylon Teas are sold, IA Sealed Lend Packets only. Ulack, nixed, Uncolored Ceylon Green. Free samples eent. Address 44SALADN," Toronto, IN CASE OP ACCIDENTS. On the initiative of a ee. leouvard there has just been installed in Paris a new apparatus for the beneet of future victims oe furious driving on the poet of the recklesa chaufleurs. This "phare de secours," as it is called, has a key withie a glazed box, something like those used in fire alarms, and when an aecident occurs the sympathetic bystander has only to break the glass, possess him- self of the key, aud open the door of a receptacle containing a liend ambulance. Tbere is also a telephone ettached for communication with the municipal ambulances if the case is sufficiently serious. It looks as if something of the kind will soon ..bie anted in London. Hicks -Yon say you haven't a, sin- gle superstition. Would you start, a journey on Friday'? Whiles -Never! Saturday is pay-day! BROTHER'S KEEPEI ••••,•••44••• c4EOR GE S. NeATThI raitroad to transport the enormous 7 uetil the suger is eietribated. : o.ppico are phaeed in an earthen dish train re tiirne• a read as built to : If the apple seettern are wanted, and the inice is poured over them Wiegle-Why call it a toothbrush? unierolien, make a syrup of one cup -e witl a big wciettet spoon until they You should sav teethbreeh, unless with Baeltaclee-Viaally AcIvis- carry supplies areil material for the", „ .. teooes el tee seeene espeditkm to ' tut el sugar. -Lb-fourths of 1, up- -. . aie eta. w . they transferred You happen 1, nen are - 'nal of water, and --: ec *- i B • • .44444.441444 FeWS 4,7>VIG.S. or Twenty-five Years Crippled. ed to Take Bodeles gidne "Pit - purposeveei,t 0 na i41„: ti:4,..i: be. tItittsu,s,,4:ale4s1 elotns ; rt:;11,voNli!‘tientrut!t3.0e. z.:s. te....tikiests:;:_ei;71tuet.difw.;):! to 1,1:1. if ti114.;:q,se ital.iisidh pazi..tat co eo-neretithewiietol! il\b‘,0"atintes.11::Nh4,:.:eNonyi.ois:ne:: v.: e_oen:bootidlittoea:iflte;e1:104tItca i:s14e..:,- van. that, aside iroat the we:men:no 'sour apples. Ceok tieen siowly Cire..;tt'io .r'e Ve.I.L1.1s wia.S:-;-"•"1" "e said ilh"silcs ti ' . *. ' e 4- EeCou:oelln: pgce:t..5:::. A:: 97 tial for the wait:team-ice of her eat- I with a, woven:a :Toon. Dail tiie syrup ,rnaAzehr:ti of baLed atiple sauce is Ilarry-Girle take things so literal- Mr. G. S. McLaughlin l'ives in this paring- tool coring eart, iy. you !snow. Fred -As for mitre abet. little Nova Scotia. village. Os Then remove the elides carefully prentacy in te Asia, that the --'4' for rive tali:mates or so, and sti'ain it qp ries utterer teeei in la. deep pude Pie? Harry -Five years ago when brother keeps the grocery store here. reed be etill , 41,11174nt44-es. it was atBSollatety eSS they are tereler, but not b "" ttit than whew' Wengle-But how about a 1 b er- ro en. flemokee ht an overt dish. lam ruse? er extended. over the apples- A tin or iron dieg dist. with just enough water to neY eister was twenty -live. I wowed dish is revere oi voiwee, employed to never there. eeeertn teeefoseeiber many liappy returns. And if cook- any fruit. A tt'peonfu j.and leaking or steaming In a you'll believe it, her tweety-flith Steadily and surelY Ruseia has ; butter added to tl!-^phe. sauce often:moderate Oven mali 8wl of a a they are tender. birthday returns regularly every vemeed in central Atio, and has made ! oftens the flavor, athe !mice :Then the pple"; are removed with- ever. herself mistrees ofTiartiestan; in 1805 'lemon aud additional seear add to • out ereuiting and a half a cupful. of I teng teerea, 11°3 riel"-e"'" luso" (ncit sugar is :edited te the luice for every X uueerstand Miss Goode took Tesitkent MI, in _-.