HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-12, Page 7ft, „,,,,•••••••••••••,••••,r1•Tr,••••. ov- 6104112,111.4011.0.11.1rte•ZOL. !VOTES AN.D COMMENTS. ••,••••••T There is eft doubt that the rela- tions of Prance and England axe • just now pauch more friendly than they were n short time ago, when. the ...6*t6*ttckt.4.1§.4,Lie.itAttt-&teo- ..4r About. the 4b. .41 oes. Hoti.se 4 baser Parisiaui newspapers teemed t (fp with caricatures of Queen Victoria. 7-htferWlallorOliVills-14-0..V.V4-4-_if#-# end whet: the Fashella, incident • THE SELECTION OIS FISH. seeined likely to have an incendiary effect. Nevertheless, we can see but The average housekeeper knows ,very little about fish, aside from little ground to hope for the fulfil- the "panfish” caught from our small rent of a lately mooted project, to tritand lalses and streams -the sun- wita treaty of arbitration by which 'ash. Perch, black and rock bass and : all future controversies between the:pickerel that are the usual results fishing excursion on. part of two countries named; shall be arnica- the men folks." Put her in the bly adjusted. It hoe been hard 'fish market and site is confused and enough to bring about such a treaty :uncertain. Her experience has been between England and the United rehlefieeesllis'slireelewsant'telktilloi: tO States. The interests of France, on protect herself from the dealer, will - the other hand. owing to her wan_ ing enough est take advantage ot sive colonial policy. run counter to her inexPerieuce' * those of England In many parts oh te a res. Is jty on the subject, see than the flesh the world. or is this all. The as is men -too firm to admit of peessociatien of France with Russia has sure leaving a dint • that the eyes gradually become so intiznate that. are ufl. the scales !bright. the tins she is likely to become aparty to isgeffi„,cand the gillth s not pale az darts olored, and at there is no the contest for supremacy in Asia onarked odor. 11,11en it answers to which may brealz. out at any hour those tests it is fresh. and in the between her ally and England. -right seagon for eating. z As a generel thing large fish should be boiled ; Intelituresized ones baited It is true that Great Britain seems °r broiled and mall °nee fried. The best size for broiling is three pounds to have acquiesced in the acquisition tor baiting trout five to eight. and of 'lulus and Madagascar by France, for planking front rix to ten pounds. although in each instance British in- Do not boil whitefish. ' tcrests were sensibly affected. It is! Whitefish is oue of the best of our .lane fish, and the best come fron4 elso true that lerano has ceased. to Lake Superior or the Soo river. clamor for the performance of Eng -1 Brook trout is delicious eating, Land's Prolnise to evacuate Egypt. :but always high prieed. Next M Z flavor is ranked Mach bass. a fish At many other points of the .eartIthe 4he sportsman enjoys taking sln nee eurface, however, French interestS:count of its genie tight for life mut are herd to reconcile with those oft liberty. This fish is always found Great Britain or of British Colonies. ;MI clean witter. There is the New Hebrides queeteon,ueh. The season for fish, especially the is spring and summer, for example, in which the Australian, nenerany speaking a frozen tot is a Commonwealth is deeply concerned. 'spoiled that. A frozen fish should.al- There is the French shore questien.iways be thawed in ice water. hish which is of vital importance to NON. ,liiI1011111 not lie in water after • they are cletteed. Invert au old plate in foulalland •0 Afriea thea pan ond ley the fish ma it. po French Colony a Algeria as regards"not pet lish In a, refrigerator ; but- westwerd •extension at the exrenseu ,tea end milk will taste of it. Morocco es its manifest deetiny. tett visUs lischli ineeoking fish are ' pt, "fah tainted."' therefore England will never errnit it to semrapti ',even beelon pan, etc, should, e0 cure the Mediterranean coast of the.'reterved for Veit exclusivelen Shereenan empire. In the Latin of 41s toy the rea• fish Sold in our the Niger. and throughout the region lava.° la/1411`nts• they ure eeut through 0t teze salient, the French ant, ten:leeched in ice and are lit good con- ' "'e"o „dation when received. V2'.l1 cod Ileh poesessions, or siiheres Wilma, can be had aintoet tiny time ; ence. are to a. large extent minter- 7.ziacizerel. is excellent, but is in eea- inhabits, a state of things whia in .!sort In spring and early stutuner, and fshoult1 be broiled. Halibut is the New World proved incompatible bought in steake, which are boiled with peace. In Fiertlwr India the .