HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-12, Page 2Oenuine Cart Littie Live reined SoQc E WALL OF D , ASNothientg du°nwinMpboyrttahiett wianll.,;our life tts placed oe as 1 1 the right side of the figure one makee e. thousaucl, find six naughts o Through a window in n the right side of the figure one a million. : - a baske v t t•ight side may be augmentation 11- T s Lessons to be I earned From sii_L. and our nothingness placed on the the term ''spiritual lsrael:though it may properly be used in reference o true believers in Israel, but should never be applie1 to gentiles. We must not confound the church with Israel. nor the kingdom with, either, though both will be very pl•ominent in the kingdom. "ile bleesed him there.," i • . o Jacob called the mune of thei place. Pettiel (margin, the face 01 God). for he said, I have seen Clod 1 Lee to face, end my life is pre- served. Title and Ex. xxiv. II : l xxxili, 20, in the light of John 1,4- . the following text: IL Corinthians evell. If yolk make a rope. make it THE ,c. s Lrso 1 xi. 33, ''"Ilarettglt a wiadow in a boa-, strong caul true, for you, know' not . N 1.g. teach that every nuaulfest at ion ....:C - SO -of God is through His feint. In t ow much. may tieteeeit on your work- " " °°' ° --- -' ' • ' - 'tit , Eden as well as here and in all the .: 1 Mars 11111, itai in the eitipwreck. , it waterproor, for you Itnow not recognize Him tritora we knonwnTist! • ket was / lee thorn by the wall." . other appearances of God We ' Pala before the sanliedrin, Paul be- who 1110.:k• sail in a. If you put a ,: fore Velix, are pleutiful, bat in my Ilible in the: trunk cif your boy as INTERNAT1_,__ONAL LESSON, SErT. 15. - Christ. the Lord of hosts, the Lord 1 the Son of God,. or Lord Jesus i ii text we have Patti in a basket. goes from notne, let it be reettetne • ti ad of Israel, ..i choral], of ' the Old Paintescus is a city of white arid bere;'d in Four prayers. for it may Tezt of the ,Lesson, :Gen. JeFxii.,,T,e0sot(a.tneistitl.ed, wig, klars raiss pprroelerdeude. ; • geistening architecture, sontetfines have a mission as far-reaching as the 1-32. Goloen Text, InZe , on i called "the eye of the Vest." some- book which the sailor carried in las xviii., 1. r, eternal redemption and a joint heir- ', times called "it 1"tearl eurrounded by teeth to the •Piteairn beach. The' ship with Himself for all who re- 1 c.queralds," ar one time distiuguieit- tittelenieisttwm.vaezetsernIlifteieiss_i..atnet,.insiliTti pabse-t ani.Lk-i2ih:isf :greals•':1'er`)/) WCLa; 4)4:ilis was ceive hilli" It W°1114 seem Llult ''1:11- 3 '. ed for swords of the best nuirerial, of clod met biro." cot) cartied with him from that time . called Paneascus blades, foul upliol-- 'Tiling agaiust hie shoulders, V'ter- . Iu our last lesson ti:e Lord and the: the evidence of that night's conflict. angels appeared to hire a•s he WAS ': „nd wv, inuA newt. tomet, ti„tt m.,.:, : stere of richest fabric Ci ‚L :damask.: 5 v to v:u510 touching bis brow, ! letIvimg bottle anti now. after twenty : have hcetz rebels Izgatust: A. hersearan of the r aim of Saul, God. chi?, ; riding toward this eity, had been winch merely happened so. ere pa ts. -hra - yettrs t ch xxxi, nt;„ lin as he , dren of dededieac„, mini by Hi, f casual. the aecideaten t t load dropped eanler a, dtsh :from the pets , the fugitive apostle frotta the and the rope that - alstidab:hitld. it;:ttrikiTlar4;.erti_aTt.:7:11.,12:1,17tratES",1 .ieract.: h'aNie been redeemed. We, must i -Town from the