„ n_, -4 p, It a put ' t tie . — • • • *;.A. •••• 11. • syrup• "4 eee rya= is belle() Petiee heezons at the Conservatoire. lint for this seemingly unimportant fact, unless death had mercifully re- lieved him of his sufferings, Mr. Mee Laughlin would in all probability inkVe teen a lielplers cripple to -day. For it was through his brother lteepe hie; store that he came to try Iheld's Kidney Pills. THE. REMAND FOR movonvy..av.o.vvvaa. EgYLQ u 1.4A increases daily. This is a. sure proof that its (mai' ty must be rizlit.* Fri Lead, Packages, 26, 30, 40, 69 and CO Conte. AO& if You 17rot mots SHIP yonr w 11'6'14* I. AUTIgag SCES, PeULTRY. APPLES. os; FstitY3 rid PROPUIS TheDawsor, One" gain jeimpp, .tn,„ Limited, 0; West Market Awl Dawson Yr-fw. Colborne St., Toronto. Maley dealers sell adulterated tea, OLD SICORE,S SDeABows. said um shopkeeper, but auine is per - gee Attelaetao —Issued for leseenne fectly pure. No doubt you find snort- • est tea. is the best policy murmured Some Peedietious, :the prolessiortee humorist shaineface Although almost four punalis yet roman. of the year 1901. old Moore jack -Well did you succeed in illaraesdiaettrineandayfoperelvad and ds they ynderful are Malting her father toe the mark?' farailitta rorm. of the penny annanack. mark. but was the now being sold in England In the Tom (sadly) -Yes, The war in South Africa will ap- "We shull hear from South Africa• But surely., urged Barlow, seeing ie f.iliaard! Liniment ft sale eyolywhera parontev end uext January ; at any t rate this seems to lae the bidden.; meanimg. of the prophetic phrase.] dings of really goon •omeu." But believing? Not necessarily, respond - it Le a short-lived peace. In ed Dobson; for instance, I can seer July -we :hall learn of a sudden you every day. but as to believing rising. in South Africa. Some of the you— He never finished that sea, smouldering embers of revolt will teem he fainted into WOW- aad for a time, thews will loot. serious for the Brit-. le float ogain in peace."' Itinar4 Liniment Cures Burns, etc. ish. in the .end the Union Jaen Berta ting to Jtualtutry it is pro- Out of 630 Roman Catholic bise I phesied that "a King's messenger hops in 117,uror.e, itztly has no leea will be Feet*, on les road from Whitt- than flea. France comes tweet with i• to London, involving a. hasty .S6, and the Tenited leiugdom bas 49. cethaet of the cabinet. and for an iille. at least aki the world will t e : * • • — in a state of expectation and eas- , ..., M owls bowled Cures Dtuldruir' leiriee." 4 terrible °Ili:wreck* Ti°1ent dise Of the total aree. of the British turbalteee Dublin. rearrange great national importance, are among the events tbut will leterell in February. In March there Will be a. eecond Ikougemont in the country ---"a mys- terious traveller from the East, with tales of the most efaraortlinary and the Chanel. Koltan ceased to ex- ; in weave eppiee nee cooked. This:tor atoirt lia4i an 144;1r Ten zni , • Oh, yes she got a old medal. Yet I tcci e. paint is thirty-seven character. He is nothing more than ist. in legTa tottowed the exPeatiou gefireesee'lett_antrndeee,TL'4,1, 11,enef.en Agentiet ,..utee beforei ...removing fr:iin the trlitin f, 7.as ''ineein."3- a' vedt gat lwr. hotre last wiEtes lif°r10% Ti -14-1:0-: 111e 01-14,,,olinec...4, . plausible fraud." A vast int- ugaiust China, in 18e0 the Tyne- ‘.'