(tr broiled, so, too, 4s sturgeon, French have been itllowed by the 1!Which has a rather etroug flavor. British Foreign °Mee to make we:el= !:ee41.11,tang1S,erhetlikle Tict'attai,uttsei4tthel.,i4:!, &mins at the cost of Slain. but the -S'almon is'in inarhet all the year : Frenelt wilt not be &WAN' with 'it is hoiird or belied anything short a the extinetion a) Finnan Iiddi i emoted haddock, that nominally independent kingdoth.and require3 onlY to be sPre'td with :butter and warmed through in the For the tretle of Yunnan and the oh,e It may be served with a whole of southwestern China the white eauce also, and baked past- lenghsh azul trench aro conmetitone • to( ft simuld ateompany it. the !eviller aintiug to penetrate that bete le o good deat in cleaning part of the Middle Kingdom from tit'iliterprIsTariliti-ITf"ei%.;::111X-Idall't earuetT Burtnah, and the latter froze Tons' through inveral watet.n. quin. Thus we eee that her coloniel -- policy makes France a rival of FOrt TUE COOK. %tatedam meaty qual•ters of Grape MarninladeeaThis is made . . the globe, imul history shows that ri-•ot the grape pulp with the juice, valry is apt to drift into enmity. uttlese that has been mod for jelly. When ft•ult is not, abundant mar- malade may 130 prepared at the same As if France had not enough germs time with jellies. Pick the grapes of trouble of her owe,. she has of from the stems and rinse,then add late evinced a disposition to em -1 to.iitt1. water aud cook till soft. brace the aims and animosities of i "f the juice and rub the mass her Russian ally. • through the sieve, to reinov‘k all Originally the; skins and seeds. Add to the pulp Franco-Russian League had a specific ; an equal weight of sugar and boil and narrow purptise, and, so tar as !slowly with Gat juice half or three - that purpose was embodied in Ouarters811 hour. If the fruit is written document, we believe the!extra juicy, or too much water has been added in cooking them, only document to be unchanged. It was half the juice need be added. Stir agreed that Russia would aesist 'very often to prevent burning and France, should the latter country. Int ebe careful to not cook too that longs I liztve found by experience a attacked by two or more enemies, cheaper, and to some, more desirable dish is obtained by using less sugar. To the pulp and juice of 1 gallon stemmed grapes use hhe cups sugar. Follow the above directions and the result will be delicious. East Inclia Preserve. -Weigh equal quantities of brown sugar and good sour apples, pare and core the ap- ples and chop line. Make a clear syrup of thu sugar, add the apples and the juice aud grated rind of sufficient number of lemons to give it a good lemony taste, and then add ginger root, about * lb, to 5 ibs fruit, though this is according to taste. Boil till the apple looks dear and yellow. This will keep indefinitely by putting in ordinary jars, air -tight ones not necessary. Preparing Ginger Conserves.-Wash and pare the roots, and cook them in enough water to cover them, until they are just tender. Do not allow them to become so soft' that they will break in pieces. Draim make a syrup of the water they were boiled in and sugar, using to every pi:jun(1 of ginger 1. lb sugar and 1 pint of water. Drop -the roots into the boiling syrup, and keep them boiling for half an hour. Pour into soiall jars, and be sere there is plenty of syrup to cover them. 'When cold,cork and seal. They will keep for years. Cut in cubes they are added to cakes, puddings, ices, etc. A tablespoon of the syrup gives a fine flavor to a pudding sauce. • The ginger it eaten also as it, is, with tt bit of cake or - wafer. A good con- fection for the little folks is made by preparing the ginger :in syrup as above, then dip it out,. lay on. tins and place in the sun to dry. •• Re, duce the- syrup by rapid boiling until it is thick, and pour into a bowl or jar.. Each day •pour a little over the gloger,. until all has . been absorbed. When • the ginger is • dry, etciee it in boxes,• placieg. a Piece of :waxed paper betweeo • each, layer. It will keep for years, and is an - ex- cellent sweetmeat.. . • • Net .. and . Apple Stile,d.!