saddle. The horse of a greet phut. ---e . cattle, the angets of Goa tieeet: him- ''tsiaronite 7:..sitit;Iftweie-rtelladtweillileYhs-nitokagtooi5d. bright it blinded the rider for ' In what wondrous grace the Lord ',twee. UD Mom vii 1St) am! glora in ' sky, witielt at the sanat time was •iitateeesetes wen is the cable that pi's Remarkable Escape. A despatch from. Washington says: in a basket let down :Irma a -Rev. Dr. Talutaae preached froze -.doe' on the What yea do, tio limitable. All the ages of time anti ilternity affected by the basket let down from a Damascus balcony. 111$ Sermons on Paul )ttil, Paul on be anship. If .3,70o, fashion a, boat, let . ace RinD WEER. tiSTIPATION. LAW MCOMPLEXIO Pfi holds to its mooring ehe ship a ;Al deals with this man I Aral He , l''' the Lord :done, seeing- no num but , x tatee days. ;troll, 1 thenta et.) per- i! C DZ C I 1Th in the stolen of the eenturics . Jesus Christ the said° ..'-e'-'ler(4":;',,Iesuc only mad coveting ttbove all ' t11a1";entlY injull'ed hiS ezre•,igific, abot 1 0, teen and wonu n. you tt•ag sotate wee 1e:),„4e„,F ;ma forever ellen. NHL., thhig„ iiis 1,4e,„„ii,g, Which =awe!, this defect of vision Nuarne. the ,.itne how e•ou have fought your way en atlee hae just the sawn) grace for :, rich matt ero iti tit' poesh he t.iterwarde; II in the world. bur 1 think, there hove you and for nie, lit v:4-•wpters xxie to my,. margin). ei","':t1;•$ of, He h 3 kt 'Ctar.itC,1 1" er$a" Leen lielPful influences that you have xN,C.i. incitteive. ht•teeeen the laet les- t.'zter that hard ntli froet hie horse not been :tome influence in your earl:: 'count of slaeob'e 20 years with La-, n''ver itlike achnLiwk'dged- Has there' son and this ogee we letve an ite-:,, wm.„.,,, Nal, TO 1:1 neisces to butcher Christians, out T. " he 'vas a changed man ;mad Preached ' or pressett home that the wovid vane ban. biA 14ithful Forvice, ta I Nou'riane his ittcrease end the si.,111.3r4; j Senile , from among the New England bIlls spoeiot care of him (chapter xext. Rules for the Guidance of it see'? Poe.e there not reach . or froze the western prairie or from ;linen. en, 29); eiso in veteee 41 to .* solo, p p b ouse. tg,-, ti:: Ileig,Ur,:tlevill,sbrsbVre.c :Chriee Dantasens till the 'ear wee shaken to its foundation. The or gives authority for 11..' -sr, and the popular CrY is: "Kill Kill hint :" The eity sun. rounded bv a high wall and the gates' . Li English or Irish or Scottleh henle +Xi the incident of the glee -ellen! be- slorant of danger,. iusist upon t A. CORD OF INFLVEXCE ' tweet: Lanan anti J 04010` - . boat parties, and wo have every t 0,ttee 1 31 117.1i.l 1 AS 4,.- .: I a I I. has kept you right when yor . a s. j ,t, ,,, t. , ....„y, .-ers to , Franiner a long list of unnecesso3 E are watched by the pollee It‘st the i t t'ilician prisouer eseepe, •Ilarter of Would have gone aetray the houses are bunt on the wail', and their lealeeedee prieeeeted elear over , :ma hovered above the gardens out- , F4iek. It was customary to lower baskets out of these balconies and ;and which- FsaTu his brother. al!" O'n'tl'heir re- aeei.41e3tS on mr rivets' .ftl"st of " ' • ",e1 1 • bee wended ere after you had made a .eroolted track.' turn, learither 'Oita, Esau was cam-- ••- • • , recalled you? Tbe rope may be as i.4. to tm,t,t %int „ill, 4.00 mea, he! little knowledge of what not to tio , lolls as 30 years or 500 .ntiles Ions becomes hued with fear alaf dis..fn a boat r 3.000 miles long. but Ilana's III 4e.s t trs and attempts0 to provide fo*111 