-'411,0""etelTecsr,i;v4iire:"avr,"-t 4'etiisei":. eilereeete a wet- or ganger or mace or a few „1 Milt and 410 PlIS'iL 'TOY' reflilF2Il to r f IOU is by waggon road, and in the Provenient in ait instrument of war Tureomaes were overtitrown. in 1S,94 npvie'ltivete* however, (liiliet 0 ':tf ;loves ere lea Lu. At the end of tele 'PlaYeeeniil she had decide -1 to give it epug when the roade ere allpasse is. predicted ice April, and um iia,..ay Mery WaS' flbSal 1:eil. and in leten the thing tent et - . e,- ' . any time. reeaove the eeice and turat . HP-th mere -blind people an proportion to Yee; that's what she got Illv fatale. the hamlet, ie isolated cent- the tlisturtere of the cleirch n ttleets 44 `"r4 v," 1544-0 ' the liquid ove- thk.‘ inlit width ees meted for rile re:14 bore gay. it to , i to . 4 ".;,atIA e‘ at, ILO- li re F0100 Illelltit AfGhwes were defeated. and the Ilus- apple savor. . , been keel: hot.• Cover cieeelY ut;:d ller'' . . *.' ' . ' " iloVIV'h.rs IIKlnen.ee!IT4itteeliftZllelttifilt!le; Nv.1"1 I I tactical. gle- ele4A of a wnin-iiiiile Poruletion than other European. ,1,•-. ,1 I cr.•' ,r, 0.0 ReOtitill.ty ' Paha. aliti Nr. Are- . ana rkspc,ctelf nohh-man, who for ''' - s '''. " Camara"; Spain Bete 010 rer 100 - the aeries elow'v until thee ter' el ' . , -- t,, , sion5 established a *unitary stetion e"- ( "* i'l. enh-e4 wee:' °I eeoting St'intl 4X:-.11:.° to Cool, Thin dish is at Keelea. on the river et the Fame :rz...h nhttoitiey ;4:ea :4‘"aht,; .i3 •11;:c.„-;;Iriaet ,tlelicious eeeved VritIi eL-,altu, .,., piloionf.ji, "..riy slyi 1..4eu.n.:. bands peeeteeee ereti,or in eeepenee tn ,,,. more i 000. Norway tItiel. lreland 111. !mums. veetenialing the railroad to that variety in the bi:l el fare, "Jlei . A eempote of applee manes an at- aro tt led lev neeklent In the conree frequent requeste. leeen to retail life Les CAI-4AM Mere -elf to hid ne.. -,,okt'ars than A to anual eptiu of ' the 1,1144.-n, mei c„ve„, .tie,..11 „..„.141 cotd a. enp li: 1.47414:41% a enfl Of Water, LOA ly imperterit in ense tsf war ' ^ 1 Isles only 50 per cent. is avadeble as timing land, the rest being Inman - traits, heaths, woods, or water. For OYU' ritty Years tree Watiseevee soarinee erne. em bate wed by ralione IDACitbor4 for their children while teethirty. It ecothea the child, icitran the vatu. share pain, enrol Irlod cad. rev:larva the mangy]; eat bowies. tee Laths bat remedy tof Diarrhon. eionty-dag ccr.,141 b0441%. lief4 "ty dromina Mr/nal:out the wortu. Pe ork for"Sitte,Wisstow coerittlio livartir." _ Norway. Ireland and Spain have geee bet „e4e,,,.tme is vercejea, e6,:nplish unF, ipmeet,„ ,,tre trective tle•eeert. eleee syrup with oft a. ever. the injured average 70.- theta at hie store. Tliere is ro erupt- 1(144(e -ea las New teal len enentrye. .0. 44,1st In the filece. and 111r. .11eLatagla-:. There E great ternee for W. P. C. 1093 841 Teeter to eetnee 1 tene,„„i of etiel: eintielneen Boit it, — flees grocery is looked to for Medi-, motor -cars hi diily. and etartling CALVE Rro poigt Of Afechare•--ten ie ceny eighty a Tien, of lemon pete neve eene wee,: whtle- Pare Or eol'e tell tart, 0I3Ples. nubile:lied daily in the. world. with- the tern;s or utoluatified Praise evil lawlete4;teei will be tesdnparit in 'Podd s Ietilney Ville, the brother re-, nre will bleed; out iii Sevtiand in - , ran te the ON ol. 101 ft feW IlliflUttl,,. 1 — , commended them to Zit'. litl nunh. act 01 er, men to Maine es well as tilrtIligh ,ItipoPe. rears 0004(4 in this way :dirsri:tot al nill siinefs wit by tLe The British sow -mien Is eieveu ,rniti lie. Proltheeled-"a beloved life will l'e A.(1. Calvert & Ca., Itilanotatater, Engitind Concentrate at this pt.int all her lea, of butler eprititeed over the c , it t Ira iotti, it over the apples, ,:tweietlelittc, inillt! g.4ndt;tsltjarlisulrJenshilillvecr4.11171111'S enre-Or all of it that Varies to i two nage oe....