-This'.is veey &dater - doe a luncheon, -esne- cially if screed in cups 'of -ripe, ruddy tomaasea, Boil together .for 10 min - lutes, I. cup English' walaut meats, g teaspoon salt, a slice of onion, 1 bay leaf and a blade of mace. Then cool the nuts in cold water. Pare, core and chop into smell pieces 2 large or 3 small sour apples. Mix with the nuts and cover and garnish with a cooked dressing made as fol- lows : Beat the yolks a 2 eggs and to them put 1 tablespoon cold , water, 3 tablespoons vinegar, * tea-, spoon salt, lt 'teaspoon dry mustard and a dash of red pepper. Stir con- stantly over hot water until very thick.. Then remove from the fire and add 2 tablespoons butter c D' ed extremely soft. Chill thoroaghly, and lastly mix in 2-3 eup whipped cream. This delicious dressing may t also be used for other salads by those who objec_t to oil. while France, on her part, was to help Russia should the Czar be as. sailed by Germany and Austria. This agreement did not bind either of the parties to co-operate with the other in agressivp acts in Europe, much less to further the other's policy in distant parts of the earth. But national combinations 'do not roman stationary; either they grow lukewarm and weak, as is now maul- -featly the case with the Triple Alli- ance, or they become firmer and of wider scope, like the Franco-Russian League, France has no interest in wresting from the Mikado the most valuable fruit of his successful war with China; nevertheless, at Russia's request, she joined in enacting the re- trocession ef the Liaottmg Peninsula. Throughout ..the protracted negotia- tions, which have followed the relief of the legations at Pekin., Prance has invariably sided with Russia, al- though Russia, has in view' the per- • eaanent • acquisition of Manchuria, Whereas France has more to gain by upholding China's territorial integ- rity. It is probable that the Tokio Government would fight Russia to- , Morro* but for a, well founded con- viction that sentiment would iinPel France to take pert in the -conflict, and to throw her fleet into the scale. •illeithee is there. Much room to doubt thet; 'should Russia become involved in war with England, the demand that France should aid, her ally . would be urged in. Paris with an civet-Who:lining arnot that be miaise tie/ could resiets theater all circuit).- standas • theee is but 'little reason to expect that the welleueaot efforts to tenants() a treaty of arbitration be- titeen Irritoce and' England wihl be Wended wilit s uecesg: T oth arms, and for many raore special us- es. Steels of the same low carbon contents show an tnerease of 10 per • cent, in the tensile strength with an addition of 3. per cent. nickel. f:YSV TO GET SLEEP. eviherl A System by Which Repose Nay i Be Obtained. 14 Firstly, the room must not be too 0 walla ; the bed clothes must not be too numerous, and the would-be sleeper must not have eatea unwise- ly or untimely. Then let him lie on I his back and stretch to the utmost, i trying to touch the head -board with his head andthe foot -board with his feet, acts which win bring into use many muscles which have not • been actively employed during- the in handy Pateot Box (new) 30Z0OONT LIQUID * s E Sc At all Stores, or te Mail for the price. H&L.1. RUGKEL, Montreal. NICKEL PEON onrrAmo. ,- FUSSING OVF,It CHILDREN. 1 Our Xining Exhibit at the Pant • "Itte coachman's rough end n I "- - American Exposition _ ;rule is not a bad one to judge b - i Ins hots° eats he ter" the is! head half -an -inch and keep it there, a en y son n the not much wrong. If your trounfl Ontario exhibit of nickel -copper ore .. brea,thin.r.g slowly and deeply about hopefult•tc.• t great at the Pan-Anteri sal V - ' ' t_ • • ' ' half as often as normally. So soon and his subsetment researches in the laterite need be felt ; for in cbildren :the stonuich is a quick-aCtil:g index: Sudbutor district, have led to fregi as the Itead becontes too heavy to ." trouble to look around irt any CZ - hold in thie position, amount of ore obtainable in Ontario, i happen at liest in from 080tot‘vivilol i Wseimilladlaist 01 people prhaptlet' 11440oaldt feehinhl's4L'avbee ;to the getagal condition. 