trght at the Iregifionog, out id mortal sight long agot.: the safety of at le;mt, a porti„n of ,takittg your place do not *4ion the:: :. e . " ' • e tn.. eere•-• tteree tlerv ess, Sleepl Ivan ait freite and flowers from the Itolti the rope. Ion watit a. his Lori!, illy e.,:aewieeetengite, vous ion, La tFardP1-4,; "17,) thjs doF visitors 1'11 yore' -swift horse, OZ3d Fon need to• -7 • " 1 .1 wilt be !bet onieee I. -on have a very i` 1,4 ti; gaare, lllPi ,ree, * , • Swim. Fag, Fa nt and Di..z0. fromietteee •t44,'4 ore 44ftea2, rt4wel him witit sharpy -A spur -1 anti , rcione cot 140$eepetrierWed 47* 44 ac. your conapart -t Loss of Dlemory, Elelaugh !e telw r't°4 1k' „1°se' 'Mon tbe Aiteve leitritt!d t ti truet Ilion without ion. IT throug4 st;diden 4 1414i. 14044, be 'tesit•-•:lt leettlie Listlessnerisi After Effects or La ...hum4 4t LET ikm; N. IN ono to gave a snout to 111.1.0, eeeer gear. :I if YOU are going to ride out of re'ail In blittladity 5547, tooLs to God ward Into the lAlier. . . , geed Grippe. Palpitatter. ot te ,- .e Autetnie, eerteral Debility, and tmulales arising from a min- d= .vetezn. • etives prostieo oronad 0111,„ of your 11,1011a,..r prre aie, M a stnp op :n..1 „is„ade the ronfiz4eS to him .a- • I Or1W t hA/MS it44NLivg fOr Mtn. crossing the eelooaeie eee 1,01 Hi., goodue59 well in the of itht; don't etend ifie fricend, Lad 11';*V' *7* 411'1°'cett KOd I'4' ('4 front eat A Wm:, „ levied al, 414e4,9, hi,,,,i4,4•1511,g, but give your 41301%.` net f1 -31(11s lf°114 °la the 41°4°114 tittale 'toward Goal, Tier eesurancee • weight on to thet foto. 4i4a prompt.- ward. as fifty inciiaollts in *141 •••:,0..;taltres his plece auti tinds them onal 11.,.a IAN 114q7*10 rich ,,;,,,v4,02zstrat,.. Nat his wotu oz.> ma-lt ;4s hp. climbs the r;tr,-.1nos .wh,n tO reittrn shotild the. boat, 4k4;61, ly :-Ae14 with the other onto tie? eaor Thriv nig b-ild von un, malt rod good U:14 give yee.1 vim and L'in .11-0 h4s' theentangle rope In the teeepeet . bavo doi.wrea front sit 410,eat at "ai if not in!,. QaviggY, -:411; 4liellt:i"ntiiih1:814'11114e4 St ri El :43 i n'4 ,tt-14.4'.!"421- Colo0114144 Ee.an's treatment of hint ' the part it'll:ay spot , WI' 14 to 00- Prize, SO1.7. per one house &ay, •-le thee telnueie be trautt, and. aeltnowielie,e 13'...`,"•'' '‘g Rut Mealy behevers are net iitaa,y more Cum: the ehauge root he made ever 1 the police tulother uuist of us would ioug 40 have h'Cc.e'111`3 141151,asis.ur; en uttieh /leiter after a Inhatite or box, cr three boxes :iou.5e door. l-14nnotinte% On the dashed t o pit,ce.s had ziot, ous 41° witeu yore have quite made up your .41411M,1114;4", 1.15341i21111WITVIR:1,3: IB T AT T E FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE icinNataan. witteatreeeserso°4 ornetesDFgestiomCiteerf ssandflestkentains neither Oputalgerphlue Itornaeral. 1"34.44,-TMOTIC. IS ON irn /RAPPER. OF MET ApelfectReutvdy. forConslipa- Sour Storffach,Dierripea, 'ortosgormuisions,revertsh. tea and 140 sS OF SI43.E1'.: Sigooturv. ot 447Z'si 0:4 15 Tut np Is cir.,-&!z) 1;3*n tap It 3 sold in 1)outt, anycno to salt ouyttloa• 141,10 rb4cr vmxto that it "just as gra" end "v111 atatmc Q.yerr pz, 44 AGre.-.0 *al-, 70a 04 044q -0•74 -X -A. -TVF WRArlig:R. le ea Vete wOrmit fOr ZS, at ;.-troo, iLeogt4ito le* ptteeee throlagh at,;e1 ana ifsv., II Tint. i, 12. etc.. there are loose , mind, wilier.. ;eon would best like to 141ond of clinclivd Alnd tlometlims and mightily held the rope. who have their fears Wet they nate' sit. anti wlion tlie boat hae recttveretl, I sent on rocei,?t not react& home. but be leet. some- , from the little wobblittees occasion. gists, or will be L,. ienee'e; iet the lionee toP,. 