-efe in the ceessnel will That in tite etory of Ma, Melallg11., , In thtimer," ;mid "fi collision bet %Tot .. — - England. the stretegie heY ittee,e'e er of 41,.4 / -1144 eNeielv for twelee: atireutes. Mean- en an reteeren too new neohs are clue') Os r:01 on grocedes• llearilar news front elih:e in Auguet. (:en - at: l•rown seg,ir atel " . • from Cat border. 151,y ed. t!over theni tied coon very Float. ehd r°°4 them In et Ferule Imtii ti.eY colintin; new ellitioes (if old with wiefeh his eurioluel's efoLe of Paris durea; lepletemleer. ad a big; the eeteneiert ef the teeneteasPlan 'IF. hardly ot. einneter ler everal are rl1"1-sr/Y l'rein them and worre. . - , CARBOLIC OINTIVIENTR For shin ailments. 1.401O'S' The eleetiolle should FetRattl A alys when cool on JIM. "They might help your back." Per :November two sad events are tke central Aehe roe:he I:Aimee can ate eepeefener deuce -me, .• , .eores With titIllallt C001 11:L1 .v- • trip of the apple pie after the su etr ' 4 1 trool's Turkestan. foe an oavollee - ' Wilt% eery cold. arreinte whipped - -/ 1%. 4. 'ante exteet from that of lhouennils thappen, with great ,,r t • or a • 't • en lierato au'l V" I'Ving'f. teinfelce--,1efore the top erust tt. great Frent!I.kre "34 Nettt4thlt ,e that left thove malts upon 'your ' lass , advice. "I \V ------ liPm. anyway," is "Militate and complicated news deeroeement. as is ale° the e • eint 11 n juice, of it with th vett Nietini-No•ni; isy Id t' It sld's Kidnry ei. eelie ea " talents from the ("en,easitti and leuree 140114444 and dna:anion have hie% put in and „ , • . 11 ell" *4 • lir t as ef others. He followed his brother s The Foiniin item In peeeneeee • ' applee are to le :erred uncook- naii e is 'Aluritt. ed. each eliould le waphed _in cold able for thee purpose. are the Datum • °f "Itrelr• • or Pod, on the men Sea; the line oro rtt moey there is a eetriete or ,paliehed with a pee° ol flannel. Ar- t412 he Sit . lit 6 a t p g „ For the Weed apple of thee lion- wnt". wmeo carefully and then ' h wv,th or ocetul eab4 i4 Alfter ,t1Niveonfillisrt. ns4Ieq from Tiflis to Baku on the CaspiarCmethode. The simplest of an fs :range in the fruit dish with some of , —+— 4ul the way las pain left, him mid See and the line froze Rostov on the liked the best by many who claim ; the 'caws Plated here and there. . ibis back strengthened. He was nean Inieela. Tee railroad:3 a lemon and an .additional quantity Arial there is no more heeitatinn. • . r. c Ante 1 171 Wit.i A t INPANT4MORT4ZITY. 'that fie m the core and seeds a eer, i Red apples, of course, are thefree man ever Sineo. :tale flavor is given to the pulp. i ,,, - . , e was troubled with l ento buck. See 4 AlltiVr to retrt,Vgc. Frere ' ;beatitiful. South. in faet, nut of the Many Deatlis 1,—areely Due to lg..: "I Thrzleu transports connect 'with lea•as- iDerfect apples are selected. sweet; 1 aPPle belt. 4 Me * " a e the fruit tastes norance On the Part of Illothers.f" twenty -live yearn or more. I novodsla theeee troops can be sent for tart. with no suggeetion of worm t less like home, the l'em'le lire In"St ' The disordersen of childreeem to couldnderful to say I have hnd no return 't turn myself izi bed. Won - on over the ceetral Asian route. I eepreentioun r w Afteeeeing teem musfastidas to appeartineee. alai the rugged ant heartY grown Per- of the trouble eince using the Dodd's they are placed in a pan, with just i green apples are steeed be• ill the sons to ee simple und nee partieu- Kidney Pills. I Inive recommended teititigli water to -cover the bottom, xnarket, while red alp:tee the bright- Lev eaeeeroes, team ,o an o serve for desert at is best to North ' 11- -11 "In* °". pareuts lute bon the Canso of the Neithout, exception have neve henente lls pond of VIM On the part of Poildii Kidney, pills to a muni cr of It was elleeen by actual tried in , and ana baked slowly 'until tender. er the better, find ready eale. In tie /./ a _ .