13.:1, -en with fluent inquiries concerning the ;healthy and etrong children there minutes. it should be dropped on the is danger if they are asked to ga-11-- -.Yh, pillow and the right. foot raised ears eonsiderably larger than those ,- and the iedvantages to be l ed h ) DIM% about how they feel, or hear : usiog a certain percentage in the of the middle-aged. A woman who about half -an -inch while the full : has sllanii. shell-like ears at it'0 i, too muck about the wholesomenets , esanufacture of boiler plates, piston- rods, tool steel, etc. Mr. Speller.. deep breathingtils eoorattuesedwoss eteneng years of age will Ise very apt to h diet or possible ill effects of this or that as the stretehi f th t - dad PosSesh Inediluntsized ear at 40 Solite of 1120 foretold effects : t.te superintendent. on beteg nater- of the bed, Wig - e 't , . 1-tolding up the right foot becomes. i a the uoiette et yee1e. and larger ears ot 60. Why Ora Siletthd go On growing all w i I I !very z4 et econ bo observed ?eh ' ,viewred on the seblect eivee the fol - ,f a sensitive child. snore fussing MI- 'dowing report callee,riting the 111141- I too great it should be dropped and , °Ile!s. Ur°, °IV 'In9re than "SeS' iS a 'lows on the part tit an aneious par- ellPer ores 01 tulrerl° and t leir '1 the left foot raleed in the same way. rerit. and the prophecy is presently l Iss'lse- Slite soon as fa.tigue compels title to , • i ntystery. There ore a goad many other points about them that ai•e in - in a fair way to fulfilment. l To one acquainted with the int-, be dropped tee trunk 01 tee hodys structive. their shape beings marked- • pottant bearing of zuckel In modern:roust be raised while the weight - ,supported on tite shoulders and - is :ly persistent through heredity. Au ear evil/ be handed down. NO te • life the exhibit of ores and the verso STAINS ON TABLE LINEN. toes precincts from. the Sudbury dis-, Nom, This is the seasota for guarding triet of the Province of Ontario is is spealt. from father to son for gen- i Oration adter generation with cote - full of interest. All the ituportattt, So soon ask this new position ngainst permanent injury to the the cause of. too much fatigue turn on the right Nide and =Lee the head paratively little medification. Some table linen front fruit stains and the mines of the roPpereniehel belt tree half -an -filch. The.n. authorities on criminology assert Mee RelnOviil of the discohnation l eluding those of the Canadian Ocips when the etese!that criminals are very apt to poe- m' weakening the (tentage before put.. per CO., Ludwig Mound Co., a Preat cies of the neck are fatigued. and :Sean a Peculiar hi" et ear' which IS ting the articles in the wash will be . Lakes Copper Co.. and the Lake. the heed drops down. raise the feet recognized by an expert in such mat - found satisfacteaw. A littlo salt Superior Power Co.. are represented es before d di e t • ters. •-• 1 at , • day. position 121 11135 raise the The interest t k b Edi i iftltneiti0 Ffi011e rant •illfsit 91h ,hElfitOle TA it is elen If You Want The Dawson that the patine rote/mix° tile superiority et this pepider blond. , best results SKIP alt your SOTTBS, eacs. peugran APPLES. ether FRUITS site refilitneh commission Co. UM! tealf ar%74.1:0=14.:1114. Isorwmorroplmat EARS NEVER STOP GROWING. Luckily rtIciet Human Noses Heys Not the Sante Peculiarity. The systematic examination of eztore than 40,000 pairs of human ears in England and France Las re - "suited in some interesting concha 1 sloes. For ova thing, it is ascer- 'tained that the ear centinues to grow in the later decades of life ; ia fact, it appears never to stop grow- ing until death. If oue will tale the applied on the inetant, supplemented by massIve blocks of their character- side anti begin all over again. There is probably nobody in the • be- the pouring on of boiling water istic ores, the whole colleetion aggre.- In ert„t :eases seep toe emae ee,,"world who has a pair of ears per - ting 17 tons in weight, one i iere tote all these movements have been', tect/Y matched ; 111 most people the will remove wine stains. 're efface gating !grass stains. dampen the spot and i amounting to 10,000 lbe. apply cream of tartar. rubbing Dll'iSies „gaup. through, but if it •Cloes not. It ' these well Itnown producing 1343 3e5 then the sleepless individual must r two differ pereeptibly. not only in shape . but also In Meet Frequently well b. des -elle water is effective in 'sauntles front many prefaisina l'ocagnehita an over again. awl no eeentee they are tett placed precisely aline . removing fruit and berry stains. Its • tione now under development aro e ' t • .hh, . - it 0 OD ' '''4....4 . on the head. The egg of a. person use should not. be left te the die- shown. thus completing' the