1tatt there must Conte titue when, xti),,rc by tile Nev. burn Co., Litnice t;.„1.„,e t.„rttl.„41,(%).! tT;12:: "rh`l ha"' (""" were wl"' Inwered Paul jn the for r-att Viet 1,0 might therewith body 1110Villg abt1III tilt% boat. II* 2 10 1* ")13et .upwase hitn-five drtieee of gliatee :tech/tilts have happened that n the t „“2 tt, o. by your entry. Ar, last the infuriattll PoPolace gct• we shall: find out the:e 13.23 lie invpar,,,t gvecit lire,r,rtt „SUN tfi SIAltd ‘110 price by The T. Mil Toronto, Ont. i.on,,e• of ow of the 1'1101441ns. Ihe NOM latve rentleod to Clod anti the 1,,theeti, tvaleis. eaves end wt. -Ts -58a way 4 Ilk,/, ;my ottan... $4 tho '4. *21 ...1 1,,nre he is l riere he services. That ie going 1.• iit all, with instruetioar. to thoee in Eveni if you, killould 1 bj551: that Ity # 0,11,:o0 of o;1•0,4-, home nstelies over world unrecogniv.41 taul unrecorded 11.0 v4,011en.ttinui awl Id asplie- ,, *Ia. ghi (I eNeittnment...., 01 Ittlwob;„tn",..WItt,.:,.seiTtliros.445'; tti: 'llsraoll'esu,..1440881:tit)111;i.1-11. italel: ..tarli111:111.7,i1.113;tZtOnittneltri,ililLtit, irlietst:trtuttni.,CF:,:stt.eis:i 4 my arei ta,w1fue: of tilts' Plm'tlers aro .,litinting up and picking' out 1-4 those' him. lt, looks as if lie felt that 1:e (*no4 m,. u very trustworthy guide) at tee trete door. They break in. >.; who did grettt t•, ' I `.*1;.,k:il.:,4 it.-. i..J.1,t1 tiii lily' eigitt‘i 1c.urch has good on„-g oA"n „ "18 c -ie -„n--- •-• ntohne wodrolos'osmmewohat tso Isolp mGaonlfy befen-. illonttg-eooion,,•I Oction t out 1.tt 40•1•u41ev1 4124let404. no credit for it11rthis nuitterlie 01140141*' belerd 014tli lm.t otl eile 1* (1. tYNhi11ttouedby whenngthroughtheraptlit is but the touchiest; of ... po not rock the beat to tease . 4" 4"'''''' ili °At 11"use. . i" 1 12" t 144"1"sc"s IJale""Y' "tall" 'Scripture is that God helps those von,o,anion ; and, if frightened. sit 5,...i^1,..Yr, a rope to the • G. Finney Said 1.0 a ilyill...; Clw ir,t Ian. who 0„uuut help tht•InFigees. and tee , ;AI l'..•:-; i•Z• ;•• h'Itt4 it. The ;; -fel re Illy love to ;141. paw when must come to on end of ourselves. ilo et 411 01111 di 1 11(11 .,8 *1'. itt ttuyotie. / "1 thtl .()11 nIc'et 4121224'.. Whell Y021 Itn(1 1 1,k.fort. NN'i run know Ilis power (1's. - no„th,.. /..,. ' , -:.1 ,.•'.,1 t'nen while mete, hitn, as we will, 1 shall Ubk. ixxii. 1.4 . coin 27, 2i; ; Ise. xI, 20. eeeteuteeee reit wt ar fine clothes, but drees , . ,,* e .e.e.elli 71.:**:,.I.,..1 :12ti,T 111ionl itotturiotiotzleo MO to those telto ' and ill Ili', miracles*, ,-, ends are inappropriate bats. insith..rs .6 THE DAMASCUS 1.)1331 IL. ' 21. -Awl Ja006 44,*5left f'11"°. er. .A, light woolen skirt. a cotton '*4.1.1111 Itlolit mir ontfort able on. the vita I 47:en.e. iet US go ria,bt op and tte- until the blenlallg 01 4°Y*" '.- ekirt and a plait* straw hat ttre nee - jacket to match the awl tht•ro wrestled a man With 11.1111141 oli.t.t. with a ; on the 4.11 ('1* of heavenly 311 41 ettys.' until the useunding of er anth,s; but. a umre, Aindy hcade: Surely tine/ must have' the morning. It is not Jacob i gear, Duty be donned with a simple . .1:4 bait le a million men. Sure- wrestling with 0, man that he might summer t • y nin".1 have been buried with pret%til over him. but the milli 1t 's for a :smarter occaelon. , eilletirals sounding a. dirge wreNties w ith .1 cob that he .,,,, It is impossible to leave the sub - the towers of all the cities -conquer Jacob, and Jacob evidently ,,,z,y man. 11-"*' :Sect without a word of advice to a q the 44 (10U.11 grief. Who art stoutly resists him until utorniug. ''' Never allow 4.1. girl to l' ! .3 . Iii ig 1114 one of heaven? "1 God is ever seeking to break us ,..... while you ion hock at ease. seun you up stream in the blazing by chnice the unmarried (laugh.