- 1M that the atetemee * •I f T • ' 1 " l'ttl tte ti " pigeons with Kidney Troublit. All antler 'cores en be eliipeett in eight euro them. the cavitiQs being 'filled I wilt for special oecasione, is paid to i c fir thcir, ti. le of iiiiii,„ rye o. e . ,. ; s. days from Tillis to the Afghanistan. with sugar, with or without an ud- the color, but tile flavor is tbe you will always find that the ed " cured. 1 mile efeverx be iton border. An army (toms can be sent anotners alio rue suctereful an 'halm thankful for the new it race vet dational flavoring A tiny piece of isttoidard of merit, each buena* bating i i a. personal preference. Not ilea& in,: mil famines of • beorty, happy , from those wonderful pills. in about a month. England can. 1 quently this taste renurts from 1 .1 i , .. 1 c t ren mit ecarcely a day's Sick - BADLY RUN DOW hardly bring up an cqu.d. force in that time. As soon as the Orenburg- • Taslthent road is completed there will be another means of transporting, troops frem the interior of Russia to centrel Asks. The Merv-Andishan or p '1 • . „ partici-liar tree with which on as_ lose. are alwaye Ilmee who are care - etiolates tender memories. ful to :tote the slightest ce'ideece of Minas and to theca the dilltailty at To salmis, where tartness is .want - SYMPTOMS TAT MAY LEAD led, dried apple,. tun sometimes a, once. TO SERIOUS RESULTS. •••••••••••• They do not belong to the chess of . pleaSant addit ion. eliettel with eel- ' _ . 4 !-, .. . 4 . 4 . W i t h Sleeping draught similar Before. the 11.•tir the reverettie lei:thrall , belled cbeetnuts, they ure delicious for the whole of South Africa. was Marghile ' medicines -containing -opiates. e „ . mothers that stupify their children —----- AEEv' and /TAT-UBE WEEP. Effect of Tiring Lyddite and 31e - Melte in South Africa. The Experience of Thomas Cada < n route is directed against I served with mayonnaise dressing. , • of Essex Co. -Nerves Seemed Apples for selads should be pared .. . z. ' - I • e , i about eight inches annually. But Shattered, and Ee Felt Unfit- just tefore the. are needed for heaithful nerlieines which cdre in- the booming of lyddite mei melinite q ted to Stand. Hard Work. serving, and thrown into ice water eonsiderably upset Nature's fantile disorders quickly, and of havo these Baby's Own Tablets are the calculations, until everything is ready, ' that beet of all. leer eolie, simple fevers, croup, inIn Pretoria, for instance. 0.71 the color may' be preserved. A little ingenuity will discover a variety of constipation, eches of r6ain on an trvenige falls in ways in wide'. the briglit colored diarrhoea, irritation July, and .07 luches in January ; peel of the fruit rany be utilized for when teething, indigestion and sleep- but in Jn .July ci last year nearly te kesness, these tablets Ore a. quick, inebes of rain fell in and about the garnishing. Narrow, unpared, wedge shaped sections of a red apple may effective, never -failing cure. Dfse neighborhood of the town. be arranged about the edge of the solved in water the smallest baby 3n Altman North, January's aver - dish, mith the ends pointing toward will take them without the slightest age rainfall is reckoned at 1.55 concerning may be made of green and red nothing, when here is a time -tried borhood, thre or four inches of ram objecticie. Do not trifle with medie inches ; but while Methuen and the centre, or a pretty combination eines which you know Cronje faced each other in the neigh - does, close to the Persian. bOrder, pr health,oorecently met him look- shins. 