cotupreg More Ise succeeds in obteining Mg 'ray, be judged with reat, etiwtiract; drese. however. sluce if in too great portance of the exhibit- past, assume an increasing harsh- cretion of an ineenterienced 1 -'un- hensive character 8841 econontie des-r,d y he ears„ wich, after 'Vett 1 strength it will eat iuto and des-, A full series of semplot train the:i ness of contour. A pretty women ve r may be made as fol- Suelleary 0 1111 the Orford r CoppesilubE n ysbut , , %vitas of the Catualien Copper the. I, co PLETE ss not show the fact iother wewhose first youth has departed may Jaellwater troy the fabric. !lows : Carbonate of pot:a-elem. fowl New Iloilo illustrate tire prorets of , ibeSO tell-tale features will nurely ounces ; ehlorate of nate. six olaneeS; ireatment and show the yellows teat.S tei water one gallon. telt. Wetzel oxides, nickel elan, niettee AFTER MANY FAILURES 1.V. C. Tliztliete thereensirsyof the 1414 et Iline! •••••9•Sall•••••• ••••••••••• little wrinkle that wir bare, nichel ribbon. eta Th. ANDERSON mucrs HIS comes just In front of each ear dur- ', eellibit. is encloael on lint trent ing the 33) 5-0. Wet tand itterodimible IlsErn. HINTS, DISCOVERY AT LAST. fides by a railing of ca a idiom, sign. Near tRw top of eaelt ear. juSt tron !decal of rhatiitia, paper, then, probably the most Marie:to. idea! efl •••••=i• paint them. awl you will find you casting ever attemileti in the pure:, Treoted in Vain by rive Different within the gown-ternen wise and Doctors for Kidney Trouble , havesoulethimr, quite as good as metal. An analysis of each bloc% ie given: Do not, heep trolled clothes on bars on the Jebel. the ores 01311 1IP Tools Dlany ;:a calcines Without 'in the kitchen ally longer than isdivitlen into three groups fl Suceess-Dodds Pills Succeed necessary for thoroughly drying. Those high in copper • end low in. Where Other Things r DAL They gather unpleasant odors. 'nickel. For example. -certain ore 'ries turizion a. pall over your flat- (emu the Canadian Copper Vi'aterside. 11.. Sept. 2.--W. C. irons while they tire on the stove., mine No. 2 whitii. rime 18.731 per•. Andersen' 01 this t"wn' is It remark- ! It, is un excellent way to save fuel, cent. enpper. LS per cent mon,. (2) able example of persistence. For oilcloth to tackbehind your sink. a as you 'aukeep them hot with one- Those high in niekel and low in cs.veare lme been trying to findop* half the hie. per such as the "Gertrude" ore othdurO— for 185 1° I '' el (U1U "t y seal's — , the.. Lithe Superior Power Co., earrya he 11138 been lastint.he tbitterness of TO DESTROY ANTS. . Ing 5 per cent. 31101401 and but a ' disappointment. z!But tried again trace of corner 010 ie now! and now at last- he has succeeded. *red to ett i hy eel Stu , di se- 1-. - -- in- ' - - ' for! ...Ms trouble was Kidney trouble. by Greate Oates. w.illt lard, and sot ig . them where the insects abound. , the sulphite pulpmill of this route! no means tine"llunen in this Province' They prefer lard to anything'. and. will forsake even sugar for it. Place • pany at Sault Ste. Mario, Ont. • Indeed some PhYsicialls go SO 10.r as a few titicks around the plate for nor° 8101401is made from tee, roaet,,, to say it is the most prevalent mal - the ants to climb up by. Occasion- ed residues in an eleetric furnace. udy In Canada. At, any rate. it was (n) Avvrag,, oressofa ns tee wock the affliction of Mr. AIIIIPTS011. ally turn the plate bottom up over from the Victoria. mho., oirrvins e 4 1 FI•Ve tliii0T011I doctors have attend - the tire. and the ants will fall in t e ) 'h e' S. - i with the melting lard. Reset the , t ed Mr. Anderson in his time. None plate, and In ft, short time the plague should have disappeared. Turz BABIES CRY. . . t . . nieled. Many o'f these oree on being ! "1 them t"nelled the r""t 01 his sul- mined are divided in, inspection intn. tering. The amount of medicine Mr. a high copper and high oiekel grade! Anderson has wallowed 'would : twfore roastina and smelting. The (leubtlees surpriee that gentleman -Sudbury rogion in which i heso 2)101401 111111801f 00111t1 110 :ice it all poured out, bearing 01`08 occur is minded within ,togethter. Some Useful Hints to leeothers on ; 1111108 by area measuring 70 ' One peer ago, Ma Anderson told t miles. Owing to the in- his friends he had foulid a sure ,cure the Care of Little Ones. ' nesz.,SO creased demand for nickel the workj at last. This friends smiled but said Babies cry