- down, to humble me to bring us to '""' 7•,•".:'.- •:i:,.' 1,.. -e.; •, -'1''',r tee in a humble home that I might an end of onrselves. ea 'The girl may be n. would-be athlete. i 7.,..z..,.. f;.•._nt •..i..,, --ter- '' that He nin- : proteetiug that she likes it. hut all ..-::'.,:: '''''''';'• tale, care of iny par.mts in their old bless us indeed and ehow us His , , etre. and I endured without C0111- strength and magnif3,..- Iti.mself in us. 1 . to so overtax her strength as to ' tie same you must not pe -mit her , , AOKACHU Afil BACit ligUfifi ATi$ DIAZaTE$ RIGHT'S Disaite 011ZINESS AtM Pm. DeleY ei URINARY otseAess An CURED BV Tho olocr!zency was %Aries. and yet the world hos not never,. -God helps those who help po,vetly 0.,..010ial 4414 stilt os-b.icz-41L.a11.7: there w11s ' recognize71 ti:e seericee of the people thmvaices,.. 1 Mg's. I. Smtss, Edgetes Land- c,.., illg, N.B., writes on jan. IS, i90t : ..,• .•.-.: in " In. the fail of x899 I was troubled ' i" ,7"-Hv, . with a severe pain in the back. I =zooid scarcely get up Ont of a chair n • •.:.,:.:m, about. I took one boa: of Doares -.-. - .7..... ••.••••.,.,, i ,i,•;,,-4., , , 1 u. r 11 p•al.,,t ail their querulousness and , -5-26. on ar ' ; tolministered to all their wauts for who wrestled with Jacob touched ' rish a sunstroke. '111(20 COU 0 and it ,o•ave me great pain to move 17:.4 7:r.r:', ; life.; n it, hen efee broken end the • the cire.le of thr es s fill routed the to ove o acob s 1. neiet and 01111 one opinion as to the man's • Kidney Pills and was completely '-'-; .• • ------,,1 - -3- --• :..lo years." Let us pas I 11 f J ' I' i i'I,'" 'eV I ' I.% "'II f I' IT cured. 1 have not been troubled on ,.Who art put it. out of joint, so that Jacob ' breeding under these circumstances, apeetle's 1114, had 4e71'4 davited out ? : thou. /nighty otte of heaven? "I'eould no longer resist, after which • ant his st ts mess ts aeou tope. 11 41f• 1 •":1) - dl with it since." , Vile,* %teeth', lieve 1......01ne of tile' was for dO years a. Christian inva- Jacob clung in bis helplessness. say- ') tlat veva bac tea cstaeliefted ree t for curitqc hatilr4. 3.4 IS. 15%07. Their liow o ?treat-, 1 sad perfected bethesit 11.14letut Socclaltate, 307. er 41 O. v rierico tno diseamq c=4 fftiariuil.41 to cure or So ray-Monte- 1)Weiiity, tdypttitia, Vitrictsecle, Stricture, Oicet. Irupoteacr. tiosmuu% soul lVioratui Wool:acne, Kid - ea Oflueeterce Tiede gee:ace:me eve nacticn Seek Reedit oft tuttynavon meet drala tb4'Qtl In tea moralise. 'gee are net tre5 lie beets eo 4e:bitten, Don't let 7our patentee to Cure or no Pay. OD 9,4'3 LO OD due -that's the melee yon 'WA tirmi ideetwei ache, yoe feel dent -omelet 1 be drained away, Tiro. 4t Syphilis /a scourge ot ruatildtal. It may not boa crime 40 1147(0 It., for It ria bolnlierltel, but 14 81: a crlmo to ailow It to remain lu *eaten:. to:at father -- 111m non. Beware, of Morattry and Pota:111 treeteleat. Dm. 11.41C. positiecly cute tluivorot caoca no- Pay. .0 Tite b11041506 'Treatment ctrzs there 413tanes .m1'07 an4 nurely. 