'en will be of even greater nailitary sig- ing anything but an invalid, and na- 'Inie most delicious jelly made of remedy which is used constantly and `often fell in n. few hours, turally asked what hail restored him apples is of the cider kind. Tart, Vtillinnithees.best results in thousands Durban is cue of the wettest towns nificance than at present. The fact in South Africa, having an average Chinese Turkestan.. The central As- ian read., also, has an important hearing on Russia's relations with Persia. Russia. desires a route to From the Review, Windsor, Ont. the open sea, and is planning the eon- Mr. Thomas Cada, of Pike Creek, a small village in Essex County, is struction of a railroad from Resht, 'known to almost everyone in that near the southwest coast of the Cas- section. He is a son of Mr. john Plan Sea, over Teherart to Bender- Cada, mill owner, and a prominent Abbas, a port on the Persian coast. politicien in his locality. repre- eentatave of the Windsor Review, who had known that some time previously Mr. Cada was in Should this road ever be constructed the central Asia road, passing as it to health. "Dr. Williams' Pink green apples were usually employed Mrs. H. II, F, ox Orange Ridge, rainfall of e. 3 inches annually ; but that it passes through Bolchara has Dille" promptly replied Mr Cada for the purpoSc. They were washed, .t.t -_j'I h fou d Bab 's Buller and his army hannnered Na - already made the Ameer practically When asked if he would give the par- a vassal of Russia. By these rail- tieulars for publication Mr. Cada said "certainly, if you think it worth while; but there is nothing very won- derful about Iny case. I was simply badly run down; my nerves seemed to be all shattered, and. I was unable to stand hard work. In fact work of any kind left me badly used hp. There did not seem to be any or- ganic :trouble, it was just a, case of being run down and worn out. I felt myself gradually getting woese, however, and I began taking medi- cine. I tried several advertised rem- edies, but they did not help me, in- deed some of them did me more harm than good. Just then I read of a ease much like mine cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I purchased a few boxes. Very soon aoticed a decided improvement in my condition and in the' course of a few weeks.I was feeling my old-time self. I can now • eat heartily, do a good day's work with no unusual fatigue, and in .fact ,feel thoroughly renewed in health and strength. Naturally I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a great medi bee for those who are weak or ailing." • In, you are feeling run down, and easily tired, troll need a tonic to put you right -to make you feel bright, active and strong, and the only al- ways 'reliable tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for rale People. . Ci•ive -these pills 'a fair trial .antl„ you. will find that 'their curative powers Lave not been over -praised... Sold by all roads Russia's forces in Turkestan thus front on western China, on Af- ghanistan and on Persia,. Turning now to the trans -Siberian road, we see that it, too, has a high military value, especially in connec- tion with the east China road and its branch to the south, which is also practically Russian. In the Far East the advance of Russia has been sim- ilar to her progress in central Asia; the strategic points of Vladivostok, Port Arthur and Talienwan are all connected by rail with the interior of Bessla. During the troubles in China this road did important service, al- though it left much to be desired. The recent appropriation of eight. and a, half million