because they are ,,,,, 1 of prospectiag and developing new I nothing, ia reply. Ills continued or in pin, and in almost evert,- si": properties is being vigorously, pro- I hopefulness was proverbial, but , the sickness or pain is caused be cast .1 setuted at pre4e81. i everybody had long since paid little some disorder of the etomach ori new 1 attention to the remarkable rem- ! EdiWith the development of the son storage battery a new ace tee t dies he was .continually discovering bowels. Fermentation and decompo-' nickel has been found with limita- sition of the food produce a host, of ,, , and subsequently proving failureq. infantile troubles, such as a t cc But this time it was no failure. It thins hard to imagine. The great. eri-)ina' inventor has lately made a peteonee was Dodd's Kidney Pills. colic, constipation. diarrhoea. sim- 4 4 visit to the Sudbury.distriet Oita has I W. C. Anderson considers himself ple fever, indigestion, etc. Proper i digestion of the food is necessary to started a thorough search for nickel; to -day as successful a. MGR MS there • -- : the maintenance of life, and ore to be ueed in the construction of is in New Brunswick. lie has found evacua- tion of . used up products and refuse i his battery. In this connection On— s 2 good health after many disappoint - of digestion is necessary to health. tell° ehould be congratulated, .also f merits. Dodd's Kidney Pills have The lesson to mothers is, therefore, in having large quantitihe es of high I raised tburden off his life.. Six that the stoma -ch and bowels should ; !grade graphite. another essential ole- bones cured him of every symptom ment in the new storage cell. In !of Kidney Disease and he acknow- be carefully watched, and if baby 1900 there was produced from Soul-, ; ledges Ile owes his success to them. cries or is fretful or eros., some sim- bury ores 3161 metric tons of Bickel, ' en. -Mothers should never resort to ) *oduct 'o • FARM LABORERS IN SWEDEN. -S.-- plc vegetable remedy should be giv- nbc;nt 40 per cent. of the world's - the so-called "soothing" prepare- - At present the use of nickel in the There is a spode' class of farm bons to quiet baby, as they invarie manufacture of nickel steel absorbs laborers Sweden who are given so ably contain stupefyipg opiates. the largest portion of the nickel pro- many acres of land for their own Baby'a Own Tablets will be found an dhiced. Last year in the "(tinted use in consideration of so many ideal medicine. They gently move States 10.639,S57 tons of steel was days' labor during the year for the the bowels, aid digestion, anti pro- produced for all purposes:. in ' al- owner of the farm. They are a sort mote sound, healthy sleep, thus mos.t every use to which this 'meter- of fixture to an estate, and their like bringing happiness be both mother and child. They are guaranteed to 10.1 xs put a higher efficiency and a exists in no other country. g„ greater degree of safety would be ob- contain no poisonous e "soothin tained by the 'use of ft to 5 per cent. nickel. In low carbon steels it ap- pears that each 1 per cent of nickel added, up to 5 per cent. causes an increase of about 5.000 lbs eh -m- ile limit and 4,000 lbs. tensile strength. The effect of nickel in- creases as the carbon increases. Compering motion and nickel steels of the same tensile strength niekel steel shows an increase of 10 to 20 per .cent in the elastic limit, and an increase of il() to 30 per cent, in elongation. The benefit derived ickel contents, from an increa.se in n up to about a per cent. is best shown in the greatet• working capa- city oi the metal under strain or its power to withstand fatigue. ]n this respect nearly pure iron with 8 per cent. nickel has 3.8 times the elastic strength of theiron per se. . Many mysterious breaks in the propeller shafts, car finks, etc., have been stuff, and may be given with abso- lute safety (dissolved in water if necessary) to children of all ages from eorliest infancy, with an assur- ance that they will promptly cure all their minor ailments. For the benefit of other mothers, Mrs. Alex. Laittve, Copper Cliff, Ont., says :-"I would advise • all mothers to keep Baby's Own Tab- lets in the house at all times. When I began giving them to my baby he was badly constipated, and always era's. He is now four, months old, has not been troubled with constipa- tion sinee I gage hint the Tablets, and he is now always happy' and good ,eatured. Mothers