140 .u.a.ualtir--atintotosicatter:s. ilctont Ion frotabusicess, llo4*etrI51: operation and ruin Tour ennui organs. Tito atrictuto tiscAtela iib2urbed. awican never return. Dr*, LC. 64 11. (tag la -Qer ; ("levee an the neigain-; lid and suffered all the while, ocea-•;ing I will not let thee go except ; , . - •'' e •-• ' "• tefeenia . 1 • • thou bless Inc. This is the secret QUITE rnorEn04' .4 teiseioary work m 1' 43141)11171 51 1 d OrMe-1 Carp4odaefor those worse off thou and wasof prealinpwith Godouhelpless- thhel !, How would Lever have betel accomplished, i getteral confi dant of all those who • ness clinging to His power. Con- ! matty tittles must I tell you it is . All his wrnntge that eatke up so in- 1 , d • uble liul once in a while 1 ! sider thvr ose ho came to Him when I wicked to pick tlowers on the Sab- 1 dispeeeable and en -chanting a part of w" strolls enough to make a gar- :He was on earth !or us and see bath ?"the Neve 91 (414411. troidd never have I inent for that poor family in thelhow in every ease ills power was ; Ethel -"But mother, I'm only been written. 'The st ory of resur- i back lane," Pass on to another 'made manifest on behalf of utter ! picking real Sabbath oiles-Adan1"8-`i ITC1 1,11 NVOitid 110,1:1: haVO been, $0 !throne, Who art thou, mighty one helplessness ; the blind, the lepers. thrmd-and-letedle. Timothy, Solo- gloriously told as he told it. That of heaven? "I was the mother who Alm WOUlall with the issue, those at nten's-seal and Jack-in-the-pulpit 3." :example of heroic and triumphant 171415041 a whole family of children for l the point of death and those who . ;.enflerttece at Philippi in the nledit- 1: God, and they are out in the world had died. . i 011 4114111 aurocle-don. . ender nag_ i Cl "et.' n merchen*e Christie], nee-, 27, 2S. "Thy name shall be called 1 ' gel lot ion, 0 nil at his be... i ebonies, Christian 1411105, and I have ove more Jacob, but Israe , or , i Ileadiug *veulcl not 'lave I had. full reward for all my toil." prince hest thou power with God i 1 C I tyrdoats. But Out rope holding that 1 thrones. "I had a Sabbath schoollWe cannot set our 110W name of saent end with men and hast prevailed." Let us pass on in the circle of 1 kindled 'lie emir:Igo of 10,000 mar- l- 1 baeket, how muc14 depended on it I, I class, and they were always on ray 1 until we confess that we are and i So :vain and again great results heart, and they all entered the King- I have been sinners and naught but LARGE N LADO1414 NERS. have hung on slender circumstances_ dont of God. and 1 ant waiting for 1 sinners. Jacob must acknowledge The largest landowner in England The parsonage at Epworth, Eng- i their nreival." But who art thou, i himself as Jacob or supplanter, proper is the Duke or Northumber- the mighty one of heaven on this (chapter xxvii, 86, margin) before other throne? "In time of bitter land, who possesses 186,000 acres, he can receive his new name of land, is on lire in the night, and the for the rescue of his children. Seven persecution I owned a house in Da- Terme' (margin, .a prince of God). father rushed through the hallway :mainly of course, in the county from children are out and safe on the m.ascus, a house on the wall. A The Spirit through Hosea says, -.he only one of these eight -and- hounded from street to street and 1 111 0 re ched Christ was "By his strength he had power with which he takes his title, and be is ! . 