roubles will, how- ever, put it in condition for all that will be required of it. The sea route by way of Odessa to the Far East is easily impeded by an enemy at the Dardanelles, consequently this land route, When once in good condition, will become the more important in a military sense. In Manchuria the road from Mukden to Tientsin and Pekin, with a branch from Kinkhau to Nitichwapg, where it strikes the road to Poet Arthur, is of great im- portance. By tbese railroads, Russia encloses China on the west, north _ned east, The strategic leep?rtente of ber network of railroads is thus evident. The system enables her to concentrate troops from all parts of dealers in medicine, or sent post the ampere either against ',Mina in' paid at, 50 cents a box, or six boxes the Par Fast or against Afghanis- for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil - tan end leersia on the south. lianas' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. sliced without paring, put into a. Own Tablets a perfect medicine for , preserving kettle with new sweet children of all ages, and would nol cider before it had shown any signs be without them in the haus°. They of working, and boiled until soft. are truly a baby comfort and moth - Then they are drained through *a er's friend!' Itaby's Own Tablets sieve two cupfuls of sugar were at- can be found at drug stores, or will lowed to one pint of the liquid, the be sent, prepaid upon receipt, of price, whole was boiled for twenty minutes , 25 cents, by addressing 'The Dr. and poured into glasses and seal- Williams Medicine Co., Dept. T., Brockville, Ont., ed. The white mulberry lives but sixty Only a per cent. of the British years. It is'the best for silkworms. Army have. a chest measurement of The black mulberry will live 300 over 40 in., and 20 per cent. be - years or more in England. tween 33 and 40 in. for th-e TEETH and BREATH 25c Hew Patent ©x SOZODONT POWDER . 25a Large LIQUID and POWDER .• 750 At the Stores or by Mall, postpaid, for the Price. . A Don -Us -04 Opinion: "As an antiseptic aid hygienic mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and gums, IC cordially recommend Sozodont. 1 consider it the ideal dentifrice for children's use." [Name of writer upon appliCati0114 HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal. ilew She MONT LIQUID tire's face to sueh nn extent in Natal that nearly 65 inches of rain fell there last year. This also applies to Dort Elizabeth, where the amount has risen from 24 to over 80 inches annually. The greatest raiufall in the world takes place in the mountains north of Bombay, India, where 33 inches of rain in twenty-six hours have been known to fall. After -some Of the gnat battles on the Tugela and Modder River, in the early stages of the war, 12 to 16 inches have been registered in a couple of days. A GOOSE BOURSE, In Prague there exists a goose "bourse,'" where yearly some 3,000,- 000 geese change hands. Its most active time lasts generally for about six to eight weeks, from the middle of September till the fast days of November. During this time im- mense flocks of geese are driven into the suburbs, especially from, the dis- tricts lying on the right bank of the Weischel. As the geese are driv- en in from long distances they are "shod" -that is to say, walked re- peatedly over patches of tar mixed with the sande This forms a' hard crust on the feet .of the geese, and they, thus "shod," are able tei cover immense distances without fatigue. Mitireas-Mary, I was almost mire once left ereeing. while the 'police- man was in the kitchen. that I heard a eoune very Mai two people kissing. letury-lkid ;von hear it, only once. mm u? Abie stts•-N es. Mary- 1 hen It wasn't Its. The. Chinen.