with cross children will easily appreciate such a change. I enclose 50 cents for two. more boxes of the Tablets, and will never be without them in the house while I have • children." • Baby's Own Tablets are •sold by druggists or will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, by ad- dressing the Dr: Williams' Medicine Co., Dept. T., Brockville, Ont. LOGICAL. shut that window •sereen. You're letting the flies in." Willie -"Well, you've got to let some of 'em in." Manuna-'Why ?" Willie -e" 'Cause if you delft let 'em in, how are they going to get on the fly -paper 2' caused by the breaking down of. the metal under rapid alternating strains: though the actual amount of load was actually below the elas- tic limit of the iron 131 questime The gain obtainecl. in elastic strength and ductility has Made nickel steel ine valeable for boiler plates, shafting engine forgings, railway axles, rail- way tii'os hall plcaes, seiner platen structural heain itcl share, rivets, piston eons, bicecie • tublue, tool' steel, hydraulic cylinders, and smell • 7.07,0DOltif Tooth P-ovaler 25o Clergyman (mildly) -I've been wanting to see you, Mr. Kurd, with regard to the quality of milk with which you are serving me? Milk- man (uneasily) -Yes, sir. Clergy- man (very otildly)-I only waliteh to say, Mr. Kurd, that I use the milk for dietary pm•poses exclusively, and not for christening. "I wish 1 could think of some new and unusual birthday present to sur- prise manuna, with this year," said Miss de Muir,..wrinkling her fair brow in deep perplexity. "How do you think she'd like a son-in-law. 2" hoarsely whispered young Spoons - more; failing nanny into the only line of thought that seemed to sug- gest itself. •••••••••••••••••• England has 27 railway tunnels of a. mile or more in length, slightly towora the hada will be found. 11 one feels for it. o small lump of cartilage. This is a rem- nan5 of what. was origlpally the tip of the ear, when. ever so long ago, that organ in our remote ancestors had a point to it. Most of the apes to -day have pointed ears, but in human beings the upper edge of the organ has. in the course of ages, been folded over so as to cover the real tip. OltiTE ALARMING. A countryman presented himself at the clerk's desk in an hotel and, after having a. room assigned to him inquired at. what hours meals were served. "Breakfast from 7 to 11, luncheon from 11 to 8. dinner from to 8, supper from S to 11,,' recited the clerk, glibly. "Good gracious 1" ejaculated the countryman, with bulging eyes. "When am. I. a -going to it time to see the town `P' IMMISCICIIIIIIIMICISOlglelg111100101011110311111122152110:MOMMIgtgg C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs, -For some years I have had only partial use of my arm, caused by a sudden strain. I have used every remedy n•Ithout effect, -un- til I got a sample bottle of MIN- ADD'S LINIMENT. The benefit I received from it caused me to contin- ue its use. and now I am happy to say my arm is completely restored. Glands, Ont. R. W. HARRISON. SCOTCH CRAFT. A drunken Irishman was once lodged in the cell of a Scotch coun- try police station, When he made a tremendous noise by kicking the cell door with his heent hob -nailed boots. The constable who had charge. of the police station, going to the cell door, opened it. a little, and said : "Man, ye micht pit off yer buits, an' I'll gie them a bit rub, so that ye'll be respectable -like when ye come up afore the bailie the morn." The prisoner, flattered at the re- quest, -at once complied, and StIW his mistake only when the constable shut the door upon him, saying coolly : "Ye can kick awe' noo, my man, as long as ye like." PERTINENT IMPERTINENCE. A certain Sunday school superin- tendent always conducts the lesson review in his sohool. He spends about live minutes in explaining the lesson, and then asks : • "Now, has rtnyone a question 56 ask 2" AMember of the boys' junior class raised bis hand. "Well, what is your question 2" asked the superintendent. "Please, sir, are we going to have pia -tic this summer '2" • , Va••••:••••m•••0•re.•••104 7.9 COV7t: &./.14e". 9cU&" Ae° deai IffiLe1/411':; eltV/e4" Qn,ele/' a/AA-o-1-10 i4€1,4 -0.:/n1.4 , , -frium-p-,ettxe, 44t, •ia 4.0., "I heard you ash Sis for a. piece of her Llair. and Flee got you a bit 1" "Indeed : she gave you this for Me 2" "No ; I got it when he WR.S out of her room I" Analysis of a pound of chimney - soot has showed that it contained Iran, calcium, nickel, umnganesee copper and silver. 