111* twenter greet lords who has not an God ; yea, he had powez °vet ground, but one remains in the con- I and finding his bed on fire and the I hid him from. the aese.'isins, and anged and prevailed ; he wept and sliming building. That one awakes, The largest landlord in Ireland is house and I could no longer keep made s.uPplication unto Him ; he acre either in Scotland or Ireland. when 1 found thern„bi•ectking into my window, and two peasants make a him safely I advised him -to - found Him in Bethel, and there He buildheg crumbling, comes to the owas 156,000 acres • in Weaes, "The spoke with us, evou the Lor the Maroeis of Conynghana who ladder of their bodies, one peasant FLEE FOR ITIS tam, God etanding on the shoulder al the oth- and a basket was let down of hosts ; the Lord is his memorial" Prince in Wales," Sir WaLkin Wil- er, and down the huma.n ladder the over the wall with the maltreated (Hos. x -ii, 8-5). Then follows the boy descends -John 'Wesley. Sf you man in it, and 1 wits one who helped n to turn to God and : limns NV ytin, whose acres amount tc exhortatio 145,000, is the only posscsser of would know how much depended on wait on 0 od continually. This is more than 100 ,000 acres who is not that ladder of petteants ask the mil- hold the rope." And I said: "Is the secret. of prevailing prayer, per - a peer. lions of Methodists on both sides of that all." Amt. he answerech -met sistent clinging to God. alone, plead- • - . -__ the sea. Ask their mission stations all aroend the world. • Ask their hundreds of thousands already as- cended • to join their founder, who would have perished but for the liv- ing stairs of peasants' shoulders. PRACTICAL INFERENCE : 'Thera ave no insignificancies ixx life. 'Die minutest thiag is a part of a weak things of the world to con - magnitude. Infinity is made up ol found the things which are mighty, infinitesimals ; great things an ag- and base things of the world :and gregation of small things. Bethle- things which are 'despised hath God hem manger pulling on a. star in the chosen, yea, and things which are eastern sky. One book in a drenched not to being to naught things which sailor's mouth the evangelization of , are, that no flesh should glory in. his Children Cry for -AST RI For Infants and Children. ee fi map nee,,,e‘,464er velapat • Little Wile --•`1 tbought before I married you, Ceorge, you promised to drop smoking for my eake," a multitude, One boat of paPyrus preeence. n emplane' eetit•eiy for nee osve sane." i all ages. The fate of Christendom was th•e very one who had said, Revers. There ie no authority for is all." And -tviale I was lost in ling only our need and 1.15 7*1041 an heerd rt. strong voice 1 morey. IV* will always have oc- that sot/ruled thotigh it might icasion to say, "Though our ini- once have been hoarse from many gentles testify against us, do Thou exposures, and triumphant, as though it; for Thy name's salze" xiv, it might have belongee.t to one of 7). When we take the place of utter the martyrs, and it said: "Not helplessness and unworthiness and, many mighty, not many noble are 1ike allot), cry, I will not let thee called but God bath chosen the go, lea 5110 e:eteefieltillate.p.te, of. .7olut >iv 13, 14, and similar i.vornises. This is the Met nteetion of the great name of Israel, a name that always is used to designate Jacob or his posterity. It is never used as a name tor the • cherele not even ia Gal. vi, 16, where it eVidently means the believers in Israel, who are George -"Yes, darling ; am now ou the Nile freighted with events for whence the velc°. came, and lol It spoken of in addition. to other be- Children Cry for Donn zegiect your lti4neva. Yon r bad: Min the talc. Don't let Doetere exptattiette 041 31011. Drs. & Ie, can cure you lf you aro not boymul IIUMAA TheY Vaunt MB to re or No Pay. CURUS GUAR ANTwarb. 