- bare twice melted Mos - ow. (Ila '0 in 1287 ;tad :node in 1eil8. •Great W1'141t inerensl•A about 1430,0110 a, day -that is six etuts a. head (1. Say. fonirttmonto, Orurritio UnWarmo. etP. EVN HAV ERY TOWN CAE A HAND Lowest prim over vete, Fite eatabeaci al0tont,41rmlm8,m dine tree. 'Write at reran y theta in Melee ar *morel fustrullIrla4. WHALEY ROHE /4 GO., Limited, Tercet°, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man Cast A. Way -Yes, madam, I've been a solicitor for nigh twenty years. Mrs. Farrnkins-A solicitor? Cast A. Way-Yes'ra. I solicits bread are meat. I was cured <if Rheumatic Gent by MINARIP,4 LINIMENT. ANDREW ICING. allfax. 7 nets cured of Acute Bronchitis by 74IINARD'S Ll NIMENT. Lt. -Col. C. CREWE READ. StISSCX. was cured of Acute Rheumatism by 11INA•RD'S LINIMEIVP. C. -S. BILLING-. Markhzun, Ont. In 1094 the capital of the Bank of England was £1,200,000. It is now .C14,500,000. Minard's Liniment Relieves IVeliraigia I see, she said, that a couple -who were nituglecl the other day received tweaty clocks as wedding presents. And yet, he bitterly replied, I'll bet she'll never be in time when they are goiug out anywhere. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho oar. There is only on way to euro deafness, and tbatis by constitu tional remedies. Deafness i34 caused by au inflamer( condi'ion of 4140 01110004 lining of the Eustachian Tube. When 'his tube is in, flamed you hare a rumbling sound or impor feet hearing. and when it 19 en t rely closed deafness is the result, and unlesn the inflam, mation can be talon tut and this tube restored to its normal oonclititn, hearing win be de. streyee forever nine cases out of ten aro (mused by c itarrh, which is nothing but 440 40. flamed condition of the trillcOns surface". Wo will giro One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (amused by cats rrh) that can not be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor 'circulars, free. E. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists. 75c. llaU'sFanil:y Pills are the best. Russia's Asiatic possessions are 3 times as large as ours, but have only 25 million people compared with oar 297 mullions. , METAL ROOFERS 7ftuntidArk, Tonoorro, RENO GLEAM% 7or =deur, (leas, Sults to Clo h, Volvet,.$11114 0r11,1 and all valuable home lian6ings, nablup to equal 11 44 (loco by the BRIMS AMERICAN DYEINCI 004 Montreal, tom N atm). SUPPLIES. Animates Conde, Alpo Crwerinir. Lubricating 0111, Creaser', oto, OlITTOil COMPOUND 00., Limited, 'TORUN re Dominion Line Staa,vnships Montreal to Liver -v. ol. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to LivorpooL Via Queens- town. Urea andPaatStemnahms. Superior acoommodatiot Cor au dames ot romerents. Samna and Stateroom' are amidablna. Speciarattontion has been even to Second. Saloon and Third•Olass accommodation. Prg roteent Panage and all Particular; 1411017 to an: 3Ss4 of tho Cowpony, or Biebarda, Mina Oa, D. Torrauce &Co.. rt state lit. Banton. Montreal and Portland ealeNielliEMIMEINMEMEMEMEMMe. A DEPOSITORY FOR SAVINGS where the most cautious may leave their money with implicit confidence that Itis not subject to risk, of any kind is provided by tbe Savings de- partment of THE CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto Street; Toronto. Liberal rates of interest paid or compounded half -yearly. It 18 recog- nized as CANADA'S PREMIER COMPANY 11•4•1111.9112M4.0.44,4.4.1444XIX.4. acticz o oteazy 04(0.72Y ca d,1 4.74f:n3 ?LW XornZ a fri,dat rit 7 urifyr 8i19 lezni.4° jor go -0 92 (k..ZZUMMSM=24.....MNIZEZETSMSW [ • ir She= PX...44 4•4011,41114.1443.1.4AGM VIROMIMIN