8linard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Wife (with a determined air) -"I want. to see that, letter." Husband -- "What letter 2" Wife -"That otto You just opened. I 'atone by the handwriting that it is from a wo- man, and you turned pale wizen Yen read it. I will aee it 1 Give it to tele. Sir 1" Husbood--"Here it. is. Ws your milliner's bin." •111.1•••••••••It Dearness Cannot be Carecl by noel imelleetions. AB tety motet reach Ui elteeiteltartien 0 Me out Ttarti timely o was, ts cure dealneta Awl that le by casein fit Mood remodiee, Desfooss it caused brae 10Mo-toe midi:ten of the mucous lir.tngot tee meniecelau „Tette, Wean tele tee* Is nal flamed. YOU RPM rIlDiSiilift sOned Orimpet, tett ecarlea, itett wheel&ii oni raiz ploA OMR ttto Mein ited uuteet ino matfett CAR DO 1416100 9119 WW1 :Wtub o re'.,.ra to its:normal of:matte:re teasing roll ea dei stroyal fent:etre nine (Met 029 or ten ittb amed 333 cstarrb, widett I amniotic but an le. flamed corAtitiort of the mucous earteee,... We will give One Remixed Do3P.TS for tier C!.1 of Deefeest (canna br cetnerb) thet eau • last be Beret by Ranh Cetera', cure. etmd TQT eircelere nes. Ohl-SNEZ &CO., Teleda 0. Sold by DrUggfiite.,711.% 104E4 King y Plas are the both -;•;•. A traveller riding in or. unfrequent- ed part of Scotland came to the eilge of a. nioraes which he had thought seas quite safe. Heeling a peaeant lad who was staealing close by, he aehed him if the bog was hard at the botteta. "Om age, quite herdl" •••=m••••••pap Par Over witty Irmo IfietWissienta annum) Seger las bye tose 11bn1 413 ni,tbers tar tte:r chtente wade twain. tr .1tillbSlLit.2,reSttst nit, two, alter pal% curse wind c remeatee 0.0 nonlitch end trAel.S, Suld Is the but retnegy ti Dinnkces. Twentfilr,e 4.''Jtr.tits. l;:k4107-4* 331i3. Wusiz,0w 5So0TU1 41var... "Darling." exelainted the happy husband, after the minister hail Iwo- nounced them clue. "I am not worthy of your love." "Of courect you're not," she replied, "but at toy age glrl eau% afford to let even an op- portunity Illte this go by." Mind's Liniment tat sale everphere 1•.=1•M••••••••1 • She -"You're hieky at cards !" Ile -"Very." " 'Lucifer at cards, un- lucky in love 1' " "I don't belitsve It. I've hem reliant'', three Uinta." Iiiinartr$ Liniment Cures Burns, de. 0.,.••••••••• Twenty men -there of the present British Parliament are between70 and SO years of age. nod over a hundred between 60 and 70. lifnard's Liniment Cures !Nandi' "Our party," said the politician, confideutly, "will sweep the city." "I'll vote for it, then," replied the eitizen : "the city certainly mods sweeping." W. P. V. 1092 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For ail skin milments, 0. Calvert & Coe Manchester, England ROOFING and Sheet Metal Werke ROOFING SLATE, in Mao/ Rod or Green. SLA:rEBUCKBOARDS. We .suppli Public and High Schools, Toronto). Roofing Felt, Pitch, Coal 'Tar, eta ROOFING TILE (Soo New Oily Dull& Ings, Toronto, done by our firm). Motel Collings, oar. tacos, etc Estimate:. 311113311105wman shed for orlc date or fol materials shiop•d to any part 01 11.110 counLry. Phone 1963 D. DUTHIE SONS,Adelalde &IVIdmerSto., Tomtit rass tl Inslrumonts, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BARU' Lowoat prices ever quoted. Fir:o catalogue SOOIllwtralims, mailed troo. Write us tor any thing in Music or astral Instrum eta,. WILEY ROTOR 85 00.1 Limited, Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man SHCEGERTHMICEETSA. eopeo°172eolG,Itslaid-ir"0"con CLEANINGWALIC101( 43 031 ou-rm. LADIES' • g SUITS Caul,* done perfectly by our Frenalt Process. Try ill BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL, TORONT), OTTAWA. ls QUBlone 1004151t 111313401183311 ! " clams • .c-rxVin eor..e! E NCI parEns, SUPPLIES. Asbestos Coods, Olga Covering, LubrEouting Oita, °rearms, eta, WIYI, SUTTON COMPOUND 00., Limited, • TORONTO, 0°111E1110n Line Steattriships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. ,Via Queens- tmwn Large and Past Steatinhips. Stperior !Weems otIstie for all cInsses 03330808g013. Saloons and Btaterces are amidships. Special attention ham been siren to Second. Saloon rmd Third-Olow oecorntnotiatTbn. Jae rates of passage and all particulars, apply to any agsso of the Company, or Walla rds, 1,tillo & Co, D. Torrance Co,. 77 State SI, Bas tow mozafee ase rooletta