710 cune NO P. Co= rataltation tz'rec. merit Free. titealod. Write for Quoistiou rtirtak for Yrioxvo .rroatoicao. 11.•ver7tittitaz contutozttilti. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 SHELBY SYSIErr, DETnerr, FA sCO 14.43t4 tilt fa Cresswell, March 28, 1901. ri IA. -The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 4- Toronto, Ont. SHAVERS, rimAsr.1 nTOTE! Dear Sirs, -I write to say that nave you. noticed. that, after a Ihave usedBurdock Blood Bitters very "close" shave in summer time,• our face is irritnted, and that some with excellent results. Last ugly pimples appear over the course spring my daughter got all run taken by the razor ? It is especially dow an was very thin and notmeable eou tappen go immediately, tend the streets are dusty. Scientists have been good weak, ou h to explaiu this disagreeable Her face was covered with red condition. Of course, the microbe is SPO ts and a large boil formed on at the bottom of the mischief, but her cheek. I procured 2 bottles the explanation is interesting and oie - ', and by the time she may help shavers to avoid the trou- -1.).•0. id '134j bk. There are microbes that take had finished them the spots and dvantige of erasures in the skin, boil disapoeared and she has and these minute organisms are driven by the wind, together with the dust which fOrMS their dwelling - place, ou to your face. If your skin be whole they can do nothing but wait till the -wind takes 1.110111 off again or -until you wash them away. But the close shave has so scraped your skia that it offers the microbe the opportunity it wants; in it goes and you suffer for a time from irri- tation and pimples. The microbe may leave you without going farther or it may enter your system to do mischief e1s2w1iere. -4 A PERFECT BOY. "1 never heard of but one perfect boy," said jolanny, pensively, as he sat in. the corner doing penance. "And who was that 'V asked reit-nemd: • "Papa -when he was little," was the answer. And silence reigned for the space of five minutes. Children Cry for - 1 got strong and fleshy again. I consider B.B.B. the best blood, medicine known. . I. DAVIDSON. POPULATION' OF CalltMA.N • TOWNS. The. recent Gernutncensus shows there are now' thirty-three towns 111 the empire with a population of over 100,000, exactly the same num- ber as in. the British Isles. Five years ago .there were twenty-six, and at the establishment of the empire in 1871. only eight, Thirteen towns have a population of over 200,000, against eighteen; in tb.e British Islest;wlhtininesevmin hatvhee over 800,000againsthi United Kingdom. Mrs. Gableton---"I understand that your busbated cannol, meet his ere- ditors." Mrs, Vale -"On the con- tary, he says he can't help meeting them every turn. That is tho roe, • FOR Diarrb.o3a,, Dysentery, Collo, Cramps, Pain in the Stomad AND ALL Summer Complaints. ITS EFFROTS ARE MARV ELLOBEL ET ACTS ELME A art1ABBL IRELlEF ALMOST BPISTABITABlECUS. • Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual. Eveu House should have IL your.Draggist for it. Take no ether,• FRECE, First Thiend (aftesr ten 4011)5' ab- sence)-•'Whe became of Bed, Lemic & Co, ? When 1 left elley were in 6 mulct al si r a i ts-se I I leg out tm der cost." Seeond Thriend---Phee ere at the old shop• -still selling out,"